Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1871, p. 3

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A. M. OHISHOLrM ýmileh in, ou Jovsee I0*" YokTribune, 1.s 10 ii,66spboie 0 atu ,wupsl'er, Ivettiont au 1 have e; I m Town Cierk. Suuti 155 nbf /4 45081sJgit sud «MI a n o ib , - , - .., CHOICE ID.fr olpanvluarey prioes dre, witl pies. us aa 'ovilii ud euer t frlyI-fOuur pages, froc, *P,o ,98. NgîApple Trees seeqfKypisorWjr~ ABOUT 200000, îîeyby adjusll'tg hûge.@wIýua Ir dgslrewyuurface. 1t'. &wau l eute4for 16g mirtat. Théa succoasETt.WLON *ilu 0,s tiole.- Ail por- EI0.w LSN I,4o et le.visilîlg to Lot NO. 8, lad Con Plcksrlug, un taupes, oherior gentle- Kiegato rOWd;l'08st OfcW'aitby. dhoî JYspesl ivn ht>,Jqyi,17 7-28 seut e 5T uiklPU fom 05 to $20 a sm offlusîts$o 0 s 0weekvii be gtsautso Itiformtron frffilsJeeJ on recelpt ut 20 oents ta psy (01 î*t orprlnitlug uoli sud 11 e1111 Poo<se@. Addre, g. J _r. BL1A,,Box. 967, No. 91 Liberti Our i4 fer lie Couuty or Ontario, Il t,,A5Y< lr ptergrove, Co. Oittaio. w gS T 9h 81 m Good Prunella GaiWters- cents per pair, at . M ýCHISHOLM A. large stock of new Dre Goods, receiyed -this wiee from One dollar to Threetd lars the dre'ws.-beautifil gooî A.M. CHISHOLM' ,ed Suit. manufa A. M. CHISHOLM'i ýGood Twee tured at th t ptebosix11ACTIVE MM i TOU <Ul te b laintheé siffle sud *-Drus WEM -C ÏO )Aainj AplytoMm Kncwin3gU»renmg a u t; eor«obfthe Granntsor Sobh'l, $1à4 I1..M eM el h Whit%y, Aug. J. r.811t>xoss Freflnuther v> et New ek Mot. y lDrugqaete.' - ,~ -- - VALUADLU * FOR gALE, lu Town end At Wsvehoino. 0. -DRAPER & . Wbltby, 2ud Auguet, 1 1. si vALUABLE #hEM FUR SALE. M00 sîrsOr therei.bontl, psrtiy situsted ou* Lote 22, 9U, sud 924. îth con, Township ol Whilby,- eud part ln seutilshait No. 9, lit soorsch esuh joilugi. Ab,)It 173 sarée elssred, aud fil os guod stsls cf sulirsîjon, Weil waters-t, tprlg croek ruuncigoir throngh thfm .The r a nsd ouîbuitdiugs are gucd , and the stpply of bard as i water pîutiflal. Thiare l ag dtri r chard, siso valuab larguioersdrt, g or fruit trees. l lu hry uoh 1Ternis Lbri-fiait ash dovu th. al muse ou #lm@e suit purehauer. <Âpply te thé ovuer, JAMES BED14ON, myrtîie P. >0. #eideuce, Lot £9, Bih con. Whiîby Wbttby, August 104 187t, Fviai ani, lu àal hiblte ts c ultIva.. li 01u , 10o;l - uo;eelol u 1Unade oimlt U.I' 000- W c u $ Wî u s oîn idLo di » orn elardjgnd wvoltwsleredr, 'gq00teCe, -oo Bllog le, ~sud a fiue Oro id ftblosfirit;situatsd wlthln hg0< W>lte fluerlsbiugvilg.ot Park Ssud oouwnlinu1grge,. TIIOMAS KENIGEHT, Park 1Hill. Whty Ji 4th, 1871. 12 Ç.ATTLE ST8 T tàY ,. PROPWrYFURSALER T 119 suhsorber nffers for gsale tihé tolôwl ng Ivlalhe priPerty.* lu the Town cf Wtt by, VîZ :-An excllant Drsck Cottage with quartor cf ait acre cf landi. aittcstsd onr.ts cor- lier cf Grueu sud 89. Peter Streelts, lu the Sontht Ward. Aligu, hlts aécohand, veli teuce<., sud. ln P. hîgh i tste cf calîlvatica. ou the esoru-r or Wiiltgxtoiî andI Oifford Street@, Northi Ward. A qiuarter oftan acrseto Centre Strea,,sonth cf the reidenue et C. Draper, Faq., lu the Soute Ward, -Alec, Tws9ty Acres 0f good iaud, belug coniposd uof part of lot 18, lu lte iOth coi'css. mlon of the 'Iownhljt of- Murray, Oouaty ut Northumnberland. vaen Alésan sd indipputabie tite is vîlisb gts oail the aboya property. For lurtier partlçulsrs spply te lte owner. FRANCIS CLARK. Whitby, Juily 19, i871J-. 994fi JNS8OLVRHNT ACT OF 1889.. * Canada J l InteCounty Court Province of Ontario, n.af the <ounty et ou. Couuîty cf '>ntarlc. Jtarlo, lu the matler ot JOFIN'rY£, Ait Insolvetont O; Toescay, lts iCud aday et Auguat nexl, thé uîîderalgiuad i'lli-appiy b te Judge uof the isid Cout, for a' diacharge undar thei. JOHN Tle, ?B17 Rme (reenwoui, bis At DatedAt Whtleyîjual, 187 1 049- Or DAILY LINE TO , Tii. Su Psrb N@w Lgke UPPer State Osbla .N O RS BMUA Nt Cairryvcg Uulted Stutessud Osuadis angti an Umu. ezv tas... nanaL t? -s &É. giigsois Intormastion as vil. r vii li bt sulla*bly reward- Whllby, uly 941h, 181. 