LN4 , WATOfMAMEI8, à Watcea, CIorIcmiu-1il l'n sawe, levaguE nckibl 1!11=ed10 SUIS IIe. a, 141W Bali@ e o hffOft' h AC»OKNELL, ohta oSy. - 'si, 187. ryNfl AND AOYA#rox.-. , W4b, a> 1,181.But aud ý% oo oltot.the pBuniiot iMotrenli, T19ZIVERI'OOL & LONDON 4GILEI ~0Iil0111, n ario, JNSURANCECUHIANYIMOOof lb"o- P40., Whlhb>', 0-V. MMatprceperous o1 Engli, us nursu.. e '", Tb,0 albe.rli.I o *ap'iwa ag dt 009of heArm curtllufi,- t4LIP PLICe re agaerotmoion Work mud =101 S. i.- 8 nr the future. det ode u e»-e "manu Il&' FuitzPOLWCIES, Issue,! et naw <- . Leiriag done ueetl COCHIRANE, LJ.. D. RUS,'edbrd ampieprotection tc hheeroha«g "IL WILKINo ClitOWp< A!ITlNJSY ?()ÉON- sud Iloaaeolder, OhBwa.NO, iit, 48,, ýrr#1r and Ptlref.t.14w, 8 Bo ariiaPtxpTMIadté t lUGler>', Ko'ury Pusbic, &o.- mntli iraitsImPoEpTlthe a, sdtmont of k street, not dc âor to lloya f1cm,.. sbwlaiedugn* He" snuoaeenBrune, mon t,,a LIRE ASSR NC0O 10 B ff.- A BTNELo,, G.7.. 8ITH,(C Co le, AT'T0U4evl57 ivBYAN.ClfAgn o omnmCI]ilGRS ,Ut>' Midfstrar, Mmtorer aordi beAgn rDmi M B8TZTOKUNGls ailuerju cianceeryforLiri(vuu- L FIRAN u.,?,&oiigno@ _ o Office lrok,.s., Witby., st Whitb,,Ont,_ ~0 BEITI! OORDO(, Whltby July 28th, 1$69. ~ ~ ~ L' 1 72 ~~~ ~T HE F (fIJ Nil A i N LBP1,0,A#ta< xc door o ha 8. torq of IB. &J otuatadBilr alrJAMES DAVIfstNt Manager. iii dl., Whibe lb, ai, rarat n Blir Pro v. 1 , 1867. U- KfX ereSEngTOON *CE sialuat LOS 17 FIXE sq -âtrt-'ËTOtt4trld on lthe tovrabîe ternms an 0. FAIRBANKS, ___ DvJhui. NOTIIYPULiC *6 Thew Br »iflied wlth Choice Brandeo0of'. YEOMAN GIBBONI WRLL é ~~ a r0iqoru nd Cigare. Oirters o«euvd rlDrs Agent, Wbijti îs4'r<KNLS ILICI. j-j Firo-euDiuiug andlLungh oom AND nu. etabAd- Ml alhours. Lic. .J. LK8LIK, MAà nIS. door noath of th.iPol FlOffice, Rolecterlo. Bloox, opo"te L EX'SALE. 18 Tbe esueriber oSferi.for &&le th@ North IlE N RY 811 E P PAR D tLBU C.- XCELLER, Jitty Acres oc botnr îwçùty.oae Der AT. L&W, SOLIiITOR IN il) te hCir,! conesslion ou _Ib m 1" to lnfortn theh.lbbit.ntia of Whitbv 'illve7auoer, 6&.,Cenlug TOWVNRxP OF WHu7BY. Cthebl..."ne esdor W . 96 The Iid le m1 liered, weIl foqced, su'd lu a HENRY WÂLTERS, ------------ ood amâte ofouliîstiou, and lis e A mreain of on GtLLWOO,. waitterruuiug fcro.,. iî. B1ROOKSRErw m AT-LAW. t5OLICJ fOR t114 ý For _ rmbore h. keepeILonJ.eWilsoou baud, Notar>' Public, (ionveyaaacer, &rrigter, WLltby or thlb on, 7n weehokt nseilnbad .W. Orrius, Ilyron etreel.riln Mice. 4 SAMUE WILKINSONr, Fleur, Oammal, e r melsBt, ont$ fiX te mooNr f cer7J.1 Eli'o t UF5gun ot E O 1 4 0. . .... ..............4 R T Y L,9 & Three ear old ontfr#l. 4 'rFNS.Two yýr l entire Colt.,.4 s boeofr.One y r ldentireCot... 