Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1871, p. 2

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*UVUDUF,- milvruuuu, non, Mr. r . ...... 1 ývenly, spread 04î t'ho road» çi Èàodfibid' kkddonald acconnoed ta th&- cowto, $inca heje 80 actri; -id ooteriBÏ' a, -4-he, tho- ï 'Da 'a ýeetoM or re-etection W,ýh st minding 'people of bit short ý ' ' -,iq» «ti.ý- -_ ,woëked yoýÉ the re M. ODonovan, gs'q.,' proposed by Dr. a inte rëeý'--it in Êoue'-übst in consequence of ibe adverse omints. Ca ie ýý ý#ý, of thé wu a C on ;1. R. Philp, B 1- aveneé.--NO - content il, correspondent in aliother colam'à bu- "àlà nït, bd ré posed by -MrJùî,ý ad if- ho bad dôâe,-ripý -J W#4ý" orror ho allow M., pro . ý 1 ý _, iý ' ed bis, dollar window 'tOtw dl 1b4 Previons aight Ministers bed R. sateb. e"didite.,> -Re -ýÀgr@,éd otý the fié ré of thekesdi il a- ýHe-reiietted opén, and,- 'unguarde takes him on band, dl down or dondoredtheirrealgnationt to;beLieut.- g to,'the number 'of, candidatest suld ý giles Owils sP4kéýs tbat porsonal difforëdc--à ýehoul(ï liera ýwAs bot ýtià-ti,'go inio mitters tuai last September, fell--bhé, iloiercor. Mr. Blake je no-w ongaged i détails of sonse of his-offici-sl'acto whièh; je fair mimitis were oili allowed- for «Oh ho dropped, as tb@yý were f th p. d Dot Made vas veryser n go$ or e bad been. bréught, H Îously hure, and, woold bsýe been botter' fèý, Mr. Gerrie's te àPeair-' Mayor bouisfi 'a the t ira. H '-, accqpý upilis tu ' OW 0 nid foi, lire itself, di5paired ef 0 e -4 1ý!r - b -abd - bir.,Be forming a Dow administration, go tbat Mr. Gérrie regretted Iw *ho h- ad te press of being te bisme, and instauced Ilfie on entering thefiail ;, but aince thon ââ 11ry Prdpýrly, loi d Mr. Macdonald and bit colleague4 ouly iuleraots ho lied allowed to remainfor- apeak'Grst on the list. Heý said that' a lut electiOn when hg. a ýe&vdidûte, after b writes to the town ci)uneil, an, wal earing what.he bail ho should sup- ci, with, the Iffayoi in the i holà office natil their successors ore *p- go'tea- If ha W"' 'Dmrlgt aPon d'gg'ag bis fe paaréd, in lhe.CHILDNICII% Pori Mr. Graou«ood, (A icipal grave ho' muet . lie in - i t v, weeks- âge, ha didý.not Iritind te ho, a when a latter 8P f,.,'tU dollars tg Mr. Bays foe in pointed. The procoedingeottheÀs4embly Own mun candidate, foolingibas ho bâti beld the which accueil bim of li never spreadiug elect yon any way.) 'tained, and wil Il the painful conviction th&& ho bu Officelong énough, -sud tbat ôtbors in Ajarl cor driviog a,; poupti Pf Mr. Pbilp said ho would- Dot oppose -bis This.is onoexampl fortbaputfew days-infact from the -eh a Otiy cnütion"-iised by Mr, Ger «'- Openicg of the se»Aion-b acted.the part of à double-dealer towardî toisa wore qualified to fiil the position dails", while iii Whitby. Tlîo- , argep friend, Idr Doaérýoy aud conseq et rie av$ sigowil th&$ 1 ton, wu would not b' hù 0v2ï pocket'y a crisio wu imminent. thode Who were once bis fàithfut allim &,id Who abould give their seririces tg the coming on the eve of the electi Me. a a candidate. He explained -, and aiso tru, He eDdeavored to explain why ho OufOir, as it gavO him Uc OPPOrtun'ly 'P' t 66 I;Cbemeg" h, -------- friends. &et& obarged âg8*11st bien si to the b le ftinds of become a c7audidate. He oaid tbat among replyioq; But Dow ha eaid the âuertion pay uni of $50 1 8tead or-t2ii. te Mr, , u TEXE NEW Mr. m a overtaxed" people of Whitby. CONOIC[iT ÀT Dvrrieils Ongzr.-À g other»9 Greenwood, W eoc» to him visa faite ; ho bail spresti yards and yards Barrest -charged against bio M: - î rand and urged bim to stand for re-election. of planter, and driven boodredo of pucelle Waliace. 