Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1871, p. 2

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ONLY 8140 CENTS A TZAR in r m ud ~odeaserllae Provincial erifieafes, le id onlj righât t Whitby, Thursday &tnt 10, [871. parti..holinlg th... ertiideates sbomld b. Jouig a ecri. (aWj naliied wa eb aiU mbjeuis required -bylaw ; 'end beorebey eau hoexpacted Hta (ew of our eonta.qpcmrls are a, te do this, tey ahouid cbeeieeb. goed demi iroabled.sa ta Mr: Browu'a in-. Short ughiy acquaiused wlsh ihe-stbJeew. toaion reepecing Semîh Ontario. They W@ ive be te nmrne.'ad4grade of put ferutA dait masaur o esss...and tho.. vite veeev.d certifloates. .erise-soeo f eh.. cf te .moet ex- SEON~D LASf It"mega5Ii earmuier. Je pot. one.in saint! Gral. Â.-3. w r f tdli Itarbaae Ilneh.he e.i. AMdTID LS. J;bers ià how he Wa@ le tid s Tisero vos TDCA a distsrbanes la the kenul ; à * at Grade Il.-H. J. Arklead, Andrev g bbd drean., or a saddaai swinge, snd ho Grade T111-.--Focal Wobedbe. begmu te bak;j h.. ejes openssi, bande Grade IV.-John MoGlivray, J. W. roee@ ansprleoked up, sud th.ehormn.e u- Pome, A; C. -Palme.r,-Auni.s, cottl oreed iii every hrost la *gia p. Samuel Sherida.- Isied u , .cep a oi hondcha ~ Grade 7.-A. J. McKinoma, Buidget boled a i, aeep seoldbond #at aiMurphy, Bagene' Richardsoa, Michael J. avIo as t e r e, *.4, H.watahed and aieýe, LaoraýTaylor. Jltoetd avhier t cit i. eigbor, netieiug Gradé VL-Joseph Armstrong,- Rober t hie, erled, ia greai escis.mcus; 1"Wiy Corrigon, Alonso' Crosby, Thon... Edgar, doW n eu an 7"- $Whsi are p..bak. Reuat Psweii Eien Madeu, Peter lag si Il' he mked lu -repli..."î..aîts- NcCieIeuP, Mary C. Ramsay, John Scte, EfliuSith, lKargarer Sei, Hilen Tbomp, (10% o.' uw #"vri onee loe Io barhing,"son, Bila .1 hompsou. John Thompson, J. nid te.olber.-Mlnceî uhat 1 ucticed,j" G; Wason, W.1J.Watson,' Ira Yak.. esid ch. clé dog. 0"Asr opthe keusel ihat le la for, and if Ion Cau B.d out, end Tas Cà*A>Â a,1Au.sson qCOuAT ha uythiag vortik brking at, letme Wè e oue. te. amenaireport cf chie h M I be lim reetoagit for mns.ago Cmpany, as publiieed ilate eTorento, baSta ite." papers, ik he t&m ffiraeuýf te. on.pmuy )are Keip op tise or,, gentiamea r. -M. la a Most Boanfmhlug condition.. Brown *reorne ip Sepember ; more OÙa Te pplileaioa for assrances duriug ample dlmc #0Sud onasea: ub a luelb.the put y*ssnmared nurly tao thon- wnrId you are barkiag. maad lu round 'nsefre, for tho seu of, nearly ibres -million dollars, mach larger 11WO8u9D T8019uOUCtID SifOO-The thon amy c>îebernpmaioy doig bme49izie magfe arrivai of another portion'cf parcbames Cada' « stock mod for te HIeure. Miler, ot The . refai W&y lai ahîir te.affaira of »C Plcenug mricd em n anaymornlnir the eCompany are- mauaged, adsu d uiabstru e lutem osiîg of dhres draaghc herses1iiag condition, muet ho a-source cf grsxifl. tro Shetland ponise; ait yearliing cation to policy holde». f dhcrcngh-bred Durham heifars mseveny. The Canada Lire hn a native institntion, fice pare Cotawold end stock ahecp ; t ued aIl other thinge beiug equai, il shoaid pare breed pige; .11 lunfirt.class order. moastar«"nly he prefirred to foneig i i Two cf teh eep-. vere lbat eut cf the compaie..B loimhiped oc. o chnu iedc*uiii mon. arties wioiug a safe and accure cou- lug cof hir arrivai at Mr. Robert Milloes'. pauy, whenci bsy e u cber lay op a * lumuoherisse o <6 CmoacoLuvo omethiug for their oid sgtf or a a G shah gîTe a more lerngîheaed actanut of provision for their famil>' in case cf deas, I the Importations made Chie jean b>' tb0 caunot do botter taon eati ou MnrG. Y.