Whitby Chronicle, 14 Mar 1872, p. 3

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I E , ris.j IJ e TOR A GOOD SEOKE E STE «M Y R TLE NAVY. SEE T & B ON EAUMHPILIUG. PieoLow that AR1 canuset 'CAUTION: The, 1rmod 9'IVrtle Navy' le rogltere!, sud! any lufrlngeraent on it will be progeeuted. TFe nam eTuckett & Thlltga e nt saab Caddy,and T. & B. ounascii plg. Hlamilton, Marab 4th, 1872. lofsm 1,WAR. »ECLAIEID 9 <IIE'IBIG GUN -COMINGO T ie Irdep.11<ilent Order of (loi>'!'remplar., of Whlthy, ïh ave eccureil the servIces of SAMUEL OAPIÈ.R. T:ie Ge i iîglish iTeis ierucaOrat.)r, to doiliver a Lecturu lu the M el aîl i!, on Wednesday, Maroh 139 1872, -'Tlîey hava P*.o clcided iloi lîaviii« a MO1111E lu connoctioîî with tme leuture, aiud ln ordcr te bav it f ull bouse au that occa5ion, have dechd- ed ho moaethe adîuisilon ft)c totes andlecture ouly 25 colie. Tes froin &.80 tb 7.30 O'Claec.é Leture tu coîmf nec at 8 o'clock * J. J. IIAJIPER, Wliltby, Fol). 2s, 1872, Secr'y snd Treaa'r. siLRK1 A Ir W A Neow Yor i Offc, 27 flEEXTLAN ST. $50 REWARD L. A lui goe m iili ild-*200410, $5, #2x cand- Iiii îhil hig.80 rewacdwt hcihfur thia oret t lu>, o thie lseur, w1în le a pour worklug mcii. 11l i iliey ai < ose h Ive heen 1o>t:hitytuil tflcTowil ciiiMr. Wllte'tt, thIc> Ila attitactiliu-u. Lot 29i, lii'! cu. Whiithiy. o'r te T'l'IiAS DIEVFUhLL, Or h licolha cfii,, iceTcw-it of Wlilfhy. '>CANADIAN COMET'." iFORt SALL, tfitit t-îlcndild ïoir-N-ciir old hiiîb, lv Cîîîe," oif'n uont hy imîpou-hei iiiBoy Wilace" g.il. iy itiaîorteîl 'I)iîrock,"l theia colhratoe>! kiigîisi Coe 1eli hrse g«. g. g '> .*t'ainlî l aegr"Afli-elol ou-sa ia everuy way .v-i-ry,-getifle undail m ure foall- gitter. 'rienitc>. AI.îly Io0thIi lîr.tor, fili<. 11If l{NGBIOTTOM, 10 tf lîiun .O jr4 » SAL;r, COAL, &, Tihe, i riîiIbegm ho tnotify >fiinerৠsud otliers tIîit hhue ou u>'O ! a rge qînivof Liîsitiilî,ini k, w titleli bctho ol'! cheap, lii'ii i i iîîiiete soit îinrolheecre, alec bar- roI Saiit, llcter siii' Water Linie, Bltickeîiiîtli dutl Iouse Coal oîîsgtitly itîhaud. (lits or ac0rap iroi tikeiliniieLîaî.fîîre ics - 40lN~- BLO>W. Whytliy, Fubritury 20, 1872. 41u-8 TFESDAY, Marci l2th, 1872. GRlEA' LC1IEIYIIT SAàE M R. SAMYUEL WALKEY,4 Su sali by i'îilib Aicicioii t hic Ftiîtory,Dun- dli it. tet, W lîitl.-y, ou1 TUESDAOY, MAROII 12,11872, 11h. ePiilcnd l aatîa-ýiiiih cf Cumttter,Buggies, - & e, is licliomeK, v iz . 