ALL Mvoettbol9nt. nwqonradIn gonp", ~ 00:Lt4r d whVOL, XV rodi d w. hadeuvs by JITB -l P O ï c rusint4s " mua, . O N G 0 LiC, & *, 30 I B N I U ud i E E L Ac., aec, or oU.theV c____ d .IIufi , ln on o WHITBY BRANOIL 04_________Dbro#_)n_*,____heds brlo4 lIuVBUOU, 9II 0., r m wajgjný for UMD CS timln MARWAI R CtA D ox EI R V OP, B ROOKzL N T ua.ynu,, 03P7., . bo, cars apply this lao ia II, Iig 8" n' ~ ~ soet'.' .~ i~1 ~ . ~,, Tu m -oua.tuebonlqonbPiano,$10,rThé ry il ,b m D v ra y 8Brip ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1 8 t 8 5 k ~ ~ . j~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _EÀ oErIT, T W he ptnt.. bcallengs any o ofua Ing Urneo u4mp olî,,, $S. , 85.u mn 171 2 Binp " ij a o g PLANK - - PorL,.Machine now l ' i 0 hrWhng ii ;tls u n epia peneaI stock Of Wh't"' Jiprétrn. , 1071. t dBoke fr l, ndw mine gs baok iglaoWîa o ha.r hm o téJf 6V b. Irl, f fo ONTAIIO PANE. Stage , and &rom WItby cill daIJy. Ev.ry Ib87as êntmhioe May Dgne.sud8macine.Jifr e sd NCATRIah.fe,êtte glt W 1,JY B A c * a f o n t i o n p é t a g u s a . C a r f u 1 & a d I l o n . . l y e t d d o e d b e x i b i mr c 2 , d i7 . N1AT EM ~i n g i e r I . I . m . t e . ' h o m ev e m u g an it i _________________ pTIs', OnIPauhotol andinadig farneitrsjn , . UC IOImNEErwoRmetm." U~iit 0 I, a I, . ~ ~ a8 K.F L O IJ R, ~ ~cot~ >~flDl9iig,. 9T ON E .Whou I coulebakatti 'u op- Iriuiop. oad*t. h PoLrdAR ,i.faAh bo m a 390JI nd A 5U I E-E V,5, -1,,'ITH OONTIOW rOh. aIor-1 bave you weonber I5 h yrnh ue vM gre wh 1 md vtha b ______________________'10 _W_-9 £DYpersno , a. W i t. wl aty W MT Y, a ONT. ONTARDi ,YOR K &k-PEEL. Bre o full f lederileili, b O TI.idprf. Iwadaep i.~sa.aaoi <> ~ N ~ N -WATCII»A ER,ý ,.OOutRIZltand Machins ,r Aio _ er<nu go full of grüooia yod vt g sd ruj .th agfg .,va lgbe . :8 OY A N!K, UNrcI stre.t, t ..Whltby. APPIY f0 WM, MATH Eý, A- MA SON,_ Proprietor. Uw i SENOE-L. 8, a@th cou.,, Yea, I hAfavesh pou? dsrllg- vo oural.wt.. ssn ol lvadir u h Brofflin, Ont Thea .i,. boan Mouhyroo arkb4 oi *t Offie-.unn le. A.. owti Vllé! nover fal!. .W2,..AG aM. Watcheai, Cloce, musical insrumentsBrocklln, Sept. 14, 1ro. and thopubIo;ie hed tor!> ougl p aonao.ti aoot ,i ,ad Tho a her, for wbh untisrmbao h rn J . il E ç C I E L Lan d th e Pest, U O ia tten tion. ion ré * a .- T o rm u e, m ad e niA -AprIl 16, 1011. 25 And ovcryull..p. Meeantiçal ltonalred and lm. ' I S ()AN $ ru 38,,1870. Cbtoii0Jë officeforbi 1fr:rwos orl ad ____________:th_____catithe_ ptidu.