4 te dmAulwîîorderieouedwiîii prompttude - "* dé Filly.... 4 ero JOSRPIH F. RAINER. Homea0 Cot 0f 1871....4 Wblth>', Me> S, 1870. - h-B ui7 " *"* Pair general purpose Hories 4 rMARIAGE LICENB3 i »1UGHT1OR-E. T M S H U T N S ta llio n . i . . . 4 TRO AS' U STON Mreand FP".. ....... HA-Rlt orGE 1 1 1 1 Three year old entire Colt.. '4 WA O fl oe--Tow ,a is l ei ds c . yr" f ily ....... .4 - Iret lw1.dor f rt of T o hall. Two enr old entir'e Colt .... 4 Jeu. 17, 1870. i8 " " FIl7..... .. 4 One year old enclee Cot..4 £pa m iliy . .......4 lora. Colt of 1871 ........ 4 N D ER TÂAKE RPI-I$6" Pair Drsugbî Horses,... 4 Dundis Streot, - W hltbyý, Ont 1a 1 .- A t . I. W A N i ~ L 1 Ii L . ., W b itb y , ý » . v O ni t h e p r is e s , - - s u o nt s . < ra b a sM F lo u, , h . B u r ir m U . i A ~ J f ~ U l B D J . 8 8 An,! evcrythlng liiithetboe,!lino. "JIELIDWELLING RnE ULN UHM ]3 I li T R A T !A WV ,13 I Ic io , lu han- L O .D uN a U itA sN C C U I B TI N Beto f.Four for fm ily..uGse . À ver tîi g A S T Ui . e B l . . . . . . . . .. . 4 * ioveet eir..lîbe ubdecjîBu à oagae.e eTwp , ear olti Bull.....4 3 < 4 0 i j - M 1 5 , ~ H N > £ M , s , 1 7 o 4 d . B . W h i t y , P t . 5 1 7 W i t . , M a> ' n d 1 8 7 1 . il h Clr o î , g i in g u l h o r miOleiCritOR< INIAcgy iIKAD AGENrT, MONT'REAL....UMyo IlB- in 4 CONETNCE1,tAN0 GEN &. TEPFIES. COMMERCIAL SOTLPBOOT & S110 STOREAD ree Y ;old Cow-. ... 4 Uwgioz-L ver Artsrarng'e liukl, Main St., NO. 5M St. Praucels X u'a.r Street.SOILTw - os ' & tJAJtJ ..4 e3 A VÂ c heiweoig y in e r o ol............ 4 a .7011K ui 7h 86. t - jlxAQNE çW, Ageut. JAMES BLACK,- Pignoeuo. -Te drugidhu eoé!h. Yal li Uxrlh, u ntth 58 . f- DMsAY St, 1571, 19 i1traTe'er.. Blu'erOR: Ileife ... D OI..1.... 4, - 10 iQAne~WLED tah, .D R. H A N 000K, iN-Cvenleatly4îte,! up rooms for Coniner t flWtiaI,(iîI hyealatr L iaBll ..~ sIJRGKON, eo&o UE ., Aprîl , 1870. %, vrt tbred * heu'te ilins o ul lit. J Glefx4;jiovu A lir un nerouistoe 1)S-TSI '" M ionr Là N ota ~UGLZTU 7115 UUUSIY (AiCELEBRATED BullHTRAN R 8 U~A ad epit5dna Yeai ..........4 3 .5... 4 - - A N -- ' ~~~~JOSEPHj A. BN>L ulC........ oiiBreotWlalby. . -Whithy M ay JO18 1 -~ Milicb W, giving ik o T lon AKs. n-ro», - GRANITEL Xd__________ in If ...........48- T i7 o-'OW1iULJ< hiltallHui tMlllc . l'hy IJ» t MJIA 1111 lioO MSNTHAT P-H OTOG A pH y Trea ar old Cow ..4 3 Lt Ee-ovi fai oui tinI 'ooo. W t abi 1 okef UN TTAN -(87 h 891 Ring tret Let Toronto). Two y r olti ei4ra . 