8JO Second exami)le . The ma a > attending council meetings dr1ý, 40 vis go to prose, ve leain hl 4!e,- concert il advertisèd to tsko Pl" eý'n th -de (Mr Gerrie) vanted Mr. Greenwood Of naili, and the Fiditar of the CHRONICLe 1 Adisoussio'3 of à persoital estate &rose st4te. - For flfteen years oth, grtph Ïhat Ibo Dow., Mïaîè4ry-ý_bèls base Canada Preabyterisa > charob, as DaiEu'o te ha &'candidate, but thit, jentiomau WU avare Of 19. Mr. lloiden vent on te bilwegif Messrs. Wallace and -Philp, wben could manage their own horsem partly formed' as (011OW4.- Creek on Tbursday, avisai ' 28th jette., refaied, #âyin that he-bad na time. A Say that a persan bad no lýgbt t or Gerrie. A Stable must 9 claim the, m t- dëilâred' ýdjo'arneJ by IneY Adam Crooke, Attorney-Generai e« P'uloboAinjr*là musi- Mr, Huston. 0 1 t le vots:,of the pe6pleî bi-cause ho wa4ý-,6 the seturaing Officer 5 on appendage to the drillsbe, the proce de te aid in fow dtyo,,ai'o, Mr. Higgins, of th h ori,11, tgý,e property cominit m Canonc1.2 calied? and adviaed him (Ger. arg Pr erty-boiýet $ad a bes'ivy tex- u iu,ý ruýti Maxonzie, I>igvin" Sestretarl- and cal !cuire eut for: the eti of the congroi. ý 1 t 1 Vos CouyduýILLOIRS. one, or even the lini rie) not.,to stand. He replied that if a a a M&D'had a rightloF CocyTite WÀgD.-Meur». Chu. KiDgtý the oôuncil, orders the staWe -,t gation. Addreoies'wili ho giron by 4ever- gond m 1 PýôZît!îon. 4"" Mokellapp ÇrOmmiuionerý of Pqblic ai weil.knoweï au wu go& to bu à candidate, ho He referred teille "miserable" The&. Lawler, il Theilrat information the coun vould support bien, and thst ho woold 1 railroý, u.Mr. Greenvond hid termed bill"-$45-in Ifii Works. rcenwood, v aid thst the enterprit thac 6, i4tlo, _i . f that gentleman No support Mr. G fi ; it 'as . go did net bell, and D. Botta wore nominated. Thé account; wqs paid, il under The Oiber Offi, Cnai$TàtÀo Dàlb --Divine -service ýwil1 came ont want mouey, bat. th* ho. dënied. The interost wai tskeu, 00 speeches Made, and 'Sincet thé stable wu built tht ces bave inot yet baga fift Re (Garnit) did net for au, . la, aiter, the Dominationi 1 Sainte' Chorch - ci Christ- instant suppose,, there was any trickery, bon , uses of the Mr. Blake, 'ft. je reported, will ho ré ho belli in müuiéipilities barelly paid in 4,fo minutes horse bas been housed juqi; fi 'At butp ho wu toi r th iron ndýthWO(:ýoour4etbey',,b&d we madéï the Tais -0 hall vu vacated by leader without holding office. - ma& dey as il't**.'Mlg anAý"70 p. m. d by Mr. Higgine tbat heý fo ë 0 thereby éb.4iing Ibo town dla ail excèpting the retorning off! and the -eaehtjme-forstable rooo. Bât nomber of 'communications reflee' te COMO UPOQ the 8110cit, a 'large Portion ce ------- 4ýf_ the evtéing service aýnnmber of Christmas t- éh - te reprenentative of tbeý'CBabincu. alf the time wu umag the Il grel The Prige9'0( Walea fa eut of danger. '0113 will ho sang i a chorus hl the - chil. ing on him. and alibough ha would bave Of wbi as ho hsd Id theiý batore NouTà WÀ»ftD.-Ueurg. N Riy Gué' tien" for h*'owii'conýfortat th 0 publisig them, ho woold *lie reply te was r 01-1 the filrea dren of the Sonday maboul auisted tiy -the 1 the -m throrâgb the editorial neigions of- the ever, à fâcL If the road bad been. boilt MoGillivriýt, Major Harper,'ýJ.' B. Powéli, Whitby." dy overtaied fithai wegroiùo. te Christmas t choir of the chorch. CJI"YICLIC. WhOD the psMe Appènred, b J. A. Campbell, 9. H. «Cochrane, L. Pair Third example: Two Years wit iii thà slogans ai band aluv'ocid bave banko,- jr. W. ý IL Billings, R. Hatch and thora vas, Do doubt thàt the luttera verts been Weil il but like.the man ýwith the Mayor cooly carries away $â0,00 Welcome Io Merry Christmas 1 Some- Tovir 008011z;vio meetings of tbe vrittenandréplied.to, by-tbeedisor bins- eloobut, they