ïeentra ned wlth a.lvrtIsi by yl ear or othervs. rders to dlaeontinne advertisemmnts muat l0TAL CANADIAN BANE, WHTITBY BRANOK. ARITUUI ICJIARDSOW4 ONTARIO BANN,. WliIU BBANCH, oVFICE.-UeN -° ama, :,LAN'S BI UAJOssUrasp. W. PLAND - - Propr Blaga to an"i tgm th ea daly 1.F. sOE wART,. Drook street, . . a Wrb.. WatceestClocksa, Messecal Iastrumeste 1.sers, levirs- iarg :aes And every 'l4 U.elhanteel Uasat'ed adlliit proved te'ol il.1 at Lpwr Naesu, and onsb L aboret notica, Wb.s7, May Si, 3871. Ss motproaperona of EngIlish Insoranea o. Ita [NVFATED FlYNDS ar. 1,06o Its D*ILY INOME exeasg... *2,000 lIt LIFE PULIIEM ara a Sure Proteetlon fori the future. • Ita FilLE POLI('IES, laassud at Coasae Riae, atr'ord amsple prote'etion te th.eMdrehant and Hiousebolder, Ail faîrllan Paoxnrw Pato, anid the ut- moat libermlIty shown ln the adjosment of loses Uead 0lUce,Canadas Branch, Nontreal. ~'Chlef Agent forDomlnloc., L, FAIRBANI(L. J., Aixai, Whltby', July 2tt, Whitby On, 0, D 0OKINI0ON A NE, . ·· 26I Bl. Taylor, Aae April 16,18. 16 BCAMERON & MACDlbNELL, EtSES'NDATRESÃ- -~ Da euolltora to the Batnko at ontreat, Vsithe ~rporatiot of the Connu os Ontario, 1,.C, Caxs4. C. il.J. MAwnoxu-, lT;sSons7 tiomn ilo goodi ueeUfry. Ap- ~,1itflom of 51h rm, Cours liouse,- S. i. COCR RANE,'LL. D. C U NTY CL5W N A TTOIREY FUßt ON.' tarlolariuter and; iteorn at-Lav,So torlt tihasneêry, No'ary . nblic, &o,- r Sm-e treet, next door teo yai & EORGE Il. DA RTNEL., BAI rTER, A TTOJtN lV ,C<ONVEYAN car, D>ept tlegit.rar, Muster Extraori yofVttamo Ofce Book.a. i tby. JAi ES K<EITII GORDON, B Ahll55TER i A ArrNNN h1YAT-LAw toilto i 1îhanoar Conveyancer, o Cup oî lrett., lithy, ('nt. B FAIREWELL & McG EEB,AR8TR ATREYSLC- Urrnes:-One door noreth or the Post iEe, Oclava andI ieFe te', Bloet, oppoaite J. E. FaaNwer,. E. McGa. 10 C5IA RLj!|S C. KELLER, TTrriN ltY -AT4 L A W, '8OL ICViOR IN auiery, (onveyafcer, de.,Canning ouBro (. W. Oszyrnstre, Setti Ioto e. 46 L YM AN E &LIig H, LL. E~~., B"'""""^**"eu Ohan- 40 JMIES LAAiJON, TmVHIE FOGU N TA IN 89 Ming Sîre Bsst, TORONTO. TaBer auiipiied with Ct.obee Brande of! W reeLqoc andt Cigas Oystera ser ved althe athtyle. IW First-clasa Dlnlng andi Lonoh Boom attachedi. ools ai ell houri. ol' - J. LESLIE, MIAaOza. LONDs>N ASSURLANCE CORPORATLON VIr AlOD Irs. EmrAsuutln Sm ROYA CeAias. 1729. Fua ta uan...2,48,8, 17. 4td. Stg. JOHN AGNE WV, Agent. Whitby, May 8th, 1871, 1g JOHN WOLFENDEN, CEL EBR ATED SCOTTISH soLicTolt:N cAaCER, * i--C OMME R CIA L O T E L W iTY IîANO FACTO CONVEYAiINCE, LA ND AGENTkcr. W*" At barblo 1%orks of JONA'T'AN -o UxbrIdge. ugaIctl aa WLNDNDndeî.Wiby. 17 JAMES BLAW Aorao Je O S E P H R A I N E i UxbridgeVO June th 18L9Atf28- Pup LP R OP R IE TO R. x ri. e . 1 0 0 9N , . t f 2 8 & ( 'N E Y T O L E N D Co nven en l ft ted up room s for Com m .r T Is - o--ci er in r £ r i g h By R. r s . W ' Ntby . U T G A L TE P CEciTE , el a or a. 38 Biliards attae deisoetnt rei.n i s ~~B y TO T U E amUnow preparT toIJ E lendA p l 8 18 0 and custom era of the W hiby TWN LAS 'TamE HI nov peoi ye lehodan, am oto! rERRAPIN 1)ES T AUTR A N T PIANfl AANUFA bTOR 0 6e-Twn L Ea Ius9 l oEJLock. duso nterent and mane toasi A bega to state that he now cerries~ on the hi - natsmenta orui oto e hob repaid by yearly > nieit. sotey pondr i bo ae t mandr in o. N. V A RSF everel well eultiv.ted 'Farms and Lotsaof BILIAn a Ots e ttndon thisp itRACTr<ICA ls>entist, Osahava wild lande for saIe eheap.