WIIITBY BRftZC1. - K. P. LOCIIHAI DOMINIÃ"N BANI *Il- Di Taylor, A CAM'iPROlN & IACDOkELî B lgSBWANDI ATVOi<NETiE L, oi te tothé Batikoet-Me, naatt.o4oportilot heCeunt ~f (> it , l.Âmunp, Q.C0 . 11'J.Mà o li~tt.iéf thé fia ffi lrm, Conrt 11ei 9. Il. COCHKANZ, LL.O- . nIoUNTYciiOWI4 ATTOILNEY FOR1 Vjisrlo, Blinstor sui Ateoriiy-et-Laii itélor ie I liancery, No'ery Public, é olSoee-Bro4ck street,, néit door te troai, Wltby. GEORGE H1. DARTNELJ,, g, efUmîltario. OfieltrlcoO urgos, Wt jAJIEs KNIT CORDON, an' Publie &. Useo,ic-1Ãxt door to thé Stor- ef 1B. Çà swpbil, Brock tt, Whltby, Oi WilhyO1v, 16, 1867. RT, c, g 4's S-AT- itréat -FAREWELL & McGEE, T>AMIIOEKS, ATTGRNIIY8, SuLICI. fiîEUWti.î.ï ÇUAND Nu- -Ots -uédean norîlu of théel'est Offce, Ochava; ana i bch'erslAJilo(-c, opposite Town ll, liuvuiuzvilie. OUilESC.KELLER, A TTOU49--ATLkW, SOLICITîOR 111 Jitanc, CnCanuingr on iuutiejrioue7uer h. j. -HAllIER GREENWOOD, A T'eRNgY-r-lýA.O8L1CITOR 111 A.hatocory Nter>' Pulilc, 4.onveyauceen, ho. WIbyi.W. Omrises, IByrnuttreot, sonlt latOlice. 4 LYMAN JNGLISfl, 1, L;Di... B AIliIIiTER AT LAW,Solhoitocnlun Otan- ery Couve ygcuer, &c.,tto. CON VEYANcElt, LAND AGENT A Urncs,.-Over Amîugslxtl at Uxbridge, Juné th, 1869. ti SRVU TOeWl COUNTY GA( T OW010R&IAUTONt, LI Ofe - ui isl-H u@t llo k,. 'BY ONi VARSB ILAJ'i(AhimtltOshawa Dettrsi Iloomns, diréctl) eppe. Imustrept thtr4 loorlorth cf té Ontario WILSON IIOUSE9 A. WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor., T limi ltid lthu olgic muonnce teitha la* 0 pitdiii.u oi luo w Isétel in thie Village eAslunufur tue accouuoti tli AU c fé ra- vellihea hie. 'lioelieuselé îîew. .ud tfur- alshesi lit a 1uaot tiçoroihé enîdioollitontate moueussir. Ouests viii titiovcr oèuolnée. ei thu coyéesaiittentW es, Liquens, ansi Cigurs ,l4thue besý,Bntds auays képt oi GodStsling andsiattentive Osétlers lu 4. WILSON, Jr.,i'nprebor.I umbbunuD, bhey lst, 1889, tf-18Io Grand Trunk Railway Hotel AT IVI1Y STATION, UTM UNIIL havlîîsr pnrchîesod tihôel yyed îréiîies ýkiown as thé Granîd hl% frIénaInîc îd thé10truvullng publietat té lésé itti up tute hQ.ue and stables inaSIrt- élacetyle, und by fittesélomu te thé vanta et tos. whîu lever hitit wiéh tlîlr patreliégé trusts tu mnit acoî:îiuugtrà ec et thel rouctoin. IW* Pertium tukitig thé treain and léaiîîg herses wiii ihave tiem *el] takeon cire cf tit 0R1YAL CANADIAN, 11 0T L, PORT FERRY, ONT. KéFOY, - .- Proprietor. Supérlor accomrnodatien, Goed' tabting sadilbd roolu, andi attentive ostlerg. l'ot l'érry, 11ev, 8,160. 45 P0111T P11IL m 0l 0 SE. PORT PERRY, ONT, JAMES TUOMPSON, Pait'aisTo,é. - 'Thnonubaoilcr vibtienforut thé do.- aunt7that liîta pIOeisére now open te thé Publie, vîjéré Ileic propared te urt atetjood Woum éil j UY J'a thé caunty. hept. G, 180.82. £IBSOIN *ovrà 1, WIIIT13Yp ONT. b ASON, - Proprietor. Thésbab as-een thorongtly renovgteet, thfhèýbIGwIIfIdévery anoommodsîîeu Id 8 letattnti. #VESTE RN flOUSE, DUNDAS ST., WHîmTB. hoi Under5li»nj woId intintaté e-t the Public, tliet thé'Wo epébsshv leu nswly aOUd ed a4rov émesbaveh tlotth accommodaion of Guéslt. 71 l4,tés and iquors, anîl c, .rs 51h ra»c anuj -sie Pure Rhime elt ai' Loger, wtolééaté sud rotali. 1 Bodr tëlJOSEIà -A. BAED£LL. nuaés. tayéby thé wéek oh utederate iIIyo MAY 8, 1841. PLANK stages terni alentlon pald WAI Brook strfét, - - Whutby. Watcleés, Cléekos, Jlesucl 1utrumentd sawo, séwga#w machinés. And ieéylmilg. ehentelepstqptred ld provéd te suait l. et lu* Ratés, sud uthe shertet nloid. <11 WhtbyMay 81, 1871. .22 B E LIVEXPOOL & LONDON & -GLOBE T INSUIIANCE CtOMrANY fla eéof thé meot prespereus of Engli Insunanqce Cen.