Whitluy, ýNov. 7th- G .7 OUNG BAIbIbITEIe, ATI TOR IN OflAN NOTAiIY OFPPICe.-OKel ByloOX ST2txËi' DOMINION BANÉ,Is() 110 il. De Tayor, AURIT.' 18ilI, 11871, ARRIJSTEII, ATTORiNEY, CONVEYAN- Boer, Doptity igt rr, Mastor ExtraorUi iy of(>utriu. Ollies Court lloîuse, Wlitby JAlDsTP'J ELTII <IORDO?<, B sollelur Ilis leîiui-ry, Coliv'yliunecro ary Publie, &c. tu trut1.en.. Onriuit-Next loour tu h s(1 -o i k3 - , uis;ulullBu-ov-k SI., W'Iitiiy, i uit. IuAIiEIELL & DUIGIEV O raîe :-Onue uorr nortl tutehuet'oetulice, JF ùmuir l.14 C.IC 'exR 1T1OIIttiY-AT- L&W, SOLICI11OHI IN on Brock, C. W. 6 icory, ccrtivt'eyuîiar & . e 51 nene -l,- uilW ___________40 JAMES îVîI., .Uxtriuigc, J mnier 7tli, Ic-Ii. if-28 Hl. J. iIIACDONELL, Law, Clanecry & (lîveyaîuduîg ()fiice, Arlra lugeifus t r luuuint itiu'r i-f lo.. 1. . ;JN,31. D. tu 'Villie aUr"Y (4A'OL -JAMES MCHI[IN, j Le lonut yiii iuunu Jel 1 lut, ITIÃŽ. 1.1 WILSON I(tUsE, A.WILSON, Jr.t- rPropriotor. I"l -1sl tli ' îl tbewngt te uuiuure e ts im triit ii ttsa ,41 t i n e;li.t lle rin IVulty h it lit, lueso )Itticuttrîinu i e u itn tid Iullusthe uViuat: et A»uIIsIutii o 16 ruu,'u'tti umsuuutuimi u tuhe tri- vellil uitîie. 'ie i oniiiuuu sl m -s'.<-ii t hlm- nîstueul l'uI nu ut ttmunoui g tu uuul iui iiuuisturtit l'u nuauuimr. ist a uvtl itt l -Vu'er V c leuiteumuts etthe atmuut' eu-1,tituîli iuluit, iiCu lijer1 nanti.i Atibbtrus, Me> llet, li, - n i Grand Trunk Railway Ilotel. Tise audersugmuec t PULLI EVANS, M. Ba OTU FtEs Dublin.) !IJfIUM L IIN8URANrç,-E Co 14, Bu RGc,É r, &,o. 1111*14Copany imeures Ferm BU5ldîgs, S~fl~IIH, L L.B. C'outry Ciaurebes, lSoboul1 flouse, , jthi c Wntent, taes -as Was th aseot eny rT1tJ<-AT-.LAW, SOLICI. Well esîabliished, CeMPauy ilu anatda. NCEHY AND INSOLVEHCT,7 JUST LOSSES PAID Pl1ONIPTrff. PUBIC,.tC, 1 , L. FAIRBANKs, ie., J. B. BIU'KELL, PULI,*C,&CBecretary. Presideaut. MILLANý's -3BEL0OV, K, N. B.-Mr. D. fl'oliday la uic longer an, Ti WIITY,, NT. A-ent efthtls Comapany. 2 WilitbY, Sept. 6, 1871.s L ONDON 'ASSURANCE, CORPORA.TION" FIllE AND LIVE. X.1: ÃŽz la ! ETÂALhiDIgEs BT ROYAL CBeITEi. 172ÃŽ. t4reet occasîoa to iusîorm n us. Fsa nlAe £2,408,588, lis 4&.Stg, ýbv 1d;ils, îsitaeulon Lot RKIN OR ER. No. ne) St. Fraureols Xavier Siret., Auud seady for eutiîg Lunulmr l uay qrauueîy to euu euislonae's.E a'sdwithu puuueîal ity asîd Lunbr -u riuru 10 te C1 let inu lieuutlu. MIIIN WEIII. 1).IfiLL[D A Y. filtOOKli'Z ,.. -oN". INLS(l'TKl> ull'. K Fil-W lN-iIIANc'EC'î Oir-' CAN AI) , Toitnîug'îo. A i'suutt CÂiÂAN IA 1qTîTut? ON Aise Age-ut iîuuu'l Alutirsicer fuirt'uîîrl'- imitent lhilliug uîu'l .i'iviiule eieîr, [bins0Jý 0i. nonay ut low ul Cileo' iruripun. WIiittuy, Auuieî telsh, 1871. ]y' 12 AGENrr FOR TI5t CELEBItATED SCOTTJSHI G-UA NITE. "f7e At Nbl unît 'uti-ii n of .JO NATHIAN 'uu'uL tj I-N lnum 'iu.-r't. t"iituy. 17 GrI ERGE GUhILEY, ME IICHANT'fTAi LO0It 'CLO'IIER AWD DRlAPERT, OS-IÀTWA. GElN'lLEnliEN'S (A tiIElN'l'S iuidc u thua hast styln aiui iutest fasisliu. r A fi ut; s mt ci y (ottis fi u îielu tii ilte Oshaswa, May 12,18. i "m ii- l -.i!u- s t n e ' tun- 4r f .1 iti I s tt ns ai i luCunel - rZoot, Sood & Manuro L-oills, A", titil, A WA A G<()N r, il A it Il oWs, NlIF Eil s, ANI) AL KINIluS OP' MIANGII,& WRIiNGER, Neteul climutmut ptle must nu rîtiesosfmthItm ciuml estuc-ItAW <t) "ItVl'iSO rusywmuu kuti, anud aQmi smu',Omtr li nvery resîpect. ['n"' H ta litv cumetuluul10ea(eOim)f.11 oinmers ititht wliitiets tm<n 5bu0lui Iivitaul etiper, mummit witi i gnruter i-xtuaultitumriluîha',titicuit. aumj tg-iri tsmca (vvr y stistmfationmite castounat.re lui tthe qulity tuofI theirtriuuiuiiaisi iuatiuritl. &-' ('unuwood llc uitbutemtikün in ex,- etusîige , li îîiu l'u1I101%Vi etluîseîl j AM E-S-iC lA 'îl'tthf 'i o titn uV. '2r, 1 S 7u>.)47 REVERE HOUSE, MANOUL'STERa,0. W. PLANU - - Praoînîetos-. NS;liees tom i-!iui. i Vitl t icsi l sily - [CVrr- s siLiî 4u t i <uîuts. C' sretii I u-l atttui- gAr i I VIII'I' l iAl'm litoN.