Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jul 1871, p. 4

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Rancie, large stock ~f Lrnessofthe best IDJfr#~St~ Attndsnoe, ~ is~v ieatbe, poIJsIîed, fin. sndgood, ~M4~r~' ~ *q iliat UgSSU t' abe You'J1 roy geod# inde.4a trou j db> ~*a,0'. sai, do mot triA. ~vhh No boiter oaa you At once vil a a groom, * I the attention to the W7(ee~bn~g, K'. Fenwli. it yos oui Ors aw..t b oahlng Chilrena and Bonnets FIowers,.Ribi.. Tolarmm, sud b arg, >lilhnery Department, Ladres' ~ Excelsîor Back & Nip Strap, ASSU mev liow ha,.f0î the bar. Id.. of siTe If they'îÇ t4oa i.w tum~ Hat5 *...oiia the A new and useful Invention marrsage loto ,. ~ ~ ~k. eovî.,,id ~ ~ stock 0f 3~ens' and Boy8' Straw and ffe very ap bftdL 1l~ lista, la complete. wbieh lie ha. purohnoed the exclusive rigb&for the Tois'n cf Wbiay, townsbip C for Ilarness, for the manut~u~re o! 'I a. in earneu4 aoeyered Femufek. hume,., for mon>' years. 4 stock of Truaks, 'amd I b.,. jood grouad for ~ e>' il bai7 front- Cail I do. I viii usy more> I do eeg tuai MTILLIAM BURNS, 70. viii seS 8fr 8~oaoleigh ber. £0 day.' 71. sud townshipôfPickeuing. It i. tho heat Improvem~ that bas large J 'Porhspa; ,e£ I have w>' doubte about Wbips, Deot Sboo Store, Brook atre.t~, Whi~>y' Agood aseortment of' Ladieg and' or my new premi.,s~ next door W tbeJL~yjl Canadisu Batik ~ te ChUdren YourseIvef. Cash bayer. note the tact. Ut" 'Bat h. la invliod. It la a long ataoed- April 19, 15 _ j' ~ Agena e F~OOTS AND SHOES, juat to hand. _ b Ot' tI 'I arn ~so lhaokfag yog bai. muid ail S P E ~' - liig #flgageuieas.~' 2-12m. A51 îo *e. I sitali tic CICr grab.aî WIdtl>y Bm, 1871. b~lie1e as,,' repil.d Mimd., loolaimg ao une weather. X A "' 1) E IL P iii. .~ . .I2.'~ - lovrngly mia ha ~.isuuuuîng Dopartment is weII assorted A LE N pfft'., MMILLAN~S BLoç~ 1871 MU j Tho>' atood aide b>' aide lu tic old MILLZIoeEy GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TWIEDS, with Mens' an&boys' Olothing to onU the1 warrn - 1<1 Solreeu, i Couflir> cbarob, aud Fuwi.î'. heur> ~0~IERY, vboae clave b. vas, aida ibe ~XHIBITED IN GREAT v'À to nunierous pev .1111 varmer toi PA2R.&SOLS. d~o,. ARE NOW £JEty and "a righs aboat 8fr Stouelefgb. A' L requisite ITas renloved froan bis old premises to MeMiIIan's Block, Brook oe>'~î<~~t>O wlIlev îrae Lod5e. Street, begs inform lije patrons and - Dress l~Iak~rîg aod I"ailoriug dune to order. the public generally, that lis stôek em- irom Mi. Raisivorti, vilci va of~ dia- A -~ Stor, agroesble mature. b. 1:1.. ~ .L~b. Djsqkjq bein~ prevea~ ~ dolug so by a Jouer £ ~ e every fl Jo short, a eorraspOnd.n., smamed ~ Aise, a fuIl Stock ofNew Td ~ Eurni8hiog .WaI cf match wa.luaa~~~g BOMon, ~ large quantîtie. of G~NE&A.L GROCEIIlES. &Irs, a'sîd A te order. Nô Slopwork. NO FIT, NO PAY. tva,,, aient, whjgb, ou iL. Baronet', part, g~aera1 assortment of beat selected Cloths. Ail Cloths made woald î,ke Proceedbng. aqaIna~ hi., as S tap' LI)$1~ ES & 1>0 31' E L 14. areat .dttentz'on paz~dVo tue>' woatld, Sur S<oneleigla Mar*loa veut A. splendid aasortment of GERMAN toFranco 'nu the resldoe.o( lie lires ~ CARPETS ___________________________________________________________________ Fancy Dry C~od~, ArI~atk C'zdfing. OFi