- Tt* INVEATED FLINTS are.81,0,s Its DAILY INCOME éxeeél,... $20,000 Its LIFE POLICIEII are a Sure Proteotion for thé future. lu FPIRE POLWY ES, Issués et OuRntav Itar setlrd ample pretection tci thé meréhant andi ionseholdér. .AIl fair clainua PRoîévnz.yP &M, and the ut- Most llherality shown, lnn-thé adjusîmént ef losmss ilead OUce C.anadai Dreuci,9 Ientréat. G. F. C. SMITH, Chief Agent Ionr DomInlin. L. FAIBANKSJe., AeucN.,- at Wliitby, Ont, Whltby, Jtiiy 28th, 160.80 rTHE FOIJNTÂIN, Restaurant and Bliard Parlers, op Ring Sîneet £asto TORONTO. The Bar sOuPlied wlth Choce. Brande of Wlués ,Lîquons and Cigare. Oystercsérveel n thé Best Stylo. W~ Flrat..cias Dinlnîg and Lunch Roomn attachéd. IMélatoet h urs. 8! J.LESLIE, MÂNOirj. L ONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION PIRE AND LIPE. EsvÂLUcIîgn av Roy&x. CnÂevèS. 1729. FUO-RAND....... 2,468,588, 17ea4M. Stg. -HEADAENMT1ET..IMOB STuPHgfNS. No 0St. Frencal;tsXvhon Street. Whtby, May 8ti, 1871. 1 JOHN WOLFENDEN, azuNr puazS OELEBRATED- SCOTTISH GRANIE W» At Mérblé N% onk* cf JONATHIAN IVOLFENDEN, Dnn)a*c.St.. Whttby. 17 MONEY TO LEND AT IREDUCEDit ATES. fin rn newprephicd ta tend s a ennt ef moncy on thé cccnrity oi goosi Ferm or pro. dtncélvoTowni' ropcrty, ét hélieowomt posible rate of lIitor.t, hlusOum#,and ianigner te juit Worrewers. lrniclptil eu be repeid by ye*ri> inctalnentâ or lh i :e %un. Sitrerci ws411 cultiyétéd Fermi sud Lots of WI Laiidc for celé cham.p. lnvaitiments miide lu Debeniturce;, Iortgeges and other bocurittcs. iliver and Greénbactcs bonq'lt ands old, Pairi'urther perticuletrs. epply te JAMES BC)LDEN, Oflial Asigîie, Monuy Itroker, &u. OFFIR-MMiiln'.Block, Brook âtrcet, Whsitby. tiptember2tth, 1871). COMMERCIAL MOTEL CI~thtsusenicn Iegit teAnuuutence te hls Ifiéuiils ansit io publie, tut islins n;ape- suméd peeeou is boye vohiuéd fa vonabhy h(uowin hîtotét, ilil lu i uuu Ittsup in a uouperlo, nglautuér, ilîhuever>' éoiuveni- tmtce rorcept-or cf gtcs aetite Inn. veliu Iblie. e éoltaccommodiationand utépnprnleu v I nés, liqétors anduet gerst. (4od séablttoin vitit onclosesi yards, aattetive ootethnI a. w&ussoté prenîlmesi. Charges Mfodrae. E. M. CALDWELL. WVl!tbv, Jeu. -44, IBO8. 2-17 GLOBE HOTE L. BROOKLIN, OCLO THES MÂNGLE & WRItNGEII, INoted as oee c the boat article& cf the kind i nanuîaturcd 111 thé country, sud i is irnrov-, éd MIA W CUTTERS, se eeslly ore1ked, aud se supérler ln every rpjpect. .Havlng,prepared oneof Ericon'aCibae Clorio Dè~ns et Mas-manate lotor t oi te gay that s uwenabled toexécnute il] and wth grester expédition thau hitherte, so - te gualrantesa ery sasfaction te cutommi ln the qaijity Of thé, worknuaushlp and rnaterwajt W Cerdwoed and Ltnnbir taken lu or-t Ohange, and Onh Pue. aloed . JAMES OLAYToZ#; JAMES POWELL, Proprietor FI1IST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION. Pet. 22nd, 1871. CENTRAL IlJ0TEL, B Ro>u<ilAm JOHN BÂILEY, Propriotor. -Thé aboyé btel ltse beenu euolyhfiteitun sud funniteil. Guéosswil Sud e.mtentsbfe accemmodatten sud attention. Gcoc ronyetabllng aud attentive estléra. Jeu. 20, 1870. 4 FAI IMI8ILEMENTS, o The untericlgnod beate *tte that ho continues to manufacturé Rooti Beed & Kanuro Drilla, As WELL As W AGONMrs, ARA O Ws, a C UF rLJE Rs AieD ALL KINDS OP FAlIMING LUrLEMENTS. JOHN BLOW, ,whltby, Aug. $0; 1871. PIRE ASSURANCE Co#, OBATSTREET& CA1INrCROýSS, GILICW-1lEi MOFFATT & Co, Agenots for - - Canada. JAMES DAVI8tpxp3Menagn. ROUt1 agnusL088 byFIREar I effeebd lLonlt oafvr oArmnd - YEOMAN ISN Ap rt Ssic,là i$. Aent, WhLby Flour,&- Feed STORE.. -- II1ENRY SIJEPJ?