Whitby Chronicle, 7 Dec 1871, p. 2

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ON7LY 8150 CENTS A TEAI Whitby, TbUrsday, December 7, 1871. hE 0?uorTue Pattxes ar WÂtx. .-The iealb thiaiti.Prince of Waless t ote.dlyltrai. The Ontarjo Legsîsturs. Tb@ Ontario Lîgilature will be formaI lf opened ibis (Tbursday> afiernoon, by Liet.-Governor 1Ho wiand, viien the. elfecîln ai speaier vii faike place. On PM&Ida. the Liet.-Governor wiul deliver ls pee.h (rom tiie Throac, -Whtîby & Port Il'rry JLsiway. 1H0-W IT LOOKS, WEHAT IT W&NTS. - Sturda>' lait vo njoyed the. or extended trip, front Laketset Lakte, avi tshu ie. Ticedfine veatiien afforded favonrabli appaninnît>' ion examialag bh eiiaracter of the raid, andi added much ti tie snjayment ci the occasion. Tbi lcotmotire "Scngog,'l vils cne ai thi temporary cousînacteil box cars, and oui platianu cars, loadeil_ vith ireigit, let tis Wbiiby station at 11.40. At tii four-mile poot wvoad vastakon ln, oca slonlng a stoppage aifaur an 1v. minutie Pram Ibis palnt tii. rosil ta the barbon ii as atraigit as an arrav, sudàa masi beanîiaol tiev ai the Laite andl surnoar.d, log couant>' lf obtained. At 11:55, an- obiier stant vas madis andi Booaktin, si miles furber au, neacied in 8 mintea. A fantiion deiay aiflire minabes, aud ail. dîtiono ta tisa'compa.n>'ou hotrd. Tlhe sievcn-miis pose, riear Myrtîs, 'neaciad as1 2-.23, A deis>' ai 25 minutes, in taking lu vaten, &.-tiie puuping op p.raumbeiag, i et, la an unfiaisii.d state, sud nsv pumpe lu coarse ai con- mstructiotn, Froint Brooitiin ta Myrtle tiers la a long and beaîy grades, rtaciig as ilgi as 90 lest Inthlie mie,,sud for tise tour or five, miles iroint Mynilista tii. gumn tt ifi'.idges, tii. grade ls alto, se lt lie bexîseetelongians sd 8sîeep. Tii. catting at lie summie, ion about a quarter ai a mile, is madine oo places, taelthe depti af 50 ieeî, tirongh cIa>' and sand, sbici is inclinsil ta slip andI give va>' vltb oven>' vmriation ai tise veathsr, and, altisougi apvards cf $20,000 bave been alreràdy'expeisdsil pon it, aà<unuiier lsvgsn aula>' viii' he necessar>' la rouden liii lino, ait tsympoint, peniectryi>'arae. Paising lovl> b>' Maucisester and Prince Atheni mîtions, Part Penny' is reacisei ah e'lgiteoo minutes past one, sud, llaving for stoppages, tise whols distance ai 22 miles, tscatmpliished la one iiouan sd faur - inatem. A numien ai déviations yers paiotsd ouiU49 usmwt vgappean ed to e.he i direct line. the follaving af - eIlcis oulil baveobiiotened tise distauce at leasi a mile ; bat, ve vene tlId, liai theconntracter bidau ohjech ta accamplisi lu *akisg tii.distance the fi1tt 22 miles, and tbaî iustead of cuîtiag wvienslbe * contd baie donc go vitiiotnsttcisdiffi. ent c thrtsougis, ise rau the.line anconui lb. base cf iutile bitio, sud causeiltan>' uinneesîn>'curves visiciinigiit bai. * beca ensit>' avcided, On Ibi& beail, or oncOrnsctnesè cfiii. statement of-tie aeceptsnce ai the contractar'm profils ai the lia,, viti grades ah 116 -Met, vs are in nptÀoi to oaffon an opinlia, va sintply gie tii. statemeat as-'mails ta'u b>' ta of the directoru an board. Bmdil' dn. stractcd cusuerts and dangenoas, ungiisi ed sntbauluntat, yen aie painied ont, (ov and, fanrmonte tinte bacit in course cf tianongiicampletion by tie Company,) and wviib ferai part af tbe sobjeet mat ter ai itiian novr going an belveen the Company' and the coitractor. Wii them drvbsk,-vbich are only a Matter ai littie time -ta gi aven mrdset aIl igt-the road lu a gond ane. Ths ties-pinipll>' ai tie boat hîntock- se vslllaid, mandas elose sfrau 18 ta 27 Jucies rmosntgocontre ; andI coupétent judges dolaneit-v. ose thein ova vorda-ddtbt buet lied roa inl Cana- Tb* rua ie'rau Pot Ferry'té Wiitby is Ishucr@l>'mude la aboutas isour ; net a sii ick ooot biag required (nome-the tis» or learing théattuult-è,diaban..of ïWtees uiles. la tact, lesr thts latter wT f41111 woeela v~u besilli $rostr. .For Instance.:U .rdg h 40. miles «ou Toronto, and only 20 miles from Wbitby. 0f course the. diff.r.inc. fa Carrylng he»>Y frelgiit , ould b. the, lame as lnt the. came af the Mdielnd in favor af tbe shorter Wiiby lice, Tii. trutii là,_ boy. ever, tlzat the Niplisig lino Il net calcu,., lated for removlng biea!y frolgii'taeimar. it : it insimaily designed for aaaking lb.