the lAnt idopas taken on the Whitby buluessat the on lrk's e0510,-seway méemon wars wing to pay Mr. 6nn'sanserls owa;Whitby, July 27th, 1870. n t éand- Undo td--udbeqE Bnk eradwr aleiê~iñ Q andPet PrryAslwa asfuasth muh s tat heclek i wtehd a gEnlish, secording to grent, p Geneal ad ineideantal expense4,174. Chester Draper, Esq., - - imil r seci a bo' a h :e nlcids e tr sk ir bl p rm t,*Th o r e *noly a ont Itl t for until ho akes hie way-to thbc i ad f f r he s aaon nablà m c mp rd w t o ½ ke the &ma P e t o t tbarbouroo. •uurs res t , g * - % t fo.th1be, an0m, oue hundred mon employà s, dthe worktdarnet@ where ho là expected to-be'a on b imia~amcrd ih hea Co y lleer.pTeissd aoinwugsesr ssSa Sge) ~.DAPR r gous bravely on, Mr. Engililir rresort- parambolating' eauhier te, payseconts, rq e'o opeete hl oied li$120 aft . cg ry wuM ** h e ti e ha oie ng Eta rmarriv- * - rie MW . 0 a lasgvnmpesr oafr oe e owtar ~ edto he Cnet foran njantio to re-and a walking on si o1ipal eneylopidia of ils it was estimated that $601,000 would. ho1McýMlliln, Beste4 Crson sd Gordonipermanent undestanding shoulbeh te Etatfo trwitnb r m n anna ebr Vins thés Company golog on, with the municipal informiation. ;HE is espected ngi6 oIom bee oherad j;the -Com vOting .for $100T ýand lessGmrot rd ocuddbeeh-, W. A - ,•y r . glo: dtes;an fona'y'7cson0.hv Works, wbieb hoelether couid not or wonid kg feet to carry the town seeuins and the Dany were to, furnish et ash $20,400-, and ýDongovAn, Ray, me ßillimray and -Philp P. P. Railwgay Co. and the P. W. Har- Whtybu. t,1'0. rfsdacestoheboso ppr n nos do. He has not--e haow of" a fondsJin bis pOclk, and the . corporation Mr. Enish was to End the balance, e4her gigfo h lre am uro. is trayh s id n i ohe maionr ihD e a h r n t re hse euse. There wgill be no moré hambagg. oos n a ead in order toaescomme. o1o0i onfns r ud otprsens ,- . tables and docka-ge within your Harbour._ 'trom s persoinal'explanations his letter Yustuy ing, ~~~date the ratopayew; who complasin of beinth te onds'of the Company in his possession, The stnddpyngofmte o rninJh omayae eios fhvngwsnt ourasnbeafter sall.on*' RSSJH Tl, N H 0compe!lled to lose ae etpl of rore f or in the possession 'of his nosignor, Mr. hv ie Šedt yhpp i e n g t st e ioeMatte Ilamen Ser ra',y o. TEM ERAN thea eset T wn alk Ain opprtuityCom anynevr sleaed r. umbe fom on httecrlcmite reco9,m. R ilway omay e andthoro uran om n loeth e mattvu'ér uInwfe ieeae" eor. ebur Yh 84 o ody ens W ahow a an ote rr.d t h 'y. ,, and diabl e comoainbtlfrsmpyiohsrprsnatv.IBnM. coneedter Railway as ,shown on ithe adi h ki ob oeti ali .d .P ala o hrho tFaca the onnll nd h in English oom al , or,1&wý ol d e.rither he ,wasrcoà pe, m ng u n .1pala nsaros yh rbu t h e ch, sh de setted at 1 oe ; IwithorSe.,Ibg t'ee y ofr ,, cel Thepli