ÂRËD Désires te luferm thé inhahitants cfr Whitby ans iCDVbIutt h ba lu smceéoed te HENRY WALTEIR», BRIOOK STREE To,,WHITEY .Wher, his kcepsc enstentiy on luensi, Flour, Oalmoalç Corumeal, Brtan, Oae Shets# Grahamt Fleur, &c. Ansi evcrythîing un thé FoodsIltiuc Bo,î ef Fleur feor femily uznae. vor>tiing et te loweet selliuîg prîccus. The cssh-syateun mtlnlcliyelhorcs te. plunmé cIli and exmnue qualiiy ansi pice. H. SIIEPiPAkD Whtby, rob., 1871. COMMERCIAL LIOTEL,, 1OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - P»Fp.ti. -e- Conyonleutiy Oittesi up reem% for Cemmer ciel trevoers. Blîllard aéttieéd. ApMil9, 1870. 14 TEREAPIN REOrAUR4NT BILLIARD ]ROUMS (87 & 89. Kng streét Eesî Tonuéo>. THOMAS CARLISLE, - PiIP19îzTOe. -o- ms oe tteie clé-n gorantiie Re#ins cemfirnt i Vti Re à lrutt tuid a l.ustc uplule a rL: ind Couris o h mersd. SWiic Cau noteruudins c e ilulesi ueud.Ui y, Iitle itnch nrctIof, iyw and Patea IitngTut theéo fra dia iii April 5, 1870, 14 .a & ,~ UN NIERT AK E R, Dundas S8trcet, - Whftby, Ont FUNERALS FLTLLY STJPPLIEI>-. JOHN ROnINtiON' flair Dreoing and Shaving SALOON, Jar SOUTHCorSTo, WIIITBY Willtby Jan. 22, 168. GEORLGE GURLEY, AEUCIANT T AI1LO0R CLOTHER AND DRAPER,4 GENTLEMEN'S GAIIMENTs unede np Il. 1h. besit style aitî ltatest feshiten. Af Ou t c f otlis frnw hicît te maké a séecton or ,ntéme'a umnudu- cuitb. O8hava, May 12, 1889. 1 Tbeg la returttu ae tc lrslpatron .1. gehérétofore bcstowed upetimeldndtean- neunCe that 1 arn prcpared tO coud uct malée, ý ithér ln TOWN OR. COUJNTY, AT EEÀSO>NAËLE RATES. I~Araegéentsfor salés cen bc mède eltîter et the CHROMX EOffce, or et My ewn Offe, Brook street, wthitby. 1 L- FAIRBANKS, Jr.,- Wbltby, July 8, IRA0 TUE ROBSON HOUJSE, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY, C.W GEORGE £ROBSoe,Proprîétor. THEE subacribér bégé tesnneunce-that hé bas lessedl thé building foruîerly ktiewn as son turé'. Botél which hasbec,,rénevat. éd rfulshod ,xd ote p throughent,îun thé bé 5oeyle. Thé préýilsekareéassetly sitagt4a positehtP st 0100e, andinu thé Th i ailvay Om nbus cal a at the Ho télnd thé stages% fer Uxbridge and Beavenîen les,. thedooroverymeornlng. Board$l pérday.] GEORGE ROBSON, sien fthée'Towship ofMurra>, Conuty of Nortbumsbélanid.lpe ý A eleair and tndicipntsbtc tille viii b. giveto ail thé aboya propérty. Fer futhi r purticutn sappi> te thé cnr. Whitby. Jun 19, 1871. 29 -tf A DMINSTRATURSI 11T1 . Alt.péréontlndimcsi te> thé esite eofthé latérMcnn,.t. r equésetéstemaké fituutéîitatettlement.. AnïdaIl,.pércons bey firg elijns cainct théesaid si ae,, are requet MARGARET WATSON" K. Y. LOCKHAET N. G, REY 1NOLDS: flatesi a wîitby, thé 21th daySepnaît1. D. HOLLIDÂ&Y. - -BRQOKLIfi - OT - Aar" 1 les vtns ISOLATED BISK FIEE INeURANCE Co,' O F CANAD&, TOÃœoNTO.- A PeonyCAXAute tlknnT:ox AiseoAizent ansi Appuer for Canada Por. meeitBilng suidSivinu- Society; -fer Iceus or meet l evrates 6t intereat. -Whitby, Augat 7tt, 1871. 17 82 R 1-0-1ARBD 8X0W Begc te iuformilbs frienits anudltic ipnbio, ttî ho buias rtaéén bus aid prémls, laId>' eccupiedihy Mn,Arnaîtl, îeru te lc now prepanocf te supply oerytht.g lu ttc BAKRYU AND CNFEiCTIONEu-yLME Juet reilvesi, severa caResof PEACHES & T<)MATOES, very aupénior. - 11010E A±'i'LES & PEAIS, PEUSHlOTOTERS$, .FRUIIT 0F AL&L KTND)», KepI e.nstanthy on btandt, lnt cAfen. ORANGES, LEMilS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, RAISINS, PItTNES, cIiREE, TOIIACCo. N. ll.