-'(7A89Kntoieaiscinnsppi Del)nts.i toom.,directiy oppo. Investmenta made in Debentor. Motme 0 9 g atreet Eat Toronto)• s m v a un uvs alitelhe'osusotea.,s,Et ance on and ohter Securities, u ,otgg THOMAS CARLISLE, - Paoggos lumeoeitree.t thisrd.ioor.aorths of thse Ontario Silvor andi Greenbacks bon2ht andisold, -'0, zo0WTno OOPBzaIOs nIk Foc furtser particularî apply- to - '- Tho most eh- QU A L IT Y , W IL SO NH OomegantxE soENriooa S T YL E, & W I S ON H U E, 7~1 asiWgee, Money Broker, &o. tauan i anda. TiFclboednvptn anI cN, I c ABECmw OFIE MMla' look, Brook atreet at houied-na, t Teeh eli onls;ton îafsc AWISO ,Jr, roritr. se . Le:qh. -nors, and Ciga.r, of'io.at brnde poa eehrnetfoea"°ses."o A. WIL --,-J.,.- PPpitr opmer2h, 1870. - 9 and Cen Oysters in every styl. as Ailereto ore oc H E ns ua I BE5 bog to announce to hia 5" Partie. visiin Toronto foc a day wilS aîd dApltorder exeted withs prompjtitu asuo enedt, at el plIc eîsertly ttL OE Ha T E L, ,2'"°""1"tth .r, " 'rrh JOSEPH F. RAINE Aa lbt rîn fo rs I, e r s , o n' thR OiKaL I Np rU M , 1B 0 E W h it b y , a y , 87 0 - l y y -1 vaanner. Guests anve cotnveniaene L lbBE AElIAGEI LICENSES S an aote d cneinr, E POWELL, Proprietor o- ani Ciaaq Iaha rtd lays kept 0on FIRST-CLASs ACCOMMODATION.eudri.e a n ad t _HUSTO mud.. bigan tetveOtesinFb 2d,1 ,• E A D) 8 M I L L , ,SM 0 4. WtabiSONda,,r.,î'oprer. 8Fbfns,8î N EBAR ASR B UERN , N A RR IAG LIC E N SES8 Ashur, aylat 10,_ f-1 ETRL TgA large qnunity of Lnmtber, vhichs h. IT* Oflice-Towni Hiall. Reside.noce-Byro Grrd~r °"a °°a °""'t7°'1*370*- Gand Tunk Railway Hotel. -o- -F OR S AL E a- m. AT RIIITBY STATION. 'JOHN BAILEY, Proprietor. LO S 'r na E TER WLIGHISMT W" î'NE h purebaedth*5, anTheshove iotah ea bon : IR E RA T ES, AtE DW ELLIGs AI!8 uT ERN Ttutk liotel, whtby ation, beogi toeior acoommiodation and attentioni. ahortes notice, alknda an du thse tira.ble Resideance. Reint Moderate. hlm frian l ant tue traveling publie thiat ha oon roomy stabling anti attentive oatlera. A. B. CAMfPBELL, APply to- ha Sio sie,- liod, attnti tobel Shw at ion.-26, 870. 4 Brookinu P.o JOHN RAMER, Eoq. e; ate i, it t ty at.n it hs » o i i , a it ,, - - B ro o k lin , « J 'e lI st , 3 .. , ,. W h it b ,,M m , ,d 1 8 7 1 . tre.rio ao h'it, U ° i" h";",it'°,",atrott- PRouF ES S OR Jr . P O087T, _ . u~ Tg~i~SfI~ ter,s yuli have tisent teitant , aof - - - a T. E ,~ B 0 '88 m' "u m UN,. E T A KE R, 'TIse underign~si h.. emovedi his R""A CANADIAN HOTEL, P I ANO -FOR T E ,& e, ae. a., ae BOOT ANDSHOE STORE -OToE-YODundas.Intud t0$ * Wrob, D a t. ingy thse. hesternHove •. PO , • Proprietor. -f Miuticai Compsitt oi Pi , $10. Thoer FU E A S - Wuîy n t eared't exceinig s raeore rotaI Enro --* T Mr. Poat kepa genaeral atoek cf FUEASFULLY $UPPLIED. onk a Ueien aduet sk adt.îîd ront, anti attntl osn s ta l n nda Miîlt fiornae andi viehea a cali J H ROBINOhs's nhn. rigdn s PrPrrN, ,sd- 4 WhtyMrc2,17 r D1~ JOSEIPL A. BANDELL P or t' r y o ,S O t . ~Wtt,,itei ,1. 9 na r eS8uDg and Shay j Whiitby May 8, s. L 9 PON T PE~ R HY U 8 E F"MINO lNFLEKls.