0. N. * VA RSP WOLFE NDEri, fluiaaa.gt., Wbftty. 7THOMASCRIL, PpuT&--YalnRie .... 1, IyJl1Atainit, Oshaa SW AIlL,- RIEO ~ 5~~ -.~* Ynni eiteer...4 3o sute., uiodiet>'jp.%NEY T- NDThe monst o]@- JONJjGALLERY G5AD Ioiteft îthild iomrt other iOUitanic AT JREDUCED_ -TES* - ntrt«ltBn a -!t1..IaLtlHifr a.........e Bank.pUUc. iiabeo anspcesadM ir, ýguving imilk or Ian i1 propored ta teud anyv mnounut of - Mets upplie,! e5 "-,ÉLT Bin cl.......4 3 L iKI>5-8 - - o u cltiae socunie>-ciof od PariaFo aIl lionra. Wiî4e3 cutv Towa, propsaiy, et hc lveat possible .urL n!Cgrsc l.fueatbed.Me1 - 0 he teiot o . PEOOGRPH GALERY~tLIb.re~~.71.d araaierto.ot&Nlue ttre.ra iiist-IsPHOTOGRAPHlS 1Two yean pld Heifer. .4 3M <O VA? SXI~NL>Rs -O'oRLI lumeaiteor lia cae1s;8 >'auto.u! v.y accotmodaionu at lhe Tenrapîn. noui. ilkiiî,! ed ta lnioein HeiI-r Ca~. . . . . . - B.ROÇC srr.WHITBY vIlrtaail w ul pitioedarme aud Lots cf April 5, 1870, -tIhe i ral lochet pictuire ta lite .1ROCS.W-I1Y wl Aiofrml busize, sud nbd la YBIE The undersîgue,! le* mic preparait ta ke lUves'ments rondc lu Debientures, Motgages A PBaANG1NG8 3i ar l'iutagrapi11st Amburotyps, a, a îturel sa and ocher Socuriîles. j 4j ANG 3 GS$eia2ae lire. alpesal 'are ia.keu vthi idreu. Whoua Olilver amîdoGecbos kibongnhî au,!oid, o l-(li - -c- ul. .... JAi.A. CARK. For fanCier panîleuler, uaîplya eThe undereigued aeéarstg luférinithe Publie, Itr. iî".' lahcer saL,.tfuîtking wYeari ull...... November i. LARK. JMSMLDN It hlobantheu,!lairgetand Obildrea'a portraite, Bull C4/....... OficelAlneME oDe>'es sock ef Piper lkugings W pecil lraues ta Clorgymeai. Old Pr.Mic C4, giving milk or -0111lglre0 ili rcher, 4.l ,a t te lre1aaheI muâtShappy tearcelv, evisitaet a i n 4cuil ............. ... 4 W-IL S ON 1-1 s~~MMlsf lek Brook sitreet, IJ W£IV MF mus , doot aafit pictures.) Tbiroe yeaî oid Cow....:.4 8 2 Septonuber 26th, 187). 9 bleuh lie oefr tnbale, ver>' loy, for cash. yon fer the trouble. viilvTw ,r4aR ie....4 3 3 A. WILSON# Jr.,- Proprietor. X 1 aug rllg lzmg . B WILL8ON. Yearling )ývifer,o........ 8 o 32 71iI BBSIlDtgbea 0auencotehs GL 1 HO EL aid Faperfianging, ereculcaIli a evrk -Nev. lot, 1870. 44--1ileifer cani' .. ...4 8 2 T. filia aad lihe public geaà oaly, Clint lie IlIl.an!exci Aua Coua'r, s usuel. UN TBest Herdito incinde Bull,- lie0 liue ba a e utai alu Lthe Village 13R(O *A.CKWLSN,- WDALYLIETO..!aid na least 4'females, thAeaana orla aaiorniatieni itii. ira- I It ,DundaiS treet, Wiîtimy Dof ay re .... volrulio 'flicboselii j. JAtonOWEL;fur- GrWhtby, April 21, 1810. i -i R ,, 40=39e r B est BI any agbeo.......4 34 fiaie, .ta ie îfinaoer ceeuleilîoe uln> geo re etflaù CIar bboestBntadu0fLiqucra., FIUhT-CLASS8 ACCOMM ODATION. '91;VESTE RN IIOUs E, PAT CATrLE. ,and Cgr lCiobu rsd iwyskcpt oni Pcb. Rîa, 1871.G dBelîgsdaletv sîn u8 --DIINqDAS BST., WIIITfY. FatOx0rSteer ..........4 3 2 leiduc. WLuNt.lrveiter. 