n - fairOsais and sneh bed formerly taket eMap y e members midt be enn ayer runwood trising, said je a rodeos i wibiéesis se to the which e er of blir countr In th ability and aineerity à gi 4 afalse 45rmaal e anted to conneet him wit i TJug ggiar Of fará atoolrr implements, Ã¥s., the under the kadership of gt. Bis e a no gee s as the minutes jest read teadi lod b Party of F, W MeEbusie, ob los 84; their earnet desire to promote the pre e alreadg the ,, a se adedto M asineendistya but ag positive conolosion the & Set to esIlay, Wan/23rd- petity at the country, we ' Ifst y are , W høy mental treaï at enddf ille +year. (In, wa airited #dÃ¥ to.tjie kano*riting, has t eir e ginee fanão th co i food è to • 14 and Mia die on gasysgaan io sh -Enosa..-The yoáng a d than their some one aire fery sweetly; the e were s~mewhas new to "him (the mayor), man John Travies .was fopnd -gulity at the Corn to :this op re were as- few digersnees the ASpeed bark",-the lattey and be would have to s'air the indulgence the Toronto .adius on Thursday last, of five and y usand del ars. ~a of opinion betegen Mr. SandGeld Me ardën -with the es town- ever 6 f-tfe, , Jorany little awkwardn - the mnarder of Mr. Johnson, in East far from completion as rwhen th a and Maars. Cameron and Car * Scott, antifamaf Port Perry we on Eis lia at ErÅ ( but which he trèst$i Gwillimbdry recently, and he Nas senten- scorn n ombassy dt e e ONLY 1 ÃÅ them am beten* Er, Blare do usan siiRnly sends sided at "h"h"*' "" ****Pted ,"*e'ato be hanged on the-8th of February this be tree, the case-of the N A 8, 1872 n neen wað eab a exagri the dra i ear on o t w e h -d HoNs An immesse popnier N - - -- . . Ingr" it ib ar destable that the)aß let de a en thejist 64to beek yet attentián ,óf the Connell to the financial emonstratión"was made in Limeriek inst general bel of is that the poor " N The Tro Positt n gf Parties in qp, gave t abat hhon a n i a r n's e air. t. e an d 3(r, 8 n. n ea and b t ho ad r de t From one end of ife Frotideø & de the revennu of the Province, sua d om a and wife'have not yet enjoyed ings. Jhe receipts, .The present inances he onderst od i nre and Butt, and other-prominent adfocates e n e eWadd n other, and even beyond it. tlie press teims much towards pròmoting its prosperI Mg/Guy, the deputy i'eeve am 43ear in arreers, in consequainee- of thi of the movement. Speecheswere made have some nowredge of b with wearisome tirades abo he The present government will han h ut My, who entered the conoe Morrowl ystem:carried le frosaryear to atjhe base of O'Conull's monnenent-a kno# aood ilea1 about tEs Yo tion of the Government, he po e e r ower to do mneh o e, and we bais b es . r ooe or ra on a a eipa onna e ry d th su jethe delivery of ora- fa en he as rar n ' e omrnment is not at all the subject whole du o their sides a memSÂ¥r with-the else - ' - - - _ . - that system could be remedied, and that Distrxõrrresso Horous CONFEaRE nr Safr T agd. Oswego s disenmed-most of our confreree condni ty• one The annual'meeting of the ANienitural each gentlemen would be placed upon the The G en years ago, i their remarks to th "E The violence,'however, and the .bi(ter year, if we remember correct nd Mr. goe~ety Finance Committee as would thoron hi e operaer General, Lient.-Gover:ior often happer.s that dishonesty and bers of the Cabine , f m a party s - partisan feeling, as exhibited through the we hint ith.e breair of one held 'at~ Brong nd pab o the work ntra ted o t ei r o nha r ved the an 8 o rpeet t r, n t ethe sh e Point t-the object of one side being to prms o oth sides, is an evil omen, But, , a 1865, Should the following were elected oMee-bearers bearance of the Conneil for him i r-- of Knight Commander of Isabella the The weat b tifull fa' prove that we have a Party Government like some violent-disturbances in nature, e e eation be permitted to take plaet for the ensning .ear - " hoping that during the present y ud Catholic and Judge Coursel that of Knight some are of the ini n that " o 4 & ether that it most be a Coalitions the elsebing of the opposing tores may secording to unioritywithout