î3 SALOON, TEILTD 18FIE PORT PERRY, ONT. BoOCK BT,, WnITgy HE ISOLATED NISK g.gE -AMSToMPOParl'r. eh ndersiguad bega te atate thsat ho WI'tby Jani. 22, '88. ISIANE COY JA' ES .IO _PO , Potv eoninsa to manfature 0 CA D . anbocuiber viia to'fom th o-Ro Seed mDnre r G EORGE GURlLF, OF ANAA. lpubit ,ihert his pepeare to»nu IIoiEA ,oFFIA --n (ert, one f aotm os any. heelsaegososi ^•MERCHiANT T A I L t)hrh trno a m an v tii. Ceuut . 87W A G O N , C L O T R E R ' A N D D R A P E R , DA P oA L ,e v -i ..efi o t . *5 , WR T Y O T~- R ARR, W ...,__ J A W. A. LAW,Ae .. .ei* A xD AL m @ 1n h , S F DE S o E T E E ' A M N S : s e u in bcillan's Block, Brook St., W h iy. A. K A B0N, •~ Proprietor.- FARPIING IJKPLEIIE--S ahn ak ,bichIa ro to Whka Aby, bpt, 20h 81 8 _-_-ENTA. dseleetionfor Gentleen's samme suitsmake heen i nthoroughîy renlovatedi, Ouibava, May 12, 186. u te viiSu attnn very asmnodatson CLO T HES TEE ----------E 189 ru atanton. MAI!LSEI1 ri W S R ONt"-ften«rie ft DUNDAS STREET, WJSITBYC. 16. mianufaotcrd lin the sonntry, anti hia im rokid raEORGtE E0SfNPrisaietor.a DUN<DAJ LT., WE17BY. ed5 WCTERoesi 'v-•-. blic, t th a , P "s lbrtd a .eiaeds te hIih labo ee o nn a m e ocm l r oEnato fGesse rd hw o neoct Ã… esotom ety e l v th o vjt, ag etfo e r eavi pn msatio unealgedvoît h ure hine Hlfgpr e ratua poftedtePs de 2 T W O R CO U T Y , î de kohn aa 0 a a• tt ai Imadeep o P 7 187 a î mas ao Clre ltle-thiroÃŽoo , AM b.CA T haefliosl an ovS oAc l I RBANte c Jr.csae, hua itavîy' tyts tii. Saoseahninde TO WAN O R ~~r t ~ a 5 a e o u ît n o ti s î o n o r d r a y L v i l e h o f a v o o u j h e e p ,.W htu a tb yp pJll ytL ê,es t f c e ras. L- - . I -BA utJrt 'O f;nfÀ b lieAo Coa ato •hI~, sl ('f ie, BrS t., Whitby, oSetrl, 1a ut<îvndg Da, W g , 0 , 1 8 7 1 . 8 5 a u ra l n u C n tr he b i . its- x Oh IA L, OAL, (l A L.a ' o ls'Bot , a grnd ae 'J Lvt ng. a rcohl freaed Ptealof !'h ea'ssde rsig h d ~ las m u A se a r n m e t is a ne w C nr h , 19 , e o f ut ll i essî' f or a l f g e * ÇP p if 0f t e d i fu re n t k in dia o f l ,. E I n De , C lo t s a t 0 f C o , 2 8,e k dt rste b u s eo s , (a s v l as B l o e h rb o a ua [ C o wa , ,rb.a f a , B 8,. t ebliaakqpt i nstanti hanoao d ctiy . aIiL Lut'J s d e elp n i e e a nh er o n tie d ra h v.c- roe t f .n a z e a d o sen T 's nl d..nthdo.k orÃ¥ve- ndkereb su,-g a eler plated J O H N B Lo w . able fa mîi C otte , oa o a voal . 88 Whitby, Aug. 80,1871. -g.' a bauttlfa Writoi oa as,"aere etN hee3, 34, s vac vul:faihl hîavi S , aotyCenonsr. - nena, aiBik Drema, si,'a P wi<iokvth ailk voîret bindînar, 88, a Ultr>'b Ilandt, PHoeNIX 9, a fat Sheep, 40, a rci ornamented tto 1. man. *, s ou p stolid Silvem 2 a valnable are i m, a b nio, at e .4,a Z A D B TR E E T a I C PA M I N G C R O S , r on d e r e 4 , a r l l o , .a s l n d Gf W aI othenrtza vIl *i ode, fro timo t 172 tîme, ap te the. date of drawing. GILisESPîE, MxOFFÂT'r& Co., Agents fer To ave on> ho dapoe habook o JAaEadDa, tan tickets, a compii nontr free ticket la JA --NDYIîI, Manager. pseenti 7h vinning utimtbers vill bho E teu ntt no tt cvorabl term a, ant aId a ao a d d . es n r - laLondon AID vithootrrrenee o te .Bard A1omnn aondfMev teoday, Apil rd,1866. Agent, Whitby Grant ratv onutewllpesdgoe.te Doms' Creek, Sept.12thi 1871. 