pn eso tha w i Tha seth eono iet cm.t t a fro atheCemti connee th h e easteom rn onsa o ursefw rhre. ocnut m d atfl t otefligrqie'y n, evrnshd-taedieloed trstsievrytht te peia cmmtte a nve e l te c ash t e ropny gbondlt the a maiikes pitd i ,eteeu ke eesr obul ntesbec.I o hn i ett o frrriwytac n ii runP rft - 'coinano mst put Mr Draper'sesiumnia-will at oce t thir handsless-go& mmisatha iosen an eo! ailo ý 'ea a Company rvidd ot e tar ra en d m p e dwng apers e htte.W ibfr 9enspryrd fIa dbeygv . Il kbre w a Plinte*ona pt e rep.,ort. IftheoPa bours Compi r a oy a s herihow ay magenthe room heta prpo se t i e all owd t aete arhbtente pesne y e t . ame W ll the paer, ndr es oile did o dties elBuu A o te o atos etee n rý CCS ekeof charg, arss te abo r t ous ani d be qite sf eientth andle-t wnt pi erlnth hro frq irdt ae ,peet r wilic thoe watou ttee s on Mr. his urin ther ter of iBoe therate Starattthe esssaidthe btter The meetaxsus. onnee wit thtPieras aoresad.14il1insPoalumerà yerlyshatas ait fom th outtdefromsuchpoint at ra'vrmr ; 1 y'1 Draper appeared, now do -him 0091e,1nï;i beâreorresente d o the i Maur ;T i ce Ga ý incs ket&dt b pi 2d.Te igttous ndocey li ontnnemnt s ey oohealo ma b oite utwihna 0,arouth 7sreenebySrterA The dolain.6kts ob i , ed I, i 11of0o lmbetrrustr wodmatril ir hip tas s ae.leshtanat or Hoethean deth asma bereuird.Theeien voli, itheoe, 4, by. pthxtne ofthdoo,'oudbeth acbais lors a nd tenpe en.wa d heeonI re uOj red ten adjoemn, uhrg t of ay r ccuabion t o tl age th eeen 017136 .,fdasud Iagainst 'earth to be mndsedsured upon the sn-coûers, z,, 1,eauî».tiini piminetartaed orth the sthieaertelgrah m onSa Couo.te r rpe eaPn'tehlig oie ur nwih theTw net a t- no nvetgton t.b ree a oae t o e d manye Sa . r e. adBodme - eaape jt c hnepy g aftecoto tayr. 'ride'Bot,7, buld ng of therodU r. Dr aper brelmna Olerkoncs ot he rs ria ,roeté. as t rnd ot h y ee bak ups heIarforep nd nethdeTa!helar o rCo p r. h l.. Yo r ruy1Atyil t emuuIg eeDpo . thena ita ing his wor»bain@thereltIosofcbueilb.'] Co urisComanyme to theme, suchfrther (liA ge d) J. m ho A MPr oeRR.met tas grniheporesolleePiaI, 0 s- l ap rlaPreoliýc lerk,- no cogur Wh l bupay, @mpayveyt oe rly, g tdohe m M E&aod-Th dfa t e ho as been 2a d.necesrydocktageuequired buy-the .- -thcokaadarnefrt eebe 7.yrs i r ,a2 Draperanypke r ail uiray ompny ini tie. es,"poracntrrtoe t .itenelywar, bt t da thre s smeu ilay omp oy fo th piingand (Jooph rglowtoe. Dpe.), achete Et, Draer dreging th Harbo with h, Dursor Con yaooxA or Bact.