Whitby Chronicle, 14 Mar 1872, p. 4

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aie are iullylsupplied. ----ma V, ofi. SI Ne NEW ARRIVALS. jA large. stoek of the very e CrorjsWines'& afin" lffal. end kinown ne vio ,îWhoolI" *W, ha$, aise okigaedorficIVoSte INruînls 0FI flic mamo f fielftles for mnasttriig te Do' OthOr Pli4,90lit (Jtais, W Ithout tio infor- maI.Pa*vo olven te Mr. ULIC>, '0on a pa.te8 ii Ciate> purciîale t tr Wheelis or1 no ottulr nhitticturer. Nfr. GI8faciities are t'anp, st4 nd w te] oot uet; lie .willI ,Liuild aeUWIîcl i !at %v! i 4prfacttt si,%ic- t I re h flts. We th'trore, cimnlloP, I Mirn ktu .. /nig mire 10 wil!i'ma'îufaetcî,a>1 WIeCOIu regpgo .4oqoci t,> unr Own. - (8t-ncJ~UZ7 Crockel Wu ao r~c rur1 et.) fcriîi4h WitrWo, uuitt'i-cthe > lcl4 to f ictdnîry ine- ttuy ire intcîîdcit> lr-Lvc u] , ,îîtu tr rf tl( riu,, ftîY.1c l ot tzsnCnyie wii-idV'Jj 1 liity yt>>'!t.rtitulJan.s th2r2j tac i heru aurtîi tf-t 1 ît'i ltt l u tt fillie nl i' iluiuî,!! un i CI<lia., t uit t lic lime witluont l s o huu ote iucy riy ru i0 M l/E 11 ont cliîtio, flot uPuln -io t't, Îh urilor 1V I.Y luit tho gy t rni;t- l inCt, w 1 :iijr to lit-jr miiici,, Jjjl'>îac0 iventltiill ui uuof ni f tiesm WJc lire flow limiiug roti, On(m e 10 oi, n i f comr %vwturii afi u r ilivili' pait-ies iviv) iîjt'> * ilCIo' l>i-it uuit 'ili tlin. Um%41% ov- - %à l'litel ,A, àruli .... .... , . . f.ta.a'.u. A.tttîît& Ct ....ti......u J, i l ijkel - .. .......,,, tnkîu %Vi. Mairtes .......... Bugr .1 ii: Ilicititict - --......iî' A, StirtueJi ît-umisi...t...... ........ t t t-. -,, ir nln. . - , . - - Nieuuao t't it .. ....... Ni it eInui l' ai .. .. .. .. . ... .. l'or - it Jo resuu.... ... ... . .. . ................ IlerRf o ...................... PaVm. A , IV iu r U..... ......... i M. Ju. fGrern,.. . ...... .. . iut. oi flîThomta itur-............. (ulpi. tt Gtil ......... . ....~.......... ut Iteatu & iou .... ...............tc tî u e i & t. t ro ..................... tOusllia IL ,,& G l """"........ ..t-rt ý,Iiup i.. rdo. i ottI & C, ........ 1, O l>itguuîuu. ... ......... uîius Av. .teiiri .., ILtat lii t ... .... .. ,....... .. tuu Ja. 1 Mursu-uu. . ...*', ......%4,,re4 .ttthin ittgulî,................. -ur uI ' JslY litîstut Mat-un,.. ...,.......... t .u.....Cîi ................Itu tej .......t & "C it ...........lu u r c i îi ln i amo ...r......, ,... 'ilierl>u k - lîtit, N IuII, ... 1 ... . ~ u tluuO c tA V l lan 1eiltA'........ ,, . uiu'u J U lxî t 'a t " .... ......... lVîti Ntiui-r. , . , , , iuu _tuoul- Johnltîi itftit)iufuu,.u ... ........., u- --t' Wlrim uiî ty. .. .. . - il~-i tu- s 'J'ltuu't, I i eiI tluu W i. tu. ..-" ".. . ".... jul- %it. Vol, J . .u .....0 O --t i î iil-t uluivlril uiO .....teut1. uit....- Ce) . ......u.u .... il utli -' *i. iVa' <teck C.1 liuit- ~ '. ...lujul . - Ttu nun, l, I' .........l~ ......i.>inî Tî.1r a Mli,, ý.. . ... ......'itîuput ............ .il Aît, lt 1Vuu il'tac.... ......... . .ht t u ..l u ,'11 liuA jtsi> , A l4tl. n...ti.............. - ci- t-i Im'" irl<ilîo . .. . . t.. O.3c i"t ' Iuti,> 'IV>jtlltt............ . . u-, a t-1 r , it ..r.. . L plV _ . .... .. '. . tluui Ali littSIt et WE Ait-îî >IAEUJ"liCe uî iO te ,not 'utt t.ît... ......O ueaîtg Ioltt or le Ams rIc ........g .(srwrn': 'aî.1- st%, pllllain G n r muud ;1 , >'ca. , TRfE, BEST BA~s 'AR1'. rI ~~-' - '.