Whitby Chronicle, 14 Dec 1871, p. 3

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'Wdwdy, ZUIIZotgLtheie i o f IteGilvaq, of sonir Whitby Xarketai. f*5OSIcLtz es Do.th, 1871. rhst.........1,20 si 80 ....t..... .... 118O AS £ ....... 0 4. ..............3004.. Se...........476 $4.04. .........15. to th, parAnio .t r ... ...40 ,4001. , I. & 13 bave receivec first, ±bVJIRTI4E ENTS. m't'dintier end deissrt tork,,à wiiploasenote the faot, brAiU, Whitby, Dec, l1M, 1871, The only-first-élss estàbIisWi ai. are Ilillyllippiad. CUNS!1 oui HIatch k.Y'rother have received ihose celebrateil uingle and 4ouule 1w aibe given inside the Corporation ÂIso, English Hogskin eovered 1Powd SLELGHSP Ch eaper at Hatch'a than either Little folk& oeil saad oee,-irom 3e. UP, > -1ENGIàISFI-PL lidVuo1,.~» a tborongb kuov- lgd ofthanatrli I*o blah govera lthe errasme .of digasitioen sa.tritloo, anti hy àu ial aj>ieieton of tihé flueproperties of voliuleW enr*.Mr. £jpe hbu provideti oer reak faultables witn a oises8vue b"N lo ssAYmveuemn bey Em&C. loaro- rtis Chuiit, Loirlor.'Aliso. naaet* U spp'à bilky C.oo&(Cooa sudaoudeussd 8 D IIE108 AND IIANTLe-MÂKI>ru. mine ELWIN, lu rtrnlnig l.cr, thanka te tihe Ltdies of *lîby jsud vleinity, for tirf tIberai patron"g, t*keit the eppartnaity of ln- fomiug thrit hot "%,.bcaumremoyei ber Proe-ak1rg snd bMartle-msklug Apsrtmsrue: Rif. dSi NxqnEII' sTvOREM, vlr@r,mi bitîterto, airsla propireti to rective id mente aiorderg withr pnrotusiity aud APMSNTICTI WANTED, tb lest th Witby, PDo.,la, 1, ul- n-SI) 5 1T %A'Y. pîsmisse of tire aubecriher r. Pickeririg, a resu esit, ~ i ovuer le rsqrreated tOpa~P ber svey, otirerwlse eh. vii urss o! îav for payruent cf GEUMGÉ O'LEART.1 Dee. 111h, 1871, ý1,-*l-0 P'UBLIC SOHOOLS. Ties A nualitaif~riaîma Ir nton ! Townubcirowrc, wvflieb.Iried de foiiowe 11gb Sehoci1. junior dilvision, Ftldsy, luth lit., At 2, p.i M. c W,7S.8:rn,;Muiss lorrovman's division, eh $iqgaoh s1t Ibt., et 10, a. m, IEeurySté Scioi, Lisa FPràser'. division, Thurtde>',91let.. atl, Pl n. G dé Hilsickia's Diriflon, rdy 22ilut mt, eaI10Oa. m 2ud, et 2,p.m M on Mt. 1airool, Is s Burue's divisIon, Prlday, Slnd InsI.,,ut et, a. rM, 44 dé Ms. Weedirou.c' Division, Prits>', lld.,*îet . n Andermorrii . l'cinool, i,. M*Allan's division, Thîrrda>', 2llimt., naIl, p. ru.' MI J. MACDONKLL, un tltu' rth Ot DAO., batoos, Greervood Andi ltirsiee, a Laédies' black wiiiov Bawkat, ientaittlrrg article ai vains. Au> erre griiniq latormation oithtiresanie, Os suturulngit et .triag's hotul, wil b4e enltabiy rew ardad, JAMES MACKïL) Whl.,thy, Dea. S th, 1 11. 