- Mag e frCan was olraby o ish e t of ô lar r aothe Vouod m ta O fee f P W. P tepro.ogndse .M NSN" tt. rsntdy funs f te ailayCom an, a cargd t wth xteme reretth anon ee. Cou ty sa teuluralesta ey of ot r e w a Jo n-ligtall ofi't n t hey, h t4has ng over te Rd ay po hitb, e- t , 870. -- -.pce adec t,2: day he ailay emans bnit i a ried 01. roo an as eaeed s. ' Th hban - as ea srie p r m ase or vu anst. ctdo' ' d weth e oeasd turn ta rai wate nsfre f hage ai ldngSt: " ove byJfDrdenr ne byA.perr a b , gre atr -p7en iylos-e o r. a e r a n Th oie irsad vn o kpae a i eiec fbigtebs e edb h oit aho n oritht te erth s stal pansas aynesu g td bthe H r- Pth P T e P rt Hity & R sta hofrm d yA u -3 8 ra,7 4 no ter pers o nelrsted ain it o nodthe 1tr u1 mit. The galanv e 4,e t o far a o er thAndOresand am h a to nCnabldae ropIfngr b r opanthea o nd app r d fof yhe i gh te gsth net in o 1a o, tudahofrrew e s n r insgn oferd t~sll heHarorto $he.and againoin 'S'l. he bcdid egood service in ed, th at, ents sho md b e de d heré cnty ' ageedonby heRaiwa Copay ad e4h,nee t hte reasepier thereofs agand doteatrpsd n ha epoed a t a pan b P U r.the apter declind his h i ongtry's sane . Heu s one o hethhiswn wggbeekta s l t -neenbk il vbe#p ti velyo api d n r t d s s b er dcitoc of c ae tem tiesio mne . " t Yt a i ze r e gtr d' uorlssoya o sb e. C r r, g na t puchse t nd o eryo etter ofth ol "twnsipof loed oondahy ee n nd bengtosnid pedhye og he Wrlis, fo te rSigne c ,s ofher ..cun e ad or ot HerAcM odE - Teaoei tu oyoRrYMn;ohrpizswl ead bldn g f the R ad Ne tU r. Draper b ea is r k, wherh e w res rie f o period onhe h l aoil e se n b noi ln , fr m Be v rrnyo bdorockaTge t e e m oft., y a s h s h y a ak . at t e ek o onspr p sti ni m ose son ndo im ,ntthesd t o d a agked- rd te el a i n ofengH iar er 'Plyce y egas. fe wasoth oul of p l. b p n d otepu leo W d ed rig h ln o teM (an rd a y on n s s . o ste ies, cord tam Eth P r fom he terso t nof heB rd cep ng he C-omapa mois te asurd manyas'.-hnradnerty n eevdy i n fenig e, Ilwh r owi heaha e a onvnie ntenorsely aro, isttaeosho tha o,f edtepeet r otsal ttewdho uhoc Po ,- t e" OS-O NSO ae acm1m Ut per os iti n nothn e ssabo tan tot h res pC n .eseem of lwO k e pp ru iy fw eigwancsex e ser heN rohie y lamr o r éth r anb ma for e b ek of id.pi e P , o h rg t S cetr,8r70. e n in ompanyEn sho • to e the ness dsplay.:n evey depat- sien, adfon t u ter mi frcolm whi arf1 ge o round het i te assae ep uht atall tme, t s adPe oaaDtah t ItsT Tepimwl efrad abl. tin :eb h 0axos I TH DoixIN BNE oENT'o r d ana, other commodity carried by said DaßN.t-Toledo, Sepf. 7... All commvnt0.tionprdraftse D r po n d f t h i a b o m a n y 'gg e M r . l e M h .e t e e r a n , t h e s a g u e n t o i e t r e l t r au s t n a e s o b e ta r h r e w i h y , s erfri n t e i r m f y a r s e tr p r bt a i w a C m p n y o n o v r n d a c e s •hda g a e i n e y l v i g s i m l e " ',c h "efs é aath 7 otigof pan no p rery tof the Dini o Bank é d: at hs lac e hs Ou ro s Fth x P s e L sT- s riritd or ie il iee o o ok in ha he Srtitblo a o p r essor of canye sa i p i fe f w afg rsoa eweto a ahtn.:ud rdtre nefeetcm ie il dtoho. lve r oigew's f irst l a ffedter rom n bu rsJ u. The e biio n, thi h rp portion of the Harbmcharges, alsoNtheéreghtsto use andaoccupytoftherRown children, aboutn9 o'clock yes-rGrandPorrawing. . But M. Draer exlainsmattrs as been emove to he ne branc opend ddd win, or e th preiums ind cationsfr, c heu Nrrowso Onei .ath. 