- Meurs. ilier.Smîh, the. agent in Whiiby, froinuhom DIaTE o Da. TUMPÉC'T. -W. deeply aIl neceasar>' information may be obtained. depiora having te anneuncc tesater unespeciesi deast fDr. Temipest, uiiici bai piaye atisis résidence, Toronto, e 2 c'cieci titis CWedne4day> moruing. Dr Tempeat vas vel iknovu ila tSi4 coin- munit>', iheneSeosad resideel for jens. go vas conuecies, iy siariage, viitiste Fairbanks' sud Macdoneil familes ; ansi haaves a large cirais etfsouuntng fa lend. andi relatives. A»» .lasua-aitou Cosms'ui. - Thiis Comipan>', ibich amisncesi business Joli .14th, 1870,, iîh s paid np ipiial et $1,000.00, bhspaisi losUce the amount cf $290.976, ansi basloft assets amcunting tu $1.601,822, or 50 per cent. ovar ansi abavelite capital stocni,.'lu couiti re.iusure les euîtstmnsiug riakuanmdsipa lsaunlluai dividensi et 10 per cent. just dpecaresi, sud tisen have a surpus cf $160,000 loft.'Tii. mouthly receipea etf ubis ccnsmy are sais tue elce.d 0150, 8001, and il fimrepresentesi bYasu amny et ageuts twc ,theusausi srur. Mn. L. Fairbanuks, Jr., of tisscoin, cs th - l.agent for cIe Cout>'oetOntario, te. *ae &bave comipsu'. 110cm? ik auxFratcCoWAN.-Au mili buiotamenby bis cavé iu sutiser 9clon., Mn. D. Ouillas, ot- froilin, bus bessi appointes! agent for <bis compan>'. Tb@elioimuetlfiai Co.- lea amoit: espen. sie onai bring a capital et $500,000, vus 8.50.000 euh depositesi vitis te Dosuluion Govaronces securicy fer prompt payuent et loue&, le. rate. are e xcosesilglj loi. - «Mr-Begiltela>,'fisveil inevm uaa tberoagii reliahi, man of banne., wvisn 01111leac, canos tail te secune a large patronage to tise Comipan>'. lie s aise agent sud appralser for ch. Canada Pernmia- Bomut Balîdinkgaus Saviug Societ>'. Esvrxoores er So.-Iu .mnothr pIas? uuicî.bm tonnA au aiaertiuement cf tir. Bail'. *mibratsd ivor ey..cnpe, cf uibUM. Theima. Byrue, et Uptergrove., is tbé agemnt Wu lave Mn. Byrnm.sc --. permosai assursiete;&as othoir effleay lu eh. restoie no ib o-rtss 1 have tumile or:hc s sigi. H ahu: (m ymrs ose, by -mnmgDr. Bai's oye- tc'a."# Iunerosa testiamoutaisvenais for iheir beingthe gresasi diseover>' ef the îsge. Any cas appiying ioU. Byrne vil resc i 11necessan>intormauiccu;sud noneshmouid cear speetacles on sufer tron. Sonder oeas ubil. <boére la s*e imn.ediéte a icnree of,relief available leoli.16- COazCEauv Mau.-T;uo lcOn-iiais'or WigiTprvav. Teaest-A rmatchcb even tige. tua clubs le te h. psyed Ait th. -'gracnS.eoftheii.Selh Ontariqoct*ont> Agrieltural Socie;>', ont Tueda>'et, be pleeh.d eti Speenal Notice, Mr. Wu. Burns bas on bandi a complets stock of boots ands ioes suitesi for ail age. aud consiuiouss, andi viicis h. im selliîng ai prices varling frein fifty cents to- five sdo- lars. lie is determinced te keep up do the. tunes lu evrytiing-sud la notiting more ttan givang gacel value 10ounstomers for tiscir moue>'. Catiland examine hiseze- tee-rive stock; s triai miii conviuce. 8e. ase asvertisemeunt. FELCOWa' IffYiPa'ePIII'rE.-Mn. liel- lova visises ns ce atate (btisi e bas ne anthorized agent, but chat hie Hypopisos- piites sua>'b. ablainesi of li respectable Druggises ansi Apothecarica at bis prie.. TITIMaOecY Or WzGcei.-Tisc "Scientifle Amneican" saym et tise machines oethte Guelpis Seming Machin e Ceupsct>' We viii aid our ovn opinion, lhased upon a personai triai, hat the. adraitUcges clamed la If a mmci vantsa'aBoîcle of Wiikey, let rhum bu>' it andi take il home 111<, a man, ansi fot aneatk home wvus -a boule af 'Bittera' os. 'Lordia,f anS puctend tat it i 1 mecicine. Il b. vanta a tonie 'hallss fsoectiig bottes. tisac a teinponarv stimii- tant, bhshalut& et a boîtleetofPemuviaci Sy'rup, (ani mon Tonic>, chat viii viialize tise bIeS, ad give,-durable miength te lb. syitenu. Dnning tise yean, endig Feb.Is aC 1870, Mn. Feitqes pain neaut>' leven tiousand dolars tor atvertiaicig lis h. Dominion aloe.. Be iadoubîlema lie imoat eigtemve asivertiser in tise Britlis Provinces. Tas CANApiAN Teax A WimBLgacir. t The bondon DaIy Nws oethtie 26:Ën s'uym part chat, ou the prelacus day, the Canadisa ansi Voluanteres uc have ezisteuiomemuceSiSr pluckinluceming io-Lodoo do couccusi for Se i tise Wimibledon prime. vere invited te a 1f,â déjeusner at the Cannon Street auotel, on.