4lignfls f biqu;th b o an eld fi2* pendieular," One off the bishapu vau praachisg One 4387 in bihltof theamool, wboWa obtervinge~orai obildren wblopering togmib.r, .ho ed ties band Ilprlgbî laà ~rnig mnno, i.ansigtbèreby iio lu- poositene, 'On vhsch imaitthe bm vai moootln thmildiaof themrmon, hollov id onta g"perpendieuiar P, 'A DeloliJustice gives the follaving mtb ta vitoesa. ms Yon do avfmify avore yau wiltell.1thebm rutb, tbo vbai. trtb,' iid nothlng but tbe lrotihthebé atibt sa A litl, boy, aftor wiîcbiug îbe burning. of tbmhé oolateng.uili lb. novoitîy a tbm Lbing ba!- e.aad, *îarî.ýd down tb. otrast, saylog - 'Vas gladt h. -aid tblng'a burnoti dao; -'ldidntt hav. ml. Jagfry leu. mtiDa boy t In enswor tea a rquotma sde ta 'Dr. -fi. lICoue tu ign à pétition for Io mabalion of m&H exemptions f rom taxation 0< certain psoportiea nov exempt by Iav; lhé publisbas a long letter, îtrongiy erguing apanti taz logoherch propfrty.. Thora le a difllcslIy in the management off th. Gueolphpublia mcboolm, andi non@ off th. toucheri are tu h. ra-esiagati an on. tir, now sont beiug adverîiaod for. -Botting apan the ramait off the Ticli. borno eeoamoi.reparted ta ha ton ta aona agmami ttho succeua off oh.climant. TO LEiASE. 14 ca,60 plougtsed, 80 In grass. A5'PLrT O -. F. W. iMcKENZIE, Ou tise pramiseli. Wisitby, Dcc. bth, 1871. -01m-49 Tise Tisangi, ts4011 n x RTHCR I RE il 0 A 111, lirait1Y Mr. Jssin illetSir, wili ha aridailse bar 1%urviioie li reiesit Mention. at tise orfsiss alis îscrilsnr, Lot Nu. 28., Broken Thsis Iluar lias a frt.slitms padigrece ; 11e l& franstiniportoi'i stock-; iiqmîclier sud ivo stutars toaSc t as rzlis-tinaEs nMlands, for a pan cf Pl'iu, liti187<0, iss-S aie a iienî tank irai risc ai tise Provinciala-sie ril u; tisois bru- i isr and fi ne or hSsi it sLnlc a $500 prIze at Ciiong0, ttisul'aiS ; le otouk 2iis ant lrnali am, aîsdso.isavai slîiti Imiin-td piqs, lii, sothosr wnas saisi for iOi to sio lsssk S Etisiasid ta ilue glisineiiiîs it iirsiai4elhir ; lier aiter asnd slxor liesr pigit vers saisi îar $160, 10go ta thse Usiîad IStasuo%, TEIlLMl.- $2 00, payabloeut tisa lime ofiser. vice, JACOB>lil. TIIOL, Pssisissrton, Il. O. rlcocrImg, Novemjlii1, 171.-0 n. . o. t. îh~:: fireinusa'd mdold fsrss cisnugedta misî. iliAIivLY,- Censtre K., iactis Motilodlat chuoals 'Wllitby Nov. 2u, 17 i. i-4 M1î1liney & Fancy Goods. MIlS. KNOW1LîNý &MIfIS. istATtiIl'V'8, hatve a isustise ,îruii eitsly as-cspisti b lulMs. ti.sL-'FR 'B I tr nieSt, (iai- th isalSyti:l,)wl1 iuso sy oy esrrv ans tlisi ?lilscti y Rad mssitlu ilii ilsi- is11$1s1e0" t> AILSO DRESS MRAIKING, ln 0ail lis 'bristisclt -LATEST STYLES AND) 4SI1ONS. Alo FANC"y G))F-esirsiss sncy Jeaery ar nilkisi. lns, act», ]rocaasa, Fisijy assai,, cigssasss. avitasses, (uaw tyloe>, flnsw'srs6. aItia, triasîs- 0. ioodis for lBoy& andi ula, DÎU(45uDS, - lilts. 5bNONWlsp<AIR51, S5AT5IEIvS. Wiilthy, Nov. liii,' 1871. 