-Oyctera cen be tasi by thé pIate, aetés or rew. Brea'i doltvorea delhy te engthera, sait aill otiior Previccons snd godudeliveredsia uay lic ordered, ChioieBrendo cf Cigare. Wnîtiy, sept. i8, 1871.- 87 ONT'ARIO, FÂRJERS' NUU*UAL INSURANCE Co.l - IleaulOMue Brock St. Whitby. 'f1l11% Co>mpany In-çutrés Fmtrm fl'dIi:gs, Couustry Chureftce,1:101001 l lIuses, ansi tuéin coistîsiés, et h<nt.,,» s I/.) W nce asdciet> Welh estabulhci Compaiiy ln Centuda, JU13T LOSS*ESÃ"'AID PROMPTLY. à L. FIlÀKJ, J.B BCKEi.L, N. B3-Mr, TD. liollidoy le no longer an Age o eth élis Company. W Ilftb,', SeptI. 6, 1871. -8 W LJITBY PfANO FACTORY JOSEPH RAINER m -c-i TIho suubcniber, i otii rnung th% sIn. cèeothuénhes te thé uiiny fniout's9 ansi cuâtemerseot lté WlitIy h PIANO IMANJFAgTOIIyY h ars te étote thot lue nov carnîca on the buti.-ri ne%» solola, upon 1luis caneunet; ansiIn se-q lcftinr futurcendeoslié b'g er* 4auc4june tlem lînt netgiiimul11 ho loft utudone ou hies part hm 10 givs eisfoeu, lu supplig c ZB3VRggMIZ8 n STYLE,& -FINISH. Tise celelurateit DOW patent endoit ocale Pattern t lt ils oun inVention liannfaoturcd an lieretofore. W. Ail endérs exoutdwhprmiue suddipath. JOSEPII F. RAINER. Whltby, Mn>' 3, 187e. Iy-18 M jARllIAGE LICENSES h THlOMA HUSTON ISSUEut OP DIARRIAGE 4LICENSES kir Office-Tous-n Hall. Resçidoticé...Byron Street, îhnéo docre umrll cf Town bail. Jan. 1l, 1870. D WELLING OTSES TOSET At EAMBR'S CORNERS. 'Ail Most de- blrabloe ealidoeesuient Moderato. Appla t- JOHIN RAMER, Eeq. Wlittby,, May 2usd, 1871. BOOT & 8110E STORE. -e- Th n tgu as îemcyed his BOOT AND SHOE STORE to thé gr emises adýoinitig the Western Fletel, Dundas St., Whitlay, ictère hé le nov itrgpared toe esnte ail endors for Wnk. A lair ansi select stock ou haind. 1tpaining does usuel.- JOSEPU A. BANDELL. Wtby May 8, 1871. 1-9 THE IOOLATED 1118K SIRE INSUJRANCE ,C Oî'Yy 01p', CANADA., IIEAD OFFICF....Kng Stret enrc > C h r o tc oTn ern1e . CAPITAL, - - - 80,0 Depositeel viti Goernment, - 8000 W. A. LAW, éz. McIllllanes Block, Brook StL, Whitby. Whiaby, bept. 901h, 1871. as Thc Viviani.* 4 o 'Y n b ave c a m e ustine t i me t e join ' lu ee fourfetes,Y sai S Ju iete t e A l c. 'To m eo v e Lula l iréIday, -sd v0 ave e festival ilu ber bonor. Thé groevs Ansi-nolimitesi atig nsi siinking, M . M a io ' - sisi . Ferdinand. joli- éte gnore ic h preaic part efthle mt- ter,? 'Jultte il honiglt Alck iti a sight touci cf dsilsuenaneette, fauiliarity mi- pliéS. Pray wuinleM. VivianV- héoé#&id to-Jali.ette. - Pap'a -epew, ansi0sOurn-cousin. Dees bis complexion surprise yn?'l ae sai, phyull. iî's ail in thé family, T assuré ye. W. Leniiacaiane arece mixesi race.' 61 kucu yn re-'et lihe ye'nrilster,' aiS Aleck, poking et ber suddnly. , Hon facé greu rsy undr bis gaze. 'Lulu is airer tien, ' -ie sais, ih a isîf sigi. $No?'Ilunurprise. Wby, ber ain la élo golien, ansi ien complexion se pik -anS white.' 4Yeu, but il but a tavny ebadé tbat Soeu'î blog te thé rel blonde.' A lithé gîcuw of pleasue came into Julieéte's face., 'T alvys theOgt,' ae sai, louy. Ohé leekod up-met mademe'e eyé. Thé' clr taeds, thé- happy look Sed auay. Oe fogot te finish ber sentence ; ansi Aleck vtcing ber, suiv a hasic oreip ver ber fac, an expression aIt f ternnr and bat( f et 50 e v. n ol haît 404 n tLe olonS beno befoer; it bal puzzeléiansu vexéS it. 1ev se gnév gravé anS seS ; the prtty air et playil setuesa éthasi adbeen about béé sinca bis arrivai, vas quit. gne. Afténdinner, Joliette veut vip te ber neem, tirev heac'if inte a chair viii e hock fcfiter veanineessansi pain. Obe presseS ber bande upon ber eyle tokésp back the téars. 