ugIuruu 7a ye vn thn &hune wg. n ontUSA E te work in the turnlp field and vaustL4UCT1IN Enm eya M ri î' s a hycasted as previoualy. Týbe- bC tu visiwIt preaontad adreadfuI spectacle.T e rDcmbr T hpws1fan5 pe~Coj s, J~t Poei a of ,. ,wev lejrl .n bowg STher ilb d y 7uiC Antou. affitDG ringes, iFa > Trmmings, Th'iieoeth ak&terosidence of Mdno, Ladis' 5nd1enp I -In difforent place-i. Thié neighbow, oci Whltby. a 2argi 4n.ntity Mofc r ~tlefllen'SlUS110S1 tb*,prlaoners remon.tiated witlrhei o.eold Puinlture, graoas Lm -cJ h, up'on thoir mis uage ofthebdeceaed on and4 obatels, eontstng of Millinery Goodafort vilions occaionts, and lW the, nefà hbour, . BrnislIs and otiier carpots, Dam" n d ask , he hInod lu lpi sm e f rery Sd th jkrO l0fh siy5, C ntre;ci F il a n n e sudsellerai-l'o, lsslur&WcinzI&fne asrtm nto 110 O». A îtage wthrouer.., ScocsBanda, *ýo, D 1I. i A D"! .-Digvnvc. mlrgmad gpiolce seleiF.-, oaiplctureu, Wsi. P.ort. and Sherry in F'rench, llil lion or Lir u'sM»on n.*~î~nul iidernoiu ebedsrn és, bah listirsas.. ' and Ta- [E?"' Dot1.- huricne Çsied b. ortent eioa, and- b.dn>ang dseveraf PreQp, red Wînae1 ey r~ ai~ t alr aide of the Island of Oape Breton on theo rys,&, tir ' -* qii!tSpanish Wine,00 O eE ý. Dilgt of the l27(h ult., 'dofig Imnse large, lunber of boor . nd UPSO BIo Pale She ry Sw eeD ('N E 'F (> J 1 R 4 m ag e t o h o u e sbo rn a , tra its , a n d th L b. 0 n t i O c rY , & t . iv e r w à r , C i re* A ,.7 t obilp ng. Thie gala e bagn at 8 oclock cockery. and tohîo ware, &c, "di. I ove Wad --i n 15 t, Iincase or indiluted until ô5'o'dlock rnez mrn.Pt I Cner-. 1gh6frndwç,o I otte. Tb@ tidie wua four fecti .higher t(îon van Il vsuîety of other articles too nunieouuo eveT known before. The. public wharf a( tionoi, js .T e G o e y D p rieWhi tbyIIo Port îloôd wvsswept aval, and in thb. Saleho commanflo nt 12 o'olock, 110o1, sharp. r e y.«D a tlll) vfillages several bouses baie blown down. TKIIMS.-Ahl smuiudor $20; cash do"n Uulber Of 'c#sel8 Ancbored iL Portsel..Punis of $20, andi Over, thren mnoutLu ovedît Bassince ih hienw es ofes uratRiinJ f Maulgrîve dragged ashore, and others 0O1 apprgved mecurlty. JE,, Fe, Stces, aud Frio r c hri tas, FiesBurightsNaisin paedouf ciflue titrait to LEeI. - RANcto. f moki$nd 'atfr hsmsFne Bf r 50 cet N The Jiermuilon brig M1e# wsWWrecedWhI.tby, hfilms r,18 -49R 'U u-. oacco.GodT, ou Pox Iland and - co e nsacd DJgiT,6ii . Ton schooiners ver. wrecked in tie Straits TO L .t± A s EU U AL E.Y 0( Oanso. Il l fuored thora ha. been.con. aaveli as propertyLO E & P W E. b, lb. gîlo. 140 Acres, <00 ploughed, 80 In grass. -Wib,6 Vies Cora Louise Kellogg bas closed gAPP'JLY To - draftOtard December 6 1871. oprat vlth 4 anm Fr%ucsco manager tb On dat fr, ù ming Lveuty igits Iu fiat clhy for $1fQOOO F. W# McKEKýZ[E, IdSblesves iu a foir dayo for l.tuhereiss T et-o ur loWhitby, ec. bb1871. ' 1 w 49 - W zero,_______ePiY - 1n-e1 . y &Co'. ýG REÂT CLEARING -SALE * wfud, and baroinîter fqling, vua the. PURE CHESTERI btIplt.., i Meuntreal report on Tiiurégdsy nigit btt .