~~~ bJJ. ~ ~ grgai; oargains tdtb ldh>ej " >" wiIllrBli il Jyserî LbgersýTHAMLTN-& Co tahhnlg, boxstallsatlenlger )ysters .Lub8 MI, Sa0ines, T., - O SHA W A . sg. ' y r a r e a v r i e y . e in r c e ip t o frth e r a rriv a i O f W in te r 9 0 0 4 s a n d b e g t a n n o u n c e h a e S i c n es-U~ A r ea od their stock is na apIet in very departent. Wtb rs n r Dru G osin great variety. Clan T rtan, li n atn ioy,~C( ( ( > iris o,&u, ~ R.FACS Englfsh. Scotch and Canadian Teeds. NIAN C 3 00 È OODs sud Jaee Piensie reasn,n T E M IL L IE R Y D P A IRT !e N» T . will be f anind re te with Pl.* - - - - -. e m D un as S t., vvh tb y. a i" the latest attractions i n styles oe t à MantIea,& Cre& e.,-trimu 4 h. ings,'ibnFoarsMnls e-temJ 'A M . E S J . l vi R p ii yorb lter P'sya SOUS of ple M U ,Fi y 9Applientio>5 mcsttbe ,dOi ~J S Us o s ndid Purs - very c eap, E S j e r b y 7, tterw The Tailoring Dopartmêént, as hitherto, under the skilfUl mnýperintendancef e nlyrcieda ia e toeot-o Of l st ls cutter. Best and m s fshnable rits in the Damirîjon madeitle or11J. 'WOLPE7, IIIN Tx v iiï ~ a:i'lrtci S & NEW FRUIT.er aw D -d~ Street, alarge lt fnew goodS.suitable for the saon £ i V E R 0 t -B O S OES--sty1ishly imade and of the best quality, *t R ad - m de C ot in o t e h st u li y Prices. ed Mae ltigo h4 etqi-iy hitbyNov.28, 871.R. & A-SCTL at -very low prices, C I T / N v , , IW i t y o . 8 , 1 7 1 A y - 4 8 A n e x e l e n t , ,P t o c kz o f D y G o d . - v e l ly . &H E S thing in the Une. -~--~ OO C FI PHats and Caps, Gent lem en's "fU riishing ed liaS ua large stocki of 6O D goods Departmont oomplete. Ladies Unâderclothing. en' s Fille andi Ccai-se Boots & Shoes' A N D Fa ly r ce es'ri, T UNDERIGNED DESE8 o compylete, îNw'rjýha agithis friends -mad patron, b &o., for Christmnas and New Year's. WHInrsmTBnsLIERs y 81o i ATliU leUTiii Wbitby, December Sth, 1871. JAMES J. MURPHY. r , T9,BY LrVaeRY tA or e P 1 C O T49 quuiity of tIîstud,,iand s'added~~ anicolufortable. JndiLl Rubbers, -Oa.* f uli A rona Ye, orsntamet s 'rhe undersigned desirps to inform his GBEAT CJLEARING SALE te 2SOERT... Mue. a tan ci t N ol Sfnd inerons cûstorners that with the rooMy facilities afforded him AdlaisT:-rmt tedaca A 'l tadlaode. Pr 1p WILLIAM BýURNS,- in the new preinises inta which lie bas rernoved, lie is enabled .Ry Bot&So trBok tet hto kepS n andalarge stock of cloths of.every kind, well M ~i J4N& C..Whitby, April 8,1868. Ilo &Sio toe Bak tee,~Vîtb eèected by hirnself, and of the best quality. TEEJIL LTR A MANIJAC17RED ÀT TR 11E Gentlemîen's Garmiènts made to order, 0FEWTfj)yj'PI, 'E~C)> MILW 1:: L M: - -uand a perfect fit guaranteed. fufloRbs RiwyRus YTUT-usz ] Agrieultural Works. Bufao obsFalwa RasBJTE 'iO LL FL1;GnieenS S ,*itlag goous, inludingWhite. and Grey Cinadian BlanketsNITROUS n AC LEFELr CEEBRTED Shirts, Tics, Braces, newest styles of Collars, &c., ets le-ngc., Cnnadieni Tweeds O E E ~AMflnucA>t-. PERGUSONand Flancels, Cotton Yern and RBage,LOAA SHTI Fuar Caps, iu S S. Seal, flair Seal, Plucked ~tsTEOc~~ IEE UE(Premises Iately oeenpied by M - Gerrie, as a Drug Store.)DETLROS Whitby Nov. 29, 1871. f4 the aboya uines. ?DUNDAS STREI T. H. lcbLLAN & Co. W ITUY, C. W» * R O O M S . ..O v ,, lh i . H . C a h r a n e s S t r e McMillan's Block, Brock St. Whity June 28, 1867. CÂR IÂ ES C TTE ISSPRING STOCF 0F the use ci8~E lieea 6 peaSto M.O N V '. B