reference to David Lawson, Mida Jag hartpouf would prev si which -would en-- D the Order of Charles the I'bird, Judge Frost's" reign for t is winfer' ik nea bother the country it to have good hon have a snoes healthy-and benencial efect, anyth:ng else, the choice would fall on Mr. Vice Pres1dent; J. C. Å mith, Secret~ary.. able thënt toAct un tedly rogether, and fo the C afairisabella the Catholie elo . appears that at be d est governenent or not, or whether it be It may be the means of building op a Guywhowe may addis at the same time a Lewis Bentley, Treaanrer i Directors ' all former disagreements and asperities ast sammer' ' < and the lumberers t yre oferned wisely, appears to be altogether Third Party-a truly patriotie Canux gentleman well qualißed to fill the chair Wm. V. Richardson, Thos. Beltard, John spass o the a rrow rd idea would be thCorr.rear Ezer.osrox xx Watra.-An- ing over the glreat but unprofitable . ~ a secondary consideration. «fo the blind, 'Paa'rT--who will have the true interests worthily- Mr.dniith, the reeve of Scotj, L. Jones, C. Nighswander, Jan. Enesell, would act as a representative of ther Wa a terrible ez'plosson is reported in o m e eeur a i har v ness pf party seal, the co'ontry might of their country at heart, above and be- wM one ofahe earliest members sof Andrew Davidson, Robert Annan, John whole town of Whitby, the mayor resumed lost and a i r ch a number of rtres were bide." o the dogs, so' long as Mr. Blake eo do yond all else, it is only through sneh a the County Conneil, but several others Wilson and C. W. Mitchell. Auditors- his seat* , troyed. Thi isas o en e on ed IIThe lumberers here are doing wel be condoted of the charge of inconsisten.- party the hot headed factiopists at ¶oth hue oeenpied his place at intervals op to T. P. White and B. J. Hickie. • suoixo coxxrrrses, day lat. in the Oakirood Colliery, wh e he ut o e mplete t e we k ey-of bating formed a 00alition or sides can be put down. What'the require i time. The oldest members, of the --. Mr McMillan seconded by air Donovan the men were at work. Many were able time, the other hand, that Mr. 8 , on ments bf the times demand is a party who Conne:1 are Mr. Thompson, Mr. Robinson, San & Farar. Accinast.-Robert Rob.. moved that a special committee of Eve to make their weape but one gang\ was -The Midland authorities say tha cepted the situation and has sumas so will do their best to continue Ontario in and Mr. White ; both the former dating inson, a laboring man residing at Brooklin, commai es f r o report the standing shut oft and all han probably perished, roadt e fir t of y n5ext e responsibilities of Party Government.- her onward path of progress, disdaining two years earlier than Mr. White.; but the met with a most unexpeated and sudden In reply to a question from Mr..Lawler, DarsaurNED ProsT.-The latest advices money can.do it We all hope it wi But how far is the country benedsted wit to halt by the way to take part in fends lat'er being the most continnons member. death on Wednesday last. He jumped of it was stated that of course the names of from the head waters of the Nern river, (he low groggeries, despite the all this elap.trap about party designation of the past. And sneh a Party, easting Messrs. Bickell and Button entered the nne of the platform ears ot'the Whitby & Bra members only would be pieced upon where the aght between Charles Jones, he e exe sons of the antherl s, at 'ÃŽhere was a time wh Pa aside the hindrance of old †redilections - conneil in '63, but both have been left.-of P.