~ th. occasioni et pr.uneing cci escitof theintm a silver bddge as s menato 01et b vii.- The complimept ési auggeatsi S, mer.. T chautea cnneted si iistise City ot bonden Trea lanud ceasequea:îy gentlemeu rotra h. dit; Pre pFOcvstlech St che meeting. Tiser. vweread proesu Mr. S. Mdon.>', M.P., uSe preesi.. quitt .5 i. Mn. Lest, Mr. Ceaie, Mr. Paîsen, ilai Il Mn. Porter,' Mr. Silver, -Mn. S. H., Morley, A Mu. C. Marie>', Mr. A.-Merle>', Sir P. Tait,, lIccu Mr. AideruaB«ey>, Me. Fiebi, Mr,.go Montgomemry, Mr.- Maginuls, ji. andsoi et ic Canadien Voonutecra, LiQuteuiaitColeucî I Skinner, Captamu M. Clersgiau, Bel,11 GIS.JE sou,- Coccen andi Werner , Liuent in Litle; Enaigus Birch am" Wate; Ser- j-a geauc.Majors larais- sud MeNachten inc Sergeamîs aebo, Kîncade, MÉeMuiten ansiO Wilkins,Msuit Pivbtes OreaàitaaJMari cl'f Ot sou, Masocaac4,einuiegt. It vasintenusi. TI esi tiat A &ilver cup .houjd h. presensai Nasa ui a. the ilver bhaie,- butilq tii. QLi respect the danors vene auicipatesi, se ate th&& tueir cap stinds over for future pre- b>' th sse""aic. Jwvu. Major MeL>', front1qpvt <larry U ' aeicegii 1arrived 4 eaita Eaei loces. oi4 in, UN tonj Hope. No. 690 nt Harriett5ile, 23rd depl!eiclsU mad neutralise- the niendaut e etmaroftsexve theu Matchs, 1811. L lggi W.b and à cf e. Legsiarationearof the Township of Whftby, UohMecniaidlaNo.u 701 .04 4d-hprand Io levyaàrateaiBâilmlei01onth. $ ou Léca., N. 70, Imaliboit) - seI4mUiw~te~~le ~-u ii àIto aumeuahble properir in theTowubipk Toronat, ,No. 71, a4 Toronto, biMIay, moud readiuig cfitbill ouly inu odt..- tu ,dtarait. e sun.omcf $2960.00 for TovasbWp 1871.seure lt e bm cers of ber bijeoty*o army parposes, for ch. proesleur. Haterai star, 'N o. 12, ii W hlhy, Ult iith e orpeusadcues. icb rlher are --en ,' Mmii87 . ned in cousequence of h . a b-dr.'ie Ferges, No. 78,,Purges. Blet May, '71 prebse.- (Hea<hâ4 i fBuraga ta ii àomn#8i on o ai i 3dThe. folloting à 1 test ofthejouru atil> ch.first. o9yl coe Bothueli No. 74,' aïs BotthehI, no ton ale« tefTwhei Juue, '71. ao1. A5AT ai, -n 10 o'eioek, a. n.. Warreuer, No. 15, at Port Perry, 97th, uhici marks a mnwcrble ep.e laBris.. - eue-. Janie, 1871.-, Rab .bisecry'IUited $Rtes rNews. Si, Themue, No. 760 89. Therna, ideS 7îiozoltjxB,- JuIy, '71. Wbéee, b>' i sae ps.idin tWb ses New York, Aag. 7.-Tse I7osd coe* Oxf(ird, No. 77, et lugersoli, 27t,à e1l'. icu Solde, inuthé fls hand aigus jears cf potideus makes lise extraordiuary seage., 1871. the relga cf King Hdwaed VI.,, chapter.m-mnthat eter mince Bontueli lofs th. For ai! of .hich ol OO4romecu.ed 16, intilai!.d Agaluat lsaying aadoeiliiig OOnMOÛLssMehlp of thiseternai revenue charters ta bc granted. o. f offces.'asd ci'tcipaamedlu tict forty. iberé ba .tood agaume hlmsou ch. hook& 1 seceived petiticu. for twoeRbei uinîh ye.nr cf the i'retgu cf Ring George> eftie buread ist ie deficis, auaccoae'd flcg oIdges, ou.of wib Rot eh No.i- I.$ iaer 2,itîe Asitefon 'for lu hie atamp aeue ec.aou 2) au.i luiat t tC oin of Stracford tise prevelin a f'th. sale ud ibrokerage cf $2,02569000. ou th. lOti day of May lait, by Depnîy eof fice,'1l e.', 1 ca Or forces are New Ycrki Acg. 7.À latter 1trom ti. Grand Master Brogir John Gibson, 1 ÉrohibiWed-fréta .eiig Pr bargaing 'for intenlor;pf Teai,«daee'd Jnly 23rd. sais aoumentiug mnd approviug, se far as 1 vueS the maie cof any commission l utar forces, ts ian., uthat'ate, lufautry sudcaly obie, ounlise part cf tii. Grand Lodgoi <o and trout talcingor rectivilà an, meuey tao;bh. number et mireral i tonsand, vii mach instituon, sud for uhichi Isl your for tb.excissuge Of ianr.ncb commiae., stienp tun f .rh nÂu tlch aspproval. caudet cthe peualty et larfciine of iheir wilh the view of concentration at thé bend Tegêerai satisfaction et the Order commissions, aud ol bling.cshiered, and cf amteWechitas Muaim ' ime.nue w111 no demi: appear in ch. rcport cf ch. cf divers,,ocher ..a4 tb h. lust tise coimaend>of doI.L ' uite Grai! Reproeetativea, yetI,- Lianuot' for- meutiouied net ezeimptsfrem che pe6ualties vili proceed i tocheastsemeuî cf the. bern giviug iatemeont Of amoenut' et fre- eofd-ctpunchs...,or maies, or ex Comauches, aime ch. Wachita Indlant. e. ipcm and ezpcoditar. for relief for tee cisau of an>' commissiont lu our forces Tite troupe, ezaspcratcd by the treaintet faut 40' yc.rs..