-. - rVeiltoautt 1111. et Luw Ratest sud VU thIcate cAite " rev nWn cIrai baaLd- e glooticesud --------Be iledrs. at 1 en nousli.1iliff Wlitby. Mny si, 1871.- HITBBoPANO and0Be ntorwtird noffnn n, SPb. Rt04dkgfrvd .ifb L<'ND'N ND&T"Olti ym.ArB . r . S orend PWN F AOTORY N .o L O B LwS o str #- g1 - Nocle091pgo« . tither sto! iIlI kiga-h f . en te oroâ-li f h gqj;ý ro rgi,ý O EAud batik, attrons that main- ga .soo gl. .'K y'b.u d, ior &0r,,ôt. ~ ., W Jitby, <. . mont prosperouh o1 Engîîli nlurance Vos. T0-boîo n unonl, - E~*a d C m iso ,e lg akaaI.*~ nfI: u tl 0~a bs is i~;dae hun The slixerber h,, onP R 0P IR E T 19. e -a neaII iL. world apiN C - Joà Ken, Q. (0. 1. MACDOKELL, shows IFINJn"**go 05,8à mnofot.îoIî >v ~alort- ~ ORBO _______________ gs ylyt l i T i N M E U D â t e e t O o n ts n n o f fi nnia., t 1iI o t T u s o i o - o-u er c n n 1 ut qtci o u P01 do n J»cr*ÃtY. AP- ItsDAILY INCOME xceeds... $20,000Hel tie11,4cor lop, "uYe ndmî,,ot foZ vt Ver ienr. tr'e h lu. br n eomn it l .dnsi;mreh gd ieda udaxb hngI aatoty ,if gofo to'uro, a ~ae rePoecinWork made to order in n firag.o1uas tnner 'nd ioustomner, ot tire Whitby * (I d0irEt of the. lobaon Bonlle.) 1111 H* COCHRANE, LL. 0l 'Pt 'L JS ,uda ~uT Go lnnru,* Rpiîgdn oul.U A ~ Bgt r i. publi FIXEho1J OL cn- _____________At___________ 'Ahion' I vmspeed, 'bnî vuld ou é'ooe e.' H poe veriv c i O I T Y C I , T T > t V F U t < N IT M , titt rd a u t i p otectio n id e M e rc ha n t 1L W IL K I Bp $eo N K 'iirtp u leIh t o li à c n _____________ATTORNEY__________________eua,>! ou ud a %uperfor qullty. of sa cdmn e ilarrLtorsu!a FOR CONt-La , o aturd l i m Po rr u. y Oshawaud he u . fis, uleiyuponhi, nu, cnTO; ud I o ' (Illatica y, No' try Publi, &0.- r o l (air tininsh.ouowY Prr and on tt.: c rdon onIherboni. FtouandéC rnd Cor UReal rackededflem4lock 'H o>iiow' OI0O0-itrock itreegt, ,Doit door WRol 1gnit liber.! son l teadjuauuuentp ts b *lk P ( n ltnr Ord.rn h. b a nd lmnre ton begtGrham Flour, Ouiao Ot nu.BtIsadvauu.semmn~~ incnt Ilti V',iiy 1 n oai..., paru hi fntel F R ,togV, aiircinl upl g And anytil g in tire Pd tino dlivered on log et breakfast, lifting bis, ye. froiau oe oe obuta ii o'vnd~ n n, ' G E O R G E B I l , D A Rt T N EIK L , , i o dA S S URnA N CEuc h M n r e i .t u o uC o w B h o lt heuo n h aBO r aIs t n i ue , h o w l e l epop en " t r i n eb i b a -i m y t t . , , o n . o r n o l ~ f o u o g s i u a ; s d v a - G-LU.F.O.ITII, FitEl'aSRANC CO,,h . B AItuli'lEU , ATTURN k,,V , CJONtEYAN* -ogiosuifuuin l uplln