'hae sanodtme gthentn-mthybefoe metione proprty, ndera teray foenton One a ba'y, se toCoDmfpnny'reeksept.2th, , a at Osbawa, and his place spplied here byhan.=rhegrantedihantrthropghceaadver.sny nu ber ofofen are rehered for yers shallttheSrateeof.Harbor tlls on lease for atd durmgote timehsaid Rail-tbyothenfeet and beao its brains ont on a 40sonse es an wold.d teantd iitouldM B ay lore Wl h ile i Te M al " be enr omiataed fom tert nd prise dth e rraw ays;theauberers e e pickig ai c nle men thed i se Comfour, e e a a ei prtoa n o a soe h eod hl f8 yasICHABD SNOW, apper t thesatsfationof he oard Mcl iln' weregr 'i¡¡,o dsomeatsovared the e efaerswof etherateo chge i by th e t or t u ar nomin a,anualrto on do lar pera n note od htcah t fe t (seenstruct o, Ur. DPerry's intte r n d C . e a hia r emoa, ai lla 181ho ex - . Photograph dised in atoeer -cAa t oem lo ans r i ainnar b u C mp nhen he sme arile a ea. ousrepetulyhd on a ot hit y rd, an et t tohnondr. r r. a nina lly e oagrees to-lse seh- rrth fpre 'e*d gîin tlemaho iy gcutsyervc itb ta nrer $3 $2 ru co e, ny uber* ofw young ohir o1cgr et son mil farbotCmadat o t-ates. Jli.oSEPH B ELw$ o n hotwt ace nf.-Teods aeyoepe yMAo C om an ; bu th ly t e l y a nh i pe s uig th a u hse.p o has b e f he is ~SAaATco GAt eo k 'Sf b os-r A.- th e lar 1 ra i v c a gd iti e ,h nie u r e'ba oog ds e c(i gnu oted) J noSEofBIG l . P.- W . & P. P. R . od- sa e ay Sh wa ar st d nd o g dev y h ng n t cierpaon, a et a omi ar e t and o Vhe od ebangingfthe operatiipon bas et-i g.e, a tln thewiin0'1'terft . - theE z condtion sugeste by the 0 antherin eeryway o' w rthy and s ew on teM ora ard rae oda n d iways will plae thisfocali Pr itet.P.W.4 . . . o C.Daprto e ph Bigael., . a: estr a a rnon. he ora mpay avoaby now a Mr Tylr. Te 4.2. heycae n to enghsahadspaleno fron eet- ia en are 0D W ity, ept 6h, 87.!1do; hr hsbad aveg iedlas Fb.sND ohemslvetis thhe Company-z, torfiDrap, .a Br'o(,. rapera to JosephorBagelow.)ofJoh. Bigelan wEl qcr@ary. Sheticeemraperfectlye.sane, and eCu NFEtTe NER "ae ind terwlisel.nstrit ,-al o nd have th e ahr ii es f te D n e t hé soûlk-ore in. Te yecrwBcodreaigihdgii' e. 7T e'l fothe1871., : .ideice oeP. W L Co. r th. W. & P. P.R. Rco. se ayssekle hmt e fte. "ezeusivsigh to se ad occpe sch ded frtunte i the hoic of heirand aylo-- Wiships byhalfa deenoW itbyAug.4th,1870 Sor: . he boler f th Manee Vlleyfnoor Justrecvedsete