-P. Éailway to saw of a 'projectin the ballot tickets, the escaped conviet, from Nevada State stiß- - - a meaning. They are now mpty ea elli anpport.the men in power who prov at intervals since -Mr. Button since '65.' piece of timber which had come into con poi ted r e n and Lawler were ap- so an r eis . Armi ted who was 13th January, 1872. - , ingless sounds, as inapplicable de they well themselves best qualided to promote the ther John Smith or his brother Robert tact with a pump at the watering place The ballot result'ed in favor of Messrs. partienlars at Ã¥rst received. Jone School Trustee Elections. aonid be to the polities of the present d prosperity of4he country, and to give the have been alternately la the conneil for a near the Grand Trunk station, and while McMillan, La'wler, Powell, Cameron, and hit twelve times-and Armisted nine times -- sofar as regards fAe Provines of ay, people of Ontario honest economical gov. length of time-John continnonely from in the act of doing so he fell beekwards Do.oran, with Henry rises, at ten paces distance. The Port Hope limes, referring t tario. If men would k th " ernment. '69. Mr. Gibbs dates from '6*[. Messrs, into the enlvert and received such injuriels On motion of Mr. McMillan, the mayor Both men daed. The Eght i.s considered electron of school trustees, makes the the would d spea e truth, ----see.--..- afiller and #8eston, from '68.' lÃ¥. Me- Ã¥s rendered him unaless. ge d¡ d left theechair ior diteen minutes, the most desperate ever recorded. ' lowing pointed and appropriate remark pre ont hour no po calthweest e . whthe To Correspondents. Dermott, from '69 ; Masrs, O'Donovan morning. He leaves a wife and dve chi d stioMr, Clar e entered an ad e e a ExDatrnr.-A depsteli from Napanee, $ We must say that it is a thing ever dividin the i i o • G. W. F.-"An Emigrant's Farewell,, and Rowland, from '70; and Messrs. Todd, ren to mourn their sad bereavement. Dr the mayor. - Jan, 12th, says that the ost disgraceful e regretted that the people show political'piir les, so r the n into -Unes not original. McMillanShiefHolmanBates a:M Gordon Carson, County Coroner, held an ingnes' Conneil hari,•g resumed, Mr. McMillan, occurrense that ~ever h pened in 'any h e elee io . Not the li e a of the internal afairs of the Province is attend Oshawa.-¯Letter received and from '71 (the latter having also held a seat when the jury rendered the following ("h a o reported the following stand community took place on Tuesday night was apparent, and at none of the po concerned. Tb • for one year on a former occasion.) The on. verdict : e year : at the Episcopal Methodist burying ground places were there at any time 'nsore t the character o(eehe questron ought to G. B., W k. rl y. Post Office or- or Co an B oam i a e M . Big Whithy station, Jan. 11, 1872, ane oder, Pessment-Mesers. Me- at Morteno ootehoestownship of Ernestown h f a ocz a 15ersonsa deProba trusted to manage those affaire best.- der received. Satisfactory. Th an uren. G. T. R. Hotel. g . beth Gordan:er, who died a short time peyers visited either of these places a question of refornia now agitate the *"~~"" . e above brief analysis will give some We, the undersigned, being powereets and improvements -- Messrs. ago, aged over 70.years, and the monn- though on this occasion the tow¿ will - country. With representation b i 1-rgislature of •ontario, idea as to the composition of the County duly empannelled to enqu're into the cause F , etts and Blow. ment of the wife of las.. L. P. Gordanier suffer by this apathy on the part of - tion sett ed, the School y popn a- Connell of 1872, and may, in some sort, I of the death of Robert Robinson, which cr a:re a d water-Messrs, Lawler, Harp erected at the cost of over 8500, oj people, it might have heen otherwise. h the cont al of thei sti se tied, The i I i rn ok plae at os b ree v BloPrinting Meters: King, Ray and i a i batte to i so e th n e o go a t a h and in th enjoyment of all the advanfa es . come fresh and invigorated and Ã¥ti to be regretted that the election of P. R., near Ã¥ oil, wij hioitjsr - J own property - Messrs. Denovan, destroyed, The peoples of the townshigi money, and the control- of the aduat of responsible gonrument in the ibilg w:th a more kindly feeling -than before Warden should take place on any eneh ing to edt off a'oedar posOh niéeded and Clarke. . . ' s are most indignant at this entrage apeg of the Maine geÃ¥eration', and it is hig and oompletutans Id ni the holidays. to the discharge of their ground alone-Fitneu, in the widest the can, areofopinion th'atisaifhóþer a d mions to office--Merare. È!ow, the dead. A reward of one thonsand