îtmii1! ', t u0sF Im ito'Ni, 1II lu ig, sînîili ~ 1 tcl 1iî [ lut 'li i til>' îi1Jilmu , i l-'0 Ai' iuiI'aliirtilt luIlstfilmuo ls lo Ci me r n uI fu'!util .1ri s u l I. " M I .Sý'1oN - 'liu.iip 4utc- tuas itat u [liiilhm - ' îî I i i t11.1 lis ilme41r'la, iVýrIlt l qil olm u sye, mid l"Auu.uir- l 'iti ei K r <ui,,tlo t su e ti itmti. ii mii. I ruu tu tl'urmuii.iu h l t us'l u 1 4. si'S i - ru t truse Iu uunni te- i. iii ii' iL uhîcr' 'umuiiui. 'toi s l . l:niruln u t-mm' -'mml' nI u - 0 Y 'A iti' in'i NA 1) s usi t-u uh --ul-i-.lisI tLs us'li- i n ti ums l P'ORT PiîRîiY, 0o'. ONTA l RI) lOTE. H. FOY, - r'opriètor. 4,-iiî"jy l uer ,usiuusi,; iie9 liutui . A E , - Proprietor, i- om= 1 tme mi., o',ttliLa i u cteia. iutomhIerniMe. Iu, lsbe tgslet ues i t-lt iw aunu l mi tiu d.tunutia P? wlth [Pe îLlI iitiY Ic mui -l rime muIuntmc urtish e o tiorIt lu iLs tst, andc PlORtT IERIIY, ON'T'. tui!" e !Y u ic-y malt' i ge">ta mne'ui iuinmof mmiumpimutuit110 inu JAMEIS T'HO)MP>SON, 1>ttts"RltTOtI. Itînlo i(.t iîtducm1ll ut l inall a su ltukiuug nIter t'luelvcitY it est llrs. i te l st u ien l i re ut 'ist i l g)tge' 187-C. Dawee.,b',rsspneton. IIlbsiîl, 'mlena tiu Is utulsnrei un *l'iris .1 rs goned t47' N s.Iîst-1 aaesuuitnt5uttiuiu Lss umumo s tit!mnu'suuiut-.- ' - s4ept. i,-1570. CT. JAMES POWELL, Proprietor FIRST-CLAIS ACCOVMMuODATION'u, Feb, 22st, 1tiTi. 8 toý0 x m' * ivili5'I'Y, - ONT. A.MASON, - Proprietor. The abcv' eu sbcus tliuircuututIiy reumvrted, ýa dtha tili il idel t'r\' neem'iunodaioru ,ansd theiet lie iiiiton COMMERCIAL HOTEL lihOCK -3T., WIIITIltY. T. triaime l suai t IIi ii ti Iluit Iale a e smulieit pomsemioii le ilere1 WIImu t- vonus1lîhyh uoNtus Ismuel, itumsta me ilaltp lu ulaIerlsmus ,witlu evant-(oiveii eluca tor liaheîtu1tiolu Of gutf-t isuiimll ima Ina- v Li. u1 'mubliec'. wi erm us% iecinuuud.îiouiiuil and utporion vitm,l tquosui d ea',tr- 000dt ctîtiIîs wit c lure esd y':unss, sîusd att,utmr'c- Ciallual wuuys oui tIe Cheîus a.Csrges Mojartite. E - DI. CALDWELL. WIIh -lt.14, 1868. 2-1> c gnThAb J1(TtL, B uR1 UîJîIlAMl Apnil 18, 187e. -15 s JOHN BAILEY, 'WESTERN HOJSE ! and ub lid Gets il IIUNDAS S'T., CV EIITBY. - ocon ruoumuir aliîtgandusi DT'Nwdersigued wouluîi timate li VteJa.-6,80 T 1 ue tie u uti -" ruui mav'a been 10î îte u u t n'uenotittro ugiiut, forCCMMR IAL ple b vep e re îtîitu'O ER IA LN Vrl4, MaIiz A Lager, wbolssiîe atuertail. -J AMES BLAOK,- - JOSEPli A. BANDELL. I'ý'resiken by Clio week on moderele Convauisnîly fltoj up rocsn ims - , ',- ciel travelere. Billiardis lItac] Whitby, May , 1871.-19 Api t 8,187. Proprietor. 1sîewîy lttaj itp Ittenltiva ii5tlutrs. 4 HO4TEL, 7A. ,tss -'or. Commer whd. 1 j(IIN ANtAgeuît. Wbitsiy, 11--y 5'th, 1871. 19 BRITIsII AXERICAN L'S'ABLJffED1831. "'[" [l faîl <u wull (7sntliauud uuu'pi y I tinnre - reulcitii UCrîue I n.i u I II lisme ot ropur Y ~, uinira ns is AS Itersc.Sof auuy well~~~~~~~e esettCan-l l u nuyliliila. l i.iuil uil c11011 rirlîuu iropeurty ilui- suirutu rl r ulî-tvetiri'or lis, it uulueeiliîlow rtes. b.FA f R11,A Nlim, Jr., i illîce, lirmueit %'l i îtb3-. -fitlv Aug 2,151 ?IFENIX FI1", ;ASSURANCE (10O L~ZAILISIIP IN1782. J%,[t','F.ATTVe(,N, uuicfo I NSUrxNrlt ugaum1t bSS iiy Flîlire I et'etc-d mii tte - hua t tavorat Iot.tenuse, und Ll)SSElS lPA!l)Daitmmiuît referiec teeBonurd ilii Lsondonu. A1unil Trýli tna. YtE<SMlAN (5IBri(N USED NO £ND MOST PHYSICIANS ENGLAND FOR THE YEARS. 'NOTHIN CUTLER BROS. & BOSTON. fi OldbYtheDrugglou ge W.