87 Flou r & Feed PROP ARUBL SA E IE N RY LfE PP A RU Dare te ln' ti. aSnhabitante os' Whitby -n iliy sle L"" lienaceti to WR Nk P W ALTEIgg Flour, Oatmeal.Cornmeai, Brun, Oats Sitorts. Graham Fleur, &c. Anti everything în thse Feedi line. Bt or Flue sorfamily ose. Everything Thse eh Beston: eteOimJeeit.Pg. call anti exaninom ney ant hered.Peae Il IEPPAtD b, viz :-An eoullon'Brck Cotta quarter of an are oh land. sated on t n o o Gr i sud s. Peter Streets, i Soiite Word. aeEq, Aleo, hai'ent are of gooan n, fnc ina Tips a t o cft19,on the 1th ae ANurtnerloan acret on ConreayrCoun -12" A los,. anti indisputable title v guvet to al the aboe proi.erty. .For u particulara apply to the ovner. wbith o cor- n tise ty of! eth, tnt a arumged amroie tifulaia i l.u nebîy enough, there fore, with a ortain ej7e£o h RE storm in Lis- ovusn.o jeoyeto a thena RYAs the amea time, on thea other ide of the atreet, a lile girl va uryn hoe ao ; not with Artihur's carryaaig hfome Rence, but with ail îLe hastae tss bedrfrer- foot ao elogged and aatuated atheitts mu and .ate, co.id mak. ""' Ladnth edr n-over asoeasfnor mbrella, and tLeha ithers baig down pisileasly upon Lar Lead, ii clong dripping about her ahouldera, ber so pantales were aplaahed withs tise blac , s om of the croassuga, and her shoea coeed 'ar vish the aamea; ao that attogther ahe looked a moa fororias e asr and consdeai Tl very much as hé looked, com arg ie crumstances I h. ad- over to the other ade, but a avollto get- * er atretched broad and dee beîwe L ,le p a v m e n t a n d th e : d a gto n e s, a n d h e c h ld 1 aaoy, n i he aring to leap a deacroaa i nor yet to plonge thrtough the i Io ddy asr aa it ran in a awift crreot t Arihur Leighton, half hidde. in Lia g - t .t oar, and carrying -Lia um brella il at'rihî bfro Lia eyes, did nos see any a Nbod nn thing, and neer ould ave Sau coddnaou o"of the'ist'e gi's distresa a bflowndsden bisa ercer tisan usual ad not a~ bt o v s t o p e t o La e a m b r e l n d fo r c e d h i . c I £0 to tae a B,,raer Lodof it. Iu ei digisLe cangLi a slimpse of tise ai he dbildigga *obe faef, and comprabendig ci fir dipluly n amompît, La byed Li un au Lel -e. H Ldamot thought T1 Ler a eggar froi Ls frst aht of her lit drahate ceshea i but ho did not eistate Lh n asacoont so go to her aa.isance, of an hoewas very glad afterward that ho av - i n o , fo r e sa v i a m u ta k a a s so o n as h i , ho reachod har, anal fels more than repaia wi fd, Lia a'p"ace -f indnes by iL. and- va li.ttle fa u n. if s d i n q ie k g r ti t ud ," t o ' l ,a. gii It was ao pretty and delicate, so frank hea and trustful, vith uneh a iovely littla month lea .and ah, brown eyes, that Arthor, who ahe Ldal oyiahveakneaa for pretty faces, fro vas amoast tempted to kisa her thon and tsa toor. e ' .i o dot, oever, bt oo 'ook br p in ia arims nstead, and car. oî rid ber not only over the gotter, bot safe - aeroaa the glippery flaga hili La reached tim the opposite pavement. Thon La as Lor Ler dovn', bus coutioued stili to ahelter her ' ynh his ombrella, though Lar vay home the vas sbro'gh asaida•trees in quise•a difeor- Art st direction from Lis, and shough ah. an pcoteted, with many gratefol thanka, that 0ott aL i not mind the rain at ail, and ashe moe coold gos home by Leraelf nov, he i 'You don't mind tho gutseraseither, do ing yon 7' aaked Arthnr, mischievoosly. a fe 'Bas thora are no more Lad onea,' the von cbild anavered, 'I sha'o's haie to cross brin the atreat ageain.'