Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jun 1872, p. 1

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.WHI iu 1. 111 r 1 - . Il -,7ý -_ 1 - Oý - CAPITÀL ý - to thoroughly iîéý YML T B Y a, - 1 WIW Tlïà; BRINCH, Depodffl;wuýGýorummt,. -àd tw am = will, ilna evéry secommo. e'à me with, à fiý_î in wb1chý dation best attentim,, ft yk ýwthosth BS are, thi -_ _ ]K, 17- LOCKHÀBT, Aosvr... of ring 'W ', 3(eliffim'a Block Brook un - ana f r= -8t. «P Býq>O:ItL 0-U 8 B ý4Èôî8ië;_ =iiwm the !n"twýàe& 'raý , - A- Ilitiain . 1- - 1 ࣠ccrÙM o r9frý ftàiffl 4hý dois, 0oniJëý" »OXIIttION' JUA. -lm ý _- saute foi T= àhrwAýreé_ of fBmugbtzrim- *14est . P. af and threg med _iù HOLLIDAY, ý__Ahe tw 0 u& roc 'm 'IVIIITBY AGENCy, D .' Àbout lu _thý,erou thia El' El TO 4_y are L r iq '0 MLINSON, PBOPRIETOL erearc you a W NT., p ;àock sud Drave deep Iïlý 0 - HI B. TAYLOR, beau rocandy' Mdhe& T their the air, rez 2= Pol"" -nngbloom The bar la un with the'ehoicest Wiù' 4ppiy tg Thoir nnder 1 Wou, thon, iryw ',t ISOLATED BISK FMF,-:INS,,Co., ý,ZàqÙcto and, 'a Every attention yoozi roll eau clome to moi Ort -,JAIMS, RENDERSON, W! muëf Only go t6lýý wur y -'u MACDONELL, Dif cana". tOPeet4. G èsta. blies and &boa, B, th' DÉ eyem ' '- - 1 purely Cano&" Institution. o- 'Oind, eto-night? I- Lo Toronto, I look on Ille more wise, or ktô -yon- _ k !th., l' Agent and approiser for the Canada TRIM , Beboin no more on very OHANcFIty&coNvEyAxCING Aho ENTBAL R 0 T-E L, Pickerin p. 0, articular,' Scut, Wing Court Homge, Ar. Permanent Bugdin- and 84ving Society, for But a domain whose eýï &ld ', ye: ente for ffleial retainîtr ci lion. Mr. c Shis8 ; you wiIIf ýthùl, *Anit more V iuffeûlit laïus of money at lowetés ci interest., May 872ý 20_ýü muet lie with aji ml', Q.C., and-Dr. MoMichael, Q, C. tilled, ked the other gigniûcîiýtiy. - lInOUGhAU, 01;Tp en will noyer =10a" -ýýt'1 hâve, JOHN -BA Or heav ý m'the yield, II think 00.1 RITISH ý AMBRICAN ILÉY PROPRIETOB. L AT TO Ns Nor him who, casts,,týî:m in, 'Shiso-sy-varY 9 . 00, . L Fwhiu JO B. FAREWELL, Lb. 13., c TÉe abuve hotel hein been newly fitted Wifey ttLyý tài ana farn,,ý , PATE'NTED Nerein I speak what X,'do knew, fille coule ber son' 8 accoùil ,COtYNTT C.UOV;N-,&TTOItIMY FOR Guests wiR finit comfOýU11?e For, oit it was My lot IW îOW 'About eleven - or twolve à Ontario, Bayriâter, Solieltor Convey Assurance OoMpany, Accommodation. and atién4Àon. Good et&-bl- In Sin, to reap in,-Son-çV; , waa no geni bucer, Notary Pub &c-, &o. ing and attentivé bustiers. filom about theý place anýwhere."_ ý rçd by Sý cochrane Boq en IIÊ , 1 But later, wheu my hýe-Èûw gray, Proceeded. - rOwn ttorney. Brook Street.. AP I T.A L, k e The misused houj> in.di&d &rra Ary gooct, 41ut 'Ah, is-it'Posoi OMMER'CIIAL HÙTE Rose ued wamedýi2zibi tholy c ü WISORGE fi. DARTNELL, R'STABLISHPD' XS31. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, O:ý__ Thât, th for 'That's alÉ Are yeui turf dry or weii ',Nor, ni spend Rorm Bakes (wlth the new lm to-day?, ARRISTE14wýTTOItNET, CONVEy. This Qld and, ýVrfI1 established (lompany JAMES BLACR,,'. PROPRIETOR. ýujentg) an IIOW being manufact ed And nàwa'o t«'d My N14, feet Ïaià the aburi Dolputy Réglatiar MAM« Ex. ur by the Ta whore Me's ANot dhry,' replied Ted, with. a the 9 » ýt fin Aska 14 all elaA-m qi PAtenÏýo; tbey aie golf- 9= as wag hurnorousI la , 1, ryOuq traordin p et r;4a#040% RrY, and examiner in bhawm for atly fitted up roc mg f*r-cOmmî,ý- the -ery boit =terial, and Convenu et ole ce Beforef, the ni Y a, ne y mg th ai-thou 01,ýAby *eu ci ma Stii va foyut f ' 6 aàid b _4ýbO 'hie fît '1yýotI[d ýAz yet nw1oh OQIluty ci Ontatio. i0E o gou __ _ 11 11 ý f, ,ý - take a tele$66îe -able à Iaà MýCouà - 300 TdIts est u8n' du :thè -Idnd ever ùdxôatie6alto ý il . 