Whitby Chronicle, 5 Oct 1871, p. 3

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DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENrI? Lowes & Powell have the most choice and elegant amsrsment droit gooda, ln Whitby. WooI Reps, al shades; Merinoos, al shadea; ptume -loth, ail colore, frlnged for suite;f Waterproof olq:b. ail colore,ý f ed for suit ; Figtired Sateen cloths, all oed.,pla1in satepolcthls &Il é,81; French Serges j Pluida', &c. SHÀWL DEPARTMENT. Lowe. Powell art- offering a neatn'Ïilcent azsortxncnflof new Il and Winter Shawle. Striped Shawlu, ln the tomne, Marchioces., Dnch.. i.Ueverulble. and Reveratible Ottomans ; Pais;ley Sawls, ln the late8t de. us; Tartan Shawlil i the Victoria. Rob Roy,- ShephrF razer, Yeilow fluer, Jordon, Maedaff, and-Fanc y Malola Wool 21=11là,'i plain colore. LADIES' UNI)ERGA.RMENTIS, Lowes & Powell have a splendid assortment of Ladies' Scotch. W. l>resseis, Ladiem' hcotch 1-. W. Veste, Il. Neck snd 1. Sleeves>; La-. e Scoth L. W. brawers, white snd scarlet., PLAIN SILIç DEIPARTMENTO aowehi& Powell are offering s. magnifice'nt assortment of rich in 811ks. the best Value in the Dominion ; Poulte de Loire Silks, in gree , 4brown, white, Marie antoinette, brocaded, and other ilike, lorming the est snd choicest collection ever offed in this T6wn. HO0SIEftY *DEPARTMENT,, Owes& Powell request a;ttention to their very large stock of, cry, oomprlaang the latest novelties.1 Rob Roy, aud Shepherd'o Plaid:i limbera: in Mi"e"' Tartan, stripes ver y fine ; Rob Roy and Shepherds 1 bote elastio topis, fot 'r oblîdren ; Rob Roy and Shepberd'a Plaid hoso, s' ite i Boyto brovu and steel Knickerbockers. POPLIN DEPARTMENT. me~s & Powell have opened a very large stock -of Irish and 0 Poplins, Plain -and flgured. No-extra charge for bigh colors. ,ohat's' celebrated Kid Gloves etnd Battons. mes and Powrell have a magnificent disPlay of Fali and r liste and Bonnets, &e. 90 a large variety of Flowers. feathers, wings, birds, c ibbons, Millinery a &c *'c LOWEs & POWELL qy, Oct. 4, 18m1 Chickering, -St.ein-way, Union, IBradbury, Dunham, Sthtioneî.y of ai! kifids. - Sehool Books, Ail fli latest LVMagazines, The Iatte-st-3Iuf .- Msi oo Whitby, October 4,1871. 40 Watches, Clooksq and <' Jwelery, 'fli soscrberbeg toirforin his friends, mrd the Public, gcneralî1y, th it in order to-open bis New Store tc with an entiro Nevw Stock, he wiIl fr-on this date, fo SELL O i lis OLD SToCK AT OT gAr NEW-BRACELETS JUST TO HA.ND. w JAMES JOHNSTPON, -- 'WhitbY, Aluguet 23, 1871. A n Br Du tre, Brock.st. - unY o ntarlo ,~ cfu sad Nt i .1 tDell y, andTorminor, suicith e s, ie li b e a .Anlar~,I E'Iiflb Ww(r al Atmi vu..,. 20,000, TIC-. iithet toeu.q for the Cointy >1otarlo. ai No. 1' Toîl G'ejoa ibm Jr, 0îîq, hîy or st >Vxiwll 511bo promptîlits. .aeLMl§ .... onald (Yamnlcbu..- Non-payment cf Wges: Set59 Michel> Murphy.. Jems Piokîs Amsit........... Asut ........... Jne g.," J. Camchael Michael Dover ..... James Petre ...Nonpayment or Wagei............... 29, il 6 W.J.8uit....~William Whitney.. Aesaaak,...................... ........i~ " ...Alxander 'Whitney.v AssmdJoeh alg....... John ......ld .. .. Whitney,..Msal.«.............. * 1,8, d LuaIPo . uther Palmer,..Petit Larceay *.. .........i..... p 4 . lio udT at Quinn ..........Jont Bsmley .-L 117 ....S..e.... . 