cue' "lad o ohersecmoatinsas heyma oßeer lngts.TheTayorWinhips laieda Afewyers goMr Fehoe vntuedJosphBiglowiEq, I m n rcept fIyurtofeng:nlisatNewHaonInd, epldedfBogsc u'MTaE, o a e a e s bac r n do orand east of ---- d••+- -- d· o u t h s ite ba. A cop omisû eD o r te me d Bain e - co hebi i n o esee thP. lW .a& P. P . ,C .,the b5th minsw ich itk ti$ d d s hsm rig n tnl iln h rpi 'C O C ' " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )sn thdir1..'teerhfrse md e'od o h alTae thg setrt e h a r cl-ceply ktoy-il fetter of heng dsagetrCalsndLisepradA FE!IYTRA• abepoi taken fom sq ucpits w tth e epec M P in.repfyl to kew ppyours of vi theg w 27inth pted korpernrost.éanttengineer. aie bThree n cothersiei Fc RdeU I ieT ais Fh AiiLtwit gi e u p t e l t a th o p sé y m ay • W inil t a b es, tye. C o m p a n y a re q uii ne w illingpth a t th e tR a ilr. t ra mpt consta n tly o n han di diret thy, te H rbr C rnan, eivngther ew oos or heFal tad, eiperws ac $50,thdfe, monndio ad oue ubntbaednpothhefecs lt.Th ltilay Com anohae l- wayGo pay soud hveth exluiv m ysa cmpet wrck Ltitub0erR NG S, EoNS pain te ifernc pr ar, ewenaannaefisosngatcotrharmansofofpienhid onyh hmslfexerenedfrm t se;sien redyth pwe tâeteetePot h.rihttous ad ccpyfr ilnglu be Bri ay.-O Tosdy igt ns L BSER, AIIN, o the publi , o n'taking o eath mbe es o- mro s ln so . a d o a e r o : - Tent irst riae &wase $2,000orm eton dfthe nbattha O ls been em i ed ,wh i m ared v sbo r d. . tiing , rep <e s d arthe ms ad aki dso fm oopanyyn v rland h e yt he c ri g h p ofM . S meéa keC E E . T sigeen th i rs and the lshor e t r .la d oiefsan.uo-*hesh reth re f) tHny maeMn'hCiatrllogahe.nnrthdeo oagent i't Biadsro tkig hesa e fomn'Mesrh.eH MfarainCerBoca125w;thrd,$7 0,'unceg inohrteame t f v rinsdeti.. poittitin itni nrio, thttsoonay, th per estof hepontwh re thela d 60h ge wa bok n ntfndebo t oofe o rher cn etad Dr p ad.e hé S o b t om an o 'ow rS te e, ' n on B a k as I I IS rged th t heT ayP R Lor in sh p a ing i e asesr n te al e oc hf t a a t .ea wenthe h e eoo iastr y oPi e sr t eo ne i rgsnow ie n the leaseto r gu n drfo or u t e w r0fc r en e'1n l c sm h s B e d f lve e a l o te u. Vid U Bi olo lafirt -et er. be u' m ý th lac , b cre sold thenBr forde, andtthe w esterncban. kaateruandnyearsoattaenoruinal rentiofio e.dpor.irnpor theererbarriedpoff..Atbendle of tools other provitonspandegoodld MãMaso'sprpoitonisnet utin M sra.m olt aes & Poell, Dmnonerc oM risyd u brd ysnl otkhsnw th shor .esneo t e r n er et onch oyea fr an d n o t et e a id R tr•sail lsotep ed o b tkn u eo< e. Bustrrpe xil s atr e et s, si decompe titr's - E , Ward, B na -impossi bl e o fstim a e e d rs the b is fthe Ra ilwf ayrbornpale n, of su ch a n a o e ti n, a s ayehe foe aeig prb by rghe e yard,- takingItherearth etweenhbe Kelly B pic' n