-pr 'So mneh the botter ; I sba'n't hava to hr .if yon again, But I am going home had vith yoo for aIl that, so you might as veltol take it easy. If yoe don't lika my coW- to p aishment im ua pt op wit h as a has ponaheotfo cming ont vit no 0W- close 'I eo.ldn' Isel, tha,' ab eaturned, ialo oa od lnsna, 7.stor camep Nos hom.rthlbest vay I eoul. - tE 'Why didn't you va for somebody tô anek some after yon f' t hoag - we venMe not abid, lu a paloae To iep'Stsldobt ar.d heur;• We vioL- neyer aap from a prinoe's ongi, Te tas the vlo'isemr; w.ii j.u postike- 'Blt se Ioveh aInoagitfor her childtren a d s . o e t i e a . n , d y I e a t i ; Ifesehll Ime bic pur. befe fo Thten les us liveo cosn t ud Ia bth doorefthework shop ; To Ste thtrengths, anti an th ate li er sieerngl to dol lo îot tIse vils o tiare t T h a t po r t t i o n e o n g ti n t r e , hrall A Riny bay, vandWsti Cae f Arthar Leightson was walkiag hom from schsooi ou. rainy Octobrerguoon. A tireur, aorthast storm, fo"""°°° t eloua Lad been gatheriog aira whih tLe aky vas vailtd with their leadea tLe. a swept down et last ia auss os vitat B6vngmi ibe aaei eu be a p îL peosssion foc the fulI tersamTis acookeep boy vas well protected agia Le schooler with heavy overcoat antiagasrthr water #14 it iI E ha og 7' ment forbhe. Fer she anesu better ' tbsÃ¥g snappiir a ' lue* "botóI, yo 5 s If so isL baeIov at,, for Bs ho carlessly snck a-pro' - dø eÃi a os jsttrhe i a a pome mightAuiLbot youvngelia e tn ii hover, that Mary, to Aana cnnyed, ~r îî vna. qa -frote ; - ln, idd andl my. baa whled osiga, Don't yosummbe heovthe pieniaol reniwsquelieytthslkeahbebeadraga M -noisture øembebred the dlower, and moiher, vhon aordly r ank vas so far My eyes stoodi open like esilar d6oc i. veighed dovo iua.becntiful Ved7 aboi, thisar ovn, ighs object to her son eounsry tovwn sud I lifted sp oeyaeW jg Aad Arther ianghed bertily as Li v forming any aeqainsance wif apoor etktesleyseneo wibt iulîRs O""mnster's famiiy. * y songe refused toeg , L o lih B o a. r d os h L e d d on gis b is tit n o t sa y th is te Mo .e, h o e e, , a d o ra tio n I d ra n k id th e s e e t. in fe c io a { Hpc her soired roes, andhse makde anv and she as glati afterward that ahe ha loea as a thir'sty maae aloehato.be i n c e afo iit t ir r ' r a g t int oi hai e a n o , f o r R o ' s i m p e c n S t n c e a s n o S o f h o t h i s k e y g e n v ilee hh ,t U i the limp, dr ipn hoo m t agta-u n l ik a e a. m i e aftos al., A r th ur falfilled hi 'Siace the lig hts of cu yo e& foIn et rag , t- pher head, s cl a llt prom ise n et m any daja after'it ad been m y, life, I som etim es feel as if I co l lli 'Dn aidi Arthar,. laughing atili- malde, end the iwo bours to which hies caîl myaelf np in my bot sap to theto o t'that bontes is perfectly picturesquei as i$ os nt ev itpenf-ere ama thieapal fhe durichoo'ele, a ti aih top0o ia oi antimrvor paa ry Wea~ efci sba i l ate coigue b hy<Loisu Wen Ano, for the er itbfce u i k toa enpes ag y par'-tak: eg îb boyish frankîesa to blushing like a bride, rses from her sea L sade of' feeling, vas cloudedi over with a Mr r.Mrabt eoe isl a colored coch; a hen th. e Lr Say I vhat his'o peralsti aW t ysa acgamr ans gog ove h aig-a ; la n thea bynseec~ La youto e makingcflneofous l'ttheerejro ras natul a s abrl rlaon hered he omug morts bhildxi se wt n a vas. -nryddntwne omc at dng guteth,.and goesh for Lia mors Si a i er oieo . 