necessary.that itehould be composed e, o parties have be• datin. sense .of thd term - should ha h Robinson met his death frorn pari accident 8. dollars has been offered for the discovery the best men to be had in the town, m come extinet, old party lines blotted od i e and that no blame is atteebed to any one K icense-Messrs. Ray, Cameron and of the vallain or villains who have thus of sound judgment and integrity, And thpol t•ca r ies of b edr federation et small Fox on tlÃre Increase• terials fromre ar thi year zeel a F. F. Pole, Foreman. Board of Health -The Conneil, i raged the feelings of the relations and b n o e pond it is the i re hilated. The so-ealled polities of the Accounts from Quebec, Montreal asd The complezien of the Cosnty Connell has Thomas Perry, w'rn. H den dei ha e . Clarke e o m sub A Paorseer.-A despatch from Quebee to compla o if anything is wrong in scho hour dwindle into squabbles for oflice.- Ottawa, as well a from many of the decidedly improved, and the body, on the Barnard Rowland, Benjamin ' Warfolk, tuted for his own, on the committee on says that considerable consternation exists ad edn t ir children are not prope The difflenity just now iles in this: The principal cities of the United States, are whole, we think, will compare most favor Parks 8terieker, Charles Bradford, applications to ofBee, among the lower orders in reference to a never redeet tha bey ha e d but th men who were mainly instrumental in dlied with the alarming ravages of small ably with the County Conseils of earlier ames Cappim Alex. Smith, Mr. McMillan defended the fairness of prophecy, by a non, of three days of dark thing to ensure a better state of h ngs bringing about the present pleasant state poz in those pinees. In view of.the threat days i and which then as it does now, e omas obson, t e rae o an sta e r Ray a re e mo during which any one have taken no intereste or pÃ¥rt in the ele of things, who fought the battles. of Upper "hed danger and its ettension, people a n y em race some e at men Whitby and East Whitby Union Agri- two representatives on that committee phenomenon wilà die, r orooobboly the ion of time men whom y hold spm Canada in times past, and who bore the e ould befoi-ewarned, and 10epared, as far our pre" enitural sector y. whereas as the report stood all the ward dies may be need without punishment of redress.' Under present ciren brant of the fight, y y naturally feel sore as possible, to.meet it. :There is, we have sent county members, of the North and , were fairly represented. sudden death. These three days of dark - consider there was no necessit for n that their oppone~ntse hould be the first to no donks, mneh neglect on the part of South Ridings, to the Houw of Commona The annual meeting of the above society ' r. y also complarned of the manner ress are the forerunner of the triumph of test. We only point to the fact that oth enjoy (in ooice,) the fruits of their long parents in our own locality on this all- and Legislature of Ontario. Undaniably took place at the Globe Hotel, Brooklin. was const tuted and said a i i of people are seek a or lMay nest, The men, perhaps inferior in ability, mig labors. Thua we hear the cry of Barty important duty. The only safe courn is the Conneil had been deteriorating 'ay a on*fhursday last. The following officers a fire engine the com:nittee should have hood, and many'are terro a rieken priest- briendbeen noininated and a few of the and the demand for Party government.- vaccination, and where neglect has dy for stue years past, h is, therefois, were elected : been left as it was last year. (Ray, Dono- EAa'rBQUAzg,-A the knowl9dge avfe theeered the'n, with0. i But th been made ' th.