80-80 0T ERATZI'AYTR 0? TIIE O'Donoiran's. )ODS. ated- tez and table 'g the genuine ~artioIot, COUJNTRY MERCHANTS Oan l,bea~le with Coal 0W, Boiled Raw oul, Machine. ails, TO DRtTGGISTS ANLHAINTERS. Turpentine in lots to suit pQu, from one te ten barrels; ',ueo, Engle iui O%»a~u genulue leadscinl 25 sud 10O lb kegs. Parties requiring stocks vil pleaseoeil, as low quotatious wilI be givea lor round lots. Armstrong'à Stovesand stovepipes0. Patent Dumb Stoves, &C.,J at the. noted Cheap Iluse of 1Whitby, December la, *1871. NEW ADVERISMENTB, IN CUANCERY. BURNUS, EURNS. lu~~~ ~~ puomfee Dce tht.rscourt cf Vrruoryrudelu ir 5,c=ucnie, wltii tir raprebtion of George Il. Dsrtuicili, Iqurs, Mate otîrloqCourt, -viii b, uodt %yPubie Wliti,taIl oiock lu ithe forenooni,. cfý Tudsayglre Pur dey otJauury, 1872@ by Leri alek, Jr., Aurrîlonser, tire South hait OfthLie ucrtb irall of Lot No. 27 litrtira -th ouelor Lb.theTovnshrip cofirbtbiy, ezcepting thersout, tir sentir West tonr, acesoe tire etid sentirtiritf, cootalrrlugby admeraure- arsut, ierty acres, b. tire suma more orle«s,- thirtY of wbioh iae levansd teucati, sut nuder cuiîrtion. Upoar tie re prtY thorea res t rame tiveil- Irrg bouse, about 20 foot by 80 fot ; aisé, a frime barn au& stable, aud a Weilicf géoo wster, sudsagod orolirrd. Tire abovs Irtui, wbici leoi! a rich elay iosm, lei situete ln a dlue Agricuiîuri diottrict, distanrt freintrae village et Brookliu . abtout 2 miles, sud freontbe Town et Whitby, about 7 miles. The purchoisar la te pisy dowu et tire lima ef als, te tbeVendor, or MbiSiiiior, in tb. proportiou cf $10 for eery $1,00 ofthte purobase mney, sud tihs balance lu one ruentb tbercsftsr, witirout futereet, tuto Court. te thi credIt et thisnsause. Thra puroeiro srslret b.entitisti te pua. possession iii thre lit day cf Noremirer, 1872, and tie pressut tenant lo; te bc nt liberty te roame ,hl$ Oroep4and propsrty tup tte lTt efDecembrt traronerwr. lu aIl otts'r respects lb. conditions of sais iae satandiug conditions- cf saesof thns Court. -7or furtirar eticuler@e sppîyte j Keltir Gordon Volor a Soliciter, J. lismer Gresn-. Wood. Jepr@e sd the u6dersigneti Master cf Mbi Court et Wlrthy. J. REITilGOI!DON, G. IJ. AUTNELL, Vsudor's Soliter, Master. Whltby, Des.lotir, 17. 4v 50 THE, WEEKLY GLOIBE NOW 9 8 TUE TIME TO SL3BSM~BE 1'OWN 0F WIITW-YoTHIlE L Â BGE ST GENTEMENTheo Rosti Coreful>' Corductoti At tire aolicitation et AND THE aletrge usmirer of My frriiav tovusme-iu. otnirîg sOms erthtie laryont preporty.irelders CEZAPEST WEEILLY PAPER wititlr Lir cosporatien- baie beau perguid- -NTRLNIET 1.otrru y slf rs a auddkt.thétr NTE ,INIET 4vle>rorilt? ett lire suiug u1ilseleation. tuclýynwltil thoire ises cf my trtenrda Questions erthtie deapeit mment te tirs lubeu a )uàcandidats, iovever biliy 1peopleofaiCanadlàasre nov pressirng fer settie. mi>' esteeru thir et tire office 0f chiotelment, snnd a solution et