ma c lle et cred in stio orn n w re y -rbtaos hsn i he a a. O audo- tysp.s y. *pe: ad hesior" o a te-a o eOshaa%n bibs apl o, ighbren a d rg thih aefooed M ny enshippingallknds, f goos, wa ea noiual annrasprde d in te dollay an i ade ace obetos eeE bsnes osma ay be, o i nd i o to MesUr. H amilon Companyre roe hrgetthat Mr.Dryden'slos by the e ad, l tre.The phfialesigns itherte re with the Po r nvton of H e.,la o payesr ahe o d o T N A by rsoitign moed b Mr Dryen, i e N 'ow te tmeo get bargiiaisls lw er rs nornd Tex-oal ' a beempbare nare lain a enday or u cr o rny n e saou r tls t Topny urng the tert bv pnuGepse- t.-ba. 'lc at h LRLIIlLwlb as oed by ocs M r. s, e r e oluti n,) a oeend hefrs f h saons ne t o g is $a:8 0 ina nanc e r Colot">-ha yet o be ifr e f igeistn e c agngafh i d c s n r s Z e o bu rp onoaeeng ih eid n fG elh a e ak r w tt N { A v s e niopt M r s o' asno b- T h p drt i r : a s o t a r e ionbe anaofl of w e reloB aneht, , me oer d l e ,rnch ro- , 2 d t e rour e com pay h ve n t-ify fe t;f r e aco. da io-o tem. W . &dhi st ntykP.e b Pe.a - dmR .n Cceo.., - taken Hfr or u apo bpuin e rd byitin th e *- b neas n tibe su essfur rea cedbyi . th p we toga t he " x usv ueor o tn teRedarWarehouseOS PHand upo n ,am f i w ,A n e ,- G Coa n, s t' o ialFnan nte Fem orin ee ts# dor t'rs udN o er r to the etet of$u0.rr DyCoilrail L rhiracr"teayon tu sutit;ot-hdeggnrydbeng cnsrctd y harasirlendfrm« aysshotn I. r ,,and he arb r Comp ny opay em ar.--T e oratb lïxuop en i of thd en hTa l h nee s mpbaoogai hon g pu ton bafseites, da es fth e rest of t e gpu. & P. PI . he .r(the mpilway o ephnyin acordw.)ih w t om teea d w s ta ig hs g n _ iity e t i,17 . codth i nts aope-strag tom usns d snglnbae laea :bidet oym n tee n tw rd crn - i a sr place eybihi a&ft 1 nownt o ( . erevery tacilityp in hei ó e o süA m d a d tby et. fO m uh edi 'ytemase, te8os7rin0 s . tra aniÊn? hatis th e i i dy ay. A rabl nd gatherg Tadlaoran-sT anc.4 he a ei wontsaes' Its ebedofrko t he cnt •croa:osa elasidvdaJ on OB. i te hro aoh*aror ditre' h.a me iirteaov a-n h ate OS P N 'te rio a btto far. ortime are thexpected. ion B,----areginen-hbusyness at the2 Harbourdbut under :rheir S"pp.nytmty.direcOfichoyP.hYH-rbLuro.ePrabtePreW. &.P. PA R."olven..s "n o t, f r a me osri onteni, tehe-bonjofstifiabdle G os -:vn sMar, s W a f a dez n eyo ayohrinvial e eiecatr hy he no power to 187ke isag aig$6dfrn6prgr nte0nt . Ilh caie-iist u edcp la s n 'ldmi.Th Ta yl r Wdeth pscmd a Ào f ew panggom factle they have reaphliy nothing qt e ten st pee rs a t e s for or nd . a odeil'te; d f he Il n o ne forarther tan hs e ter of y afonghtthee d T un sttin a ,att . rï one mm ise t ec m daus oib c o' o do with e ther t, t erri h s en i py and rom ytaking lte r o he4 o uide. ci ue a tG v r o r h b l n h "*" * eao h -ae _.,i, , on ehaff th e rbsobomad Gam Ba f rth F iý' mf. va.M illnk e co re gford the $400 rd p esOPbOdPbth ldnmes iewo a m n y.op s se nti rey o th Ia r rs f ah gth P es o. th onrs he'it. eflr of epigtetrioy i m daeyweto he landged ogvete taay bcn.