à mvayx jamm s.ý iwpet nt r rem itmp5A~5y expouses, andlit JIU,1870~ ~f, in h o1ii OoWinawQrdsa -w nM- Hamilton!$ B IZOfl (ýl"r' an Ià bku-gt AD& 10 per cent of cost of bank promises, aum'The Comdkeofto he -P, il eav G e o tby o up to 0107,478. 01 tis, 057,065 hm ot , mc- d to b.a tii. 7o b.u appliu4 te a divi4.nd Wof 8per t mù orMajesty as fooyernm.thnanimltJ Cud--T. ad ' 50,00 huboën'Caried a a et-,Sense eutoutnd bythe.peope Wofthe btken away. A sacwafr»wa. e! ~ bymnaentResrvoLimA Wi.n t -~ ~- Di~iaon faIahsfpaty~hat iss ed, and the horse found in thieousty ilmconignontof igoymembered that all thila a.ý hs ben due norceived from, lier Ma$èty a Of the, PlDAintnWh ima iadrdite&itaWg 1 géýrnmnt hat upprt ad poýecio lm awa3',1but élimenud him nstie owner.' MKIYwtiiin Mten mtslwbOhe iDomnnwluch, aseloyal suIbjects o er XjeSty, His statement was that. h h sala the 0oýý 'o PublieWorkLDank first commened 'business, it must -the. have a riglit to ohulmu, tbCel, Müü hors.conditionaily teoi3oynton, receiving Dï 6 "wntd iamitted. httepo iywih0f1CotunOli <ut0d 28th July, 1872, in thie l in Wflint notes for $0f, ad in cuhl, - 4Àg twrt uttne-h. management les iome. fl as-Teanwhon ben ga ndigtenes Netgods Moderit tU. mo! wnA4r"çnce between an nd he le, nct ai rapunted, thin« unexamupled. oe oprovo thât UniWteStes haijio ben remov e by ere wasano $s.land ho tierefoeclam- Af«6 crn mngmetiî akw,-o'-r enrmve yetii.hors.. Boyntonon tliicontrary, J aryëo m oa-a,, iobuton,. f. 1 armmngmnti akntheTro tybut romains &a.jubj.ct for llnd cohos ashe n 1a~t s'in eveythlng oWs,us thiesuenetron aciso y andinluthe followlng hA.bcumal ncodtinal ti. <set ha thtila Fnisù organization le e a dee bers. tlons Do nmas, t1u t,-Dom1njon.Wanv. umo.s. Wýhe Pridont, 1fr. Âne- 'theilu fil.iortanFieres s n e-Plabut"fr.fusing t. give up the *0,z C = éiugs mmm , in, aud the aagraA ieto,< son tohope tii<t the United States lv. lsr t entli.case for tr&I£pwau- serve an1 due Ciedlt, the. offciclcbg. ernmunt Will perfprm ità duty to was.Committ.d te Wiiby gaci, anA o! ti, genl.. ree tlsukals enltld lyzueghbr abét.ran t i. e tan'afterwards released on bail. Re thore- MUmqDrm- M and lermnW- ta thIifar share of paigse that belcnge to ini the.past, louAs tho eunt tan ajusupen irougitisaetjoli againstth mugs. tIi.. l ti, Cunt wehav th... rehusiutht té otstndlg sbjet tateclaarning the. value of the. 1orgeai $jin t o iiA* a.ce-takmoti lft. n rneewinthtiitnt.d tatuin sue <by.sae. I.n th0ina Iltots Cotnth we hve!tpriaim~rae pubiespirtof out twniau, Mr. Rolî.totheDemInion ;and i tef0Iq gave no verdict sa tothe lb W h t b y , O s h a w a , a n A U b É d .e a c h c u u oe! h . e a v ù h . i s t l !a te n t h W e fnr, of te pevdbg en on C.CaMeron,Q.0., foi paùt d.C> e mad ail Of whkh iarn doingaâ world ofgoo4 the. Treat o! wahington."'f Ptrsn Q. C., for eà d .. un Meeting tii. requirenuents and cenveiu- Mr. B: e hbe. usc thie la c TeQiee s 4'.Cadfê01Mz. 50 inOe f te Pulie whie f thenam' Miistrs temslvesinghe ageéjder-Tii, prisoner, a middle-aged iman, O li L ? Si 0 C E N T S y 3 4 3 p blic wiilga - m t e b ust inesstrt ic s îv si t ci rcan~. s d by trade a co oý er u l re sde t of turn thy aêdoig aproltall us euce agalnst_..theaction o! the Imperifil Osiiawra, stood iudieted for the murder o! Wh1tby, Thmâsdyl iMay 9, 1872. un4er the, c4reful o1ecers unmder W110114 Governnent. one, woula tiuk tluey hi:,wffe,AnÀ= Cauffield, op the. nlgit. o! charge to r lcA woua have the mauilines to stand by tte'ra ae.e 4A ofN vembè r but. ]!rom the *1'h Te.ayDAaceslu m a uIeleII. -~ --- ticfrwu tteruce. Ticy o uthig sd ence it appeared tint the* prisoner - Und&Ilrte entencei an le aiedtAniamOf the.kind' They sd tieir followers that both were given 'tô Zdi n sd fre. Aftr al ho enthé.dsudlersiA illamCaulficld, cooper, of Oshawa, a vote down'Mr., Bluke'proposition, and quently quarrelled; sud that the. wlfe iicussiUO 84 aite position o!- Canada Mau o! about 5b ycars 0f age, now lies refuse te permit a firm expression of huA separated freun1 hl", and was livig Wtii .ef.rencee tW tu, Troaty o!Washlng. urider sentence of <lathin Whitby galopinion in refereuce tath Fnia cai e ut at Service nt Uthe meo!fthélleged ton, the whole thlng cons baok te tuile for the murder of his we.. A report of the te be placed ou record!1 How eau sucb iefld was seeur- alive wsbu the Company ut l&t4t-tiit Caunada le aukeA te g1VO np trial wili b. found iu other comue. Tis men elaim creulit fer acting with sinc.rity of the prisoner utthUceus.nn of a neugli- lier Fishorios, for noting. The, position ie tii. firet murder trial thut han taken or patriotisîn ? ..Out of tîucir ewn bout named Weod, about 8 O'clock ou ofuCaada, sud the United Statesernt, plue. in the. County o! Ontario since themeuthe," wceuy, "lot theun lie cendomu thé Saturday niglit wlucu Uic murder le bleuths -o twonoihboing iule 9n' lleged te have taken pluçe. At Wood's, Ilo tnto! wonoglborugfainra ceunty was set off, uew ninteen yearsecd." as appeared iy fthc evidence, tiie deceas. wiiosc bouzido adjoin. Oue,- whem WO 60o. Caulfield le a native of Ireland; ho .