Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1871, p. 3

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£118 POIL $ALE. 01r flr po ~wer ta opprea. tu 14* Bores, iCoMposed cor J"~ 1 - m outÃ"or Ib, o& a s latter siIibandpart ofNo. 1, lnu liia Iti ono;»uwlg rinte3frde ihnew fraii ng o, b.fn. wu asrnesuîy hoped ebs Aberiy wel. &o. 76 aor,. eloatred, th~riai OB Ipovemets r or@fmog en alios b 0:; M r So k u lut if " take a pàlng vi. it .11re1.1 No .in the $th, andi pait ofr i* U ou P l or bard ta doldisMr, Adami, à No. 2, lis tihe 7th agi, of Ugbrldis, about $o titI ibt vs. oieg alarg. au-in... erra eai, fie remisiider good woosl, Ibis ulhtatv oigàlag oendslot ie wi waerd. U N-T iasy tis.r.; &Il of à aadden etraok l'Anou -No. IV.-7'D scrfi, helng part of lotD , ; ibsebo., enai eople Io vondpr No.l 0 ,h0 , oneao o Jhicgwt oudpoqr.h.he,, iplo, fi s,.hmaonu(if0 sor.le i Slae yaeêMr. Reeve hfW 1ob.totlut.~ ces goos i cder. the enisl.go Il nd Nr, aee ati: a e din abard wood. Un tlé.lot Ilforoje a fret es. m9LLkNERYl4 = tION TP&# C ira of buoi.., but eill not tm.' 11111 1411. .- 1.1 ' ka i t i . ul eut i ole a.e. TE l iS ' OF SA LE - on thir d oeu hln Irée.x b. ~ ~ ~ r fîuoli . u pol o r teiz noitlii. aliisenoIdîàiglt or tlsyuré .8» xraoirdinary ,Barkàia nBlc ad id tat f vil andmuetincrissi, tasuitpurchlîaerêt, yulluteres;t et a fi t a a n i. l n le Iomprovlma' end lacressing bo.,cent, Par 61411138, to vaiecured, by, mongsg. Colored S k e "-s ndPpli iI7y place vitînblli i tnc _oitiiproperty. 81kJapanese 'Ppis i bamded boaea bav boci Sal e t, Suie10mmence at 2 o'clock, p. mn, sharp. .iiî, L. FAIBÂNheL8, J.,.eaMe a oura rbuilding ifal1t thi-eea ppiéor The1L rge0t113 eapest',and Best assort- ha mie boildiiig. the one boiong. whithîy, Net 26. 187'. ment cif PÂNOY«- DRIESS ýGOODS to select froni ever> offered r. Corbett ibro.. hoî&leinheinan mu i bty b, lower storyie forhitores,, i. ÈVXEUUTOU$î SIL E.DlosinWi~ r ..idonco,,enad 1 îiik tlarge S. n Jo Rédv M IA ta hoid ac " for(able V"llage; Theé ndesiîgî.siln vlov of .1 dln itu ~W , leI approahingcdopue.. i. afluirs of the "ctie of' the it wB.i,,0 nrvolleds, always keeping the beat iiudiC'heapest goods inthle, a msobie truelare i., a,oîhlmg Nnlul, wliloI ot ili Dity of otomor aiet, trade grandur aoîb ofTorono, ffer for sale b, Publie A action, on the pro- e grandercorLbof Tornto. -i sIe., lthe ollowlng vulable prCiPrty , -on- poued t<r eervicoe the- end of cent afitîîîg of a ic. andi oomin"diuo, rie %@R,l- Ln . iln d ascewlîlh onveuîoist oÙibnlsiînga, a good C &.en' riessn-ak~ing- n il ilUr (meard,, andad "t th...au 5 ai îruogtl f hoe aIi ombP 1"ls f ieOulont ltend. bohalaità orneriot, DONE TO- vdDER., arty thas epok. of beping ithe direutiy om, lbthe llallway iStation, ln the Loe Simooa4 Od oacblchlmg Yillege1ot ,rokli,Coîîy of Ontario.A a.L -'N ig iiybger. thasias prossa. Sieût ekk,î2"ioo Pl lem