tireru nntire e tonîrd gréâtatty5'5t 0jeat lu te serve, ote i dung tire 'romnugyesr.Tire action te bu ci ancelt ot Mr' power, tirsbeut lutgrate ofthtie tnkeu by enour 'orlamarnt lu regarui ote ho 5'sipep>elainie. Woinmrngton Trety-tirs Action te be tatken Our 1'own sediyrorquireasmu)rs lberai en. towards th,- lrrmdiato cevolopmert o! car. aeuragemeu n tirýoestablirshmenit oft'hirufac.. WilididandtiI'ottir- lVeterii Terrteries-.. tuote, srd Tmle lu euse midt; !vu need s tire sdoptiorn ot a National âàlswi ue> lioses onrnustnly cf irest ; a mrea rrigi-.&tireadoptliu af.s Nationali Canal liy-.cbs boasi>' unio# n sd Inleracurme Oastovuemen adopton ot a cocrprasonaive systenuoet mmi. witr esah otiior, sud te tin ea iale ends, grationr-4iratslps rrcw te u irekn :in vIew ot thé >Iklg tatnir om à:ifoeo, ie 4twu ode tire Cornott e.lsr-. lianes ety'ur Clst Misoitrale, or lualire ea s. rtidtire porsaunsi ltidapenn4enj ra omenOis pwetyct0a grivage itusenuy best 'efforts Parltaoent-jrrt men>'etirer qucellone rit>'l ibsil îlvays gedlroo&cot!d rrln erdevouring sffactlng thé Cture veltnîrs --jtirs Dominion 'e prorioet tirqrr, 1ieh&# , il eletet, moi ie Pàirllimen tI theare net prarieusly deait u or pànty iluthLia, aarrsaîeuîofrsth wîair lu atilke mannre.Neves bons ltfllaty. lu tiébtrs n eta>' 'atndrê we semany grost Cotrtbutiune as1do, atnnaili T discti> sud subjeore presitgAt oeuemoment fer meulte.. ifire1ty,)aerrrela h ua4"w= dol w &trds nremt.îndcuvneer bos vs emore necesiar> te ttioe,,?itls'e eeuueded &btira! baveaàlarge imt ovrr>' d'cter lunire iand*sirouit have lu Msenal suturait. lu duiilngta promt tire iris brandts a twarisas, (ripokien. trutb-teîlîug rasperit>' et' tirs I'own otriity usM ueobo.t Wn eakewor th r ohioji otIve-ma>' »urng tha consing year tir, &*me lins cf 4 isiti w hor a sumlaiert luesetilve te &unr, polie>'on pule atian sd thinse eurgy ~ttaee,'a more eouoalaexpîndituroofi lu tira aoiân of neye i ntih" erllit teloration -fonde, sud to esutire lArgietmomenttrom ilparts cr tire vont thét hava >04airie anîrunt, Ot vrlure obittsed fer tir e gineti for Tais ouaLtse sepreotspro-eii i5dey expmuded. lenatouxg<tslIlrfallyicu ths, sue, vilii irosteadil>' pruread. tepeact 1 serve au> own ittereta but si veli TWO DUILMLS PER ANNlUt. *atts ud leur flrrtretel oesucet nglest ~avsIa on lijrtgmysel!. in til4 eonnstiau1 I Y -an, h'llown âet lu eneurini te¶aie<>ttiremorneyu CLUB RATES' POP. '18171: lrpristëd for ife o o e x ptudeti Clair of Fire Copias, ono year..8 9 0e 'rer st requgrd wlitlirînrthe corporatiou. DO Ten de......1 Po rt'ltoreeu teoWards ud aboalti dis- Do Tvwenty do ........ . 