- . wnh all the greater pleaanre and-gratifica-4 Col. John McGill . van and Clarke.) severe shock of earth. . . g majority e demand is as untenable as it .s in is, sannediate steps . - . , President ; C. quake occurred at Queb T shose :nterested an one schools. h impracticable of attainment, in the pro r should be talien. The ravages of this ter. tron we welcome the amproved condition Dawes, Vice President ; John Willis, see. der nders. Powell, Donovan and McMillan evening 9th inst ee on nesday question of who shall be Trustees is to sense in which party is nuderstood. rible disease are truly frightful to contem- danthings, In snah a body there is less retary ; Robt. Smith, Treaanrer. :bat all tht e re rwe e r y r re ene o'clock and lasted a usiz minutes to 8 important a one to be allowe'd to 'tak Confederation itself was the result of plate, and where it is once everso remotely ger oh raising sectional questions- Directors-8. Dawes, R. Guthrie, Jan. ed and that there was na intention to caused great eon'sternation. People enn compromise, on the part of Conservati introdneed, the whore community enfier. array:ng e e North against, ths South-or Luke, John McKenzie. A. Wilson, D. slight Mr. Ray, ning out of their houses in great alarm A cofresipondent of the Stoeffton (Cal as well as Befor A d • .res The Hamilton Spactator treating on the . dragging party polities :nto the election Holliday, jr , and A. W. Farewell. Mr Blow erpressed himself satisfied to but no fatal injury is reported. Herald speaks as follows concerning th mers. n parties smee subject, well observes: "It is well known of the Warden. There is no lack of ma- Auditors-R. T. Harrison and Jo have Mr. Ray's name placed first as chair- Tus N. Y. Faws.E Bydhe t small-pos and its rernedy : I herewit have been of necessity the result of com. th terial to choose from and all oth a hn man of the committee on application to - emporary append a recipe which has been used t promise. A principal argument in favor at small poz, like nearly all other dis- shin b. i , er Rateliff. office instead of his own. resignation of Mayor Hall, NHon. john | my knofriedge, in hundreds of cases I of Confederation, put forward by leading fi wher 61 h a ids its richest harvest shou be hequal, espacity and fitness Balance in hands of the Treasurer, $51. The report was finally reported and Cochrabe, President .of the Bbard of Al- will prevent or enre the small poz, thoug * Reformers at that time, -as that it would Places where sta nanene eanness abound. test. Certainly it would . A vote of thanks to the President, Mr. passed without amendment. - dermen, virtually becomes Mayo:' of the the pitt:ngs are filling. When Jenner dis h . arbag d g wa er, patrifying argne little m favor of the intelligence Pile, and the other retirin odi anaxxan scaoon ynUavEE. city. Few believe Hall will ever again covered cow pox, in England, the world o ave the effect of doing away whh the y kind e a ing matter or foulness of which we are happy to braise, and for the passed Mr McMillan, seconded by Mr Donovan assome the duties of Mayor. serence hurled an avalanche of fame upo n miserable party strife and local diferences places, and humanity in the y eini lurking self respeet of gentlemen themselves -if, obtained leave ' to introdnee a bill to' Tus TuoaAu Liquon BY-Law.--The his head ; but when the most .scientifi e whieh then prevailed. What then is the sidered its legitimate ;prey, upon w ich"¿ in order to defeat an opponent, an ineap- WEsLEUN MrssIoWART 8saxoys.-.-ge, appoint a High School Trustee in the voting on this By-law took place on Mon-- Par e u d e ne in the world-that o - meantag of all this howling about Party ponnees without companntion and glute able Nobody should happen to be placed G. Brown, of Uxbridge, will preach nez• place of Mr. Holden retiring. day week last, and resultea in its defeat for smai -pox, it p sed un e an panacea now f Is it sought to revive the past1 without mercy. Dirt, foulness, egnalor, in the Warden's chair, Sabbath, Jan. 21st, in Whitby, at 10:30 in n eo ttee of t e w le, (Mr. Blow by a majority of sixten. The poll at the unfailing as fate, and conquers in er That, thank god I is an impossibility, ahpur es, pc a narcorrupt on, decay, • Eedron at 2:30, and Colombos at 6. Rev reappointinent of Mr. Holden.moved the close stood, for the By.law, 71 i against, instance. It is harndess when taken byr y a Pure Party government, we maintaini plague, if we may so regare it y M "Goon CoxPAst."