osivJi e iPrement gerw otil onLot No. 29, 2n4 cl.oW i haff 8 imie oortb of Mr, 9. Tgv.. 81 bol payablet tïtm ofeqervil.. JOhEN 11BIN4<)N, Proprîctor. Wbttby, Oct. Ith, 1871. SOi 41 I'r hty& Porti erry 'Raitwily Company. Or'a e l brphy irvl n t AI ppm1ftIois N ilISe mil. tui Oie illletore o tatrlo et lis next e Aioi or ilniiAct tbmend thie chârter or Qe Port Wbity & Po'rt PÃŽerry ~Illwa7 ompniiini Aethorizinir tusecIIstrue. '#Jeu c a Ba corf lii.c ld fialway froin ~'PMFePrry to Indsey, nnd fur otlîer iitrposea. ROM JOIIN-TîJN, èecoeary pro tain. $htby, 5hOi otbcr, 1871, O6lî1-41 A.OTbUN SA*LX OF TALUABLE HOTJSEKOLD FURNITIJRE. Tho Subcrlhr liaw bien lngtracteclhy u1n, Loelir, tu ccli iry Pukillo Amîtlon, the wliole a09lher flooevhold fiinulîure, THUIRSDAY, OCTOIJER 19l,, '71 In the Tl>WN OF WIIITI3Y. oouiprlalinglo part lasfollows : A filode o %owood k.1-0 porto, Ir ou- tavel., lii, ,to'dîliaitr lutlîi Sites, lnilro alid Jfickliiuidril~, Coutre tiîhlc, niirhlà o ip. Witinot, L.icu ad ciiîrluiiois Ourflalue, 1rîctlo, MI andc i Bdrooîn Fspi:otry and ïpiior Cgrpiuts, Stivorand plated utteilils. AIO), c qeiiiity ci books. cnd tatIliiey, wltlî otiiorarticlc1, tou ounecroce to Aiea lor gale a BRlICtK VILLA contuliiliig 19 oarîîncuilîîe, ,,tnîulc ü ý I J4d,î0 I l d foft wtr'wItiî one acie of Laudi plîicd witlu VhoCO frilit truies, clttutii Ili i 111e'i'OWtkOf Wilîby, et rpreeottoecciiied b>' ijor-Dart. Sais to olmniencoet 1 p. m,oiarp. TKIIMS t"A LE -For theîî iîîîo, Furni. ture, &a., eseli'; for tii. irnoîrty, ane tlîird. mai, aîid, the balance lui -oir eqioci aiuiuc Iiustaluîrnte, wthi itercat ut 7 'ler caita. L.. FAI1tANICinJ., Wlîltby, etolr 7th, 8T1. Notice la hcrcliy givom i înt a Dlrldoel dit tIhe rameoe fuilt lier eîît. Ider uiiîîiin idîdonthie Poa Il uaciîpiîî,i.bhueci ' il ilodiîtiiui- tlà adi e il thixC &le i iccî d iiiTit thie £iiiiii il oMic pi> uthic e iiîkiîîý Iocluti th i 118 i, îîî l iii citter W EIN L ti V.A Y, hidet iiîîjut Nwiîîric 'Iloie u'îield %01iibuho il iiiiud l rôm the éJieto ergunil tiiî ion t ,1 i ue l5iiiî z .: bb luth day dit Jiiaary Itîe' t, c u iil m ubsteqtiit pme)uuiei.bu ri,î tiuir dutu,*, ilie Tîgisur Jiit cnii lie cloctîl irotiii tue 16 tu tOm ie iuît ut.)r iiuit, hotii #lae îuuîiu. By el-ur of lthé lîicrdl, Taroito, Oct, 80), Iu,71. - . 41 MO~LVEN'L'AvId (e l8a5. I'revltice orouitit.nho, lite(irt onrt of u ui t. Iniçitn ouîy ui . iATema he (! Of>H of otiurioY 14 h e n (1, 1 < r0f OISE U i!î Y e'n ttquiiliîy, tie Twcniîiclidîyof Noce bier, a ifyor r Lurilor, (ie 'I'iitleltcîi sluîîed ciiîîîîl,)y teIlle1ruîy1 mif te wId Curt, fr l amisiiirgcu îiluîr iuie muid Act. JiJSPA"It ANT.iNY BANDEL, Per (p, Y. ?iinlbii, ies Attibriey il liteni. Dit.ilat Wiiitliîy, tilimlutih dîîy uof(ctouicr l. L ÊT TILL, Wt>ILD KNiJ)W TiAT WJLL-SONPS 1 IV »le w illi tskegruit pleamure in to meet à cortWruance of paitron Ine order to ksip up our reputatU *ctober 11, 1871, THE Chickeringe Union, Llunham,-' &:Sat ionery of ail kinds. Steiniwa: Bradibur: Sehool BolIÃŽ - Music 'Books.