*--- ed absd lier husband ofwliem Éli. Sp. -i el au, Jonathan Smut, hu a . tiioisnin t le .fther of a grown up fauuily of four Iowa, fiebraka1 Kuaeen. calfsornin. I peared te b. jealeus, in a very violent aeres o! land; the. other, Jëhflny 3ritoiu, ehldeu-twe youn oedultrs detsn uii0r. Shoe ubsequently appcsred te finsou hndre &Ora, ut o johny, dr ug wmendaugters Advrt ie.adoe net preduce beceme quietd,- Woed, sud bis wife ha. on h Iunded ares. t on Join sud tw e son. It appeare frein al Ut c. succes. T ii. thing which le advrtised haVing in the. meantine stepped into Brion' lindrd cre t '0r.le valuable <sts thAt the eeud.mncd man and hie Muet have intrinsie merit, or else large their next deer neigliber'e lieuse adjein. flel-pomud, wÉiule there je noue on the. uniortmtewi led a mot uniappyif dcrtling,,~~moe"gfor.seme unexiplained resu, and farm of Jausthan'fm&rt. Jonathan sud Boti werc given te drink, sud violn u hnge. fynhv nt I avng thgfei unliappy couple by thenselye. B r t n i y e f r e r e b e n t ' 5 . q u a r r e l n f r q u e n t l y t o k p l a c e . M o r e w l î i i e n wtel i o d d e t s t e u l M . s d M e Joghn ute h rdcso ihyn nw ab od detmi Caulfield gne. Next mrning the bdy thig reit ectiue fa not es i i . r de ts o h n o c ef ,< f l td, thewayr ug y , and you w ill b . sure te s n. oethfic nfortu jat , w o rnauw a s found in ther espctve arne u frculy wa>', Ù utteinpfcd te muke awy wthccod; if dcn' pai. tà orWarren'. Mil Streamn, about forty -eds a toe t mtul adývitttaggo o! the.families lier own lilsud thei. uoulit rmais- lupeople w, p or do t paieit frdistant froun Voodsliouse, part ofth f ofbath. Anid, wlile the frieudehip Jasted, the face o! Caulfield'i; paeeeatieu 0 s o nc eu ol icoy e re UlyiEOTOX oic tsn; onne t futilà ethirîeiua Johuyaiowd onain tc riilge nocence, wiefher shue was net driven te ROUTE, NîII Chi ms te thre. greut regieus were alle-cdfl t e fte prisoner's, sud ao!r Jonatgluh ie pond. l utho nbce oW do se in ene of lier desperate ite o! bud n h es :l t e a O ah ,c nn c, . thereNvas fthe appeîrance of a stmggle ever, Jonstl Au gets ugl; lic becotne rud, l l #Ot plet, Oaiso "ectnguving taken place. A cap udrmted te jgoso ffuyspoprt adp tenpr.-etiini gigti rudwf uheg ctPcfeRoaduý. 2nod-To bc CaulÃŽild's was aise found s littie dis- jeaon efJtînn'eprepelty sd pr.We underafucifer signature, prayinlg tint Lincoln, the capital et Nebraska, and ail tance furthcer on. Jane boyd, Jaunes Lisps envions of bis possessions, sudlic tiie extreme penalty of tie law May flot fluaf beautulrgosete fePaf, Wood and wite, Constable Gurley an commandéi lis large fanily te t rade no. b.cun'riedl ouf, sud fîcre is reasef te lie. fil.d wtî ~Others depoecd te flhe abeve facto. Vit. more ci lm u u sfre. princi ael i f ste 1p e v. ts t t c parties intre efing tlem . Br -T e St. Joseph, K ansas City and ali crea me an i c res t a et m irdr hop r d $ Belve in he ra tterwill o su ecsoj nenKansa poi ts. iw o f t nt they 1usd heur t h a t f rJ o l h e m u t h e u la t e s yi, e v s i i f i i a t r w l . s e e ef l l a s s p i t .fro in th £- d ire c tio n i u w h i l th e b o d y w a e l î~auuî Lr a te pedutetii ltte il souring a commrutation cf ftie sentence The roude are spleudidly built, hiave tonA. uIl acrosd îthe bougdary line betwoeu ofet dlt. Mie Dr. Cebonma lieonMade the pôsi mer- t] f hoin. li. Clinclds over ttiseStuart the eîsf bridgea, finî'st cars, the iilrter tatd tifat ei was caused u trick, lolieving if wilunake Jolinuy sei Tim Co>cr u<D TAnULPAin la id cf piafferui sud coupler!, and the- safety air .asphlyxia incluecd by rowning, sud thut lE ont te hlmi, and se lie will have fthe tish- tuc Mfanse fund Of St, Aatlrev's Cliurch, brake (te prc'vent thfl buof lifete at le tic body oet 4eccased bore a mark over pond anA all. At4t; lileJolinny gete hé. cuir rendoers arercniinded, wiJl tako place eeyl0 r echpenn;.P'lianst13e:oysiifUchathn tne back up sud soa-"dWall thcenoutîun, tuube (Tliuriuday cvcninag aftflic Mechan. seicgprs, Pnlimau dieg cave, large sund Iby a bh litbeoefLI.i fiiui iito, or bcing ile s~eiice yn we n't lbc neighbouzly lu r.