-IMOJ LYNAN ELLIOTT & Co., TOILONI'O, AGENTS. HENRY WARRLEN, M. D. BRIOOKL[N, - ONT. COh«)NFiAL SEWING MACHINE CuL1t i on fl'et'a Mutie stmunmufilu11ue îown mot Wlmith'y, fut sSeoclule bomutillunuschietîu ',v 1eu titesfour uifieett klids cf tttets id sews bîttu wuuy'a. ltuta very iglut ausIdsîil. 'l' eiti t itudiii-lu, lumy a mnsetutme it' tiie v ilii seuil ttuuir ailu'ruuus teJohn S . M. %Wlleox, Wtutîhy, ahIl ecive i flitdescriptionsotite Matîu--,titturinca liaI. <Ir. ,1011N -'4. M. WILLCOX, 11tmy,.lu31>tl-, 1872, Agent. GLOR)iO1iS SUCESS isudlsfraeio, eanssug urvous eily jureiture deeasy, *c, avlitïtrI8d lis valn eycIy advortibed r4emedyv, lias fLicovered a simple meeniq et self-cure, wluiolu lie wiil 14011C fr. a hm llew gsnfl'rets. J. H. REEVES, 88-ly 78, !iassau Street, NcwYork H'OR-S i ,ME DIOT1N E S AIl deseriptIona ef the l'est Herse nueulicie kart eonateantly on band, auj for sala et thé WitbY Liveurygtableg. No chargeo'fr advià a. -N. RAY. Whitby, Nov, lUt, 1871. 44' VALTJABLE ý-PRDUPlRTY_ FI1SALIE. [IIE subseruber effara for saestihe tollowlugl -irlu4tlep5'oprty. in ;Le* Towo.<ofWliat- :by, 'VIZ :-.An C quarter et an acre et lanud, situatéd or.the côr- per ai Greeunsand Sr. Peter lstreetç,, lu tie South Ward. c'AlMe, ]jaif an acre et landu, %?cl] tneueo,..Oud lu a biglu stata of eultft-aliocii i]tus cCrrera Wellingtoni aud Giffardl Stree(,ti', Northt Ward, A quiarter or ent îirc on Cenrej eeh olutili et the remidîlne ot 0. !rtper, lisq il, l Ié Soute Wa>rd, Aise, Tweiîty Acres cf good ktlÇIu, tueIuu eounoseu.of part (el lot I8, in iltcie- uîu thte 'rowi.uijîuet hlirray, Coiltty tif' Nortluuuberiasiîl. Igr A cler eamli iudiepuuîhle tille will 'on gîvaîl lu uillthu alînve propc-rty. For [umi iir purtiu-ulars upply te tioeu wnsr. Wlitby.JtIlY 19, 1371. 0OF CANADA. 'rIME TABLE. ('n auuuut tç-r MIoieuut, Ni-oui lu-r1bt11, tran.;i wiIl nutuî us teltoit- lPont lice, 4uýllust i., sidi .... .....u.rire d . .. .. .. .. . Beîî'..rt......u.r.. l'cuî iloîme, Icepur---------- nqO . lidu.nuy, arite--------------.....p..u.i 'Maled Psi-pî~,on receipt or uuarked pries. Pecru' Eciretic Piano Sehtioi lOOhed) 25 Wutuialli'a GltareSoboul. go5 Peters'*Lelofu s elol, i5 Pqi>lussUUlra G l'e-beek,- 5 soAi e I, ýistinl 4pover 100 seNOgs, 7 terîluurlc Coupiiiu -l,'or Fltitut auj Yiclii, V2 00 pet W Nl1ew itnd Tuoprrveul Violiiu Methoul 75 ,Winuurstof's Violis Ivistractor, 17 Weljçr's Flifie -ithout a Maîtér, 75 New*Xeair>s eve. A Cantate f'or Chlldren rio Coii~li$~ielletion ofsucre à foo)g,%2 00 Magie (3lrclo, -EasY Piano MuunIO. 2 00 Addrcs .L. PETEILS, 5"8 iroalwy, NOW Yorký swid 30 cenlth for a semple copy Of Peteru4 Musical lilouuthlly, aud you W.11i gel et lerun t fwVofetmuuia. 15 GEND FOR A CotUetLAR oN New Yor-k Ofie, 27 BEECMAN ' T. S C , -1.,I REGuLAR ANNUAL 1872. ~ 1872.a eprIng ./Vieefingw 0f te ONTAPJo TuRF CLUB, viii rouie off e-r te Wliby corusea THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, M~A'Y 23rd and_24th, 1$72. ['11S1' IAY. 5 0. l'tint'2. i. li- iuuuLll -ie7') 1o. ec Ii O. Inl i ['i FIi, ilh u i ihr Y ,t lî.'înus. tirmil l' i f ir t r ici ntis,', luit Dui Výttri-oý'it PlaCOie. lv>'. $175 lu li 'c-u tLii 'ii' I' 'l"- "c Cils I - ' In Sus fî t lle u sný; ' tri s, sîs -5t t Fil -- î: Ie Vlu iii t" i i mi i. lis'I.,, ' j uis iiu' i race, i e -' l wtisu v À l In nuo r'cli 5e luIo fi l',' t.un 11î, 'Il i i b's' umîsasu'.-, ; u 'c 7 --t ! i ;; p t i'me o -', env; 't ,1eulsur FI i ,'1a11 s1'; - Ini- . ( '-liii(, -s1 ussuu- ui I l ,'- 'nu. U,1,- i' t ~ n- s1i ' ii 1 ut, y On,- i mumis-. 'ilS u - Vi ilnieetD o - £t: roAY r ines Fi. lor Il 2ut pii~m. ni. Be-tvsrtoum, dutaust............. 1iuuetsuiy, arrive.. : , uc ua t.. . . . . . . . Il. G.. t '~, j"i n'ko.amu- N. '.(Y t r' ran u i I lld C ' 13 A K raw. . Y (1UNFý deiWetIUNFIIY a nlJS .uut ns-e-n ju ni, 'nri'sl 'u. lm OCCI.'in' i r i lil~ u un ('ole r t u umuiAi uîn u 'LXI 4 '25, i W 'tithmt,riSept. l 1 "s'l T iL .