- -fer anqi pricea me may bit regnataed anîd aol dr lti asociales, go for axternu. uieeipta frem-in t180g o '9lsli,$1121,925 77 ffeSd -by ajregalati .mad' or te h. tien. do -do Vi.40Lte 4W do 4,1*8.492I tcl > do doil5.fllto*69 do 11,9844 ~M ai b0,5aebt eai.Coitiun , PECTICEs lit Nrw Yong.- dor do iti6o>to '69 do 13,111,19J ai. And whenesa> ve tiii it expedieut te There la nul, perhap., in ch. vale worid, pet au end tu ail snobh ugalations, ascidgo another Lit>' ebogemunicipal affaira are c Totl..........8. di sales sud parchaa.and.aall exehaugesau; corruptly adminiaccrei as chose efte 1 'Ameant pmld fer -relief duriug -the four for mou e>' of commasiena in our forces, ci!' of New Yoik. Tlh. Now York Timesr deesis n.tieued arnouti te 8$à,776, andsd i dealîugs resiaiug 1ta icit sles bias necenîly been insking a fuit expesure -3A 42, baring esu cetis oz revenue over pareuesor cichaugço ofet b ntvs: umofiof mon.>' paid oui W a J ozpenditare fer 'relief of $10,548,983 91. fwidvdas u rbbyt edvd Nou or utwlianA ieeael, chai on cd ansong eundry colera eho appropniatte à Tise folicuiug offleera vere eleated for and 'lifter dise firi, day et Noveuiber in 1h. cnoney. To eue J. H. Ingensoîl, wan a b.e eaii.g year. - tue prenent loir, ait negoïslmieu a de b>' raeneson <ha Tresunen efthe City' vere t H. McAffec, Windsor, M. W. Gran 'd o. or any et our roltpredeceuoru, er iissîed tae.acuoutt ffine Sand brea- i ?atniarcs t A. Partes, St. Catberiie., au>' officera acting vade ourtaaithorlty, quarter millions, on various miflon con- n M. B. G., f01gb Priese ; Jeta Baan, Samu. eguûlàtiujçand- fixing thIs es& at uhich tat;10J .Smith, $60(l,000, vas i ion, B. W. G., ,Senior 'Waiden; E. au>'comission lu onu t fceai li'eb.pur- '=aîd fornpts ; tlheflrin et C. D. Dollar 1 bondn, . W G. Junor ardn. hau, sasior ~chugc, orlu my a>' &iC. received $916,.124-98 osdeflsibly forg Belz, ondn, . W Î, Jnio Wadon caie, sldor Ëcbuîý,,Or n si WY.Cabinet wonk;- anld during tbree montcha M. D. Dawson, London, R1. W. G. Sciibe anchoriziug the parchas o aie, or ex- J nly $2,804,27.05 vas drawu oui of tbe ti ad Trnasurer ; ;8. G. Dolois, Se. Ca. change fer moie>fetuni, mach commis-. cil>' treasurje oni specini accont nl fd J. k~ tberlues, a. W., Granld Beprementative ta sions, ahaîl b. eacelled >'atd detemî- McB. Dsvidmon & Cc.o, avc orsae ln G ra n d i L e d 5 . f t ie U n t e d S ta te s ; P ., e i l a hsa d0 e 0 0 . h. g e p n nf a ognon i B. Hatoby BrangtoÏd, 1-M W. Grand' Giveni' t'fif'téônrI t dOibraie, chia s201h f'M-- th ng -tatoamount7 to a ocsvicllen I. Bandantl. day cf Jul>', in the uhir,1>'ifh Jean eft'Iat chuee elrinieus sua u er.never I onr reigu. Iegitimatce and boa» ~kchanges sgainstw thecit, bt tst heyare rulete-w luternatonui Lécroame latche BI her Majest>".- mado)utilsch. mon.>' Seing divided arnong TORONTO CLUB VIOTOR[OUS.cqioCSD L. the "lring" which coflirols ch. public -Theasthe. firat met inIfu. 'uew deaprc- affaira ot New York. ýNcw York, Augusi fiîh.-Thc greal icn- cure' ens; bultishe second viii mooch M curnationa1 lacrse ,. atch-Teuonto va. commencet. - - Aî.onaci-Tmn. rasuaomi sSUiota. bc &ciickcrbeckers -camne off this atternoon Londocs, Aug. .- diapaucis freint -Versailles, Aug. 8.