OTS & HOES. hpltk CA URIAGES & BUGGIES! Iatest style and best DT H E w, i N g rqt Ty oj 'a ruManufactur e llvii Arç, iThtelAI C oOatol M T H WLL N 1-1 pool ondriu,, Atcellrrhoe. legs, to announce to ls cu tom s and the p)ublic that le las ?loua cfVece t ho oî t. anisg' - j ~~î Splendidly FnseàCtes pened business on the prernises hately cu db 'eeAtco/i Interrp Mr. Baîdell, on Brock Street, and that he is now b9dtv,~~ fr Su t rpli:yW'îuJ0i~ O0w t-:ieui'»titrii, F V RY'S P Rn W Red in reeeipt of a splendid Stock, of the pne oeie iL ttu ertti 11 <u:r lupiîtu oo- A I Sold by APcth.ecaricm. Ulvn iaonlcanbasnfuic Weils o wbih ap irii, n >11u-r ni:1uue niheuouBUGG ES & SLEJGHS. REPAIRS AS UUA R &I(GI-I'IT.jE" 1IL p be__ gîî. PitU , 01.50' Pircfer$1-50 -Nix f iiitiur lt' )cuuuiîiii -10.tijun j w HiTBn ov 22nd, 1870. A nd F LL 4 , l 1, lîî [tit- i uitrile u rt itc oifrm to un )n d of the best style of Boots and Shoes. A t 1.P L W ,Oax , tai , ý,ade'i'1gSt. JohnN t TA-s.,PoT E &'C,- t A lso bn aud a large stock of H OM E- 3AD E Boots and Shoe sJ H A * É t Pei -S .,Pot eryOn.whieh caun passed for quaiity and price. - Ï 1517.Ail orders ctually attended to.- Repairs neatly çione. LCNE tIiOt~R k>ADR Busines ls'o carried on as-usual at the old stand, near the ONAR O 'ORKTDPl IL JJ L L U L ~~ Royal hotel. 'O T R O O u E L ýVibMay 10, 1871. MPostP E CIOI1N. iR5î e-C~1i i ei AWARD EDrF RS P IZ o rmenb Wtrns.Temtbybe SALES atteudedai, the suertest notie, io taPrvinilExhibition, hldat Trno - CI____«0TE OU STAD >0 in t h e F a it -A N D 9E 3 EE B N T Ca~ nt~ IL POIGE I GRKAe am C We offer to nour cso esfrtu oun ave, odsic ( lu a rj>j eundersio'n Ladies', Gents', and Chilc1 Ovrshocs hîed IwarnfI Slipprs, &e, &C. ZýCIl epairiîîg ueatly d CalI ut tht- Io LtCI "T HCBROYAT OAK" -t i -it , ttt1ti'.ltutu, i l, i'ru tt- t 'ihît--, N-uv. i t, i 171. MÀuuzîu tieult,iij"'î.nY '72. 1t Iuttt>y (lt-il I lîl l >>, s *i.11, c-] 1-C.~ ~~~~~(jjI Ilc'iioD iiul-iiJn t'>' 100 Jiut inttîi uI. i N Iri .ll'c>' fo, 1tik P-uurte flî (,f ltuo lt-r i o r'ta t > u l . " n l - > - u i îo rfi , O llOrul r s-tillîu i- ,-r il. lICt I o in lu I elI c lr 1- ly o nlnlt Mooiltu.C e r','ytua > et lu ad r il gon x, - _-- --nr. i".N.t eui ,îîîoe anuf 5elt.qs ii» ireu a Sur M t, aI ble 111 on. . m t .tt i ati n ry ut UIiid4, , liJIJ't i' bS=ll îiu and Jointe rs. dL'aelîl.ntitrc'l ta, Aiso tgii î$îc.PulirlrIiulîcua5"- ý $utijl ttll l 'ruttîu d ttCO sL'a. eiid r tisrt'Eniiue Oumrmior,.Caunty cf Ctttrio,tS .EEnGix ein Hages %rih d lt- itligBo e$.TO'WIT ur: . u1. tiat t &Lue ourt 0' PIG 0PALL KIiD (S Geretil(1,1Delivery, wil b oie,1, u 8 fi-r toCîut-ot î-r thecI C'odrt fil-uan, UADE IN JJRAS OU04s DIO(N. ntt Tia it>t-y, Ut1j m iew ltuoiriry nor ary kmnî oîitds» roMll' of wii.byt, 187 - ~ ~ ý -sr * t- J L -if-Mof Î tI't,"it- C.o PC, t-dut ' illi W tof ail kinds. Drees Goods>Hsiry Milinery and Mantiès; - Tweed, Wîncey;' Tweeds, Flaunls,'Scarfs, Blanketsy,'Fuis, nu~ba.eaî~îi Park 11111. ' - - ' . - ~. - - ~OWN ~ P&1TE~~ON - - me splendid specimens ~ ~ioture Frames, and Gilding ~ 4i Whitty, Jn.iy 2ith, 1871. tj.2 Whltby, June 14, 1871 - , - ---'*--'-. Stand. I desci'ipîlveRemember ~ ~. - - 41 -"" - - ~~yIIoe ~ - t- r' o ~trlRfttIer8uI~y~ - and tni- ite- dore, tor 14 br - , I W5itby, DeSmber 6. isi 1 GIBSONý ý-yq %iq6o 9 7. . 1 ni

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