% l r iut ttii) t I E111 IN,ýURANCE C( Il E A 1) 0F CANADA. 1) '.; i i I i %'V. 'A. 1l.1%%'1t I miNT . 1 t" uiii -r-n1t. m- , rr n 'i i)i'ss Tiîo -Osborn Viciorlous « Everywhere. 275 FIRutT PRIZES, 3 SECOND PRIZES, 2 DIPLODIAS, ntiait' THEC FALL 0F 1871, l'siauvilsciiul Extibitio-n, Kitgmtols, i1871, FIRsri.pRST PIi zE THIiE OSBORN Loekstitch Family and Light Manufacturing Sewing- M~tahine 0 VÃRAI'4LL OffPETIZOT0is. -"o'- 'lTe ISBOIVN ila pnsuucuucad by uIt practiessî Sewhilug Miclilîme ueople,. vio hauve tu orougtîly exauuiiteit ut. 1Il" sfct ectyaaFirstetuas Ma etriue liievery Iarietiar," but, ius Cleir htuuet je-igmu Viut 'The liesit Fsmily Loeký.fitcls Sewsng. Macehinse in tise Market. 'Tc imituipl pmita rutmutrit inite uOSBîOli1 mvie asi ohsim : t -Theexclleceand ,uiuuu plieiety'uui'it t îucluitiu, lise nîuturia eunploy et in is countruttion, its lastiug qmtmitttes anud wt1Ã"l range of work perfcnried, ecich us use othniimachuunseiuin li(ta cuasm iaurd sel it tsplunes eassten.Titse tiitl umuandBobin iare largoeti ueailtelitul, eraici t, ausi camily set, tansion peantst, andi spossubie te get Out cf erde'. Tit ufeucati ta uimed anid iovared ut vilu, acîording b lIme fitbrie te ba uaed. TRE 't-,OSBeiuyT" CHALLENGES TmUE MAR KE'rFRuIrs EQUAL. Guaranteed' for three Yearis. Theusauts nov la use ltroaglicut Cuistada. Agents Wanted Everywhere. IL 1. ilO'IR.Bowmanvihle, Geuteral Agente for Ontario conuy, Dourhtm sud Vie- toria. GUELPIÇ bEWING, MACHINE CO.- Guelph,'nt Jauuay $th, 1872. A[('1'l ION P) 'îS Jî\", n-m 1869. '-î .- noucees huet 1 in ra p rînu ell silut sales, Ionrtus i rt i c-rîisuuie une ns1u1lui iltîser lusJAMES IIIILIEN, TOW N O 011 JN Yfiil 13Arnouuttnur, icr. A'r iEIASIi'NA BulL ltA'TlS. fBlods, Slnmctiejtreer, 'nIi. r-0- Armaugeînais tom sales utui b iuumde ' April U01t,1572. 1 eittuer îutitu l 'i iuion g r ie, oe t iunt v il - O>tit<'u, Broek Stmreet, Whtitiuy. s Y AN- - r Wtu itby, J uly ~ ats OC11 TER m A LI 1AG E LICENSLItI O C I S T E I? -0- TUF NEWV LAKE STIAIIER, THOMAS HUSTON ihARRIAGE LICENNES i ,' Street, tîrecedoors iortit et Town'îilisIl. a Jan. 17, 1870. IV C> is xam e-l W'il, 0cuu0or aiment bal Apnil uu-xt,comemnice 'vrHITBY PIANO x'Tc'Roîî lier reur ostilv tripsa. tue priitii eaviiig Wi'Fc-outrg utt-5y uuorntîug at 780 ;Port Hoelut ttf 'tsefir lt-Cesit-mer ouuuetii l'are ttitil tîsmu New York Cenral.Nortrnîmaruu alan S PH 1N . ri fr:11tnts leaýt sulit aum P- S E P lit A 1 N TR . Rric tsiltt-,fr . nultalat etl u suttiutrier, i ETIJIN iN (j letitias Crurrluuie, IPont ot uto- The sbscrbertre rearcierIL<snnemi' eCsuiis t 9t0010o'ea, (<edce.it Thut uu rtumrîiug i. aut- 4.uttnilays, wuniu tuc-le iuui.s ruit 2 n. fuir caeethasa ot - itr iany fmueuueha ingtis, edirect)j. andeustomers etCIme Wîstîby tV ture raltîlult Bnigi IciMounbys aut liusr-nye;ît Coîhemi rnsutuy excelt PIANO MA LJFAUTO Y 'mN ssliueumlist 0lucb Ouùniv, Delliton, PIA D A8 a&cirf5 d i' 011nste uiW-dimestay, shi r miglit butss te satae tîmet heocon' carnies ounte bemzi- offer. Deaesii stock uvili iiiud Iluis-tite ctseap ties aoilY upen Iiisowua ccoulme; audtjirîse.-est easd quict cnroute tei AIîbsay, Bietolu, New liiing future ordai a lia becrs te essoraetian York, &C., &C. huat nottrinjg, wyul be laft uîidcue onist part Aura-sa, R. C..CARTUR, tegsrosBatisfaetson, lu supplyiug - Pà rt hlope,Oîtrii. z ~Marc 2C', 1872. 12 1869. V - .i' i' ) ,l '.-n'. -m ssî.n::t titu 1-nuil - 1u' 1nusm it ios-',-. . Lsuii (!;il; rueC "un ) ' "ne" t 1,s'i. V; (jI e. l sis.fr op StiPÉtnuOI QIT ALIT YI STYLE,& FINISH. The ueçbaed sîew ratent asnd croi§s-eeale pattern t chlis ouvu invention nsanufactnred ase lu'etloteut gW.