Whitby Chronicle, 19 Oct 1871, p. 3

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bavinga lrge oo l ari ta,&a frlendly counry qln ibm rear. Theu, Fonîu fellows bl cpaibor. Tbey bave been leclîed b, leaders, meolled, wboue only o.bJcc je plaidai' . No woeder tbh&&lRoua, wbp vau ,eoevd witb opse arme by tLe' b'eneana.1 ln N, York and ceher Amerlean chies à *feu menthàelmnce, hem loft thea le diagei Sea e ceutbmI, lhat mmfiahneembogire lnempmeiy teremleaîm, al (bat thorae luno bonor ln beieg eoeeecied wltb an organi-' saties wbich robe fabor of li4 .arolnge for Ibo ,urpoae c1 keeplng J.in'lieneleibu orfginators of me called expeditlona. <ow' ibat O'Neil Ieoece more ln enmîody, file te b. boped tbai h. viii b. keF& ibere long econogli le îeo b hlm iat lue peoplea dlmpomd od e b.frlendly are ont o , eb.me t by UIbo ars by a mmd cap îLeho à" -more *ouang iheu braies. É00(. Ipir, Gev Litmeonoodm, a. Our 'mniyGOcods Departmf new Froitoh wove timd Graphite Ci la 411 colora, Id xiow oplote, fro, <3ànt'm Depatrtîent Tweedi nel -Iilrt4, (rom .st eeoh, limierâa Tig, Colgr;, aii d%4 rppors lMUte, Aihert i blu, t&o. W. aili tae .gret plaeur. to meet a cocdlrîuar'ce ef pair( la ordert(o keepUp our reutai Otbr11, 1871,. The Wisconsin Pare,,. Fcllewing on the buralng cf ohîcIge, theett SIPart ef-Wle - amla bu beea dvasatetdby, ire, Lb. loue'of lits.bob1g tien greuter than at the Obîcego borror. un 8Sunday algbt, 8tb i., a Or. brolke lauthe Lb. lilaSettlement of Orumecle, in-eer Oounîty, Wisconsin, and detroy- hi k ed cam bundreti aad eiglîty bouses, Cmcil. n thm place copaineti excepting Ove. Nia. 7i g,- pertons are mslng, acl-h ha uppameti îbey bave perlobeti la thoefdames. The U ilo nf8 Inlmbiats tout everytbiag. Active iemuures for the-ir relief are being takea. mu D0uluth ad cibar pîsîcep, but befci-. D u n h am teamssiace cosareaob (hem tbey muetM Detroit, Oct. 18.-Fullri ur& fSta.tioneprvof I1 1 tbm burning 't Mabasteo, blich., on Sunday s alchi bave been recelîrdte odiy. About 10 o'olock the tire engin., gave out, mter A l the. Jatest M g whlcb the dames devoured the tcwn whb., outi eamce, the vinti lowing à gale r e Its ~ u sie. &il algbi;ý the auffuringe of (lie people are T e lt s 3 ,S M us be>'oad dsrion. Manile. e amenofer beyod imm Ie acommunication tat LW woflid tke coniderable ime lier. be ir Whitby, October 4, 1871. wanta ceiuld bo matde knowiî. Thei 1- mo.diste accemehîles bae.beea uppliefi, ad ibepeuple cf the statu, bave bora . NqEWD appealed te for 1iii. Luter newe report NE DVERTISEMENTS. E D the ufforiagora et hpeople mc81w perative; 'tbey aeti lwmediahsily fleur, neut andi R rfbvJ 'IEDIT S LE clîba.E S ARM FU Jaaemville, Will., Out. 1..Gvrn F The Psit hait or 1 Fairçhiild lelegrapîs thie folio#i ng fopH tl Frfî oss TUWigeFsrîop U GreenDo'y, ia relation toe (aW glrasît, req the Kingston (<cii oires :--ThebsappulliiÈ ~calamity hua ont £arriaps baritio, hi bee9 exîîggcrted. Over thrc. thoumîad * the Town cf Wlitby Iiion, viîmen ant) chldren are nnw desIi- IN TÉ 9 Tht, la a.vcrvdoi tut. "lie lus, h f i ai been vry *propeïrlîaahandry i greit. 