·----- - -,-. WanLda , tha w ea, htarl- - -ier ---- ··-- - - -' J t]-estl0 .a l' s n s ,***t *Tm"=ain • heGep Eeversilile, r iw nv Gîl i mîaen se andu O.,ureus Hats and Bonnets; Flowrers, Ribbons, &o., the don o b 5tir.innlyte u sng.' rad a en, infonrmi,n to buIld our~ celebrated stock of Mn n os ta n etHti d. oboge purponei, I baetn h wa kt frdtepbi- as it mavllu Donbî Trarbrde tser:Wtinvented b*W on gte iaka B oi an ma wihou it hutin "¤oen Wi o. piu varietie< -ot domestlo Egmmcesfrel. and o heLte hel kl, .4 ofowing.hon labnîi, Pre gratly ?.edned. W, lave alà io ohlgeelourselvem to turnlsh iln Mcbe.wtsfl ott 812 - ltreadle te mamne fé ell~ish for manîufacturinîg t o no 4ZÇov, look here, equire,' ad Jhbm, s1 do., s1?- t&- Esch Machine guarantied. io the parte t cbtada. w ithou the011 ingr-L1e au not a botting obarsocter, bu i e Aeîxrwarn avaw Sa plendid uam ab heneIr.,x, no ne dnm ~ ai you somethiing on that myself? ~ indccnmeuno mîkte money, Appty to-- parties inscanatda pcir> raie ' r Wheelao gO sorm n M f L adeg aatg es *Jlrm there's no use.; don't bei, I Aon't qa>u IC EWINQ M Ac IKNE CO. no other manufneturer. M.r. GLIN's faoea OT N HOS want to win your mohey," GTitLPfl, CANADA. bnllunan W e nîc ea wtl v prfec thait e .Ût n, *Don'î b. alarmed,aquire~I'lI take such LewIs Allin, Ageut lor w h E.& tiou. We thterefr re cmed rle tu tn ue bets as then *eery im., - O'Hare, for Bownanvie ; Le1 r.ek for fublIo ofCaradawith entire cO~ nee, tee]- •Well, If yon are deuernined to bet, I North S~ outh Unatarlo' 1 r q o un ri n .Wheel lu .ai wfi rik a smati stakesîay av. dollar.. m> 12m..19 respeged,) t JAM LEown o ,Ohn • e. ,sig.ed.,,oLE,,e., mahn.lotu g Dpart ment is well. assorted' te one l r ib hyo a ndre I 0'r mYo maiere s o-WR U Y W ith M en,' fand boys' Clothing to snit the w arm w eather. a om hrebnyu mdI.Yo.ry •. We are prepaered to, furnish Witer Whieelm, 'No,' says Johnson, I have to beby th~ Gears, shcla Puillcv, and all Mîiclner îî- mate'. ead to order him., cessary te attel the wheela to the maeîîner ' O i as,' ay Ji. henprbaby ao r elt toî re ; mc if, after two ar to be: ten ag inst wy fire if bu ryI VItae Pert ir it DrestM k'nfaneTaloingdon toordr. hleei, andt caînnot make a chantgoeat the tim 'AIl right,' quoth Jake,, 'Nov thera e is w l thui4os nte ie , thieynb .m e run b- Ie a 4y es your shoulder. Stand still.' And oui carge îo mu eirta rennare irne witrh- 5~ Jhoor-adlasîed the nui,e, tua he> mic. nak a'"bi°,"; wîtoc iij <a111 oc of New Teas; Sugars, and T~ The imj raised hi.sheets with such are no uslm 'ronianst tc paie wo .GNRAnrOEIE, vplocity and force that Bloigg rosi in the " ubec** "ndt w. imvite p'arties wi wiah ro , air like abird, and alghted on ail foue puD ae t o correi ond. w .h then. - Laa .tddy ditch, bang np agamit a ral - - la~r îrenrlll Ramn5, ln towerming rage, he ezolahnd, - >WlIm e lLOW.E..&h PO W EL Le wth - ',lthai l amarti I knbw yonr derned cAJiati& c. yw mule ocldntd. it. You ha that all J. an. ilcel . .tliiu W_______________________________________ pul uP. I wouîno'î be ksicked tike that Wi. lmntea. . . to , for afîy dollars. iY-ou cani jusi fork over yo.J Id . . .tr ~ d_______ them staes for inly y.ddljustmhatt5 . a n. E""r. r,. "mc'..'. .ol"bIs'¿iî- P""l1 aboutffl it>,ttHa( Jh n e a id h. a n td, lkic ked i k >' o f by a& l m u e < L 5S W e - .. s-p c a. a e d . . . ru m a'" li on Il hu im g hi. a y a s ratm e d p rî sf u e e s ta .4 '7e Jia d iI~ . . .B , U , man ith n inanattedd Mon..ad fo whih weha. tht.stttibmo, o per ora nceb s .m te l T he t iaby r bkep op e r a e c r a inin o den pin ons i~ om Cum e e s ..H s p ~ r lIont Ilrw, vAt th f en ar oft play mfrd ua nah as who. haive triue the. Ify, o u mas antil, Jnc D r r, wn va id trya agnshare h oi asa io useb. ths and nos,,eî, osina.GFRRIE P A need aap Th ruea N'goe In - re >roof Chimneys, Shades, teftectera, Fod.et- Lanterng shoot oftapplause, amid whi b the woman r-denmet Spring Er.c.ets, WiCîîTraa8, IJ ithdrî hervsia baru futiu pn t e .. w °s(" a n Gied JhOncae- AM S . ER IE than ha e that enlIer idn me agaîn.W hitbyhoiJan.ae12,.1870.mt,.t'm ALL"fr aOMILLINERY GOLOaIERY, DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, t a t R. &.A.OSrITH'S.. hebtdetat aut th edom a mued nt a MANU AcTU ED ATTilEm pt-tn th r c n: * n u e m n o f OI. - u l , T h c e i T d pP :me c :EdT h e y h a vee s so r tedt h is s e a s o npb e s id estla r geiq u a n t it ie s o f Agricultural<ay Woorks. ' St p e & F nc0r o d , ndMs> IFf.'r hEBAve0 spbenis-alortent f ENL.SH& GEMANiARPES.mA au i n ntnh nerynthd momu ofAlb.rau.