- oud rgnslw r ad n :0, :7,22e.te ra ctes sis te owihtBs apulc aborobrfgPoreioaladnter p rosshaee. h i ror t .1e tem are uo ae te ieOutme ole. P y Tt ti o to te l o nema ent onder this preparationMto beyusedebyaallton equaletern fii' Company are notawileingcatoplease.onjthese1theiradenwases ratheytr'atyi:arevtay, umadewi,°h am ts,'the.,aamom JtreetlHy ofrherrg t hdln ther Holbno. Thmobjeytisato Ftaoi r ews ro sca r .--Mr.efu l - rst tinedtepule ago p 2h efce l..IfThe Harbour Company hade th-bter m n yrpetuty as vto the xl ial ey it h In an s ig in dth M ni-. ' J ES 1 wa te qireanensea1f h o r ieing ndef a odor thee Ful d elw wse o osat htPehsno NOaml ., rgn t powmaercha trge e fo r twhar.age and m ade uetwendthe elevator pand th nerm oabodre. B þstet h n ain g le powe~r, n a peade yard en^arewath oih u c tt h o mai' ore p h e tm ybe otned f l- epeabl ha f n fr er- hebnead ie s phd tht i rt s 4f e. t fuish ' d are lillind fgoat she aiylway d Company andhe lwae drgon fcon yhee 'ten ipeo, facitt henob asth rso n a rloe listo pieso il. be futa dm air e r ugg Th i t n p ote wars $ at00hisercons, ofohe n d - bu shou l b e w a rkgosodf r 1ah rter hesh r e t reo espe or s ma e tp a r o y t hie ofa car sge tm s ageOhf he P ovnoffMa i the 0 a y, ro s ad a in t h sain e fro nt o ng. o netr; anth as, nh edering the lo w waing M ai e e , and th et sane i 'T e n -u a ll resw n erv e a n i t h i enthpr ope so , n for na t e eas , t rut as th otr tn foc' goo under- Spri fe t iees;ol itysas w as Soao s er oi ate n th erisera ny oliwt ned ag inte r.s ut o fthea l e at o andol th er TeMrosriset il ossi ween i• Raror Comany a e sutreewl e howell,. o ino n r. c-r Kllte r acneetht argains îtnmbr b ingl buge, ba n dsdpone rthe oothea rour, cn " ar" anthe ir nommo b n ih res ftet h-ntd Sae ier ftepn. - a n aiolagirposton ns. B t , Se-ih er goo tle mayn-be seuilrda e o ec groUpbrige, . hm t e id into, theyharbour as many pem frs d pu ie.with t s n ge oine, ytht iercase tnariih .tertr.o U aw ih Utgd, o .frfert od b is idn of2 Bti arear axn comrne rooaana c- e nd ab hmnthekSt oroe ou . areoineswos the p law Ctotmpt any ortio n of t sould heif req.sied for big een eto 6ge r lcd éÎrets sixandpetio.s -l ' , h îtg Ail iOssaare O sma-* r.t he l o g 14 hinran çiyce th re a r o Compand au ldoccup a rtin fratbuildi o ng we hou e rFdrlA .erl d r$ apge a rt esid en f the Kaell ese b detse et.A lr ge and se itstwkoffahinale h ae a bous an u orof 00" subject nly to usa olgonThe aroa; u tha po nrtion sll be einuihed- b 'y fou nhonto, nte cn e'Cut