48 HENRY WARREN# M. De DROOLIN, ONT. 41 GRAÂND GIFT UINCEUT bmoernltis, 1872, aI l1esslik'A opera Ilouse $16~0,0000 111Ç-C ASH 1 P aIzElm }IGHeRES'J i' PIZE 8509000 GOLD COIN- TICKIIT, OS aa011, or tvb for$6 -Omaths papena sent irae,. --- Agenis Wanted, For fulparilaulars aad- drus- .- PATTE & GA R1N Fit. Buslnes amanagr», (Omahs, Neab, 2801br lîi, 1071. *$M 48 W WFIT E 13.4RS Tvw% ssr. LChester WhIto neryîvmpoa vll bavaisbla I or îrvie afi ti IlOCK aptability,5 siengils as clraOlity, The Oeboros SewingMachine basmac onahiing tige siuiiifti- ou#ro ta Ciaim it ý as 1h. offto:Jniasias rebelngi voccivot daily tram, 01ià il aei s iev Operataîs P'recling its vais- ýderIùlIýo»e%1iW t do iii kipisaoff dosiP tiol, from lise fiuiest- cambrie te tise coanbest ove6raat or sIlppor icatisor. eidà ANAisrxo B a At tisnraxaxw»son ano Tuehe bnrnOntft 1. eompietaîandi rearsiiy' caimproeedd, . 9saisI ai -one-hnlf tise pries istiierta Casgei for mlissp ing e a iII r8,191e 01 vark., tihe nijoaîifairese aiqe- torîntîsotita plaise t i viîinlbh ramalis-of ery rcîîiiiy ln tise caunîtry, A TM.A Bi. EIrlosnits'ahan il wtl cia ai tisai aur nmtu.ilssas qra nisaqnaiied. The GuelÈ,h Roversible In pre. eunesiithe bee.t Singrla .IIread Ma- ChIsne affereu tise pishîlo-is deItls msrvlliaug os-uc.. WiSl do sit varieties of dometaie sewiig. 1'rices gretliy Teluccii.> llaad Maciiie itis it.fait outil, $12; trenall do., $17. g. iii ahsctAeîcd ÈW Aozsîs .n sso xzvycnita. Splendid tsiucnoesis otaemsîke niouay. Apply te- UUELPEI SEWING MACHINE Co@ GULPI, CANADA, - Lwis AluinAgejt lorMWlithy; R.. AtIl Olaifor Bs'wiavlle; Lewis Qneipk, for PÎOrîii A&bolsus <Ontaro. DIlay Bh, 1871. 1M1 TO TleWi trttLSs~.,,j iS t r dlsiea.s shusi.4,.,,.a i a,-.ii d4t-tiisrwa tisi5,t isbda o. itayasigiruenmia qM.mueýhiatre n. t 9 VilS aai lt,,,asye ys..f forit tri wi-isi . FsI" ps a v5a e0 s.01 5In v sw r a s onbi'i- ,,il IOa C. LL ai vous i. 7- z o -W. H. EVANS, M. B. (2rinity Collegs Dublin.) - PIIYSiICIAN, SUIRG]BON,.&c. <nO.-icYliat Iliar Gorrie'm Boak. Witiby, Nov. 711s, 1871.,-6mn-46 TEMROYAL OCAR Tise sobcrîlser ilesa aceoslson ta Iîsfomisl fissdoUnd ultise publia, tisaitue1 lions olissd tIsa listaI musîrer btcéalbare daignatiap of "'Iime Royeol Oak" ut Isn'rs asrwlîîrc Trruvalls en sdgUnesis "can ulways be aup. plied vitls lia beat la seisson. -A goasi raainy bsoume, tliy, vaym tssillngr, andi attuentive ostiers. Pure Lîquora isimd i. gare.- UEO. CMRN Wliby, Nol. 14, MI7. 46 HARD AND 8OPT COAL 1 'WOOD, &o, Jon îlis m it ece -a lpt of WILLOW BANIs, 4MOURIS BUN, LEIGII LUMP, GMALL weG, 100 TONS BliACfflMI'Ws COAL, 500 CORDE WOOD. OisoApt for Couais ely. - JOIN KEITfl. B.-Oak St. Wisllby, sept et, 1871~- 8 F0~ SALE Iigis itt.a rivlublo ]Farm,,n *of"tis $rorEwaL»,>OI,' Dac,25, 1868. We takepleoaanre ln Infarriltig th public oi Oeaodn, that, va have mald andti iielhod Mr. IF. W. GrsXX, ' f Oshawig, Osîttria PPatterns, Formena, Drawingt4, Gangei and &Il othor ne- OOPM!V lInformations, io, buii4 ar csiebnî%d Do9uble Turbins WaerWie,e i ventcd by Jamuisi#éeffel. anîd knôwn as th IîLZ.sffal Wheol1"ý Wo have allie abligatoti oureioeta PLunuuob thea mainie faolll*Iieu or meiustaatiriilg ,to no ather parties lu (ano,ssia, W tholtb hItr. mation wo have irivesitaoMr. G1.iw U0 aneslui] »noceaefaülly baiilldo.r-Wieeli, anti woe dvisa parie ti <awdetapurohagmenr Whosla cf liaailermaîufcsiror Mr. qLai' faoilltiog art unxnsrpaseci, and 1 vo el ah ro^that tia viii hsîid e Wlcl diet wlll gîve perfect oatlolà c. .lon. 