- MAartlula..-A T- LegaIly a lisais, becomes a aheep vben 'V FTI IleneEeyMeaurRus -fit gelalits fhrat permanent teeth.a -nssY euýra e ifsnvîltlaN orhhr lova Two pure Chester -wlhte Bourg, f'nôrtad %YI indrlald by a vant cosl mine, - front <'helster (3',uuhî, ?enneyhvaitfa, 6 Prine AIl red bas kilhed bis Oifteugth wilh be à uoih.bhe for service ai tii YEOMAN GIiJSON uLn returning tluanks to his old fiienlda customersansd residelle0f flIe prapriehor, au hhe public un generul nov beg te hnform thin sthatl in rh euc i sok o demrin he ..ScdMib liigbiapds ibis season. LOT No. 86, TOWN LI NF, htyad19odrtirdc i tc o Nmw TZLEIILAI'IOrcg-Tb)o Ifanîre. l'ckeriiî-g. *Wit7m Dry Oooda as muci au' possible, before Christmsas, cffeià tice vbole of bis stock, con- ai Talegroph Company openel man office Thifs breed of IligA Is oneofo!the best l ie shsing of Canadian aud Engii tvctwediii Besvers, Doeakins, Brosd choths, Shirtings, on Lb. 11 he eof the NipissingRsih. worhd, ther, snf11g.urotaine ho two Pella TCrrrArn WucyFuc rmgoaGbore eesbe.imk utaMrns rns 11 iyaetwo yeums aid. Unîe of lw 1' ) J hihe sud gray Coî tons f1ancy Dresa T'rimmni n aud Rions, in endîcs srty ---4.---.lieuiveI~orewÃŽehdgaî~Wouîe H~ osiery, Gboveii Nubias, 1îoodç.fand ailkinds of Paficywool gonds, sultabl o b Munra Vnct.ofd. Titîe father or iîe"r%, Whou on. ear slsM M wie nkthuk Purs sBfilorbeCaP c, sud a fuit stc QUI weighed lucQî]bs,.o *k Frt ToîîiihNo.95 87, Termo, $1 50, ceuh. Nu crodht givan. u The wboie of the above wilIl bc soid cheaper tIîan the cileapest t1, Town.'s~ ileuncl 'mot. McmbersaIl refent. The Ba. , Y nouell hechar.COAuesKWELL Yonger, Da-- Ladies cali and examirne for yoursehveg, before purchasing clsgewbere. rodaMeetng. oceber4b, j7j.Just srî-ived at old No, 1, a choice aud fuit nssortm,,eut of aIl kinds of T'ahl p,weA. vie's, Dow's, and O'Keefe's tuua, v mnasd~yr>..snOratchioce Ta(ioffe ,Fig. the Ireiistel ua rcet r120 ak I ALtMER8t sAND ISTi EÊS. qurt Tsa Lt 2111 100oYiiTr.mirr 01 scci hof pi.. Tgr ,c ~I . -l MoteL ofoail uvwn MaUI, lAhiierum- ii u-nd PiMUtS 0> The higlicat price pâid for Poultry, Roli BterudEg. 'fehad (row is. rnrcfsae rer@Tii. Tiorouon. 0hEa tR KOI HI RE Dont forget the place orsiane, AENWOE cernlflie a f niiaaitdraicainiu joisr fiiceefu, fo i11-4 ork avaiasie fI.;,ierviee hhe premetit newton, nahthi, REB!POLD AREO. OPE doue ounrcsds eie fhesbato, o i.2,Boe ote ad(lora 0 Bruce, oun ler rosat, hwo Cmiitinet, prraiaoui, f'keribeg. Gui2snnEke tess'sTE $1 98; Jlohn a ddl atidJ. Mcf<li,ot, ,Do. ifontaikrihnag, tcsi eire;h an nWANTED TMEDIATELY AT OLD Oi«>NO,. folotirsts, $X50 264 <Iver Thaupsnou front îimpoel tock ; hie oter and wo pinte and qu rtlood0; H ATese Ifo e don., 40W, 0eormaBruce, ouacntre road, d quarts. 