f.nai Way, hia propn . t i-on of ; or s e taes o tf A W )D nd ssre. e drc ,ig n t n w ry h dtab aved- tners, to r id th alay t eD mp oa b ing ca t rat ex ese o f remin o dr, o , bv r m n n h atiD y g ss s o 37 et n wa r yFal , on g Stefo e M .ar pa1 r t iJnarSkpiner- tokh @tacts f ie M- a . Se i )x Tci- hnane de ouy a nd- a rie' hka i Un. ta D issinutoed, iI o n ," ha. ainte o ut pa e re e ei dnd b j tes hae 6oadfrtecu, wase silo opay ro Pr£dn'fSe'ala o '*n' "- anal fo elc.o ngs hWusa colds, go e, Thnlotrnal the nher'SIsig,. uty ter retofthe p blnicain h ni fth h Ha rbour o mp, anyd tovie a Wshqgt liand wihn tH arbor.' h- -:i•+--- , laehOeengrilbcgen in o onsumpiona r 00 nb aie d y a u i n n ta t e iw of haen ect ion to theSrlleain pe togi a afe cargth e ni f or e eriGué a wa se see a oor asa8mosa ll wo vsit r. e tllag. dwn tyek fom.the oin whee grens, sofag ad shppi Ininserigods, Yo invaentera Nw' Y a / O r e @ l u t q tl lo v e d b y r . ry c e n J o w e t e t m e a g l b r g a n o o' w e l i r e i re i n o r m l: o f T h t o al oll c t e f r n t e s el s l o a i n g o r i s - d o i . T e l ei b o u 'C i i n p a n y r e s r vi i r iB memer f he oar o Dietes.Is gloSn egastorei*e(obe -rrised a ta ebc eqsaly fatlodiseaeofgle innst:anc cari et h eiraboe . ta taenr.. o"! wre nv erc hndrtonne..:. dre..a., Sp. - hseein.DvdDra.à TU 8 AG1t icI fi a Wtb sept , is RAA pà E HA LL, nd! 26; 1871I ,ales, DaguteT é -I ito 2n1-. esl 3 - (ot, V. G. - 8a p limier, fG v. Dà an Pronic onveut, . oro o;ý s-.just "( firi n t as tre' able, es, ga a Silkc Rat, 1is 'W4 0oys and chi sed Vireiii, if l t6-U rcn .I a ran cmdon ed ra; p f,,«rOrders pr hVt"4, 21, a rich 80call a 3-smet iorrt, U, bf'%ea, 25, -9 BOY a t.doe -Ct brieo nt elee&ro platedY, September 13J r sory ret oral d, from tmt e. ynmbers willLs_ WhtiSe.gel id to persona ré-OTROe&L ý, money orders, v. Eather Haly MUu UAL INSUlt preside over the .o Wn. Ù U JRie • E0 . *This Compaony inýures F eon It, n tEnes ieL' md the F*Ui, Wel.-BL enbil a onmpy in nallrwhers JUST LOSSF-ýE PD Pr. 1)supply L1.FAIBBANKS J a., J. 1 Y * '-Mr. D. Hollà dsy is - AentOf this Company, Srbitb, Sept. 6, 1871. tY IN MIDOM IN IO N B or ry pror U ES- &PEARS,. ' NOT1C-E YSelreby given that the Domia X 1 N D s opened an Ajzency for the tranr lie**n in the Do iio .l iseon-84cee$L. (dirceteltt SARDINES,. - Intere>t faflowed Adon sim PitUNESpeits ins canada, 1je Unl Co. by the plateýJ 1,M omera.and al. ' Imeoe St. Oshawa, Sept ,Iy ivfered as &Dtu,.ý7 ay A N T E D. R.*ow erfh Se at, gUcd re - hid, - Ma. W.. -- witby, set.,,8y7. - opened toe th Terin Tirr ing. Will be 001 r Tio er in y eneted Seertary e -• * PETrER m 37 'V.hit Y, Sent. 6, 187y. T RÀE AY2D. rIONE BAN- Lne I nto the premixem, of th ta, n Ot en. of Whitby, abi il eth it he ermor. id Court, the, wY,.na