1, I isi T mne, I isi I mnev Il sie Atter a litéle uhihe madame came up, be5 e contenéncu cf hait an he)ur vit itnbe, and lett ber. Joliette tay Sovu upon the iota. Thé blhov bafllen et les. Oie baS se tong féaesid it tial aie vas scarcel canecious of séiditionat pain. Only n suse cf crunig Seeleticu hay ieavily ipan ber. Ohé Iay thème, e heu moan mnd ioa oaoUd tLi eakiug tupon Lie léllneec of thé reci. Anon Iere came îp the eound et gay leugien on lie tinkling cf music, te bear hici vas tor- tune Dovu atairs, Loin vas eutarfaiuing the Scullemen. Oie peléeS Ferdinand uitt he grev goosi humered, ansi then dévoteS senself te Aheck ntil Férdinaud's fae grev steriny againu; anS tien boy sveethy épéent ansi tender vas my litie 00ne nette. Alock gnev veny tired of it, etc st, Seuiy tireS iii veiing for Juliette to nome Staun. Oc be bégged Mn, Férdi'- sund te shov ien about thé grenusi, ansi ey W&fîMiss Loinuine rpoeépn ber f, Ttc gala day sud net belle its nome.y Ratune, se inconsistant in latitudes vas j Ivwaye beautitul endi trué in ibis Séhîciona Dltte. A wvanS of yélioo nusine )veosi. a venld cf luxunieus colon b chlo, ndil aibatbeit in au elmsperé se ild, oeuescarceé% ofve icpaesing , tphyr that tlit its fragrance as il fleatesi T ). Ticy vere ail et breakfast et an c ea ly iDur. Thero vas a glitten et ilv r, he pure uhaiteneés cf Sèvres china andi b nowy linen, ansi a veut deal et flatter endi tirping ai theie has cf thé table viére au julu sas. Oesheîsi ldpremulgate er g sicr, antd heven diabeyes. theni bontS bo ebut cut cf thé eveniîng para- cn e, lu thé midst etfieisJuliette cam é de euSn &e t S e , u n n o îloss, ex cep t hby sî leci. nu Wat madeé1hat dealy paîor-those, le urple bollove viéné ber éyes giauceil ge ýe fiery starse? Aleok yéarnesi to enteld -th er viti bie great love, te c re A vay viii lui e . a o s > ' c l e u s i e t f e l d d y n ; t ie e n . y e n u r e He folloesi ber te le garen, ftr drece in ery scarlet ; gnneayn vre breakfast, ué sbe escapeil te thé bouse. aleesi y a mit f thé ainteet purple. A il day h é so g t ber, an si a v ays ae - T h é eveniég ind e vpt-, p fr ein th é elded in-aivay-finding an excuse lu ýse, soe.é ut tic oosr frinstube-roees being busy, accpting is elptehen othera sd hie, sd inoicatesi ee ui frag- ené by, but vnising-ébé nmmnt tiy rance. Sraine thé sfet music ers ere tft alne. Iý grev le miél-afen- playesi cntinaly-o, mehdions beat. nen. Aleck, nnoyéS ans vexeS byndi ig, thas eemeil te deâeay lu the Mesure, antereS aloené on one, of the evenly paces.. A vndering crowsi long avenues. I u t ic hase, m a dam e a iaye si t inug i tues sc ee f enchani m ent- a s p n îin g L iée l u t to u c h e s t e th é m u s ic J é v o s b la z e i, g e s a m e r la c s d e te S , a n si routa., dancing fot tripped in gay emure. ' O n é o r t u e p a y s f h b e n o e n c i e v o u l e , l ol a o t h e m i S a i o f ' a li c a m é L o i n , l u g a i cominé charmniigly .1vith iis taiig m so wbts u iehrelzd b ' got sud Sazzling &miles lu lips ansi éee. Ohe 'Juliette, ue t, t you . T'm par. pervaded tfue volé sce e, but ovenéél féctly exiausted, ansi abau'é be- fit 10 hé moB about Aleck, vbe, mutely inihiémeut, seen te-uighy ml LUlu 0413k Soun upon éionresi bimoétî te lé sent hithen ansi a louge. - -hitiber iy thé capnicicua fairy. -. Juliette wnt ont quickly. Madame, Madame rceieél thé flicitatins f ber walchijg hanr, 55w Aleck M a ron'ipeméo t gu és i i i à rm ing mod ety. ,F ediu l sssdie lyfro uaoce e of Lth e muie 6aboà e , . ank éé by b a e l.and Jauh let inla 5d en C ei et i pu lt hé Ibat May day lun thé Wood@,. I Ilove nov, der-' «'Hoe teppeét, hé h sani clovn et bis' feetï -wite and' - hive 10, don"t talk ta nme so, Mfr. Matiloî ihbs soeéi. Yen deu'g cv hb urétchesi yen maie -nie.' T? Holitteut ber op,, biséeSib atreanuing eyee. 