- boa' lial. Prom flue è«erts e dymieYoef"engrlues (te a iequick tilune anîd tÎîrowilvîî ,fliewatem. Tii. sereains g yo hhntleil nypn;svr rwe ia lhypwrui'elîarîl about 8 o:clock iu the even- W tur, yu oal ne fih i M rod ;a VIr crwde loupe ilue cpe09 e, oed connections), a#id. arec inawîîri l ie illg, and ui.ncsscu al"'.w4re that bc.e- anud Icatitrade wifhu other neiglibours, and WC are plruadod, fron' flie*ý xceli- aiest eqiiippoul uWludeLiu 7tlw We .3So twuoîu ton auuîi l oen o'elok flue Saine t lij ac nt.satisfled." Johuuy dôes ence and variOt f t!flic-Programme, thui lat. i e ex.f osfly urliihle %vas, iiO ule ws itng oeinedwlel i yren al utifcuewhlthmenhly.jo sd sy . vfomvsslî riu va a hm b .c tdevih otiier u.ighbeurs,and fllurish- al îh atendwil kiy com!ortuh he .bly-tô,o ypoint ilh, Juyater an hucir and a 4h*i sde. e cnA preepers botter than e or, Jonaili.1 entertainment. sont hem tIowa, Nehs*,ka, Kansas, or ou lh'IbrF in etth it orta u ~..* * ...~. lue Pacifie Ronds, b. sure fluAf yen go p n wua verdictet ofu-ilty, acem- auioig wtîausvoaoeu Fathuer MeMuhen, a Catholie Priet e! "Dy Way et B'urlingtotu." pauied by a recommendatien ta emrc.j flu, lux; ud lu mt fr tans ,-cousidmsble rcnown, ied on fstnrdmuy, Ail vlîo wie afclu ueiui Oil bîdng &-skod what lie usad to eay whyli twones~m. ~Ontliuu wauts t l u~ReX ttion IA.,ufer in fsu a iao n parstoiug btoma ,sentence alîcnuld uot be pronouncea, the th odvcry. badly, but Jehinny weu'f lnse air eulonacmpnc uctWs , u nl ois f0r'é1Ylic pu ,-iciveinueuily prc.tested hie lunoe- lt h il' p ed mpn to Od fi l iles ahrM blh n acm a id G ea et n l t airoauî ecennet- C-ie. 'Mr. Justice Wilson sentenced s io hmcxep uentie ldfrendiy flicfiret Feuianu iaid ml e Canada, wassions, eau ebtain itheun, and any efluer inii te be hamgeA on Tbarsdfly, the lOfi. on tcrmi. Jeniatinu le very zuch - li lid",; captured jfer fthe battfie-o! Ridgeway, lnwegb drsigGnemai Pas~- 'lune stating 9ha oenclh uuii ~ A anA besue iecant av hi on ay, u p nPion a Couple et y.aru and senger Agent, B. Mo.Il. t. , ~Bury'rc)uutntiu0t1,ejm ouaui accuses JoiÃtuiuy o! beiug au unfrl.ndly flai rlsed ngton, Iowva. -r- ath le eviîleuce, tlîey coulA have neigihbouu- EMoe. e euhJohtBu-itou (John. ~ceune teoether conciusieîu. C. S. Paf- ha uy'e "Ilgoveruoe") stops ferward sud ceun. Ma. J. E., I, RZWEz..-We are glua tei TERP.IBLE Fiusa AT îN&ESeLL.-. o1pg rso. aneprs nd H.fer.fie Cmon Hon.- M doels >Jghlnny te muke sacrifices o!flbis weicouxe Mr. J. B~. Frwel L L. B. he sali, May 7, Il*r- .' ; 4fi-e hrokê -ont fended'fie prisener. , suht attie k o! pnc."3y sn" aeside-nt o! thi ewu of Wufb M te- day l inte Roya EselgeHoe riglfe ar tuo eac. so, se or.. stal.e, cerner o! Ol xfodsdcha lo t. FOURTU DAY. lue~~~~~~ ayIhaesmdffrnco!yFrceilareccivcd the.appoinfuxcut as pu-oaAnorti, South anA east unfil if Friday, May Stol. ap "owu witlî suiet- Jonathanu; lie uttere o! Côunty Crown Attorney, and occupied resclicA Thsmet treet, the principal The Queen v8'. Edward and ArlettaPo "llouA eomplainfs f lit I have doue him flue Lsw offices o! Uic 1sf. Mr. Cochumnue. treet o!flithewn etolgfu igm tikc-ro.Ewrisd les "wu'eug an u jury-w1licli I have nt- TA *.District Bank, Chrunmce ciice,,sud in. tcu ,lneadan itwreid el , and cveiy uew aud sgaiuu flrcateus to e - A MI> Ces-ru Fuuuz.-Tca aud ce!!.., teu-mcdin e stores, unany o! Whicliweme et cd on a charge of arseuu. Thucrimmlcii, en- os e bisIdaner p'an & i inpropoecd, shail bc admitted free O! subefaufiai brick, tirc etorcys higi. The plained ot was. fie buraing e! a sfmaw riv metroble rie caught teuese iOo!fie Street, sud stiuek sud barn, flue prepemty o!f tlbt. "frnye, lotthe. quarelsomefelhow dt na aaaaf s rt-j"ly. fnue Jinmt ah flue principal -Amy geedsansd GaeDr- -_i y , t w t N. ,8IdocsAe IanLlletrM tli~bg byswho 'W 'e'itôe1 ie~, -&0., af flic aboi'e estali. ete ypeeen rl uu.rh ufh unmous letter allegeA te have been vii flepromises e!ffliclx-predeccssors. Thnt wittca by flie husband, flireafeuing te nOIX pro~le& li.sugr puan~jd for th' lieliment ah cxtremnely iew prlies. tiey id se, iu Mr.Mc ual' seo-hm duuDr'spmisasaesf. puthry bibeare iekd caugite 5J~ lue s--pecuallyt lepreof fiat wulitever tiey unay put lu eidonce. Ti.hetter nus as foi- mga rest of Joiiuuy'fxuui3o give up their, DouiNtaxx WAREoous.-M.Nesera'Lowee b., fiey are nef vindictive. îerfe. rilfu nuslsc.& Powell have juet cempicted their epiug ------"I Geerge anA Johnu Darby-i spose mit P4ueutim . lers.Gseeyfo supplies. GRA IS i NWYs.-Nc o- youus tliuk fthing is bout on n square, appe or ia 'mis GreléY fr 'Aul fle eriodici sanA magaznues eau May 6--Abot8 a. un., a ire - breke ont J>uf ove nse manuk ents yig uxe tintos VutdMates renaet,eîî lin ià t portion -o!fliheMefropelition Hafel ride oera- isujetasyn1<,buI Here.Grely ia bennointe sd uxusietor. Jh - s'safioe.y occupied as Niblo'. Garden. Tlic gener- g.. s yens have come fo sstumper-uow Tc IloacaGreloyha@bee noinaed nd usi stre.alai anmwns seunded, but tic fire gain- lanu le good some times but uot aiwas. whai fortii Prsidnc byfieCiniuuati cn- -. .