8l-8 0 VWLOS TO LT. T s lp "ro« ofia .lu thoie uboLu the w 'Isteî7<oéupîd by tie Ootr-au -of0 hI.wy sud Port Perry Biwy APPIYs the- OHÇC]c(?IJJL ou-oreanc favor.. AÀ first-éliu GENERAL -F4311- Partie-ular attention iw WINES - AND, :Bt IS. e. loi. do, e Hats, 'Bonnets, Featherl Plowers, Laces, &c., at A. M. CHISHIOLM'S 8Silk and Cloth - antles made ta order iii any shape or style required, at PaniîyGroesa lys kepi in tok, f ii.vey est, a înd at j A. IL OISHIOLM'a. Tii. bighest prie. paid for alkinds of Farm produce, *at à -u p D rc fl t.VLt1il,5 yEeci 1 1 Rieblember Whity, uly26, 1871. GRANDRALLY AT~D~ WO._L LIX ivited 0 F TfinE EST BRANDS Dublin Porter; FineAeÀ i uOE" Libera t ernis to t 1hé liotél, trade. Wood R. FRANIS No."1 on the Corner. 30~ //'. DRES94 GOS TRIMIN01KOAIR LusBTRIES DOUBLE WARPED 1PERC Lâ?The Cheiipest and'Best article'-of Ladies'wear for the'times. REA.L MALTfESE, LACE, IIOSIERY, &O Ând a Complete and Pull Stàck, of the Newest aLnd Beist Staple and2Fancýy Gooda Mw.FA M 1LY CIROQ0,ERIEsi * COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. FARMERS' FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, * HARDIWARE, PAINTS, OILS,&. £~'Also sole Agent for the Canada,.,Phosphate. îOTICE 0F", R*EMOVAL. ---t o: Jamei Johnston,. Watch maker, will carry-on, his business in IIr. Jas. Byrne's Dru g. 'Store,. During the building of the New Premismm N e w G o o d s i n , G e . i g , B a e tq,&c, &.,atv'ery lw -~rces, hitby, April 12, 1871. LEATHER 'LUNES L~TLW. »the. publicI u1, ay tbey wonld look suduSeo, boots and ghoe theiroey pay, in lot them corne to Me. rll stocedatore iion Brook tre 1et... ttendance,,courteous, rind, il Ouidinyr gooda in-deed,%frasî OU Booti Aud i Your p" Oaa-b My pr ofthir exensv tca ral e ik. sud, Coiorsd 511k, Parasols, Strlped liessan, Dentn B leo Lustres, . Laces Ca to n Flaunel, ct.o Blik Cobourgs, Lace lÃ"urTuic, Shlrtinga, 'White Block #Irape CloLb, *Tovolii2g, losiery, Undur BiskIIpa tktrltgGlovei, -- Maux, Fascy Dreso Gouda, - Wlite & Grey Côttou, Trirrarlga, 19e11s0 MufilisIl -"Shirtioge, (Clotho, Neck" PrutpTable Darnossi, Twoodo, lirecu Lades Stss, Br wu Holsud, Cotlon Llanen Drill, ... M elIin ery9 Flowers, and Feathers. .mer Clothiupg in reat variety. CW- Clothing Made to o'Fom-ily Groeeries, Fine New'1 @JbThe H ighest Price [.'%id.'for BUTTE IR. >n7flcks, e ShIrts, r Clotlxtrg, Strew [laits, FuIt Bats, Tisa, et, 'l , @ ýuIm- 1 .« McliIILLAÀN & Co., Have laStok vr80Stimmer Cosasasd Tests, lu Liu eLusteAlptcca, sudliasul (bord; Aise 100 paîraorgounur Puti, ail of whillîaiA cflorej aet the 9w, Lowest Living Profite 5 JtrawLohorl, Pu:ma, Polt, sud, JUBT RECEIVE» 9,0W Gallous cf Prime Old R>'u sud Malt .Whisky. 2,000 Gallons of Plue Venu7 Ali, AahMnu- T. HMoILAN & CO. mcMlllan's Buila n s, Brook et., Whltby. ta.......... ne.....-.... ............. -Hutr Brother. .......... ,Caïni. Ilynes.......... JobHa -l ag .......... Jous Helsu Ieaik &tlorto B. r. Hem,,,, .... Irirudu k ted ......... Au Ls ... . JamesV Joek . e. tLisu L 4 -Mauren.... John JSoegst hicDowei* ........ ,% ue t ernar .. ...... Jueu Nîcham.......... .....C...... or ..... D....... .. . . . . 1 Bwn ...... AWAI 'We ofi'er to our customerg for the' Méachines, 1which in stylu and co, anid Most useful imnrpi, JOILNSTON 'S SINGILIKSE1 n. of. a henvy stock; on, you cîsoosoi le eunlockï v - ~ ~ IR"ALLý Y.- TWILLED REVERSI13LE LUSTRES. > a ÃŽP -thé R A N'D"

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