A. . OH.... A ag'lot of Organdie at 12 ent, A.. M. CHISHOLM's. ~- COICEWINES ýAND LIQ]joffl Whitby, Sept. ý20, 1871. NEW' FÂLL IMPOI The subscriber begs leave, to inform bisfri generai, tAha;ha. open.d bis New Store on D N Iieettbemneelvos and lproeeon tol E,, n ise kown on day oae. ML J I-é LU c fo 1 of isrroceries jtlstarecei e .Tite Dry G00de have been -è r-fîilly.e cedarig, w, au.bo utal rotte ni oiie fa bfe n îroaaoton fSikPoin, niuot. plo.n eeiy oor$0egla 8946eI bo ceaers t orpo p o t trhlforinatio apply to efther of th@ nd n d svist o,~l1, 'glîretl moeety o ro p 0u ztord. ( .q* cienanda for waabzort A..M (HISOLM « lal nsi ancy, Lustres, Lustîrines, Fancy DreusGoe lc (Ofr If tee waters bu kepî At ier V AMBaL e d2a e 0oln, H tGors oi rns usaaouoaa n aow V LO WhsiiPO Teaidi, eahînn'iminoindise, anh, *01e111 level thoisds of aores woid, 03 . iIu A;.Exotr. E Ls -itosh»o PloetLqle( on b. dt for coativaoî. -Bqrry np Broolllu, SépI 4, 1971. tci.4o Wbîtby, Sept. I 8i 1871. & C1-ýfd, rokn R t as ýPt@Iber 20, 1871, G A D L T R R Or The. iiy colojiOsîsi bj' tii.ý N 'ticles fr oeni c is, contiisting of Tesa, 5egar, Coftc io . Ri;&L I. adtrl4b adotof,. $o Degetot boibeextout of front ElOmtiutlry Entertallument, () 1-1A T>l AN!) la teSNejYorkFi 8 1 W f9leW oud "epectfully sa lctt alfo h s ne dn oi@prygi.uîer~ 10000$1000weudîoerfdthai' ' ..L a.* . tock -of new Dress *0 purclisse aone bî r-ae 0 là,e dpse, retied thoeie. l At prices deyng o puto.. Bogan et 0 S «Itn psotr.w 1mss FLZ SLY-Farmers' Produce taken in exchang"eadchpadfrluerF0R AL* fros n prsa 1,0 osq Te rs loUabM' One. dollar to Three dol. JMSJ UPY arretd. Ho 0"aealiowed'ta ont- FR011 50TLAND. jarsJtheuauUJ.AI, ' b ioe 1871 and wlîb the Qoverotn, sud esoaped ~ ~1T. 1 tWbitby, Septe ber Oîh,18. miin b ugig V oiion. ME .LIl. N IflS' A T hA Lt1'Mi u HA L e argest.: -A vatuantea- r empioeos are s epted, and-One P JSWÂy, 20th EPT NERi, 1@71. R AT iax 8 c:acers,~~iwl r i b a s b a u a r r u e a t d , b u t I b e r a t e d I ii n l c e t a S t . e e r v ei d s e n t$ , d. o o r I E C O U N T yGN . >A J , J 1 1a o d f n e , g o î B i s i g , s i ),000 bail. open At 7:80.,te commenîi eta*.So'c o ýl T H B O-___Y____ , m D R A , lienia'fitc8ard0o00ch.iA.fKuit; hituat. W For lo r t.er o fan .ie< I n d o 4evm, Pl.T l ee 01cioint paw.rttuee bllsand Ad o hliIg4gBre.vllg nePh oro the leasingç usos by theoNewFAILlITo RF-UT. ,[las l'a k 7imu of! yemtorday in'donnecrjon F'rA ivordalaage ,of lO ofcrrmect vith 70 acres -MIN h tho clvie. fraude revelatilons. Il& Àioo am-Sp-ocoiwt 7 r fitting and elegantBoots. and SboeS, for LadisMsesGni- iha noly-'lippery Dirk" Ilpor , Lt fis. 8 o fi, Joui. oftîjemen oys and Chiîe Th a- ne call lin-ohjecîaýto b î Twîlipa' lit1 Ga [made.. Hen Te agest assortment of fine work in TMAIL WAY an rbeiîrnnn mdoNableal, ahouude. .Tho (ara, ja lu a good tOwn'or cut. Mn new forlneyerodGood Tweed manufac ipogoît, au wec CilaiIL' lof ute ticti py eth ro bofore. Orders pom.tyfilled and rpisexecuted "al her eto- tured at aua.ot1 TiMa article ai: Wo réel compeil. prletor oni the prémison. fore. Please tifaadd. examine tato chat comtrolltr Oonneily ban IomA..3dODogSiq, foe.