tic ~ ez£rao£ed (rom Samo beautifal deai~ns in FLOOi~ ~ HALL OLO'riis, BRUSSELS and ing ue p;îst 3<) yetira iii y, respecuuiLy tboasand poando ho lied TAPESTRY, and ail WooI Csrpeîing t Whitb soliuited. A Con tinnance cf that Ubèrtdp~gr0~2g~ extended to him dur visite,, £0 the Lodgo. Ne bad pass~d îb,, now ciTer lnduceaie,,ta and advaaîa.gem second te nefle b tIc Domiatea, < .1 At Baa~or Rober> Fsuvleî vas agalu * Ma. LAMI3ERT utill oversees tho Tailoring, azid to intending pairchasers MALICH bis eîawlaaîbon, sud vas an allergie1 .~ A splendid assoramene cf BOOTS and 81038 nov oponed. A - Jav. - FUESU FAMILY GIIOCERIES coustatitly on hand. 11. iad 'earrled oua oorrespo~dence b' An early caîl solioited. ~Ç3 >~ I". ~tt~* r~EUJ, 13 Prom 5cf t wiîI, Mande viii lier purent.' permission, R. ~ A. SbIITH. ~ und ai E~.aer ah,>' beaiam', uo latiniste A~. lor tue Fariner', Ombourne Sewing Machine. (liai le was in>pOutbl, not b ~ îbo. 0>" ~ - lIr. îîusbworîli aav fond hi. Oshawa, June, ~th 1871. 23 _________________ c, t' chance ol an mrisaocraîio alliance bcd - FAML WhÎîbu,Â~ _________________________ GROCER dau,~htog vas of Roboi'~ J and as tb. _________________________ plrutMerchant, LY frdî&aw,~ viii îLe dimappoarauice 'cf lie IT (i 1 CI il T FI fl (1 P XT J? 11> novorti>' Baronet, 'nJio vas a soheaner cf ~, -~ - ' C> ~ ~j I ~j i~ iii "'J IL III" IL Wine&~~ tho worst dams, vis a îlaled acherner, b. ~4~J'J~j ~, I~' ~ LVI iF VAL,, L~ * ~ .Â.i ~ t~d E ilieai~hî be woald causals cblld'a 11111 Ilaving the w'înts ofli,, naïmerouq cu'#îomprs an viow, t'ikes titis Oc. pinema, sud h. gave lu con - - - Uiarrliige. înti;aie;rr te iheir Jftmesjohnston on his business in E Z et May, welI *bri*htos;garî. bit fieahost will carry 'Lot nie ne, darllag Mande,' muid calmion to ennoaîn~ tlidt lie bis juan roeevcd a lsa.ge 'md ~E UNDl~ .isaorte,<l stoclc ut Grue~uîce for LIte holîd i>'., vîz *nrm io <r. Mr. Jas. ~ Drug Store, ~ - *"'I NEIY CURRANTS, RALSI&S, SPICES, TEAS &COPPEES WHIIBYI Rober>,. <e, day. befere ho happy orne - mince I loved yen lirsi r lîsed for lb. cer,,ony,' hev 'long la Il ---..........~ tiai llffasîg yo~~,fl~ roplfed blnsiingly, ~~ew Goods 8n ~->~m Rings, I~race- Pire Proof Chimneys, Shades, Si. bent ber ber bead on Lia aria,' und During the building of the New Premsps. Reflectere, Pooket Lanturns< J U S 'v 1-t E o E I V E D. . ~ The bcst brande o Wines, Brandeb Gins aatd Wbuskîes, &enatanîly on baud ~ ~ hoPe, AND DRlFr> liSti ~1r7 tte £ î.rov.d tige cog,~r~ lis et Siace yen corne doea ber, sud suv ~ ~' Spring llracketz, Wick Trays, &c. ~ >4 ~~4 " I .4. '~ G D A lIT V B.~~Covcred 'U, long ister. liaI 1' - le t~, &c., &c., at very '0w prices. me, doaromi.' - v v I~ n [1 aid Jadiea. P JUST RELEIVED A PRESH L.0\S[GNMENT 0W ~ Public put ion,5 - love viii yenr novorîholeas, 'fer I (cIl lu _______________________ PE ____________________________________________ I _______________________ N JAMES H. GERRIE, albaun, 'hici ~ ~ Whitby, April 12, 18~'i. 15 'h ~a Irue - Whitby, J'on. 12, 1870. I kuow yen 'nere an, fate... ______________________________________________________ Faanily Drag Store R. l'h. wodding vas celebrsted ut iho 1.i,.D . ________________________________________________________________ FRANCIS, Wholesaîe sud Reuiîl Grocer. Whlii>y, AiiriI 8, J,, yenr ~ Prom that leair ~ usoouotaiji~,~ TEETIx te ail erdc~ q village charci, aaid a grand breahefasî vas TAI~~~flL~'I o (ITTTI¶rnrn r-w g"au, le wh~i ail eh. members of lb. "i. j,ç,7. iV 1< JI4~~ SPRLNG STOCJ< 0F Fcnivick (outil>' - geod beuosg sterling A'>"> ~ ~iLi.i.L'.I14Ç~5 c '...J~J.Lb -o I cQunlr>' feiks lii. lb. Rusbvorlhs....,,re V £.LÂI~1L " L I ~ ", -c an -i I~WITB~ ther. vas mci siniporiug amouq * - ~ WIiî stami i Waiti~ Liv. b ~ LOCALAJN (ho iridesniaîâs aud speech making unioag ____ Stable., ibis Soa.oaî. îl~ mtand., 18 lî,ind, 2', __ NITROUs 0111 BY l'h lie and. chanipagu. and M . - -. IV> *tillioutm 0 dark cit~.stiiut. 0110 o. il~ or Miiro~ ai tic 'y ry ti3en~ urluhia;, ~ - bas clî.m 'g' ~ -- -- - tuai,,,, bigi. celor M T A T - - oengralnîatiou. aud cryiag, aad ail '~" * *U M.ros mont fro 5 * to anneunce te lundI, dresses, whioi lie, - iad 'nom lu ~ with psmtuiro dist,11,,,, wiii 1,o prnviîic.cj w coLI I N$ Mandes sisiera loekd 50 preet>' lii Iheir dorais aS £110 rs.~k cf the ovuera. Ait' mari- ~ - E on the IJNDAS ebarci; and. aucle John F.aviok, froan CA RRIAG ES & BUGGIES, lateat style aud best - - -. N, EAY. f551ainablo rai ~ , ~ Begs bis cu~tom-irs and the pubuîc~ that lie bas DENT.' meut et a ahoaauud.poaad noie la an - c> ~, z ~ opened business prernises Iately occupîed b>' D vhew «ubeit lad *Zpectaiieàa; emme ~ Manufacture WhIlbv, May 8rd, ttfl. of a of bis brosiefaui, a,,d gave eh. bride a pro- lcecrnt snlendîd Stock the ROOM5.~.O,...-M tumnue. 0 oe Mr* Bandeil, on BroLk Street, and that lie is new ebo,,>' box1 and aI lengeli ibe pose- q 'e FELI A real old fashioned po'cb.lse, vlîh ~ ~NIond1d1y Finished (Yutters, -~ WKIfl CLati., caine te drive tient to Doverfor lisy ware goiug te mpeud tic boueyanoou t'1c u~ c~ Shees on ibo Oouiiu.,,î. 0F SUPERIOR W0R~ffÂy~HIP Boots £mongsî BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. -- RIGlit FIT AND ~JAKE, WtilîeyJon.202 VEBI _____________________ And ofthebest s,, . - poaîiîliou la a whiî. ha; sud i Gookiade lu - -, HYPOPH C lie sliepe et. weddiug <oco REPAIRS A-S USIJAL. whiôli canuot bo sarpasscd fer quommty oud pricc. -' John lie, fooaansu open.d lb. door, tint as accu ma ah, happ>' paie ver. luaide, lie WRITE!', Nov. 22ad, 1870. MANUFACTUREi> Ai Tîîg . Aise Oh birnd a large stock of LIOMB-M,~Ç~~ Boots and Shees Fdloiaar' Conrpoan~ b~ ____________________________________ 411 Agricuît~~~ orderspunctually attcndcd msr~uaaou 4'Sima, C to. Repairs bled,, bIne, red, 'naît., carpe;, voOteu - iuemt dirocît>' vtb mat ariul'uIJ of allppers,' lOWfoversii,,î,Uî01.~ neati>' done. LEFFEL~8 CELEBRATED Business f)g4 Suei a vonderful usserîaeat off sJîppers~... ÀMKuioAv.... Royal hotel. _ aarpoeiaolîdri, Auges,3, also carried ou as usual at thé old stand, _ Dia Varnished iVorstod..Ork.d; euh tiî~ 113 ('I (.~ 7'F' c:~ A' ~NT I~I ci ET (I S """ 10 1871. r.' near tho D.bitiqr i'omulttug (te - - Double TURBINE WATER WR vviiitby, bcels, v~d~ ne b.ela at aIl, Fr.ueh, Cii.. >3 E a May EEL. M ATIIIEW (JOLLINS. Wl~, LoncorrlîoesaNorv< - - - uese, and - goodape kuova vb.t b.