----ed grent ieadway, anA, atf this heur, 10 1 nderstand yone ins bougit a Lau-m for abou vo ebo. H le n oruted inc Canyon. MEsas. LAiNa AN4D STEWART sf111 keep a. un., le sf111 burniug flirously. Tii he fc po yu John Darby, but lue#"Sir, tie o!usaccptacelu ie elowig ecmseuug fhe attractions at Uie uew gresteef cxcifenuent prevailes meug ficth e r tuepron if, for I will buru a h telegrux :-store. hoctel gueste. Tic lire aIs ecxteuded te o TLt5 te a .cnbnl.p -. Crosby.stu-eet lu resu-f e lchotel, ignif- -il umhmfrw i orhsu ~ flue "Te Wlitelaw Ileid,-Please tender A Hlosemold Remedy. Notfamuly should ing severul lieuses. Tlie losses flue far souflu f111, themo à net s stick or a iýtoue tet my gmn4etNul aclcuewedgmeut fdthe mcmx- lic nithont seme efficacieus remedy for oYer 0801),000. . loft on the place-i am good for suclu flueo bers o! the Convéntion for'the genereus tUià i cure et affections, se-unives-slly Pr.-' LATn-Tihe ire is burning :à mol deis as Jack Dsmby, I sun glad h. lis Schc confidence tlueyluave eluewn me,anda se- valent. as couge, coels, oeau-tfrent, suddefying tie utmosefcfortsent fln lire- agfstari for me te pay en-I ~ Nr sure thienuI ahail oudeavor te Aceerve if. whooping-conghî, und croup-coin. rei,- men. If le teared fthe liotel nuIl b. en-hlm p-leufy ho do tm f.tc nelfieny - HôRâcx Gaurumy." Ay, tee, wliei cauu eicd upon as ea., tizcly destu-cycd. If is reported lnt asev- eusu MyseuJi f ftl..ui ie- Enau aura and certain, Dr. Witsr'e Baisaux oral urenu havýe perised in, fth. flames.fnetdot-sooselcgsonflg The dificulby now wil b. tii. adoption o! Wild Cherry combines fuis desider. Thie exoltement in flic aeiglibomhoed le fi ulm).legins, 50 yous nos. what le te do Bobe o! s p1atférýu tiat wil eccurethe support sfum. tenufui. ---a deril'.te igif witlu-loaù oift fle old beyv. of P'roteetbonà a ansd Pre Traitera. ~.----Sr:îiLLÂ,TRzsNayO. 12 e'ciock neen. sik"' Th Doidediy fie besf reunedy Ut li as -The theatel demydti Mt-p. JACK-DEVII4." Snlk -'.Heny Wilkes, D. D)., "oeu been discovered for' nheumatism, lifau liotelis le mI damaged. Tic tire This leffer -w as writheii anAddrss li1700 Principsl o!fluhe Couguegationul Collage swooleu or pfUtWjoints-, fleelu wonnds, le new under- contu-ol aud wüll 800 i pni.A tecoeo tecs oîte 80 of B. . A., ill prach a praius, b ss uo n anisJh.etnuse.1 -1 prosecufien fhe court directed iile dis. aflà oL. . . wlipeslussermnon lu, the. ton's Anodyne LUiment, le -ns. if, The store lafely occupied by Hunibeldtchiarge et Mme. Stickucy fer want of suul. bsk <ongregatlsuusl Churelu lu this towfl, 0 sud n as recommncd'ifte our fricuds. was afso conpicfely gutted. There was cieuf evideuce. Evidence was thengdoo PlAady evenilug, lthimlst., at hs-past -d---- amagc ote cMetropolitanHotel te fluehointo Ibm 4h._defeuce o!flice maie ionr, Th devo 0,0<k. We ehould net hçaitafe te, recomminud amont o! #800,000, sud toe ueflre. or prbncëipaily as te claracter. Hlis £odli as tcî t. auy friend e! ours, Paiîous' Purgative four dweilinge Tii. loua te Jarett &Pal-luncluaglg the Jury, Awelh strenglynupon écéz B~OOTrS aus.-Mr. Sanudeisr ,Pus iiya]mcctially pi-eÉared, anA mner, léesoo!Niblo's,,:la $200,000Q, snd, fié ceate, aicesavigfu xp,. 'u 7Just~~~~~~~~~~~~~ reivAsslni sirc.u ! caatdt i lepurpeses o! s gôà bd tiheose ounflue Huboldt buildingis very 'sions uuae-use ohwards John -Derbcae .jstrcove fplnidambâtà purgative eçioue hav.If la believed the, ire was the inithe -anfunymou. letter. Tii. juryA!trs Sprlig and Sftmmer boots nsud aoca, al ~.- oko an incenidiai-y. The -ùaAdlun-a short'absence, returned a verdicfTo!pi D ouiieUtstyls. Bi~op $ewyri la salAto bà U e1 w oa ôwned byRHBeadlwssdxugd 1 guilty, wihwercie ihppà s e - - W~~~~~fluarle.,.Eingdley'e mnularClumîta000. Several Masonieand cther lo dge. lysa largecrowdiur flue cut iehl~ " Towy Qpurçlri--K o ietbg on Xon- .-the . fewo areA Godansd coulA of Secret Ordèies loge IheaVil by'Ti.d' aypt u rsn ! ecut a B1". Iv d*7,v.