Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1871, p. 4

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rotiiri a Penny 1 froc the. vif$. LWhoen .,vtutrne te cen,. sold the hindi.. Îla vhiçh hbý a bsed, hbil ire. K,. Cltit G ine, alno put Dp he ain:or 11l"'000 -"aine% 11ev Or. leansah&anction, it vauhekd oaie Frank Rial.é, propriator of the Mon- tUol aI Mea.Osvege, a shot le, th doc0k by a druaitea 1.ev cmd Me. Deftald. * He lie deegerocaly voanded, The. Board of Contrel bae givaen notice thet thte Seul Canai l iihae Coud lat12 p,anouthe. 25u1sof Move1mbar, 'andte r- * manCoueedountil maylaiot Th ti ulle te th.e ooefletd rweel atai of Jebo Elddall le te b.s taaîed in the * ourt4$ on the groeud that hie lift intareat coly, anti net ithe féeusimple, vu u ajct 1&0econfiscation. Au' Iewa postmaiatar advarîts ua lttai addrau.ed 10 iThe me. vho leevea bis mole bitehed aIl *dal every . other 5aîdey in thi.e eey eçar îthe Carey sebol.' Swift uaad te se> thet tiié people of hisecongrégation lied fmhihed Fut ang religion te haie, bot mot neari> enoagi1 te love ou@aenotber. 'Pawbat can I deo, mlous yen gai. me a riditig hahit op haro e Inýth.e entry? ' 'Gae tiihébabit of vahlng, -my dear. A Chines* pboîographer- le Sua Francis S e helug apbraided: by' elady 'cutomner * bacanse the picoîeadiln'u soit ber, brlegi> replied s: $No haîf hantsoie # boy eu I ONqIARL10 H O I,i (laie . Do's.) WHITJ3Y ONTAnUO -A. ALEXANDER - -, Proprietor. lii snbaoilcrtes rertarn thaàiîm-tu, T lauithe publie forrth ver> liheral patron- eps bestavieti polilme witilo proprialor of ilt <irhe hrtel, Urookiin, and t Ilte saine lime takistoun oiub aiullts ethat lia lias teanet the aboyve pknown iotel. Large atiditiotîs hjye beetitrucoisttiy adoto the. preitlacmsoseutr- ing' iiare Goi.cnodilnus cuanitonaîttiandatt etîcreailîig the itamber afi slscpittg roonie to iaarly 0a10 lia111nimre titan formeriyý. A ilraI- clamei liahrd irior vit fi tiras tablesliras ama hein» Zsd Etenîsive aditiuon& ta tint Stitling, ti bogue090Boxesa, &., bave 610Q litssamade. Ail etsblingtlitauttderolgned ta oftitr t3 flsi Olti Friendsi anti thé pubila kice- rail yadvintagetîs stpaaaed 1» nuior .lotel lilitepîcea. de viii etail turnes be hîappyt ,woeome fltaobtifianeîds. WMithy,lie. 201658. 8l MPàudRTANT 'TruPARTIES. USINfl gevili-R. rime reutly redaeaJ. anmdtiMachiite vitii, uli oulil, $12; tremdi do., $k7.-. ,M"jah Machine guarantced. 0AeCM aWANTEs» vsrywttzss. Spiendid te maiseuinaney.mAppmouta- GUUZLI'W EWING &XACHI1N8 CO0 GTELPII, OANADAÇ: - Lewis Allin, Agent 1bar Whitby -,B. eI (y' lars, for Bevmaîvilio; lewis Quiol, toi Nertt & houtti tOntario., Ma> 8&h, 1p7l. .12M-.49 TO TCEWORV "'0 CLASS-. evpeaidte (uofh liloniah, ewonomI,aeta bztcg wIioIsoflhetmoT.tb.aao nt aIl5OV ve. te D e wr o PTjU O8 *!ilt Loe voti a î L4ooI'n.cT0aj.olzo.Il-.!oJa7adt The celabratati perfecteti Specacs andi BEye Glasses, mtnafcured b> Lâzaaus 1& MoRi amnd for whicb ve batve the isole agéncy, ire giining golden opinions fromt alLu1bose vbo bave tried them. If yoa vent ta preserve yanr igit Io extrame cîti mga, nue tbe. med no others.