1 Whkt* 1ýeM 1w ien mil 40 ou wor g ta and 4ý ex 4us for doing the woik- Ana :rE Imurs îý-'u et., , climb 0 .. thé.' y gaaa boy, ýI "rad for'thre lois At spoësue JO' 0 m M Z B 0 1 À L Il 0 an W TEL, aP y o 9 at from #8 te 09 To'happinu, I..OtZyýÏ'o Seo from the one end of it -ta JAME8 REITir GORI)Oikw, rates., c ce. lh H ail a a laughed, . and Ted, o.Lýy n at the rate of fr( 1ý)ARBISTXR ý* ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L, FAM ANKS, liROCX ST., WXITBY, partie . attention la aigu egUedto'-hia' « cra ]ý'e an ta soil whip, procoeded up -town ta two hundre' à £J 'Soncitër in Chsncs%, Convoyancer, 091ce'Brock St., whitby . E. M. CILDWE ', PÉOP ROOT AND 51ANVRE DBILLS, ?R turf. LL RIÈTOR. TIHE laughed af, and 8 Notu7public ». Oince.- «tdimr'touli 1 1 - î They am s Dr tu anytbin f Zycy now sanutered about thrÃœngh on, for forcin, im store of 13. 1 J. -Campbell, Brock Street, ONDON -USUBÀNGB ôôBpoB,&. 113est am=ixiodatiOI4 and Superfor wineq' yet man= nz â mWof o the kind Whitb L TION. un and cigare. re > the market chatting here and there a- y, Ont. à'= Good stakruig, with, en- calculateato A, T,%LE OF ýaw1T. Lin. aintances, with'the air of a pa yýardo, and attentive ôsae save the huma bc& lab -ma n»ý On %n't you let i ri al-Y& ý JE, OTRAW CUTTEWBWor!Wby and 91 __7 PME AND LIFE. the Preraisos. Charges moderaté., âà- , , ý < v om, noither Me nor ûnything in pace, aeaiy il WELL AUOUBE - une R'Hi. 1 XOTIllàsXED iy ltoT'ÀL' CEAur», 1729. bL a; théY are eaefly worked, and CHAPTE copneoffl With if cOuld OCOSdOn auY 'lU#ân my credit, ]BARRIBTEBS,,ATTOÙNBYi, SýMC1- nat-liâb tu g0t out of àrdez, and muid ait a eàehly'--troubW. Indeeà it =î a ed if yon dréve Il toi%, COnVeYancero, and Notarles Pubil 'PBAND - TRUNK, RAILWAY F0ýBL1 'Ver 1 W figure, Hycy Burke was onè oi th Office--One' door nofth 01 the Pont FUNDs IN XAYD ..... ;£2,4MM 17# 4d. Stg. Ou Peldè"" litfle what lie feltj, hie who, under the appearance of a veine. eamness,0 man- gether.' .7. % Oshawa. AT WHITBY STATION. re- and. RevolVing Churn8, what ardent1emperament, are capable neflwos such that: not onepf Idsýoidi. il ouly want û IL MeGEZ, WU. ýOINEILL )PROPRIETOR. of abiding the issue Of an évent 411aintanceg coula for a, moment impt" mon senSj'and, t: HEÀD AGENýà MONTREAL- ROME0 CLOTERs ý wRxxaZRSI -mth CIEARLE8 to him the POSSibili ofý eveir ý beiüg B. moreïllau ordinary patience. Ravinè Ought to > show, fý C- -KELLER, Prrtien taking the train and leaving horses SOUFFLER$, Wý ELBARROWS, not the slightest Suspicion of'lhe cir. 'Weighed doyn M o or care dl' niy Roglukot oàid Btir) TORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICIT011 IN NO Ã"O, Et. FrancisX avier Strect. WM have them. well taken car* of till thoir -of cumstance which -odé -B y A T Chance Conveyancer, &0., Canning. JOHN AGNÉW, Agent. retnta. And all. other, Iduai Agricultural Imple- adonna ryan kind ; and lest Iiis natural elasticit, of have citheï- lùlék ry mento',ýrith ail the recint improvementg, afor a Spirits miglit W to oustoin thw týpon ton, Brock, 0. M'Mahon's rosentmont, heMaite p7çt- - ing Of Goa day or'two, under the eýyectat uàI buo.yaiïcy, ho by no mesniý' LYMAN ENGL18119 L L. 13,, NTABIO FARMERS, Raving procured one of Harper's New ion that ue9ý c> comme âW 'not k C LOBE ROTEL, Steani enéffies, (one of the mont complets ci hie friand was providing the 'muni edt(yfortüyhimulf withaffl eial.sup. as hevzdoiny.f BROOICLIN, ONT. the.Idnd -amuiàct=ed,) the undersigned in necessaryto accommodate him. The Port- MeOthimýwhen or *Iiere"you ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN NUTUAL INSaANCE COY. ZIOW enableil te execute aU orders for third and foui-th days passed, however niglit, bc it ai six W the morning or fa Winýoauskpeadylf B ý Chancoryeolivoyancer,&,c.,&c. JAS.-POWEýLL PROPRIETOR. FARM.I-Ne IMPLEMENTS without hie liaving Il ' 1 twelve ait « lit ' were certain ther 2 000 Street, Oshawa. eceived' any reply catch fro mg ý.eO te Il have alroady 1 i rý eý HEAD OFFICE, BROCK SZIWHITBY. ýMST-CLASS ACCOUMODATION. Witt[ which ho may ho lavored, cheZ -or ; and Rycy, who bail Pet m hiE ýath t4e sMITH, 2$ Ox- whatsoët smell of three, gainons clin reditiously, and ta guaranteo compi o matin- hie heart u on -Crazy Janc, on finding liquor, either in its naked simplicity or regard your nain( ARRISTER, A TTORNEY, AT., - This Company insures Parm Buildings OIZTHERN ROTEL, faction in au cases. that hie faier-who posRessed as much diaguiseil or modified i.n some'shape. toprcven't Mo.