'W& uherofire aammehd him tv tis pub lic ofCasisida witig entire confidetice, feel- itgaigre lic wll Manufactura a Whooil lnaIl respects e ln t ta aj I l. (8lgncd1) JAME$d LEFFEL là 00. WAR1IAXTYe Woeiaeprcpared to furriliWater Wheli, Use..,Shfs. Palea nd ail Michinory ne- cosmaory to attà ch't. he hiIel10tise mâciînbry they are itiesdcd te drive ; aud 1f, etwir tva mouil tritai, they are flot aatisiaiary, -vs viii teks ail batik, pa-s.roilii bth,-wayo, and re- furnia ssny -pîsynenta îmude te ne- thiserec. Wlier, portioni are isot satiafied witb thse Whieei, ind caîsmot 'jnakc a clierigu ai tige inî withonssI5onsatb iiuslinii,they me y rmn tige wbcuai u lilsscry sa reaeoassbie t mme wlih- otit charge, liai axoaediag once>-ear, ln order dtisi laÛsssy isile aalnsge wistsuîInjury te tiseir bsuses Besow ire givon tianmes of parties visa are now uaisig fronsit ssa toaecti ofor Wlseelsaigt. ndw.Invite parties hwiuo lb ta purciina, to correspoasiwiiis thusu. Duvisi Arna5d ....... l.......... Dawn. lrstiîîa.Arkel ................ Ahait flcsisr k Anîderasn.......... Qerissa. Bourgeis &k prisigie........;.. Avilssg, Wsillami Beau,................. Ohawa, A. Blisttss & Coa .............. Valey-field, A. Barbeau.................. S. Da vidi. N, Ba.iarat ..................soloila, J. B. »IeaIl................ ... rOkin, Wins. Blarits..................ugesr. A. J. 13ud.u ..... o........ ..orwacd. Wr,,. Bloomfield ..............EîuI.dyoite J. NI. Iirace ...................lubei',, 5'..5s îChr is e:urrell.............. 6le Mta .1. Carveth ..i................... Leurd. C. W. CarS.............. ...C.asiiliaan, Jamies A. c.i5ae ....Il.......... Natass, A. & J. Çhumiuera ............. crare, A. CiOwa .....................iigsaon. James )yer .................... ryawn, Joha i>yke ....... »........... Usn i, fr.saoà a Isiassln......... .:iivî SamauelI)tavils..............Iiisauy, C. F. >rswery................. buiain i 1ev1 M5. [hmgrni.............. Npnce, Jams i'elliea............ ........n lîBos.e NiciiolaLiga ..................tinaa , ara* Everi .................. ero,. Nabets l'ors>nh .................lirs5, Famaà ci.e s.................Broktiî Farrrd & Mles ................Capbielford, 14. J. Greea..a.................. reitweod Thomuse Gibsaa...............e. roxeter JnoepihG.,ild ..................J»rsidce, Wmn. Gleaaa .......4...........Glasgow. Gibbs & lira................... Osawa B1. & 0. oreeîsrond ............. raisi Gordaon. Ais5Cay & Ca ........ 1.... Taoâ W.. â; Wealter Gthrje .... . NVima W.. illier.......... .....Eiaailaen, ilarkDixaii................ kesa, 0. B.lit 1...................... quebe. huanier Brother............... Aiitiîa,1 Ci'55 tisyreâ..................ftAlollreni, Js,tss .legart ............. ..... ris. Joiint lieiiiweii.................. lligiiind Cree iteatit & Hioni. ........... ...oresiile, R. r. i3errip.................... ikis Irwia &k1llisyd. ............. lr stops John tligleo ..................uep. >.P P. .luioa k&Co ............... îss twioi, A. Lamaso,................... herbrcke James .esgli ......... ..........rsssio .'alalsass Lsin ............ ..... aweass5a, J, 0J. Lauiininan................lgiars, A. J5. lckIhart ................ .raio, rssethMuii.................. nieiigoi, J.?.Mandies................ Nwmarket, Jh loti ctoegit5............... ontsral, WlVliaism tliirrîy ................ Nild May lotis McaCnse................ Itnrew siC Uaw-uil & $toits, .............Dmorpivle Samuelarer............iwianburg cdaa Morclisd................... Lira JOUIS XCEUiîrîil....... ....... liiew rJssi Nje5is5................... 14hbrOalse. Wi.aNxoa...........il.....oairiicil, A.. oginvia k Co ............ 1%14,mîra, John Purins.,............Soyai. %Vmn. 'oier............llw mvsa Richanrd P1irt ..................epkdaa. Patsisi ,%iaiiusfectuliig Ca ....... 4clro IvillitimPreis ..................Pickringi. James L.. l'aimer.,............iiisu'Crack anîlbtrtit & kCa...... ...Qîsesec. 8 L-Isndy ............ ..rîisn 'eck, 131.îiicey & Cai............sraî lihn Part iii............. iioisral, C.Parili...................... ik Jaes slii)................. Useiga. 'hinsiqilektasil....... .......Ir, A, 1) H8.....................aaar5riage 13 k IV. Itusuomasisi& C .Sa John lîsissael.1................Clorenoîî, Eiward $insi .............. .. uiiawa, Sourit BSi.....................walvila, laces etrniîii............... i .' fiwiCrtakr, Thosmîas .W.Bîsphisiian .... Nrwol, t4ÉII#.Scliuleiibarg ...... Caliigwood, H' .IL Siih.............. iiqc', ,alx. KSuai......... ........ Apiawa, liliss )SCSSleiao..... .Grhil,i ahîsi Shsaw ......... ..........Nriii.o al, oesirga .'iîcey.. ... ... .. lI..... otre&], - aSis irefiS ................. Molirent Peter Sîssipea...... I.........$Miiis' i5. tairrlas Cssl.............. arkwiîa, K. 8spies................ ;.... uourg, hlis mîssi $iai-v........H*tr ipieasi& k Rssos .tiampinr aert tUrae............. lastAIbe SPitti 'T'i iosain.à ... :......... îrokîit, %Vm. ruer. ................ ayden, Davidi Tawîs ... .............wmaivlle, hamaci & Towasaid, .... rsi, Taorn4Vi5 & lini............xisridganvl %. ) tc ..............asrge. oh, ýMV Od.. ............... sos,il'l J . W i...........astaumis, VIn Wrsl.........G.aiv5 41,1871. IR# NE.W ARRIVALS. & A.SMITH Are in s'eceipt of fnrther ati'rva of-Wintei goods, ana ýbeg to annouceihat thiai stock is ow campleto in every department. I)ress ,Gôoodeinugre'at variety. - Clan Tartan, Plan and Tartani, Winceysl En,¶jiah, Scotch, and. OanadiïnTweeds. i -IER DEPARTMEN-T. will be founti 0l tho lateat attrictions in style». of Bats, Ribbons, Flowera, Mandies,eress'.trim, mings, &c. Seita of splendid Purs-'very Ciseap, Thc Tailoring Dopartmnént, as bitherto, under tho aillful eupezintendanCe of a firat-clasa catter. Beat anti moat faahiouabiasuita lu-the Dominion matie to, or der.. FRESPII GROCERIES & NEW FRUIT. ffl BOOTS & SHJOES-styýiahiy made and- off the best quality, at very low Whitby Nov. 28, 1871. R.