'T ir o' L g A0 tI eu l g i ml'a u a su iasm a fter th s, for to dro n iug flg h t a i s ltry n o o n id e ; an di 'Le'a ns you lpj yorelf' nov p' ansi Arhpr qoite von Lis vay to bar heart in vhen the foving borda come as -hlïi Arthur tucke.i er ara tighl, on.ie L. that vist Sie vas stili more plei ime, I thnk of th.e; ani ia s mlkcs og Do abea itlegonvoelar n Le came again a few daya aftervari, gumn elasti, my lieseeaacebt 'D on t gL a ts.i on ,e f Boa yo u rbad a rig ng L s it e sot r M a sm , a cisld cl e acro ss m y bo om .. Y or Lair las hike Yoo""sIng ai ooafif70ht c Bo°' a"'°"got"'s Liai Ho. Ld iL, m-°' of my-orrel ora. o-dereti 'I uever couldi bear to e amcdo fats os',', s ev companonu, a fev pleaures. tisai vitti goldi; anti tise brsaM pir.e askeveredi saisi Rose. reprocahlaîlly 'andi I nover it gladenedi tise mothser's hert, toe a ny throughb your wtrfall fi me vw. it- thugs dWotvuldi tease a tile girl, if additon mati se tiem; anti . Marie. boindedt ava.~ Yonur forehes a as em otbe on don' kov eytb g aboutik me no ln a. oui cren he ani. rsîo ig lk e oholdcfatui an lia 'Dontf [, thsen?7' anti nov Boss, foc- kissedi eachs other vits all the ardor of a eracker- When their fine bis me apiasni getin hr ezaio, auhe glarll, ewfrsendship -Maria. argei Boa. for menty breast i enesratd myaoean 'Your name is Arthnr Leighston, andi î mee s reinu visis, at which Boase lookedi api stoeiy a. a louai of birshot throuba you ver daywhe yo pas byour gly to hem moîiher, snd Mrs. M rney otin apple. Yonr noe is frm a xnk eo ovs,d isen xcaied prin bhant--mies a little doubtfully ui Maripn of Parian marbe, anti your mouh me a oly . u e ' b x c c m t r i p s a s p o k e e a g e r ly , 'M a m m a a n ti tis t e r a r e P c k e r e dt i h u we e e s s e s a . N e c a i g r 'Ohl I' sid Arthsr. '7'ur the ay os' coming ta call on yen to-moro, Mm, on your lip, like honey ou a bear'inger; it. But abat mcdo you thsank I vas too mray-she toldi me te teli you so -ani ani mnrias' o nfoedgedi Li-ase e s e good'o sease as'ittle gtrl7' ' ie on v""es'Boue come to eee -e thsen, resd, to fly oe andi lighbs saeaierthike nBcus ov eer tes es whnve 'outi you?7' . blue birds out os' their parent's neat. Xounr are as piey. Lots os' the- Academy boya Tis vas a nev aorprise, and e distine.. iangh ring. in.m oca like the vindi harp thrcoa pebbles anti peachs tones int oom tion thai Mrs. Mnrray had nos looket for train, or the beat of a stray- Iamb arp e yar , a d p ep hro gh he not hol s i a a i. M m. L eig hton w a t h e very bl oa S h ui-side. T ie di mp ie on Jou y a r d f e n c e t smoe f a c s t i s e n d c e a is e a d i o s ' E d g e i s t î a r i s t o c r c y ; O a S L a n c h e e k a a r e l k a b o e r a i n b gd y o urai 1 bo-she yon neyer dii, ani I heard wavhii teeatrdee nteo olw es,,,, ,,rse you Icoadvaar hiet ye after that, but ~ . Mnraye congregation aho vas ou- pour os is buion flqonpes' a. can't bear him ' ' te i t h er acquaintance. Sish at n - o e s s i rnoingvve plou rc ofr Loy itva' sanaresa childihika onfession, tie Episcopal ser,ce only, eatiea. coffee. Avy from o ama niln i Atu b fac gloedi itis plea.re atis cenrr e os' a circlo ns,. aihichs Mrs, choly as a sick ra. omeimea I can is ig boy a. be va.. 