10O0 Gdd Dresed pets, 00,Tubs Good ]Butter, In the lWest style là 2à ,,$; roît Meifon ugiCo, centre 1r 0' 18te , l o Oirst-re O lu rugln oti en90 0 for s îîhot l ,oob sh l S rn '100 %ipn. lit. un Il!01, $1nd 50 fprit t ttihe Provincial, 0mime fâai ; their bro- W e t Thiic oly r t u t rouiis 'ro$iISMOK sud &Il; Il $ L<o n 5,002,.! ahPt Tn eModo f<i 55 40h sd 5.ohlifs p0 wok a $nt rgise500 uhlsPa,1,000 bushiels clover Seed. iîilnr ché oqu 7ýMol nci.sditoed nt u ported pfgs, faisouglacni For vbicb tbebigbieot Market price.viii be paid. - iln r a nétoifor fu i.byoira, C p.yewa liefr $0P oo e iobak t'OErlnd hoy e i -2 o éoy , l e p 76 do, i er p g s aoerosold for $000, f. g t o th ie~ b y eca U r 6 5 1.O D N t w e a e r e l d h e r0 TIsfO(olawiuounrwetbi y elm4eu:Uited Stât.,, f S. A .L *___________________________________6,_____18W7ond1nvt M fr, W . lio n tioi, T r a n s. aan d L ica e s~ in p e a . T E lM - 6.. 2 0 0 p y a loe t h s h i e Liai . ! soiN o , su. n a nnhav e r e d h g o TOwîî l, $14 15; tir, J. Boothi, furiitu r@ JACOB fi. TOOL, llîdit ~fi an ehuîtiugnos for do,, $1 f0; Wm. itchjfe, od cotni» Duniarton, P. 0,<0. gngNrmbr1, f 1I, Z hie odo a- ay o t.1Fanos r*I.I rsu v0. o MMMhusateaL aymm 1 1 v-L i A IICE LOT th e rn s t ha e ioir b ct i u al eoi) o o ! . er Raisi* ns, i3lue C row n, ili ugull{y-hav ooeîiag up & aoalroua * Blauok Basket, Musea, â LTIN 1 lfTio ltiloi u telI,&c. Carrants, NEW AND) CHOICE GOODS FOR Just rcceived, fa f ô is îbuiéed ,by filmtu n ou ccunlt dfetéof part ,f the loth con, i, utojafi, Lad, ile#fanmode, sud ol41 furs Cbîuged te n w Fgl, fren fl. ic oraaion, thie assie not behng cethue Istest fagbioi, and furs re-liuei. .LemNonÂL . ins n Br W iedulpeiroigî iha @averatiotage%; MU1ARVEY, lLemonsndSpri coli Crainî îthonso! Offie olt Iluf., Centra St-, norti Methodiat churob. 0.pirit N v.16 12), foýAnd tdjins t e li eInparties Whib I «. 29, 187 1. Céiu-48IE Vi nov seiîo,i uii*.f on, sumovcî i. iouth A 4,14W for thie purpoge o! establigllog a y>L A t luL0O3 T, J&oES., &c.PH i:'lofm efexiî~rsio si. and re s stth iona, iawenWIbymdOsîw.onPn And01 nntlsiciMr.J4,Pjpo scodai b Btwen hihy std oltws o, S fnsrecently Ireceived, at his newv store o Mr anrti, the uaoîufM.-liee, sour ded revint-.Dundas Street, a large lot of new goodSsitbefrheeso 801,i0rtfhue 2ud or Dec.uîbelr, tutien o ia ed by r,tumlag 1h ho li@ nnderulgnod. _______ __ .____ _____ ANîUI ("'1871. R eady-m ade C lotling of the best qua ity, MA-BRIE». - atrim CALVERLEY....ADDY...At Witby, EEaW __ tc r ai à #. reoulençe of $ibe bride'. INlllinery'& fancy G"" .An excellent Godseve*y IOrt.Fraistigiopby tbe Rov. MnMr, .KNWTG od F Ji 1.