2 l<cicv 1'iirtIaiad Citfera; 1 F'aice),Moririîac Cutter 1 i Feîîy BrauîtflbrulCiter 3 Blillizi senat ilegliic; I oceto llcgli1; i t'uarc Boxc Cuiter ;1 Néew TarIe Juil-or; I Seconid lînllurIudCiitdr; C', secoid-lictud iCuttei-e: - -i'eior*- 2 t'îiiicv» Buugies, miflu ellfine topa i fauviîe fi uýÎgv .:2fafoicy Troy tiugzgit.s 1 ,îîpboax i iteA 2< w . ufiLiropi' iîîfu rr il tlice îhiî,t Buzgy ;Iraiitug tum Iît g> , i linu-$,1> X Buggy ; IcitaI box uugy ;i qrctjt) iîtiuucry ;1.lomcil i Bnggy gl twovu st- Ktscond Iliii'. I Destîîcvrîîe; X oiuimlmtI iimçu. aei;l-lîmil2acei' Ail the a'vu X<eW Wiîrk !A umade ofi ioiucrt lu tic loti-a t ey1l.uw i4iètsîaerial amii e-u- riîîîuusiîip, ujilmtllhuc ol'! mitocuf iii i-eeu-m-c, i., ituu'kero-l for SflriîuuIiulitur(yt-o. fSile.to 0aen1UCU î 0co't leluick, a.1i. Lcîîclu et noo l. -- - TERII OF SALE.- Eilit miîilis cW'it wlUbhoe'iruaby î.irç1em urislîig tpprore'! e)0 Note.. e Whiitby, Feb. 28, 1870..9 BROO0K0IX 1N IllU 8SE. 0 R o OK 1, 1 R. £. 2'OMLLVSON, - Propu-ktor. f 1 bava limasaed lm bcve name'! batel, und! am tu-Onra'! tuftiriulh.. e-iy comfort sa'! con- va ellu 1ta al wlîo m4y fetvor me Wifhî a caIl. rlaaBar.lsnpla fluttea-icef Wlnei% LiquorsuM"'! lguir.Gup>d Stables aud! goocZ hhds, ^d tihtuie us' o gueste. - ~raakU Pcb,88, 171. - -i1> tflJN FUR SALE!1 ÂP*eekarBreech-lo du otible-barroee' Thi béetan'! loweef prhcedd1 un lu the warld. BarraIs s§elf-Icoking. Central Su.., matallae carcridge, wh!ehî eu bc reloeded sud usad any nomber 0ft hmes deshred. WIIl b. sahd alasp. Appiy nt the CIIEONICL-E OFFICE. p OUT WIIJTBY & .P#EL .PERy RAILW&y,* A train will, uîîtil furhlîer noticGe? leave Port Parry sttionuevary lawîcIluorîxînLr ah 7:'.0 o'lcck, an'! Wliby ah 1.00 P. ru., stoppiug eht Whitby, Jan. SCIa, 1872. 2 MES. GEf)iIUE ýWALLACE le prepara'! ta raceive h few boardare. - ecidarca aset of C. Draper'of Emqr. tVIlîitY, Feb. 7, 1872. L IST 0F TuIE DIVISION COURTS COUfýTY 0F ONTARIO$ FÃ"R THE YEAR 1872. No. . ~ I I i I 2- 1 2 No,3 Il1 24 24 1 No. 4.J 12 14 2,5 2.5 17 140.5.j 13 1i5 26 26 18 No. f;.... 14 16 27 28 19 No. 7....J s18281 2v, 20 Z. BURNIlAbi, JUnO£. Wlilhfy, Fet), lati, 1872.7 MILILANIJ UAJLWAY 0F CANADA. TIMIE TABLE. Ou idi'aferMlondiy, Novemberl131h, traie wilI run ufollowse- ouO INGOiTI-MAIL. Port Ilopa, depart .............. 9.15, a. un. Linijdàay, 4aret............... 12.05, a.ni 1 66 clý art ............. 12.15, a. tu. Peavortou, larriVa .............. 1.4b. p. in. l'2 rt 1 ope, d épar.......3.00, P. M. iuîdejay, riv....... ...6. 0, p. iu. RAINS Oe ocuea-OlîTI-XL&IL. Beaerton, dcpart ........2.45, P. nM. Llndecy, arrive........ ...4.13, P. in. 6& dopai-t............... 425, p. tý P~ortf lIce, arriveo............. 7.15, p. nm. iXEO. Liîîulsa, dopart ............. 9.25, 0.l. P'ort hope, arrive ...... 5 >. mn.P IL G. TAYLOR, 7 ~Supt. cf Trafins. Pe5n yropn,,I'Ocr "Prua Brk t'Iowa lu fthe glas.. A 82-s, Pamphlet~a frua. J. P. Dig î1 Po th,8 Dyf liew Yark. SldI ragb'yD~ i s T1RtA Y 8IfEE 1'.- (e luto tpSe O ffleuen doersigna'!, lot 5 cosf ea chsaa,> or about the lit af Caoir lait; Tw-o WY&,,Ti. owner a pave flu sacp. by oVi1ugPri!