-We spent a pleas- G. T. Richardson, of Broek, in Brooklin Mr. Ray moved Mr. Wm. Blair. . • w penon. It wall' also enre scarlet is impractiaeble-even were it desirable- sudicient and standing inyitat osn , a ing half-hour the other evening. in what at 10:30 : Almonds at 2;30, and Whitby Mr. Greenwood moved the •name of n new d of trial by has been tried ar. He a the recipe as I have need in the Province of Ontario at the present visis, which it has no hesitation abont may be - ealled, without boasting, Good at 6:30. Meetings.-At Coinmboa on Re . Mr. Fraser, ed so we I tha its ez e n s ad oea d' here it is as hary time, 'The mistake has ban fÃ¥ eontend- secepting i.and when it comes it does not Company. We were entertained with Monday, Kedron and Almonds Ãuud ter a few words from the several it is composed of three lawyers and fou' small paz. When learned physie are t e og for it, and in men pledging themselves fad (th t morsel upon which it good short stories, narratives of travel, Whitby Wednesday and Brooklin Tha ., movers a for of err es e, yn ms o ity ordict use have the patient must die, at was enreians to oppose all combinations that did not has been devoured " ey reae , and a budget of literary:ntelligence, seien. day, all at 7, p.m. .. • Blajr, as a large taxpayer, the names have the voice of Eve of the seven. ate o s:ne, one grain i fozglove (digi- ta ) i on h e started fa r h n enèdfall arti4eial & th s's teet a and as sted r Tea npiét t reo tan p rty tørf oft n as * . , E, . daw up e wórft re for- each ounth and the same g ee nÃ¥ azioners ortherri a.local pape entirely th e a rt orthern e mpared with the benefits that mus't - ot n oth. I 4 Dëatisse rk and , Na imm s e a stra i t ixteen Aareer, James Fisk, Jr. appear a sn a ne t very character. During this whole h ambi - was aboutehim Iscarcely a rems nr a d aloof, and this last of arth we dr, nn stain with he eries of W¡g rly at ber of theaTarismany a f a er mem- south their stead was the stricken wife ont ; snifer and her friend Miss Harrott, e Ã¥ prepa- Mr M re dyi man, est in sper:t and Wr.-Pollard. Th of the iamndde e phydeians l and the bed of 'he uned s o sg around a de pecitify órreddtrolable in her m the fac tan h iras the greater t the husband only after he b ad reached her matone condit , nd b ll. Thesi b ener- sobs of tha' so n otdy the e to ed breathing o th dying a mo e a snetant became fainter and unt the a h ma s a edt his hand on the Pn se of the wound-- all could see thatto 10 0 o'clock ; thert $ t o -the The à the mysterious chan as t n fol. the breathing became short, convulsive 1 s:- e. But there was no sign of agony i much contort on o e face i tw n ofs t sneh use es, no~3novement of the limba. ~ o had been sndte b i e e, wh:ch o a 10:4 o'clock, Jantes Fistra , a,"- I - consetons to the last he was ç mared t as ng ek upon hie And Even after the body . not coffin, and orposed to as p d in the b the attached to the bedrdom, there was rd The y a sign of death iò ,the smooth,- piaci e o sat sh ion erhotion haw e, least sign of . the hly s'andering of the Eriee ett t aud n of long resisteli allthe eff sto Iweak en made through the law. h was a 'eture is never seen before and never to b seen y e , v t on as t t ol Gonid sittin n no 'b de t e e r rly to be looked upon with abhorrence - a ey he h d wron thrh' the deeds which en a tm who was dead- m1 e. Snow xx- srs oww vnar.-New Yorir ie- mith o taas' fue lay night Henry a tra . ames, D- I., aet Post flies etthoe • entering the er would receive the conten a ht in his body, t a weapou i, After making a.1 preparationske retired a ft annt returned for somethin si of n entering the door received the full alat e charge in his lower limb vel o About two hours later he e his friends, but lived only le make an explanation. ò Tus Treasonweararita..Tas aaren e London, Jan. 15-The hearing of the h Tichborne case was resumed to.day. to o Attorney General Colerid t the defence- He said th h proposed to offer~ wooide esumony t clainmat was a conspirato~r, perjarer and f forger, and in fact a commons • REE and villain, and.that Baigent ande or his