> local trade trîbugary ta the City of Toronto. And vey. the rond capable of iiaving beavy froigit-tbe prodace aofthe. field and the forest carriei ovor k, the. resaIt vonldb. that IL vooldbay'e te be broagbt dowa by Wbitby, frout Toron- ta on 'Ils way taeRestea iear - kets. But tthe iigbt, cars, and feeble locomotives on the' Nipissing lino are snited go no snob purpaîs;tbiey, are, aesiaready sîated, ,snay deaigaed tb as. fiet the local frafflcofaithe. City' ai Toronto, and not for -the, pnrpom. af convey ing bes,>' ireigbtî aofinniber, grain and- caitle ta the esat. There lsalaim the arvntage af a mafe barber at Whitby, apeuneaarly , the wviole ycar. round, viiere 'vesmelà cati lie veil oheltered and secare musids the. break. water, in caeeaifstress -af veaîher, vbicii celuber Toronto nar Part HIope.poueso. Tbe one. great- nsed of the. Wbitby Railralale le ever rscnrriag _ane ar Money-increase ai capitai-eiicb Cati- net b. secnred vlitbout Govora'nt, ntid. And vii> sbonld not a greal pnblic -work, snclg as, vs are prepared ta showv the Whirby Railva>' im-calculated té open np the. country, Malte the land and itm pro- doctm more valgabi,, and bring a mar- ket ta the. setlier'. door-recelve assistance front car &Railway Gavprnont" ? The. vii>, and tii eeiore wu procoud ta discuse in anotter.article. C.averunct Aid gt a always, q jAt the lant session afible Ontario Logis- istur a act passed antiiorisiang Gavera- 1nment ta grant aid initise construction ci nailvsysto tise estent ai $3,00O per mile. Thia aid, iL in bell, tIoes net extead ta Uines thonu union cantradî. And theo in- justice -cif ibis discrimination -betysen noad - tbe contractifon viici, in eue case, migst bave, beesi lot tiis veek belon. tii. bll pansed, aunl is anatiien casetiie eek sitar-la the subjept ci mach compiaint sud dissatiifaction. Hene, vo tare en- pecialy reier ta il in ea fan asitlbaffects1 rie Whiîiiy andI Port Penny Railwa>'.1 Part oai tshUe wvasiude ontracî t tisa time, sud 001>' part; sine lieu ai large cxpeîsdiîune isilta ho nmade n tiieo construction ai pionm and vianiss, in1 Javeriug tiie gradesi,and, ta a certaine estent, in equippug the rosI, buiidiag stations, freigiit bouses, tara laites, &o.,i sud eventuail>' the Coempay' ve obuigeilt ta take the. construction ai the. liq@ iria thein ova bande, andl go, ta lavitishthet contracter for non-performance Ch is i contract. This is tie peculuar, aud sxcep- i tional position in viiciitiie Wiitiy ail Port Penn>' Compan>' have bea piaceil. s Andl lai tIe reader aiea bean in misil liat fnom Wbiti>' ta Port P.nry iî but tise fir tinit in the lits. viich it is praposeil tai oxteuil norîhward imb heb~eant ai the back country>, apeuiag it op ; maiting the landl aud its producta vatuable, and giviumgr cheap sud expeditiaus comnication vitii1 tic front, sud thenmarkets ai the Easterna States, Ta sa>' lita Uaneioai ailva>' mo circutnatanced siouid nat receive gavera- mont aid vanid bs certaini>'-a mnat illibera ai canstructionai tiie boasteil Railvay ' palie>' ai the Goveroent. Tii railva>' nati irans Wiithy' lu empiaticali>' a gneat pnblie vank,-aeo, as vo have seenla' anotiier trticle la tuis paper, deslgned andI deatineil, more tia ither ai tii. unes tisereian mentioneil, ta open op and ettle the baci country i laver freigiti t add to population antI vealtipsu d, la a word,1 lsereaso tise vaine ai even>' ple. tnee near viici ri e nspaiîs. $e, sarpîhsa, vi con.c tend,. sisuld nftote sdsait wius in a partialr msuaerý but siionid b. !qnitahty pntopa tiaisedtil lamî adî'us desigaed ta iseefit and open up lb. cauntry ; Ibat surpna b- d longing ai igiât ta lb. uhol. .ountry, sudc not tg ay>'paticular. or ialored setiona. à Tie Cont>' ai Ontana, se s econt>', and îl. - local mueniipalitles bave eantribuaed -tbii aeetavards -the conhstruction oai the Grand Tnoonk, Great Western, Mortb.ntr, r Pont Hapegand ever>' other pabîlo enter- pr ise viiich roceived gevierauent a&id tiingh >lb. municipal Insu fond, v-witn recoivins -tb. vaunofa aixpence of direct banetlt. AndI ta sa> nov, thlas beeuse a coatract bua bea parily ltl(ilupoist:of 1 fastfor oly àrcsLd of SEome lvCuy c DOn)Ova iii?. 4i» éoiid -itiot tgoingý ta a&vote. A rvapased New