>erty and! psy- iug axpenees. JJOSEPHI CASADY. Roach, Fai. 24i,1872. *9-81m MAEf"MAGE LICENSES i T HI ()-M AF; -ÃŽ U S T O N - 185135Kop IIARRIAGE LICENisErS IW» Of&caa-Tû%wn Hl.L EeeieceByran- Street, tLina daons nortfc ôw a Janl. 17e 187Q.-8 Ptmg J. %0 ý se L J u&.Ihmf GEI RI B'S BLOCK9 BROOK &T.REET,'WH'TB Y, Where ,vi1l beL fonnd Sheet Musie, QPd Msio-books lof éll kiýnds Musical Iustruments of'esrery descript!bn,,incduding Violin Strings and Bows of the bestr quality; Statioý- nery, Sehool Bookp, &c., Beautiful Musical and Literary Works, Suita>ble. for Presents, consta»tly -on hand. A 011010E AND VARlEI) ASSORTM.tNT, gff' Magazines, Pei-iodicals, and Papers dupplied, Ail Orders for Music aud, Books carefally filled. PROF. JOHN POST'8 CATALOeUE Or MUSIC. sgiZO5TSUMAL. Sweet Blrdly, eing, Duhoînsu Galp ~ Lava an'! Lave Forover, FIying DthntGlp 4 Corne wbile the MorniîLg Bliies, Miduliglîf, ,Galop 30 -ris S weet te ho e îrfcïmlhorod , Little Sancy Kate, Galop 4 nzl vrBizi n ar Tii. LcminGalop '30 %Wlîoîî Dcisy eft Us, Thraont rtetp> Marc ro Ifdoug.hti Deede îîay Lady leame, Grn tlbAlaxîis, witb portrait, Mîrch rio a. <y Ae Baffle of Praguîe Sonate 7.1, na dc 11axa cee, Mrd 3 Good Biye. 'l'iza Janie, 'Ple P.M%.A. Mardli, cifli Cornet, aIt ib. 50 LI wil aliirr îî wnLoe À Ray cf Suushiîîe, 50 lHappyChLit; aooe, Pageingrioughei, 50 H'p lie a QiiCa u, Wood!end, Waltz 85 1il>daCr Oxan Wîltz. (Mioart.) Waltz 40 0> fuir h>ove 1 0 fond iiuçt, Frou cf ii. rage w5î 30 Goed Evenîng, Grobeu11Dukhe Alaxîs, waltz 80 t %otch Songe-a raîre collection ounlîcli'! Ballade vithouf Word&, (12 excel. Attîofrue Bic S scl-Wgortheeltoî. lent eaohing plecas,> asci Aî'ofla< Snego otîlîîg IdIa 110cr, Mazourka BCr>mninMsCA ouS The Caprice Wlz 3 Mendaleehon Sang vithout Words Bertiîîi'â Pilano 0 Idefî', eomîpîio, Tiaec masterly productions coni bc" if'îlet liail, besu tifuly houa'! lu clothi, lmîtî' in ehd ope $4, or 8separfitely !lu shîet formn, îilgd 20o aînd Suc. l-icliudmoî's !Piano Meflîi, lnhe musical Family, beautiful Masolo & lleely's. places for maluIînds,au'! casy.J.A ezgSlo frm Pao Ogi Beautlas aftba Danee, collectionî of oJ. A. Geiz' Soclfrf-elîroO-a Polkas, Welîzos. &c. o eoîe Tie Moeu le oct To niglit, LON-0, Guesa Wiiol Kinan d I, 3 75 4 O0 'rip toîp Glee Book, excellenü!t foi. Fitîv. aIe or Siîiging Sceîotlîe), 1 1 Wiin et'n Vioiî.Tutcr, 7.5 Witliîor's Instruîctionî B'cLs for <i i t: r, Concertina,and chIer mnlliirfi clime,, 50 TVie ahîcveo Seks are thie biet leilfDr teaclîig pîrîoet-s Sheet Music arrar>ged and Bound a s desired. -Qrêcî-s wilI bc promply attended tu. Teachers eau be supplied witlî mutsic ut the usii docount. Please send your orders to JOHN