#Q,ý LAWO Country Churcheâ, School Rouges, and thëir' JAS. CLAYTON, firmness as lie (licl-geuerosiýy-absolute- -besides leading B , Bolicitor Chance and Inoolvency, Contents oit rates &a Law A thoge ai any, N 1 Hie ride home, though a ýrapid, waà Pub o., &o. nice-mcxmawo WOu-0$tÏtlaed'Company in Canada. 0 pay for lier, resolved te you are à pôý Notar 91 IVRITBY, ONT. Brook St., Whitb 1 refused t' by no means a pleasant one. M'Mahon thât Block, Broc let Wliltby, Ontario. May 14th, 1872. Y TUST LO$SES PROMPTLY PM). P. CLARX, - PROPRIETOR. ose no more tinie in plittinIr L3ryaus hail not ouly refused.to lend liùn the 'Regard iny -ne moncy lie stood in need of, but set Inendship to the tort. Te this indeed ually turned the failler, FAM ANKSjn., J. B. BICIRLL, The proprietor bc te inform hie friends IST OF THE DIVISION COURTS lie wâs urged by Burton, a wealthy btitý quarrçllcd with bill, as far as ho neos and sorrow; and cutitouleu that C lias refitted and reno. L TTORNEY-AT-LÀ*, SOLICITOII IN - Secretary. Progident. vated the eld hotel known an the dé Farine , j knavisli emintry as we judge, for no other purposo but that ho into disgrace, Hyc A Chancory, Coiiviýa»cerO LandA it, nt ai Inn," Brook St., where ho wm lie ha r# OF TIIE miglit make tlie quarrel a plan, fôr ýre. iln th meanth gai My. D. HolUday la no longer an ag ppj ta id, who vlroto to hiai that nules.- ho o &o, C)fâce--IÛ Parruh m Block, Brook St,, this Company. reçoive thora, ci, giving bila au. cuit paid for fusing ýim- This " ppointment, to, a 'I have asked a UxbMgo. COUNTY OF ONTARIO, 'a lier within a civen perioil, lie ata'bling, boxýstaI1mJ and eliclosead cyard. Mod- t> erson of Hycy's %position, erato charges. F OR THE YEA11-4872. illust bc uiffler the necessity of ýcIOsing wûs,, We Burke,. and I expE ,G«Éxwoo HRNIX PIRE ASSURANCE lco'y, with a pernoil who 111,11offéred Ilim a Cve Seon, bitterly vexations, and itmay will you puy for C & MOMILLAN, p Iliglierprire. The message %vas very be presumea that lie reached home in 'An' supposin, 1 CHARING CROSS, LONDON. BARRISTXIIS ATTORNEYS, SOLIC. LOM13AIlD ST. 0 anything ;but an. apeeableý humour. 4Wby t Mr NTARIO HOTEL, Offensive to H3-ry, ivhore grpat foiblo, heu hors, Notapen Publie, C encore. r J, E. e ÎýaS about te OU o nu Street, South Office, BROCK ST., WHITDY, aStIlOrender]MOW,';, IVLLStObe COnqid. HaV'ng àýSMOlmted1 b Y W n't, thavs 1 ESTABLISIFI IN 1782. - - - - - - - - - - ered a gentleman, not merely in Elp. enter the hall-door, when.his attention II must stop Bor DAWES, PROPRIETOR- No. t pearance, but in ineans and circunistan. was dirOct8d tOwArds thât 01 the kitcheu father, &an' that ig GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents for by a rather loua hazurne (sud on THOMAs BUSTON, The aboya cla estahlished hotel has been 29 2 ceo. Ho consequently liad corne te the turning Ilis for her. Canada. newly fitted up and renovated throuehout 2814 ýrmi ati.Il of wj«iýin. owe OWN CLERIC AND TREASURER, JAMES DAVIDSON, Manager. ail the apartnients boing furnielleil wi tu new' No. 14 2,5 aeain to Mý eyes tu, the, et fourla thon,'Sir, T Whitby. Office--Town H&IL iloure, 1 11 ', Ùho. n - two or tl*ee tkkers b as your respectabl trom 9 ta 1 o'cIôcký - and suitable furniture. Thé proptictor will No. 5. 13 1.1% 26 2 upozi tlie saule subject, m'lien InNurances against Ions by Fire»m effect. leave nothing undone in ovicung for the 14 19 0.7 1 2 19 chance ed in solReriiig, el en if you Will allow n No fi .... brouglit flivin, together at'Bally. a ed-on the mont favorable terme, and Lusses comfort of the guesto', and ey nia No:-7 .... 1181 28. 12 repairing certain- vesseils b onging te JAMES MoBRIÈN, 'il without reference ta the Board in Leu. On the best of pure ligne 19ý y rel'y up- 20 macait. ble, live in peace.' el PUBLIC SCIIOOLS en,. ru being supplied et Aftertht,ýlistýal 1)1,eliminary-inquirief; that warm, and apacious apartment. 