ý -LEWIS ALLIN. biue, brov 1-1SIERY DEPARTMENT9 Lowes,& Powell request attention to, theïr irery large stock aV Hosieryi,comnprieiing t ' e iatest novelties. Rob Roy, and Shepherd's Plaid . ail] numbera in Misses, Tartan, etiïpea very fine ; Rob Roy and Sb eplirds Plaid'I homoe latetie topsr foro'bhlîdren Rob Roy and Shepheurd's PIai4 hbac, Ladies' size f.JBoyle b-rown dseeKnkrbkr. Y9 yf 40 41 the, the. neil b>', qi I lot Pl hip fa HENRY WARREN, M.1 BIIO KLII, - ONT. f 41 NOC)TI1CE.- The riiderslgiicul will ha lun Whdthiy, ont 2-51h, 86th, anîd L7tiî of tlîli; mnth, fort plirpnsle ofoolioctit'ig amonlîit due sinitshis îiOtee .Ail nhilsiut i'eîlwiîe , nienrir iiîterest will b hue oierc!lfoiia dcofusile. ELLET uSPlO WLI Whltby, Oct. 4, 1911. 1A lîertiuy glvn thbt thn MunleIpel (Icend ofthe Curporeiîiii te' 0riiwritiilp cf Wbit e t lum e Dct nccîliig, tb ho held o'. »louday, Oth day of Noveuiber, 1871 luhends pasiali a jlv-Lnw to closeanduît i up se much of t hie alowiice t'or roi, l-iduit froiçi thie Port w ilithy andi iicoz agrac eI roi Paitt thei, Wliithy iiill leRas crosses Robe 4Jin pbcll 'eiii daim, ontu tici hlat ofi No. 24, oituhOiGi coîîccseion 01oh te cwisii R.T. BARRiiisiuN, Towcalhip Clarkc. Brooklin, Oct.2rid, 1871. 4in-40 AYCTît>N SALE OP 1REAL ESTATE. Thora willlhoe sold t et tiiPont Offce, ln the Viliigc of Atierl>', on TUESDAY, OCTOBgg 3Iso,' 371. At Omne o'alîîck, P. mi,, Vie foiliîiii-z Luîîidf And premîseé. porsnît te e t apowe-r at 5ie coti inedInli cvcrli i îdeîtnre ut Morîgoge, wilafflîwill b., prîîduced rt tdne ai cule The eau thhit for ot No y, Ini the Oih con. of ho 'fuwullip ut Marc, lu the Cijuity of The ahoya lets.Valueble f .rni lot, 1eituattod ln a 0" ao "aDi f oUtry. Fur particuultrs, aepll>to Solicitara ,for Mlor[gegeem, Ciiiurcliist. Toronto, <oct, Snîl, liTi. Sium41 NI D. HOLLIDAy. JBROQICLIN, -ONT. AGIMWX FOR T3 ISOLATED ItISK iri INSUIlANCE CO. OF cANA.DA, TORONTO. Al*o, Agent and App'raieer for CJanada per- mnnt Baildicg anfldîvigi Society, for loatis .or lono>' At low, rates of iunteresî. Wbkhby, Aiiruwt tl, 1871. 1>' 82 Apple- Trees ABOUT ,0, nrom two te four Yearrssutqe, enebraciag 411 t uh etVarietfc.s. mu.l ett , roca ae a, de Loire Silks, in gre, 1other, afilks, Iorzning t POPN &EPowl aeoe da vrM lreNstc fIrs n Lyons Poplins, plain and figured. No extra charge for bigh olors. Lowes and Powell. bave a mnien ipa'o l nd Winter Hatsand Bonnets, ý nfietdipayo ai n .Mso a large variety of Flowers.'