-Aivices freintAi- o in tb. Capitolicne greunds, Bnooklin, Iii)nisllln to-day aais tbe'lisi-ls quiet. Se- gensa sa>', the. insurrection bas been rout- )renonce et an inîmenise crowd et specte- ftral et lb. place. viitesi by tii.Royal esd, andi ihat Moueddua u as hsu muiesi. ,r&; ant IL -wvill b. gratifying te -Octna- at. eegte n odyb h brvlbwvr oià-si h lins tW leaun that ithe Toront> Club wonpa>'vrgaesanJana'>' h.Tireoiseecotislu ie dail>' in tlritr ai lgie. i o. Thse ispitaia aý ie fl et voand- Provinc.etofCensanatine, the. most enstcrn çreai vicier>' wattactuieveil b>'their awftîes. ofet icthrea departineuci of uhicis Alg.rla annng.Ici120 nebin npreahin D~lin Au. '.-Te' oya vt in compesesi. Numerons murders are e le alti ' e i e ac n c k s h a s e v e hn e e D u blî i n n .s1 e É y a i i o eW itnsic i ibisheCouc'as ehen bth e ls theuct>'to.day. Çrewda lines tise atillcoumuttesi b>'tise robots in the a vilthe iliti.>'cnrarna d i vie. tse> srecîs ebrougs vueS tbey pusesi, but net pc'evincei andi several terests haie beem en caesi anti alasheti il thuougb the geai a clienr wu raises ITise people preser-brns.S henoer tise> desiresi cedose. Tho> esi a dead silence, broen oui>' y a (ci Versailles, Aug. 8.-A conil cf var tic ayed agaitisu cclv. picked moen frein. hisses... vas heisi here yeatenuiay for the. couaidera. au' ea Knickerbocker andi Manihattan Clubs Tii.coante fthtie. pliF ât Phoenix lieu-o e tate of affaire iu Algea.M. akL c h. bt- clubs eftch. UfnîteS States. purk yemîerday, visic i s denonceci as Theira ansi Maraisal McMaitou vere pre- de ta a aturai consequefice thse Canadian luexcusaby buaib mitrdtesn n oxpr ntepoeig. e taideita aof New Yorr are jubilant over awubuai~ ebterdls etas eSpaIu iepocdn. àe tuccesa etfItîcir breibren (nom Toron - poption. Tise nevepapera demansiTise rosait vus the adoption et euergecic h is )andi everywhere yen go yenbeaur immediate ingestigauion. ,- monure for the fiuai suppression etftth.be, mrcel>' ausycing frocu tbera but ch. ex- Tic amuneat, ceumitte s s eed au[ vitpr acîaian-'Hlurrai feu Canada 1 l' -h. asdresa. . Tbey dedans chat meeting toa cases vere won in thnee. tiiteen, ansd maie a hoiiday for neyaIt>' velid bave An excian et m -Tse ezaminacion ghtecn mitintes reapeccivel>'. While been ailowesi, but bccause che people met itthtie cause et tiserecenstderrible boler ha te Knickerbockers give ail puaise ta lb. te pleasi for the. captive ube>' vere atricken i explosion un New Yenk&aoistise public e e ciadians fou dhiser exehieni Pla>'ig dowu ansi tic uiord vas residenes ith ulb6evCorporations -and canmsfet meam aei dent fe hfle t tis eir bloosi. machiner>' trigle witit iummu.life. Robin- I c Lv ao n A gote- isnt .d a d ay sn , ch .e ueg in eer < s cailei> ofe t e I% e st- à Londn, ng.7.-he tanardmyefte, cas-barely remi, but neveu dre. rensi. wl rae veuxeEict L or Aazgicai)c,-The tIse Frencs irouclad var aubamera Magon. 10e neyer hasi an>' edacasie.Reecouisi. ysuer>' vicis'or anime cime bleirround ta Magautue ans ýItevasncbi have beca rdtietfcat.eieG inn n tf i fate eft he yeuug Bart et Aberdeen la, gol reai>'for thse ms at Touou n osrn vezeîfct f h oërfnn condin5 tota We acceaula (rom Engiansi, et a possible compicatios in the Eut. vIswich pceacribesi hie daieaseouengincen. turi vw completeij molvei. lHe ils accident. London. Aug. S8--Tii. liuse oet Cern- lbis rb el e ue-ceuprsur y ly kiceti ver'oarsi vhilc urviug os mous ws tadeytic scoeeoeta severe bscerlificace aliovesibhsm to carry, lbe cite IL mate ouncthe Hesra. im Jana>,170.ecuur would have te get aome ether man lei rendsi cO ar, nusntrbetienutce leader. efthi.Tory is Io 0esudiolmna. iatas se edisS avas knoîn on board sGeorge H. sud Libeta pqrties. Mr~ isnaeli aav.age dfeec evec 'u.rear ni~ car, *on e'. 