-Al erdsrs exeeuted villi- promptitude and dispatol. JOSEPH P. RAINER JOHN ROBINSONS' Haîr Dressing and Shaving SALOON, BRÃOOK ST., W'illTMY 0'SOTUOY TUE IANKor OhcraUzAn. Whitby Jeu. 22, '68,. 11e stDood 0on lis heuj 0o1 tha wild seu->§bo] < A un d da u c e d o il l " is e j a j i K ; lual lÃŽi enuitionisias neyer ibefure, A necly hilerion grig. And why 1In lu tht velisel thlat lûft tLe baj R is notiler.io law iîsd saile dl - -To a trolpic Onntrf $Ooedlitance away, WV liera tigGrs ýand serpe lits proeai4led. 1ie k-new Rite liad gene te) reernit ber head And docter lhie r rapizt; cduj, BuIt sag(ired Istunseit a profusion of wealtt 'atooeiigwould carry her off, Oh, s'0w he iglet look for à quiet lite, A nd even bh hppyeyt Tl'xough lkuowing lie sud of nescrsgial, Wîif Ana uup to hi& coflar-lu debt., For aise ot the bpecu s ad curled Isisie front Auj black iilpeoa robe, MUst pitck eut a Keller to wSorulYei.bruibtn O! lac noxt -aaîy tTLIl f Job. IJ'a bor)e tie old lady Irouglithièkandt TiIi slie'd lecturcd hum ont et breatl, Auud now, am lie izozed ut the sbip mils wes le bowlad 1er lier violent doatli- Till over file azure lhorizon'1, e<tge Tlie t>.trr: liid retired frein vole, Wlieil lie lceti<d to- the crelit cf it ii!ialky le( A iii praliial tiku, f lçiiug:irîmn. Ani uuitn.ý-a jiiîliluîit îîenl lie erit ( 'e r t lli na ce iri ljI lai iae ii ril IrA TIipîtitilit ur uttiuidwit fIîuîîgt rrrîlt tloiegr e> A S TORiY 0F TUE CHIICAGO FIE A alirill, discordantitmugit, sacit as linrihy pbcasant ta isVeultaV, witl[LnCe relttoutmaliguraut utteataing mrusani iliraimglhVi. Gluy L mitu recoibot, renlly su-pris aint eiscoiîcerted(, a bu-tv exclatmation fa iug froun bus ips. At te camne itustatl benuî, shîrivelled alt crotte aVale out fri lthe veluuuinustifolilsai' th et>acettrtai tlit. nthadetl te xviuiriv. Tt n'as Grauîty Darkc. -Aud Guy Lei ax lînî juruiiteVittet ta Lte eosey parlai- fiuiirrg lthe rtrererV.oor <un te s,,ing-f aîtotier pirpose thi ttec teItlis bIcn eýyedI0aid waman. Vîe i wtis, ai il inughlietti li ii i'n "lie, lie l Yuî lîougitta fut ai gt-au iJdau-hierr home, ebi? Tînat is-iv you e-aune utealimg utn liko a tiif P "Yee,' saiel Guy', iiting itis lips, hopeilta fut JJcaa'rie home.' Elh?'scnar'iiîg at lima vichurti. l'unii isure tîtat waen youtt' enly p1îrpose lu coi iiig, lifter ail. Tt hooki tsutpichous ta si aIt t inc rciughta iini-uiC Ilna'lc witiimit au remi-Iof wanîiiiug. 1I10uloi Vth- siuv--r vaseF,, Pt'.rinlttoiepesaîl croc.-, tuf ara'i'-~iue tale ! S!ue iuenule ra fiunt of "iigfoir t- -'V [ ocmf ced bdil Iîîc-ii'ulover Gu'y fui', l'lit lue usatnIta i-ULVtiu i cel lait inowru uny 'wm'l w'iy I Cenî aif 1 saii' id eiquieVl3'. "'fIJiad.rt tlue b(.1-Il Jt mtlfou' Mits Boata'iceyot iiiuuptîslcnt ervaint worthulitave slan tire ihrt ii n iy lace.' "-t"priai-roui Gmaluy Dat-ko. 1 larve t-iVitat tua aftetî, noti i'oljithiitl yolti ganai'. I kItîtonyo %voiiliit SuifrtuIle tu ciiu':k witi Bhet Lîhot-ý if you cîîîll îusiiyhuevexat ht.' N.I ftîsilnt n', i)u - I naile uoll ta waik i witi wtit -ugig, lic finýicie. 'lIse aldit otitauî eeleoetl tiat IthsL 'lht nai bobt of >,ut,' chie sait, exas Iui'rntiîîgiy. 'But yui lt tisset yaîarcn cutîntiaus. 'l'amifottail taie imemo materi eut tise girl.' 'VTe critthso nas îttmytlsiugitti,,bt tgree abule, I <l asure yeutt,' 'Eh ?fw'i lti ics' ycibusvfinger 'iervuouîsly. ",Yeîîsliant tisue)i;l ta lue polite Mr Giuy Lîtutrx. Luit ht elues itiot nitl Ysi'b bettert' ake yuutise-If off. Yaîtî' ulot ti'iua-e ie to-iy.' hIe Stouciiooltiug at liert' n utte, Ihi uiuatlu' snnu'limi)ta' uamk autelioweritig 'Wluvoyic oît uljî-et ta me ?' hie aukel uu-Vtw.eutbi t'iVl. Why aire yoa ts, "lsv' thtc- uîuy trîîei 4ii.Blit,i Yuîil isls-il kia'w, I tente-outjier hplan umi un'grnuiie-lill iirme-pls'n lui ii ywii hainio a retat. "thtt lisenoi-tag No N;V go b Si- tii. ttel îthe ' oo vwiVthcriea reu' ~ 1 mi- ulci lai'.