Whitby Chronicle, 5 Oct 1871, p. 1

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* pril 16, 1@71. 16 proved to suit .1 ai l iuw Rates, am ndu b CAUËIIOM M JACIdONELïm , Witby. lisp Dl, 1871.e B Lw ilctrttjButo i tol NLIVERPOOL& LONDOp1N AGU)n13 Noh4ri*,*P,&0, W h, vbl(.W4. noat perOous01 Ehffitsh Insurano. Cou. IL. (J c Wlgta , 4, . Ji.15,J. MàaouoaiL.. fta îNVIMITEflFUNDS are. ., 17,00b,086 V'KOf>'tologn open goodi seenrit>'.lAp- lte.DAILY INCOMt oxcoed»l.... $20,000, ï 1sn tiei. 11e, oftue irin, Court Uoue,-, itn LI FE PULIES !are a Sure Protection. lçuthA Vmg os88lot the fture. iii plia POLICiaS, ined At uaaM 8, IZ. COcuIANE, LL. D. Re,asffurd amsple PioteâÏou tc the Mrchalt gQNYCIWN ATWTONgT Fuit Oe Nd sud ionmder. o y Ilrrai ~d gony-t-s, Ail (air cialuns Pnoxrn.yPain, snd the ut- lefi AI,îory, Zolotry i'ulih&o.- miS ib8nrluity shown la the sdJustnmqut of Hotai, Wil'tb7.s 81 Hcad Olce #Canada arnnh, 9100treal. UBORG iI*DAILTELJ, Chic AgetlorDounn. ARISJTEIL, ATTUX 1, 0i OVEAN' L.AUA KS iefAgeSt, ]Bor, Uiputy tegi*ltrar, Sai Wbiîby, Ont, L t y ofoîturiv, OlcIr.k.ithb. Whitby, Ju1y 28ti), 1500. JADiEs MEITIL GORtDON, B AliiiSTIt II E TFOU1- TAI N B( $oIIoio.*igney,-voauo etaurant nd Bllard Parlors, ,;jieuNex dnr t th Strm f .& J. Qswpl>e;i, Brook ct., IWiitiy, cOui, 609 ing Street' E.ss TOIZOýNTO. *Thé Ilir sunplied witb -Choice Branda of .FA REWEL L _adgJICGEE Wi-tgea, Liqgora asud Cigara. Omutran .ve B.>' ctl' tvVLY.ANUEi<$, ANI) No- TARIM$ 'L'iILic. Ugio.-OUj door uortii orthe i'ot <>fiIos, TLuwO helai owiuttvi1ti. J. IL V 1?,iwgL. 1Mo4 18 Cil ARtLES C. IKELLER, A TUIlt<iKY Ai- IAW, 8OLICI'iOEIN on lrock, (;.W. J. IfAXEIRO GREENWVOOD, A'Otinor>', Notaty Plibliv. C4olve> Murer, hoWiýýs i.y%'» W*oi(Vza, lByroni streot. LY»MAN 1 Y<IL1SII, L IL. If.. AT A Wohct u lChan- 13 o tj"OlvuViur&a .&c u t ige -à -7Syle. - - - g,'r Firsi-ciaseDiuiugm snd Lunch Rooni -ittaclgsd. Mas tho îurs. 51 J. LESLIE, MàAoau. L ONDt>N ASSURIANCE0 FlitZ A,.% LIra. Fuue I N aNU..... 8 1e 41Stg. IiEAD AGENTl MCNTREALI-11OMEo-H, No. 56 St. Fraigocia X.-vier Street. JOHN AGNEÇW, Agent. Wîîithy, May 8tlg, 1871. 19 0J 1 OUN-OLFENDEN, a AGENT FOR TUB -40 UEJLLlDtj'£TJED.) bU TflHý J AME LtIO, - GRANITE. sitluclioie "IN. clA.ctggv, , L- Atbliarbie Vîorka cof JONATHAN CONVEYANCIit,LANI AÇiENT&c. tJsgcî.~~e Aîti~to,î'sUo~-i MlutSt, OLFENDErî, Dtldutg-$t.. IVniby. 17 llabri#ig, Jae 7ti, 1 81;e. -12 I'E [ L R. j, GFNN,15no D. ATI' EDUCED RATES. 1URUJMIN TOi- L' IE I.OUXNTY (MOL, IBy roi -treat, Wiluth'. 4 1tuîovmowýpared tc e Icd auy amounit cf mougo>' oit te -ecority ut eoed FPurin or po TXIbIAS Il tJSTUN, ductive' Tovut Propeity, et lie lowesi poasible OWN Obidik WIITBY rde (fKirct,Isi tuoanid niamr toe-.g15 u,'cock. igusigtta or ligg oue sum. Sétrm-aI vg-icultivuîted îiansd Lotis of C N.VA RS, vi-I Laglffisffr seobc.p - lii; Fnal Ua~tis, liavu Inveattuienîs 'madeinu Dubent drs, Mortgages l)eut iîoîue, drccl~ opo.and utiger soogrlîlas. - cie tgel a,)llga.