Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1871, p. 4

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to, my dear boy;; 701 ekved ber life 10 brave ei4, 1 lored you a" de '.. tn yonaarme, . eck, dc wu -Ih. tPf nbl lost as dearty as 1do tii, bapjpy LIII; mi aih 'or' rg;1;-rr Proof Chlmioys, Shi mo maç, b- pring Iracà 0 von ber wb.ml arly wbu OU 11Wldtby,'jan. 129 1870. vh mine about _______________ ne 0nIitinaTi weOUkf@wn b1ood$tI à pretied Ned's >?oor yod bau net a Word te.-gay. And ilhmY were tnýrried on iÃ"brIcîrnaa day. Nud (îred te tiait, sud Lily ws inxioua te secure Ned a nmeausthore wifî Z&eb04100108 OC eny - kind -40 proeet- il tua7 s'ere united on Itst bieoesd tforaioj and whistJi rare Jolifloation vas beld a *efe'ifnvited &-body oet aillera .îud tiel 180#00 te bi& wedding, sud Iocespeci Caro thst plonty ef mitiseo vas provid, Puil of iteppluesa' bieif', là0d neco fonget the Puîer fl(s ow ewboard lb Dreadougbî, aud as for sas o was per. saitted by the. regulatieus, ho aideti iii makiug Chriuai ay la 'festive euteo Patpa F!eeeti, tee, besides bis wsny fblondoi. atnong whtîî, of course, ha lu- Cluded Naric Iredale, gttîbercd a goodil *aaernige tif minüra, titeit siveti and daùsugu, beeah bis rouf, sud-lesuted tbeut riglit ioyâJy. £vert 'Swiftàure was dolirinam witb joy, Ho tI rised overywbere, carrying hlm own millieîee eouï bhs nuck, a , ltbs.thb dog 1 bes. ho wate isoetd aud cttrreuaed by Young gin,lfi itd w, ituart suate -bat înover iiimGta Tt wax a iârhît4 ses AUlthe Company look on wiîen Ne iiîdtd cup hià wl!., Lily, tea, a î e-.rt tea mistelive. Te geco L1d bond vier ber faice, his ejes fou .of crystia isetr te mte ber pot up ber lips-ber eyes, toe, ibu of orysl isaler-to occc teir lips ineet 1i Wh'lo iiqtd fîroi, ahe ieft off iri, lo inotbing te auyy]. O011 Swtisure mîovid wicîb iieforepaws on .Ni-d'e breaut, ass tîttitoasote4sy, Jaress mme, tee, for 1 amn une of IliteParty. Tt ws a happy Chtristmas a , ,that woddin1ç day cof SNetI andLily, of prcverih a- 46 ] [lion Wili istnd for M areis ettlii Whihy Liver> f4tat.105. t<lu a Son -Y>sanl,1 tats2< Inecit lli;rb. t'Olon daif ehuetittit. le oue or ti te Ïest billonfi etlus eu e i i i înloîî. marc es ît rein sdisetioe.wilii he-prevIdcd stitî pasturo Ut, reae'îuuhlo raies. Ail ccl- detitsntt'lite risk of thei. ors TEUU»,.--îo tu insu, e. N. RAY. -T. X. 8STOO 0K'S EXTRA MA MIIIN E tIL. y -43 Tii* 011 excels ailittiar Ohl, bath animal r mîti tporityte. i Oitui te sucsj&aido itii, tctoeâs tery te Procure s llrot-ciuarr lîcie. it1A4eadisplute lt citer liglît orfiîeatvy lots clilîior>', fronti teiock oÏwoeneue'otije iteualt of xhist. Tii. feiiowiliîg are tis. ltiitîslnu siti t itxcelis dtiî,r 011». IT WîîLi. NO' OUM, lieilce tn,'îcitiîery cau bu kiîl1tt ettîsi witii but lîttie tdouble, sîtul