'Don't yen love n Julette ?p - Oieddiél nt Speai, ouly tréid-te ei fi om hie anme But hé heiS ber clos c8ré'aetng er vimi eveny avwe et, ýp Dasme. 'O, let me go' eip@h iei t lest. amu net fit for yen., S m milimpulse stuit. hlmnsoise ber, snddenly, lotrtg eemé fierce el clumaîlan. Ohé lCaked nop te meet ti ÃŽtrange< ligit lu hie ýface. 'Du'î tecket mese,'y she cnii, aid e amni tten by aiarp painC. II amn innocentq any vncng, GoS nos. He getieeél ber eui tebis heent. IT vonîsibblsa orseS villein te Soubtl ho -murmureS, tonAly. Oie turnesi ber facee Éaay-ten wléb sasden impulse ctung te bum. Hé v wia -oracl sofély - ,My lutIe, sontienu flev'ar I e h s blessent ln my niera bhoe. ie siaý love mes ud-liv, viti me, fÃ"rever.e , Juliette naiei ber hoastie dne hersel op stowly, s lang shuditer eiaking hi 1 tem heasi ta foot. Oie trieS te anvin, thé bande tint bol ber. 'Yen viii tet me go nov, Aieck lV an se emiled -a pileons emile. H.e etiesi ber- bain. 'Yen vent te go tte bouée?1 Am tieughtlée....keeping My love boe.il Lie. nigit deve?'7- Thé éeane spreug te ber eyes. 'Wiaî is iL, love?'1 'I Csiu't béer petting-I ara net naed ti tliernos.' 'Thon I shah levé enODail tie more.1 &hall teké OP teo Sy dutrhinn<ail tbaeqhe beu bcc.n deprived etf. I. shal moka Yen lif. nici ansi sweet?hé saisi. 'It cen cever hé, Alck.' 'What Ceo noecr be, dean Il 'Wiat yen cpeak cf. Wé caunet hi Snything toeéacb ethen,' saisi Juliette, lu s kiiefsion faaquiet, 'Yen vili marny me, ans I Tsaoi tae you baok toe séNonti viti Me.' 'Ne, ne 1' aite sobbcsi. He teoléesiet ber, 'Yen lave me, Juliette 79 'It,,doenetmaiteic cricS. 'I havi no rigittoleyeur loe. -4-Wbat cen tien. be te separate us7 Wiatý senrecrou alt'nsgbée yen 7' Juliev as quiet stilI nov, enhy e nuick, quiverng eob nov asid tien teid 'Wou'î Yen telt me?') hé pléséld, Il cauupt tell yen anyîhing-only yeé maet nt lcvý ne- T mult not love yen.1 'Yen do tcivo me, dnrliug,' Tiee.us a sude ofeatuatien lu bis veicé. He caugit *thé bandsaite baS drav'n eyay. 'No, ne t' ebti almeest ehnlekccl.'Don't tuait me le Andsie.sank cdovn upen th turf et his test, 'This is vcry sîrsngs, Julletté,' ho &aide wouseringly. 'De Yen mean ébat tiPré lu imétbing bolveu nu that canuot ho oven me V' 'Yes 1' lu s dreary toue. 'Tell me-viat il le ?V IT annt.-, I cnut.' Oie bd ber à ce lu ber bauds. 'De yen mesu te nejeet my tove? De 'nu mean te sousi me avay frein yonso 7 s my levé ce valueieee te yen ?' be aaidi ascionaéety. Ste roe np nov-aeebaS beau cr-ying ýterl>'. 'Yen make me suifer, Atectés'e saisi. [f yen viii net go, I muet bave Yen. , bre la a greut golf betuesunu-yen neot cross it. Don't came te me.' Ste broke trem the bolél that voulet avé deénineit ber,an'uit ditaleng thé Afer n, luLb.pnrplo beavens, the stars mme oui sîtenîly. Thee duckening, crimeen amc that lit thé vent, diosi apace. Alh sonce, anS suddcnly, lie gandeni, the. Ostie temples, the tanglesiaoanhé, bhe mg vshhe, bendereil viti éxetice lu ger- ions bloom, tie copies, thé thiokets anSd à e many-vindoved cietenu dashesi eut in 4'Good Ferdinansi t but nover mind thée would it hé takep as a déhoeté atten. moriey. oont'aon, Oir the reveraé, te eier a hear à Yes PTm eoiiug te it. Wbéné vas shryolet- .Whf.