18i," Ir. iaxtn *dT George F. Bruce,... Alexander Mclntoeh Profane Swearing, .....1 . u 8, id DunanPexter. AgaMKno..Alexander Melntosb Miedemeanor .. ug28"Dacn66idr Peter Winters... . John OBe .Assanit snd Battery................. on aki Thomma s avage. W Millar, J Obapman Amsai:t and Battery .....Sept 2 George Gurley ...P. Donovan ...Assaultdi Ge.orge Garley.... P. Kennedy .Asal........ .......... J!>'29 " W. Hi.6 Gibbs. MArs W. Hal .... lIra. Oijfford... Larceny .... » ..9, June P ormyth ..... James Liter. Non- payment cf Wgs-Je!y S 'J. A.gangster. Welj(lr.~ Hazard C. WilsoD.. Asaut and Battery.. ...... Jane 24," E Sw Bmitzer &IM.Gilleopie. Edward Thompeon.. Neil Sinclair.... Stlling Liquor withoat oLicen ..e . 18. iA. Gordon' & G. Curris. Benry Grham .. ayaeSenai.. Leaving Service.... ........ et, " oh.atlf yEdwardn Sea6,IlaJhnRierff Edwad'Wlker:*:Thos. Stapletonz.... Seiling Liqeor witbout'Lce.. Do.......eog17, "Georje Ouvris. A ewart .SooonnSollet RefaMOIgto e py wagsý.... .1 Frm; Win,. déareur*. Carlshom .A .........e......... ... .. 4ul'1 !t. forema4 àosphGerrow. AusaIt ..... ..................5. di. Ob J. Hnhhsrd. IJawes BaRbbard, jr.StiIlng............... ,4 i 6 Donald chris;i; * . .B o. . . .D s ri g service ....... .. I. W. Jobnton..... W..Hiecockoi. ruety to aais....'28, fi " if Ptlmner Bigelow.Ja mes Cook .Rioting and diîstu!rbance'on Steamer.... Au' '46 " 6"6 kGeo. Ouvrie ..jamesPhilippo. 66 " 2,-4 JamesCook ..JamePhiipp....,, Asait..........6644 id 6 6 64 JameP6111ppo. .. nr Fo.::::seoils l~iquor without licence on Steamboat. sept A5,:: 6 mm ..Lbey.I. Widow Donobue... SelUng spir-tous Liquors on Snday . June 10" Dnald àMoPhees.l.John O'Brien.a...Astau an httr. ...1Ju f2i Thomas Fsh.y..IT. 11cDormid, Reoeo.Asellt andl battery '.............A g19" Win. Ban .Jhn .Darnes... Trespace,........................ Sept 9," rucelfytat the above is a true c'opy 0' theReturns of Convictions niade to me to date, Offic of the Clark of the Peaoe, September, 1871. 'p. a uu ~ugu: i~6n. (oûnt>'Trossurel 8' 00 September 4th. Cnanty Treaeure .5 00 Fortbwith. Village Treasurer 8 00 Forthwith. Village Treas S57 50 21 dalya. , Proscator. DForthwith. Township Troui Ta psy cogti. 200 8 days. 2 00OIPaid County Tressa,.s 5 00 Paid CoantY' Treatural *2 00 paid coant>' Treasare, 10 00 Paid oiintyTrair 10 00 Net paf dTru e 5 00Not paid 25 00 Not paid 40 Fortbwith lat' rur 20 oj 10daysHaIt to informer, Lirer. a', ir. et or. committed te Coanty gaol for Trial, Paid. Diased with cls Diemissed. Appealed. of mamaI Clr i1'.à Dismieeed. ----May .815. a cVQ. , . STOY ES IM PR O ED I ST O Y S P RF C li xv ý 'f d / I L TJ 'C > I taIre pleasure in showig ttthe publi0 this season, new andNE T F LL IM POR TO S ! 'COAL ANI) WOOD STOVES. The sabscriber begs leave to iuforin isîfniends land the public in - . general, that he bas opened hte Ne!# Store on DUNDAS STREET~, cons:sttnig cf Ilaviug macle my selection front the best nanuacturers in Mon. trealBkil, Toreonto, and Hamilton, would advise aIl wantin tvs' calt sud examine. ngry,-e. te oods and Croc ries The Dry Goods have been carefally selected from the Best. I wonuld particularly cail attention to a uew Rail Stove by Markets, d conuittof a choice and varied assortment cf 5,1k,,, Poptits, Popli..ette, -which three tintes the amout - Ofbhast ef auY ether ý5tove can ho obtaiuoBîcePsc> utrsYLsrieFaacy Dreas Gooda, Black Clothe, Docakîne, wit haf te mout e wod.Tweeds, (Canadian and Brtsh) et And also the Amenican Base Burner Sel-eeigCoal Stov, Ray fd ltzq ltcaps, Gloves, Hosieqj, Pints, 9> Stoves sent by the Whithy & Port Perry R. Co., te, any station on t h rcr eateti elt ihaltebs r theli.,fre hage . tice for (anti!