temhr.untinwCROSSiianiohu o 00@uotOr iha b o e'K tnle 7u eaAoahmotreya bni c r I)eputy ttogiat nr, biaiutr Etruardl CilieAgeun forDo uxno.InB BD TEi iAij Rso UEEO utuiPeso o u, Aho iib er oo. H poo o va oubv outq b4rYt uîd pxciî,îîîerilà Clîecer>' fuir thefoun- L. FAIRBANKS, 4iJ.., AozaT ai nlPlstro Bi, f ok tho0leta ornih . N. BOW prarlae 1Office frtuigg viu us." I efb brthor, T a.d, 'g moJ.orth a A1BN.ouBLsOW'f blo . y funtri. ffceBrokau, lîub.nt W titby, Ont, QJ L.T ,Novainb 2, 1870 . lokthel ' su &d, p aig o nt b ber£ oroosrnt. Tovu a n l. lf evtotto pv .JAJIIES HEIJIl GuaON Ol Wiitby, J.iy 2sti,, 189. XIBIE IVj82 h el 'ie ftevrnaoae B(liif u &-----F 1I si . C' o0 f ]ri 14B c 1'IO N S , frouatbe morénig u,sat. dovu ta resd ' iig ot ateîo gliIa o un. Idan a. a 0100YflChalitqery, CivGî0,N-r1~ lN1 .~ ~ IL,RSPiE, Mon&rr & CoLPAget lt Th elehtruted inw patont und cross .roesu ad tbiuk it ovor. h.gvnm, ,bus orino unai ono afte r * r Public. &0. iM E FCaTI N(*nad. pattern t lts own uveu u n nnuuuredor TUE Axu 1cqwalg OF IW" u ouy chifd, sd motheîo. ia o bs pao iha s u, .vf o o p Oarupt.euî, Ifru.,kst., %Whlubiy, u,. Resaurant and Billiard Parlors, - oreIb1,N, lnoneror. n iioretororo. ted witlr W !Iltby, 4d 00ibî , R iKng Street Tse O R O N T O . iN S iR A N CE £ 013 t O S a rtEp ar c ud di p th.à n eJ n L w e & S nbut ar anog oiy y a cy bd fiait pon t u . n b o i e o u s s ~ ' u i b a r u f o o ' ' d e. is. FAIRI;ÂNKs.n ___________ LOSeffct onthAlD îbotiaviru4bîoterni, and JOSEPHI P. RAINER, . ICsgrx.biu as a friend, la brailler. Throughî faillvieyu wie oo adteaeseanvreiin ~ uLoSusPaIDon. b. fraio teBoard WhitbY, Iduy 3, 1870.AT )LIT)'>liNOTAlityPUBLIC", &o..&0. lTi ,onuonlod wîth Chooaly BrandeoftgaYEOMAN (JfileNj bai SAgent, Wii.iW.TheyBRIguIÂGEdwLICENt3ES t ans ofR. 1IL JAlESOWSg. hou<bu of iu, giaulng p' haf itie I sui. Wbîvudyu b its vnd bdvP PA tI W E L L I îC (U E , ri ti ,. lien t ty le. A p r l ruffled aAg e nu th o ciu g t S h&b u thbgo t b. S ep urulu g AlJi~E», 'r;jN~ St? lc t*ýZr irt-,~In4g Diin«sand Lunch Boom TH ~A ULYcudbs bu i, aboig- routta isbfr s uiT okdtt i y. » tiI~, ~>V~~ AT, A»N).ut. .d iuaa alIur.-0- CE sGULY u ident character, sud iaini AR itES1'li,tc. 1 iAÇoa Oirglog (oor tiorli of th 110-4t otloor 'Oh,1Iflou shetnviugit orhiER,1- I sTnidO;-Andouoirhf W"so nba1 veii hd bc # c F e e d l A I o tlA G B L r c . w s fisC L O T H E R A N D D R A P E R , t k ~ i e t I W n d h o lik o u m e r h u r g u u u b a , ~ i a a u u b h u .