-astsuc un Silver snd Groeuhaocka bouxbi sud sold, Imesos irag't tlgrd ioorgcrilg of thue Ontario For tùrtlaer particulans pi>' yto Bank. JAMES HOLDEN - W 1LIS-0 .N 110o U -s Li Offial Aigtme, Moite>' lroker, &c. - OFFIUR-McMula' iook, Brook sêtreat,' .A.S«Btlzq.,Wlitby. A. WILSON' Jr., - Propriotor, ehme2îg 8 4 1 Ttildttt hepbi tattouîot lie GLOBE H oTqE L9 lis umumntîte - ..e , tho b . ie iLI, r. U OfA IlIl;g Ilftr1tVsU eeeîWIIOit t h ll Ia-e volliugnpelle. T'Iu he tois îtvc. ani fur- nlshed flil.i uncait turottgîg itggd eotutortalle' marnuer. Gtithavii tigu114ver,- ycugîvunilige suid Cîgitasf tthe botrgudg, alyeup o W' Qood Stabliîgg and attentve Osticre lui -toudauie.' 4. W 1L5IN, Jmr., Proprietom. Grand Trunk RailwayHRote1. AT %IlTujY STATIOL W XM. W>NAItL lgggiti-ptrcbaaed the butil ali atul raîutaesknovti a% (lie (imaid TfîUik Ilettl, VWiltby station, hiega Su itigfemn bie lIrlegîtîs suit tigetraveling puie tigat be bum ftted tp Io utige asud tablet ui lirsi- elu#sestylo,qtti b>l' iattulouîto te igttet thoste vlo ttrdr* hiti vglgt tefir patroitage, tiusais 50 mggarit scur7tlnuî.csooS tbur ougtom. wI a lîîtiua takliugth e trahi and leaigi t lieraes.vii liaiavethul i elitaken care of Sli thleir m-,îgîm-gî Wltitly,epi., 18OS. ROYAL (CANADIAN -ILOIEL. PORT FERRY, ONT. F, O-Y, Proprietor. Sa pcrir Accommtodautioni.Gouod stauling %ad shed rorgg, iga atteniive oistIerd. Port h'erry, N"i-, 8, 1It69. 45 PORT PERIty IlUs'E. -PORKT PERIuY, ONT, JAMES 1TIIOmPSON, PRaevsTeu. The Suhacrller v1isites to ifo ufon thue corn-- rÎtuully Shat bit Plîcuimsea ara uto Ur crohc ptiblio, vigere lie la prmircd ta turu tlaagocd emencdiog, us sy n othe Ceut. lipu. Ir, 1870.S? WlilTUY, -ONT* ~.M A S N,-0-* Proprietor., T'ho aboie ha% beau îlgoronghiy renovatted, Id lie public vili inSd eor>' sc,înimodatiînu Id thge l'est tteuthonu. Ap,-)lI R 110Ù70 1 -DIJNDABST., WII'BY. _ Plie nudiçersîigugai - vili l iti.mal te o iie 1publIc, ibal tihe - aoie prenisa lat.- se. nemyittSued upim sudronioiat.'d trooelm- t4.r tîîs aooto'iune)ditlom et Oueat*.. Be,, lues ný qu oms, suul i$irs. "i &L. Crg's of Cnd -IePare- ltine - gLager, ubolessie sumit rtai., JOSIIPII A. BAWsDEI.L. Zdprore 'taken i bte week où mgdert. likb, I.' S 187. - -if JAMES POWELL, Proprietor F1RST-CLÂSS ACCOMM ODATION-. Yob. 22nd, 181.. 8 c0ENTliAL 1OTEL, BR-'UolIAm JOHN- BAILEY, Proprietor. Tie abova hotcul bas been nowiy. fluîed up and furisied. , uens wililitud comtortabie acommnodation andattuention. gion ruemn>' atablhîug and attentive osilers. Jan. 26, 1870. 4 p ROFESSQR. J. POST, r reil TÉ &c Twaxa,-Thtruiotiong on Piano, $10. 'fbory of h1umical Composmition, J&o., $5. *W> M1r. Puitkeep; e R«encral stock of biulmc sud Boeiks, for sale, and W!3)406 a Cali trori bis Missiolil friunis. WIitby, March 2, 1870.9 F AUMNG lII PLEMENTS, &o. Tho ,nderslgne d begs to state tlht ha contilnues ho uuatiit'atgre Root, -.Bbod & Mnure Drills, às WELL As RARRO W St A14D AU gIaNa or FARMI1NG I.iIILEXllNrs. -C LOTHES Nctcd sas oie et tîmabesi s rt1iceap< thuekind tnantîsctured hbie en'ygud ~in rcv eçutSThSAW CUi <T 0 o mill>' WOî keJauîd *0 auperior lua ve r>' rempeci.. an Ealgmpset"ue et Eu'xeon' Clehraqted. erdarswhi h h aa , bme>- btvniedchoum. Wbltby, Nov JL&%dn LÀ1612 triOrngOT)"l'entre'eie. 11.or fien Eil.A S S U R A Ncgelé,a 81k H t, beautltul pictureofh eadVrin UVe, vair of Laies' Boots, 17, a grand UrI à')B&DTET& CHAIING CEOSSi Draing ! m iiiyfued Ph ôOjr 18,til ri lIY , 7 ad enL t ooe Tindreieî, 2. n 'eaofP u9.i a or, ictr flq of popAPnslx 20 a bl coh eoî ùaa Iriahs pi, riug d, , a ba f rra t, '8a r'v-lm 1O ,a ei,,stofTahir Cou - J. £feîd on Atig Ti 'ao A le nts for e vet ld in9 , 88. lJi Stio L $0' A LUSSS PID ithadi.ml t reerno)t te egrd89tafa $ ro, , a ioiîvoaet'dzm la~~84 K0l q .m n 4 1, a ou p tit li $i ir, 8 2, a vain - YENC gnus o MANb t'hg, o a8, i Dimauf c Stiy. res o, lu Leudeu, m a , 1 , c o or iî, l ofa '421sàiu Se * aI 0 1,cr p ri z a s w ii bli . m d d a d ir o u n ti n Flou r- & Fe F 8 T 0O<R- E.:ING, 50 CENTS EACII -m~ -o -To -every on> Whuodisponea. ota book JIENR>y SiI-E)PPA RD ten 4tck ets, fii umbrc Lil Desre hoinorn tge niahiagta f IuiLliy ibe prhzea wil hoietorwarded *0 persona auj Violuit>', that, hoe inasnccoeaed to idug a ut adistance. te buigss of Ahi connniffationn, drofus, unone>' Orde IIEPIy IATR, ete., dire tu io sddrmesetl te 11ev. Fatbeî i denm, Y. Il., Duffina'. _reok. BROOK STREEr, .WHITBY Gnd cumte i rad - ere JIUkceps ,oonsisantiy on -baud, DutfiusDreeiuiG t. 2.,181. s Flour, Çatngea, Cormmntu, Brima, Oats. Sonst. Grggiî,.m Floai. &c. VLJfL And ecrything muu the Yocdligie. PROPEIT Y F0OR SALI ut tigeeovet selîiî l'recs cail tJ îu exuuiaqualis>' sud pnieu. -Whi tb, i 11..SUEPP.AIC» Wbity, FL., 871.7 OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, 4 PPitirT(O -o- Convouienîiy ftted up roonis for 'Comner April 8, 1870. 14 TERRAPIN RSARN BILLIARD 1BOOMS (87 & a9. Rhug otreet Euat Toronto). THIOMAS CARLISLE, - PJLOPRIETOII. 1 %mmýThe mn el ae- ganmt, ispaoiouu. ,nd conifortable lies tattraitt1-- anada. Meté snppliod at imrail igoura. wiIOs M. rsmmd C* ' rs ftlte fient bra. bi sdcan Oyutrin vr'yo 1.Patrtie, vititiug Tor>iito for a dasy will lited eý crcogmodation ut the Terrapin. Aprýil à, 1870, 1U Thcunuderstiàz-iedbbas ou baud, ah NIIAR ASSIBUENq, 7 STYLE, & A large quantit>' cf Lumoor, wbî ic oF I N I S I - entasTige ceicbratîod novpailent sud cross --seal pattern ut t irs cm invezition mnaufacture( FOR SALU ausheretefor,. AIT T as - -Fg' Alordure oxccutod witb promptitînd LOW EST MSARKCET 'RATES, sud dispatch. J09FPII F. RAINÎER a~ WillI Lnmb aI kindasau-tb,, Wbhby, ay,80 1- 8 A. B. CAMPB1ELL, URIEbAGE LICENSEs1 BrookliluP. OJ0 . BrookIllui, Jue l, 1970. 26..--- - THOMAS HUSTON A ~DmA]IntIA I <IF S Street, ibm-oc dors nortb'of Toi-tu bail. bundas lstreot, Whltby OntTH E DWELLINQ ItîJITSES TO ERN'I FUNERLS FULY gJPPLID. - A AME8' CORRE8. AI! mesS de- osimable Iteshdaees. Reait 1oderate. JO UN ROHINSON'S Appi> t- flair. Dressing, and Sha'in- JOIIN IIAMER, Eeq. f3A]LO ON, Wbitby, ay 2 d 1 871. _BRtOOK ST.,WîITBY. C E i v SSoura OW THE Baux or M)jipr. BOOI & 50JE 4,TO REÉ' Wlltby Jan. 22, t68., OT-o-J - The uudorei«ad linas îemoved huat QORGE GURLETf, 300T AND SHSOE STORE MIERCHANT 'j' Danos St., WlitbY, ittore ha il L A ti>repared to- exuecte ali endors for cLorliDa AND DRAPER, W rk. A lurge snd select steek cm baud. Riepairing dogue as rTHlE sihberibor effers for salle tih. toiioîl I iluable lîîrporty.,iuî tighevuownIfWl by, vin I.