éu Oa au feeéVgfirlib W-hena. ['Ã"l - - - hmaies biseunaidén speech.-, AOn v. na 191&.r ié... --'in 1- -0- -1 i Il L- 1 -- 1- il 1 1 1 ' yn Wieho h.omm-ont a név Jet O! ervants -"-ir ron Wbls thogi, .cani ai, maidame set opfr 'the,ýp auterla *if li ed " lp e s t h t d r e v o s e r t h e s h o r e . l i e h a 1 it e p & é ? s r c t 8e j t ù~~ in-~~~ enté i~à d a.', Standing lu thé coushét-sî tiller fsvor .th a a1 hroad patîhof iighîtht' e Oenéd te thé derte dai#baterme V5lénatet8Petite figure i pl, OQi ýproe.to ebe-to-bin opf Bi eïý 30V drapeosttug cildten, ch-at thé -eld - eafure*y', sr'tr e, o arp r e ry cr elyearn d for, But the uadionn a ati cyu n vrycueFerdinandt,' 45id t' - Éeeuawelshai[sso~ tere Lnnavoicé, and o aiest dowu Ouna8bélieuéventuell, sold the' bey toatrader, - Pera- eet the foot cf a linge très tiat dippes i ts hepa chat -Lad smciu e4 iIto bengia lu thé la.ke. scet oLanethn have a rd wi «, sp Hé set dowu by lier elde.- sct. m , uuy-yav'erd y )s, *Yeziare celé- 'oare -faise. y "Wéît t" pet bave broken faith viti tue ,' ai$ Fersil-, Loiu set leéce etupeoed. uand, lu a*voie titbetreyed enger. "Yen tee thé concluneu Cl , iAeck Marlon vas noe avéadropper. She gavé a-quistk cry cf herror. Beedés b.sudnetcar tevitéseLul~s C'Juliette ilaséapure-.bloý.ded as Alcké sne coquétries. Théy wearied ansi disgusted Marion, yen sée," conîluésiFerdinaind.~ )- iiim.Hé vculd canefully, nufastén thé f'iWîaî t amTItien 1"shriked Lui. be bout, sud let ih float noicelécaly 5wa7 itt0 CYen are thé qcadroon'e daugitén.'ýý >thé darnuse tiat tay upan thé gaves, lHé Si. grsped lis' houidér. if (oit for thé chiain that héld it5 au], te hisi l Tt la faîje. AhI Yen bave tolel me le. of diemay, -feosi liait it vas pasiookesi. shameful lie' " White hbeoiltatedso smé cher méans cf 41atcpae ht'ei ednn, escepe, hie owu naine, spokien l in s laqniéttalclpatesi tituat, ' oaisiomaniuld tfSie - vie ar4edhsate papéra, ansi feunsithé deed cf sale Wbieh lion. convéyed Tereesa Marine t Pierre Vivian. a'YOD are very niind, Ferdinandt, bt IT By thé tais of Louiuiana yeur, mother'aud qet aiebe il in-YOD'are jeatens cf Mr. hér éidrea are slaves.' Marîon.' C' 1Slavées 1' Fpeiated Lutin, mechstiicatîy, ail, whysbooldsi Tnotet h?'bedenuandesi, 1'e. Ansi tue pneperty cf thé hein-at. ai! fiercély., -'Aréu'g yen pre'mieed-.svoru totaw.',, bée mine, by ail that's sacired, andi yet your ' The héir-at.Iev,' ebed Lulu. 'Who ift in thr-onrse ber art-e iayiug achaieslethât?'I er te traP thé Yankee, andi Yen, tutIn-',Who?7 vhy myseif.' 1 sd 'qYn't; oald, -dean,' interruptest Lulu, Lalo est lu e kinsi of stvpisi, ondérnug coaiusigly. 61f yeon werén'î so, stupisi, hre. od yo'dséesthat bals lu love vith Juliétie.' IlÂnd YOD hclong te, me, yen ece, Loia, 'Yen littlé hypoeit,'-itlie epithet hs aaid. came train lips fit lad juat Dow dreppesi Sesn ouviiaptoecy Tkioss- 'I do es lé, anos do yen, but Hé esght ber np. in yoeacts',pleasesi viti tbat. Wiy den'ts a e f a'b ae Iwn yen Jet ui alone-tet hlm Marty Juliette youarn noet mein0g t e dabe B e b- auta L o n u ifd h é u Ia t.' f m e, M y l ttle e e LuInlauiies, euitstly C et me go,'aie beged, humbly. te 'YeD nov be von't manry 3uliette.9 s he Ferdinaund mocked ber laugh, ansi saii, 'Yenhaie frightéuodà me,' se.saisi ciasp. T oneéningly s ing ber bands over ber foréhéasi. '1 donlS ae 5wont hé? Why.?' tbink ITam quWe ý.myself. Go ap te thé tr Aieck hialenéidii IlhI eu. ase-they !ill lhé comiug for ne, présent. 