0e vs teut.t yresolily cisargesi Mn, Giadaconi uîshbai leader loi-pressure engin. le ineu tise air mu aublotbi îtandi ba! fcllovad .hip, bous in ch.e use ansi in ii-part>', exeruei a presure. but duelnoual îu ov eil rses, ander au assain a m ie, for four vu ssing madajr wqées. an mabjecta is.O ioas a ul oiar ra.Be as f amorl asi ehlosauisaequ'iutsy abaudoud, uit mneedieasfy 9"Yec Cas. Bnaisted, tise *upenintendent aracter. l i.preaumedsai tatieadopi.. cnvoîcang ch. exercise oethie Royal peogec iefrylnmor htS aipudc a aamaum fle tram a pfsathesfeefusiiineausi îi Ritaapoalug - iperusai s for tiesesu. Wile pneacrving hi. cveu vital legialatiou.. g; crtn woidecc e lutu beuoaua otns cgi. neera000, og'rnito, the kcpt np commnicaiio uti M. laaan rc rte .tst. i - <ie hsnyeem.iem-dsu s ou&abo a thé ii.affaira anddefo.ns Cisarles, G. DuO'>', eî, Premier -in -ir .iserm, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f 'iuai (tscaiaonceia esig The warmesî Aa>' iniNev Bra itpiacs 1e Pari. sponsieut oethe Londion part-lu lrilkpilugie, ad t,'amel yemtcrday, cieruoieer standing at 196, choit. wri" i" hewid' f he riishPaliaeu le founded ..Tise bcd'yetf-'muancira mataf lai astisaom"ebu viedcasen0al iheDbiaNchs, uin 184", wvastoauu meut QeieciVerdic& acccrdiaig.pn sent iend... Sas itet asop.>hSOL piacesiod idon ur sail ie Gevera- ly psi et mrcidrf. ber mdsb isa upeet@homent iu-chat journal. Gue juret, Soir- e..Torn, ct h se peroend&batchaliss amn. - rever, refused te CouvicL hi., and d h ers 2 ev .0TrNceCrofetTliree cr-icS ' r a n c et f e r , t a t & s i e c a n o d b e pe" r u s p e n a t i c . 1ve a1 8 1 6 i e C r i s . Y e s t r u!a y T i s e y ugs9 frequenul>', andi souetm iric dy Quebec C>t. -. tubes Qonithé 7 C stnisof -n- a itoliday-ao aisJ mi, tise fins Rie GiS tbr enai ue ft i tJuI>'. >'hcband ansi Iw, be bsi i l cloçk; et. ver, ale.p,, 1 baby snd 1ln lise bak paru of the 6e I vasas'.eued b>'.y m heshansi esili eout ; I beard sme ocie -,nite My' bu nanti in bcd ,; 1 feit aplatters et bic visen ch. bine vms stnnck ; n.>'bosSa maciagesi te gel out andi strugglesi soi a littho ubilo vith tise mati Who hl -g!ucki hW.~- Hec caikel 10 me for t knife, anti 1 gel it; cisc mmcicailed i o IDon't fateS le boe . os. l'il1uurden y -to,' and 1drpped h.tkj1 lnew te vol te Sbuth"tocfThamise Coyle;- My>'bu band boon tell, anti Coyle then stui bIna vits ch. axe. Wiie le vms lysi on tise fluon I saisi tu Coyie, 'Oh, ebai a s'eu mundering George les.r ?Cie ni 'W. isatia tuaso, ansi I alwayaait veulti baveun>' ev'enge.' I saisi, loi theu. ls no use ici înyiuîg teý escape. y( utill bc founti eut.' He sali, 'Ne, I ci never b. tunouuct; ne on4 viii kno ii l fetheq btld tan. the ,alan>' 1I eae s tell ansi ehics 1 atteniards titi tel Tiser. was ne ligisi-in tise roôa,.bot cOult imes a uitie; net ligisi eneuglist distingueb lie texture,non Coyle's dresi 1 dent knoe wether hae as blooi> My> oin Pclliccalt gelno blocS onil C Idid net satm>'aluer m un> sand va illeSd, h juat teld tue visattu ay >'an ait for gsne lime belongiviuagth alamiandth ion h. venc ses>'. I eu atraito telcl tb'e ruts becauge Coyieai, bhal if I telS an Sim 1 eonfd b. bang., eoo. I nevcn colti an>'oet un' tanna>',nn ny matsen nos' faîlaer; tise>' mev no tbiag about h., neiciser befono non afler et Oten vantesitutel i alce I came tc gaai, but 1I vu afraid 1 vouid Seuisanget coit wstise fear of being osacect!et n'a 1,prevecileti un>'elling uino knov visai Coylc voulti Sa>'; I feame taat ho vauldti is'ow tlie ilam, on me Ooyle telti me bc vouid bave sisot hlm h i te b.d but tisa-pWatl vouisi cia go off 1Sen't know when, be gai the axe;l was un>'busband'a axe ; he voulti kuov wber, te get il. (Signesi) PHCEIE CANIPBEL14 I certif>' that tise abord atatement vas îaie vlun tail> te me b>' PhSobe Canp ciil, in tise gwnt aI Locidoni, tihe ts day lt Augnat, 1871. CIIARLMt UCIsN Cont>' Creen Attone>'. Tise deposition' vas .acconipanied eith an>' protestations et icnuocence, andti h. zs.essieris et hoe. hat ah. ai ieast nulS flot be isangcd. Tise voman, ehen ec tolti tishe s.', vas ec'idemi>' tigisten- neS, andi vas usucs broken in spirits. ie seemetu rema. etise pariions puai- n ici viic saie vas placeS. andi te be nxieus te catch mi mn>' strav chah migist cep