-Atit excllellt Brick coittage wv qtuart4tr cf atm acre of landl. situahagi or. tluo el lier of (4remu and -i.Pater t3troata, in t Slouth Wam-d. . AIL-o,Ilîiifisu acre of lanîd, Weil feuicoti, s lit IL lilg bi.tte of cults-aguutg. o ci, rtige cru Weliigtog angd Gifforil Streets, Nurtig Iart A qutartier of ugi acre ouu Contre Street, so, of tige r(,Fesglano. ~ Draper, lsq., 'in I Soute Word, AIse, Tweuîy Acres of gond land, bal compool of part ut lot 18, j iu e ilol- ec ajoug oft ite Toitilmhip of -mnrrs>-, ouit>' Northtumgberland. - Iw, A cicar aîud îndiieputi4hle titi, vil «w.. t o al ibh aboie protarty. For lurth particniars appi> to MtLL ovuer. FRANCIS CLAI Witby.Juiv 19, 1371. 29 -il w HfITBY PIANO -F ACTOR' -o- J'OSEPH RAINER Tho siibm.riber, lu rctnrcîuîg hi& %hu- cor, thautka to the nîsu>' friegada sud custeomrsofthte Wiiîbp PIANO IIANUFAICTURY beigo te titigt lue nov carrles ou the buis ne- sololY UPOuuIgiWAoagm accýu lit; sud i a- lihirgir future or ders liecifo g, ssore thas te gi-a satgsf'action, lunsupplyluk, ,h , t " g m S - " " lef i.U k o 0 h . u orFSa'ulu GENTLEMEN'S GAIIIENrs insadc Urp l tIi. heait styla sit-tis ltext faslition. A flue' st..ek or llothta rom nwbieh ita ak s eteôtgenjor Gutlemeg s umm i nsa. Ogqliasa, May' 12, 1860. - 19 TUE ROBSON HUÉ DUNDAS STREET, WIJIT13Y C.W -GEORGE EOLkiN,proprie , cfJffKaahcriber btz- ann0onn0cthat ho às'icrihptuure' Hiotau, ilb' bas hceugreuovsî. ad, re<urniaihed.-sugd flUul mn 1,,, i.. Wiliy May 8, 1871: - 9 MiCTION UINS 1'beg toretarm hbagksqfer the liber.] patron â. ge Leretofore bestos<ed ulpoume, audhýoun- nounne. batI arnprcad te cendmuct m sso TOWN OR COUNTY, .AT EEASQNABTE iaaq'a, agis geaorD . v Orjf ibe cendisoer, haiu'tgt and thiua. -Bautany trank waýs pscked. 'Weil, 1deolasrejci-foetJubo toldai*x clx,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ay 1 aa u4ibraed s>.Isouid tink lue,d kaep seau sud 1 th'Oagit nîaybe I'd bave, ta stop 8,ivsîn.bahrY. -'Yoec re ~rUAud You ibIs 1 1 eé CD iiL sh ret: Je q sa fb~iassdos.'- eluia swbile iu York and t r-K W* coleilon t-e-Proîidesce 4iý ,à t t 3lu 0brsgtîî t céf o, , Au indignant sif i-a. the soie reuiark Pleuiridin' li ' vrmah ltkatý aSe tns rain. camue ia&1.git o!, and 1 lato~ $uen> o MayddéMrs Pacikard hazarded i sud tha old lady, fsel1put np un>'bbut bskslkgvs dduda'reooci noiiug abolî tikt'- res1 Youras tý gd, br-iav h , Mar, ' afier pickin.- ais ber appies. vhicht, bad îvo frilled caps,a'su omae - hsndkrercbersf 'Wbere do yen vanst tago Il aaid ha. 115,~ ~ ~ 1, an Wnibt ohmtîçmpsi; rolled'hbibeansd yon turoauhthe ca l s 1--needu't appear, ...,ervmsc3h1nWu>',-1 vaut -rgo i'Yokyôen- l", -a Amnd nuy =a isoigarngb-a quietlp peabiishad berueif in the st eat - comforunable tu city folkàc'svays, sud then lu an8 la, u.ls-gh't 01 eaeuwsc uiîr. . ur l'l, ad brfranoneas cu1c u ic knev .James Greene 'Cthst's Johnj's York fus&.'