~ <>îun e~i >F,~or, lci, it)iteF 7 U F H8AE. T o nr . ( ff-Tà w ,,al.l. eai.-nce.-Byron f Sboud I gain fried, or los@ a hopo e u uiu;sd vo son g usI ' bo,'.aid 'ii. H .w i l e ulIJ w u , u , v iî o ,- 0 -S t I O t, th r e o d o re fo r th o f T o w n i h a l l.W @ l v d i a e n e e l y f i i r ï If .FIKCL 1 i<z.Jan.1,8o 8 GENTIEMENS GAJIIENTS imade up lu 5000t. The worid ithet jigbî sttie opufo r epru ELA ai. zî C. f - -ï - Tu Mlhoebonfibr sale the Northx ~NRYS il E rp P- RD ' 87>.beAt", tanî<tInaducît taîtîsun ad ejietigog Filly A re f L t lictfber t enty .o emA g yuni ne. Clot osfroilu.i Dte nuk T'tltiiY AT- LAW, SOt4ICI'OR IN il, ti, rJOt DIOea.Iou ut tihei. auJt;nt@ % s 1i1 iriuoncesion01 teuofW ltby a ~*~ îîCifor Geîtemen a Imagieraunit. love sd bas, ne morgueofl ie reab ve ovagigh ge stowl OKud u er oitNlreck E.R. T A.i ICleEt orOshnwa, lgay 12, 1869. 19 ad Houaock Holiie. My fter gtudied vib iu s isv . Th ooda sie an,'Ivudr he d. J. lAIt.1 GITCiLNlVoo, goici sittOf cuitiVufj, sndJiu s ntreassi of 'sd ue au,,Icnu i~ Woter roîsii N trusa ilBROOK ST EETuWHI BY &cier,.,For <ierinC.D ulî'î. ttreILuuJu. ret.à FormuqIl(faitfe 0sudDawes'&.v) ou td mantein, otrst.agFor eut 1. riotug int &a., Wilîtlîy il, W. OwWliityositoo, , oit tiheiUIb"4rii or-. a. IS U I m 100t ffoo O yx- nItrol stouwher ha lcep conîantly on band, Dund s Street, - W htby, Ont w l IT 13 Y O N .t.A EIO change, for lie. 1 earied of the stag- fn. o id pt u . _ LYMAN 1[ NGLiN11, L L. 1».. - 011 tShe.lf 'opromies, Shorfts. Grai,m Fou,, &0. -M LWLISN inOtmaoneî,,naîFIUNERALS FIJLLY IùpplIEI. A. ALEXANDER Propriotor. -resus that bave beeu oser, droauad diee - S q E i A I W ; Jl i O n l, -A nd evory uhinil uthe . Foed J i e. *II E E E D W E L L I NG IO I TS ES T ii E R N T T U E i blcr tler d0gi rc, t eroturn th s tu o nyer rea ized ; a nd icke ed o f the san - ' e r s u p ' b s d v i e s . b r n f o a b s b e . 13 , 0s1VrULî t c, oIcior u L 6a-jôi;N ASR NECUPIAI Bct ofFNiur fr fmiy ue. Zverytlling Ai'T l'.! do G ubisa ci frokuju, and s4 tisethe ausu thsuai Binious vt I&È L atJIi A Dilk.utihe loweît sîolinlîî rtéa. At FI Ng , S et ti.,,ap ' 4 0 00 be.twot slia foth. vey lhbo.i paton - mr's anshinesud AI'viMost deneGus vonhIlalgensooWilt hersuituap 'ovhQe..itrio beub, sirâble RWdocoj§. IIent Iodera - vot issu wtsio ProPrietor ut t% e beatingeauinat tii br o y pr p l LÊTA5LIiIeD t JOA 5AW!L12 -OUdexlamine055110quty un sci"Ioe lmt. ~1-tairs ilon ueJlnon hug; lie dItion% eiralA M B8oceJIeu Audraostu î ocaîjn t aslousîe tsat o hu