'I'm spakin' onl PÉPECTOR OF the bar. Strict attention poila ta the stabling Z-BURNHAM, as 10 licaltli, Hycy opened the mat- The leader of these vagrants was a Mau 'That will do ný _a_ for the -Countycf Ontario. Addrems- Y.E OMAN GIBSON, and ln looking a1t' civility of bustiers. Judge. ter,- named Phüip Ilogau, a fellow of sur- you-pleasel Rastan, Pont Cilice, Ontario. Agent, whitby, --- Whitby, Feb. 18th, 1872. 7 8 eng espera a rac- "Jiycy dear,' sa!, as ce yoli to lenil me five-ail(I-tllir- PrIgIng 8 would yen A% hi' ut J. GUNN, M. D., HE ANUFACTURED AT THE se R L' vE 11 "410 u 8 Fý ty ponnfls to sceure, CrazyJane,' gala !or' who feata Of'ha élolbon" and dar URGIZON TO THE COUNTY ëAOL, T m r my nI,.-had hîmý a fearfid notoriety %bout it P Drop t MANCIIESTER, ONT., e',and yon didli't even answe umiràuu of the,, country. II will, mother,' S Byron Street, Whitby. LIVerpool and London and Globe B. PLANX îl,ý. . . PROPRIE TOn. POrt PerrY APicultural Work8, lOtter' 1 a 'lit I'111 prett3r -JJIY ààzuýu W£w1uý > very the your debt, as it lé;, iny dear Bryan, but est o meantime, I nENRY W,4«ltol,;, M. D., INSURANCE COMPANY. Stages ta ana from Whitby call, ditily, Ev. one féared, béing, -frorda - We for your advice., CIOIION It, BROOKLIN, ONTARIO. cry attention ýaid ta guests.- lýEPPYL'S CYLPBIL.tT£D ÂMERIcilN DOUBLE 'Fin not lit this moment thinkin" Pregumejà hie stren ait woll as by *11yey" she cent-. AVAMABLE ARSZTH, $27,000,000. iinsolent overbe OYAL*CA ADIAN HOTEL, TURBINE TVA TE, R WHEEL. muel, of nI011eý- matters, Hycy ; but, as ruffi il ind chauging the col] . Ný a y in o exé--ine Ri ýîZà par- Ilear that Tom Ml] WM. MoBRIEN, tl;lt> Lusses pald in course of thirt -five years R yoil like plain spakin,-, I tell you, can- able and appropriate compamo exceed FORTY MILLIONS 011 MLLABS, PO Il T PERny, ONT., THE MOST ECONOMICAL WHEEL NOW IN USE diffly tliat l'Il lend you no inoncy. n was a 'No, mWma, but rUY" HOSPITAL LONDO9,,_1ý>*. Malins bv Chic m Fire estîmated at near. Hycy's inanner elialigea all at once flerce and owe bull-dog of the Id did lie die-T - g liquidated as fast as Trisli lrApr wh* lé te, are bein Ir FOY PROPRIETOIL lie nt U"Mallm for 10 1 bad im admîrably Before hie father thou&,.-deduction. Security, neaily ît JA M El Prompt P ilifinite, and sAid ili, quilie a differet, --wu-bî4y noms Iiii was board' ut W, t4MIT11, Pl. D., 3 ality In adjust- Su o lIorili, 0111,1110dation. Gond rtal)lùig tonc- -a * 'and,',- -nlrl -.*.. ment r c ere MOI 519no amans amth sud lizul ravin, and attentive o.stlers. , ho next moment,' -ýIDENCEASHBUItN. Of this wealthy Camp catures 'M'hat is Ille ctise of this coldncss, ýhe throst either man or'beast,' merefy Jà huge heui au *81h.20 Head Offic Ï. '-iy in ý 1111-1t17us- 'CORONER. RE o, Canadj--Y;,,.h, Lryaii ? offýii(1ed you ýn compliauce with the will of hia nisig. è . janlfùg the lu _7 G. F. ýC. SMITH, 'rV-IH E Il 0 B s 0 Ný ]Eý 0 r s El ek b Chfel Agent for Dominion, -IL ý . *Not yoil have offend. ter. On this occasion ho was accom. the keý in it. L. FAIRBANKS, JÉ., AgeIlt at Whitby, ont. DUNDÀý5,4%,TUELT, IVIIITBY. ell Ille ; flli* fliai i.; all I'11 imy about panied by two of his brothers, who were "Hogan, what arf ])E NTIST, (SUCCES. k' -in fact iiearIT as impudent and offensive Hycy. ) - _ __ * 0 . R SON, --,_PROPlilET01t. sor o card. - GE OB Mffians as himself. Hycy pau8ed for a I beg your pardi -Du a Dentallloonis t rid *6 Street EW -BAXERY- & FRUIT STORE. The proprictor begs ta àhb-lince that lie the pciiùt of big -ýI1iP -t] Oti'l'Ill 'lot ()f it,' replied the ian; II only wished ic-r-'iny m ord anil Ilouour Fin not' knoment4 seeràed tlwugthd, and tapped tby, over. ri J effon, 0 . NitrO;ý N bas leased the building foi-norlykuown as BrYan felt Iiiinsolf in a position of 8 bout with. wanted Mendin, Xide Gao admfnistered for o pa legs el. 1 V H A R D. fi N 0 W Scripture's Hotel, whief has'been reiloyated, PO traction of'teeth, culiar difficulty : lie could net openly o looked nt thora. On entering i e Uyey,* Begs ta announS that-he la now prepzrud 11111ill"d, tuid fitted up throughout, in the arlor lie found dinner over, and his 'Begoiie, su'T'a, Él