Canal>', Nortb. -tan important meeting iti.rosi- dents ai tiie localities interested bieat- Oriliia an the 4tii inmt.,- fà *ai propoeed tbat the tovnshiipe af Mari, Rama& and Tborab, la tii. coanot>' aiOntario, sud Orillia, Morriion, Matoiiedaai, TAY, Mi- 'doaîe, aud a portion af Ora, ta the. iztii concession,' la the Count>' ai Simca., vitb sanme townshiip@ in North Victoria, siiaald forta a nsv connty. The prapomed caioe for tiiir ewcaunty la Lisgar, snd lhe audience iiigiily apprav. e ed ai tiie appellation. A -Central Com- muttes vas argibnized viti paver ta add taO Ibsir nambers and appoint sub-comntites in eeci tovnsbip ta fortior îthe abject in vkv.' , im lecompoied aif tiiefolloviag as fallovm t-Mfeigra. J. Quinn, G. J. Bolmîter, P. Grant, D. Svanson, Dr. Corbett, J. Kean, and A. Kennedy.ý Deep ingeremî, va are logd and mnc'b eaîiinmiam vasm nanitoused la the proceedingm. Tbsre can be no' objection ta aur nor. ern iriends aettir.g np bonse of their ova, if ti.y cou do botter for tbemgelsm. Tiiey bave alvays foand tiie front townshiips friend>' and liberal, and bave oertainly gainsd, at least, as meci b> tii. caie- lion as the. front bai been benefiitod. W. lave- beard but eue opinion as ta the ttovntnt in tii part ai tiie coatny,- '6Lot tiiena go in peace1t' and prospit. OPBNINU or Tue MuslxOLt Ratî.wÂy. - The Toronto, Simcoe sud Mushoka Rail-r wa>' vas faom>'l openod on Tbnarday lat, by a grand banquet, at Oeillia, ta niiicii village tiie rend ta nov cantpieted-, Alarge nutuber of proîninent e goniee 'src present, amongul viiont ere Sir Francis Hincke, Hon. Dr. Tupper, and [on. Mr. Aikins, ai the. Dominion Cabin- , lHon. Frank Smtithi, Senator, Hlon. J. S. nacdonald and Hon. M. C. Canteron if the. Ontario Gaverentent, A. Mac- Lenzie, M. P. P,, J A. Donaidihon, lmu t igration Agent, F. W. Camnbcrland, anaging director, and hasts ai otiisr n rll kuaongentlemen. Speechs Wére 1 ade, and aitor a pleasant evsning tiie G erty broke op.W -------f Ma. HAMEca's AUreTIo]rSAL.-W, bsg Dave ta caîlimpsciai attention ta tii.F iportant onction sale ofluseiiold Far. ture, goods sud chatîcîs, te taire place ti Satarda>' neit, the.91h insi., at the O s idence ai John antaer, Esq., Hanter'm G oraers in ibis tova. Tii. sais commencesG t12 a'clock, noan, sharp, and vil no ebt drav a large crovd. Mr. Hanter thi s nt euns, tinete .éMaey kiag" ai a ims sectiorn ai country, aud has usa>' old 01 d varm friendm via vili doabtîssi availP lesolves oai s appartanit>' ai obtaining memento ai tii. respected gentleman, ad af ie sestcemed lad>', latel>' ilceased. cr ternisof aitlo sud otiier dotait. use ai Iverliseuent. -#-Ci lefc. iwreCeErra it aze Fitn'.-Ths 'W ri" llglttbetweea Jcu Mace and, Jr,2, hbara, coar New Orleans, an F rida>', )ii r.lt., reslied iu s draw. Eleven modla ver. mýugit. lasting 4 heurmeand7 )minutes. Mac.osys tial Cobata is M, e boi man lie ever met in thte ring. ir blaod vas ia favor af Mace. Tiiere re an dean:knock-.down&a; oaci man ?peared te -bseairaid of bim apponent.à Il bets are ci. Tii. sporting fraterniti Ni ciar it av ee stNitiig telpit of aev groeeries 'ici i-thebouida75.cal i oîàdPartuet 9e o'o nom, ..pet tet014, No; 1, s.annie n i 5 adveriiaing cgolem",ma ne of tie Wellington, ~Ge rcldei Ilva>', reace:i IheWgltrses itaîon I~ (and tmoftshai lader isadi toa,) no content wiîii celebrating the. day ta tii bonor ai the. Saint, dovoted t iii. il tiie arine ai the ligiii..faoed mu The baill-wu clearedl in a %wialiolg, and ta the muisic ai Dais pindld. quadrili band,, "blong Loeiiff,'ýr.9euer 6od mnci measureas tii. dancing tbauiîa lept ni il ailaie hanr,-orf ratier an sar1y'âas ti nezi marnicg. Ail mpeak of:-the enter- tainnaiAsataiiigiily snjoyable. 'Tii. snppei vas provided b>' Mr. Snov, and wasaIl that, conld b. desired. Tii.