bad moto thails they could Dr- -Cimbà wore nominuted, The firât property, in the shape pf debentt body'says It fa a merry and yet a solema conneil bave bee'n bold si which the mat self. Mrî four go Io the poil, Greenvood noyer called-opon carrY. If le bâti net beurs for Nr. Gerri thaî boÎe,. di cabonding-morry, beoswo Our Itemenity SOUTH WARD - Messrs. Da were ngsu cùstOdY or ter of Siving-a beau to Meurs. Staiter à him agita outil, bit (Grooliv'ood's) address howe"r, the taira Waald bave bail no ciel CaMO'rýOn fa in the à eared 9 ru a a goutte- rosi! ; ho could gire (acte te tbât effect ; John Blow, F. Clarke, 0. Draper, John Treagùrer as in ho hnds of th Oribb'd cabind and confiried" during King in sid of a Boer eteam griot suffi te PP a f irred . toi th t W-tson, or., El. Watson, D. J)o,, John politely requ the railiray, and dadhebelieiedtbetova oweds. debtto ested the mayorto der@4toftboyoer floiste avalfrom the ho erec-ted in the town vas disentied. No Willit and J. IL Gordon veto nomin4sed. them over to the town Treasür m then &gain alictied te the communications Mr. Gerrie for bis-action. Afier reforring POUT mayor refused preferring te -6 to ore quels of ho natum on the joyous action, bowt ver, bas yet been t4ken. ' Ov in the CaconiçLs. He concluded by te bis piersonal aotionor, , bis connections bouge to bouse, in an of' crowded statu of aur coloinne, solemu, becansé 00 In$ Io the * ho i roule were Jeu..* debentures. The couneil applit étating thet ho lied no doullit woold witill DOàOiàrY institutions, bis, P04 lieu,, , 'ho nominations fur à carpet vue, colfortaly oelabrated (rom polo . te we are compelled te omit the reports or ho elected, but if ho wore net, ho wu &c,, ho said that ho would vote for Mr. Bigelow, John W. Allison and J, B, courts for protection, 'and a polo, in ail lands-froin those tisemint the meetings. baPPY te stay ai home. Hie bealth fiad Gerrie, and ho asked hie friend, Mr. Campbell, For ' onneillors-john W, 't-le"ürum" vas issued. The withMillions te the primeval wildemess, - @.** m 0, John A. Phillip ' 'becime weak in his knees, and tri been injured hl attention to' eetiDge and GreeDwOOd, to Iresiitu- He 0,190 thOught Dààv's. A. N. SeXtOo i eV Ott, W. pot in bis blanched cheeks, the de .Wboro the wanderet plants the tree of bis ITORRIBLIC ACV1D9XT.-ý-By telograph olber buiness'of tha towo, and ho would the re> e, Mr. MeMiilant' should ho re- J-' B. Campbell. John m J. were h&nded back. Btit the cos, gladil retire in laver of tither Mr. Camp- elected ; bat, aithough a personal friend, Troucce, G. U. White, Dr. Oakley, Win. verte p. fAitb and dette a roc(-tree in ils protect. Par Dominion lino, Wls lenra tbat a borrible Paie, Geo. Sbeebey, Ribert MeKionon. suit, forty dollars, aid by t bell-or Mr, Cochrane. lie was not:in favor of the depuiy reevel instea log 4bade. The fout of Christmas, bas te accident occurred ai Cobourg on Wedimes- Mr. fliggins denied in moite empbatic and referred te tbat gentieman'il acticn la '] d of by the defendant, 11.y the Chrisilans of ail Jeudi & signi6 - day afternoon, 20th just,, 1 SOUGOG. rffe- Thuç the towl), to obtail, pO cance about three terme that the letters in the CàagjîloLt giving a license te a botel si flumer's Mr. SeztOný we are glati tu sec. bas beau of its own property, trotu the grv, grester thon suy other in buman bistory. -lelock,,by wbieb a colored mon, named vere wristen by bioseif. Cerner$- - He referred to the large r,.elecid reeve by acclamation. For court. Olirn mayor, bail te pay the ensts. Robinson ]est bis lifè throngh careleaineu. Mr. Greenwood, Who wu receiiëd w 1 which. in law, und equity-, Mayor ýYbèr@ror Christian «bide there fi Christ. 9 1 Il appropriations for etreets and improve- oillors tbere viere nominated.