( ty Loînax lit-s rttî-d. "ir' i-ptuilîutntiattrose tmp iLionr tiut( luuîe'rfttl tii bsriave Vhis ttgy ai cuuîureuîli tolieu'frace. Dut muiilistaut's s-t -t siuumls a coutrs(,,. NWitliut a Word ie c tuineîanti aakeï vaoin lthe liuuîtco. NuV fer, lowever. Witen anay fivo t1 six yards ft'osn Vhe sioi, ia soit stop cam ïteiuiig 111) bllsind humn, a sunali hand rept inta bie awn, aatîiut cet, qui-et. ag icuiceespoal lisnaine. 'Gu -iGty b' lie tut-net, upened lis armas alut teolîmseiously, aut tison leLtihem ap tV is side again, fat' itecy wcre in thc pub- ie stroot, whieli was no place for cames- "'aou Beata-ice b' hie exclainaed. 'Yen, Guy;, a n'ai-cai cohour <mufting uc-r hier faim an'eet face. 'I catit nu't ume ta you inthVie house, for Ct-anny )arnt as te re. But I mteppet ont at te site toar andJ availeil for you.' lie )lt outoaile af Itis sVro aug st*a nd Ien iemmare cipieby tVo lue dd. ,Let ns n'ahlk own att-oct, tnrling; 1 aL' stay, for gramay wiil miss me; ani attet's nill beail Lte norsc for it, Yotu Titis n'ast-mac,-Ant Guy, tougit hie iwartiy anatitematisedthLe oit woan, Dui onhy nski; 'Wity tacs aie oppose our love sa pe- rtent"u- ' Site put iup hem iem lands aud began soit rER1NSS i-80 pmR AINUM. -A~DVERTT8JEMENTS! l~ 4vetiemnt a4 us' . il ocpat A ~~~eite t Tie of ctu u lurt Inertion. td2çni e ie Speelad contracts - made Wlsh aulertîsçrt§ by tie yo,.r oroOrwe. drders t iscontIua advertisna nis it be Ili writinlg. ONTARIO B4wNK, W . 1F.BLY ê«ZIANWr, MÀAAGER. L flsatiue it i wmnsfae n ysn~ion 1 - Thehuss w0Idm&rY tt Y Leg . That thiongliotat tiunion Lier. 1 îpstat,' se mutteed.. '!Amd Ih shah bcadopted a uaaform rate f wo 'shut Ici' up 1" pence par liai!outnce. 3 "Great itenvene 1"' 8.Tint througieut te unien news. Guy etaggered bueck, sund nearly feU. paperpnted 'natter, patterns, t&c., 0f na udden le reenlet what Beatrice sal eP nvydatta1rt1eu pn iterecif lad sait ta hum. Gmanny Parka ny for every Lwo oz, had Lheateuedtot loek hem up, and munst 4. That te ail countries net hncluded in have tome sa i And in te ftrom andthte*oPostalUIniondonbie te abeve rates confusion, a! course, nobody lied-thougitt shah . brgd of Item5. The uniformt registration fee for ahi Hee boaket npwamte. Thte flaues were. Parte o iýte worlit shall b. twe pence. winting in spiral coils of rosy liglit about Tii. News hinIest >a8 seheutmenehbi.bl, Lhe oit t-alLers, and lickig greedily a t eu e te which England siseuld con- tutewalls. Evcu -as ho gazed,&a white sent if cther nations concur. face appeamet at an upper wmdýow. It was LIe face of Beetrice. Hie rsceg- Quorr .Fzr.-Tthe champion uoit- nizet ht, even iLte horror o! titet me-p layer, Macuureger, ef Glasgow, latey ex- menit, amnd utteriug a sIha rp- t-o!Pea, 'bitet hies 1-R. beforeê a large concourse tashet into te liose andti troug thLie o! Lia votareso!Li te gaute ou thse Dock scomciting lient ani- smotherig. emoke, Park. Macgragor cbailenged any, twe, up fIe whudiug steircase. playere o! Dumnfries tesa gae.of 81 tape An instant inter, lie stooitbefore eý door and Lwo "crack" queitEïra nauteul conan on te upper lading. IL ws leke; sd'Currie enteredth te arena with hm.- 'but, with ail the atrangtir-of teeperafion,4 The gama, after soute acd play-, resuitea li hoburst if i. lunfnvor of MaegreQsr, has oWpontv. A poor-tirembliytg figuara Lotterei into ing maode lOferhia 81. e ex his rms ofbisprome iWad-o, tlirow b"rn There was ne -liane for word&' He incites lu dianieter; and enPmfIWOlien; ceaght up a2bIýamket frout te b'B'c' and Ichez-'sbeground. 