- contmittef vere antiring le uboir bospitabis attentioni 'ta tiiir gusts, aad have cicr>' reasdn te cangratnlate thëesvesa an tii. saccessial ceoebration of tus annivereary ai 1871. Pragresu aof0uisbwa, We notice witi mach gratification the rsmarkablo progreus, f ar ontiguboring tova ai Oshawa, assxibited by the consus regarni. Tiie population basen - cr.sed <rom 2,009, in 1861, ta 3,186, At th e present tinte. Iti manuiaétnring in- dasr7s bave benaao very tnachien- largsd and sxisnded ;.and smonte ai iioi mcii As tbe cellebrated Joseph Hall Workm, have nov a world-wide reputation. Tii. Findicator is fuit>' jusitified in tiie state- meont that'4"OshaWa ig nOW the largest in- corporatid eilage in- Ontariý, und huas greator population than 'ni4eeeis of the faons. In 1Sol itvau tie twocty cigiith in popuation antangst the. villages and tovnm o ais Province, nov, it il the tvsntietb. It nov szceeda ton tovus whicbh iad a greater population ia 1861. Fiiey ar, -. Paris, Bowtnanville,. Amierts- bnrg, Prescott, Sarnia, Nittgara, Wbutby, St. Mary'$, Pictan, and Dandas.- I ban tse passedl in the. race by oni>' Ivo, Stratbro>' and Lindsay. rhô loves that bave nearl>' eqnalled aur rate of growtii are Stratiord and Ingermoil." ACter tus exhibit we trust that lier, wilI, na longer, b. any grombling about )ishava'm jug proportion of the Conet>' taxes. GîCENvaoo !lEeHIASttC' -.ICBTITt!TE. -A meeting in cofnectian vith the Mechanica' usîi tte vas bsld in the Orange Hall, resavaod. oatheti. veniug ai 27îh na., heu the folloving officers verseieectedl or the. ensuiag y.ar - 8. J. Green, Esq., President; A. Johaston, Secretar>'; and rsd Meen Treainrer snd Lubrarian. Board )f Directors, Messrs. B. B¶Ireil, J. R. dontgomer>', R. Lanan, S. Samirville, liver Johnston, J. Mitchell,' A, Bnyer, S- . Gibsan, sud J. W. Virtue. Messrs. ;eo. H. Hopper and Robert Lennon vere >poiuted ta nct wviiithe. Presideut, Scre, r>' and Trsasnrer ta select the. books for ho librar>'. Subseriptions ivere tiken and safficient amount was raisttd ta pnrciiaie mer $200 Worthi ai bocks. ýOpaaiOoralthe Connty of ontnrlo, by It1acipislîties. Tii. ceaua retuns giie tise population I lie diffenent mnnicipaiitiea la the ount>' ai Ontario as foliovas. Scm Os-rama -Picinq. 79375 'biti>' West, 3,220 ; Wiitby Town, ,732 ; Whiîhy EBut, 3,411 -, Osiava, 185. Total, 19,923, Noane Ovvintr-Uxbridge. 4,712; ta8cb, 6.809 ; Scngag, 880 , Scott. 2, 75 ' Brook, 5,'175 ;Tisarsi, , 1,9115 anra, 2,697 Rama, 304. Total, 25,969, $150,000 lit 3,000 CASie Pcmzu.- igiest pnize $50,000 Gald Con.- o r atribaled legal>' b>'chaince, Jaunsir>'3Otb, 872, in aidi ai lis Menrcy Hospital Ouaa. ubrasa. Patte. h; Gardinr~GoneraI anagens. Ses ailventisement. Tooaitr PLorrsa GAisaCI.vrtay.... a8 anni6al meeting aiftte neubera ai 'iis ociet>', ield Sat Beaveneon, lait vci ie fotlaving gentlemen verse elected ai. se beaners fanthe easning yeîr t C. H. !vidsan, President ; Jamesi Caternn ico-PresidentL; G. P. Bruce, Secretar>' [Id Tneseari'. Dietos-.TiiatasMc- 4ebera, Frauda MoRbe, J. MaMllian, N. ovc, Daniel Grant, Joie Marra>' sud arquhur Me.. Piavoi . Mavasamr.- , ABelleville bpen saya hhat Mn. J. H. Alîsa, (farmeni, rWbitby,> lle comhag tan <ao' Mavor SPlot. Tas -iLrxamm'asCag.-Tbe aton>'ofai ndimaverd uner Kingstont vici ap- ,ared la 6recent ians afI i.bo N L id capietI (nmS Legato, plpsl spaîc, iro NtDblis,, Dec. 2,d, may - aat, ranlanm outrage&m«re pantedin leDan.gal entyrr 'lispolile ra OUe1 M7lnb 9for tii. £aisptetouu. - la ta b. permisted la, nmust-b. tii. citer de- Iva ploneast o-r.ad'oHrý ta struction ai the trade andonavigabtion ai article ltat veg an Municipal, çctthsrs. 'au havé hitthie right fiail o-khebes<fln .tiie back laies, Tii. Lndsa>' Poil deal- pressing Me. Grsenwaood's claintd'tite , ing viii u-be subjeot, commenta am.fol- fayoralcy, Jn canversatiaun vith sa urn- le lovir ber of rateptuyors 1 hear but one .xpres.- ai 'n of opinian n atheutatter-thàt h. 1a a lU il indeed true ubat aller ant ôutlay o'thes-man vs vaut. He jepassesseil ai ý 40f0ncautplehing a dam at tic laver oiiterprise, vhiii. his iberalityjwçiiý tan a ttrgeau Lake, in arder ta main- knavn, and hle in e6sny wayvewëit.iitt,d 0tanasufficieut dspth vf alen for for thes position. I truts that bavili b.