~ heue c'ifl e.Wilamcllrejpt0 ING MEAfS. MATi{EW'5, - thing in h i Okodna ouihave fakan the Premiss lately ottcupied Oeos. fsCaddy. by SIx». Kittzne Broek Street, (ur H t n Cp' frihn tbe Royal Buti,)viare ticy nov A hic lt o oo s'amn Complet. aes underchn g D I E P carryou tie Milineru' aud arv li PSTEES....uUzrde ifge n mlauhbe linskiiîg mimeis. hrl.H DIib elbItOljive, disnglater of l, IH. 8. b-ALSO DRESS MAXIGmîvGroe'scm iee NHvFutor( Peer.,. Marchat, age.ixwoAi 011l. .lunil Ifis urgucîes a.. ô, W' Twoplte N w rutOee ----- ----LATEST STYLEs AMP F ASUlIONs ' a, for Christmas and New Year'e. Tsnd Whltby Mark,îs., Allio FANcY GoODS-enibr c Fauay -1 CitOiCs lîîc.Dm. hu, â7.rv i!«clc lu ---en 1sAcepin. hrt*WbtyD_ abr t,-81 JAMES 3. 19MRPHYIfir- 0 1 L o n d oa r S u , 1 8 2 , a h I t d l k ' O r lso C I S T M A ~T O B A K M T f S ~ e i e d IH e r s e s h o e , a n d o t h e r I r o , P r i u a bijk,ý's M"kYOCtUsa. - iCe,14 &c, jueot recaived fromn Europe.. Plea.. dou't filt to eall sud sce Priua ~P î i k ~ 0 ~ 5 - ud co de m e - - tO k , b efo re P ~ur g g ,e sew b o re. - > o r»e b o es, R ap g , u viW,>e.,M E S - Q J I 60,00 OU CONFE TION at> HIATï,H kà BROTHERS, Vl 84RVANT GIRL WANTE. 8 KZ a kates, Skates, at RAT(OFI & I3ROTHTERS.O Ilighât wges iven 4?fCASHPitizng.Sleigb, Scbool bouse, Door aud othar Bello, -at HATOIÇ' & BROTHIERS. Iligbem~ ~ ~ ~ H wnges givcn. OfScothsad othermsnufa.- Rod o' abe and pocketCulysioro. HTJkBOS- Mm. J 0811UA E8'x PIUZE tures, wiR-be'shbrtly'oii Glisi, Pttty, Lock. Litce»Duln o e g: * y " &a tr H ATCH kBROS.D bln P r e N. o r .~. c E r TICKETS,$8 uuai, orIvo for$. ha d, . b- tba for adare, paint i î, S. .sd Tu ao lathlmbate forvîd * 5 I i b. p r - d L t us a pFo a pà r n oeil. l. JA ES IN Iud wOse accunts are ,long over due, will please iJ L ber l %$1d dîn- anfed For fal partlubsra- -JthsotheohatiDti"zton to have hem adfosted before a,. lSth ineL, natheRemember PATTE& iGÀÀDMgzM -St~, Wbitb. of.ýL a-B b14 ouoMaagà ,s, fOshaBNeis *$là ,, 48 ibbl, N ', 29, sau71, *v-0 e W luitby, Nauven"bole - MAhitê yq Kul- 26, 1871. nsby Dress Couds,71 F RSÂ-1 ~. cAT UNPRECEbÉNýTED - avfia1eFn-i 1, d n.W<ait Wîillatue, JE gco Oet-, gc'd Bualda syoung orcheril o! ehaiceb fnB muiles»o« theIý lei. - ffilsud conuIufiujg,1-> acre v. 2, 1 71.47, tmranurmpl-. rILTO~ i~~~~~~~~~ .O1V~j ~ c ~ WTbyJl2 i, 18' . 'ERY-SÃIlOWT IOOMS q, AND SHEWIWG A PULL STOCKOPF-NEW s &cBONNETS; « s. French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, and Velveis. nd Ma nties made ïo order, wing the largest stock of general Dry Goods e, sud selling at V'erly iow priote epecial attention: to our large stock of Cana- od. in Blanketr, scarlet Flannel, plbain grey Fanuel, 5Houier's bamb*s. wool, shirtssund d rawers. OP NEW MINK PURS, BUFFPALO ROBES, .4:3 31ADE TO OIZDER. 