POST, Dealer in Mýusic, Statio- nery, Sehool Books and Fancy Goods, Whitby, Ont. Muîsic sent frec to any address upon receîpt of price. W~ Sheet Music cannot be exchittigod. Florence Sewing Machine. Cail anid see die 10-tf1 's, ONG 11i1ilry anîd not tietaiii mcii lotiL. To ilîce mlin m-i> 1 cIL- r lu-ca, Au'!Ille 1 tllifIîkbut foit miii h'e.t. If lire' tils euir ou falloir uic. l'Il teli YOII ueth(le trcîîî wilI b., 1 chah oc9.1t sk of von ho take 0f tlîat m-i ici, wil. ilîtoxiefe. 0), cpiri1gts tlîa il cre destrcy. Tiiet nover bringKe melaug .g 'y' Tii. rl'ltest homes l'îy desolîtte, Bringed. reat eues Illie iliirkAcf fate. I 1 Ilah on f ive youîî c1inig wec', Tlîat wîilcb 1 kucir yooîdo nolil-, Tût acco tuai diecolore icuf i, To chewere glu-a cffuîîio lî reaili. Nom 0ofr you iliat icklisli sfiiff Wlilch glorles iluthue inauîictfcoun,. Nor le it oerva.'!cetroyIliz te Tiiet I ebalofl'er ulu leee. linto fiheuim li1i fill cccli rnccsire Witha ethiing îlîî'IlIglu-e yoîa pleuseure. To yen atid'! rieîî'!e file groalce;t t u-cuî Wc.nld ho a dozen Carie-die visite-, If vitha this viair you ci11eme Cili 1 yull witiî plenaura treat yoî aili. go tie a'!vîca 1 freely give : Ere uaany '!ays you lonîger lire Gimi Me a Cmli, your piftires goet, The b3st an'! lciaipeet adore'! yet, An'! tiiesadireetions beunau- u rîu', If ya loy gallary iih, o fiid, 'Tîs cp oe liglit o'a eoriig'tvre, Anu'!cahof Glllett'os juet a door. JAS.,E. HOITT, Artist, 08>slia, Marcb mnd, 18>2. FISH JaL9pe JAMUGWE Bloaters, Cree-n Cod Fish, Fro sh Cod Fish, Spiced Salmon... GO For go'od ýand cheap 7suits,- as the-y ai!e seli- -ing'loff the balance of their Stock t, make room for. NEWSPRING GOS Which tbey are now receiving Daily. BAIIGAINS 31.tY>BEEXÃŽ.TD Fcbruary l2th, 187-2. -AT IPRI NQLE'S-, McMillan's Block, Broèk St., Wbitby. 71y GOLBSMITH'S 1HL Reliable Wtatcheýs ai-id lo'cks, Geriuine (?olored & Brîight Gold Jevl11Iery, Slterling SiIver Wîatch- tuards, L-lect'o-laý,ted Goods of the Best Qqia Iity, 1)ESKS, W-ORK-BOXEjS, VÂKES AND FANCY GOODS IN GREATVRET' Ilaviig, 1 trust, establisýhed a name for roliablo Goods, I.arn determiued to earn a reputation for ýselling chcap. Buyingy and selling for cash only, enabling me tO' do so. JAMES JOHUNSTON, Practicàl Watch, and Clock Maker. irockz-st- WhitIV, Jitu. 17, 1S72.3 Fo wo wecks' longer, CASH- STORE. CHEAP Wc ivili stili continue our Cheap Sale. CIOT TO NS, We, have piles of Old L INE.NS, AND [IE4VY STAPLES, WHICH WE ARE SE[JLING AT TUE OLD PuICES, N otwidistanding the great advan-ce ini [he Nlarket, oi>~ Nowv is thetime foir Bargailis. JOHN SKINNER, SJGN IA1U[OI OOT. BOOT AND SHOEý TÏE9 WALLA&ES BLOOX, WITBY- R. 13. B- REELER- lias Muéh pleasure Ii acqnainting the inhabitante of Whitb surroundinlg