.l h 'og tan aau, 'a 1 r ë euldc n e ie uY u i ideb r fr aiend , o w s u fen e a o nc u c o S ke a o g s f v t e a a O e r' ex h i a i., i t n p lakynfo orpten eamIl>Assaitangad011be conducto, ca r pioter le eil .- bis s ?Jun t e hstfl cnasp -u-'dttehe 'W bi o he u -os l i 'e 1 irt a dvus Stut th-ho break, -s Y u' e a r ng tr in a9ai Ibleas >'u for fr tpamt Word, >0a. d t eodria.sune.oust Ime getlugh.o ,e reien ;sd otho I uth feul e'ssu ce.- , W4 rerif cur atontoumoe,&lfns beforne d e uiaigcorduvas o amde in tho aris ver>' wrunits Ju.. the b 'teil, eausen gaandme s Se., àhas a t - ' n rd i ' ep -o u « f r e e l ,h sdbr h i f a n e e v h t c m b i o n t r s u I e P a k a d b n d e d o u fbr e a k' s e p t 4,ll An Buit d'l i t ort y .bu 'Ti so lcetof fag ot u d ai usars sIlb a ro api y fsr el aouer. Cameln wsld 0'î no p tp rikcngielit.a - 1 bl exi ih o il >rthe o' bra mw ur f or i, 'iih .,hsn l t a t'a ng tntea, ive i.0r oun ansd (ben 1hate l ao'et miues, sI jub's n go&, on01 he o wfon Uer 1u l'ut hi lgtl od rt$lgid r, s o'of Derydsepain. Et cmeoil sdoeue if1 ord s a 2sud gomst Dodda, *ounebm getr icefr a o rk stt Ne York,' %vigi Wberegrc i cL S Lt Signas us fu r ot entsalvor te, si-bi, csud ws fpa inthco u ré§,d by iberwrmsicnpgpe-caSefth Wfe filcyend tadvn ticktairts Auë-Im d e y luog r odwedssiaosaiun .adi o ep eints, a a ncsdheterocîfuer:onafed hs ckun, l'goige rth h son a ide t'ot o ie W-bl M la mkgd lduu tue bn aapfadee ht,,anr-oe eaad, Pcar u sud aîpuof 'eofaie uug un * po ss te su' La u 'laaet « irav,-o.'i ba igalamnIwo ai cff binoetaru ie. o f Talk pre gaîr iugpbri hirewvaiftaueo, von' bas TutgwIu îaoM ry îles - rluub bszghr~ e a- uhIf nIs, sud a paillr c the rt ,siu nnd ve the odl long tie stop to mû. sheroeta. h f Wax And Ïth ieas adaby te - ime a i lavas , I vhoacflda vaisaath e favras, ithesbancrled tthemad b sh ridae,' sthishs, pan sîîrBu lilii u 'rgco r, sud, i rib a boxticket. Bnty'hIe Pais netgatiaon fa d Statierbadex su od excial n Iuwehhis u Jhhamu te Wil ten lti t ou eroaimefbr 1.qusm agto odcSr tc >ebne a a - -i Idt ccrNYr k aap.aeSing- î of corn,-did a e hape ciland auup Sa af Bat e yt he p rusch of spelot ofack. retùi> soond the-dtrju ai st s inh A nInh# will rav . 0kIîtewbi bcgu'IUinu und brgrm tao r ec sbotl ld inled ouis ud on afler mu of Tuti vvpLci wfiraCow onn;rhbab the euack, acnc a r o f tdtagin, ud letg o 'the one t p quaie sp tag sudre te .Ina titiscova the mVis"uhe ittsmll, Ick.algl-einw'AfyIa u th naw r ou, ie, a'aouncett' made ofic,.srd inbarlrsh ân ushg 'Devhal 1'ssd ha idlay, n»ss -- 'ay' epledib beiiard od ad, akged o uV ogt Sne o lay Andth tg)ruý,iu cou;âuâ418 big a c tcket. B Wht.t'biv s'tnaved stg on w as drap ler b ndu xndu e iu br m ra e I I epeoil herS ifl oh , s ntra i o -- Lcho sfm-lya,ietîy n r.ad hnImpaoc br imly i n Itegd nm tata 1Hoel ie -Whabo's pa ruükBîmo 'Moop tatin ire i b a condcior enarad he co- - chacidk bonnt offvas more um nde efo e alth e arm h - lFa. . a sv ta. Iaouldum t nd arsv f iasM im00a ButW heI afS arn fb brdor' a îe 1 a iP e sud m-m.traDnddetougbsarh thue on ubehie a ar P mnade ep r a aglthe