- mus or Wi.sîi,,g cf-Site laMOaiZOOXOMJOAL Page, mamans, Cisrlea, und LIII>', bis 'lu," Ne, "r Us' F'fnhe AcîJo,, oftiae-1i, next anarrlagemble alsier, .aaood ou lie ~ A' stop. vaviug thoit banda, aud 'nIsbîaag sic J <> k n >~ ~ n n <f e r 8 -,u~-' hy Potf'ooarlca yoajug peeple Jesi begiuulng eb.Journ.y 0f aaîd Air I>anassgo,, te.adia8 lits liaatd.ln.iand God spoed. - THE OLD STAN r-an Varlen. C-incas tYncle John gel laeit. ihe road.o hav, a - HA8 TO? lehiiqO 5L-Wg.,-,,,,, p'ep.red (o Dl botior lookand soan.bedy liro'nlmg a REMOVED alipper mcd. a bad aLoi,' aaid bit hi. vieh . .iamlmhsiaet...,viiî - îhe bool mm> la cie aniddl. of te lette>'., PROM 1115 OLD PLACE 0E BUSINESS TO TEE PERMISES ~ ~ ~ __ COMMERCIA tiieb cbused hlm moane paIn, sud ail sb. (1011v drn.(o~!~tU.i.0U.. i34p~..,,.tggrfr1 OPP & J. CAMpBPLL's STORE, teT~0ti~ Yb.~ - - - yOun~ foika mueh laughtej. 0811E R. - BRoOK ___ 0*11 7e.urbaaaaroa,~riJaoe, ueo £1,1. uaae',lld~j ,.- ~UE~ 'Tien lIer. varie lb. brid.amalds, aud ~ ~- <gland, sud iii. ~>u uT., ue'.~... --o- - - oaae~emsId, md Saisi lie oook, ail W glad te roccive a visît trous il. ~ ,,arnanut.ea..~ii '~'~ f'. m~Lbei ber. e wt be ~'~t.l"'~ ~iWO~g5t'~' - i subserlbar t~ga 'lie govcrnua, sud îb. Surse,' aid Mary Brook &ree n Cb"~isfaSa-~~t.v 0< d~o ia~ç~r oint VureWy kno,,-n hrol, vj ______________________________________ lai a anpenior u~aîî paasîug round îb. po'obabee. w bave ~* clii dussorners île begu to intorin bis namorosa put- W aitnied poaees.,o, of Si-o rocepti' last.loek s; Mstsde, aIl tie vend as If sie rone, and the public generali>', that lie h~e - _______________________________ I ndersîgned in returnîug for tb~ eraL p oidor.d off for Iiuanedl~g. A LARGE AN~ CO s - - bltherîo exttinded b (lie old s"i*blîuh~,,int S libi atronage ~ ico for Sfio -' Master Jsok sud île brother Tom.>' 50 fisy Ibut he hea nov ou bsn«i for ncarly a perod of forty years desis~ wsya.eu ti'opreanise., Ci 501 aanougse lia fioveu.pota, .85 'Ici '~ 0f Boots aid Shees et every.ti ~iption, for Ladies' (~enw an'd ChiMreui'5 ' ~' I 3F'~ ~ 0f -~ Wlaftbvj8~141~ 1atylee cf lafjcsaaorpjg,,g t h e mos: modem and clegant - - - - ~. bIS Lnuatîngboo; off ils <stber"s, sud ,lsy w.~, aid auitod to aIl kinde nI weat er. Thick heav Iloote. euiscd for - I A..a Sm val; se have vhsî hq eailed i 'EoOd fie mudd utreet.. Liglit, neuf d' csay &tîn ______ - Bi~ dne ~ ~. -a.~ .-~ d#y si ewalke, 'aad faa~ ~ , eatgcsî for 'Tht sei.tirab.d perfectej Specaocee ard r7iht V.,.. g~~ot~ _ Wemu~-~ *Ori~njo~ e:; :~.e- RITxag~- itai,;; - l~r~ Ei3ed for tl'e ai ~ernui~ro -1;- axe r aa and~,j, 'i. u;oe, ~ itesi MU~ iersnm US fljpai b,, ~ Epo,î paid,) 7t1. - mF ~ved fre ft'oniîhs M EN »j»' p TUS v'ra r-p1vj t. te 5! Sniifla fom~ mil 12, 187] rEI IGNED Dl Jbna.ineaa a .IVERY B'Icreuçed ~ 1, arîdat,,o... ia;îcci, aud a by haiî,j~ cnmteîgiurs t, -e. 28 MODE. cuîaveyaie 'iaUoudeae N. RAy 1888. )LTT p~ lE U5~ oi ) LATJalj 'lIE IÇEW .L~ST] AT LL lsoo~ Sm ly, C. W Il. Cuchran, 867. ~ )8PH tales cçere,, 11'Up qf if1 as b>Uaauflon, Pepai~, G*r., in ?yphoi4 a Prcatrag~O~ rioe a, Chier, Maiamios. ~ >1' 51. Vilan [Ver, Jaitor,, art, $afoe.r~ nations 0< I ~ iflorele. agi '7 cornes oÉ~ JE for $y. lSLLuw5, ( - rst.JoJ LH-~ wBflBr; £0 auabup, 8£0T6- wet ~Jch lsuov 'nltiJ.verv -gagas, sos uc», md- - G#@çl~j bnrqreM~

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