it wili rli ie,,ultlîîerttittit fitu ocîtti reeiygiimined It,' tier 01lle. It sut îflot cototeai or titokei Intlite oitiet o entiatter. Tiiles, aqîtt M)l the lilrit etImportatnce, (roui the. fact un oit flt et ivtîg thitçis-îî..h viii îot Iiîtrielte a col sitat, sueli itil tayebeaop Ilil' luia tiàtild state, but tlteminiltetit toutri#>es sc"Id eçlinat i t if a ogire'i ttad wlil îtt iiiiîricatn un, tii ti.,e~ttrital b>' flitiot, acqioireai thit tcmtparw store ttac£eeeîtfry te reoéint it b aliqutidtlit b gcqttirlitgiti itor teîoperaîun' hy fition. the joutrnal exlaatîîoiti lte bs, Ils itjurei, It le ils iînPOMOD4t le Wuse cili titîtsthi Chili on m etîlti c ittti lousthtiisrestuit, Ds itIste miit- iale 011 witi i saler. -J. tG. Stook'. c(AI wiii lu- bricaît4tc oýdoist ntciincry the imominnt it liq d;tiel. iei le0;nousiteci its cier two hu retaiittn-tîandtI i ilitg the liet o( eriliraction, sîtîl ail uiteisis stlitg ti' pr,éfîr Il tu reiticti t4rertn or pure Olive. It ta rreo (roithe otjectiont urgad sagist ail otiter <011%, as it doucs rot gutîtît or froezo. Now i» te publhic art> eware thst mgn n>'vrilas tititître ti «' ld ite ltgtret', iiuorier te îrIoývo.ttt ti sîefitumtîtigasd te msecîra otrsire git4the îtperit lonftiet ltesrttîi- l's ('l oieîs (îîî f sitîîi ii netlited- ttaae Ie pta tit fthe iian ttîtai of (0ii reincries -'4sO.ic lisittîlti wiîîi toose extraUMactinte Ilorrttwcd gsrments ametiosfit vweil. 0>1i,) se pratiose. te tusoe.wlao are liiteresçtcit II*OtoOrentrpsnoil pir be. li thetulit of thoeeettgnitte i-tîti tu Iltete oîcrutrip op is en hets. tueont, o1t îppiictiitu, h l ysior d"flurrwls4e, NeMi a ttiti uluti te bean wbhat tha>' a;e frieou chaure li uuuwwy, u st'iili' f 1o li, nôt 84ilsmf! to e).tuiti i ntty epetîk for ilteit'. AuJ wiil alo net î'îiitt"dle dr.110eîttiwiti It a (t>w atuipie.A tes, as effective as Whîît is uci needed is dear et au>' titasotes4te by sIlecodiq u kîiitosu roin tte pneu.happeri ujtalo, andI wbwh wiil i be hpartita or- Ue ah ohes te ban> supiflutle in,.iby eoiliaîrtîtein te determne et ece mît> ho oblged ge si-il bis nieeoscarlo,. wstiptte l.Oiltctrwarded 6leas geodase A f001 genecroit>' lunes bis astate befor, ilsar;tieu odeating lu Machl Oins 1%viii Je ho tide hlis fuuiy. sou teu coiumuitliate viti A man î leatrjaut bis richtes sud en- GZO*13j. S'rOt(, Bronfhiti, Ont, joys ihiumnt [c lic. su ans that carnies ole Ageut fer the > Domnioin Sotti sud esta tiisîlus. - roughanm, bMare i 15, 1870, Trosers ore ntoafured by thoir badows -- 0N1AL anti great mon by tieir luîatairs. -TEsTIMO 'Phai mon kucasib e wortd sili noyer Tics Joeru 1A lÂ.Mcnt Watts,, b. baîshful. antîhe man she knoescbita- 0.o. STOCK, eitsArl4 80 oiftw iii ni'rer ho iipudent. lîtrAît gt,-We have Succesà ridem ou esver>' beur-grapple iteen uminngyour