1-Th.e iat, whiekis fluug iL aronitia'Ier.. Te epgýueduprlee dasalifor'the dooi,'Tta7 byhim~<I ~ a id'MihreuubowdM A solid"weau o! i=ae seemea ttebar the of-the onbooker, iu 17 miUtnts .10à #m way. U V' eleapei t troug it, Ls ed te 0ued t4 ime,v , res VOL XVI . a a E s u t L UM a rS Z I r o m z i num . Ireally must go, he 6,bE. D'eg -l'l s er ýawgyeus laee 'a, do it, Yo. At this instanti a el n, veoe - Could d ltinctly bcL'e a rd cal B éa.;hthngone Ytrièé. The girl - looIked -friglÃieped,>- and, darted quikly in*t thehoué,andth tee-door wae lammeaa' loeé1çd. Itl' do elisve th6 o1d bag sa't' us,' mut- B1au t tered'G iy,ýas.he wilked away. "_ _ It was clear enough ta him no,-uwlat y i8 É Grazuy Darke itended to, do4 15heani toe4W"É* meant to Bellfleatrice teo ld Dorx fox somte of bais yeUôwi gold. fei !lie od soli But' harfi 'uthy ahall'iaeyer succee ûthi I.W 4-. iV te tbWart t . '"ýurp seth -H asv aycrh in earnestj fO4ht1 erg' tub, GrnnyDaro'efor, several $,-, - ý did plot care te cal down the olcl weoians m&Pmg# lresentmcnttapon'poar Beatrice. & omr. But at last hée grew anxiougiand n.- e'hsy. No Word came te biin'from the We etabanit the 4f1low otuse nzae ule,, girl lac ioved, and (ranxay Darke .might tien (meaning no ofne)tetbem er puali thinga to te extrema when hie was cf -the variona deating socsaeties, if iiotid nat by taeILinder, Thero was ne chçice great a tsi tapon their mmntal powéj anzd but ta go once again ta' hat buge in' undertnîýs taésgà ,ýh Park Street. a dings It waa-"azgHooi&ly tii Ho rng he bll';omehatnervousiy. ýthe other week, and the. judges' dcision No notice was takeon of the suxumons:tun- iha inl reserve until the question haa til ieoLad rang several successive pe abs. hnd more "apread." Thon shuffling feet came &long' the ball "Ef'r man plikits a waterrnillieon aeed- and a sharp, well-knownvoice aaid, ftom, next te bis fances; and tLis i. waer witlain: million seed spreuts up inte a waterm4l- 'Go away. You know yen are net ion vine; and that 're wateriuion v"n wanted liera. Go awa3, I tell you.' grows. and meataders through' tit 'ar E. He angrily sotght to puait the dior férncs inte anotier ms'à lot adjà ient open; but it was locked and bolted, and that 'ore Watermiluion vine-titat aprouted resistud al lbis efforts. ])esisting for an froutttwaternxillien seed snd men- Lsi instant, at a loas what ta do, a folded dereel thro' Liant'ar-sence inte Lisi 'ere cur- slip f paper fluttered ta Le -ground,' other man's lot adjacient;,tarin, consli, jgcoming from, soute upper window. dates and homoiogates inta a watermll- Snatdhing it up eagërly, hie rend tos. lion, the. question. feller citizen.s nd lad-- Ied lies penciled witlin;-ta : "To w ieit of tiese 're men- did S 'Granny is; furiaus. She knows every- iat ar Vatermuiongose itnogated tatling. Don't corne here any more ant and promuiatd blng'o hymt .ou proseut. IL only utakes maLtera worse& Who pinnted that 'ai waterm ii-onsed Lin fr us. But alwaya remember dear Guy, that meandered tliro' thnt 'ar -foe ute Vlitatuonman save you shail ever boldmte, tiais 'ere man's- lot adjaciaut. <and Liar livng l hs mi.'consolidateti inte a watermilion, or te. ru- Gruy kissed te paper an, whicit these the mana wio owned tus 'e lot adjaceient -for words werc written, and went away con. WwaWse prerulgated tii. watersn-w ý - tata. To nim, iL seeaed like a message lion tht se exerggitated, freu t tnt ar froun te skies, abtd bis anxiety was ail waterxnillion vine ihant meandercd Liird' Sgone. thia 'ere fonce, anà I se spreuted fbon iant Atnd now wc -visli ta give te reader 'ar wntermillion aeed thnt 'ara man titar MyVo understand that ail tus we-ha'te relat- plantsd 2" J Cd laappeuced in te gaatlly City -of Chica- go, anad turing te monti of September T h. Dues of the Stars. 