behi ibmomxita frady hcndct o usi avde isun h Launb Smîthg anaidxRld,'twensdou ahee' îh mnsCooialpEyata in-fra ur er te 'id oy e cod ady, n rao. dgayVr' lim bwldrd l ld, sedfor anbe iei aberbox sud Albanyor ~~~~~acn ofgtg îie u ar es rrgbr Wy brreu>-ru, su ad arnys pea- Lai.'ot nr mn beiî goer ct eAîamed.,s adp ui efore berinthma info uMOO tto lrae h odco ensatI ked i >' onLuali i h ecJks hnatanmrehdit h Il wuho meb tnt e e re Cars arsi gec i. o tPhe P. at B.pe R.,Le ais amc rebe. J b la m gi n t o es e u$y el u bed ha ;I staivn sud corla'hg n ed Ira. d c n- o aitver'on g.'r m atb v isa e h u ti, m nt a l m iea d, stle the ' mneo r ntd y . à - fi u ie th e b b agu aeabeistifellaio, erl îbink gra dnsois rfuso-orl. glue L dier' tisse c hange e-ruboxianrep led f. u t pbat erne C ne ctis utji te oid a fiSh s bit u awlaoaeIý vele- qqrbo 1 w the nov rba bz, l u tht ae o mi ug 'b tid .h r ' y ya n n a m ' p u a n tl n Il vi an i oui ~ r n o i the nml'onie a torngas.'aapbeen hftefor ber, ou sibeSru i cf h c gfso su xitern treComunor«be rd 'N 'ejus& he cnucovh o t'n e av r an oid la d wam . .'trh ncaeleu co h 'mresl t v r gln fre.wan B te wioe ta s d a st --em me J-' ' statioan ou iza d h ; semm as îhughl taira D dv ashadi plondg.t'se - .II las ra o ppeli dcun te lu p re echeof po>' iis hîma , ira binu k r bndie s' s n>' -Whea e ,vouId hat. n t thon b .r SunlMrsu Ddd t pzhdow thi, ai 0d b>the ,wi nt hrî r uid tebugnss n ru, ram e re Ibe dbrinesmesu 'tcalied cs;d e cegsh sfe d wuntheaies eIo obnsdl e uiae h ri th 0o i e ul of ai f l u iadi oniu , t h o o d uctveur ak lu YonIou d a eur o s d tle w'ut b tre l a lady e fer , a eoU m-nItesth a isi e e ssw wten, snd ill dlatrk- e d aou isu, vingShe lad wL ayir a voictat hel conldd nsy e tn olte grspd1 pakt iLi, itbte î a il oped asbufev ae son e Spi ,a u 'Çlood ew b >'ii , igr am sateof s tick.- car bIer udunmini >' mthe cd. th orehd ras viug np ber radWs'P ug a ias ei n n dber oe> ao eth aue - se of omad h ile st tion beaid the engne, . 'ate, i.cketaduo t e tu ot gt. dreaIs sd i aiayingl e ail e holda tes a à.Duoter u se d e Silet, w hih u-u takjue suorder ly a b uiid Oa a, sud m aniho ber butaad ib . rstne - t nd a ici sr, ye oat'abiu pslcadkl6e csedof i lue imane atthe bottosun o h' peuket- -u incprnvatiotn spttru oecfdaLrYoereutnag csinalokna, su îegodi-fet i loco-i lgsmnue, ain she, de- X. otve.un Mr. odd rcaled l'tm becmtvick h Ck th>Il Ailokod ledrta pnda r uauinbeglyas th nduto, bgui t bOhtâat, rievero'aun>'hutde brofand al ebocos, i boe sap e Larayad tLe miocien lud ok ip asi n t on bitesga e trarn f n o n , tmb r II dsarif I bsoin's 'he L>', Le' avearnsl aod and e îe it nd e cu brok looedbandpand h at e. te Sie off -bat u & h amie ere bugraihad aar>' Good.b>'haSamun>'nItWhere's rprite. - lesî b r Cotfi ra. Dodd dhe illenost o uaed ntfwpaîtcenok). h John OhhereLe ue-Job wb eu ra.b Paad - llsnglyled atoaL ofloh onubit raiafngup' the ralonger n un>' mbgr ' snpeninriy iestere ber tempeesshe coWdisudoou popees lu ait matietbouseoho rt~~~ ~~~ 'H1ei s oLr nvgli'a-afr ta mabl odctr en s vornaniho caseato