eounta-y'that ha bas opened onlt a jargeansu tpenior Stock of BO(' Shacsit f evaryi description, whieh yl hsda ml!t Mautreal pricas. Paréties rai Gooda là ls lina yuil do wvaL-ta examine lisStock ureviona te nua.ahamlne e li. lis Isu-gé axparinansd thé favarabli 'Br ok T ro ut, hil very4ý,yfriiBi gle ah W ter e'rrag's Freh oy>te M.LEELER also ranufact -ptzg w:ork, W order, on 'rasonabJq &c&C , 0&Si9u cf thôc Xamth:1 WMtby, Fob si ~,1872. a~ hty Tn 2d 82 al terme on whkch he la anabled to pureha 'tures ail kitids of stitchxed, sewe4 and fle terins. Repairs dune on short notice. ~and îuiiug e give Boot, B rook1 St. , lyI HORSE MEDICINRES e thrii Ail descripti one of tlue hastHorse mediclues of thighs mpru. rm il fqý ke ph constantly-on baud, and for salee t the nfothbavlug tbbq iiqnolbientea W itby, .Livery Stable . c ld satL0no su . rno l NO- lagefr be eafedette, but the moiuueij No argefwavia.' A~ hafs t i&s eapaaled *and !wili 'o uat cta un-~ Whithy, Nov, lat, 1871. 44 atr eesr erdc tt iudauei bcurngahger temperature byficution. th. VALIJABLE jO0rnaI expatudsntiteoisiu d :b.!eole naposi esa uâe ailtLut wilu abS OU a S I E old sbaftvithoutthus raault, o mn PRO ERT F U m gloiwisae r. J.G.StOCki rpJE sbsc'beoffére for sale Lb, îollowing t1e5applia'!. 1i is 1.now use'! in aver tva T..Lvauble oproprty, in the Town of Whif-ý huuidrod establishmeents. sud isgziviug:îelbest by, viz :-An excellent Brick C8Cotag Wifb p< tttiëfiahiOn, and'! ai ote ins îg teY quarter of su acre of land' . ituate'! on the cor- orefar ifta reflaîed kfporin or pure Olive. ILla uer of Green and St. Peter. Streats, lu thie frai <ram the. objeatioofi urge'! ugaluet aie South Ward. other 011e, s;tlaerot guin or freeZe. No*~ lu o Aiealf au acre of handiWeal fence'!, en& aithe Public are -avare thaht uaiy vorLhheffl ia bigh stahe of cultivation. on the corner cf thîngs are puS'.'! luto uofariahy, lu arder ta Wellington aund Giffordl Streaha, North Ward, proveolt htis ie no buuîbug, and fa sacura A quarter or an acre on1 centre street, soufli oureelves against the opérations ofai nucrupu- of the resîdenca- of 0. Droper, Eaq., lunflic houa oit a ente, (msuy cforwhom il! uaLDotbesi- Sache -Ward, tata ta Paai fftlie ueu loff'al of 011 refinaries asi baing idanhical with- Stock',s extra machine Alec, Twenty Acres of good land, tiaing 011,> va prepooi, e. tot-e vho are interestad- campomed of part of lot 18, lu the- lOth coî'ccs- in the ru.to f those eeen te aend ta alan of the Townalip cf Murray, Caluhy Of them, ou appltcatiou, hay mail -or ehuerwise, Northumnberland. facafbrg iîan wy i e!