ieuu172Ã".hngh ! v. s uirnud]ennufut us. snvoro, quetu, aiftairheuanda. e I Abte, I asoneec sundetgo thoâoewi nw u e]. pLresîsie onr Par nature hlbea u h inkid tg ibis oe hu.B auvo sc pknto vrd upsdbpîes a i IiFuNe î,< sua....... ,1?.. u. W sitby, Fo., 171. .7 Witby, M My 2 d ii i. eAM R F . iscireîi tm noimbr Of mo roat, i e-'vers wuvnad iii enilwochug , u,fnaetUn isalta obd ba iOstrs E 54A,~u, IIFAD MIEN I, I)'ii, oi,.u tEo -nr11.gte ubni CON VEYANC SIQLA N 9) AGEN T*ir. or 01810DPlEg ro moCtOelM MsstrRtCcJ An dLwIt bOmTE L,, hntesi (Jrrorsornfomely A.y- COMMERCIALBO H& ES~O E.consBiid Parlor wîttitratbes, bas hue ulie rn iiedeerdw h rct uar (, r ArsnAurogeu lit-I, MiteiSt., No. 56 si. kiai0cl~vlîr Street,. os I-IAVVA.ded -lrdt. OT kiot di0 IosI'Sdovu thoJiiegr-eus oyauu&0. 1 SIed Extesî,iye addiuiosîtu the fui bircis sud tu, vilh their branches lu- 'Ah nIsid 'y av ben to ulandusu i w dhi llxbrigige. Jils,.th, 1869. tf-28 JOHiN AGNE W, Agent. JAMES BLACK, - POpsTu Tite un(lrîndha cnj se bien mande. Ali enuubuissg tiseunleraignmaedboe IsIC eue teresenviî floerigraisrs fi" lbeesumhvneethipxifs-ou ave estige oierde int ite ' DW, HANCOCK, Convesr 3 is ld sied: ndthePubic elittOrolatumîspe, rooma forldflo Ou h W9stsy, aySOs 171.. 0BOOT AND 810E STRE 0iipidbjn toiie ot nd vocal vith the long of bird. Ilu thoeni a cu u01ug:lt is e,'sie e os u eso offor t) lsie Old Friendi ssnd tise public ge,îc- or11i)nuuerabfor paved viiithedlnetersplace. su0 its nti&Huluaeugs I bad net lmillete iset Letheeloirtcoetaup 91 triaoiers. Billiadoi aticwiiliDua) ntSt.,wilues (vuo IOAN, TiiilO> jou N W EDN 05!teeeî hladîatcsj m, t oessîiqnajiining tie Western lotel, wlcunie hiold friend. dtnaidte w otg ith lis vine lap rte. M erîvi e vu e 111RCEi f , A (tlJ<It it, &c.g, A WluyL>e. 8,bap71), SI__________________li,îtb era ho 1% noir 88 8t eee eadatec ds cca ioeo eug. fpuvi i uyd -~~~ A muE , rPU THE *pr pl180.Iiîrçred t4) aueun it otera for re. ahse bit dver svrp u3ur Sit b.h.'d up bnd inbis su thir'a or î,pnav'iil DL .UIN . >.ork. A ILige---- ansi, *asîwitefct stockysome ¶URO~sn T ) lîlECOUTY *AOL CEEBRTEDSCOTISl TRRAPIN R E8 T A UHONnT 0balund. Eepulrisg doncean TE RO R OUE, bruis. sheered ubrengh the csun.po.r ihoea pk.hii.zeavi uuda Dy_1____________ s)y unisîsi.