1Mot Iris t(b 00 t)persi,, îghave T0 W N OU 'W H IT ]3Y. vory field waered,i bei b urand ii Petiltego and vilclîlîy, imaiil enî deiîîîy lteîîan! 800 orl, the!enmatra shoro. scores if mea, 111lte Fartltireut'tieOtrl foecie n ly ti lei vonien sud clîilreii-niti fow ian tmpor. lt.eseîi ticcitpiedlb y M r.A. Alexanider, i)Iittile.There idat ary hosçpitals,burn#ed and) îniîîîcd. Mcniey. (nt al e:.ttti a lti,% itix0i) -IilI bc trois, Ili lgoci bearin coing,' beting, .bt 'nnî mi sriaid (i~If aad U BLy t1ICJ AC)- wnrthociwcuîlad lut proiiions of ailt klnîle, urcook edtr,,ar PEN, ehit ia pIretiliara. on îei(lodulnwwu. Timao vanted; mIsa, bulding ï rala niTHIJRSDAY and FRIDA.Y, bl giron et Ccu. everyîhing needed by a fntmîly te cou]-. l1tik 'td i7îh November, - Inonce lufe wuîh. '11 lic people 'ire responîl Wjitiault e lieiglitîsi raserve. W If (hi. propi IgnMbuti there itia;ndanger of toc Thi. Property mihriciti P rior, sittiîig roc vuso dIipocedetc nuuch being receivet). 'er îtîueDIiiî otu,(i eîoînfmiiir Itln it&Antoine'tilulai thuetwltter. Cîcroc" metq titt iivcli, io u fapoia iidrn b t~is',uttir.v, Uîtà4Awiîrn, iira, cnd 4tli ci Nutieuher, 1 ,-id coumnaîis of stîis. 'raulaes, Chnuiiri1 (iiclud.- lidr. an Ciat..AcTION Pot ie Lu.-Yemuer.. hue î'sîy tut rocklîug olial n> I',ict-IrNe, Cierge, 'î'racdcn day Mr. E. X Dodds, edihmorc ~a hesittr"teles, &e., uecSos -'erntadodic ealtedîhpUpwî.rds or ' ty Dada and bAddlnir-'ma day of câle, oreou e Salt b POriegTmea and Cana- eoulig eattîlnhqromriiigliai!. mmad hair ilgued. dmrn UrentleMait'a Journal, cf ibis City, mntltiasa; 15o0 hlit.t4, anti 1Oti lita J. IIAMER OR-PEl vas arreati ietaheLb lintance or Mr.' . Tlit liot-a aîî il aiter ltedroo,uregniaites ÈSi NecD. The Ftirtiiiîîir a iîlDUeIilY mDOW, bâVig boita MoCesyIthe cacs eseprisoner cf culy 2 yt'araii us. --pi *baeg PrlIl n alldioea label ie the lest TI's Liqitors, , fIirira, cad stock in (lic Dr W Ei1tby. (let. I làl lume.09ciel paper. The priaoner taîcti are ni the butt qîalitY, litoU1ilac bar rontîut1. ibi 1 h@ proeousor bad beca @o îit i liiiga nt( i fxii"Pi ery iliat, Ailim es, Carlsxos Buggies è iqntto 'dvertiiemeaîa for bis paper vithoni au. llliriiiîlt,,Sadiles, robes, d&o. ueo. n. e tbnnîty, vbich Mr. Moulicry >ellege. seculhf.weli1 bred, ctid ab)ofot 0 Cordae ofvood). Otrl nreand wau viler, la a spirit Ail ot W111011 wJil ho aold without reserre te Of mlice engeadereti by a suiteha the TEP't'î. emon'I's on pprovodactes. DivisionucCurt_ reea:nly brcugbt by the Ali!suriéulder $20, cashi. proaetor agaiemi tbe prîscooer for moaey [800, cal4ognei fer 'more extendad par.ien. len j ard.] lent hl aic year cge. The prîconer Wît vws broegbt bofore ibe police magitraleo itYi(let. 111,1871. 4 yesterdaymcreiag ati cQunm itted for ttial, iben Mr. James Carson and Mr. - -William Canaa bailed bimn. The trial NTJRNII g wiii laboplâce IL lb. enaeing aesises.