îîi t lîeo, igr A elear an'! (udiAputâble title viii o hoibîf1huya ezk 1cr i-î.And wrill alsn givea te all he aboveiproiarty. For further seril vitb if a few simple test,. air effeactive as partienlars apply hO the owuer., 1tho1e hasts by wlililî mld e kîowiî trom the FRANCIS CLA R baser mataIs, suîd wlîiob will ettable parties or- W h ltby , J ny 19, le . d arn usr o isac r a Lh eianeelve e a gaînast m po i- , ---------- 9 -tf thon, by eîîabine -tlicm ho dctarincn at ouae .___ vietier flic 011 fcrwarîled le as goodsa CO'MMERCIAL L4OTEL, aeuipla. Ali partie. deliug lun machine- 011e yl do OSHAW A. vWel tuc cmmuicate witlî JIi.ES BACK, - Pîoa.aîrroo. - GEO. B. STOCK, Blroughami, Ont.. Sole Agent for the Domrinion -O- ~~Broughiamt, ?lurch1518. donvaîîiaîtly fitta'! up roomîs for- dominer ciel traelare. Billiarde atticee'. TEsTIî IAL April 8, 1870. T4'1î E J S T 1 LM N ' ie A L . DMNSRTRNOTIGE. ~(ciw,~rl4, 167(. All.perpocue ludebte'!te ho -,o ft heeb o talgyo f flic iiigoit or-Wii-bas late Eiiau nWatson. are requesfed to mîairebeuuigycLbcaîi 1foflcpt irmmediate settle un.A' i aen îv four menthîec' an'! ii gav wifîou -t lîeteilation m e n t A n d a l i p e r s t i x a v f I ea i i f i l e e b e t i l w c h a v e e v e r u e e d . I f l e ingt clwe în s mthbce tdprtitre ad-et.alec cheap, anîd haste longer flîcu fny ofler ail. e'! tme ntlîu otî nariîe o '-We have rois l r -large 14 féefiroîî plainer, juten.7 -dayà; wit onue coiiig. It lo tshle fOaLa hMAlZGARET WATSON, eleîîa undlîright. W(i d(;. t wc!'1, ia iyhjiiug- K. F. LOCKIIART, hoUe seelubricior. IT. G<. -REYXNOLDSi., Admuiiiefratoc: . Duici] àt W Limbjy, fle2tîdeay Sept. '71. 40 D. IIOLLI1)A.Y. BR0O~IN, ONT. ISOL01ATICD 1111 FI E INSUlIANCE dO. Aimeo Aient and A ppraiser for Canada l'er- nianent Building and Siiviîîg Society, for loai of money ah low rates of inher est. Whitby, August 7thi, 1871. 1ly'32 R 1 CIlA -IR D ..SN -0 W - Bcgs to luforu, nie f'rierds and the publie, fithatie bai ra-taken ie aild praînlîes, litely oeunpie'! by Mr, Amnal, wvere hle i ow prepare'! to l<ipply evcrythiîug ln the AND ({INFIgTIONERY UNE.1 Jumt receiked, seireral cases of PEAcJ*PSItti TOMATUES9, very superlor. 011010E ArPLES& PEARS, FRItS.1 OSES FRUIT 0F ÂLL K 1N D 8 Kept conshautly on biaud, iu season. ORANGES, LEMONS, SARDINES, LOBSTER8l, -RAISINS ýPICUNE8, CliEEýSE, TUBACCO. N. B.-Oyittere cm an bad by thîe plate, cooked or raw. .Brèad delivered daiiy ho cuxtoinere. and! all otlier proviseone aud, goode delivere'! as n'ay lia orderad. Choica Brande of Cigare. .R. SNOW. Wnitby, Sept. Is, 1871. 37 T flE ISOLATED 1118K FIE INSITRANCE (JCO" Y 0F CANADA. IlBA D OF FI 0F-KiugStreet, corner of Churchi, Toronto.- 4' CAPITAL, -$ 500,000 Dapositod witlî (loverumant, $ 50,000 WAi, LA.W, Aqz.