2 0() offinie vev fecezoÏavutiný DO Tîrni> do.. ......8450 Oonluocil1 wIl ni br4y dd hatIfAndies«ab, aditlcual oer .n hirt>', nai6e, 16«domyth<*uld on effrce o! dt ie:a .Dollas sud Pffty (Cente. vr 'lr nina e mm lAsntue proi pertt ad tsClub ocuitls ovu respouulbUlîy; sud tire eTee tt or lir escma iî teesta deslrng 10 do se,' iuhcld set on fufr a tl Ofae Wltb>'. ify te a Ciretiar ebewlng ir heterrie. lana, , t ksh Club paper te adnre.eed separatel>'; Yeilow Tovunmea, and n4y t.fol'5ir7purpose, YourobI su fathfl ierynt, Orde ad remitances obusddreasod te V1nlbyDer. îotb, 13. 6 ' * Tosooro. - 80 T owt, Due.. 111h, 1S1',- -0 HATOR &1BROHR HROLIDAY PRESENS Rire isud esimgnt artioleb for HOLIDAY GliPT@e t aL GeT.'New store, on 1the N OTIC E. 1 hersly gir. notice te 81l parties cencarneti that itnoe Of haird giron teome hy pur- ciasera et Mylaieo suctien ases, hava bacre de- peaited l 1treOntario Bank. vbsrs tire>'nov JOHIN éLLINS, Lot Ne. 8, 7tb cou. Pizkerlng, Doember 12. 1871. Siu-50 TH«E 14th VOLUME For 1872, TUE ILLLTUTArED Phrenologicel Jourga. A FJROT.CLAss Pbreaioogy.-lie Drain sud Its Ponctionse; Location of tire argons, with directiont, for culture anti tralalag sud tierelais o blimd and Body> doer le. r f Phryaiogueny, or thea "Signa of Clraraar vit Ir lumtrstioe sud hcv taeaMd Lhemp, la saeolsi feutura., 'trrrogy, or oeNaturel Ihfator>' et Man, Ilnîîratet. wiill bire rn. PhysieligYsud Austeoy.-Trs <irganiza- tien.. st ruturca fonttr ions et tire bumin, body; vitr the liaw, of lite sud bhatir. Wbat ws aboulicet sud drink irov ciotiret ant ïrwev t exescîsa, sloeepesu lire, le accordauce Vlth hygisuis prinoipisa. Portraits, aketabes and i higrapîidescofiad- Iug mi andi vonan luaial deparîruents o! lita, are sRpeCISI facturas.r Paruts, Taer&ansd Other.-As aà guide ln eduacrting sud training Cildran, tis mago- zinrsfira* ne au perior Muai gaunerfil Information an the Ieadlrîg tePic et thre day ln gi vnandudneofferts are * pasri te maire bis tire mntrIinteraaring anti irastruetire se wsii sutire Baut Piotorial 11amiiy gntahl*hed.-iis ra s bure.cbad, Its fi4thVolume, it bas rtesdiiy iirrsset iln fsror drrirîg tire many yerfaIL ba beeu pub Ilsedt, srrd wee nover mure poprilar thsrî nov, Term.-Moutîy, nt OPa yeur, ln udrane. eSingle numbers, Sd -conte. Clb. of feu or mor, $2 sircir, snd an extra cepy te Arent. Wèareoafferiug tire moot liberai Prenîinis. Incioea15 cent*r for a temple rîumber, vitr nsv Pictbi i Poster and I roepecturi, sud s comuplota lisI t f re!rfumu. Addrose- 8. R. WELLS, Publisher. 889p Broadway, Noir York. Docmbar 121h, 187 1. 