>' ose, coasisting cf Teas, Sogar, Cofice, Spice. Rice, &c., &c.p N 0l> Improved Agricaltural Fnrunaces. 9W'fie would reapectfulîy solicit a cali from those intending ,ML 0::- Stovepipes sud Tiuware saPPlied te Pedilars-* sud Merchauts in the te purcbuëcashli t prcpared te sel! at prices defying competitien. Ceunîp' armers' Produce taken in exchangye, and cash paid for Butter. 0> Beet Cea! OU slwayso oi baud. WM. BRYAN . Whitby, Sptember Ot, 1871. 8 Whitby, September 2eth. 1871.8.8 COTTON uYARNI coTTONq YARN, ARE NO0W RECELIVING THRIR COTTON DAGtSTNBG. F L CO1 T.O AS F ,WINTER IJAMUIL he L r eA s rt e tIc ILAT c Whidh .flllmch larger tban usual, comprising avaie asotmn IN THE COUNTy. 10 ]BALES BAGS1 B LACK&éCOLORED 8 IR9]PB gLS 51 COTTON 'TARN POIN RESS, - PL NL uobn > d e r 8 Best Canadian and7 Amen.- WINOIES SHS&I la jstr~civd are tukofpefetcan makes, pnrchased prior to LreastmIn o LNRY , MNTLWEE 3, rlsjltrc-ie-alreste fpretthe recent advauee on this *Lreasnmn fCQI WES tting and- elegant Boots and Shoes, for Ladies, Misses, Gentie-go d, w i h e of r at es " L TJI G M D TO kD B _ en, boys and Chitiren. The larges esrt et of fine work in thi peet m nfc rs'N w 1 ea & F a iIy G ce e . ;wn or couinty. Many new styles for Ladies,, neyer introduced* prices est ssorme han res nt m nufcturs' N w T as 'ç , F mil y G r o eri s efore. Orders promptly filled and repairs çxecuted as hereto- Terms-Strictly Cash. . CHOICE WINES AND LIQtTORS. re. -Pleaue cal i and Pv Min>. T. 1il.IrIoMILLAN ât co. Whit Affiepr.. 20, 187.3 JOHN SAUNDERS, blth>l, Septembor-,.18, lei. rBRIOOK STREET. TIIE MOST SUCCESSFULGRANDRALLY AT ~L ~AR1ISTRONoes STOVE S ÀLE0F IE EÀONDRESGODS T~MMI0, OHIRLST~S ATCHI c BROU, Agentsa eiL-aët; wlI . 0a. D., 10seî àOJvlN r, I. jÇY, JE W V W VJ" RIL A3TWILLED REVERSIBLE LUSTREPS. kaeWing the. for corne yease, hve&plesarIn ON igThe Cheapest and Best article ot Ladies'werfrtetie.Cupii TU SD Yth 01 OCT OBER wear( for B ohearlom eo Ai the bheur cf 12 ot l i ciwl M et, au e, Jsce cott ' ol, 0 11,1al eap C ash S ore. IREAL MALTESE LACE, HOSIERY, &lia aida.t aero uteore And and FiIlaStock'of th3e Newest purrha. 814 1ouhera i onceord. ilauî dH &nuiîv iruec hoso Vn oSdiérv ,- - ------ -ý Ada Complete adFlStc'o th e s To ri SiieIfi' Offic, Bbriofl o.o.__1 ndI3sta a e __ _ _ _ _ ~ u z*Sal a c. o d tv front ther. Theïr f nitr Wtîib1 oe,.Ii,17. Pr Il. H.. C A AND BYtStpleanCHEAPoà uaiGE lovsITd!b me are ntarked "J. 1. , OIWlIi'rbY, pt URl t Pg,* ELN071FA. I Y CsioC RMEsToronto, Auguet 19, 1871. FTaving accepted the above offen at hi e Ou Soc i rpilygongof, ndan nCOMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. plesanre in re w-mmending the., and uced u order to make a clear-riddanoe. we wiii offer stili greater induce- ÂRIS'FAEDAN ARDEN , lrhrcmet 200 MEN AOto o ' ~ ~ ~ HRWRE ANS is ED,~PPL PRER8..45 dozen hast.Apple Pr ýANTD IMEDATELY nrise in the.oeçakt.Lâotn ith Te ýwork on thea 60 ,.ho e'erkt. aotontwil-h 4.11,14-- - wP J hIbsept. 6, un7. E, 15AJO1~. se; îny eelebrated Stove, roumending perlens rt.. JOHIN ýe. 0 1

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