0nTRLJOEBIUHMT ~ ~~ ieuet Fat o* or Jf-ifýr .......4382 ENTRL ]JOTE, nluon ublo, tât he *c#*plemxes hav Th Suev éwLake Upper Blato C..bin &ahburu, MsDy lit, 1809, t-a- -beau'nevi>' Itteal up ard rôeote,!lrcagh. tamr - . o«t, for the scccuuîundaîiouu cf Ouesits. 'But t eeue7 -Caus Mw-ep Grand Trunk- Railway Kotel. JORN" ~ Pe>,oï-"h ra~Ks~iopr ia '~ORSEMAN ATWiITDYSTTIN The Aboya hoiel b;s hee nowmfiew a , Win#, Walz'p Loger, vboleaaie artul reiata rritg V Uile,! Btes «and, Canalisa Mals iOSTS ATiIITBYSATO# and firilsied. Ouests vili fia,! coinbcts o - JOSE<PH l BANDELL. eud lxrea.Lesveil Port, Hopce very Moro. V M.UN Lhslipncme bbealacceuimcdmtaen au,! atenton. Bnardera takeh'-by lie veek oh modem u t oi ag for et 89 o'elock, un arrb.'al cf lian.. .....$2 1 M IanXL hâreu ig uouomc dth e i (oorte>ltelngaalatetiea'ire -(rs,!Truuk JIWailv'Trains irme mt-ad ' .. . . . . ..3 2 1 wi rinl an prie seiing pua*cbt he ad0 . - - nyetWhiîbyand atentive, 1871.termeW" l leturnlng, jeevu port ai est........................ 2 -1 L!rnnikeilotel, Whib>'station, hege taliferm Wbiiia. ý8, 171.019 (Charlott4) sen>' evenine et 9 olo'-k, (excepl Radi Len$ .... ........ 3 2 - Ueiilt n tetauinpilits otnrdej,vwheu mie leeves et 2 c'oleck;,pa.,ta- ........ isé tît.ed ilpJthe outucait %tasbles lInfrat- ALMNO IMPorNr, Br E Iseoriosnmrret le aO ws. >lais style, tmndb y atteantion uaethe vanw teF oS <IMLU NTS o. LTY M Bh à ortegmmr oue-i'nem r.T'" .fln Ee.. 21 laoee awho tavor binwtu hi at~~ronage.-o - ---routo teaRohester, AI a Th leiep.Two Ewoýlamnbs ... Paj g irts tskianfh.tri on et.i i udrlue!ta'Vt tt Ia eTie unde, xi.eieiionulied,«a a d ue M-oî,fi l ae&m f............. Porton akig te tainandlesing Thé ndoitjmëdbog tc *ft* hstliePort Hope cn the <Gran,! Truitk. le iR e"etoir terses wWllhalist lienvitekon car@ of tilt continues temuiuure 1M[E A. > S M-I IL, Bufka, &o. The tavonte roule 1 avraduJ COISWOLD. biSretturul. M-ur ri, AE liftc, aigl ,ho -Ram ..2.. 