ta supply everything in the best of style. The premises aie pleasantly quarrel witli Hyry, nuless lie made up theril as %vas usualf. waiting ta get hie dare you have the 1 _THOMAS HUSTON, situated, o posite the Post Uflico,,and in the hie luind to diselose the groulids of dis- suéh a liberty? yeu Baker.y and Confaceionerr Une entre of t je town. The nailway Omnibus pute,'tvliieli, as niatters then stood be- Mother, you liad ho êtrevluçe-,JLOvm liall. Renidence-Byron At ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ýW1iere'smother2.' , heasked-iwherel,; calle ut the hotel, and tiie stages for Ux. Weell Iiiin and Kittlile(,,n Cavalingh to Ãœrs. Burké»?' -hie old stand, lately accupied by Mr. J. biidge and Beavercon Icave the door overy added; Igive the N et, titres douro nôrth of Town Rail, Arnall, morning. Board 81 per day. Careful bas- whom ho huil not firWally declared Ille ,o0 ' 1>iA - On uttering th" affection,. wofflil have been an act of o Jut wordg lie raised the ask, te get ria dors ulways in attendance. , -;J tly dined, ho JOHN RO1HXý0N9@ CHOICE -FRUIT OF ALL KINDS -i- î k great J)re.%uuil)tioii on hie part. his; voice so that she might diatinc AIR DRESSING - AND SHAVINo Kept constantly on bond, in season. H 0 Uý S B , 9J 'She's ébove- W ESTERN 1icar him. éGOOLI-hye, Ilycý,,' said lie; II have , of punch, Saloon, Brook St., Whitby. OItANGES LEMONS, SARDINES, 4!k. . 1', iýý: , -é »*«,ý;V., Xý stairs gettin' the whi tould yon iny mind, and now I've donc 'm- ilt, lie amuseil himai LOBSTEhS PRUNES, RAISINS, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. fu with it., jey,' replied'his father, an' Goa knows tont. by singlùd st joux WOLVENDEN, CHEiÏSE, TOBACCO. 'M'ith ILII ruy hoart V said the other êhe's long enough about it.' gongs, and à;ý;u BitzAD dellvered daily ta eustomers, aiul The tinclermigned would intimate, ta the -'that's il inatter of ttiste on your part. Hycy ran up, and meeting ber on upon the table; whi A -OBNT FOR THLe-CELEDIIATED all other provisions ana goodâ delivared as publie, that the aboya premises have beeii -,U- yonre off(,Iltlvdt yoli May; yetyon choose the lobby, said, in a low, anxiOUS thon ho coula heai bouttiah- Granite. At Marble Warka M87 newly fitted up and renovatefl throughout. 0 lit the o nec in your pocket. It's ho ordered. voice- mother's voice in hiý Jonathan Wolienden, Duudan St., Whitby. Choide Brando of Cigarg. Best Li,ýuors and Cigare. "The Çrcam, of Thitse Wheels we are uow inanuitteturiug IWell, what news "ýVül lie siaud Rogau and his brc JOHN CARTER, RICHAIID SNOW. pure Rhine Wiiie, Walz's Lag" cheaper thaÙ aüy other shop in the country, Il riglit, I ïï ONO-but you.know best. it ?, ceaseid, and SI 11P or, wboles;tle and retail. Boarders talion by and, we ou bye to ou, lit all ovents,' lie add- over' Whitby, Sept., 1871. 87 will give a guarantee with each y INO, lobe replied, lyou may g1voup parlour a go*Qd deal -T ZQENSEI) AUCTIONBER FOR THE the week. WIiiel warrant ing thein ta bc as Weil made, o ci good boy and tak care of the notion-he wont doit, au' there a pute. JU coubties of Ontario, York ana reel. JOSEPH A. BANDEL. and ta give ne good satisfacti n as any yoursolf., i Reddonce-Lot 8, Bth Concession Markhamil EMOVAL. no use à-xitl' him afty more.* 'Theros-one thin ?pet Office-Unionville. Salem attendea o R marinfactured in the Dominion. M'Malion noddpcl witli good-humour- 'He won't do it If lie «ied &are you observedo Ithat of-2 n ILSON ROUSE, Parties desiring further information can ed conteinpt in return, butspoke net. ,the shortest notice, and on reasonable terme. The undersigned hem removea hie W -obtain it by addressing 'h, - certain DOW p, beùflicied, Gerald Ct Terme con bc made and bille printed at the By all that deserves an oftt , ex IC»CICICLZOflice for Mr. Carter. BOOT ïf 8110E 8TORE A. WILSO.N, Jit., PROPRIETOB. PAXTON, TATE Co., ;*. Sûre an, saiîln. , 1 donc an t6t lhwaloll claimed Hycy, lookinff bitterIv ftft.p ter, re W a aie ebro fer. LM re uù*ýed fb ithis, n9t, 'Ire oez -Pemb-aps 16 r. ýgaiti_ ,the atehaandýý;,Muà begoca, - ânil