-Wm B"I'l çhfjultl bave paid, But ilow cou mait kept. How -Our sensibilities ore a freight train was standiDg ai th fond applanoet asid tbat ho disliked te o lad grea-fly increased the Méta John Callins, M. Clegborn Il, Cliff', %vus ho Dot protectinfrr tlie il atre.ti aie a Patronnai, explanation, Re went on ýq are. It wu onfair te fîtrinera U- Plum. H auriter, Dr. Jackson S.Plat taxed inhaliitat)tS"-by ujqiný the tonobed hl recoiliction4 of Christmas« in and lie attempted ta got coller, wbon the g J' 0 Say Ïbat Mr. Gerrie bad laid bleu ha and éther p-rsons living on the ontskirts tout p. Williams, lanaç Fiiodly, S. G. est caution in coýisiderjng at> the put, and lu tbose Who atill belong to train start kill4d bilm lustaittly. ny ing vould net ho a candidate, and after con. of ha Corporation. Who got alonost l'ickle, Goa. Savage, S. Frajickt IL Soges (0 Save-hiq own dollars ? .$eh Us la home and kindred by recolleetionts or - A euh faétory was burned down on versation with bis friends, ho, biguself, n0-thýjng (et the beevy taxes they paid. and John Gerow. 1 need not efflarge oi, tho.çe poi Christmas Day; they sail romain in. Ibo Tuesday nigbt ; Jeu $2,500. bad beau iciluced to cous fôrward, He believed the prosent chairman of the i-«ull tilne we linda change, and k would look aftes the interest-s of the kc!wtl 8treets committee wu ne capable as any ZÀST WHITBY. towli or whit0y from the further c doop yearning of Our true affection, no Xftra Correppondence. if elected, Be they were identical toit Ail the old coundillois were re«elecled 0(ct.)ntiriziiiig in Office the most 8bat We ar,) lad te exclainâ in feeling jfnot bis ,Ne evêr bad, but ha tbouý-ht à commis. lY acclamation. jus. 0 Guy reeve ; 300, reckle5s, ignorantand incoffipeteul Own. He wished te sink parsonal dîfror- sioner ought tu ha appointeil, vho would Stnith, deputy reeve ; Richard Lake, Jurry that ever Occilpicil the mayor's d langange- Mit. EDITOR :-The Northem B. B. encëç. Every matter of publie i4ýr_ ha responsible to the cuuneil. ne asked' Lick, and Richard Molberidll, conneillors. Whitbr. Full of' conceir over "wl)oroer I roain, whatovor landq Iseo, Company are tugging avay vith might tance tbat bad beau brougbs bitfore . the wbere wu the $3,300 gone tD expended WHITBY TOWYSHIP. witil vanity ; ridieuloq%, wh'en lie Xy hoarftintravellatl, fondly turois to tlieo.11 and main te completethoir bridge -et the Corporation bad beau injured by local lut year ? ý A fe-v mod haies triera illied bedignified; impertir-ent, %%ben ha Nàrrows ; but the Narrows au op and tbat vas âbout aIl. Hi appeaied ForrepveýMessro. Calvin Ciimpbeil, j.B. bc polit- ; and untr Rom@ 1 Chriftmu 1 Why there là magie yet wili not jealousie4 acd personal differobees. Ele n uthlul and de( la (hi very worda -a melod- yield tu science, for, u yeti the coiTer- bad azes* tu grind, and others bad azei; ta te those prpsent go vote for Gerrie. BickelF, &S. M. Thomas ; for elppoty reeve, when lie Shoulil bc above suFIlicjon, y wbieb dame bave net been ficand te work ; thongb grind, fi wu charged, but ha uked therc Sr. Macdonald said ho occupied the John Tweedie and fliânery ý.3ickle ; for Good bye, Alayor Gerrie. witbie us the too Ott sleeping sense of the tbey ha" a pump worked byý steam, still to let those charges be sunk and ail nuite asme p(sitios on Mr. Cochraile, beiug conneillors, Messrs. B. F. cýmPbell, J. YoUrs. affectinnately. beautiral and gond -otiro op oantjider&tions tho water peurs in, and they cannot pud- nt) the commun ioWre@ti of tbetown 'of ineligible by statute. There bad been a TYlpr, J. Burroubbe, T. Fisher, Daniel ' "eNOVEIt'rIXEDIN[IABFT for-others u Weil 88-oeir. , dis the colliers. le in a laboricus