- feathers, wings, birds, &c, Ribbons, Miinery tce, &c* LOWs & POWEL Wb:tby, Oct. 4, 1871. A'n8TRVL"ONG'S STOVES! HATCH &B-ROU, Agentsin [ have arranged with H. B., to seil My celebratedSte, knowing them loésonoe yas have pleasure in recommending persona re- 'rrnstrong,' ,Davy Crockett's' Iron Dulie,', To purchase from them. Their furnitüre also being of a superior qUelity, Stovea nmade by me are nmarked 41J. Ri Armstrong."1 roronto, August 19, 1871. Javing accepted the aboire offýr at his earnest request, we take leasure in reteomînendincg thong, and noed only sa>' they are too weil- and à voraby known to require Jurther comment. -Al"LE'PRERS-15HATCH & ]BROTHER. APPLEPARER.-15dozen boet Apple Parers, the beet ia the market. Vholesale and Retail, at the Noted Cbcap, louse of HATCI & BRO. TO SPORTS MEN..-.Direct froni England, Doubla and Single barrel ;ot Guns. Also Shot and Powder Fiaeks, &o., apiended value at v SI STOYES 13lIROYED! STOYES PERFECT ! Thitby, Augnit 23, 1871. HATOH & BROTHER. 1 take pleasure in showiug to the publie this season, new and COAI. A IM OORSOVE, Having made my seleetion froni the best manuracturmrs in Mou- t-cal, Broekvilie, Torontio, and Hamilton, wouid advise ail wanting Stoves to caR and examine. 6 Iwould particularly cail attention to a new Hall Stove, by which thre limes the amnount of heat of amiy other 15tove can be obtaie, r And ail'so the American Bas" Burner Self'-feeding Coal Stoire, the newest and beuit etove-in the Market, "- stoves sent byr the Whitby & P1ort Perry R. GÇo., to any station on tise ine, tne ofotcharge, 0::)- Improved Agricnitural Fî:rnaces. 0:> Stovepipes and Tinware suppll cd Vo Pediars and Marchants in the couiityu. C> lJest .Coul 011 always on hand. WbitbY, September 2Oth. 1871. WL BRYAN. BOOTIS .AN D- SIIOES!i The Lair gestAssortm.ent INTHUEC:O UNTY. flas jtist r-eceived a, large Stuek of llîting and elegant Boots and Shoes, for Ladies, -Misses, men, boys anîd (hildren Th~e largçst assotment o 'f fin( town or csiunty.- Many new styles fc* Ladies, never in before.- Orders promptly filled and repairs executed à fore., Please cal! and.exannne. Which' is much larger.than uisual, compris'ing a varied assortrnent IN ALL THiE DEPIMENTS PANCY DRESS GOODS, BLAZEETS, -BLÂCE & COLORED 8BILE, LNE, POFLIN DRESS, -SHEETING,, WINOî1EB, HRIG MXILLINERY &MANTLES, Large nssortment of CLOTH'.& TEDS W'e 0LOTIIING MADE TO ORDER. 81M, 011010E WINES AND) LIQUORS. Whitby, Sept. 20, 1871. 