'Niait,', pt., 1lois. --~ Root, Seed & _- eDrls, NER A 1>' EN s Pasaserera and f aritja ter. salong aid~e 321 ýROYAL CIANA»1AP 11TZL, -As -WELL A rns -.,Conneetiou madce t Cobourg and Port hTope Rain Laml.... .... - - WAGONg~~. ' viii hleoyal Mau l uo steamnors 'rem emlaTwon............21 __ JIBARROWS, An»ia E. C. CARTER, Ta-o Shenîling ws3 IL Prprieoir. cUrF£R8,ýPortHope,-nt- -T18 o Ewe 4atnba.,.........321 - - - XAKET EATE@, Aprill1, 18". --Pnfoectro T Onrir 115mdidn 9. Fellg A RNEKG 1 g ,- - opBil Lumb, ail kindsi n ouha ------ ba_____a_________and - t8nPaEIIENTS, aboe t notioili. Pot e- -No A,.86. LB. CAMPBELL, A U C-ION- B1SI.I(LSS Aren lits-ERY OT. ~Broolin aP. o0- - ha " - --M 2 P\uPO t Tpz fl-O0US87E. <?LOTHES Boki,- 1869. arnLa1970.'...... PORTN 1I rolei, aulRR, 80.Yi heO. . .. .. . ...3, 3- I 82 32 32 3 2 12 ... i DU1 5oc 00 eeingI Mr. Paxton's-8or Work.' 12 0oqrrote, long red 1.50 1 500 ..iu f . ý«- 3 $2 Pair FineBbt.....2 1 f2 roota 'CarroIes, wiie... 1.50 I O pfflmen of Fruit preserved - oaa ot....2 12 roots do 'orange. 1,0 1 500 - if n tg;ir,.......-75a 50e Ausfortrnent boots and.Sh0, , 12-Specimsen cf Fruit preserved --raker,8work..., ...2 2~c Cls I-ar rLe ihout sugar . - 75o50o, Set of farnis Harneoas... 2 -...y.. ... ........èaiae 2 l3est 10b Bttr, George sn j ut Juar oficles-.....75(- 'd ......... 2 Rtobson'. prizo of ... 00o >6,Cucumnbers... ..........7e5 e)<,Saddlî..-.ý..- 2 2 2n.,.............. 4 00 12' Par8nipa .......l.....750 500 $ide Saddfle....... 32 ard - 00 6 Heads Calery. ......75.e.ai-eayhog2el 2 ...............2 00 Peck white Otiions...75e 50e Travelling Trunk. I _3.0 2 t Sî............... 1 00 red do ......... 0 id oeLathey......15 2 Bet10lb Cees, ore ate ickling dû........ 75c- Nc S$ideUpe 2 a Sweepstake, given by Polato do . . . .7 u 5< bie. Liîhr C w the rk.Mr.,. Dryden. .. 10 O l.0f0o...... .751. 50c Clf Leathor ........ 150 1 A2nd' ........4 00 Chickory....... ..75e SOc Side Harneps Leather.,,.lo Srd.................a o t a ad greatest variety of e . ..2o an egatables.....$2 $1 as;X-Xiscellaiieous. .100Casn........... ScPlin.............$40;$ Beat Factory Chee"e, flot leu raeWie... .....75o>50 cab tWr.....3 00 2 $2 tban 30 Ibo......4000 Any other variety *of Wi.ne. _15c50o 1Iboie infl mabl.... 2 -3.......... 00 Floral -Deasign ..........i 501elbHoîeyi-C1nb . 50 2 .......Wa.....0........I50 10 Ibs Hon-y 5oa e1. 0 Bs arple Stilton Cheese... 2 00. Ciaes]. -omeg c annfa 10bgb.MapieSgr . Oi 2 Best Firkîn otflnot les, than 40 Coilctmlrloof Bed ..... 150 'l 2 Ibe butter in shipping or- Col ectio f unetoner. 1à 2 dr......... 10 yards Fulil-Cloth, home. Bouquet of Flowey, table-, _ 0 -2................0- ma-de, apun aud wove b C and... 1 501 2 Sd.......2 oU band ............ $1 50*$1 Letter press Printing.. o-1 2 0 T TIy 10 yrds Full Clc,îh, tactory Coillection 0f EdgeT1ools.. 12Il -. Clan III sJ.-PO lUty ae.......1 50, 1 Two-Axes,............. 