Lirct;t Ii for trie paît lit, anîd yîîu ia>' vinjbut wiîbeutaî*fotur teottîtte, bauJctin sMay sitioto i eeitarieîî êrraple t wll nver o wth yu. ltitit lmethe hasttthl se tboive ever unerd. It ln greppl it sîi neye go wib yalao eat>andJîaKsa )latArçr titîtilsîy otier o1t. Worlc in the o vuPen of houer, sud ho We l'ave rosiotr ir atio14 fel iroît ihtitter, wt teoiiag. it keeti teitolA Wh 1boiucke tbe scoîpon wilitneyer triumphe._e l tl < clW0 do e tiratnt aiytîiuaig Itsisieaeaying of Sticrutes thit aven>'buter gina lubricater. mnahd eed of- s falrlîful frieîtîiasd- a 1ain, yetns truiy, bitter ettemy-tbe ene te advimâ the F.W 5N Poiet pitier teaber -1 Mnbis taaui.-F.W LEieidut -PaaiatI.iuAs -Toab.ie agood boues lieeqer rquîres odîîcaîioî and practicse but if a wotnla utr lelibothveok the vili mod6ïlettore, if neeessiiy pluces the duty > Wlieu the cumfnrt sud protuporit>' of a - ovel hulébaud renîdors Hlie ers-r>' te o couonttzo a:ît [ive te the hesi adrenîsate liîb cmiii ineaus, a dtrreted site viii tarm ber tttîugkissud care teaithe dulies et berJ homte. The ltsip et s gond, caretul, prudent t , boumekespen, onabies a mintateadraiice - bi,#.busitPsprospects moes lainyîhilîg- ' ueli a sompnueau deot, g7~~', l'le superiiiitccom Plit hnt$s t of4-ar.-a., heardiîîg snievi lmisare îtouing ceunpsred pet te, epracticati edacatie in l hat p letains ~ ~ $ te makilîg hoe Attîractive, saai senible 1 mon imites'it.- - It la ver>' imposing te silucas the niA.-- ____ _____ jolstie sweêrp ef yurds upo. yards -of expenàivg i.11k floutuceosud laces ie oa parler, but, younig itin-, ii requirems llanque 'tTtit~,lc.s.w,,t~,.,, Income la suîptort seoluochilstle. - Or itateor fr une pueoIte 01 î' taitt4 8h. eîîîy ltie-bave uthe mont polished to ad roi* unaluetth;u i;oto aodirons. the Mtunisit bale te u, tangl ie ,w, tiýta "m yen wida biîîîaiieom etfarts sud iva ifssit 0qjýoqua tttt.tiu batt'm, wc 421Luthi uit5gmm"utttaîi shiclt a-pttîsd (fesbioriable belle smronemýeloVrt n.pa 0wO h i e itieiatuîa nîter ,ît,.tîtrate ir"et14e a>ciiptrupiureboeus, tut she viii prizs.thb 't Lttt-îr, Cept-e4ltiftî.a lor. ol-ut ihorest heant more>,eaîd in Irut teiîi1e l et taat and ptincsnhy derîîte bctn lire te requitluig te. luve. a(]kiuduî'sm giveonbar, If yuuri ins b. houi>'. sa teirbnndred a yttar,_# feablotable devoteu et style sud4 beant smachitig sîi taina feineyeanm fret harnseif ie a Iierabia diaceuteuîed ' ~ j "~~ wraîoh, anîd h. a dead velucbt upen yea whîls a freeh hearied, d'amendeo girl. i g deretupe ie oa bitiemnlng natroul>' veinsa.The celobrateti perteoteti Spectacles andi of meus. sud rempoibllity. Ey. Giasms, esarufactured by Làzàauis à; Menaiis sud for sbich se haveii.the e 3B Whist sould ibis wvend ho sthetat geuc>î, âréSgaining golden opinionm frein t wamaui f, A perfect blsîk-S mhout ef ail thosa vho bave tried îbem. If yon saut su palier, net peven ruied. ta premenve yenr ight te extra.. oh!d age, fs<c A Cleveland nierobant, iatiy ;eoelied ue hsaatineehe à package iaboled il bexi Tom. Cat.' îIfîJAS. H. GERIie, AGeT, took: him somas tinte te decipliar the tant that the isciption meant a b«of ettoma-, JOHN OARTER,1 ta .ctoup. A Mjsiîsppi negro reconti>' gave the. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. rolosîig teai; Da). 0iiror ehOb ër bvas etceirtugom itatj -flue ceru ne w li eyltl p tio; hie goos Ott wlth eDong fit &IL"0ONTARLIO, 'YORK à PEEL. n 8oe pe~cople Bay thsit dîrk hiaired w e- R SDEC-Lo ,»hCn, muiis rîyàesê, gt.We dlffotr - il;la the W -pIostNE..LtSh e~ An iobalgl SA LYS ato.uideu onthesbis shoretnto, ati Aný go uaio, l e* o0 nfotoabl eYe T _ a e oe l., -o mlle spos.i cagiqab.n' blIl Pnté ttee -il nesfrm L PROPRIETOR.* Thino subriber, ini retitiig h% »in- core thatîkisteothe îttaty frieuds sud cuaotuere et thte Wiaitlîy PIANO MATAAINIF AtroRlY9 berà teetate titat 1>. uow carri-t on the« bumi. ne,>, eoieiy tîpol i 1eau t icettrt i;.aud lu Mo- Iiiîtin~irftutre endors lie bi-cstte assure tieti titat notairî', li. iîe leit t îjlie 0'l hi$ part te give attiitutiol~i issup>pt>iinf f4T'Y L E,' Ii. celehrttted ticw paient cuti cross-scale ýpitttern i Mhlià ewn itveatiut tn nfeu r-e Ail ordure cexeoutod sith promuptitude JOSEPII P. RAINER. Whltiîy, lay 8, 1870. - y-18 AI tih1AGE L1CENkISM T F .(>MAs HiU$TON Iesuetî or MtARRIAGLE LICEriSES 9e' O>ilice-Tewit il li <ei'litcir..yron Stret,, titrietoure Lororîiî otili. Jeu. 17, 1870. 8 MANUiFACTUREliA' T int Agr«cultural Worke. LIOPIEL919 CELEI3RATE'D Double TURIIINE WATER WVJIEEL. TaE Xffl ECONOItICAL WIIEEL 140W IN USE £ýrDAILY LNE TO RaiC> 4DMr MsMrXMR The subscrilerbas on e Manufacture. The Superi, New L.îke rpper State Cebin E xcelsiori1 bttttwrA nelwand-usefal inven NORlS EM AN,9 a swihbas parcbsed the e Ca gUloiied stiffland Çdau mal~ t* fWbitby and t.eWnSiip of P siodxpiztres.. eavoi Port Hope :vapy o; been nîptde te harDus for ma tiriwýd rrruitk ilsiwny Trainai teom Etoit a ud a ad se fer yourIeli. Wgwt. Utortinig, bven Paor etiohee r~ ooe e (Chasrlotte) every Ovellittfntat O eeotrk, zep er m M we îtaturîiays, wheu i 16 Icavos ut 2 oolork, t . for BIliitn), - 'ru, i. the fov,rito snîimer route frein Te- rbnto to lifochet.tr, MIt,a:îyy, &c. Tii. citeu»- et aud qttickist route (roui 'poinlts But of Port Hope <ou tito Uralid Trutik. to ltoo"emrer17 ijufiàio, -c. Thte favorite ruuto te Avou nIý 1871. M M 1 L Clilitoit tfpriltgq.. &C. I>tasacars iiu ad i'riigit taiko cars aiongsie oteiitîtirrbt it lchei4ror Latiiuir. voituiietoi Vlado uit Coboltr aud Port floe A L X Witii lityal Mal Liio SteUliiier6 frein hlunilton ~ ~ ' sud Uoutre:àlr Aei»tos R. C. CARTER, >Port liope, Cttario. Rias remeved from his oh April 15îs~ Street, anîd begas to the public ger bruices Gentlemen's Lue ..