38 NEW FAILLIMPORTÀTIONS! Thesubscriber begs leave to inform his frienùdseandl the public in general, that he bus opened bii New Siore on 'DUiNDAS 'SREET, consistinS of Dry Coods and Crocerles. The Dry Goods bave been- carefaly selected froni the Best Markets, aund corisist of a cli:ice and- varied asgnrtment of.Silks, Poplins, Poplijiette. Black and Fancy Lustres, Lustrines, Farjoy Drels Goods, Black Olotîbe, Doeekino, Tweeds, (tJanadian and British.)1 Ready-]ifade Glotliin.q, flats, Caps, Gloves, Ilosiery, Prints,' FACTORY COTIONS, &c., &c. M» iie- Grocery Depariment ifs replete with ail the bestar- ticles for famil7 ase, consisting of Teau, Sn~ar, Ctffee, Spices. Uice, &c., &c. C& He would respectflly solicit a all from those intending to purebate, as he is prepared toseII at prices defying competition. Farmers' Produce taken in exhange, and cash paid for Butter. JAMES 3. MURPHY. Whitby, Septenober Sth, 1871. au COTTON YARN, COTTON.YARN, COTTON BAGS,** COTTON BAGSO T i r N ~ T i» O u ex a s aill other lO , b t iCil '-~"sud %u'cgetcbuui. mud We cr6 pýepured U las spririy ofS 114e 011 te, ail ollir. it the hec% to nai-sry te procuirs a flrt.el tile, it le doeii la elher liglul orbhe 1 0 B A L E S B A U S , bh i e r ', f r n m n s i c k o u e l i . m m u 5 ~ OTON YARN VIW 111 lu ll ilexcels other 011 U1 1O UM, helce. mieiiuery B est çanadian and A m e ni- k uleu nw hhbut liîW.roubl e nd can makes, purchased prior to 6Y aliacr i ls. It wilînul coogemil un the recent advance on this ut he hie llegat orttceer îi he le goods, which we offer at lesDot hiavilgim g :. i wili uîal iihî' than prçsent jnanufactures' hiete 't'tO, bt itlu uelt a uches prices hîeaft lu&auomrolid and i ill 001 lulbric, prices. hli . ..->oruiah by fSomin,liresthuit ti Tèr'm -Strctly ash.ature lueciiefiirY. ho rrulieuit t i u iiile; TermeStriîl ash.eqiinli'aliulaer lsimleratmne lbufanaio .1 Jiouarnet cxpililoie ideutabox in IiiJcred, T.IL McMILLAN * Co. U sPe m ilile hitg- -iii Oetâwiîî alChil coldi iii(t wilii)ul hue rosgult, ,,,Jt le to gb-Ou cil-wi. wîîmer. J. G. slioce, cl s brlcùmivetic o ui4 lfdt acohlunthq ie moit IKliiedjl. 'fiii a uow ustul lu 0va profi tit llo. ali ul 'ihL'uue iiese lui G R A N J) R A L L Y ier o llueisperu,.nior pure olive. G R ýN ý - R L Le'Y fec rontheoijectioaa urgédeazil, obhlt r1,Que asIldope 1col guluue or freezo, ~ L Dm tO. 1 . Pubé "ru mware thtm u,,>' wor th e tre hImtf.llituho ntonlet>-, ilucri lurovo biut tbJi.- la4)u in~ulza rÀsnd 1toc o;ireehvem agmilirî the, mperaiouueo une, DRE 88 GOODS, TRIMMING, MOHAIR LUSTRES 01 , Ions (l ilyofuboru wil tntS tatO 1 le.huaill fthie 'ieun offai ai l roik as beu1_,he() i ea lbSokeetal,) wc prueptie,tw thiose Who crs intes DO BL W R ED R V RSF TRES. itueý ii tr I,,,ot,,aseatutehac.ute. tosas Johin Irétb la il reeipt o? WILLOW BASiIC, MORRI 8Rux, LEIGU LUMP, SAL KG -CHESNUT, &c.1 Whichas grateuaud atove cobi have nosupefor. 100 TONS BLAOKSM[TH'S COAL, - 500 CORDE WOOD, Ohoap, Jor ah ouly.. JOHN KEILH. 1Rack St. Whitby, Sept Bc, 1;71. 88 ONTARLO IIOT.EL, (laie c. Dawes'@.) WHIITBy ONrAIRIO A. ALEXANDER - . Proprietor. 