$iuagfor want al aquo«Ma. wl*il tosmdbor44ý«opa «y>,il~ê - ~,ua~nuwuihsasu~~ WnSten .B* OWY n Opemtou-fereighitdays, nndcr WL& bI y Od, ' ra, butiche-, Toronato, thé O rlatae eps peo HuyGolcattle desier, o! tubs sud'supply ; thé rmaindci pf ftua Active plce l te hae o! a letter o! rcom. Mhitan umbérig 8,760 offeers and, menoatin. ii.icter osAas ollws;men), priarmeA tueirÀAnusl Drillcituer, "F-ld Toronto, April 23 1872 si thé HsAd Quarter. of Corps, orf, aslu' "FinGoumAtueecase of many Batteries o! Gr>rmsa "Dear Sir-The b. arerAr-tillery, ut certain Forts where insttue- e!tuilaMrGco.B~1 & 5 vricula- tion gunuycoula be more adlau- friend o! mine Who la visitlug Wutyou fageony a&ffd, snd aof aAlui buiness o! huisown p=hapsta taY a pà -seticproperlycridof c oa u p le o f w ce k s , a n d y a v r co a T r . B a s o a r r l a o n AubIue show hlm Wilbseticanea b aint1l.Province oi Olutarbo, embarkeA bu th"e w.re shown tW'- suucssijon on bouad th Guin-boat "Prince, &$i=E D47le',frdIBD, dyoïà nwerpaied - "St. LawronccMarketTrn."vosselt uring tic ee.odruislgonLskes 1f.B'rA*tifcd ftafie leMir 'hâdý "Erle nA"n' u~ notef bnuwg1tt.nby hlm, but>tirae-bing, ldW9Cvhu- ansd, the whole 0<ftue ne corrborative testnuony, and si it 1%ehAArOilexy (t< -Btteries. witii, o- not prov cd t uat the etter ha A bea u used P ilà O u , e m e t é r r ri e with luteut t. defrand, tué jury did net 1971-72 in tue diffemeuf Camps o!- Exer-, couelder the, ludictinent sÙtakecd. -1-r. cisc. C. S. -Patterson appeared, for tue Crewn; Tiie refurus shew tue reenit o! tue en-, Mr. XoMillan for thé prosecufor- GoulA, rolment o! 1871 of Réserve Miiith le Cameron aud Macdneli, and G. Y.' nine Mlhtary Districts, cempr=* ing Ou-- Sithf fou-tue speused.- - tairie, Quelc,* New Brunswick sud-Nova9 Thle Que s sGeo'rge6îà John zWilson. Scotiseut uesely,700,000 -men, wflithtC,1 -Robbe-y and Assault-George~ Wilson liging ages, le, by law ta milita-y1 sud John Wilsou, brotiiers, were indicted service lu deoe, o! the. Dominion; tutus an s charge o!fuobb.y and aesault. Prom puovlug tint tuer. is lunflie country, itscl! the evidence if-appea-cA tint ou Sunday, af leset an ample supply -ofthe meet im- 1 tue 7tu o! Apii, flue Wilsous uttacked portantelcunuo f o te viz :mon. ByE Thomas Hineon, wluile tue latter was tie returu, if wiil b. scen tint tuere is-a,' rldingl* hie buggy; tinh u wicat t oaicu-esse o! 87,*942 men lu tuéhe.e, anA firelateneod h-; remeved ti.ho-e , rà seorve Mijifia siucc flue firet enrelmeut frein tlue buggy, tsldung it awsy, and-leav- nder tuae i-esent iaw, a peuiode!f euly' t i hg ti.buggy centasinlu g Hukesu ad two e crs.. L9 ife on flue rosa. HIuksou ledged The Adjuftant General reeu-mlng taetflue informations before Meuers. W. H.LGibbs, formation e!fflic Milifia camp at Niaga- Jas. O Goy, and A. Fareweiljustioces o!fi-asys - th. pesau,o! Oshawas.- Thé tire fou-mer The camp et Niagara for, sixteen day. nanucd justices disposed o!flthe case sum- continuons dm11 witu tue systeux o!f arget uuurily by iuflicting a fiue ef fiffeén dol. pu-actice lufrodiced, sud primes -aar-d,v lare on each o! thé puisouers. -Mr. Parc- proved o! mucu benefif fa flue feu-ce lu e weli i-ctuscd te join lu tue conviction, le- tubs Distit sud -gave muuh stisfaction ' i ing o! flue ophuklg fluat théecase should Lieuf.-Coloucl Dunie recOMomede tint I i. sent ho a luigu.u- Court for trial. Ou tue uluolae!ofluhe Activé Militia u ins Ii lie priseners bcing i-raigned, teir catin- district be aseubl.d ucit Jung at Niaga- gel pleaded the. conviction beforé the ru lu camp foi-s sinuilar period e! drill; M!agistrates ilubar o! Lurth'u- prececdinge lue suggesfstii.heamalgamiation o! the. a ta this flic cousel for tue Creun put diftercnt Cavsiry troapa lut. s district me- in s réplication teatthe effect thaf flue pro- gimeut, sud tue addition eft tir or tour secutor Aid nef pu-ay fie justices fa pro. companies lunfthe Ceunty o! Weutworfii,0 'eA sumunarily. Tic Court decided thi e gotint every countyluinflue district irould n isue lu favor ofe Creir, thug uplold- ten have ifs own battalin. b uga Mr. Fareweil'e 'view, sud thé. cas. Spcaklug et flliug up tic raukoe,-leP wus preceeded iiliber. fle jury.. A Baot le recome'ded lu tue !ellowiug lae number o! itfesses wemre exramin- paragrapu:V edby counsci on boflu sides. The de. The. majority o! the officers command- tl foncc ias tint George Wilson lusd tu-adeA lug cou-ps lu Milifary District No. 2, ap- Y ahomge belonging t. hie fatuer, worfii pea- te censider if necessary anAdedsir- 0i 0170, fer tira wortulcse nage; sud fluding able te flil up flue rauks et corps by t:ý uSt tint ie. iad got fhe woi-e f thie trsde uneans e! fi. Ballot. Witliréfrence t v] the brote ie- Wilson songlt Ie get back thie important uaffer, I wuld eg t.aie- r- lueir owu animal, anA, beung uneuccees-. cail te yeîur mcuxory fliat the. fret oc"e1 -O il, mesorted te violone. The jury me- on an 's.uiki the necessify fer ap ela fi uned s verdict o! ggravated assult. Ballt yi we&. boUghf uinety W. [las Lordship senfenced flie.prisors te anA offieially ta 70 e, o cued atf01 uy s fine et $25 e h, sud $88 casts ta fhe Niagara Ca c e ..clA o u i-, he proseeutm, andst the, saine time adinin flue ififl Jun., 871, wlii hwsa fned fh stered te tiem a ulolesoune lecture on the. by nearly, the uhole e!f lic Officers Ã"thé 1 o ,rvify o! their offenue. Ail thecparties si-c miliia lu camup, sud unauy ofiier gentle-n -.1l te de sud u-epeccably ceunected, mun. On fiat, Occasiou scvemal o!flichn eslding lunZEt Whitby.