(LuAîoass.1PVuxzoip sOTE,) Beauiful looked thi saiiop in ths ligbî t 'ap'h ad d eofSuobrte. mr tanIda b CT IlO, G A NITE. "Dwlti fy8 81 O%- o fi J L I KR&,ritO OEASS iî tly May8, 18 .19 GOI(4E OLBON,Propietor. cd iu dev sud theuruering et fragranu op idim1perearpuecin' T .us wpsOig t>5e-Tîvs ia! luîs.t< l, W -ok. At burbie U orkA of JoNATIJAq B LAN 8 ,ng ureuEno usî ~ TOGRAPI yT ' n,<ibranches. A tte stren tit prang alee pqicl eb.fc. hr on. Fnu f yon (87& 9, in sroe Et orisa).P R TOG AP Y IE ubcrber hegé teu nnonnec ta i tiraitnuainbr 0. N. VA RS, WOLFENDEN. Dusîcsae4t.. Waitiîy. Tan1aedtieTIIt'YMAS CARLIS hebil-id-rl t>îîîa17ilidreauiupo ;dr.jure'%idooi, whtch bas beurj vn 1 0 a , r5u.5ie , a i t t d j l r osu t . t r o g i h , b a b b i n g s d d a n c i n g i u t h e s d t i , t o a r u : t b s g e u b a t , t i a t u K v n e , o 00114 i tiB O R ' Bitisabenuecuyie Tise rîî-0-ee t, sain sy e OlI-5LU~)IOElit!uuo en et) th a 5bout -le.u T itepes pr eti 1)M eî ti bfr h. sd up ert sd ut bn tn. W B Y O 1 El N DTite mî,st ele- NyN mitited. orp n ie th& Po t Office. a d in the T e' sug a p, a d ih il the er - grec h e ! t s te a r , s n zs a a l Imonirept hrl lourortisofthe (taro AT BR CE ganATES. cîî oîbîRiToiwy)ustuiuhtiidpîtd iitrAMu uriussu R 1i fsriiFe, ubCba pee adon Drigt1 omnt1n e ' a t, i a c o , u ~c e n tre o f t se T o w n . t v e t - - - bm nw îscpuod t, led ssi' susisutcin'tîrant i ',(cîîda uua s~the Ates ur Uxbridge ad BeaVertojseavc ipmud en aii XI j,.TuÃŽn0nOW IftT pparo( tit4dofondry,îîonv .g flord$ pOfdss. pluen&t me. Brinina'pienatdcou 'eoypholsaidlnet uap idterPeYenare lie nov h PlOT G~ pg GA LE Y rîsuie o iterat i jl bi îd sîîîrn Ii 55) Cgrsu uefîost*raî PSi lisici e r paId by je aL . ~ atiedCg, 0 lusî Trsît br d wiii 10, pou GEORG EFiRO BS N. P aiO aiip, tii firs limel and de n , e seta srsaî a e o dcaî lesudt FHfTst-Olass GALL RYGRAPHS[nasille by fuuit a', cln 51nvilc inIefrît leyrned1 tviftClueva.' Oke lesieratianatifidva. peurini euterigotaitro1ble sud Oteit nes etrh rc> v~ &f1sV.Pj1t o~TItJJ liSitdIiiSiiitiO~ ii oio 50515.fiadiv~i> aoosssoduuoîî t th 'terispn. Nohî!, butgondworkatlnergcatibobcth s fiend fe uapideu vapmore cond ne anuer hm ; ut h kuo rov-U r lu bo outl. Fie% viritingTé)rcivs soa risejia ieli qRgre-hitin Lrea ? st Guste. Bit île ssa- i . nM7,,, , 54.----_'.-.. rsaiîby 1-à rntertnra ypatiencueu T'"Tise Creisote --W 0ue anune a.Inelt5 a. flos sud nuxieîp CItais luoTiuspersry hn ybien si hein siîvty ftut purEhl Wsuy i the Cessy o u a tthOun e uushau ut. d isa 8 'Weu0~t i ren uit, l(iu lt isn a ut tr t wlu me.sud.y L - AT VUTU S ATON Tie bue suelliaid ap WioWsz'î118r8vsoete n, rtut. tii Fureetî s±î etAuust vti vaar .. . tnlà mOi nvî-fiiLogetri u Il vii mrethn uni crs sd oAndfo ,& - IU 0TsuOad fsrssoired, <*îes iitfiud eonfrtable JOSEiPHIA. BANDULL. tise Estate, ri"ist, tille, i itrentA 17, and rîcet oftb alen a ail 000tIemmeti brpu u dis ilutchi rv aeui at ~ rvsd tba ti ais re kt~w ~ it traîd licusrumystauig udeq lxuy e t Pjlied. 