1a. fine lot of newv Teasi green and black,- New Fruit. s specially suited for Family trade. By vinlno O! a Power of male, enainej lu & coniain tIurtgaîre, wli;wiill lezprodiuae Ira crà etahsele "n IRIIAY, lht-. iStb ET CEARING SALE day cetDUCE)IlB2R, 8IS7. A 12Ilote!, 5»ti.,village o! Port l'en-v. PAUCEL L-'Tce Nor7l haIt c Lot unier w nt lite Phî0lAm o r ftiasTow'i 0 M I L L A IN & (N shp o *lleach iii hie an ny O ! O ntario, Co ne-. Dtinug anc hnnd redales. TEiLMS-Ten per ceont> o! the pmireao mîteY ho'e u the daty of maie. For O F blancetenu viiii. knwo 4the solo. falo Robe, R ilwa nuFor furter partionuru, ap]y o- ' 'alo Robes, ailway Rugs SoiiouM-,ac 1f 1 rocs,, e and Grey Canadisu filanîtets, -O ot i D.J. DAs, mPort e lorm. 50 blankets, Carpets sud Peit. Dte or onto , Ahi N por 1871 . eosta, CbOthitug, &ke., Canadian Dat Tob t, qu N ov.l. î , 1871, d.4 'ds sud Plannelii. Cotton Yamn Bagu0, Pur Caps, in S. S. Seal, OW TAYED. -seal, 1>1 ueked Otter, Pluckad c neit -a r ms, fii uirhr er, Ermine MiDk, &a. lot 33, lu the êSîlOIIcn>sion o! Wiitby, e ler special indueebmehn ine ont'tagPlo',*wO Cuowa, b3th ed, 01 o Df peea ndeuut 1ic owuaes requeotet! ho prove propeiy, pay_ bove linea. eexpenses, sud tîko bIe aituauaaway. T. Hi. MemILLAN &Co. Whihhy, Nov. Is1î, 1871. i,4 lan>s Block, Broek St. ONTARO IO E BROOK St, -- WIIITBY. Ce DAWES, - Proprietor, -The. suons old erhshliSIae liotol bS ea imim èk*v VlDx mwe- ilix, ew1 Ottd uy-ajd rnovt amoughout cerethake o te pulicfor be th e poato! pureiuquors - N -T H E - O R N ER -y lie p Oviii h o ldt fhiabahling, au d nage best 'owed upon hîm since commencing 1lcok iaîlfter tue ctviltty ot hostiema. e store, sud solc ts -a co ti nna nce of the W h ty, No.. 22u, 1971. D w s r p itr A first-cass assortment of. - - - ---- -JOHN o ovc. A VOI> I) A R , A vcin !try .s..indimcreraou, cceignroa eiiy -precmaturo deà y,.qI.vigti. l a! ever luvortseà Tér1edy_ <ix iscovercd '* simple mnis 0o! y n4 hihbc il .endl freà o WIda.feltov uiaas -J. 1.RFEVL'9,* 88-1y 78, esau flnceî, ew-York $5,000 TO EO0AN. (PmIVAT Fu%-na)- lt a PlIM to rmuit horrovenja, ant Ia 1,u'rate of' iatemeà t. nocujso claargof. - - J-. YPOID ffIî Esrafz!r, dad PINE -FOR SALEi A quautîh o! Pine lu thea ta'e-H'onth rlfl O! lot No. 8,7Sh cou. Pickering. noA. POTj alhbNv. 87th, 1871.YovilP O On> Thi i.eaie Je s tiis opportunity 'ot toturnlijg thasuiks ho hlm lurOus f iendg sud ecmi,,nomfor Lhu lîheral paîntu ge erteudeel lo im duuinc th t trt elyarm. lu daing oce hoe mequeîs thhst'al ia".rfica ti.deb'tei1lu uià by nota, bcok accuait or otlîerwjae lenitki u imniedite sethueent -if lte pman.Ali se- count renriahing una»etlcd atler the PIRST 0IF J'A1IURY viiibo plAcd fin ay Solicitor* lhonda for col! l'.chion. Prte*Favin dclie ci a ue£t er mcqnested to »end ln theosanie fortiwti. A ALEXANDER, Whilty, Nv 29, 1871. 48 Aue-tion Sale 0F A vArUAeLC I1WEROVED FA tM, F,&MILY attention invitec kNDIL THÊ I3EST 1I torms to Stock of- Woôd -an, T. MOCAIM or to -46