5 %J -U JL.L1 e N L L JLjAIJ V'V JI1k CONSISTING !N PART'4V [le-avy 'I'Tweeds; Béavprs, Ml 's, Fanc#' ICoatings, Whitneys, Serges,, Flannels, Shirting8, Shirts aîd& Drawers, Cardigan Jacketý, Fa4;cy 'Wrappcrs, &c., &o. Emp e Y& Clothe, Merisoe' Satin, Clotb,- -Shals, .Fancy Opera Cloaksi, (Yheat Protectors, Capes, Cloude Fringes, Fancy' Triniminga, Paney Cloôkings, ,Lsadies' and Gen- flemen's Purs, also, some ckoice IMllinery <iooda fer ti Beason. Rr~ Millinery, Dressmaking,,and Taýilôr-Ing DONETO ORDEII. oceThe Groccry Departoient awelI stockêe ithice éénô* Tes, fes, L3u rrantRWs FiaSpceand Fruits. for Christmas,, F ine Bright Nay Smokilng Tobacco. Good Te.foIr 60 cents. LOWES & POWEILL. Whitby, December'6, 1871. GREAT CLEIIING SALE! -A T- .OLD NO.L YE OMAN GIBBON in'raturuing thanks tb bie old frieudseuontoiners sud the public lu «enoral, nov beg te inforru tram 1h51 lu order tw roduce bie stock of Dry Goods ae mach sr ossible, beoesChristo"s, effare the vhele oethbis tock, cen- sisting of C&asilan.sut Englishtw.tveeds Bvers, Docakins, Broad eloths, Sirirtinga, Wiucays. Panay Dros gooda. Cobourgr, Ravrribis Black Lustres, Merinos, Printa, white aud gray Cettena, fancy Drees Trixumingsansd. Ribbene, lu ondlese varlty; Hosiery, Gloeze. Nubis Iloods. sud ail kinds ef Fanc7y wol'geoda, suitable fer tire seson ; white Biaukots, hors. Biankote, Bufialo robes, Carpsta, &e., sund a fuli stock of miuk PFe.i 1The iwhole qf -the above wil b. sold eheaper titan the cheapesti Town.- 'Ladies cal! aunoiammlne for yourselvos, baeot purchrreing aisawbere. 1- Just arrived at olé! No. 1, a ohoice and full assortrnu of ail kinds of Christrne Fruits, Valencia sud Lsypar Raisins, Currants, choices Toas, Coffée, Fige, Sugar, '&o. C> The higbeet price pai&Ifor Poultry, Roll Butter and Eggo. Do't forget the piace or name, WANTED IMMEDIÂTELY AT 01D Nà. 1. 1,000 Good Dressed Hogo, ,5,000 bushelsPuasWhat 1.e r vhich the hîghent Market prie iili b.pat. ; OLD NO.~ 500 Tnbs'iGood Butter, 10,000lbusheloSBpringWet 19000 buishels. Olover Sed ~1' Whltby, Docomber 6, 1871. TÉ' NEW ANT)DHOCEGODS FOR XMAS AND, NE W"aYEAR. Y.GIBSON, OLD No. 1. JA MES -J.MU RPHY. Ifàs recently ýrecei-ved, at bis nw store o Ounus tret, lagelot Of lnew Ëgoodssuitable for'the muaon. Read-mao (lothing of. the best quality at *rery lowý prices, An excellent s tock of Dry, Goods--evéry-~ thnr in the lUni M ILLIN1E ARE No* OPEN,. HATE llillinery and Mandes, made. to G'rder,, ~ We are also shwing the alrgest stock of genral -Dry Gouda wiLby, i re bave ever eld her, ad seling t.yry Ioçw prices. H EN RY Wô wonld, invite special attention to out lage stoc~k of Cana- aaooJ ian X1anûfactlured'gýodir, in Blankete, scarlet Flannel, plain grey Flannel, inoy shirting Flannehe, H' osiers lamb'e wool, shirts and drawere. C>- A ICýLOT 0F NEW INR FUrff, BUFFALO ROBES. .