- navigable, pusrposes-after tie large lnduced ta' aler hiniseli, and t jelucéntaiu, sumto experuled b>' ths tovu sud .Oounty h>bis eloction vilI faliow. ta Out the river iu a fit state fon naîl- -As ta the cauncillans, as the CiEMOINrCLE Igatian-aiter th ' co-operation oi the asys,there-isgroom for improvsmsnt ini sProvincial Governurent in. building a that body as at preseut campo4ed. - Wel iock ta cardplete the commsunication bo- Sir, 1 abould tbink th.re vas. -I1vottld tveen the lakes -can il he truc in view go iurther, sud gay, that, asi a body, aur ot Il Its tatGavnnuen is50remsapresentecouncil hasbeen,:antisl, a coma- ias hoa llav private intereats ta central piete faiture. Laok ath aur" taxes-sud tiellv aten euppfly an whic1h the. efflcîencyvathevooshwfrLu.Laka ai thie vole dependo,. and ta put ein,11oui, streels, tho conditian -ai draine, tfi. the power aif anc individnai ta naujhralize. stateofithe 'sidevaikq, sud tien-sa>'that' sliost ta destrýty, the. whoio trade Q the present cancil deserve re-olectian ? these laktes ? il la lou moustraus ta. ho i1 trav nat. --No, Mn. Editar, we vaut no a credibe 1hle nlieed hat, certain mîil wisj-vasity tan, afraiti ta vote ane way avuers at Baicsygeaa, b>' the 'liegai or hie aller, an nay, question, tilt the>' sud wastsîul useaor'rather abueai their fiud aut the. popular aide. W. vaut nue water 'privileges,'lantotal disanegard ai men, vio aivsys talk ane vay- sud vote ail lirterents except tiair owtt, haie tic oposite, vo vaut n-val:ng machines, reudered thoms'elves responsible for the nor do ve wvaut lkiug tuacîines-aud, complets breakdownu ai tho hako sud Sir, if 1 amn conrectl>' iuiormed, va baie river navigation viich hait becu label>'ahi u péet onel Nw vituessed-tist the ittdiîidualviht ba atmn fapeset' co unil. a, vth gseon Lconasraosthe uleta of av r reqîtir.-nerltsaofithie hto, viahave auf- i e aea htsuc n entasta diandenf ficieul independence ta vote ou every the ate tosuc anextnt s t redermattarn a lisir jndgrueut -dictahes ta taully uselesion tie time, beig the liscîn ; mon capable ai prompt sud dacis- vast wark-s uudentakcu b>' tic Goveru- ive vark ; meuntrio yl uat qnrraI aud ment ta seciire lte wser-lciel uccessany hnik sud spéechi1y for Itauns aven unitu- fan navigation. At lte prescut Moment, Porrtt questions ; but we do ual reqhîire just ase hiutc vien eveny facilit>' 15 uarnov- mindéil tmeu ai cratheicy nequiei ta bing farward- lie praduce ideas-ve bave ,lsad fenough -ai aitic back country, sud ta suppl>' it in lient. 7e vaut men liko Mn. sicisuge viti lte manufactuiresoaithe Perry, Mn. 1H. J. rMacilogicl, .MnJ. tavua, Ibis nav!gntien is atînast ah a B. Powell, an as nean like thein as posai. svtandâîiit ; scows anea bit agnautid itsticle. And 1 tiink vu bave the mahenial in Inkes, sud& the steamers buiît neah vast tan-n. Mn. Editon, in my remroaks. 1 have expenditure ha carry aunlte lowiug hu"i- becît led la greater ieugtis than i anhici- ues are lying,.seles;s at he hiesarves anrp:tted. 1 viilimenai>' couclude by mets- at bic trautîs ai tise river. Il muet bce honing hiat 1 do not refen ta oven>' remambeneil tisatno inupnoveuseuts ai inisbcn a tise counil-Itut tô tituse thieScugog, no deepening an vidauiîsg irisathle cap fils, let titru put il 01, of ils clitnuel eau campeusate fur lie .And, 1 thti, 1h wililfit Oive an six aifltent. iowarng of tice etîre tevel otfShîîrgeou Lake b>' tic illegal draarxing off ai tie Vaurs, vater at ils autiel. if a Boboaygcou Aur ELECTOR. miii avenen, inteut ou his ovu itîresîs clone, i3 permitled ithil impuil>' ta non To5wn Coucoul. thc water Ivoire incites on tweuty belov the level aiflte dam ah tîsat place, tioaeAh the meeting ai thin atcit ou Mou- le ah once a correspauding diminution day evcuirtg lsvt, tioae ere presnt tleis ai twelve incttes or n t y iluthie depli neeve, (lu the chair.) Mesrs. Donoas, ai vater tirnotut tiectaike aud in Ray', McGilivray. Carston, Bots, Aluin,1 atm avu river ; sucit diminuti-in îaving Pbhp, Clark, Gardon. tii. effcloai puîîiug au immeuiihc COMIttCATION. Rtop la lie navigation, îbroiu li te Tii. clark rndeai bspetitian ai Jeremitis entlire trade ai Lindlsay inmb distorder, Long, pnayiug tiat certain sînecîs now aud paralyzing lie commnerce aithie dia- closeca, eaot sud wyod ai bis propenîy, May' t.nich.hbe peneil. Tic petit-on vas neterned ta1 Wisal is neceser>' ta be dans is ta place lise viole ai thoaq aî ves, heiav Lindsay', under Govsnnmntn inspection sud caniral. Tise dams suao, vilch, vs are toid nav leait badi>', should inmoediatoî>' - atil evears, iiore the peaing ai 1navigatin-be pa inot an efficient statu ai repain. Ini sy a> nty -andb>' tise adoption ai promspt action-eu the vaste rte