berseif ftram inking. Afier Mn;ý lciisofi bat lft ber ah. expresseti a esire te aeelise pnisuongn Onyle, visics as gnanted, anti she vas admitted i cc c ceSll B>' ibis lime ase b.d uscovered or spirit, andi on steing lise yeungcr isoner ashe itaitiin a liglai ocofetvoice: 'Tommy, l'y. confeased itdail ' cyle (vWiis evident enrprise)-'Wa iv, jon confessed i r Mua. Camîpbell - 'Wb>', thie miuSdes.et erg, I saiti yen ditil' Dayle -'Yibu dit. dit ye ; visat shenîsi Sondes. yous. iuabanel Cor r ir. Caunpbll-It..uanknev ver>'veill at il vas fer.' .Jpyie_ýWas 1h becatise he choited me tise isav-moe CbaC dayr Mra. Campbsell made -.n epi>', but nuiuîg, lef& the celi, andi refnsed -teay ry noue. Ceyle, havave., gree ex tsi, appliesi disgnaîing epitheta tu the lman, ubichuewuli beau out iltue tise' ;gn'uceful. oteries uhics have Sean rrent abaut.hure since tisecigist cf tise iren. lns. Campbsell retunneta l ber Jandi retireS lCoruât, lie cSt et tise fir, baugeat hoteis in nFrancisco las aiS tu be $4.800.000. LccDUT.-On Monta>' evening tesI as a S. J. Pemberten, daugsten et tise tos. thlie -FerÉus B'upreas. mu aiepp- oft tise vernatcep ase acippetd den, lly sîpaining mmd disiueating ber ankie epatient is doimg areil, but il id )ab>' bc sne cime beture aise ull be agaici. -I" It Atlanta, Ga. ab y te tiuleci le Sumplingo fer deaseutone Sa>' lut Bk. Tise bey, anSbie duaplicigs uer, ies ici tise oegrave. ise triai et Mrs. Wbmutoci, tise lalti. re poisener.,- iii commuence in tise oncl'eek or Seplemiser. Tise Sot>'of ,.son, lien.>'0CWharnton,Wvise vias ied an tise i2tb et April, 1aI yeas., vas ntl>' disinterred, ansi its stomacs end acent pari. are nov icintise banda cf a nmiat for scialysîs.-lu iil 'bc asor.> tien ta chia uoman'a alunost undoubî- crime iu t hI. discoveTedti iat aise rdieSe her own, son ; bue, the tact, if ià (set, vili aluengheci tb.behief that t. John, X, of tise St. J 1ton seme d bmha . Ri un sinacuant s eue a coTpse.- --i y-1 - - . A paintUl accideent occurnesi on tihe - 2Sîis uit., te Mn. A. P. bNeDonalti, of - BlETI Gtencoc. nov met Metis, i a iedaS con- panicu tise Railvay - Commrisaionns frein - IERAE...Om -he N that, place ta tise lover part efthdie vont Mara, eh. vile of Pb eon secton 13, Wien retus.nineg ansi Beevet cfmrsof a dai *bout Liventi miles froîn iome,-at a place calteS tise Fortigne, srbile acending a -: lEI ver>' stecp ilil, Mr. McLÇocsald ulighted 1ta '3 EP ,,,A waik up, leavsng bis itoni, alsd cf tbsarteen, mnetasteocck te dnive aleae. Wbeuneani>' at thetop s Iwoad 52, et-thislitchelios& refuged' te go, and &X >'2 eaiUý vien urgeS hegan to bsck. Tic rnad - MMMM being narrea. tise buggy ran over tise Wfrulby M tsacktise roaidaicl Seing uncproiacted - eeing tise imminent danger 'of hi. son, Mn. à1iioenaisi tan te boiS back the buggy, FOIltuua,....... but cieoses ici plnging lest bis- balance i... andolleti aveu Luace over nuhi.% dascer t ........ dodci ll, a distance cf ai lesse. ceeu- R>'. ............. ty fic feet, in is fail roiiing t cýt- over >..~.... n. McDonald,, .lie hati a ieg broken.-nd Pf t ...e.......... tvo cf hbis rba Inacturesi. Col. Cres% jais e loves. Sel. .. sonin.isy, wvitis bis son Randoipli, viso - ....... vere foloving ici a buggy, d.cided 1 ta Chiceua............. brnc i S he.soon. 'A stretcher ;vas Duiko .............. uas r lenPer eut ... ... made, anti on tie asouldens eofcii t uen Butter,........... ... ise vas etannies tisnee miles, lisenp.accti ons................. 9 nattres ici a vaggon, anti in chat aira>' Wooi........ ...... tise veau>', mai ride home wus=mconplieh- cd. Mn. McDonqldtti iugi s uffeuiutg TAILB severel>', boue up vei RVLES Tu.'na. arr 0. T. slwyJ James Crutched, est Washington, aa s. cineui a Britisis, aubject. bas Oued tise flriclai. (Onca EAsvEz.,eSO...r.n agaiciat tise*Unitei âesiSa.. nder tise 31" P.,F.sPreu 9,07amyu Wasbinigton Trait>'. -lesaystisamilita eta . r>' utisoritias took posesasion ofh is. c10 pn..5";" (aceir'nt the befinciing oetche. andie eZs u ]Iiteln P.oYALTvY ÂiçWTiis PzorLe -etuva>'be taken as on.eoftch.