«P '1 d fa #c ONNETS,- Just received,-,a fine l,6t ofn'w easi green an d blacklý New Fruit. Wines and Spirits specially suited forFml rade. Wl.:41... ~T. lA Wl ULt4JJ~ L~UY. .10. lOt I. 46 GREMAT CLEARINIG SALE MeMILLAN& Co., Buffalo Robes, Railway Rugg, White and Grey (Janadian BIankeqtg, Heorse blankets, (larpets and Feim Overcoate, Clothing, &., Caniadia Tweed.sud'Flannels. Cotton Yarm snd Bagu, Fur (laps, in S. S. Scai, Ilair meal, Piticked Otter, P-lucked Beaver, Ermine ltinkr, &6. We offer speelsl inducemente in the above linos. T. H. MoMILLAN & Co. MoMiIIanis Dlock, Brock St. JOHIN IS NOW SELLJNG FlIan nels,- Blankets, &C,&c.,- AT UNPREOEDENTED Whitby, Nov. 22, 1871. 4 Hoitt's. -Photograph Gallery. OSIIAWA, May Ord, 1871. The question nirturËlly arising àmong those wanting Photo- raho, te wbrere shalh vo o to get the truet.LIkeueis, sd'the Onet finishd -work 1 Tho fbut judges of P'Ictures voulti say go tw By im ean& was IJb lefar i advan ce of al oters in th.? Comty se a Photo- YWARREN tNP<DE ~CAtT5fcu IIN CASH PRIZEa. H-IGHES.r PRIZEr $50,000 GOLO COIN. TICKETS, t8aciih, or tva fer $6, Omsha papers fseul freo. AgeutsWsutsd. For'fuit particularsadmc- PATTE & GIDINEIf. BAsines. Managers. Omaba, N06, Notembsr Ldîi, 1071. *am 49 PURE CHESTER WVHITE 1BOALS. Two pura Ciroster Wh iceBornro,,impnirîed frowr (irester C 2ontv,?onnylvas[Ia, t. S. wiii bea sril.irlc or service et tira rorridance ef the proprietor, ou LOT Ne. 58, TOWN LIN!, WIllby suci Titn hreed et Piga is oair e tirainot lu îr venld, theyaiii gain frein eue te two pnîruda pur rley tilltire> ard two yeurrs nd. Une ef tire ab'>e eboars woigtreni 0& lbs. wborn ne veoktolsîd tir tter 7ilhs a t savais wetrki Cid. Tre father e ir b-t, Whoun ane Sour aid, witgbcd lClcob5, Terme, $1 50, cashr. 'Nuo eit gi#on., îB COAXWELL, D.rcembcr4th, ¶871. 4î4 From tii. date forwrrd CASUI wi>l bc ne- quired la sdvarrce fer ail rriew Prmtrn. ud 1. AILIN. Wlretby, Dic. 7tr, 1E71.4 F OR 8SE A raluiabla Penn, iun ctbighsatrte cf cultive- tien, ail net excolied Iu Uauadi, beirrg Lot 2ô, 2rîd con1 Webt Willtams, cunuty aihMid- dies;ex, 80 acrru i oeareti rrridweli vrared, good leance», gro] oi llditt-s, aud asfiue yourrg rcbrrlof cirrice t'rit; iertuateti witlrin 4<miles -of therfa irrin7wirrg aliage of Park i,, sud catauiing 142 acres. For particulers sppiy te- THOMAS XNIGIrr, Pa.rlk Hil Wlritby, Juiy 211h, 1871. tf-20 Tlire ure brai Suffrilc 'Bi* Fig. ovued ly ;r Iutrylst»seuon, viii ibe rvallabla for servi0e ira l.proeunt .ý, o.n otLNo. '29, lS cn; e! Wlrrttrfitalf a5nflù irrti af Mr, ia. Wbitb, Oct. 11, 1871, svery adrVOrtiseti reneMë?y, hi simple fmesai eifCo, Wh! trose 0 iâ fellov suffarsr. 83-1 y 78, Nasasu St $5i0100."TO ý (PmcvÀxc Prez,, Inn surna te suit bqrrowers, atéerat. No coitri ob car APWLI 24t Nvo-11 isal 1 ' J. 1 1 - lý 46 -1 whitby, Do& ýloth, igli. Sioý50 - 1 Whitby, Doumboir 6, 1871. S INXER loi

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