hsck takes proeoveil. As la the q;esîiou -viieiin tisse in - land waters are unden Dominion an Local contrai nat b.iog definitivel>' settled, opinions are pt'htty volt agreed thst îiey prapeni>' iclaag ta tie latter Gavent- ment, andthst tiseassumplian hy tie Ontario Goverumene aoflthecnstruction of the. Linday>'lacis is, ai itieli, priera fadUaevidmnce cf the iset But, boy. sene bisat ta>' h, tise Represenatives aif tise Count>' ai Ontaric, au yull as thos. ai Vicotia, bath in the Bone. ai Cammoas sud in the Logiaîstive Asseuil>' uld be, ah once, lastructel b>' tieir aonstit- ieets, as to ticir dut>' in tise promises. ANovuaiR MUrnE£ttg TO BEt lttvoo». -A despaîci iront Lcndau, Out., Dac, lot, $aYa tiat Pickard, lthe Yaung men cbarged witis the.nandoi ai Mn. Vanuell, ai West Ifismuatt ud tried aI the tasl saizes la tiat cil>', vas found gizilt>'sud conilemneil ta b. iiauged on the 27,b inst., sud must coms unden tii. fuit sentence of tii. lav. A petition vas cinculated and liibsrall>' signet! in bis favor. Word, iaveve', vas received tc.day b>'tti th e riand bis caumsct tatlia prayer couid not bo grant. id. FazsU Semt-LeIta aifWiriten Goals, Grocenis et.,hesDominion Ware- -oats. Mev and choies Gonds fon Chisltmas aed New lYeats, at Mn. Marpby'c. [See lova wiahea us ta alat. Ibat hoba rs no anhtaizoilagont, bat liaI bis Hypapi. phites inay' b.obtained ai mii respectable0 Dnuggists sud Apaîhecarie st bis ptices. Darsng tiei preot ean, Ivelve Swiss guidasbave perisbied-u *langer rtntben tiss rtuiiig an>' ycsïr sice 1853. Sevon perimiied'iront avalanches, anId Ive <nain fifing Into crevasses. It, vas mumasod tint Uatnb.tta *as about to marry tis daugiler ai IL Anco>', an x-iPeriiect; ,.but-dflculty'ýin thc vay la found ta bd ual Antea>'bas no dau3iiler m-oaly titre. sons-and Gaubetta bas Ob, IecUoue f MaI iylgt ai. - establishmnent vas severel>' bevuel abau lhe fie b>'a ianmp, lit vbich, alcohol. v bnnning. exploding. Mn. Jesse Feur>' bad oau. Sages'ang Part ai anctier cut off' by a stnaw cutt necenîl>'. Hou. Mr. Tille3r,. Ministes' ai Costom.8 Ja aunnucod te lecture an tenspernce i the Melodieit cinues ta.mornalv (Fridar nigil. - Suuday aiternoan tetupernce meeting are iclil, sud arc iarg'cly aîteuded. Mnr. . Fielding-lad bis hanse killed receti>'. 1 fILintoa a eli, andI dis viie; being bauleil ont. A number 'ai articles Setred 'at« tii.lai tire vere stoien, sud lie Yiîrdi4afûr îayi the thieves ougitt ha ho lyncied A numben af thee mercianha cf Bsaven- ton -havo adapled lb. ahnhctl>' cash sys. Au attempl vag nrecenl>'marde taoi resm int the'storeiouse an tie nailva>' viart baul failcil Business in lie. village la briakestIhan it bas beau kuavu ah tus season in Man A tiî-wcekly mail belveen Orillia aud Beaverton has beau establisiail. The Liberal Cousenvatives ai Tiaa bal a tuneariug t10day fThunada>'.) Bireadl is 12 cents a icaif in Be2venten, sud 14 ceuls in Orillia. A nunher ai rows have accunned.lunliie villatge recenl>. .A mnarsvas ileil $10 ion coustiîui1 tsimnsoli tel collecban, andilchangiîîg peopl for utiug., a taroponary bidîge visicli i bail cortetrîscted vile repainlng a rozd in the townsip. Mr. John' Mrîcdougall vas recen1y Ibrowu front a hanse he vas ridinig, ani sevenel>' injunai b>'the animal noiig or Ils>' is tram $15 la $18 per tan'iuthe v ili1sae. 4 The Nipîscing cane; are nový ruaniug regulanly tlaCauuingtpu. Twveed aud bis Spottm. From tic Nev York "limes.' Mn. Tveed bas sold is "villa" on the commillee au srncels sud improve- *200,000. W. are iaiorased tbat 'Mn. A. ments.e FÀ IR alq. T. lftevart vas the purchaser, Tii.ro pertyliedgoFhosEldrvotuel. r o-se Mn. Rt>' gave notice that hoe vaulil eth pen oaflta b. sid rar poloyn asd lie nexl meeting maie <ôr Icave ta minro quec fTedspcla oiin dutcei s b>'lav for ticeî,urpasc of puncîaslMr. A. T. Sînvani lagene -rail>' ttnngiit Ia iusg auevastaflre angine fan lhe use ai ho qnicetahaking adiantage ai a gnod the corporation. apportanity,. We bope, iiovsver, tbat REBATs or rAXFs. , alith te parchaseni ai Mn, Tveed's reat On motion ci Mn. Donovan, one-hali mesa it bave sanie'trouble, about the oi !.ln. Jasitsa lichard*.çan'staxes au uev tittes. If a it a ais eallaved ta maire buildings crected b>' in ere nebtiteil. off viii prapenu>' ponderod front the StttP ULLED BY 0005. 