ý - JAS- H. GERRIE, AGWNTS MACU1NEJLV 1 %Xw . 1A= EXTRA, MACHINE O0W. < Tlîls '011 excoeA nfit oh Ù-îî, ioth animal *à= i andi vegagible, end we are. prapertit teov LJ M E o th:sbdparlarity of tié1tis I otoher.lîtmîSouis15CEC tha tese neftarlr te pro cua r a titess siala, 111lx Adapte te ither ighî or hdaîty na.. oblary, freinaoerak orsewiuig.,naeicie le O heavat of idit%&t. Thtisorf-n aefl iltàe 111,cIdh It 0*01iler i7jare I LL, NUL'QUi!, lieue.sinteitinar> eau ha ap ui lh baut Itle trouhle, siud It viii ubct aiîîa iai han lîseta eraadyguintecî b> ilier oiti. t vit uaetaugeal or tStI) eeîn llii*tjii ooldlsal otveathtr. Tiis; a squAi od il.. lîiiesl Importancea, froînthie fae aun (tii_______________________ Dot lsvilîg tis qaMiit v <iii net Ibbiate a 8014 itliaft, snchb u' i na>."ba appliedîin a MANVFACTUREi> AT TUE *oated shtahs, bat ti@ momnît Iltenochies a colti ohftita4coujcealed smati viinetiaubricista.n. »c Z M X»7 qLZLI rttý,qto'b t n#qqutres tlitlepr- uare ulcusuary teradue o e 'liquld atuto il a riaquirlng a lihgier tamporalare byfiction. îSite. .grieultural Wore urnai sxpasids and the btix lu Injured tis l u imposaifble tc usatoitlti vill lil' on àn LEFIV@ CELEMDRATRO 014d bltft vIthiaitu titis r. aIt, uhlut lu omin- gls 011Oiti vittatev. J. G. $tock's 11 iit l[,lu--a aav iriai tue oidest machnery thea moet îî lapplisti, Titis <01 la novaâsad lu, over svo Double TURBINE WATER WIIEEL. butdeoatablilauîl, and isgiviaig he best Pr,7atiation attd am isi tctu amîytit Ic * * rofer tt jtoe tds8 perm or purs olive, It su iHlUXesî ScOteuucCAL WUEEL NOV IN 1753 1 rao frein thé objections urged a ait mi ther till%, As 1h doua rotignniî or fregozeè. tov p ltae publie tsi &aaetbek inuod verîts blnpearelpuffad llite tthlu, »e rt povo lier tbia Is ne hnmhag0 sud te secair 0s1.Insàait aiesi lie opauretlonîs ait nsrnibn. cha» oit sgcls,(tnn oret vinWiiinot hasi. alt VtitEhe ie uan e06etcet011 remrio Do baltidentifiaei ti toétclsa xtr&A M e> (Mi,) va propo,' ho iseWvie-ara tntarostcd * - nuits iruu f leo ioe. eîtineau, te eondtu t thon, on otppli.etienl, hl mail or s¶tierw44 fre. et charge leua1vay, &asain pi' i o tiulitm m i ak le or esf. Ad li1s @#Vito viiîa fev simple toistat, aMetffectIe a heae u.sta by vhilhgoblta knowîs train the it matais, and viuheb yul able ptiles or- iarhi, % oeur@ thêtel vtagenîImposi bi, by sneblngtheinte deteqoié t».aionce wihher tiec(Mi fcrvaread lu as gocd&As Aipies deafiln Machins 011g ,ill de Ozu, . BTUt;K, Bronglismn, Ont. Mots Agent fer th, Dominion Brougham, Marci 15, 1870. TEITXM0OIuA L.w Ti wJcauu ilit a tnesWo'ua, e.s. Secs, o ?isa, ÂllC.187e. -. - . . huXas os-W. bave.