* A general assortment eft' ni-I-.teorder. No SIe wEITB1Y puiNo Fi,:c'ojRy -o- MiAiT IS IIARNESS. hand a large stock of Harness of the best nIe wüuld more particularly call attention to the Back & Hip Strap, ition fer flarness, for thie. maiiufacturè of exclusive right for the Tewn f Whitby4 township ricke*gt It-is the best improeoment that lias nDy yers A large stock et Trnks, Whips, &e. Cah >yers note the tact. emise, next door te tthe Roygl Canadian Bank. TDER PIIH Id premises to MeMiýilan's Block, Brook ixf'orm, bis numeri)us patrons and' neral.Iy, that his stock em- is every requisite in Furnisliog uoods, best selected Cleths. Ail Cletho tmade, 18711 GratCaean Ateonp ork.NO iisiNO PAYn. * M AI4 CH 28, 171. 1 A continuance ef that liberal patronage exteruded to Wvmine#& S'pirit Merchant, Nos il ON 1THE CORNELýR,ý flaving.tue wants of bis nuuierous custoniers in vîew, ttikes this c. NEW CUILUANTS, RAISINS, 8PICEZf TEAS & COFFEES, ) FRESU OYS'rERs, LOBSTERS. SARDINES. FI.N.NAN IIADDIES, a SVOKED AND Diti El) FISH.- ikê The beut brande o Winocs Brandileà, Gins and Whisiecs, censtanti>' othand. . JUST RECEIVED, A FIlES!! CONSIGNUENT OF PURE = CANADIAN', GRAPE WINE. R. FRANCIS, Xhoese a nd Rtait Grocer. J (/ ' ) ~ 3I _SPIIING STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES. HA ILTON, -NrÀeW cLOTFIS, NEW MmATTHEW"vm COLLINS NEW IIATS, NEW[r Begs to aunounce to his cuittom-rs and the public that he has N0 RESG James J.ohnston, st Mr Jas .-,New Goosi theins ra - &C., aOo'Véry'n10 e, Rins, ae WIet, &c.l , 1. tvr o rcs Whiby Aril12 171 v UAIÃŽIUAES & (UIIERS en& ~trig ars suiar uîlte s uie, on r." at ArpDY c'Otto, t o,11ern e<inberozw tituetlie mtie e ti CARRLAGES &_ 20 May ltet stye8nd70 Manufacture, UGESlaetsyendbtRoorn Paper 7Splondidy Fihdl0uter, t ned?îbo En OF VIY 8UPEDR OR WORKffÀNSHIp. s0F D ru1) TA R 1 ET, BUGGIES & LEI GIi R P .3AS U UA1LA E T P A T T E R PromSets te 1 50par Roll.- -Cali and examine for yoarselvam. -~ y, Apnii 12, 1871. 1 - LIVEY t -W Capital, reflIiaretiare propel barILBAx Appi>' W oeebin ess pto thse pridStck ocuthedy RIGWUFITri AND MA -ýj Also on band a large stock of HOME-MADE Boots and Shees whieli cannot be surpased for quaiity and priee. 1 AUl orders punctually attended te. Repairs neatly done. Business also carried on as usual at the old stand, near the RolY hote10181. THE OLD STAND! VI1FSE Wiueets uto uro' mtuutac.fturing- - ellaspar tila t>" 0,1 he"0ji Ãœ r ud se wiui gîree gaatitecl e el sa4rruuîiugt'seni e ss al matie, gtiretil th eDominion. FE SIT A )B LI S11 E D ( ~ ) l'antiel dasinliz ug"rtlter iformation can,<'. ist t»' addreî§siti The unclersigned ini returning thauks for the lhuerai patronage PAXTO>N, TATE & Ceo, bthente extended te the Old establismnt(or neani eie ttrty yearg, desires T'~tiY.st., IPort t'erry,*ent teseY'that hoe item new on banni lreabrl a petLe i odera and ehgat arciStaât, 1809. .