- l... IINC C MPANY. Leaer.FIE AND LIIPE. -N." Pic niTeccTe Atir-brke ut iiTEMPORARY OFFIle-crgier cf st. Pael lb.OULIh.eaut corner of Mcllcy'a grain aild St FraîmcociXaîvier Straes. levag warehoîî.c, Yonge street wbarf, aptl-- - - -00 000 about' hrec c'clock ;on Siturday sllernon Caupital ..o. e ....r----------1,00,0 NO CE Tboswarebeusand a atone bouàse adjacent auda lu band over----------.... 1 b00,000 Y voe destroyi'd. The lasurances are ln the Etna, Hlartford# Western, anti Scottish PIRE DE1'ARTMVENT, TIi pueris e) ffil OmPaliea. The total insuranco amouata AIl]tdescriptions ef proitenîy 'nsuretr ogaint' service iereseît cio t4 about *200 belu ae Loupaor damagro by Pire ct'modérate rate.. sercet htî,y, lit s o beabout12,00. The n j uppoieitystidvfîorfraecclne' Wi rsaidsncs. 850P00. hevwarf lis nett LoaaupromtYntldwtotrfrec ohaeormdne injured, BouLge De A T EN.Ternis $1 bo, playab, ~ Aiîauraticssonlilvea graîîted fni' iaronvmble Id R I D.terme, umil inquinstiabetairity la oflored Witby, oct. lUth, 1 TjHOMPON..ýWATSN-A Whhî. to 1'o1i0Y bottier,. BaiIdes the large pail-np . Capital of te Cnmpitny, Asurergs liae. ddi. bCD onie 18111 hst., by Bru.d J. D. (lueasesrity l l.t DliminfîtLiabiiiy et1a DOMINION BANI Ç&Yll, D W. tiomMercÉ h eas vltlîy prc5rietory.D Oabm, . . bopanEq., Mrbn, 'lli.e pacial Lifs Aaaurance Fend nov rn Notice la beneby gFu; Huamiliet te Idied Lucy Wctmoe, secoed ftc eil 0 *.603,21tuThe scie et *706,260 hartee oei dgbretJohn Watioa, Eaq., ei pot lIditig ie«iaddeîi thermie us a resait t Uthe uo h adu^ipt bfetll iis hc ash MainattrdaJcmîi tcahitsatitf illiiamiitnesa, Annuitie and the saime viii bc pi D E .exîtelses ofevîry description. iBonae la thi. -City, 0o, D I E D.L'able* et ittitus, i'roî'osmî formAanmd tecl If, DAY, tha lit day of Nc VILlSOl.7....ÂîWbitby, one 6b Ghfcnntuitieubc obtausd on applîeu.duu te The Divideid viii b lDet., Img. Wl - (omr, et fM.the oaderalgnad. daeté'et the crgailtîioi Wilae ((rmory reici t MILH.L. ROUTIIi l< Otitday of Jistiuary'litat 4lecgs 0(hb.)E.P. REVDALL, psi>mtta tram tiierr dat Oliet Agents for Canada. lItbe (r Bocks t Wbltby -Mirk..ta. -A. PÀ lY, FiresInspecter., le6te the $Bot Octeber1 V- "ar.î, more171.Agelit, Withy. "Vra Fuil iWlieu . ......Whitby, Oct. îîîîî, 181.E. B. BETHUNE, % ingfl Wheaî....*1.80 *12!D-a42 Csir rly....1.118 1 so e N.R;.TheIiluaaclal i lacecf lb, Trroh e , c. t,1571. I4 *y ...... 6 7 Royll f10 i n eO f*Y iiD td by the r a- 4 B f O riS - A rj5 (0 6 ceuit Pire Ua ilhccago, the Company ISLET£TO 80 a u t . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . S ub51 h tv i g e e a nt d o a g b us' nt a m l th a l E O L E T AUA? 8 9 m .1- i Ilimy..s................ic3pe.Ct.C l1 u -1 or C........t.......Province etfOctarb, FttieC1~ ~ .-- . laette.. .. ........ . 847@[sth lovter., o.. ........ "' G4.s RAND BAZAAR - o ît . lie . Coeai cf Ontaurio. * tg.............0. tu Ise. pur dozAN Wos..................s.t. se ta VILTfl la tf11 Mattei- of JOSEPR4NI¶Wo y The Largest As rm n Duc-it.. .........0. 