secomplices, were unseropulous rognes f an coneoetors of this stopendons impos- 'ttorney General Co tod showing that the real Sie e and letters Ridi dned gentleman the very oppor eu af nt claimant, and annonneed tha he would tow t©sal mong witnemæ for -thea defence a Roger, and an w had tattoed Sir cousin of Sir Ro also prodnu t a swear th * it interecurse with' her Reft guarantee Party government. Such was O To '. t ifie disquisitions, and sayings and doing T e were put to the vote, when there appear- , one gran ; half a teaspoonir.1 of the mistake made by Dr. McGill ' '67 ar en conne:i should take measures humorous and witty to no end. Our lad Gorass:·rn's Hu.r--We beg to direct -ed - A Detrost sensation -engar. Maa witttwo teaspooninis of . In . to see how far the people of Whitby are . I attention to th For Mr. Holden-Messrs. McMillan and water ; when thoroughly thizede aðd-four He onnisely pledged himself at the time prepared to meet the foul, destroyin friends enjoyed a chatty gossiping fashion Job • • e annonneement -st Mr. Donovan.--.-2 A senation has been ersated in Detroit onnees of water.' Take a teaspoonig to go tooth and nail against everything enemy, and leave nothing undene on tb 'E Letter, and also the treat of the latest aston :n this week •inne, ,His nÃ¥r For Mr. Blair-Messrs. Cameron, Ray Mich., connected with the fatai dre in M every honr. Either disease will disappear that savoured of coalition. But he soon part in rovidin to th e:r musie-with the words * I was not false somanew premis¢s#niy surpm ifÃa ad Greenwood-3. F. 8tearns' chemical works5 Two of the an terelve hours. For a child, smaller found ont his mistake on taking his seat i pO g r e cleanliness of the to thee." superior quality, of. his goods; all - For Rev. Mr. Fraser-Messrs. Clarke, young men-sufoested in the fire were pot doses, according' to age. If counties in the House ; and, we assert, that be . ur town physserans have also an This is a treat in store for as 0:iee a entitled to the appellat on of G hM Greenwood, Betts,.K/ng, Powell, Harpor into their coilhis, and the' preparationa wo Idd compel physsesans -to nae this, there one and imperative duty to perform in Hall. - ' - - - a and Lawler-'I. made for their funerale. Mrs. Stewart e need of put honus. If you w a y accepted the situation, and en providing vaccine and protecting the month to which we will look forward with By-law reported and 'passed as amend, the mother of one of thei, taking a friend -value advice and 'experience, næ this for r g n voting for good measures whether patients entrasted to their professional real pleasure, And all who wish to join " Tas Eo on i - to see the body of her son, thought it had at terrible disease. they did emanate from a Coalition govern. care. Any failure of da:y by them would as can have the privilege .of doing so by Canadian monthly magasine nortons. móved in the coilin ud upon looking at Rex Awa.--A sub-conE ment or otherwise. And how much better deserve to render them answerable for the sobaeribing one dollar for the ezeellent forward as á'i naidae for pa s .' Mr. McMillan loconded by Mr, 0amer- the face e colorhiead retdrned to it and Midlai:d' Railway has sudden lef t Mr. Farewell in his preunt predica- conuquenen. . .new magazine, published by Messrs. Wil. -and saklóg the initial numbe - , op, moved.ibe name of Leri Fairbanks, warm. For three d a he 6 eeehd to be- distriet, under circumstances.whieh cana ment ? He wested Dr. McGill on the son & Co., Toronto, and entitled9 Good ' ' " ' r a a Asm. jr., as auditor, to audit the secounts of laid ' ay od a ben his anxions ereditor to far he doe Party cry. He feas even the author of Ixroaïar Stoez Sas.-The adver- Company." . . pie, it bide fair to deserve it in so limitsd 1871, and the mayor having named, Mr' and el ta i nge an ineema y robbed, eentemplatean earji "tary.:s He ha"s luof the famous " east-iron" pledge, Yet tisement of the sale by anetion of a nam- degree. The contents embrace the aream Jame Wallace, as the seeóšd auditor, the though no aetaal signs of de . ut, al- considerablerliabilities-sema of itmotry what is~left for him to do in the present her of imported and pure bred cattlesheep' Lonr, Osmos Drsrarer Lonos .0, of the best of the British and Ameriesa niet on carrib sosturnous they cannot bring back -animation b p , his departnie 'frh øireamstanas 7 'He ma i either vote' and seine, the property of Mr. William Pressano.