engage- an. experime- fer t.1 a d: T t a once thýt'j fiad,'ýt6do IL114- ý Pât ge Oman, St. stnner.., lie told me 116'-Wml.,Ord PortWIS and Vfat it -wýu for his w (UÙMI-Oüt'Ïmther loftity,ý-- me ung con=umçatioii. ýýlyeËteï- 1 y te 'wolling on the Effpiammer ýiri9 te i-àbl fme, 81ÏCI waelùug- go- on at , hôn e', , When 1 retuïùèil'ý at time littie _refTeshuwntý-j ýd n,7 goda lady -in a date of excite- t. ?JhO -,-come 1'.. And 1 -She la , Rta' 1- nd, lie; sayâ, he's his asked Lat once where his e w 'Hé, iays its coming'-t ordered'a bloûter d Bot help - graffing ?, anlie afullyi ou SUPPoselordR eat v!911 'd She said, q (Jont výý1ýu . e'sme! of ýoniorw.,-quq I observeil 'is un' impostor. - 1 "e hini at 'once., Iwt3ntàmight Liirs Rni knocked at the door. 1 (l a dilapiflaieil élJerly Permil, with nifflily bootý an luy go-fa.- He noà- to.me VM fainiliarly. and mked if "i)t,911ell fi thin" in tlla bouge ag Lg pipe anflk;crf-ýw. askeil hirn if 'asLorgiPortico, lie raiil9:,,Wllntiq ,ý_On?' I Te lied a good am 1 let iny rooms to llim.,-Ije 'Go -mil thp, pipe, tjien., aliti Sat flown in the en to tfih--- ni.), breatli. - Theu 1 Inlygood la(lý1 wlietll"-,q)le fli ltt jortl ecillo ili Plipli a way. Slie Raid, slip Mit it. 1-fold lier 1 rilealit tü piteli ýPù tll(. qtr(.et-.* ýL(, -- Qb,-S-UjlllPl 1- 0.itllzl!' 1 went afi-9 alitl t(Oli 11:111 tf) fake his Iloots ýê rofa. Ife ý1i:1 qi)« rellirtantjy. -1 toid him ive iiiii noi allow s1dold1l, r -mil Ililit it -w tsa etir holisi, not fo.. Mon ters ý1V2R-D1- 1-tlini, as1wil-him for Lrd. Ircfýitifl ]w Lad notgoténe. led- 'ble n'ai l'q imp li 1, il ce ahîlost efluip. ItolýIllin) ]le Illllgt "(It rm liènSé. ilmstime MV to Lui., -Heýývar, VC-17 Slow iu ao-_ ýpd I did use Lhe»L Ile I)eeaîjae [ti and'I'hatl-tu< push hiin -down eps and bang the dour toý- This 1119 tll@XêUtlématily mun aniý,ecl thret- cabs flill 'A luggage, and .wheilie.r- his lorilship had come, ail, it r1épuil; lit was Ilis -IOÉ"P. is MY fint introduction to the 70 bnt 1 qljall know better, lext -time. I hope -thf. lémil ex- îýwùn't COMO'vérylippvy. ýI have 'y. Wlitten three aliologier. ý1CAL ions conSrning diet, habit, kte., e ound quite as valuable as aily should not be eaten, after a meul ëf indiàmrubber; the sper-, i ontaineil in the fbr-mer ý6vijj ),Ot witli the oxalie aciù in thé latiý(,.r. ELggc)n-greaF;Ê,win bë eyolveti witl, *()Us're'.;Ult. . Before talùia batil Aire body sbouid iie cý.refullv 1. Then &Y on-a c(lating of Lýr ýt into the mater. . It caii't toi, ch nywhere. A spl(,fi(liii arlticibte à Pausaýe ici inade by tývistjnir Lr a rattlesnake and a cominoi'l pe. fieing subjeeted-lo a heat of mes, they will blend no R,; to bo iguishable. - 1,3tir before-talojb,,- WOUld Stir at all, _-Nothin«ý is ainxious ilLan the ordinary e Yoing up-stairs ; it -càllscs tlle L th. bl"d t. Settle in the corils hi," aneurisui and htrailý,rulation. aper way is to lie oa yotir stolu- A go Ùlj:feet fir.t. Ne-ýer sleup nir *é es shut, it, is a- dangerorui Bar-»Ig, as intimàted -bove, in, Led on a Wren" Êi,ýiple- it is ýe that the enst"om inight be ad- ýý1ý1iYaboli ieilultýo,-éther. Bath -eu bu -kuorougnly 01 t1je 9 spake a ho Rochester, 6verY evening et 9 o'clock iÏiàâié;e-x-,eZý mlla"us' '-;Dunty or BaMe "-Li'rotn ffliateverthey like," sholchangýe'io' The undersiguell hu*any aluouut-of>Mon- (except res c eared, audwell water. SPecies, that a ,,le laid- aoross the'base repliod. -l tould that th ey tu Lend upon Fum or Town Property,' Saturdays, when she leuves at,2 p. m., fer ed, 900d iences, good buildin 'the, eyes, Velébond, onhemop. 11tOýëJaVanag et go, and a fine PhMP, that I liad nôthing foï em to P - n, or Any Bghton, direct.) of it, ilumediately between 0, sn Bayshe, "I'iU.thobeâtiti eo 'wMe, gtàud a strong 0 inform hie esteamer calisat Brighton Mondays, within 4j miles of the flourishing village of face nt of unusmIY Imi- Rates of luterest. Thé uuderdigiied desjre# t Young orchard ci choice fruit ; situated would lie close to the «Wholo fro hie d -Rosha Burke.' ýj a ho fül o, soie bonei., Bé Loans eau be repaid in sums tu suit ber. friends and PaIrOuakthat le bas again re- and£hunda", Colborne, every day 6xcept Park MU, and containing 142 acres. In addition te these personal ac- that, $IU=d business . at the ola ThuÏi"y; at Vlitb Oshawa, Dar For pafticulars apply to.