1publie in tuis va>', k anat ai mach ause Tie specisi commihîse appointeil ta baîing an>' lavs. Judge Brady, tie examina dlaims ai parties ion sieep killeil people b glad9Mta see, bas issnâed s by dhags reported as iollov-:-i prelimiry> injonction agsiust Tweed dis. R. Radd $39, bes ekins saolil$3.25, las I . ia oe iu ai $37;Alex. .Jetl rey, $12 ; les kinpnngO yp Y eold, 70e'- lacs $11.30 ; T.-Mtsnph>', %j. Freet,. Had Ibis injonction been la And nccommcoded paynet oi tvo'thirdslezeistence on Tnssda>rî Mn. A. T. Stewart ai thie amaunles: A. Jeffre>'. $7.52 ; R. conid oal have added anataen ta the.tan>' liodil, $21.17 ; T. Murpi>', $4. Tie ne - "hr'bran"h. baisecccedcd lu part wss adopleil. sud the ireasurer au - makiiug. tianizedIn la py tic amattuts. Mn. Go. fHcvis' daim ai $15 for sheep Tue Gne ih Seving Machiine il.ompnylo kiiled b>' doge vas wagp4'senhed. IsE'rs3tiNa 0,io o-ntv.. Patent Riastie Elaok Single Tinad Seving A1 by-law 'was pasiied "ppoiuîing ne- Machines are dsciaacd perfection 4y colnt- turning afficena andl poiiing places ifonthue petent udges. comsug mu'nicipal electians for 1872. -Their Nante im Leogion," us>' b. ap- L. H. Sciofielil for lie nati yard, aIticheplieil ta thase v iedb nnusîl>' aiCon- Ilechanica' hait; (0. Y. Smth, centre suciptian, altiaugli science bus ai lae yard, ah ttse Town bail; T. W. f1legyzasnil iinse hi âb soulis vend, ah hie bouse ai Mr. James yassnii'dunse ennobn Camonn. jIl lu gratiffing ta knov tiatt he genenal MtSCELLAvÇEOUB. On motion ai Mn, Donovan, JobhnfHop- per Ivas paid $1.2â1 fan covering drain on tain rud Orsrfolionoair. Piip, lihe teromer vas autionizel 10 pe>' tic parties appoin t- hd o trait jurons $4 oaci. STtREMTSAvD tMPROVEMENTS. Mn. Piilp presoutai lie reortoaithe cammilîceaeon treets sud iîupravemenîs vîsici sol forth lie iollaving expendittiro duning lie yesn: Appropriation Erpeuiit'rc Brook St. >$I00N $1295 65 l>audn»sSt. 65o 671 69 Besfe Line, 150> 191 917 Nortis-Ward, 460 4b9 55 Ctre 'il 450 seps 4AU South 3' 00 807 80 8peciai xoilrrs,6t 5 Tic report vas slopled, and lie aven- expeuditures ves rde ela o ciangeil againsl nexî >'sar's appropriations sud tie, appropriationus nexpendeil. ta b. csnnied oves' infaverr.aif1h. varda an 1asreais uat cxpending iheut. Mn. a' vas net in layoofaiho 'carry- ing aven' systeru. Hoe beleved ssci yrard or street siaul4 have viat vas aeceessr>', sud ual b. ciarging tbe expoiltune ai ano yea, agaînio hie apropriation of tise nozl. Il vas dat leg4 j, nos' biocing an the încomùing 1councii. .Dr. Csteon sud Ur. Pip spoke -in favor of the. systent, sund ailcgsd ,tst thc appropriationsivîouid :cal bu. rsklessly expended. Tise mattes' lieu drappçd. On motion-oaf-Mn. Philp, sais accodnt ai 0. Grass, $78,57 fas' nali, vas ondored la, b. paidI The. Couneiil adjaisred. The £trani ofChastes'fieid dlad on Pricla- nue of LDn. Wittir'a Baisant af viltI Cherry le largel>' instrumental le sttaining -thi end. At certain searnrs ai te yesn mail psr. sonsane suijeot ta diseases emanauieg, front a lirv state ai tise blond. Tbe canses arc Ivaniaus;i put il is cal>' necesan>, in order for the promipt purification, ai that fuid, tut ithe paîient siaulil use Fetlovs'Cent- Pound Syrnp ai Hypdpiospestes, vit "faull assurance ai obtaiaing tii. desinsd resuita. Thsis S>'nup will atrsugtbon th. angins ai digestion, pramote beitis> assintitation, nonrimi lie musclom, end roavate the uer. vous systens. Winten. is nov <ini>' opo-n. us, end' lie beaumare hnsteniag t hei.lcmier voodm ln erin at.parla ai iiie countr>'. Our ail. vice ta aven>'ma liaigoes ta the; Woods, b. ho captaiti, 'coai, tesuuter, on an>' alien usa, iî ta, taie alaeg a gond stock ai Joiina n todyn Limntasuad Pan- sonm 'Pangsîive Pitlm. Mn-ofatsea lahor (in-Îhe mggnogate) mil' beaved b>' tbus precaution. BadI enoagi tlookadfeel bad yaun. self; bat no aeei fon hsving jour horse look sud fiel badi>', wvn' ion as suasunt. >'ýo u ati barsiintdn'sCavait>' Condition Pavdérs, wviolagiven le grain tva or thro. timea' a vcek, yuLl maire it' look and rosi Woil. Taaaae.uExreosmv.