'You thounght ruiht, nry. true lad a. ashe vas un refineme,,t hear tisa June buts of despondency, riugst Bos, heaere, armly. •I never ant culeiaî hast nver been admisieed in my ca, and feel tse .coîtd izards os' ad ti ase a li e g irl to m a k o he m f ee î a t h ever ca red i t e b e, S h o d ispair cra ling d o n may bac . U ncouth ' yaî, eut indeedi I idn't mean to vex L e ts rame gifs for conteninent vith an fera, like e thoususian uoadnbboa jou st no . I co ldn'î help tinking of humble posion in connec ion isih capa. Sy piris, anti m oul , pierc e ast ose verse. that i needi to spealin school cities for an elevsted oeue; anti it -nover doubs like an oItm son.. bet vpserdith --aea I vas a little shaver, ne bigger troubled ber, for herseIf ai least, tisai ber Pera. es rdwt kp ban 0naiwhen you soit me your name 'eh va s erro wianti fied with 'snch 'My love for yen la atronger than tise vas Rues,' oaiy dnsio Hec aifet pride made hem amell os' Cofree pes boîeO L i S 'Ire nos schs 'a very 'SittSe ahaver., deire better thinge for iem husband, whoae o'eg u gc v at e an terior tea k ac 'm ure' sid he hid, rawng p h'rtalons vere.o litîle appreirie, ao poor Litey. Ba Å iiio' e ar iseoktanou mali figure proudily -'ansi I learnedi tis. tyimenatedi ; hand ish cuslghedm-nte do. a theueautions erseasusyself, agea ago. I don't mmnd, kvme totpktatsecuduomndpe oso thenres bason intev trapk ans hough, if you didn't mean to saase; andi tit ediantages for hem ciid. Bus ase long fac ple. hakr o ewgis r o ytakiug bt t fe sam age ' vas woh uepsne evenfor ofethouo to whom 'Yeeo are fairer than a speckSed pullet, s Laenofhe forgîveness eut accept- 'it is mecs. anti triok te do Any Fthers mowenrtan olaebbem dthan, red ipo nceof htie apoiogy. s iii,' ant r tisa bordena anti disa plom°ge ou <hlaesadroshterMuhanva tdukno Arthu wasmuchamusd, ht hekeptpoinltmeuis of ieweebtspeepr pomaenthhadfaMsddek graveu~ feai% Promisedi oerer to ofend aona os' that wiltoaa u ahiche exbpitted Yon ara candy, ksîses, raisin., posed-nake gain; iso they vet on amcabl, Rose whot a mirrmur, and se a eten e mrodd alo ether.- , 0- .nging se bac companioni with e iigher it muss be ' confessedi, notitsaading 'I thes feveak ill nhf o raspas he indrased gaist hem ail th's, ibat ehe are v a isue aervona as to ueo the inuit. os' my aoul, cuindie te nd talking-memriiy ail ,he whtila, aili o teorfr s. Leighton,', cali siew vin your affections, I shall be as happy ase îiidigh guj ersos ba venture, eu ar uiva aetr the. door bell E voodipecher on a cberry-tree, or a etage t at al conceeingpber psro i s rings et thwarni sming os' thorserrivaIgr.a t il anne hie truths was, be hatd been a homo to lise escape tromi the embarrassing isor. M1a pins casay liko ,a poisonedt bed-.bug sand tle girlts imagination for mouts. Bshe Lad 'zo mach feeling, happily. Bshe rau fal avey from a diourishing vine o' life, id singiedi him ous from tisa whsole crowdt forvardi eagerly to tipen tisa door, anti gosta oieybac ,adi¯tecmn bywho,vspasei by ba,, pi,,agoan a amiie anti c kisa lu bes.rn, fo, thora years, whien îLeshadoaw , o m',0 she ery day-fris, in simple admiration os' va. a cLarm - un the little bright billu, anti the philoasophical frog aings Lia s hantaome, pleasani fa.eîevaf,,w, face whics Mmm. Leighon conti chseerful eîening ismns,,on, Lap ia th, the invountary ce,,eas aisics ail' no more roslas than Arthue. Mrs. M.ra anotser'sleancm aaI sirop a bear laen feel for cisivairie conduci in a