- signa of tise cimes Sm.Zu t~m.eiu bhat tise Prince et Wales deecuesiit te bSekel iue e. necessai>, ah man Agnicisitunsi B-inquet Etigh Rail Clu.. at 10 P. M. giveciat Duincion ch.e-lac, -te defent i is brotiseis tram tise change of uselessmess Mn es leav. evr,. bhat bas been bnougbc against tieun Tis e s goùau arts f hie itna Wols uben neyait>' ucultispun tisar ia of jsificaion, but publie opinion is FW nouso, povertul ,tisai eien. theo iein Aî.î.8=TSI RmcnUCa %ppauenî -acnoeietgce s- forc, antid i.Pmu ,lm.-ueR. -endm belrne ite esill. Takicig tuis in C Ïre.cCUraca.-: tanueccion vicatisas t'otherilluactraion cf bWr-pnt eist and huit1 J. shoe; ,reside.ie, o te influence Of the popùiag vili-the 8. Amm'sW1C.aUM nînriding tise tsegauive vate oethde. liuse si5i 5' 1 pm. ? Lords. b>' Mn. Gladstene's use orthtie a5aP5vu syai puerogatire- -anti one cen but se. OP5.mi 55' lies are on-tise tnave, anti that oèýWne " M .teMC ýy on. tise vessai of alate i. loasecing CaeeÂaracul onher eoliinuo eman e eiopar-trui-e.M.Cii et tise Ticisiorne triml begîun dozens of questions viti tise corda !'Would yon 6e* surpriseS te fins 7" ansi s& la6ng sddb. Continu, te use, iim tiat the quen>' Se cana tacueus, anti al;lengthfonniedth ie subjeet of a-.ontiîng cartoon. in-on.etrtthe cemic paspers. Alternchat Sir John variai bis pisraseeiegy, andti teard 'tis ecndicf tise case tCisc ateneohypeciqury - neyes. passai hie lips. Ttleseer noeveri twat phrase le nert toe e toppeds 50 emmil>' a. mne Satieltor.Generai migbc eiei. Ini Lie thue bar ceosai a burai of laugisieb>' ask- icig of a einews visedeniet hivng dois. sometbicig. IlWcniS Se surpriseS te finit usai yen titilV X-nsithe mennimecit vua incrmed mien Lent Penzance quieci>' Ut' ANeD Dut.-Tsa deist oet .Unite. States has Seen -neducet b>' uSe.sunu of $242,000,003 since Mancs 4. I88t.,hile tise debt cf ltecil>' etMe ' Yoruk lis Ëéren incrmeed te. lise exteni cf $50.000, -, 000- turing- the stueuime. A meeting, of tise langeait ex payena ansi th.'epublic la uI)ont to Se bell ta diseus e i tile items tisai have obaubineS te mon up tise dent te tise Ilgune 'amas. .Tl'e N. Y.' rima sbas' Seen' -taeiing np tise matIe. anti peoeple b8aamS agisst chat sncb tings sanît hbave evenceme bisen t tout thisr specimi kncviedge. LcTRAWas Luc&.-A London paper ays tiai S>' anecent deca;ian iin tisalac connes lise Marquis ot Buta comes lace an stiditjen»I incotue et *200,000 anti arrears.to tli onuî. ti of $50,0 As tise provenbIs ly, 'Mach wwlli have more.' Tise Marquis litenaill> 'wvatise proaper - nus se*poni- et CarSuif. in -Seuths Watea its s apopuuaios et 80,000, 'andt also thse minerai andi ceai cis-ricta of uhics iL la tise capital. Blis trustees are about ruci ning a lin, et steamer. freun- Cardiff te York eu. - Ms.Disaeluohid n5- ot exag- genata, in -bis last novoi etf-society,- the immensee eslîi oft tise yoirng gentleman, sôr ils petentiait>' At. dise inereming rate cf bià prcpery, Se viilseen Se ini a seck-and neck racae- uith the MiIL..... ntE1 NWADVI Gramuiart MI- ommon schéol, WILL. RE.OPKEN 01 ,Wednesday, the 16 th Imsl gr A paictnat attanalance of pupila rTequestel. H. J. MACD0NELLI Cl,8 fQ iC. S. 1 WbIthli Aux. 9, 187'1. 82 FO 0ESALE. ihW et g- oosir uin eva, Buriy, aaiS Ha nesm. For particiilsuaiipply to edPrEsiHyceil IL Anî,e.m ERTISEME!rT. D.IIOL-LIDÂY. 180LATuiD RI.,K FIRZ INSURANCE 01 OF CANAD&, TO>RONTO.« - à PIr assaCioms IzasyvUrue AI.., Arcnt mud Apprai»or-.fer 0.m.Ia P'i manattBuilding and1 8avinir Roeiety, ft on oinomne>'at 1cm nstaa o4-interest. Whîtby, nugytth, 1871. 1>'32 v ALUABLE PRoPEicTY FOR SA1L A loiî B, 1Aug. 5 -Pnice, bc -isc C"ri-w, has beec- it iys ultis a siigist altack PeFt MeL.ar',.. e..ieh

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