'liit* 011 ila nov uned lu ove ' orsd vlaiu" M. W>NIIL tavi55g purelasef tihe l t sîansuduusos sud attîention, Bourderaitalleu bp the vcok oh moderato reslemptlon o e util aidiui o'utasd of ,inmc tblme, lasdd. vigHase pOD counied Vol! the casu bia a lsp oul, ls ak gegt tppiuee i W . s nd plu st iltby ittion, bagstiesîGrs snd O f, 1870 at a q d Atteutivîe silers. tora. tise usîdînisîneus, nana'> hAmtiguee lu snd tun of iittiifactiou5 ufand sa ulte lu a, ung tI-ey 1 viiisIst j p oun eurs ci. a lits, nlesslî isssI ti, umaeîîugpussie Stîu hi ~Wlilty, Ma 8, 171. antsd sgular, that certain paie or tract ofo prter it to rfed persor pitre 01 ve. Tluiq tra apfcsd vue d dvu h sd rg izd Tminl : W uoi fttdup tise hnte sad' îtaitî is I li- suponedthe publie aretare that Map otlsaa ot r" Aoitute atr tI IIPLEMENTS, &o. L~ MBEE I .tarin, beissg cone d titprt ouito theis - a. 05thtiii etisos styles nsd i,7 sttenî at o tise flcWvettetteTon thnsar sîîtlteîf utIngrert saet rI% 1eoaJbd ugï?efr wstd trsit uSl OEhîîî~ ftiiefleaitoin, -o- i Cierffor.,,32 tii TuvualslbavettBrook, lu ti ia(ecofttiltOcontinuestO i, ntfttdoe mmou s usunoluttheVillage ofauinos ef uht.offico te pvlar offbtd wogeoffiviov o!ltusfreads io 00 mtalp3i- 49 9h7 -e-* ii T BR aIS O tiLE-u o-tCiirdy cashna-l'o 'iiO tiel t 't uhnmbug, sud e tr ale mesre t u e ebop t e e as ho .' e a itd cuig lliirnîtrs. tiitisue t mnufcuroNortiaid c Kssgstîo, us) Wéî e Voo.1lu 5 th r io tasthe otvom vi &trbutkd evotle gise rn g on ufu'tcag i n aa gtal,ï,e01 iha eotsteplocisud, s PO[ P E A 14>l AR 0W P . SAN ILE ,mss.Ceel tiYiig u 'sal sstuue. ta e pi ihit aff tie spetut% sse efuv ebil umaumupicaeyurê. ' iî chyj ei nadsvtieiun.O a hatabsi t ayt heserpi X . iiF O Y, e t, 1 6 . g iB o r l e < E A R A S I l I ,O I L ..o e îir h , >ahise tr I heard f tsnîiuung upe I A pefianug phejiaicisouI,«II a&shemking pifr us OD lanATin to >ct,) pe untest y tclgod isons vhu rMess udb esbigî hoasreted apd vrote rm nvfiuvt liie iesdcu' u 'Il Y A 0AN DIAN JENjOT~ ~ * ~ WEL ASA lago ST auu II fLumoîr S, ho vt îsetay o si iqsiu 1971 euri tishe mtat, t heo Wtsu table prt eor- "u YDte le sr butc1,alI ffti st op. u redd e sndcu erraist ieueteela'aaitIpi d,,,ud ecul an atentie etier. g nd saw