'Yen feclsi fellcv h Dou't yeu now vIf., Hé leokod at hen. our prendi, prejudicéd cavalier botter thon 'Yen viii cae 100r - liat ?,Do Ien suppose hé voldt e cru By aneéhen vay.' s0 te &Ilyi imaélf viti a hybrii race? Bnp. Thé seund of voicee-eaed. Aleck rose,- apose maina ver e thi hm ef that Ild' v 'Ha, ha t' langiesi Ferdinausi. raü,g a long ireeti. Oniy a glesta Of le 6109à -1wba ar oulouhin siV wite germante in théeéWood$, and ticmer- 5 us I v i t re y e n i u h u g a ? y d a n cin g m u sic l ea te s i i to ' îh e , sile n c e , Tien yen tiink Juliette le tai'lad.by He spraug eut cf thé beas, ansidurldop thé bieod cf thé subjeît race ?' - te thebouse.g.They ver net danclnIov, 'Hlov etrangeiy yen bah, Férdinani. ans appén vas preaeuîly ta bc onnnosil Hav vene apké cftuas nnd1 dAléoté mindesi uohody, but seught eout <Ju- retimées, ansi yet Juolette -bas alvays nivelleS liete wvienée as e itting, like a white me, ansi béen put upen an equality viti statue, lu thé shade of the vinde, cnurthins, 7me, justisocnesmarna fanciesi ehé vas Hé ben vrlead wbsrc om under sacmé bligýttion te papa. T think il, ve ndeu vberr he ade iuer ed sewéa 8lna a sam'o and Loin stempési her fuet look op at hlm lu vender. Id paffléQueely 1They havé vreuge;d y eu ttcruelly. Fendinani laugiesi again fIl vas ail a foui lie thuet they telS tren. 'Hesyrneot hou angry it le. Cameéta Nobody lu thé uorhd bha a nghîtetasepar- MY home, preîîy one. Yen shall quéen ilste us," 'ythére as yen 11k.,' ansi hi s voie gsa tu tu, Julietto vrev dizzy . kieck s ,urznur- - ýtoues of tender passion, éd vends becamé litre the inarticolato Bing. 0 $Of ne, Ferdinaénd, et est, net nov J' ing ertié e s. said Luis, lu effocéed shynees. Juet tien tiée. as a cat for Loin. 'Yen aro net neady ta givé np tour Madame steppés inu a hittle pâe, but calés sidésigtis upoti Marion. If yenenu vin hlm i rcfl Yen meenu te tirevme everf,ho% exclaim- ansi reconel. oi é9 d, fiereîy. A murmur ef surprise raus tirougi thé -Fit, fie h Wie leansgry DWneu maiots. A qnick stop- va4board lu thé 'LuIe, havé doue vhth tuis ohildisbnees. wullç. Ferdinand's flery oye. flambaiéd er Yen siali promise me thet YOn'hl give OP every luTftie group, sbeklng ýOu-* People tu enirr.Tuîtéihmomrnw croevtsto thé brlght lin ufront of thé liai yen are engages! tome.' 1 boue an usiedahetr.To r Lao srangto er tst.tien. evas a huai. Tien'&a sînge seoue 'De se, if yen dans. ,PIli neyer apeak broke iota thé atilinees. % >ta yen again Ilu myli te.'9 'Wae tiet e cry 7' 7 'T shah do go, ansi Yen yul speak te me,' l came' ag ain-a piteena appoal-e hoe slaiS, doggedly. voit cf agony andsi errer. Fandlesud'a site begen te MOTSe avay. Hé cenglit face grew wvile sud stony. lu an instant bier, ansi ield ien close, hh bastartési Icuaen he lb»tké abere, 'O , bey cruel yon are.' Âueck vas by hlm, ansi e crousi cf othouw- 6f am net.' The viciecompany fonoed, pania elrlck. Oie began te ery- n obig 'Promiemao#The dark waters cf thé jlie tying la 'Yno shahammdcve agieem cf wvile noies fan cffis YO@hl19the dekea, auebvéigvling - H e stI t et , -a g l ,cry , li i adeith é blo nd ansi m ace oe Be etrte mpe nm g i rl. Se be cl s iff ith i nd an s i tp y. 'Yendriv memeé gir. Oe boa I Peciouu imé e in ates,thé oas éare f have ea acry te bell-let me tll ilta fast lectéesi, lie oscra miéuing, the currnt Menton te merrew, and ihates Julitte stigBFn nýwf oad h uit nort wih hm, a bi vie.'Ferdiniandt ptungeb in' ancTi eveu. Agalia $FénsiirendVivian, viat de yo en n2ansd agatsD e e ienpearesi, aeusizain re 1 IQTTALITVI Or BUEltloa