- OmPlishments. ho had a pair of stiong fûtO thé kitCbBÏII'in"takeo.ev!n7ý how'][ýùfiË'o faiher sa lington, Saveral Imprové& Farms and WIld Lands and Newcastle on Wà= a fihonld fréight THOMAS 1ÇNIGHý boW -legs, tèrminating 'in tko bropA flat iieeil a j an' thora -lifé &bout ntut for Mao cheap, WHITBY LIVERY 8TABLES, offer. Dealers in stock , ;ftnd this the Park 111. feet, iu COM lete keepm'g vath his whole 'hé nÏ, thein net; à méji&' âü'- iodiêdn' âaef, hef biitÉàid. - , j investments macle in Municipal Debon. Having cheapest and quickest route to Albany, New Whitby, July 24, 1811. ti-20 :figure, whi W2 hd= elin' à*Ay' ai them 'quetien- e encreaseil die number and qùality though , not remarkable ever bad th turen, Dank,'nucl ethier marketatable StocW York, Boston, &c. Addreug for symMetry, was nevertheless indies- eVer SaYm j ,%4 yoîý of the stud, and aloc added to and improveci IL C. CARTER e ec ýy , want of gratitude iswt For further ýart1=lars a ply to the , tive of great and etttai)rdinary yv- ,P convoyances and vehicies on the prem. Port el strength. 'It's rfi '*911 known that they 11attrotruè JAMES HOLDEN, iË61à, ho hopos by being in a position to meet à-p Ile wore neither stock:jngs nor cravat of are roblLers,' ààid Jýyc - the el,., ne oky ci this ldë 0 Official Assignes, Broker, &a. the wants ci customers to miirit a share of opmloû fs,'thàt t1iW1ý t * _Y1 land ' ' OFFICI - >,Over the Dominion Bank Mc. publie patronage. IDLAND RAMWAY OF CANADA, RnY kind, but had P, pair of strong Clout- ion a Dtiblià gan And hea,ýën--j Millan's Broek SL, Whitby. W» CHARGES X01)iRATE «M X'13i4dé, raàl; j m eà brogues upon his feet ; thýLs disclos- g"whô Art fit " ma T 1 31 B - T A B L E . ing te the spectator two legs - and a Part Of the éOetrý nt 1wécélit. ýIlsiw.9 N. B.-Covered conveyances for faimilies, ver *ith afeU OV t Bpfil 9th, 1872. or, J'Il a -eàk té the - tô hid 4Mffy breast that -Were covereil o ' -- and ladies. Prompt attendguce, as On andaiter Mouday, Nov. 13th, tr" rulani -Trth -ho w«M aùd 1 hereto' Win run as follows. of red close hair that iffight have been inch C011dilýt' Ti B i C m u 8 1 C 1 forci te au orders. for among autuitoui t N. RAY, Proprieter. the Ild' p"4 longand strong enough for abadger. - 11é,',ýfàen loit the plitjolit, ýà Whitb.* Drame and Strjg B do, adapted Port Hope, depart. -9,15, a. M. àrmy&rdi ii1àde Ile Carried in his hand a short whip ire. Ceedififf bo fi forý Soirieo, Pie-nivii, Excur»iý», Quadrilles E 0 1 C B LinlIsay, '-12 sembling a Carè te OnJof tlà -UoganÉ,' Wb «Went. (loft Parties, &c., &c., will oupplyUe best anâ c deport .... 12 '15 a. M. man that ýwhere ho gtma. 0 ot in shape, and evident- -hand to I think 1 0üýht' to gd arnve. 05, a. m' SUIOTGUWI IY of such a description sa no hammer in latent Music on reanouable terme. Beaverto4, arrive ......... 1 45t P. m night. i know it's a 1 in TH£:_ýW0RLD. bad any regard for his bealth-,would Duzing eeiîo(i of teii minuteg, ho ana Applications muet be made Éther pers6n. A P P-L E T R E E'S bf=D. wish te come in Coutaet withý eèecîally but Of My Part, but' stfll it il Ally or by laterest saidj to -bat ChJ. WOLFENDEN A G 0 UT 2oooo, Pgrt Hope, depart. 8 00, P. ]p. dei 7, frOm the hand of some double-jointed a" it, was, whethor ftimair than is due to a Lindsay, 0 W, P. m. ttiuw-- 'à otheiwise, the'distance at which th ' yes, 1 ghat go; it ix di 1 . but Mis-ahapenHerculesso bore it. -bleu ey TRUNS 00n;o BOUTU-Y.AM. 'Ted, how goes it, zjýy Tn. stood. rendéredit imposai or any eue 1 led à wafW vée OHO -SAW MILLý. HOM E NUS SERY,, Beaverton, depart ........ 2 45, p. m. Xw York 02%'. 27 13BEKRU ET. 'Ghe dhe skîý diriha, a> dinWcsal P to "Certain E s -y ' thon -returned ta Front two te jour ysars of &geý embracing aj, Lindsay, &lTiý'8 ......... 4 M, P.,=, replied Ted, a h= with a AinÈ %,ther in the Inean. 