- 'Mr-. C. 8 Pat- couumaudiug offleerg e mpui men of,,,le-W een appea-cA for flue Crown, Mm. J. E. cal expe na~e u influence, stafed tint, 'L ?aewali for fie, puosceufer, sud Hon. M. lu ticir 1ejUnion, fie tlme iad suiriveA W( -Cameman sud Mm. Lymn Englisi for wrlen, for "unîitary resens," lu ordox- ta gru li. pu-uconere. maintain flic diffèrent corps at ticir au- hi] This concludcd thecriminal business, flou-ied proper strengtlî, and seialhy t. n10 Several civil casesremain unu-leA. Mr. equalize flue pressure o! milita-y service fic ustice Wilson infimated tunt luo iould on tiec cammunity af large, if was uoes- b3 ave te preside ah the Cobourg Assizees, sary sud désirable te appiy fi. Ballot, ihidi apeu on Tuesday; lut, altieugi s pu-ovided for hy law ; snbsequently, an AI, nuenold Aischargc fie jurera lu attend- flic occasion e!fie levec lielA at fie La- On, nec te-nigif lie would sit unfil six a'clek prmre Camp, wieli ias aise attended ine n Monday ta heuni cases wirilciweuld lie Dy a grent nunber et officers, similar re- ail etermined iithout a jury. The, court presentatiaus as te tic popriety et ap- o! ft froun 9.80 saun.te 9. p., sud tic pro-, plyiug tue ballot wcre unde te you byCa odings lasted an aua average twelve LÃ.ut.-Colouel Lord Aymmer, cemmand- lu, oure s day since te legiuing efthte lug fle 58u-A Battalion, spalug ou, b- 12 siîzes, ia Leudsip jocosely "rama-k- hall o!flice wiele body ot thc officcresud feu a,l in-.ply te seme observations otcouii- mon e! the.'Active Militis lu tint - dia- 1 ','fluat tue nine hour meveunt Aid nef triet.in lIY teflue judges. 1 Lieut.-Cçilonel Dunie considera thut a sui Mm. J. K. Gordon, *ho huA leen feux- reliance oui tue syetem; ef volantsmy e-ou- e marily sppoluted te discluarge flue dut- listunént alone, ull 1h11t. maintain exie-En, ,s et Ceunty Afttorney, acquitted him. lug Cor-Ps e! Active Milii couhluuoly Fei] If te the morstltisctory mauner. st their proper etr.ngth. Iifi The Grand Jury mua.ethe. following- Repou-tlug on the, efficiency o!fite offi- liv PRESETUENcre, ire inA flic Adjufant Generai paye Euj T hat ire ave -tsu f ol t low i ug trib u t . tt e ic services ie - i Thtw aecau-etuly ceusuderedd deredby Major Darfueil. ceu -pesed offtu. business placed before us Major G. H. Dartneil, B4fh Battalion, 1 r heCounsel ftoihle Creun, sud lu de- iMusket-y Inetructor t. the division, peu- Jeu se ir e have t. achueirmedge flue cour. f ormeA luis laberieus duticesiviti uxaukcd Pr, sy anA pramptucess lu whl elui.severs succees; if iras Maluly ourlg teafilatthe lictuxents havc» been pu-epareA anAd offlcer's .ucgyaf0't h l of the Re aced lu aur liands, fins enabllug us t.,o corps irere put firougu the pu-escribed lu ar and detemmine tic seversi cases irflul cour-se «Ç tamget practice irithin the tlme -n L delibération sud as littie deluy as allowe. A special case a!fliardsulp has come I Dominion ' Prlusment. t der our notice hic iif ldéAsirable 1-the nild nef b. rc*pcfp nte uflcsa nee!Wdnsay1y1 f lic iRu'Eflo.-Inquiring Wife : "MY desu-, st.u's appoiutunent. Mu-. Colby's bill te aen i -t is atorped, flat I hear 80 muclu repeal fle inslvecy liaias iepo-ted em ut "-Bullicd: "1Yen u e"--Wie: by a vote o! 77 te 69. Re b -!"ý- H u s b s d :. "W e ll, a y iry , i 's P i a , M y S - . e n b j ingfluf boir eu upSi8r John A. Macdonald iutroduced a canaE i. Iides, la entertainedliy flue trustees bill t. give effeot te flue clauses o!fluhe uhiei le -village o! Waterloo, and, tuose o! Wasluiugfop Treafy rcluflug te Canada. He.u toirn o! Bei-lin, of!establishiug a lug Sir John's speech occupied tue*uhole o! alu i teol or Collegiate Institution for th e tifIme o!fluhe Housefrin mifs opeuing irasi th Ridiug of Waferloo-, up t., miduigit. Thec fret clause sus- faxil e t.irnslip councils o! Manvrs anA pends tii. presnt lihry las, anA pro- the]E 4ý, aveachpamdg&By-aw mnt hiteÂm.eaus freinlising un GaiaA- of tu [y,00i lua f th seaBy-w ni-sut. ian waters. The second clause provides, and1 eygeo,n Ralliay. The By-Laws, li tat during fle existence efthte treaty4 te ri fisi and liai ail, miti. the, exception o! ýAise] oted upon flua moutu. suelu produefs o! tue lulanA lakes, shah fi-anË he grain tu-adae!ofSf, Louis fou- fle -Ie admiffed froux tue U. S., free -of Aufy., iras1 q u arter o ! 