6I A few more elays roUled on until the It is aaaerted we are profoundly ignor- otterrible eoightlî af October came round. ant cf te ôrin of Lha meteorie maLter [lt Titis was Sunday. Guy Lomax ha that faUs te thaeBartha fromtheslylua-u Tbé bon - )-n out with thousands o! other brave fact is, that teé oign of tii. meteorite, scl enatltcVt iltbort it acroites, tranolites, bolides, or star-dust, the' uin ie le aig Wlîeu flias teyare caliedIby varioe= writers, is Pctittiies siecnjed Va be uptolied, lie wemt now well kuawn. IL lia been demon- "es home to iiieep the clecp of exitaustion a' tratet, as forcibly as the f&et ofthe eart's ln. A l tirotugh LIter day ha' reited. TMien d urnal rotatin that tiey are- neither 1came tiat horibic Sunday nih, wîen tlrown out- from .humr voleana, nortie the fdaines litrst out.afresfl, and the> firo esta!wiridurvocnecio If- ei rc'4 u ore uJcakc u on te, earth's surfatce. Thay are genuine *tor'e- ver théiii emtCity met> saint; to- pantary pienamens corsing lu orbite mn eut of catît indi destruction. arounelte sun, iii drawaa therg-from by Lng Hiw flic flaines 'riltt up-itthe-, pur Lteeartli's attraction, when the motion lit 'ihonot! Flow the fica'y miessengemahaLteobtcassttat'cappro go. 5 edof toisaiuirecl titrougtLI te air, in te mear us thi the terrine attraction On tcctb ufthVIte rrt'ibleg l i tat was bI ite litte. panets overpowe ite saelr in,,! Iluw thec ae hu0Wdi fe - force thit Lad litlerto kept tiese minor ta uigecli.Ocfc fLtetixfn h -worlds ini orbite of their own. Furtiter: ti] leii.tfaof ed lyi n theiLis known millions o! thase boites - dea tl ! wlîi t e e v lsod fla i onvalve witbin the boundaries of te soiar 1V was a sceue tua horrible for pn o Iystom in elliptie orbite, jlut as the plan- dû-pict. Guriungn stanticonets, many eof tem ôrt depc.Gy fouglat likç, a formangu glarge bande of matterwehaes-n îlte cat-ihest hours ut the nigiat.nBut -arwbci pradon1 ils vai 1etorczan's feebe efforts. Te over a gret p art -of Lhe circuifrene of Sdevu~'ring utréartai'fflaine uaitcroaa'iug lue orbit. ToorbiLs of flics. banda in- and shiriekhng unwuîd, IL grsedily llMed erset taL of te sertit, andt oin- lbe UP the> palace o! tht> miliionaire and te smtmsp~e iogioeo i hýl ofî t' Vite ggar alike. Nothin g c ul hen soute of is constituent partcles are id witlstutd itru farfl p wer. dr wn toa te eartli by ler superior at- ýjn Gtt uen touglaf ofleatrice while figlt. traction an td give up their'separate w rd hu- withLi te reo ttror. At firat;itow- existence. The;.,fat'm sud extent and uic- ever, iV secout fat Park Street woi sition, te im'ý of revolution sud' te hr o alared. Butt eddtcnl.the whnt eift. rate of motion iu the orbit ina been cal- Cd ou aî littie n t htie fames tome straig i n cotd o e ea '!Lis rep a, bud titat direction, a'usiîing omward witîia we rçeally ktiow a mucli and mor' bu sîupecd Viuat tituet dItiiick with appt-e- thora thfan we do about Lie comets, sorgo. ulenishu. ofnumadcofson H !whiclh forut parts o! tiiese serolitié Alwslaouan cofso.n bands. IL ia eau often asserted tit Lssiiecitirutîgite crowdet streets as fat if these littie masses are really of inter. a s possibit;bit thLe fire-flendl wae befre plantary origin tey muet be fragmets Limn . W itn ho -re c ied' te liu e of o ue w oriitwitiha as bee n burit as- l> wltere Ganny Darke lived, s quivering under by an internai Convulsion. Net if tngueof iain wa alrady hooed 4M uyîs ter. ne ncesity for acepting. ifo r a s u g uer o f d m w s a l e d y s o iis . L lio ry , b u t w e h a v e go o d r e s s en s t e Fr auî istrnt ho stooui spei-bound. suppose hat'«eacty Le. reverse i. ha. T e it a va.m o 's lo my fi ngers e ltoUed trutl. fi'iiiticaly nt bis ami. . T ie uiverse of what we nM ycial coq- " li c li e h u c iot c r a tet v oic . = Ca l m tte r i s st l s e g r g a ti nig ; n eb u ' if 1t"lurn we c lua asss-ae lrnauagint woids a 1