-The following oflicers for Quarterlies and Éonthhes, and the whole M • family resoln to kdep -the -bod antil their little * oy, E now'find against Mr, Blake'sgovern eat or swallow Millet jr., of Piekering, appears in the year 1872, gøre elected at the District **. very superior. It dang ron h opp t Mr ike rde n's he o h y no a a inghadsen whom they aced Edence the pledge. We have too high an opinion another column, to which we would direct nieeting held at Claremont on the 9th " , By e Canadan Naws and and sone complaints of accidenis~maðe in to be similarly silbòted. 'The ofree twee has also taken , a homé .belon'ging to of Mr. Farewell's politiesi agaelty and the atteotion of parties desirons'of procar- lishmg Compny, . . .. . . .consequence, when it Vais understood that eres the ~most intene bze'itenzent in another party.-Eispositor. ood sense to believe that he would (until "E P"* ***ek• • The sale will take place Bro. T. Gibson, District Master. 8. 0. A samediate steps would be taken to repair Detro , - . , , . . We were pliessed to see, not long sine after fair trial,) vote against the able men an los 25, 7th een. Pickering, on Wednes. * y, trie D pnty Master* remind osr r rs ha th8eso . We theC 1 adjourned (al two o'oisek for The Toronto'and Nipissin Rail e e e n t a ver i eréon -kis own politieal friends-now charged ay next ; teams will be is readiness at " T. O McAvoy, District Secretary ing of 86e rienlinral Society of South °°° """ • - e , , have recentlyadded a new heav®y locoway who, or g an interesting lecture Bev, with the administration of the afairs of the Demos' Creek mation to conveys in. ", W. McKiterick, Dis't. Treasurer Oatario ' Å¡e 'held -to-day at the To - tive to the rolling stock on their line. It Å"u i w kept %*eout unbüs the Provinee. But this is only .anoth$r tending pureliasers to the farm. [Su 4 J. D. MeA†oy, bas't! Dir'ee'or of hall, at one-o'clock, wa Fax ros ution is directed d o n ngland and is, more than beanng. Peoe n nu (raim convinsing proof of the position we have advtJ ' eerenomas.' to' the ad anetion sale of an gin a roa&er of any en- from augh' ha n all along taken--that the . mot of Nuoas or Cmss Etsono.--€oronto EE"ows' Error sässf-.M. yef- è amass.4 se'nee, in aid of the Ena ezoellent féïm Ã¥ to thkii laeg on ", ,P ohn oMari•m-s for as p a aov. -Mr.sh.srd. aa.aton-.E,.as lows wish-a us traryo that he has . fan'o'the Fes•hlt•ri., chor.a at ».fs the sand ins T say, that nesss; Thesaotane, o n ernment of conipromise,. and that thu London-Mr. J. B Cam beli • authorized agent, ont that his Hypophos, finse Creek, is advertised.tom'place on and Markha chers, of . Whitavale Condition Powders to horses thaa have o e pledging to Party is a deef tful set of - Mi 9;- • p • Kingston phite may be obtained, of all respectable the 22nd fut. .Addresses bjiprøËike ø everybody-Ma- P chased a fat cow of Mr. been out in the cold rain; stood Å"M - ° ' -. at . Draggists ei A¡.othectries at'his prices'. e.ntlemen - eiergymen and othè&. - es ade by t iph ng a- pounds a i ded 2 pou n or estim e a M -a-....-... tion, May, exp: the l A Gro at the ýae theil destroyed 400 hoefu, and 80 o a nrned or datnyed Ã¥ re held ditch. 8 As shaw:ng tha reforms now go o Mes 6 interestag conn e Nd a late edict of the )(ikado, s is now undergoing acompid ry Therefonew :deas yhichI sincerely daire, strong addeall upon all the wisp and 2de guides to the Go ap ar and lieeone good Es61 True, it is ¡ti años ,dnetag youth AN o'eign conn es as e ry to ,iew ened as to the ideas of the ys as well as girls, who win an eonie men and wome iháØ b beneli ed. - Feebly Watofo afr position*sociaRy, be na pm they wert withent of eis e t, 8 women of rask Nm/ Delong, to 64 4. 4 at à s me t. i Pri emonas n th8ireway to 2 †"e98 ight or i