1 87 g sh o wts ;a u iuc u-éa e ! i in - lU se .p ov d s oij f co tin . If c ti r 0-1000 buchelaov ham pemiod luin auce e! tue boudiug systeun Aurd uthe -nagle, ). Total roceipts for-tue quarter e! opcu-atiou o! tue treshy. The'14lu as. igu riuAs et grain, amounted t. 6,127,695 pi-ovides tuat tue riglut o! tu-sushipuxent lanac els -confained lu-,tue lBh clause efthe trcsty Derm era lsa Sgeueralu ueaslussexpreseed, Shnilb . insured t. citixtue of tue States 1[thj p le future of the P cIieE il sy ring.. eexistence et- te treaty . Thâ = e. M u. ' F eie n ug 's rep ort . i , ~ l s t u e o i e r v d s t n h crud an'inüatue -oe e la aor ct San olut. cifeot-on thé isenance by tue r Li t o s e snt! ra r y i g ut t ue G ov orm n e t o !a n ourd e r n c eu n ei . m o u e Ladât- lu th . linteo t,!fr r 0ontvfargum ent pui-sued by H oue i nlei-tamg -S8r Joui tue abrogationJo! tue Re lr.thé-acc i.-l4nrs~oqzHan»POX.-Ifiecty Te d atheuécousequent réturu sleid York~~~~ 1 fte- - ils t the ex cusive use of ctn g 'bec frni-ombyItfe4bafu-~Cà uadi4anTd th.e everal z1uftro o! Abs. utr u~tncs.!eit Mu. f.44~.pu t uhthe United Statsup to the ap.recen ore ~ $1aab., ouuu !fêl<Jl4Gui~p ne roe-eîvéa ,nfffrec suto'- tue United i " 01ý%'mAAum&. tesmûttess' mrca osiei.-u,- s.At.cla iaI ê Amercan Commssio ý 'ulat a toenouage the people and Gov- on lemigthé ctiou of ou Prhbsmeuu, erment e te UmiteïlStateg ilathé -b-- atonce intldrew tuer offer. ýThe- coul lief tht tue due discharge o! thir jtoi, sud sait-menepolisteofPeunsylvsubasuid national obligations towaiAs tue Domiu- Noir Yor-k used tuair.iuflueucq and sué- iou ef Canadu au amatter o! cemparative cecAcA l1 irituluoiding freux'Canada réeli- fudeffér.nce to liem Maesfy's Imperial pri-Liin l flus. tue pioduots. ThieCam- Culin.. aduan Go vernent,- under tue 'efrcnm; A, long deint. ensurein luthe course ef stances of thé case, belierved tue "tmeaty mmii Sir. George Cui-fier daclared,-that elueuld le ratfied. (hum fish.rmau d huA eu Paidfie Rsiuuy gaat.ia ie fihe riguft O flelu lu Ameiccaniruteri,- a uts F h enian eluinus asiendu thé United States fieluermen huA t. come tteTraty stood soiely on ifs ouvu te ours.. If uas tue, tue- rigluts irore not mou-uts. of equai value,'but tuaep*"lipà e!r1ci Mr.-Harrison moved anusmedueut t. procify iras flore, anA compensation iras ti,~u té e~.»otaqe. given thé aide. gettlug' thé best of the tien w M- p~~pee h. usi-gain. Tiiere irasne douItthe cA=e-se ops u rigna l eo ÃŽ3à r ican fà hlerleis rere nef so valuable as ours;hé 'weuld havé voted feu- tuem if ti- -but fiey Poseessed the muleadanlait,, -cenusure coulA deat thé Gludstoeue Gev- aluicu was tue meet useful of!ainumack- 'mit. - -t su-el llahlg. OurfialuermeulbyuScmeaty >-,3.i Mackeénzie ehoired thé incousf- iccured tubs lait, sud coulA fLulu on equal 1cncy o! Mu-. Har-isou's argument suad oerme wuitii tueir uciglubors. Re irarucd argued tiat irhut thé Govérnneut o! lue Honse uot te-reject tue fuesty, les Canada could a, thfle Honse coulA aIse sucu action selunld ri-aeediflcultiesirliuludo.- Thé Govemumeuf huAdurgeA théir diA nof noir presseus. censuré1 luinenomeasured tomme, sud sure-- Witu rcference te tue froc navigation 1v tue House iras nef ho, be preoludeA t! thé St Lawrence River, h -sâïd fiat rlom aise expr-esSing ifsopnn. the sovereignty of tint riverwse question î&7Bu of bounda-y indu, e -Homte Govera. -Mr, lac criticiscd tue Iu-oposed neuft alone coulA A 1Lwifh. a smat- amenduxent, ehowing fihat ne man coulA aiet o s.ntiunent'hee 'etetha tthe endors. if uiiohuadsa-puoper sense oftin- >ýiilegcetof"flue naiigatioîilo! tue St dependauce or ahi-ne national sirt. Ho j s i rr e u i cd i r f g iv e n u . s tith r e a m t t e d fl u a s f ie p r e s e ut re l a ti n s o f wa .no. osibe oo i CnaaHowetureGreat Britain sud Canada uere anomal .as nes- possible good lu Canada refauingof lie privilege, and ne possible un umar; but lue ugeA uati erst-mode o!s 'ielding if up. The. St. Lairence iýû&. pentailnflonupt Meni-ca, a thetiiformer outepoken utteraucceseofflua moi-e iras ne hum lu couced g te prt- Goverumeut iptueir officiai despitches, ilege e! uavigatiug tua bu-oh Ou piece of h ol eea uc ctt u nver Ictircen tint city sud st. Regis. ame ud mo atn te luuaento!h especiaily as thé priÊilège iras -alsolute. mnmnaotn h agaeo ~ uciee itlen fle ue î o cnai, h e o ffcal d oum<ens. . i -.B a e' 'fhioli remained sbsolutelytuzidai- ou aedet iiiasdfae yya iwncontu-ol.,Thy muigit.ssil'demi thei de ~nus 100. Mm.arson', sundm ens ivem if tliey huA an experieuccd pilot, but 5,ny 0.M.Hrio' mnmn bey coulA neve- sal back agalu irithoutirsci-dou siledvson