--er Itohr . .A t î î e am _euiuld sg sin F O R & H LL O O H .BR S E S a d re man or' a n nib e md theILeApliERTrstill ohorseeso hheiTairodingmandfto intending. .p.rehasers R oya M r î l a s I u e îr u d o 'rim n u E i b s a n no oN o I A H E o 6 t h r . t s îr w î & e ii ' " :. X r î r i d e e e t n d g r n a g g g g n d t ego $ o o m a o , Joui n i ::.::'; :eÃ…n ary c lasolcied.. aon on s ad n o-Shr e lbeh'oaumeJA.w. n"I W ET. Lt A. L', s Ø e .MANUF AC îT q E h wanîo ' A rour -of°" ai,* r fnjoPdOR a B dBas . . .T 10N BRov 'k> A en sf rt e a m rs O bo r e S w ng m c i e ateiÃ¥Ã"Ae'i""n°åio Sea Egiesan Bilrs! shwa Ju 5hI871, UEV D i thmouaplirton bîmtlor.. iq i. ate ut nhrg ikului mt,ê; c-~,:' secmi vith li fev wnimuli tests us elieathvk as hasr iat iod lu in emaine patis r tIelv odmmnlWgme to eth in a le Brougham a TAI Eirto daflT In MuN imiA Lit . h d G.B soa, Es., Bacconag, .mnîtmî <)u Solen usingyourthLebrimts u i foumh, andcl t5n 1a8wthutbe. n. viIgcr Lbit ur fr e pi sa cMl i i e A Nu., sizeas, wa n d w PA er i c îia n g Os m' Mnc lu E n is h leurMi ieiiîe f g!Knm CAIRIA .iilu .L.GES & CIJTTERS Wood-mtnm W ir ga.ini-erylof îua ind Mi rtt' er ii icade Pris.. rilgeiu lune l M eti ver oi utrs. t MADE l INila B'tîCitAs RIo ' f t ahie ptjr îîeaO. D N y ~ $ (iorer. ,- I rem a ny kin made to - a>rlu' ernllfeier ds. p flonanad*"""heads- Lnd leave their ndod to me if any' oh! od Peinîhtga, by -- - Gailcmy. 5~ Quit and-oxaniini 20 - *.'.iipuica nes tW'ttngle - I g u v°itOahi wri-."Y'iohe er s the intrgest pmibest aiuortinenî o erg of art, vig desire the ceat work, g ['OGRÂPH GA LI ders, Which wilIlui future hie subscriber ilas on hand a large stock of flarness of the best - Manufacture. Hie would more particularly.caill- -attention to thle ~xceIsior Back & Hip Strap; eew and useful invention for Harness, for the manufacture of iebm h'e bai purchased ihe exclusive right for thme Town of Wfitby tonhp 0f hitby and tovnship of Pickeming. It la the best hmprovement thmat as b en amde harnaus for many' years. A large stock ol Trunke, Whuips, &c. (l and see for urselve. Cash buyers note îthe fact- e- nemembce'r my nov prexmisea, next door to ihe Royal canadian Banir. '- 3. E. PHIIP. 71. M'M IL L A N ' S.-BIOC Ko 1871 A L EX AND E R. P RING:L E, s removed from his old premises&to McMillan's Block, Brook street, and begs to inform his marmerous patrons and the public generally, that his stock em- - braces every requisite in- 'eotlemen's Furnishing Goods, general assortment of best selected Cloths. Ail Ciothe made to order. No Slopwork. NO FI, NO PAY. * Great Care and Attenison pa:d to .Artatc Cutting. con tinuance of that l'beral pat&onage extended to him dur- tRC 28,s 31 ears in Whitby, respcctfully solicited. S SPRING STOCK 0F ~OOTS &' ·SHOESI- M A T THEW C OL L N S ito announce to his cuhtom2rs and the public that -he has ~ opened business on the. premises lately occupied by IGHIT FIT AND MAKE, .\uDd of the best style of Boots and Shoes, - °o.nohand '" a °lrg °soc Hf OM E-1ADE Boots anid Shoes code rspn c o ual y attd d po Re a il - sins also carried on as usual at the. old stand near the- l hotel, - I y, May' 10, 187LaM T il w C L i S . ONT E OLD STAND ~k * he n hîhroe Wh 'E UN4DER1SIGNED DESIEEs T~ WHTBY LIVERY STA» pr Pr!il omptaatea cf elme TEETII F JODRAE Li laITe.oT PtuAne, aea BIY THE USE O>'- ITROUS 0]?ID LAUGHING G ~IOALNÆSTHETJ DENTAL 11ooMS, DUNDAS STI RE . II Y C. E. l ieuarr Debiility' resulisig fromn Tytthoid and! et ente cm i.ti fte M oear . S ptfoc g is m vamoa ees, mmo cae otwica icu.! by Apotlmedurku. PbfCOm 81.50; ~Ix for 87.50. J JAMES L PJ1LLIJWS. Cmmw.~ JOHN CARTE Fe nul Le [ES Piou desf rIng -F.-'