-Afnigtfudisas-f tes' liq ttenortedas havinocourred st- Acta, udt caursunaît>' in -Cuba, under ts' reav0'e ra tionar>' govrnuent'Of the volunteet Neither hase volneer, sisder 'if d buteher Valmasada, nr the-Govrnmét onfa Spain,. care about the haine andI fora 'proteste aiOith nited States. Tii -laugi at lieut, malte some sorthoaI2 las '-explanation onsapolagy. sud Ilion go on1 in, répeat similan ahrocitiesq. Wiat iluI Smysherininfluence ah Wa.ltingmtn hi miakes our Government su blind ta il b orrible shate 'oi thinge iu Cuba and tender loarde lhe cruel andI treacioe dj Goverument oai Spain ? levr' il ai tiecocînteSpondence <ram 'Waebingte ta lie prss-s on Ibis sulject ai lie brut temunder ai lie ehudents shows liaIt the 'e le eiîher a baleful influence ah vork. liaItishe admnsteration la disgracefeli timid. Suci a crime spinal bumanit sudthe civilsahion ai tic age, rlglit o ur barder sud amoung antAmerican Po -pulation, Oug-ht ta noose tje indugualio af lie people sud Govornuituot aite Spublic. ___ ____ LABOS SÂîÂ,ars.-"Tiie salaries oaiCCm nadian officiais@ sink inta mere inaiganiflease é omparedviith whvit tire oity fciewMev l -officiais bave bec receiving. Tii. feet d tise Siieriffin latiat dit>' vere $80.000 yean. TIhe Snpneme Court Ji,gea go $ 17,500, snd the sapernr .Judges, $15,00 Tbe.RE8corder iris$15,000. sudthe cii clerk le tIse Surrnagate'i affice $15,M1 Four'Coroners neceive $13, 000 esoit. ,AI denti-n and Assistant AidermAtn are- p. $4,000 a >'ean each,,and thé. Mayor $7,000 Tiie Coat>'Cleri isd $16,000, acd tu Corporation Ço3neiei. 19,000. Nine JS e lices 'si the Paeso, *10,000 eaeh, sud iï tPolice Justices $10,000, Tic St. Catienines Tisve recorde the deah-of l n, John C. Bail, one of th Y lde,4t itizens 'in tial parI ai Catta& hHe vas tise Ide-il maiî trale in lie di. tich, an.d-it 1812, cnmînauided a coul. paut ahéticbIle< ai 1Qnecuston Hiit A nov local minisîr>' has beau formed ins BrillihCol4,mb.a, consiuîiug oaitLb ioliaviug gentlemen ,-J. P. McCclgttt Artra'Geucral aud Premiter; A. IL Robren,' Provinscial Secrelary ; IL Holbroak, Chief Cammissiotter ai Lands sud W'orks. à The writs ion the eleclian .-of membea ho the flonse ai Cmmonsta, <nmBrilli Columbia, bave been igsueil. Vancouver Island sends thi,'e membens ta Ottavia, an stdhie mainlanil a lke, number. Mr. DeCasitios is alînet -certain c f heing 1clectail fan Victaria District. The, Ligituiug lad evindiens ar, arounil. Tise>' put up yaunr rdsand- insure yatsr building for-a tarni ai yemr fan fron $5 ta $100 ; you tien sigaua sppilcsîiou ion li te insunance, htthel papen turne ouI ta be au agr-eement te psy fart>' an marc cents pet- foolfar bis rads,. sud tien you hegin le' ses vii>' hq vere sa libaral vith hein vrought iran. The -conviots ai lhe Mssaclmnsettii peni- tentiar>' sent ,$110 ho lia general relie fund for Chicago suiferons, a remarkable instance ai chant>'. Neani> al he NovwlYark young gntlle Meu bava thiir avoncoats mail. vtth a pooket lu anes ide, lineil vih flanel' or tir, in wisici a lady rua> slip bier bsad vison valkiug ai s colvinhees ovsning. Tie110th re inmt it w va aIplated, in 1759, thie iBiîh standard au tise pliinS ai Abrahamu; sud il vas lte 10th regi- meut thal lovenci the susigu ai poer frcm lt.ecitadel af Qitebso, anseiiundred sud Ivout>' yeans lator. Nev Yark, Dec., :2.-Twed's handu -mon have nover justified, andl prebabuf neyer wili, sud saveral af lieu have sig- nifici ti'oir intention ci vitbdraving fret the bond. Under lCeosciuae s fi le seilthe Sienufi villinluàashart limi@ place Tweed in Ludlow sîneet jail. Thou- sande aif isboring Vmon via have blise vank upan pnbie vanks are nov titrova ,ouI ai eusploymeu., Tbe»cily oves ýa great aumber th*i v .agos, rsnginog in euns Oai rm $5 ta $101 for eaci inu. As tihe men cainnot gsM viati le due tient, or flntI vonk, th@ suffonings oai hase dapendent upon thm sirsce lie coid veahten set in ha mail~ ver>' great A ppnsbensions are 11toim b eore lon g Iis e e te t aif t e ciy'm PO- plation, dilven b>' hungor and vint, i ho lie saunctoaiseriaus trouble. Deasm"r Aticovun.-.i couple ai veeks aga Mný.-Chesten' Caubam, eculas" diid jail-'opieof a lte St Mary>"s-YidtS& hook~ ~ ~ ~tw ocainhflaolv on a few dai, sud duin-is absentce be vas made tii he retoïra aiappflri libsi suit. Ihatia, bubes near A mai an rl Mm tbe L b 0 d tl t( G rc

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