«, On s t 4 -lr ea o t eit f em nt od n a deog t T And trustsaby proper atninndmoderate pries to secure a eeok Strect, -- -Whitbr. coverecni. tuero.tUfd n InstrumetJndertaking a4d Fumerala Fully Supplied as heretofore, Moobitleal ottaionplendid.specimens cf Picture Frames, and Qilding 0-140t nw ittes, andi on tbt emebrte. tn.g ClottliIg Made to Order in the latest st'yles.- FamiIly Grocaries &ILiquors., March, 22îîd, 1871. CoLID T1'. WEEDS, PRENTS, 'qET UDEISIGEDDESIIEU Te 19 quuifi e hin fatu,iîîsdtîî.ton esu uthi pnîînî th ciii rveu:jcas uJ irciticios on tt Peuniee, lite itîîpe bo>' tîuin ha aposition lu tteet.;he sets ol outstniirc e t aorit as mr et pubie îeîtroutag4e. t. B.-ereorent. teaiu o ati * t N. RAY, Preprieto, Whltby, Apriu 0, 1869. 14 TE ETU EXTRAeTES î3r WITHO1JT PAIN,m BT TVIE USE by INITROIIS OXID LTGIIG<S OOCAL TNET ISEW I,' -DENTAL liORM, UTND-AS -STR E E. IITBy7, C. W. ROOM.-<re, M.il.Cochrane'.stoe. H YPOPH OSPHITE1 Arnengît tut. disetîeoswercoenje b>' FUw'Curnpoulld Sjo.up -.f s>pAepiid Deblity reuiting (roui Typhoid and ti li ios (evlrs, liitieiietrttr l ,oeïiom Iurlhpeiigdiiiitorio,z,tirel, AnaDÊ4 109uiti,Vtcoritt, orà rîSt.Eitbity,M utculco 1tiutte iutasi , ~ hee Lee Vie Cir rS i tu s Dr tia 1turrihus cadtier, i nlsirrptode Pemred ia A.ot.. sou-b7 Apuîiioanics. jo k n ~a u ~ie rOrW'Piee, 01.50; %ix for $11.51 J oh n s w e - sJAMES I. FkLLVWS, Os HA8 R EMC0VE D - COMMERCIAL H0I BROOK MT,, WIIITBY. PROXI 11S OLD PLACE OP BUSINESS TU TIIE PREMISES' JIIE subtîctiher beg. to annone> Tl friandn antd tii. pubic, thaite E uujed pescesten oftee aboye vel OPPOSITE R.- & J. CAM PBELL'S ÃŽSTORE, rrab>'iut-swn hotel, wihi o -ounce fer the rsrooptlotaof gueâts snd -.-Brock St-ee, Wbere ho wiIllbe glad te reeeive a visit fnem bis accoimodaipublic. oldcustetuere. lIe begs te intorn i. i umeo;pat- J UAtacnd erte ani rons, and the puble generally, .thiat ehas ya ies iurdad tentiv ond ssy s on t e p re tnle s. C titrg e u lgo d - . M. CALDWI A LARGE AND, COMPLE TE STOCK Witv e~4 98 Of Boots and wear, and su the muddj 1Dai llci 500 EP AT I, 5CFLi EYANCEI,I uxbige,jîne 701, P DR. HAM~ IRC EON . cco Rt. J. TN~ 1URTGEON TO TUîE. Kiy roll tret, Wh i ,à té T i Bank. C-L A RX' zPàuOTOGRÀPI f IFW RKISSaVU BFROOK e-ST. Tih. nndersigrned is ne P1iotourî,pîs, Auniîr<,tipc: lit. speial -mre i-kn lni towiu, gire ai. Neebn12.71S70. wILO ioes of every 1 1 . ' 2-12M. J A N'S B L OC K#i him -dur- 1 G.Pil 0 c E R., M:2, aew If Aite and. Grey Cottons. And of the bést style of Boots and Shoes, lýG-LE9' FAM ILY MATTIJRW COLIANSJ

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