%mr. McMillan's Block, Brook St., Whitby. BOOT &>SIOE STORE. -- Viue undersigua'! liasa semoved is BOOT AMD SHEOE STORIE te the paxssad*oiitgfie Western Bote!, Dun tWiitby, iiere ha i. 0u' prapare'! ta exeautea ml orders for Wark. A large an'! select stock an bond'. llepmiring donc aig usuimi. JOSEPH A.- BANDELL. %XhVitby Ma 8, 1871. 19 WIITBY PIANO FMTRY JQ 8E P H-RA1N EýR. P ROPRIETOR'. TIi. subseribar;- -in.ratuirnlag hi& sic- cera thanks ta the znany- <riend!, su' uetamers aofixa Wiitby PIANO MANIJFAETURY, hege tea ittothaf bc: aw carnies on thaebilai. neis sally ti-U bii MAown eceount; sud lunso- hicitiuag future ordeasý-he egs tazuea taio that ualhîing viii ha Iaftundouiaon bis part- ta 'gite satisfaction, il u mpplyfag QIT A L T Y S T YLE,.-b - FINISH.-F, The celebrated nwcatpient. and cross-sale 0 pattern of bis -amu invention nmanufmeiurad P as ixaratofuore. wf ~'All or'!ersexocu itta proeatltude snd disp ataix, J~P .J4NR F. W. (-».IN,lrsdeh F ARM FOI. ALE. Themo oth-hial f rLot No. tr uhCor. cf T0,W NS8RI1P oF>'PICKERiNGr, oîtnng10f) Ac.'e,, 85 eleiro'!. Thora are oan the tarin - godl one' house. trame barn, îînîl flabe, an'îl a ond iirehurd ;Ueanau' liaif Miilesu frÃ"m Fmeiicl!niaum' Bi.y station. G.T. R.. and! 9 ni ilies frin Wbtby. T'erme esy. Apply<(ifhby lethuer pro-peul) t'O- THUMtAS I'UnWIS. oniithie 1'rerniee, 4Ducharton RP. Jaîîary Inîl 187. -4-ff GEORGE GUPLLEY,* C.oirnER A ND 'DRAPER, OSHAWA,. GIENTLESIEN'S GARMENT.S made up ieà tus beat styI le ii lâtest faebion. A fine etoak of Clctlis froun muista make a hsectioîî for kGentleme a Una mer suit.,' Osbawa, May 12,1869. 19 ÂUOT1ON BUSI NESS Tbcg ho rehnrn tlîaks for the libeal patron J. ge iîerehofcre bOtove'! upou'me, su'!tosu- nounce thaf I au preparo'to conduet sales, TOWN OR COTJ NTY, AT PEASUJNABLÈ RATES. IW' Arrasagcmnaanhefor salsîccan hé made aithor ah hîflic sîNcc.z Offce, or aL my owa Office, Broak Street, Wiitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr.., Wiiithy July a. lits pxwu Fo*FedSTORE. HEFNRY- SIIEPPARD* 1)esiree to inform the inhei8iiats of Whithy au-d VieifiTty luet hh ienuîeeed ta fl obsiesr BROOK- STREET, WHITBY- Wbere.ha eejicpacuseaaily-on band!, Flour, Oatnsaal, Cornnaa, Bran, oaia .Short. Grftbttm Flour, &o. An'! îverything iun tie Food! lina, Bea fflour feir faily use. - Everytlhng At tii. lamait scling prica. The cah syotena sfrityadilura'! o. Pl,,e ai aund examine quîality imn'! prie. - IL SIHEPP&lcD Wlihy, Fob., 1871. - JOHN RODINsoNeqs Hlair Dressing-- and Shsving SALOON,- ra sult tui TizBANK ,Whitby Juan, 22, '8s. N E1 .PLUS Ui>rP14c, À NEWu OLZE 000E, -wmv#u tI Su al SMNO K liay havaii I Mixoil,- Ioweich liv- Eh W A 1'. a -I'ro'huce. S. & 11. liîîî*5 le - ~E Qo5 ~ i-hltby ii<iîlitige,- iii'! their te ofaiay >LY. elilatlit. z r a FISH j* Hadd.es, FOR IrixE I'eOI'LEýR . 0 ,

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