affair on Whitby. (Cheors.) He had net time great df;,al 4aid about dropping perst),l Holiiday and sevearl otherë. Mr. Thomas y --------- W@ bave a prend privilege in ý!eeting men, and the cold id severe and intense. enougb te go into personal expianaticSs matters, bat, if tbey wisbed, lie would tell ýwe uûderdtaud, will not contest the reeve. COnutY Court and General Soi There are odd squad4 of men scattered as bis addreu wu eut down to tour min ' thons the quickest way to gel rid of them. âbip. Our resderi se cid friande, who. ail the along the Midiand, and moite people tbio'k ales, but ho took occasion Io dony thaï (A voice-Yeu-iza on ) Weil, elect me year round, bave est ai our literary table the work wili go rapidly on. It lis corious Mr. Gerrie lied gay rigbt to charge Mr. by acclamation. [Liud cbeers and laugh- For reeve, T. P. White, John Elaight, The following je the conclutlion and enjoled our humble tare. it wus the they ehoul4 rebate one joi of the work ; Iliggins With trickery in this allaiter. The ter.] John Miller, and 1. B. Carpenter were casée tried on Wednesday lau after boat WeýOOuld oirttr-, but thoironcouraging for, if they bad the making "of the year eharze wu gratuitous, and entirèly un- Dr. Gunn sait! ha did net intend boing a nominaied. Messrs. bliller and Carpenter Vois te prises.- approv dl fipar us - on te frosh and accuma - and seasoB, ii-finer one could net ho made ciblled for. If meetings vere held, fie candidate. Hie routine for opposing Mr. reiiigned. For depuiy relevas, John Mil- Cranik1l vs. Maw -This was an ' to run a-railway in Mars, Ilotrever, 1 would-lake the opportanity of fully ex- Greenwood, then whom ha held a,-) gentle lers 8. K. Brown, N. Cnapman, Cbarles brought by Clarke Crandèll, propri( Wing endeavorti la that path of dutY think in any case the swiamps are cotiquer. pressing bis viewe te the ratepayers. fie man in hi'"'ber eateew, were-1bât it waa Brown and John n Haight were nominated, a brick yard, et Borelia, arrainst EL whieb vould lie bard and razged indced ed, sud the principal labor for the future said the& fi bad hein cbarged against bim Dot fair te giv3 Office >te any Per»uD whO but the last two resianed For couiieillorq Mair & Sono, contract ore fi Dot lit a î hl imites and pared w;tb bill catli'19- wn. fi wso, Mesirs. 8 ors, of Port W p 1 by bis opporients, although ho was no bas net given service tu the te J. Green, A. Johnoten, l'boa. to rceover amour-t for 21,130 bric The absorbing question of the day now opponeits of thoirs, cor yet of members of ho said, a and thing Io overlook mon wbo Barnett J. Palmer, D. McNabb, S. K. $7 par 1000, delivered to the deferà the hope of k , indly appreciation. Christ- round here in tha'contemiplated Dow coun. the prissent coqueil, that ho- vas connected bad given tboir services te the mas brings us littic césestion fr town. Be Brown, Il. S. Campbell and Tuos, Monk. andfor .1j days. teaming et $3 pe oui work- aiready baptized Liogur, 8 far ne I wilh the rail èâdes, Mr. Greenwood wu â1togeiber v)a bouse wereenominated ty, 1 i 0 1 wày. He wonld say that ha t> , 2ýeôsra. Campbell amouoting to $162. Plaintiff provei Md we includebore Our practical co-labor- bave beard ci the matior, in titis lacality never polled a vote in favor of thst en. much mized ap witb the railway. and Brown resiguing. tract. aâd promiàe of Maw te pij ng ib Tac CIMON101,111 Office 83 Weil as ai lea4t, the 1 copie woâ] give it very pou te prise, R13 that ho vas not interosied in Mr. Greenwood -l'have given a cou- UXB.lll)GC. Defendants piended that the bricks couellog-but it affords us the sweet op.