'THsubumrber desîrea to returu thanks te I to.t". publia for the ver>' liberali patroji- aire boi4teWedi pou hua-Wilîilc propliolor oft tue Gîche liotel, 'Brooklin, mini t lthe saine tlu,îc bakea ooccouîo10 ancuoursce that lie Luis leaand tIi. bovo welikio* ihotal. Large addit;ios have, boi eeîîrnîtiy mode to the prtnîlseoseor. iug miorecit ùmudl0us oommalaau etiireeuntg thlitinezmber 0or slepiaig roorizete ilcarly oîîe lisilfmuore tien formeori>'. A. ret. close lliiiard Purlor witlm three tables hitm ale,, heon- added. Extenstive additloiis to tie Stabling, blid. 1l014e Bore$, d&c., have. sîco hecu madcîe. Ail cneiblinig the uudergged i., aller- t3 hie ilul dFrIends iand-the pu bllo geie- ratlly iîdy i fagoeutpassad b;no oth,,r buteI lmi tii plIce. -Ae wilI ca l l imes bce happy tii celcomo lie olul riende. Whftby, l>cc.2, 1888. . 48-1>' IMPOIITANT TO PARTIES USING DIACUIINERY 1 J. j. STOOI'S M-The Cheapest and Best. articloi -Ladlieswear for the ti!pejs. REAL'MALTrESE LACEq HOSIERY, &clé1 d A nd a Compîete an and Best Sf ct COMPLUTE IN le ADÀRI1ERS"F1IELDI 4aple and EVERY JOHN, 'e. 18,1871. The-Iatest Music. Whitby, October 4, 1871. R lrlAD NOW. Doege toinfirm bfIs frierde anud the rmiblic, tluit lie lice re-tieken li% oui prerniïea, lulmûl>' ctiiieii h>' Mr, Armal], wieru lie laeiîw lr4îpicl TWi, uoply oeriiiîg wln Oie BAKE ICY AND) iCONY E CTIONgRY LNIE. Juuit recdcii, nsercrlcigeca or PEA<hJ El S& Ti).%,TiOE9.,"very amîîperior. CIIOI<JEAOlLS& 'AI, FRUIT -OP ALL RIND2o, Rept C0uiitaiiy 0ouii lîî, ii ceceon, - tIRA Nt ES, ]MIONS, SARDINES, LOIfSTERS, RAIM-IMS, PitUNICS, [i EZAE, TOiIACLU., 'N. B -ulyiler ccili e lied by thîe plate, coîhmeil or rîîw. , Bregiîld livmrea ulfliy teo otýurnore, andl al othiîr iînovieeosia and gnoclrideiiveed an'e ry Ie ordored. choice ciur . 8ý<)W. Whltby, sept. 18. 1871. . 87 PBOTCGRAPB GALLERY 1 [MAMEýS i'E WEAIM= STRON 15 11>1V0i'E, .,I2 . - ll iernuns e lu e ume We arc tiiyti n cniuice toit we haeu1con ?bîwu u ii 4 lacA1lpse pmpultjî bbil cli@lýlti o 11)ii ini lîu i.nte li r lit " 1 lo ii »ýl P ifiiriilîiemlnus b>'. yE V. ',ijimulroiii, OUT WIII'riY & PORT PE' No hu u olyJrtchies wmrk llowedlp .IA1LWAY, to loevii tlI )O Ailtliiiland iuîl ldeutfpistire tiikcî, sud ealored lu 4ui t, liir, or lîilîI îî hk, oce esa haee aiepcc rraiigémilliîte witiî i lir ii utou colur ur itu par.M E Ilii un i r i ifiîer. nbîî uiîfieid 20 0 M E ltlliioriaiit Noli'c-*t 80 par mozen ti11 WANTED IMMEDIATEILY. Wl ui'tluirut the ploce-wallace'e uenew- To work on the above Railway. Zooi l uct thie Outoiv u iikl APPLY TO- Wlith>, O t. 11h M .il. W ILLSON.EMJR hih ct1 h 1871. 41 Wlîltby, sept. 0,1871. 86 JI. iiîils elïtiiiî iiiiiig starofils<lhîIt>', Ij'RM.TO RkNt Preloariurit -Jes>', ulko., ha.îîiug bci ,li vainîF evtryi tuirhiit uily, hlii0, ihter8m e A gocut fan eîor 10sorte wlth 1 0 acres frieTuuflui itceu-uieu wlîîcllit §sW s cud uleasruh, LotNo. 