i- permission. Respectlug tue privilegé - Tnasday, May 7th. wcorded us by fie Americuns o!fie free Sir P. Hincie gave net 1ice tuat on Tues-~ tvigufion o! tluc Yucsn sud Pomcuplue, day nexf lie iould move fittute Houee - liçl was'-ridienled 'by, thc- OppothfiOlh resoie slf luto lcoumifteo!the whol ýbeing a matter et littiO importance, lie te censider resolutions declaring the. oiuA say that trada ounflue Ynoan iras Anieor asdcfe-pesled affer flue 'onngiapidly. Auxericaus mrere fit- 1s. f. tJuuly neif. ugofvessels fo- fiat tu-ade, anA tuey Tie bill amcudlug tue acf regulafiug toW underseil tue Hudson Bay Company tue issue of Dominion notes iras readj ,un facilities foi transportation afforded fii-A ime sud passed, thus, glving u fie Yucan.Govcu n e t powseu- t. issue au unlirnited Witi regard te flue Sf. Clair Plats Can- number of notes, -holding only 20 per 1if us no matter Whetue- tue canal, cent lu specie Even Mu-. Gibbs, baeffe.. a- Canadian fermlfory or nef,- -as accrd-, tutally, oppescd tue plaoug ot thie danger., Lte fie Treaty if iras to-e c sed for eus poirer lu thc hunds o! GovIi-meuf. U fumes an equal tarms y tue vesseils T h e Pacifie Railway Bihliras ext'cou-- the People of tue United States sud o! sidereA lu cemumittee efthe irlole up te anada. There- uer. feu uho kueir tue flicrisiug o! tue House. aportancc o!fluhe clause- respciflg tue ----- years' couflunance of 4loned my. Destructive PAi linMarkhsm. tAs t. thée Fenian cdaIms, flair no ef .]LOBS Ou- y.- gpu-essed iras tue fatult e! England, id slle huA assumed tua résponsibilit On Wednesday luf a fire I-ok. ouftlin tiiecero coimnittea rlpe tu em. tue stables et Hon. David Reesor about agland, huAd ust. email coin- 10 o'chock p. un., caused.by aulucendlary usation freintAmerieas, sad as wis. If lu-ok. onf lu tue stables o! Hon Davs] se delug. If ironld have -utailed su Beeaer's -premises. The. foilowlug pro- 'estigatuon sud arbitratien befureen Peu-ti.s ire dastu-cycd sud damaged:- gland of an unlseeuxiy chai-acter, tha iBrick direlllug sud out-bulidgs occpi. nIld ocafé Aifficumlties betireen flue tuci ed ly Hou. D. Reesor -and owtved byA. tutrice. Maire; s total loms; insured lu tue. Pro-- These are thc salieut pointe o~fluhe vincial for $1.000 ;contente nof lusured. igthy sud exhaustive Speech e!fluhe Brick sddleresluop, ourucd by A. Mairs eibu, who concluded by urgigupon aud Occupled, by D. Jolunstuu, a total les, LHanse tic duty of passing u uo 11 n esuce on building or contents. believed tue Tu-esty unoîjectionale Brick geeral sthre, A. Maire, ounar, t. every wayexcept fhat parut rit los u uc noCaainiu fi-. Mackenzie saiA ho Aia nef lutend unsured in tua Br-itishu Aunai-ansd ,Pi-o- diseuse flic treaty fulj ta-ng. ufter 'vuucial, for $600 .-uclu. A 'ramue hotel, long, exasieadal peecuhofoWin.Mai-r owner, insureA in Western Preieit wf oulA lie improper if ne.otfor $1200, total Jose, 3D. Waohtté, occu- ti-seticable t., do se. Ticeluon. genfle- en-surace lu Provincial for $600ouo in before closiug luis addmese s las hie contents, parti losa. BR. Pu-iugle - pla w eas Son, trame waggon. flop, oiruers-asu&oc- uaesneedlese -att ack on the<>ppos.uies otlis n. The lion. meunIber iras pleaaed to oal10, ne iiuu5né. B., Wsik fiat her, iras a poirer lehind Pui=ga, rame direliing, total béeý, neo-- Tirone lunfluein affer. He would i-. surance. James ltobiusou, auner o! Lad-tue houmember fiat lue asudMr.bick store sud dmvélling, iusured, West- ike hua delivered their speeches enflheecrn, for $1.600 oui thé. building, sud $40 hty liefore ifs publication ana faken onthe fumniture, total loe, E. Burke oc. saun "rond lieyom id. e ~ cupier, stock insured for $1200 lu tuie are ofthe adysuifages irlucu theti-esty AAvinciultotal lass o! f ïà itare, ne lu- - Lierred, but lue Adnesup-vee r~ ance.]H. B. Cou-soufaxe:4ldn diatemul n t r - theu-à & umtbng Ãœ office d1?~o eIpto"much * te our aggresei'8roier-f. büinn gbus- everytinug toi- thé , -eh. etnSe , on builduiu Or. éonte.ts Johm fi *as called peace, ire m2n**gh xpeet e or tue tr-amesiipps damaged, me=s- it u I p Our natiol exisiteene. H. eds t heP $ fr « . B. Arun- t 2 s re ketchlOfethieévenfts' lu the itrOn-g, tunsmitu's sluop, goods damaged age lashteseion, preceiug.thedepsu- y reoval, lusuredfor$600 uinthe Iro- 3 o th Prmir fr Wshigtn. he ÙwiL-Brick -éfore, MuPlumei-!eft, a gntas crépr ethat een t o!CdÀa.lmerfelislihtdmain" are capi beini it cti- The -- ber o - est i !a= luvei able, tueur cher AnM faria cipal direci over 1 - yeau intr- liglil canne pai-cu comp evidei laclu c Of th abln manu m th be mai metu sema i tecub élueusi erciss your gérao uisysui consisi corine course, by i our bc, bovrel -~