0 50. AN iALC8~O THED L I0tt Péril: par ý .41e. *8.*INE- IN' T HEB coU TY@ wt ............ 83,0 (g fd,,W n3bondar, tha Tventioih day cf Norein. TEMPERANOE HALL,#tber ottue-r cf cr Lord, Unie cead1 N.EW AY.ERTN~MENTS DUFFIis' REEK, l dwill spply te thje u:'et ocMJ Nannders fradiielmargeunuder te uid AAei. llemIît..EPP'u C9coa. :Criel - UTB192, and 26, T1s171J R~lAT~ly EL ias just' rectveu - arâ Stuek o ef and à tllëroi gh- ui - Pe 0 YTgOt*EIhi&At2reyd 2tn 'Ou TeeetdslcWedeesdeq & ' A Niruei large cdiioet accon Mrpya dO irr n h 'li e )8rM h o i e wr ctin ,y dgo ouettas niltutiosi aaws viuilaliognverîîunte n ~YtSade) it c' f h Bzcr AVuerTVK t>n i cty. Many new styles for Ladies,- neyerntocd Onsta,1f. Altorahmateseredai ui A a ri>' a"a¶ e.Ord rsxecuted as hereto- 9% bfl %c-UgýrelesGa"v. M>*id ep. ,itie rend hDraitig of Pqîc' eer'A dvrtsd ena)7 la -ld IIvU fr, 1 i lldan.jpar .heîîî,l5iîer Loan.proetnre docey, d&e,, -lsvilig.irles 11Vi ie ltCîituiit u-tite or ilîik- (<ar s ad 1il betl0ituicid b hefli vryavot - o ey bo dsoe t or.-Please cati.and examie ul~Mi.?8ijky coo c*a ene mieu,'mîksAddJ 014' ï tb I S1AUNDERdy, cnts *ael tada&, lOom zta. Jr. H.JOUXs, .* *I t- i5' 88 Dffis'C eOt. 171h, 1871. 42 80-1>' 70, Nweu Btre, New-York. uWhitby, Saptember 11I, 1M,1 tiway,- ead bury, nes. Sie Dooks. IS ALUIN. 40 L-Oi Na. 87. Ist Con cf the PIKRI4 ituate oui qu rter ofile trum n. i le S'roi' ttte(rîin,'Irenn '"s Ba>, uand 10 Milon freinî liel ai c> e rmding o muke xceientroturne, a gnod Weiî1 tavo service. ntable oatbuiidiugts, rouil- for sehoola nit ehurclm. tem o nf e istruc 1,:k,, iii îirehar(t ir.boeî 70 Inuit mîtc Conditiont. chut $1000 and, nmlo a ýfjsir pi'opn'rtimtt oproperty viilibe aoid 0o, to tlie puretiaser. rPesaes- trly' il, cnt iold -or otier- ulne th.e1lit of Noraîniir, be oered for icale b>' Pcb. uFemiuas niu S'uttrduy, thme [871, mt.l1 occle, noon. Ili bO sold te the lighest ions mamie kîtnwn on the tpplleuitiui te tiuecuideàr- ENWOOD, ;iluciton, W'hittiy. __ JAS. SULLIVAN, Wepriator, et. hbe prsèmtiea, It,1871. 42 olk 'Bm ierPg. vncd b4 oa, yul ho evathie firi Piso!u, On Lui No. 29. 2ndu e mili uorih cLmr. 8. ble et tui c f aruie. MIhN ROBINSON, I'roprlalor. 871. 8m-41 te btaDiriteia et yibea 1Bankiu c'----------1 19,ied eftcr WEDNS. Gi"Improved.Agricaltural Farnaces. Nivembnhr.nxt. tha O>b' Sovepipes andi Tiaware aupplied to PTielrs and Merchaîte in the Pu of tle Bock, viz - thoe uny ',, ati uoeabsuequent b->i3est Ceai' 011 -aiways on haîd. - itex,. ' Il. be elèremi from ithe nlest, -both daya jade. WhitbY, September 20th. 1871. WSm R 8A 8 LowCs& Powell are offering, a 'mgi -et.assortment of rich Plain Silks,' the bemi value ia theDomiýnion ;'Poalte de Loir-e 811k., ig greea, blu., brown, whitei Marie antoinette, -broeaded, and, other sik, lorming -thé largeet and eheicesi collection ever oforcd la t.his Town. -HOSIERY D»EPAWI'.MENT, ARE NOW RECEIITING, THEIR 1-oie& owel quest -t nin otéreylrestocka&oFA T. * nil u m be e la Mis e ' T ar tn , et rp s very -fi ne ; R ob, R oy an ti hep erd s WS OK 'lid I oeeatic op8fo cta re ; Rob RoyAnid Sbepherd'sPi6o, Ladb eée Kîe dles.Which i8 much largpr than ul oprîsiag a varied assortment PO LI DEA RMEN . IIN LL THE DEPARÎTMENTS>1 i -scanîee, - Lowes& Powell ,have opened a 'very'Iarge stock of Irisli Lyos Poplins, plain and fgured. No extra ehn rge for 1ig coclors. U*eàý an&Powell' have a mago-nîicent 'iîspîoey of Fall and Wintr Hts ad Bonnet, Also, a large variety of Floweî-s. fqatËiérs, wings, ir;&o, ,and 1 *'LOWVES &POW ELIL. Wbîtbyf Oct. 4, 1871. ARMlSTRONG'S 1STO VE S! .HATCH4 &BOAglts. I have a.qrranged with ,1IL &kB., to slby elebrated te, knowing them foar some years. hav;e pleasure in reicommendingy pers-ons re- quiling Stoves, comprising t 'Iroà Dulie,' Arsrn, Dv rcets To purchase from themâ. Their furniture also-being of a sup eror quality, Stoves made by me are aîarkeè J.I 'rsrog" Ilaving ýacceptedie above -offer ai his earnesl request, we take pleasure la reuommendiag, them, and need cal>' say tbey are toc well ad IIATCH &BROTHRER. APPLE PARERS-15 dozea bort ApplePiwers the bestia the -market. Wholesale and Retail, ai the Noted Cbcap Heuse cf HATOIL & BRO. TO SPORTSMEN.-Direot frein Englaad, Donb[e and Single barrel SMot Guns. Also Shot and Powder Flaeks, &e. splendeti value at STOYES 11IIOVED !STOVES PERFECT ! l take pleasure in showing ote pbIchis season. new and (JOAL ANI) WOOD STOVES. laViDg made my selection fromn the b"st manufactnrers in Mon- treal, Brockville, Toronto, and Ilamilton, would< advi8e al- cal! and examine. wanting Stoves to -~IL wuuupaticLlariy caîî attention f.o a Ipew Hfall Stove, by t>vlich three tim-es the amelînt of boni cf aîy ptherr &ve oaa be obtained, *tîh haif the ameunt of wood. And also the. Amdricau Bas-- Burner Self-feeding Ceai Siove, the aewest anti begt stove in the Mar ketu. - 'FANCY DRE 13LACK &MC POPLIN DRJ Large assortment of CLOTH & TWEEDS. ffl CLOTIIING MADE TO ORDERl.' New Teas &Fïainily Giocere c> CHOICE, WINES AND IQUORS. "Ss GOODSBLA.NKETS, )LORED SILK9 LNES EILSS, R * SHEETING NEW FÂLL IPORTATIOMN The subsE;riber be ga leave'to inforn-uis friends and -the Publie in generai, tfiat b. hge epenst hisie Nw Sînre on DU'îîDAS STREET, ccnsiting cof Dry. coO-ds,»and .Croceries. The 'Dry Goods have been careftiuly selected fiom the- Best Markets, anti censist oetma choiceaaddrîîried aeainrtmînt of Stîka;, Poplins, Popli-.ettî, Black anti facy Lustres, Latuinea, Famîcy Dres ouds3,-Black Clotis, Dceskina, Tweeds, (Canadien andi British.) Ready-Made Olotldn.q, Hais, Caps, Gloves, Hosier, ins FACTORY -COTIONS, &oc., &oc. Prns Ij" ihe Grocery. Depadtment is reploie with all the best ar- ticles fer fanai1>' aeeceniisting of Teas, Stugar, Cotlee. Spires. Rice, &o., &oc. ~~'He would'respectfuîîy solicit a eall froin those iniending te purcbase, as be is preparati tu ssIi ai prie defying competitica. Farmersi Produce taken in exehange, and cash paid for Butteri. 1Whitby, Septemnber Oth, 1871. * JAMES J. MURPHY. 