vpaon cfte kitndet suadbi Th.e Paama Sber tell the oowu& knev .littibe y sen lIsy tuantîL ta rId ad ldief ithe vrl Ifloe sn sia le sbor' of a ae tdof -'Whau e d elov. w s ureyt-gm c sifh Mal brm.baud iI.'a she resum tige c uver- audthe g ol ett Plg vti i ue's le e taliredaun cidari>' maniba sue$ cd matt h ouitr rtta ber '- sud ame îfaheyblne 10 spw prcuêed ahound L g as upthe c utr e aga ta wishomtaecros sbrierpattrerallgator 'But v e1 hera' n po . ' atri n - dl ession. - ' I ja ulitd they munts oa r oo pa, sud a sques, t e andlb tb e.b ne w r b i g li toe y apples-?.1.1a d e ou ih1aiu' e t oat a'yen uav cc l enpt ofbher y nd re wosîs oth bagrdleves; and l pae poioutsir,, va f ndber k etIlL. rigS h ge t'a nai, ba pe, ilI- oo .Suurr>"gi' issDod.- su le a ib Crain a bonnts, redvdi et llgto.goo a ad n vS fo Li t Ail . ood1' migain roaned î e lscouduc-ckardWL>I'agin';ta Aibsu>' ofaJacc b ne aru stelleking I a sh o ateresvî~art. Tedgkaaiu oi to;sdîeod lad àau o Le cr msueirt etrdbrte: botil au ud esin«h recsai onrs. oPackard. soTm aaeatr telle bis he ouuis bave di buynitryand-ivualeV ad a paliinaWsd- ache the aste et ppla, îib a iectca sriugmial e ta FaIlWovrs ud ho avis, ho amau fth ns e &aodyail ausbered t -Le ouit, bertua dog trt 111 re itis, moier ; nv get i,' Le fhmuk'lasla(astilashh.woeau, Ifnovemanutrull a kethed a e aLund.,a nh ofd à- nv ho'. h e te l a qe oa t eviria a peledî igorub dspimd isbst rs ier-eealgtr - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aql,, andl n iocîe u baî. Jh er uin u aet hu 1 c fudn n n em-facouns ba efor a tthealiatrs mas avre cend el o arter thn î oor fr i ndo. Y n oeSrysb'm Ldmuet Wr, si~ae tar uous lv qit.c r.. e' andeîg-i ks wth a l b imiyed uth- 'Ba th wasbegare m e. e fstigd ?-an îdr'Yn bavn f b>v me't wit mua tb on si s ttiranber confulevsion e ra shge as i n' thine uPnîLes- oaid ynladp' rtthudb , gsd ain',dissv br a er-y trugba n d blackg, mba n e &bnntca r aa) Piatr g- -e tu a o m t svuug ,baet'offejSary ?y t-ge uon SMenyba'a îL smgain'saîAlbnytaJeb lurnel rau , Ma'arn ;1 Asueleau o lu mcmi JutsarniptlisTh4g th tiow wit e pr r Ael aof theIpîaf oredtlesin dulnate hHe aot'tL ege oi ndevr i.d lady r hte d ar Myt' one Ielas oudte go udeduaortheo erluasi ho.' be ' Frri a ou ail pu ?ýs t.fGrm' the up teroe g p etu ' q ick v ; aLe lie he I nel to ue s e r Se Jw aob Le d son rn ink W s t-. la 'O h, vand t i îm Y ork l'as geing ta, jîreaogut guotuegît, I ta his e ri e ba - , il u. bhau a te ehodndgx in ie ber a o ruisund' rgm'l t oeoy aldîecstationm she u elq ortethg otiea.vor te Lng anle uryand thdndow a F Yo R ivesu-,Jondad Le- te satio'nwmapier- e ondld t aeia ut ahoi con, re nsy motr t b ba s et aple, i- eabrella f trngcd tei; enSh lbayruihomosl, lu eleapadditionaifo Btadspib, I o d l n a s ntoT e m v . s n e e rpt, t a a t h eo y î h î ' g i n h a v > ' v e l f suav î h s m e d m l i u l y u l uno fd b S u t h g e a r e s a d' ,e-aPy f e r, baros seversi theu ed bp oui>aoua vomumi suànddb' b8nîuiofd-a hS rninn I' ul vyg n h a !e le, vrng ideuoîim ubi insu>',te cack h!teabe Armions ii Ind e ofate hnth or