~i! -Whtsv rittwnnfaein weIsvsîaIàs0o',lttgaor&i'Uelveu tfmiaîh the. sainefaeilitlemi for mi ttuennte ho le other parties lu i Canada. .Wlhout the. infor- miation WC have civets W Mr. Gxxmu né one ecao lid suoesfly bud orr Wbeeloi, andi va advise patei aursdiaw ,purcAis aOur W heil of uo<*ther mnutifacturer, Mr. Gr«efol&g ar nnp gd a we teeheure th-ai hli ii huid aW heei that wilI give perfect satialie. tioti. W. titerefare, c mend, huim tu.thi. li publie 0 oCmarw i ihentire confidenoe, feu- lgsure he wilitnufntcture a Whel lin a& respectis eqal tb our own. (Signedj,) JAMES LEFFEL st CO. We ara prepsred ti fornîsi Water Whaels,, Gotaro. Shefisi, Pallava and ail Macbinery, ne-: cessry to aîiecbflhe i*haala te- the tnAOchinery they tare iniended 'to drive ; and iIf,: mlter Ivo inouths trial, thoy'arà e nt alaaciory, vo viii taes ml imet, pas- treilit bt.wyat a fond any paytnents immda to n therco,,, -.Whoeaparties are 'îot uatisfled witb ýtuei .Wlieclaitd cantio* inake a Change' at the l ime withani. bsto business, tbe.> May' rus the ,whel gtd machiutry a restoabiele îevlth- out Charge, Tiet excedink onc ,ycar, in order tlit they niaymike'a change 'wthot teajujr> 1Bellow are givenï the naines of parties vint are nov nsiig Iront amsto ife culof Our v*beela : anti ve Invitea partiswho wish 10 purchase Wcorreispond'*Iththein., Davlid Amnold ................. D w. ........keii ............Arkel. Biaterc .....itt ..........Ua f Bwaî&Pringie ........... Aven»5, Wltlam Beau ............... :8118 A. Bitti & G ........... Vae el, A. Rüsteau ................... t Datids, N .a.....i..............tta J. B., ielIl.................. lu Wmt. Iire ............... Bangor. A. J. Buick -....... ..... Norwod. WnI.itoceldi............... Edysoîe. J. M. Bm,,e............bli'e ssiFaits Chrittoier lerai........ Jacab Snob,Çer.................er1I:I J. Carveth;.................... Leserd.' C. W. Carit.............. ...Caufingon, James 4. Ciçe ...............ap es, A. k 3. Chumusrai...........eir A. Ohowîî....................Rigulen. James Dyer .................. Perryown, John ttyae. ........ Uzbridge Djamonit k Diann..........evi, Bansuel lJavtdisen ...............tîtid«y, C. E. D)reyer> ............ ....lonain View M. Ihigeti.................... apane, James 1tillait....... .......... P onilîHoe. r4ihotas Ea,............. isam aucusen- ........eon. Robrtt or. ..............Moîîire.i, FranciaBras. ............. Br kii, Fanlant k miles.....a ......capbIIirt, 8. J. Green».......e .......... Greewod. Thom$ttia, tfta............... ..raxeer Jiaepiî Goulet.............Uxbridge,- WW t.i............... elngow. .ib r.Osaa. & ttn fitykCa ........... Wn. k Walter Caîtie...... imo, Wo. Iillmer 1.... .... aeii itiattiD&ix, ..............nlha., O>..Baill....;................. Quebe. Hultttt 'Irothers..;........b ..... tMU§Ile, Cap&. ibsy]ns...p................tiral, Jo taceqort ...............erh. jolitaHe âweli... V........ ihadCe ilealti & Horiont,............ ...îtiretvile, a. r. Harripun................. ankîoý Irwin k iksyd................... 1Hope, Jothtî ligies........ -......... eph,. -». P. Jolis$& CO.:.. . Uanatique, A Laum................erbrook, Jamaleigi ..................rota. tsiaan lent ...............Newcasl, ....O roto, lieh NUItr ...:........ ît ingon, J. 1~. Alad .................ewmrkes, Job,,%e)OWI. ...t....g... bte ntrei. William bunrra............... 31ilt Mai. Johnî xcCras .................. nrew. Mbcthowelt & Niolle............ n iorevfle Samuel Merner ..............ewhambag. lohn, lEahr..........trev John Nichai ............. he.iraae., .D.NZn.....* illonfli, A. W, <Ystev>e kCo,........o..anenmea, John Pariaîi................... nya. .'nBotr.............wmanvite; tttoiîard Pint...... ............ lkie. PaltisAI aîîuli.oingCa ...... Serri ooke. WîiiamtPre.............Pîckrt.« James L Plir . . is' Creck, Feraheriot k Ca .............bew. S 1.. Ptrdt ............ -rightn, Peck, Benney &ké ..a............fit o ltreal, Jîi.» Pantins ......... ....... tieaL C.aes ti.................%ttk, Thouts utey ....... -...... sbritige. Toa, V. ckl Bia........ ........aorsv, 13-&k W. itasemanit kCo .Aintoile, John Roussi .................. Ctsremont, Eitwsrd it , ................ ..v , SonelkBrasé...... ........... bo w oanvill Mîte sith,..... ."ltffia' Cree~, Thaîtiair W. Ssepbeu'on,..... N orwood, , $lae e àIlchauieoberg......oitagwood, Aiez. &naii...........O.hw. 'îTbns dieplîenson.......ran n, 4ho Ohaw ...... ........... Nor adae, n Wre ucy.. .........nren, P tne Bnh............îîreu, Peteil# îîsin.......... ..... ih&§ -Paîls. Charte$ ills............. a rwnbt, I. Staplea .............Cobourg, Ithit, asi thupe.. Stephenson k Ecaton ......omln Pou,, Brs .... .. ....... Mna tAiberi, intA, Teer. . . ........ roln WavO Tw............. yden, Whesai..er ........ . Dn lle, 'h a e.. . d ......nCreia, C.' Whe...r............. to rg, Wood Va...............Mntreuil ames Mtnh...... ...... m Cair W£ ALS3O MANUFACTURE PORTABLEr and S2'T10.N'ERY eteam 2nglues and 13iois 1 or AILL tItîfla AD alz". lu t[-fl&'i~l O! 170. We offer tonur custkmers, for the coming Harvest, -two distinct Machines, which lu style and construction, embrace* the.lateet and moet -useful impi-ovemen ts of the day. JOIINSiON'S'SINIGLE SIE4LF-RIAKING REÂPEI TM "ING -OF REAPERS." The u-niversal suctiess of this Machi.ne, both in closely- contested trials and in the banda of the (armets, warrant usain Paying tbat',> as'a Self Raking Raap!ingMachiine, it bas more good pointsa nd leils defects, and, bas met with more, auccema andlIesa faiînre, than berotofore offered to tic public. àZ::,ýe ayuga Junior ,Mower, Wewere awarded the Firat Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvincial Exi'bition,:held in Toronto, 1870, itn combpetition with ail the leading Mm:ehines manu- facturedin 'haProince ; and vith, our iccent mmrvemithts,- va Ilnhesitàtingly, challenge inventigation andi comparison -vith c*onpetiî.g Machines, 4ve ara satlsfied> thati aupb investigation wibi convince every- unprjtdcdmid, tint ve.ofler tic hast Mover tothe Fanner for 1871, buitinîDmi no101., W Senti for ,descriptive Catalogues. Wbitby, tli 14, 18n1 "i E w c. O w E Fire Proof RON&PATTERS ON. 24 Il V SIPATNT AM S Co Chimneys, Shadeso Reflecters, Pooket Lanterns, Spring Drackets, Wick Trays, &c. JAMES -H. GERRIE, Whitby, Jan. 