onthe isymeutts, lu __eat nce T e i a Purnd i n ou o 011. eri 9 okin Juusu, 91. otii viuhot ih ih-ie vl nd srug bkiglte l PlARROW i F O E S A L . OiTJAP £ RBOLDEN,,$2. ZU . B.rleii SOC, Be ssu nt ban 1669i, Ivll igi ands hsad bs'nM HI ~ o 31YANGrpreor 0IFLER , Officiai lsî0g rougham,!Wit lua tvsm tch1, . î fumeei0e ns'isîl ep to eigdlaovsrpbiletsud dn t lu muy s.pcuklt th for lytand isll.-A&"UVd: Xul Ma Dla n I&fevo-r iit hiDpo , Yn. tîthto Wei i h touoi xi rasslaylsusd birusesî, so ees arie nowe n t heerî5 TA W Un ALLKIN ,oseLOW EST EAEICBT BATnS . , dayetMuy, A.]). lili. n lin bnînn ueuaîasm lfusd visor, <Igaaigtotepplry1topn etl D m D u te f B t W18 7 0b p,7 .hCal o ri e sigthc e ut n ts b yaw ls!aisog ellie b ek îsNO .s22 , rnItv i 7 lc etotee.ofon ,etu -.otrTo wphip s udAIn9u b lo d lW O b a v edbr n c hps o flth , lde -hpall e n ." oril horitle, tederin te acuro thmfieialaaganst lrnpml. ifteOnupou hute.11niof butI sarerDodwuInsudOsv us, ud hiaoye. lacs. on Irsrnn ha. nv loIsthan t __ pROB NSON 4tbc u vacf EthoNAB E spEBcfhe Wood ,don. '. A B . C A I I B E L ,, A U C l ~ 1 N I U S I F S S v i e t h e t h U It f o r a r d f o r n g e f a vt h i e ti tt h o s , I h k ,' n n -lui s.-Broiit u d- P. O _ ethem UT B R L Ilt>11 C. oIdwodan Tmha tllnlae r ekutu, JoOffictiBrook0. 26. A WPstrtiieOnenOfiug luMTtne 01. flc od o Teanu viu, d Ito ui-sauo 'sh t P0 77 à o R T a s E R R y , O N T M A i1869 viii t92, 168.utheet. wlt GEi.J£i. B. S JTI W IP, 'ATOK, Bri a,, O Tu hîe v ii sudfthéL r, ssig o I m m n o a pua io vî ou il ta t«rs i .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ htY JAMES T'IIOMPSUN, Plteepsu29e 1670 41 W ib10ay0,JIA l.WAent fo P-9-o-Do gain beu16.ghs, &sbing~î ltop a ad abs ras hwsmuth. euslu o40OO0 or.~- - - Tb* tfl y & h,, - l! kr~ ,10d ,bn thpe ma tgaide dssineridor ftMoreis-somiru. vd oad oneto. IIis ngvhah Itc ýo fake peur lovc rY coilp, but tise re 6bakiuxr, and 3 panse afe ied :e 'oUîn au viat pou 1 do Dot bhîieivc luS unu o river- ir et upeskiîî.' , ho uashe t,î basansd -ai! ik te ue,' k la but the ,i Thiu.k, dur!-. ed for uch a *aud v à tiithe rom their depth, mi hio:,t'a idul. t tell -me liat 1 îach me,' ihi Ias, brlng îer.z' -i ou kuew' np beuru-pu hi. banda, sud iiflrt-SLtnckeln, 1 said, >sud ioue LBe>et, e îtruggjê lag E au bonr, î ,va man loncis b us thes-r reong, sud b'. eo Bearin, -it ths lsu te- bnngîd rt- ipape, an- loci"e uî -he Fourti, rthe Caum, iaan7o 70n thei uninria 1 . ý - 1 . L , - f sru' T %io, - -ose t!:t in tî eOtO, Grul