- auppoit ý and wny gay rusa Of sang min iL only ad a stockhalder te the amount or tradiction ci being 1nterested in the rail- A. T. Battent reeve, T Todd, deputy, wiliresses te provo that the bricks c - 0 Dot the qàality contracted for, and br pOrtanity of beh)g selqted by the ganioa or abould support ouch a meuure intia ho $3,000. After making some remark4 on way any more than as a stockho!der, and, and the old conneil were elected by acela ed limestone, and vote unfis fur bu looked upon as a man interested in nome the railway, ha ïaid tbat the concerc did as a geililernan, Dr. Gana ehould not the oenson ; and in the franit spirit ai niterior scheme indepeutient of the iûLereât not tient moncy but men of talent 0, it y brinz that charge ag&in4t me. In reply Motion. purposeo. Verdict for the plaintii kindly congratulation, welcome without of eâer Mara or Thorab. Let shem aud &ben it -would- conte to someibing, to the Dr., ho said that ha was eut a di. $125.11. S. H. Cochrane for plai the fear 'of censorious criticima pily oid babble of a nets county auch as fi may Ho was in fiayor of manufactures, and rector. Messrs, J. Hall Thompson and Gille P'e P. A. Hurd for defond,,t. Dr. Gunn roiqumed. lie thought that for the reeveahip ; and Messrs. Sbire and Eberto va. Good.ýTbis was an i Chriatmage and of wisbing Our frieude ail answer. Orillia bas ils interissis go oub- woold direct spécial - attention te tbem, ho Bacon for the deputy reeveship. to rpeairer emounv of claim for m the compliments of the boliday seuon-a serre-, and nu blame toop andso bas Oro, He alluded Io the tirant of illemi and Mr. Gréenwood was'a Director, but as Morry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mgtiontet Matcb"àub, and Nuakoka ; but aîked wby was no& the town progreuing wu Dot, ho would no t refer further ta that RZACIL and occupied . the court until it rose. Neraand Thorah are quite different. Tièke more rapidly ? Agir our morchants where Point- He Tefýrr6d to Mi. Gerriels action, For Reeve; Messrs Adam Gordon and THIRO DAY.- James Graham ;'for Depoty Reeve . Noah ârs Greenwi" and the 11ailway. the vi4lage of Orillia froin the other iist is the northein trade. We wanted united and trusted thst hg would ho re electi-d- _r Elolman, George Si John and the.r'remaiiider almobi je miserable te action, and if we were tine to ourselves, Mr. Dartuell said ha was net in the Bites, James Thureda), DW 14i Thoèle Who talk about Mr. Greenwoodts cOntemPlâte- Mars, and Thorah are gond thatown woold become agaia more pros- 6eld. fla.had made up bis mind how te and Mungo Wier; for Conneillors; 0. a. Eberts vil. Gond, -The cage was land and weil settied. 11ey b lit thoir-1 paru 3, (Loud cheering.) vote before ha came to the this Mead, James Allen and David Purcy. A. on wit's tbis mornium, The partieli eftne«ion vith the atilway as beinir --a . 1 ' _- -J %IJCM _U' 2-. resu t of this vote,, if in thè7l antý&n»UôÏ t6 a - W. Pl ,vote or-11-r*ýt--. ended, té, 't ry 'il-upport ý of t6ýý T -b- 10.- 0 jection e c«Od doïo by à, faico WÙütry,.but thât if h-,e id aý' c vote as ý-_was rould ho under fla, col ne à ýn referred - ta the lçer, on, e of the ' 41 ýinèôn'ind Prince.' opposing the GcWirp - le, two latter wereý elected givi Ind the' former 84 , pPortea 'ta mi for ýihichhe Was mera ho Globe and the OPPZZ ison retorted, ing the E and endeayour; Boule privâte convematio XaS checked with criejý ieveral members -rhit an bal the inember for Kingston for" '.,-,toldszxcellenc ivate conversations. ün tà RE, Ait% %Vood (S ci uth V' outrage which th, I le rmumm ,n committed in repeatiï, lersatii)ns and expres&edýhij 1" tbi-0 19 that the OPposition about& lis atnendment. diviaioà, peech Mr. Wood's smendlnentý filbie,,oDez 10st witFout the House bein,, proceipd witti7th r a very few memberli votici was gpeedily followed by 4ý tu" ei-*ere