2 Pair Black Spanish.......1 5o 10 yrde Satinet, lhorne made PnlDo;1o 2-uDorkiigwhuite ....... 1, 50 spun and wove by hn& 1 50 1 Window Sasb. .........1,50 29 0 oclrd.... O 10 yards Satinet,- toay. - WlindowBld.....1 u 2 66aur......1 -O rud......1 50 1 Geainin in Wood,....... 1 50 i 6Poland....... .... 50 yards- FPlaunel, ,borne'-Bec Hive .....5 2 a'Cochin, China, ......... 1s50 madie, spun and wov ' Tililors' Work .. ........... G1 Pe oI...... c iy hanti, ail wool. ... 1 50 i Upholi;tererli Work ....... S1-5 2 IdAn ter vari- ety.......... 10»yards home matie by pecilen et Tiuuith's work 1 50 1 2 IlTurky te colriedy. s o hand cotton warp..1 50 1 Best collection of Cooper's 2 " do whitoloe........i1SO0010 yards Flannel, Iactory - ork.........0 oWiid Tnrkeys......... oc5 mt1e, a Il woo.-... i o i ewin Macin...... 3 2 1 "Gese, large breed ... 1- of, 10 -yads CFtannel, actor M jc-There wili re a baud of G ese,smnl o I ~ nad 0 m et'cu w rp .... .150 i Music engageti during the exhibition Docks............1 ()C 1U yards plaid Plannel.i 50 1 b>' the cornuittee baving >te arane, Pigeons, beist ocniletidn.11 o 10 yods woolen Carpel .... 1 50 1 ments of that department in charge. 2Guinea Fw1........ 'éOc10 yards Rag..Cà rpgt.i .. 150 1 2Bâat lot of Pouitty innePair Wooieu Blankets home wheat1fo(lie size cf Ihia place >" graey twint fon, ai ohr fesnnmade........... ...... 1 5 1 e a Nev Yorkecr of a condaleîor jit *iç ri l trie..- .. ..airWoolen Blankets, fac- efler the brakmen atsd uug ont 'o p. h ka, tory nmade ........... 150 1casnbr .ala leenselos 2eaper an1XinarM-IdlemeiltU. Pair Sortie Blankete. .... 1 50 1 wfa visible esmoug the piues except a .8epeay 64-2 Cve1eh50y...... 1soirsmtIing be! elle,!an «eaîing'seiccu.o 2 Il 1 0 1 1'ICiabout ai big aa Ne. y rk ,vae Mowinir cin .. 643 42 do light.......I 50 bii.rea,!, iSWeCTp aa l nlîtD U p 2Thres.îng Machine...... 6 4 2 Sîtepherd'.i>ai...... i o. Waggon, (two bora. îearn) 4 3 2 Pair, Wooleu &ockings,.. 750-5oc do2toboa,46 ndé" " So e .5 Sc A adi l nino ffluer lu Auld Reekle darket......4 3 2 "Cotton -Sockn......775o so<, vascelebraied for his. oUnaing and vit. T malirklCaet.4 43 2 .1 CotonSockse...75.cs, lis mober liaving disal in Ediuburgli, Oneiae. ......h 4 s2"3ole it.....7 eSofie hirs,! a lipara. aud carne iebr to thi doai ai a ib tp482Pain Woolen -Yarn .7 75c -ofanal>' buriel place lain h ii. blaie,' -Two lorse k5lei .- 4 3 2 10 Wba Flax in ita natural . rarei asdvîiiehas ulc On ore do....4 $tt........3 *2 soeargled vhuiiey, andi beiug eaed aJiêut Iron Pllough........4 3 5 Ibs. Flax dresseti......... 