mcan. beardti eafeidt gre.si., arman,o anti catch aol.pnte last mesin-- ,'d" eho and" ":n in'dfem trai r hec,, u, il a e ut. e i'an ti e unene mfor ab e p ece o s y our's a b to a e y lu visih ahom Le came la contact, but ure aund intereai, Befora ber visusos Lad ctc fo -pani ati $ 0 d m. checkedi anti reprovet othera who were reachedi the parlor ahe feIt as mach ai he.bêact o -linif and$0 at a cousiderate ; ansi more tisan once ease a. if ashe vers waitiug to receive ihe ages. h ad seau Liai reacne some timidi cslid inost commoniplacé os' hec aequaintancea, ns tise rongh sport of one oS Lus achool. anti fie minuse. after ashe aentertaininîg Everybody's frient is no one'e. Jea- tea. Hia boîtd reboke to Hary Wîh- tise grecs lad, with a simple ails' posa astoa iousy im almost as muais alliedi te friend.- -a big, burly feihow, vwho-couttd hava a quiet graco and dugnity, wistch coutø not ship as iL love, andi is more natarai to gedi Arthur withou. 'making an e5ant' ha!. been~s.mprovedi opon Lad tise cottage nee <rient.- in pairs than in tiea er la produaced a deep offeci ; anti frem that parlor hein a siately diraing- room anti scres, er Bo a. liketi andi adm iredi Li a vith a l Lers af ita m iatresse . a a 0 o t m i 5 ~ l h ltile heear. Mrm. Leighton's vaiS to the Muera. Uiera Bare0t ps-msressinte The vualî vas a pieeasn one to Lotis os' ceatedi fer more ezciiement-oatide os' e , in spîse of indI ansi veater, anti parmonge thaulu it. There va eo îittle 'Better is it to Le Careful to- ii.vewll mur vas al-oat somcy vhen 1t e--. to goaî"'shout itLi sU• iferont cinele. te than desime o lv o anti ai Mr. Murray's litle corner- which the swo ladies respeenively Lalonged, Nothing is more contrt to the pnt age' The child ad ineretedi hm so e.gooally when 1t vas perceiedi that i os' clity tisa nrash anti raty eso spiri sb vith Leringenenn revelatious tisas vas no more oeremonious caii, mea Once Wliate• was hais' temptd to ielt h0 er org- for al, bus the Lcbgiuning os' an actoal Whatl allndedto t0he folly of mes - ansi go un for a vhile; L ut thon came inttme, Mirs. Morcea' frienda soundes tho bao matin their teyhsiy n ar os' being in tise vay, perheas or b er os' prit. anti aunbithit, andi e-desieto . e-oaig hi gas. îtiuî, os' heviug to La thanked for pushi henns'l into Istgh places ; anti Mra. Withont the rich Loar, vealth is bat guU Boa. Lome, S e h.refouedi, bos Loughton'u asanalatea vooderedi anti muar. an ugiy beggar,. ued as Le saidi good by to coma anti eti ai her ssrangc tastes, anti dtaeminedi 'Be os' got he, aa 5 a. ber anme day afiar school anti Li has fA- > vouidl nos be dra-n icto no0tie. ac i t o o dL. b h os' i h s e wish ber Latin ayntax, wicsh, as sbe ing uc crealure who dît bar ovn houase- rLetonl fo- h'elhoftebd so confited to h'., as the reatest work, if Mrs. Leighon diU set the -L.fs -bU ble abe adi lu sha e .d . o* - deownr, os sonulisiive people., o. [os heanc Wîicox vet 'angh at (To La cotuutie.) ac om ouie k0 now al is gerai- di on Eose's lie figure and ho Minreaas - S Mary go into he sitting ks again- ,d tisetosm aain oc L'sbomeardi rooeeS teS u Loy*° se sheroeter. A le,. lto, ,ieed n, in S,,ngîd- 'Wecae, loui, o a rr ad. May<fe ivciain hInota, Lahe foi oing paragraph: fan -t do. I1e'd Lasser tale cv1 bL, boe hb-stesses har i. fasoa. I ~ .a ,spesking s, marrias ..- it * r A