&A. SMITH. GOOD, HEJ A-N D 1IRlI C "LOTHIINI -The undci-signed desirp.- to in.forrn numerous customners that with the roomy facilities-a fforde d -humn in the new premnises into which lhe lias remnoved, lie is enabled to keep on haud a large stock of c li<s of every kind, well selected by himself, and of the best qua1i~v Gentlemen's Garments W a.d'to order, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Gentlemen's r4 urn,«Sling -goods, including Shirts, Ties, Braces, newest styles of Collars, &c., - JOHN FERGUSON, I Dudas St. Whitby. (Presnisos latcly occupied by 31r- Gerria, us a Drug Store.) Whitby, Nov,.29, 1871. CAR 1IÂGES & -CITTIERS' Ma O. DONOVAN'8. CA RR[A G ES & BUGGIES, latest . style and bent Begs Manufacture.1 .Splendidly Finishe d Outters, 0F VERY SUPEiRI0R W0IKIiL4NsSHIP. BUGGIES &SEGS WRITB . Iov 2nd, 1870. -SELF-RÂKING JEPR AWARDE-D FIRST ,PRIZE.* 1 At Provincial Exbibition, heldat Toronto, in the EaI ofÇ187O. We offer to our customern for the coming Harvent, 'two disftinct Miachines,, which in syoe and construction, embrace the latest sudmon unfulimprovelmenta of the day. JOHINSTON 'S SINGLE SELF-RÂKINGREAI'EII THEO"ING 01P 'REÂAPERS." Theý nniversal stuccess of this Machine, 'both in cIo9ely -contented trials 'andi In:thobands of the farmera, Warrant li sying t115hat, a a ofRig Reapins Machiia, ihe mol.o goaci points and les defectp, and bas met Selfh are SUCcam and ltouafaihis,, than eretofra ffarot tatho ublc. Mý1kICayuga Junior Mower, were sarded tie Fi'o rz niIilmsa~1eP.~, -And aso theA~merican Buae lurner SeWf- tic newcest and bemt atovo in ýtbe Market, OC- Stoves sont by thgr Wbitby & Port Perry R. the lina, frec off char ge. -' 0b"ý Improved Agrioitural Furnaces. 0::J Stov epipes and Tinware aapplied to Pediari copsntyr b":)- Det Coal 011 always on band. LEA TH ER LU1N ES and meî'ehants in the WL BRYAN. UInta the pubic I wouiti say, " -« Ifthcy vouldiloak antiue,, For boots anti shoca ibeir moue>" pay, 'My wcll- stacked store ia on Brack street-' M'Y leather poliaheti, fine anti gooci, .Attendancc, court.eous, kinsi, Mir pricca low beside, Y601 lfluti my goodi intieti a treat At once wiii suit a dnshiug groom, No boiter ca~u >sou fli. Or a sweeî biushing bride. Tu Farmcrs, anti to large andi nmali, If thcy'lI take a few -turna, Arounti tise owî, sud ont-me cal They'Il buy from- 01 Boots 1 keep a heavy stock ; Anti ladies when you cîsoose YourpÉrcly pums to umlock, BoIL& hoIStre BUrNckstr, iýy1 Apr1 Î..,1871 1871. M"M IL LA N'S ALEXANDER PRING!LE, Ras removed from his old premises to mcMillan'n Blockç, Bî'ock Street, anud begs to inform bis unînerous patrons and the public generally, that his stock. em- GentlIemen's, Furto'Shing- Go.ods,1 A general assortment of best selected Oloths. Aillot md to, order. No Slopwork.' NO FIT, NO PAY. areat Gare and .Aftentzon pazd- to .Artutite C uting. A continuance of' that libéral patrouage extended to him, du-r- ing the past 30 years in Whitby, respectfally solicited. MAROH 28, 1871. 