o i sun>',Ye su I dou 't baier euh g 6tta L e i ibt ioii ev nii ararcpinamuucs - alnasi uli erne pou eas, sha Sap c ta e' an t - (nfa t e t o g o ttah s d tane cn fi on ap- rai ,ti n sShog att de w ic is on t' th dea be se vh s n' nt t teia u ' , ax ! im d Ir . i e u d i hH ed t 4> .p ea ! ow a i a u a L aî ifu thea u no chnuil rry taed ber se p antsp Peud,'L',Ahuysl Yr taD udfshoslydesesdtramî> Tabsan As er osaraco sud adoer- theun u, d gavethe m f m li am n't beut thee.' s . an J b l Sm-sr infied trai Pn, M - m e dî eveau a a a s- ariJs ho e unpro- wouidulthear ta my 8iayi' away eaAlbaniul ita r yen eangoity eppYorc tiseero oaheroine. ra pctue o cofuson l >',er I'ws ii,'outigoansn a e I a;vt Bth om>nu. naeo îeremaae' Ponsd >'i l e ctso Gro.ns po rthe 'CIi e ere?' ad iLs od blsd>', ga 'iarg SalJohn hae semtu'a sbounkDood.t-&f basleep,'and tsu corducter< bsing a pýisi momet, -1ceiye rmcir7 peauO- pott qi ki'v el idbe ulta WLue , Msa Dodd, t no II «onas I a ino i r bi'.$ oupisouîgyf r i ns te!tio- <int he sidieasl adef- 1h prs r cinguon heumrea'l J o trod.usl,as 0And ' ;a n i n tLe i m 'exi rne L ed th e st er, as thra Ie> O'buy huîtrI-é e>' ehai ywniiiffiL <chie as andvhe as and h>'îLtin t rai l adslemcmpan.sdbd 0 t erdasainsdps ile she mmglà5t lti c oll'atulati-' I e ,O-vO OnLbu b L a n h a sk- t B u t e u o u m ab u croei i S a a o u a a a p l l i ' « t a n e h s t m e L t g S i i ; î e lea d ' s l p e m x a r e a > d- r a i i c t o uianmi~0 ecansd- coa mi7an-est> , espta YAlband- taJa 'h-,caino d , u apin m'ach to the mu e d raa tro es. 1 il 1iÂiii t th r ou,1ceer _ el), ad ha - ee oue, a u teid L e aad tus e e r mi e uad Ick b era wmen beons, hciaem. B t " saen s,.,4 57. ,w- vhysihe>' Lsdhai for iba capitalrofeeorlpreeue hebinasunare oaumidersiacoffarcdthan mît te 555i'a eu, fDrd1,b ?' Bus e, vLn Y k a>' vas se edi awb' a n LattIsncf matte dsh ceut lorved noup te. -- esad h ilt f e andguied y te iogic& fý reà tht I (Da Bou d , lot n laîlbunerpach ux upd tup.%plled on as ke igt 0< appi ie ingspatrd.a nrisircing, a taa, Sht imeo a'cgi d a n 1âeir m-rnie 1cm - pp 'e' ttaL Cgn.$tn fotllebar Italsdie h uad a.thrv t iey n t de t r aapaniue hhe comnry- neuuttIdi heIlrz amv Ms. it st aw aei teat ies ynn OesIi -adWhan kfu rconiio o did po oe o aree boiuPackuad?'a mmn svp -mas'u> usad' fmotn samd xrsly j.this n te s ers aecternof Snd aDminion collrramicet&r fabeiasàs befra co njugal d cat ;sadmi a bhld. ses îLd pe mdut r ing thaservceslamisies cîf tha Provljic W bp Ic8ueaayths conunBtteai u nntaryu lia. ackr isnme ff Pu é.Dd. - -sud i beppuaiu ":tesStau - 49mat gvbr ailieritaspect ta expaced tlbeselva rtîlya preit Sh pumascaîslh usen itS 'WyIt,'aherireasolei>' red Ms I eWra: r a ndbvder of? . . hemorcn't Wpi, adssebtZhy arer ona,ît 'Cn et1bs eiltrae ia Édse odd î 9ei uoie ai 'ia ndsu>, l, adhae va OLdc, w> - spinaill a iofir dfljo Gnue ng oi - eaadthe olg ady ai in a , tle unra- - - - fe IA Jh n :Mis*, Dd d cor n 1t raiu ces'L I gtdm tva ag i,-' r 5.. 'njM E,..mm.a t.. a fo -_kt -asea It OLÂY~ 1 ýi

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