- LACElan.exmie bsck nothin ansd chat, th. personapr OnOllY frimail participuation in JOUX1E LLS, JH SUDEIRS, Anti Cmpe tits otere fpprsfothg3, suh cou. Whlîh7. Wbltby, Soptember 18, 1811. OKSRE.A.M CIHL'.aC~pee and Full Stock-o h Nws lu fesi,. Connoily Io 'making à sept 27, 1871. 4 n etSal n ae i brout of l.,' as the aying gnon, andI u b i y l r e p t h e b e n e i t . - S u c b a A î M N 6 R T ~ 1 U T EA R IT RN 'S TVS !5F AL YR ORE SA r x o . . of thioves vas noyer unearthqu In lu i prauns Inlbtedtethoujiat .1 ,îh, MAM I51ý, R worid beoro, -and, wq oarncitly lie thVwouWaî,oî,, e TOV chat boforo the vuek ta out, tho linmeie 1.ettjunetut Anre preu oo W mékov ý'e Prlaion wiIOpen Its doors buto r- ie lga'~ lm dia'al5gb the asf14 embate, are req btt ONTÂRSOTIN EV RY D tr hoetmnl hacî a t im en omtthuuî e derigned fr ad. Twed& Co. tried heor a COurt of MARGARET WATSlON tJs aDA vrv : on criminal And civil sais. They N ,1l Nî.~ I have 'lwrLcj o$a ADAE'PIT,0 0 h.e ihF.d Lîî 'oge aragd it R tAgP1"M clerae atôe ilht bafoia the santé bar vberea cru Dated nt Wlilti, the 27îlî day sept. '71. 40 knoýwîng them ±or Bore yeari have pleambtreun rPAmedu esu e Flower Laces&le HADWA fr e PaNTSa IL,&. a' Oe -Bok onod th" needy tbiuveî andI friend. quiring Stflrae'n *m Conntr 'n et r i att h ux vn e taut bbc pin idar. , ' & A r m s t r o n n .' '[)"D ~ a r orr e ,c t 'w ia a .- lu 'îr ai;tori hm iao;ae, yerh. GI D 'avj a9 or "a a u s., St r~ t A N DO N N B x arlor, or H l o ~ , -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L iperonce of the paît shows U , that W 1 L L ne. Nr . oida 9 o lne Sg ross, ifthtby ride over thiaq danger. NE RXIUIURAP1 ALR ult,9Of made by'me are ntarked "J. R. Armotrong."9 nfY ol n the o ri n r l n p ey y ctan ho In W laE la e v B l ck, BG A L teR t, T;ron f o t e . h e r f u n tCeToTeg o f aNue io ,Y A R N , iIon, If the wbole net con ho Wlilbby, ori the Aù Toronto8,1 îhy cinth oy tpu adr;l -Tt nI lu Wlau o iok ro î ugs 9 81 . R. ARMSTRONG. 811k and Cloth Mandles made COTTN AeCOTtbTONmpaY. liee bbunsithe barn at Sing TO'RL171order in ay suape or Whthbv, Set. 6, 1171 thn slÉe lcetartii'a, atfr hbn:dmlti.nkpff, Iaving accepted the above Offer at hfsearnest requ:st we take requieaaYstl OTNA , BGSOIC Igta titis country- -for Sgnerahlons expenus, Ilu ordor te maïak alefavoraby known tb requipeesian A'any fortc.omrnantto 10! ~ ~ ~ t lisoo, lehoos en tt iihgnj ud ynrteuthrCmmn.HATO &BJOTER nm uteDmno 4kBiuls Tor Bliliop e:ioavç.