ni le Origilial amendment'fjf,.', 'That this Uc 'h was carried by a major,-ty--: it,'M" fact its present-etate Barbeý, Baxter Blake, Chi* vbich might be Velliligtole,) Clar' . ý-Tht the disc kg, (,'-Ok, Crosby Currie, Daw.:", dSu in reply (0 Farewell, 1'ilila;ptou, (;Ubràrth-, 60iý; * Gow, (;range. _petit* irivolved dk), MeKenzie, àleKeljr, Xjý, 1 "!4or consid 5, Olliver, l',irdee,, pattenloci siid Priuce, cow»,Of thé det Springer, Webb, wiw 10 iiaoii--40. % iiikbf-tbe feelin, rX. Boulter. Boultbee, cftjvj,ýý thýý tbat Minisi ý19, Clarkcq, (I;rcentille), CAI in elleh the fou itrryL Cwg, - isken-place, and qberlandi Delacon, mercelie, of thilsouse, tha thé moot importa edonald, (ioriiwull,) Medjni IkieCtilluin, -hÎeHaeq W'Ï" ned and c 4 1îlehardâ, Rykert, vàWý6ithis Ilonst %Yilliaille, (Dartium), Wood ww of confidenci Piovýincfat Trensu izie siid ho wu not goini, of the boiztile attil » àin dment, he was, not-ý aleed bis cffice, , ,,'h'ther it was a good oue ing Minit( fle went en tu speak in a, Ctreumatarices, ai ,anner of tlàt) members ca '5titutidn, that the rIt Side of the House. Ilouse will lapse bon. the Attorney Gen-ëral: Cëmber inst- Thii id that Le had done awjiy,.ý ilg tgÂta duty if il al Party forêver. il jeý as was done enerai liaed-o-nald empW lut yezr,- MakE hé stât5ment. penditure under 31 ùë said he might be &blèý con4#ence- of the iothei, time alter reviewine. Ie2rYjýýpn thepublic c0vernEnerit, supporterg We «tijýit« for, the e. saili that ille Provincise' ed.ýý- wýftÉ thig H', during .'ho absence of ûW- NIinisten 'al. in the Dominion pù_ 117EX.Celgency to cý nn a motion accordinge - xnd bumbly prays tion, and that on the re- vfIl be grxciçiuqý, i. the Attorney Gencral he the representation imanded bý hi-a for tbe, Ltkeii-, and chat he vu Atty--Gen. 1.1fic(ir, il Y the Hop. Xr- Car- the exceptional posi the Housenot bciq Général, the Ilon, W. bi--&bEurd ta 1,esigt: Hon. J. Carling, herv now, Pending ýver illy denied the truth ci tb'ôùgh-t it quite il = S, and Ïbat - gen - XinistrY rèsi ned them, wldcb ho glunéd poweroas F'o luctant manner. 'werer concluded, tn ie brought bis remarks te 'VOUld -bave ta re>ig ring chat the following irould bave ta form led toi the _anàcndmýnt of, 1115 woIJW move tha ý inform your Ezmiency a4bourrisit stan&- confidence in the miloistif jan.'u72. ;ing ta carrjr out, *!th re.' . Meam. Currie, ®rktroul of said' funds ot Mlc&mald, Sexton, we consider ît a usurpt-, nom Mr. Richards r b danger ta the gofern- aning Position of ti utional usiges," defended its pulicy. Macdonald replied in sa .]Wr-,.Farewell refer . ne spoke of bfi effort*' fr« P edge," which ýe wide lindmarLî which of by- SbMe spealel 1 partisez nt the cime CE 'Oembm knew that . the bis the for- latsde use of vri tb«ýIée sent 00=1110611t, of the X01111 ,he could not E ity of coalition St the VOMe for an bon. tuý icy of the charges urpd le to'support i challenged.the Opposi- t.>.ýt" the PýtjicY3j lad been citerne ta theïr lwith, - respect ta the s they had been crue to, ýtitUtion rit HaMiItý )f hat ho hall done f« 11-4 -ýnStitutjon haÉ 1 of bis long services- 900tler site selected iked if either for himuff ou r-or the G( had ever sought'profit, 1 cxlnduct, of ý when the full and . tree, utb on;tarin in Ei the people declared fur 0 und hirpseif ta e w-juld readily relia- ble ion to el of the ship of State. r1liffit, in opp . . ttruiertook ositiOn Fxýý, Dec, I&L Ile ta SUPPO: that if tfi 1, 'ski. Mr. JrOwell- argpd the chilon of Mr, ed that moroing, i The ir"d jury mode the However, It ÎsýOOt likoly the Gogo' Dot qXtend ta $hem. fle W40S ta ae o 'eoff """il < following ýThî dotÏed au - Witt b Witt attempt Mment . S&Y Greenwood, as the 'best mon for the v ý m ", -à réquired du