80 COTTON YARN, COTTON YARN, COTTON BAGS., - COTTON B-AGS, AT 14cMILLAN & Cop pastt ri-e * îitltband Iluiras eruo. s I b u'lek Ben O n dan an Am n-- rockli, ct. nd, 1871., 4in4ill4 the -recent advance on ihis AA t F - LESTT. goods, which we- offer at less 1rie aWIiiL he scld mi th13 pcst Office in tiLr ihan préent man facure' -Village et Atlluenly, on than préent maufaturs' TIUiSDÂY, OCTýOBER S31,t, 171 prices, At Olîe i'elocl r. .., the follovjigLait!. Terms-Strictly Cash. osi:pntdtetierxi .eue o oap~rtsg T. 1IL MeMILLAN & Co. TWlihe vil b Iprodes im fii 'litasonfi I lLot'\c019, la die Sth comm. ni' tlli twnliip ut Murat, lu tlie Cousit-y ,i 't'îîtaileye las vainable tf rm lot, eitimiiad il$ a 5Rod sectiliOnfct'mmutry. L Fur pirtionuusm, appl>' te G RA N D i À -L L Y Slctmfr ot*e; elrh Turerito; ,Oct. Ird, 1811. Sin-41 A~'rOLD N O ' D.i{)LIDÂYON. DRESS GOODS, TIIIMMI-NGt MOHAIR IcUSTRES, AGENT 105 TEE * D OUB LE W A PE F~RENCH -ISOLATED 1<1K IRE lIi8URANE C. F CANAD4, ToRONTO.- TWILLED REVERSIBLE LUSTRES. Ayux CL Ib2tTT.o * *Aiso Agent and A p rjiser fer Ounadc Per- ,J&The -Cheapest and Blest article oi: Ladlies'wear for the limes. mu.nena Buldingaa ad eèvlng Soci t>' for leuis iVhitby, Octo HENRY N OTICIS. - The Uitderslgutctl viii ha fil Whitmy, on the 2-2h,, Seth, antd 27th cr thia iacnth, for te piirPnaeOfteulectivir uunouint ddeiti ila maie 'nots. Ail notes net paid vhsa mmëueiag, "Iltereat avii imha eliiçol roiday of cale. EJîLET SPROWVLF.* Wimithy, Oct. 4. Iil.- EE CUTuRS' S ALE~. Tho nndersignsd,, ili viev cf vlnding np Cie ifftulra f ttmo eptate of thu lumte Biuuhop Ninith, vilalon "ie Slr Day of t>ctcumcr nexi, 0îfferor a le bi PeblieA iction, oct ha pro-' triisesq, the followîag vlable property, aoc. Ais-tilig ofa a ie and roomtidlce, Brick Remi- .lcne. vith i ceneiit outbeiidings;, e goo.] Fruit- jncluard, anti alb'tt threiund w a' eU at2ruti cof excellent Jlied, being a corner lot, dircîy upoisthe ltsilvsy Station, in the vriin Bokt, Cournty of<'l tarîo. Sale to tikeplace att 2 elck, p, m, TERNIS made.kneva con dayef sale. Pot fcrther iufermation appiy ta cith er of Lthe Lxcetors. C. CAMPBELL, xetr, Dnixallin, Sept 24, 1 71. td-4, - pmosildti tho cs -ato ofetri lai§ Euaoiî Wîtt.'uîî. are raqtie'itsd te guaki- MAIIQARET WATSN, N. G; REYieJlýDi. Dated t JithY, he 7h ay Sept. '71. 40 Ia lierai>' gir-n thai (hebit nicipel crncil cf the Corporation orthtes rovnilmîp of Wlid*, eit lLftnext meeting, te bhhldc0., enday, fitia day of I'ovember, 1871, intanda p:t,siig a By-Lmtv ta cloue cnd1 etot. nit 0 mueb cf the aliovaîmca for rosti, lesdî!-,-ý maoin the Port' Whfthy mund scuirce grar ai rouiî MLMALTESI, LACE,' lOS.IERY9 And a Complele aad Pull Stock of the, Newesî and Be.st Staple and Fancy Goods - COMMLEE IN EVEILY FÀ-RAERS'FIELD AND &C NSE 1 NT ý,.ç Ribbo-ns, millinery, articles, ke. . t - - % Toronto, Augùst 19, 187t J. ARMSTRýONG. ý WhitbY, Augngt 93,'1871. fi JAMI ES J. ÈURPIEYý.' RATCH & BROTRERO

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