8ô, ,or or o/tIi(;ou. oa'the tis te utiiow suiterune. "uiu.îp of %Wîtby. Goom l houi,o rn J. il. ltlEYt, Saloi Atxo. Tha terin le luagooel 88-l 78, Nitmitiu l$trat, Neuuý Yiirlc * îor t iir Frfrhrpcrtlcnttlre, appi>' t th pro. [etiel siiviir] -prleter au the preumiiece. 66mePo Of' v JOt4il 1I8I',LINGSIFAR.'r ;APrO o SuN, r PIEILS ALLAIAMAX Iscr 181/2.99.i lui DureMi. &)ITOUa i .IJOHN ELLIS, Auieumon iKa r i ri te, bmini monIgît g rate LotNa. 06, Sîli cou, WhlOh, after tiiuo artes pin aitil #Quai i e îgrâte . f(- sept 27, 1871. 40 Dm el huve liji ti un. E Atie macs ieoi tmg latîl>' llilla InPorluiik eouuh>' <ni mis vo ei.ti> lue Ilutîetitîs Thé uldrmcgied, lu vlew ofwlndlng up lied~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~4 Imrtloigpueiieeî vaee iffigirooOe utliceleeof the tisci. Bîeop WIheicuis, It Ile ilii>guod tua ilt itiier's uuîih, clîl oui tIi.luth Dity of Dignoer nuit, Alliifiliux gioiild tic bord$ Ion ilo car 1872. miler ton #baie by Publia Allusioni, mahie pro- .Utw lsuiie htmii> lilinge hiîui i,ud lue mt rnieec,-lime tloiawlngvaluesble pro art 0 'Ion. s ci ji l uoy i xiprodgly sot epc4rî) te W eehfi enc aî cmn elo Yalcclut4, tiatthi, Aliainîx hîmî be le- FruIt aOrciesd, ud ociaI inre ud mbaî blet1 leJil)il4ee, wli hconvsaiouit aatbuildings, a good goîuusi sieo1 lst or liîx 1mb ber. wet a, dry. la2res of excellent lanîd beîîag a mangier, lot, Rcwtiut, O ti bil i lîîî111uhîîî illkoiitia i reoml>. oppost iil tellon, la the tallit 5*r bltes, ut Wloredrs, mîîd cruistilit villite etoS ooklin, Cociat>'of 0taring -ifvotcici, 'f'lint Kuowon blît the Aýrk, auJ SInd tk lcet2'iep n J),ior Wa iez tetutîmats 'et s wiihliug, huit TER.tIlisuadueitie ueuoui odc> of saIe. joui. filiislion the n lit lugrâdieulu, for à PtfrhrIfrnto pl aatsro h k.eiir'miiduud ,x.. hxmiutîre. Be».h. 'fue ~îtewias thue bettios ai lits, C. CAlutrBhLL !11 eutuiiytîîeriati, iuuol clit>' muues Ilium s8.u.5<rl'lïüâA; Eecto lithietamujusWelits Bnoallln. Sept 24, 1871. tl4 Ipcllîi.luno fuite s iU i O S ~A Lit. Usoliïd, 'liiet ce fu,:ly belleve I llit men ccii" trous ilo1lutuuiiaY, lmiho bi etu e ioike>' A Fnh .hlbeae ..,, tiuti Ilîuu(u a it ei t tcki lo uî. A valu4eble -uI hhAaéetrtliis l4idiic~, iîa Uctliwoig i ti bhou,.iilDot ccîul iIli Catudi, bciig Lot deuit il ( , j tw 1he, nukov) we tStui ati, Jlà ome, Cuity old- 41îuumrti.i wltlil dlexae éÃl icealsolorSeanreWalr-d eNIGIIT D')j #i h ll pl A h 1uOus r g o o c $ ,f u i l 1 » l d a a l bë .,S. 'lit, isO dieteg 4 4tlltbua'O lg rlot q4..-Ur, e1 ' 4h, 1871. hf - l tii ri 1871.e Ail the Iateust Magazi-nes._ Whitby, September 6th, 1871. ý 1 1 ý 1- 1 -POPLIN ,IEPARTMÊNT'e ý 1 Lý .- 1 V-%, lý& R. ARMSTRONG. 1 JAXES.A MU RPRY. RATCH & BROTRER. Vhitby, Augnst .93,1871. 1 1 À - -1 - n - -- -1 -L- -.