a écul.., NUAR BROOrLIN. in face 0 form a Dow conatl'io, gogo rOOtiO uà;siutlr th&% we lied -.no Maloraity ; ho being the very iman rang. ,wîtueuý,69aket s#,ald'ron,ý bonne tbe:re- 7b ffl Honor judgiff - Burn" cent". nt. of $bu lage, diéoogiregin roada, ne barborp no wbeâtý grOwing ed. go did not Wiaie that itvu neces prie". -WO rqrOS &0 108M thst 80 accident of 14th Dea., 1871, c est or os, bat Oro Oeutiq cortb Md or 404vith. sari ta ho a connuilloi jor' We,,itre grand' rs,ý hâte, visited a serions nature 004wed « " rday leu ------- standing ail tbisý the gooDod (Of ghiâ And Yearef befort à ý Whelr the b04 &Dd' brain ar«'well bal- 9601 au-1 find every part oCit À Taut BÀLOAE. «r Dr; Wisterfs Bals' put yearà) bâd u" ed -ta kosp misa wu fitted go ho meyor. Hg express. la g by wbieb Mr, Arthur Barast4 employed the m , anced, ther-6.0mich. .ed W4 d»ati#f&bti' la 'ceptblu of restoring Or4ort and cleau. Wé find oight prigog Of Wild Cherry is troil a baisais. popoistion p near thé OD'with&Ëthê iipýndiso rosa vrbkb, the in gaQ -si retty- "me » it j(je re the wute f x mules sud two rom et Mr. J. Drydeti,#,, sa ISCOU iloi.It"n y eare &go. Of thi town fâàdi durià thé jeer siently' 8, üsïriag a bau when the They ail elprets thomsolies weil satisi knOwtS 68 the teks the baissoie principié of &à@' Wild Sa referred go 1 the eo[Lelùdëd by étàting the& ho WC p, io"" the etovglsob id incapa, Vrith the treatment recsived. élonghosa," nearly lost bk arm, by isil- Cherry Ahe baisamie properti« ràil'w4y, and mbid ilist somq of thé nid no& ho !&;go il, pýrO cri n oi tar and a, candidat* but vould log loto a eloier Machine. mie, of Port Perryý with a few frOm Wbi b support .,Grée 'blO Of XUPPlYiug ÏL; là other words, the your juron wooid recommend th& 1 hirty nue Of plue ItS iagredients are &U b&l#*ý 1 st 10 Wood. Coagbâo,,Colds, $or@ Throat, Bro maussied go &et- $50eÙ00 Oen . Mr. 'Vemiriau said thst il expenditoire is to.o of ýbone - haire boeu taittia frous bis nobit ont of the 1 large for tber ibcome. ;suffieient nomt:ia-r of atones ho plicod and Consomption apeedàly disappe un lot and attervards inducoià the tovii 1, tek es tbem'£sà» of go mueb sufferix the gaol imird to keep the pri4oo@rg 0 sr der 1 74*r ho bed endesvored touring tbo'put Jor@ il ig elbéoO>by Dr. Frank Warren, wàO 'WU it4 weami3 imaueupe. $101000 sioek. in the coaeorD, $OMO Perý daties faithfali discharge bis from Dàeam y y, and the rosait bu sboug of the Heart, Liver, stonmb ployed. The appear tu, b&ve zkothing mued into uëlit the oufforer. For à eigea, &ou@ ffes» foolith enough 'to tbiak ht and Longs, whieh is produced by t«ing doý p and «bmintisi 1ýéw'O8 Onght to baie a director on St@ tb" ve was favorýble tà't6 &Owa. Uit actions the Nervous systein too--seyèrel; Wd e Vie ort sou ',,Xuw$àu st 8kieur%. Look Machine tri the OÏbora- ý Lack Stiteb bat car town 4ou"l jatheir Board, in t4 conati Couneil would = '.roquire Villowdl Coépoand Syr 1 Op , of W, '. hg ý examil3ed the Co ou (or a : tua: 14, ke Ma" by th* 94" gèner- Détici Éeri, 44 gres'& "WiltiO. bad beec ypop boa.; "ci F4- in a tory ý£àLiflaOgf cogùpaàl. a" $top$ gost barg4o& manner reigW go 1 'ta &p. Phituisetbeoàl pnpýbr&4iotko paid by Sb@ ratep Owa whi 014QUire ta tiie _ ti,,tbù nW41 P*141> Oà.' ai, then referni ýéjeré to the f tbit bàý. RA ';Là-À Lf-'ei' âan 01AZ O.Aunnôri t oi order. perryt mr. Éatueron illaded 7ý w 1 1 , 'ýý (,mi ýr, 1311litL, :si Mr. Wood from thé abarrauing pogitJOn Dent bf '0 motion w lackenzi"uotiog r»-ý ;cnzie) was in fayor Of- that.reven B Intercojonial ma Mr. Jw- hlà ,Irlg ith dOW9 be did, by tbià in whicb .......... fA on ...... ,dence, which ............. .. .......... gomment by (;roëko,

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