13 BOOTS &SH-OES.ý to announce to bis cubtom-rs, and the public that he opened business on the premises lately occup ied, by Mn. Bandeli, on Brook Street,' and, that'ho i18401W- RIGUTFIT AND 3IAKE, AuOýof the hast style of Boote andl Shoes. Also on hand a large stock of 110", -MADE Boots and Shôes wlsich caunot be iurpassed for qunlity aud pitee, A11l, orders *pinctually attendedti o. ' Repairs neatly doge. Business also carried on M.wuual st the--,old stand, near the Royal hotel, . lias Wlsitby, May- 10, 1871. MATI'IIEW ,COLLINS. THE- OLD STAND.!I [ES-TAB ISII Thé undersigned in returning tliî hithortio extaneteoit the aid establishment, for n té "my that ho has nov on band a large assor ityles off ) 1833.] Beg ta informth nsithtbl sten)tiy on haud a luperior quzity Flour, Ose nndtCocrna Ment, en leheRt, GrahaM Fionr, Osl -Bratn fansi fhorta, Andi mnythimg n'tisala ei1 lino deltas, ihe abarteât notice, Whhs2o '5iS1.el fo rc as i. - 'Sait andi Plater for mais. Navaniber 28, 1870. WHITB-r. R. P. CLARK, - Proprie IR.l 'Csly heg it noribis aidf and climiomera tlisai lielha-; rafltîeda,,a vastec tisu adlisotai Juiitwu I§asp i Inî,' Brook at.,viser. lhe vilisbs haipn MaI, thisnas-givissg imal stsshiii"P',box, sali iisd nciaiiiî ard Jan. 5. 1870. Wliltlsy Bras. anti Strinig Bauids. si Soireet;, c loVxmsis.Q parties. &a., &ca., wiil nippiy tha and lmisai 5lux1w, an rissanal tai-ms. Aprilientiotii rast liamadle citherpi > y lesr, (paîst paid,) tar J. WOLFEq no0Qala , S70. LIVER Y T IIE UNDl.RSIGNED DEUIRL78 fDion lii friesd.s and patrons,t lias agalis remsnmeJ business at tise cis WHITBY LIVERY STAI Mr linving asasrenses thse nmait quality ntailie îsisd, aud-niia adled sic pisvesi thsa COivtya-.cssiand l neiclex p-'eniiee&, Sse lîsîpa. hybyhiin sua pasi rnct the wg list eS itoiners te ixieit1 ar public patronage. IW» CIARGES ODRT N. -]B.-Co%,crcd cossveyaiiets- fert ansI isdies.1'oipeueaueamse Sa aIl ordor. - N. BAY. Prepr Whitby, April 8, 1809. TEETU XTRA( 8eý_ WITHIOUT PAIN,, 1W TIIE USE OIF NIT11OUS OXID LÂIGIIING Olt TIE NEW LOOCAL AN2STHErl -AT DENTAL BOOMS, DUNDAS S7rRE] -WHITB3Y, C. W.- EOOMS.-O ver M. I.L ocisixes 8l Whitoy, Jne 26, 1867. -H P0 H0- pHr' Amnongst tisa diseuses overecu thSuause oi .FeUaas' cooipoeaasLSjsnq Of ffIO> 1- - AIkn Qsîbn#9paion, Aifima o, ssuurmptiosa, Z Dsbiliry resuiti-ng ronTypiat tnil,, Loucorrlioest, Nervana kxmitalslltl musi ar Wr.tssig of the Muscles, AI Lame ahVcice, Uhores orr kiiitug 'igii $easof thse Liver, Iaierns F s s a o i e A c i o n a r l e Ue a r t , S i f o j as M - eucgodbv maos obstruetissacit andt Air kisissîg e Isding Iereto, an frs'm vati6u a cau sc§tas n u msasof w -pesred hispeles, - 8d i ty Apotieoarica. g 'P r ce, # 1.5 o0 I ,fqr ' 7 JAE .FELLUIVS, C 18 St. Jo -JOHN CARTER LICENSED AUCTIONq ONTARIO, YORK' &1 à ny 1 u BURNS*' April 19, 1871. B . LOCK# 1871 tf-48 STO'CAZ OF REPAIRS AS USUAL.1 . SPRING 1 ý ,