12, 1870. ý$PECIAL@ HOZIERY, ýPARASOLS. ARE NOW EXIIIBITZD IN GREAT VARIETY A T e. & A.O SMITII'S. They have imiportcd this season, besides large'quantittes of 3taple &c Fancy D.ry, Cood.s, A endid assortruent of ENGLISE & GERMAN 04R PETS. mun beaulilul deains,-in FLOOR & HALL CLOTHS. ,BRUSSELS and. TAPESTRY, and.mli Wooi (Jmrpeting. Mit. LAMBERT stili oversces the 1%imloring, and tci intending purehaseéro w.y.now cicr inducemetat anti advanit4ges second-to none ln, the Dominton. A splendid assorîment of BOOTS anti SHORS t>e>v pencti. FiIRSH FAMILY GIIOCERIES côfnatanîly on haud. C> Anu arly eall solicited.- 43~ É>. Agents for thse Farner's Osbourae Scwing'mnacbiae.' Oshawa, June, 5th 1871. ~ÀRRÂGES& CTTIER~ M. -O. D.ONOVAN'S. ARRIAGES -& BUGGIýES, lateet style and beat IIÂRNESS TIIAT IS The subescriber lis -on hand -a large stock Manufacture. He wcnld more pi -attention k the Excelsior Back #& I A new and neeful invention for [larnesa,.f ,wlch le bas porchased the exclusive. rigbt, foir aie.n Whitby.d toiqahip of Pickering. ti i.ba mr to bans for msany yeara A large. stock of Trunks, i Renimber my new, premises, next doorto ihe Roya Vl anadian Rank. J. R. PHIXP. M aM ILL ANX'S BLOC K. 87 ALEXA DÈu.,P R*lhemý Rais removed from hie old premises to' McMilIan's Block, Brock Street, and bege to- inform hie n - merous patrons and the public generalle, that hie stock em- braces. every reqluisite in Agenrlemormen' fbtselFurnilosiog GCoôs A o genraldeortmeNtof eelepwCothe. AVIlCoh Great are and Altentwn paul to Âr u ltCing. A continuance of that liberal patronage- extended to hlm dur- ing the past 30 years in Whitby, respectfiily solicited. MARCH 28, 1871. 13 SPRING STOCK 0,F'- ÏBOOTS . &,SHOES.' MATTHEW COLLI1ýNS8l Begs to, announce. to hie cu*tôm-rs and the.public- that he hag oeed business on the premnieee. aely occpied, by OMer. Bandel, on Brock Stret, and tht lhé jeuow in receipt of a splendid Stock of the RIýGIT, FIT -AND MAKE And of the beet styleý of Boots and Shoes. Also on band a large'istock of' IOME-MADE Boots.and Sho'es Ahic cot e urptae fo at nd .pric.alydoe Business also carried ou as sual at the old stand, near the Wb>itijieMay , 17 THE OLD STAND! P Ù e n t s h:l". t o p e zi e .r h e i g i i n of puble patrottga.. onr On 9W» CHARGES EODERA N. ii.--Covered conveyaîîcei anud ladies. fronîipt Atanr t t0 ail orders. N Â , Wliiîby, Apvil >s,1868.' .TEET H EXT. fâ'5WITROUT PAl BY ThE USE 0F NITROUS OXID LAJGII OR TIE 1NEW LOO:ALANESTH AT DENTAL 1100MS, DUINDA S ST R WIIITBY, C.. W. BOOMS.-Ove, M. Il. Cochrans'j FELLOWsy HVPOPI-IOSPHI A'nongsî tIe diseases ovareot the use oî FeCois' £esponid kgp cf H -Deb!iiy resanling'froin Typioid 1ev l'avarIç e,>I.ttheritic PrtIsîratio.] Aiticiprritoea, (ihIor sud tr iassn e e ing ti Bobd by potitaiu JAMES L FI --7 JOHN CA LLOENSED AU( rleSToSscouit ONTA1R[0. YO] t A 1871. 1 Y made Fainily Drug Store. ip, 1 l' 23 WILLIURY GOODS,' DRESS GOODSO TWEEDSi MATfIl E.W COLýLIXSO',

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