1 qnt MY de&* Ù» Ibn The under#igýed takes occasion to ÃŽnionn ilie best Varieü«. depart ..... 4 -25, p. m. stare. time Lwa lovely Con ol boi hie customors at die above MîUs, situuted, Port Hope, 7 15, P. Mi 'XTÀLUABLB PRoPERTy 'D au, sipp Mine an brown, 3 ing on SETII C. WILSON, . 1 . - 1 FOR SALE. -n you 1* was aýout to pro- i.. Lt VIC - .-4,.ér of LotýXo. 8, 2ud Con-Picke y ou o bu Lot 22, 7th Con,, Tp,,Vxbridge, Post Oace, Kinplon tdt, 9 25, a. m 1 - 4 p . ýî_ g, on Lin yey a a *hon he erckved punch- , Mrs. Brýrke,,bersel4 oocùpW e en y w t of. t à Port ope, 12 50, P. in. r - 1 : ', c 1ý a very, active znagistrate, naméd an arzn-chair to the left. of the fin, en. is an upetart,ôùë, aÙ& Whitbï- The subscrVjerý olim for sale the follow. je pged et a etocking whiel An now in full working orderana ready for H.>GiTAYLOR, ingvaluibloprol»rtY-,in the T ç, of 9 C& wfthin hJe The 86-one of agàùmt the ý2ïét«tant cutting Lumber in'any quantîty to nuit une. ý-KEW PROTOURAPH GALLERY, 7 Supt. of Trains. by -An exCe1leýt Brick Cot whit- 'làtter passe o ' jwwev." aýY 1 contrivéd -to kait'for ber Case. Hiidho il 1 Il tage witli 4 acre i ni uyýy ha pair1bat ah« tomers and wiih puni>tuMity 4nddespatch. of land, aitüàtod oz the corner of Groon and ýprocee .-i u8band a u-ring, every, twelve Ltmýer clit froili 10 to 80 lest in length, I Èas"abont to abuse you, mbnths i7yýu;ke_, havi St-PerarStg-,inthe South Ward. ý -Ont and on the score of - which she Aloo j Ted, for 00 wi& your Irîsh to pleàdéd after dinner pipe and h A A N T E D - acre of land, well féncea, and in Me,'hé said, strong claim to a, character'- JF R B T of -Ifivation, corner - Wellington sa'w Jennings, and of : inost both togetherý went out RE DEST. and Gif- -thon I hig you.i. e]reznplary and - inlefat[pble'ipauatry- nycy ,withlwlwza-.hel 1 T _ ep a=ounce to the rop lord Ets., North Ward. 4ýacr8-àn cent, St. don't et Rydy r 1ùý -àlt" ana viewty ý thaï oÇR shoray open, a soutà of the reiddouce of CDïàper Es Any news from the znixk the South WarcL- Aiso 2o a like the Bairilta---oeiLise 1 canIt sphake HORSE M ElDICINES.* L&ýNew - Photbo belly comýo8ed of part =Élotofý 1ýý Ilycy, in tMt dry àoà- àntl,.elmn.gea the 18, loffi c'on' her i)rOPézýly, at all, at &H. Come you All descriptions 01 Horsa Meili. 'In the bull&n muo the, on' W 0 Cý ýL land. humbe wid the Gailick fwhor- me, P. yon-, cal tone wV 11 je -r- the best of Towmship of Muymy, ýCô. lq,,t r- 1 0' t eýa1wayN uséd, w hie 'f: àwtý bade cinatkept conatantly On band dio saloat ý _ _ g,6px tario Rotel 1 é .. au r wjlei% ho wW obon be prepared te tom p4o: A clear and indisputable title ýlaiseý Méeisther Rycy,', parente--liather ùiterei àd theý Whitby Li-rery Stables, tyles. Mghest, Cash Price. to au the >above Proporty., For giveu 'D-.u your Gaelie l' replied hyoy- -taii la !àý the old plaée ipzraphs, &0., in the Ud à ;e er par- -Pr& ticuirs Apply te tbî ownar. TT. YEOMAN GIBBON. né "wo*nft--i don't speak it., 1de '-hld-, NI RAY. IÉ*b..» tlM. 'The Landfmet yon fWhor: thst l' r=» âù_iâ" U" un 22, lm. 14ffl1yý1 3*1 lem Téd- .71)eujt-tiirnezl to sieet, and a-r-gidar Ilood of raii ng wet tliroligli, so T made up- to put up.*-'YoiiruiiibreU?' )t ex.utly ; My, horge, at an'inn. ý the -quiet of my chainber, I ,çr tLe papers connected with d My go()-dq and chatte6. 1 ipeovery. -1 fonud I bad sold not belong to--me.'ýlyoý property ?'-'No, notexactly. youl Good Trnîng . -ana 1 ont, leaing hù; inquisffive ý in a Mate of coHapse. Rwos FROM OUR PEN.-'A--e i habitant.R of a couvent ýgen- neagre in appearance beeause a-nuu-n.atmul kind of life 2- &i-ry book oüglit to be illus- lat's'the goofl of a dWner latés ?-Is tliëýmost danpr in n action ?-The eloak of re- netimes 113B a fine nap in It Ureferable to fall out With ;er - ù- toi lose yeur balanoe --One man's preserved meat man's p0i30n-A,ý Who steh cant be un b g.always behinî Wuuera'-el -hasbeennuniu bar& têly been --A w to smokeïe, the othgmrpb 1, mé à ît' ab6ia lléný,S - "Ta 'Rtuft a with eola Wý. plig. . 7. -,«LKM' - fýnlr.jl,

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