2 > a fned,-ls i,'Weai Plongh, auj other kind.... 4 3' 2 5 lbs ,Flax drefitied'b>' baud 3 2z there'se urin done. 1I ope'ooli Double nouild board Plougb- 4 3 2 Specianený Fiax threaal'...lS c5eOe 'B ithe bcdY an,! brongiit backh speer. TuripDnli...........4 3,2 Plain cross handeid Yarn...75d oc 500 - Set, of Harrows, wood .....4 3 2 Piaijiidûubl_ie su , taUd --- do o ion . 3 Yan.. ... ... ...5 c Oc A Quatker g-ýutleman. idfrg iu a car- T io ho mse Cnltivator. .. 4 3 2 0' W inter T wveeds.. 1 50 1-i rùi nafahiou b r d erke a ,în Two bora. Bolier.......... 4 3 2 aa Surnner do 1 50 e1rlaiin f 'esr.ie, le omî Gang 4lub......4 3 2 RgRg........50 otheeol,!.Shs-agb iu is, irlace bouneî G r a i n ~ ~ ~ 3 - D.ii . . .... ....3 2. . 5 0 1 -- - s d h e - , j g z e s ~ob v e , i i istraw C uer, for - home *I m ïo It wa el -d, tel- va rs - powr.............4 3 2 -XIL - Ladies Depart-, -1 e».'oîkuvErpadiiQae. -corn Shelier.......... 3 2 1 - -met oeul>',aiin,b.' eiua One horse Oultivatoa .. 2 -1 Ladie.s' Drcss 2 00 '1S50, eno *4raîpn'- P Straw Critter, worked b Cid roa.....1 1 0 o0 A iTroy paper recensi>' priale! (vo bhaud,...... ..... .. 2 1 PlinG ntlemnan's hr tilf on ofwi as u ob ury Pleaire.............band2 00 i 50 noticeaud the -oîlier -a fnny anecdote. Paniglar ...e.........' 2 1 dia' Machine ruade. 1 50 1oo Th eediage aecideuîsly sot cliaaged. Scanoaning Till.s..... .._' . 3 2: 1 LdIs'nnnt....1 0 an(1 d,- vlièthe'.paper eppinred,theeditor» Cider M1iii and Press.3 2 1 Piece work Qîîit.... 1 50 1 00asbo «" e, t ae le bthe>'unth Cheese Pres......2* 1 50e og 0.a .XU 5h4dd AGo, e,vithe apili <$nu>A Waahing Machine ....... OtFieîSi '. . ~- a ti vu res t l.e cpo1 ' iurip ucr. ... ...- 2 1750e T it 1 w.....s 1 o 00 puucmun' ;- - Ohun...........2 -i ocKuit bcd Cover......01 ou1-00 At-one of the îowa lls - M8a(tad Ciraifl Crusher . . 2.. 2 5OcCrotchet work Counter- -. - -Sehoolo,tlieuperned A1 Ilait dozen Huy Forks, .... 2 1i5o pgnna-----...................¶a~aiwei i i i 3 3 3 3 s am-...... - ~ ~ 4 O a -rn... - 4 2 1 1 .g Ewhee.. abFecrilier aliee te uformn the con- tibal bt plemee aovoe t h ablers ie le pyeprslîow rn t th loduiomi a, výnth 0,117u1q iCuny ago I.remsig and Shaving. --SALOON, BliOCiC 8T-, WIITBT. Demu or vîme IlAXio,- oviu, b> Jan. 22, de,. m aie.a as, il MilJ1tJ cOre cfthie héat irt1ilc cf tha ireal l4a the *ountry, ea ihs jte W CUVTLII,50 .eouiiy ok r la ever>' reepet. ý1 iokl prepoea,!oneof Erucea et,&e ilues et lllleuuoer, Ié 4ie le uca enaniedtt'euea t;-rvhlcjuie nia>-be revote,! ci rrte ver eXsitiate liatu hiti,. [AMBuf ý 1