-.lVo regret S.urJ 87 AM>PLE PARER~S,... dozen best Apple Parera, the beat iu the mre.A.. M. CHt8HOL'.3 L N&C. n o te n H a LondnDeAND- - Wholmle sd Retail, fit the Notd Chap, ous. of MATCH & BRO. M S eSimegcef D. t.ny (dire1VDs' T -îôL cliy orîpoalteeGib îly 00ollage, D 88bliuc, iée h OD TO Si'OITSMEN'.-Direot frontEngland ud, anud Single, barrel ily ole o,,ulIii 7cber- ARoP CALIho as oSo n odrPloi oslne au t10 ýBALBOSBBAG&DMLEL red witb honora. Afber ciking - ___ ho calinte t spada,- aud for over John Kellh la la reclpî of S]tGn.As htadPodrFskecslUEdauet er ar ba% eoidntîfted iiuthbcWILIiW BANK, MORRIS RUN, Wbitby, 4Àuguat, 23, 1871. HA.TOH & diROand A an ' Ohtrch ilu -London, lirat as LE tuuî L UM p, S A L G ,-~G o e e e tW l u w au o u I 4 t ~ r ai h r An ttrarsai Irt-Bxopo SAL Geau makes, purchased priort ' D5N ' aids alewri as seî'hhîpc fafyu.w y 1ofe t~ssja epl whn htd HSU,*&. the recent advance onthsBg'tiurmbsfldan a ll b. dlocese of Toronto.' Hievas Whib et grate ansi CWove cai have no superlor. T MOT S1 stock, milGo terier ys est gotan rsent manuè ffratrs ghly reapectosi by the nieuners- of ufaOS LCS IT'SCA T'T enontinatlons, ase Weil an by iib[~' M' Ii: QL b0isN olsi prI13CAL tok ote rrybs, n - are marked at a saldvaucet prîces -- a ao e 0fii.ducl f h poo iOocopal dutles, andiGhsap, fo r Cash ouly. .~ii0 N h. novove nlty ûsh the Anglican Cîiureh iu the vbole TJOIIE KEILD. He biasibeeu-in teciinlughealtît ,- ok S t. W h h y, S ep t C , lla 7î l.~I , , ~ ueale sc 0 finie ,sud A codjutor _Siabop W iV'Je erv5 înîîy choaen 10 aa isî hlim The(1 01 EN 1PEACHES &TOMtTo s, vory superieui Z d s g h t e r , t o o f t h e l a tt e <W t h s R S f Y r~ ra. ,dvard Blake aundr. C henM. 'WatiitcChek rToronta...Oobe R-GES r avL, L'B tenem ent le irn s that ao ta n t al n b u ,ls a u, ofOTHeNO LIKEd CASH iiJ highestl price pAid- for and J we ry - LOSRSRA8N, ire front dostroyed lhe crops of *OH N 1K AS ors Iu, the sagncnayd LEKONS, S&RDIyEpoduc, a ffrd(oÃŽl a adtAND BY SELLINO HAW TTI i&EAP, WE GETanT I prodnc*o:aT he s b rif1. (b e 1ta 0kad meau b. liaS.t1 s Our". :-.-.......... - BreoaLsi Si rollhe rublidsenyrte euthtomeinm.ran ti -i0 BThe subseriber begs to i'ifoàin bis friend,<, weururovIasonset goodad.ilvereitce. - thei public thegenerut.,yté th----i---orderé tto openthhis Ne w Store -is, Iholco Brandes t mtCeS7T OC ofI ad andfrj A il. HISHILM'S ýObn Qasudge, BEq., Mua. Do.., AIello ortheir p, , -Cotton G ac- -- - pw'cbasesil of.Oo$1ton -oods early, on account of the great BL.OCK' NW.lt' Ti h ur d V r i ie , r me d l x d is o t. rV ai n a h m a * t . W ' t o s w l e f f y O p e r c e n t - DIh D Wbmb, u be2Vhofu1 sii-eu - - - h howhàettAan l.tyear 1saprices. f M. i.. ah . l. - l_._tl louuIrij' lh.wa.s w auwi , aLi'V ou ump ( armer. .j *uly Who vi-I Prouvin. bui clI PI hn-t, bAul :iutg tu. 'for %lie F140 vatl SON. 88 of Mid- ut Ibid. , fls.d. Yf F4ayk nFT, rk 11111. à. au-- heur su ,NT. le, 78, Nueaugt, Good iPrunella Gaiters

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