Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1871, p. 2

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r. Tar.vell'a paper, write. nu "Thoa' vwu/ ample voeu, and àa p- M"M of a fair amoant oet souago- a bigb toee& libéral Refra Journal Uibavis [i vas s'lth ual'elgaeipie. tbortroe, tat 1 vlth others, wclo Sb* «anueo tnnt of tbc Rerrmacr, ia lis prospectus, gave promis, af Pro un Aequlaîtlan ta the >ooualeisn ofet -Ceenut>. But I msd nset tell Yaua amci va bave becs dhppoi.d. -Dâi thle aisg cecis of lis o emace lasteail any9bieg bmigb:t, lvel>' or Ino!tructie0 pearleg le the paper, vo bave notbi bei cabadnsaif- a Mddle ever>'*va abont; the ago lled 6"National Policy sud beape et figures aabout Mr. Gibl porceass aif ebeat sud profit on go, -oui>' ta bave theni reporîed, sud t L, a moignts latigied ai in ibe iuccediug veek lune of the Vindku*.r. And as ai Il oditonîsi meaueinga on tbis beid. va Bo ual iiermî, s'. are treaildgtase souniant of correapoudenao by pensons vi have evidentl7 basa langiug for yeareSf soms mediumn îbrough chieib togive ec pressiun' te '*tlair e. itimnaî." Ti tratliel, the Rform.ir ietualaa!f one ait the mart, bat il le heeoming veekî>' nuisance, -sud unie"s a ch auge- oven for .vaniet>' ske b.s mode ain oaiem'i, [ predicî fer i a vin>' short, sud cer(aiuly tuytbiag but a m ex W. regret the course talion b>'th Rfuor -r:bui ce aie not disappuiniae iu th. resuit. Thae ditor oftheb.Reforme siteribr uistkeails mission. Bu evidê.îiîîy lucre are se mauy baudsa thc bellowsi nonaearhler la lu thé paoli tiuîn ot a rn.apeuuitle editer, [usîead o any display cf ahjllîy, on aiguofcIinuaary orn'aveu éditorial courtes>' ou vbieb s cnntd cnmpliiuint Our nos' cautempanary, va find a paipor wiîb il Uic deficienciei vhicb cenr corespindeuî had paintcd oan &butni uamhiug onwI sud>the eniera-dis- play aa toital à-1gnornce. lu a th s afi>' abset-Mr. Farewel,&il6 &béeel.- octaie- in% tucli sntences asiîdWe daue'%-6iTbey doue'$- snd sîlil mure lsrng gram- m atilcal erronis chiai ce cannaI, stop ta notice ber?. liii car ceîîuamponsny try sud de belter sud lha shall bave aur gIsd eongraatiuoe. Buleat hua continue la bis preauni course, sud cli Ilialst n aofnnureçs .ee'in bis last issue tocards ceulentporarims, sud hie papar iaahf uc coI>'hoéMn, Farewell'& fi>' ahbea&bat b * blusei be.esgardad s- *i i' A'mîmîakisog cuir, )lai nu'tir'e » ' Itevenlîfolrn lis a-emkly lic,,, - lbtby Rares. l'he Wbluby Races cummauce ou Wed. amide>' neat, the 241bh mat, The mleeting thia Sprnis axjîctcd ta surpauansu tbhlt bas ycî talion place lu Whitby. A eady ihere are hansesarrived from ail *paýls of t! o ceuntry', sud by théencd- of th is es'ekIert-aili be nai les thn (roui fort>' ta ilt>' lieicbans, taucmpote for tb. liboral pansas 3ffored by tic Ontario Tort Club, The Grand Truuk Rasilwa>' -viii carry paseagan ernt diron tic Races, betaveen Blelleville sud Guel pi, in. clusive, aI a single tabre. Aise- a special train cilI Isavi Tomeuîo, on tb. moroiug of the 24#blia 10 o'clock, a. M., ratura iug lu Ibm c veuiug afier- tb. races are ACKNitos't.giN5g.- -The 1ev. J. D. Cayley' ha11. thsakîlly taackuovled go I b. folowiug atiuna rceivedinlui qîidaîiuun et the dclii upoirAtî Saints Sebaini flouse: lins Haim,, <prnceeds ut anciti,) $50; Mr. Johnu iPrmet I;-MU . ci cefmld Ua. l e- t preleéiW b> tbe firsi lunyiàicîslls iii oser>' cii>'sud toca vbe're itholiashou-n iumnuaIucde &Amdit.is K:,'The Guelpi 3eving Macin. Go. carraut iboin -Machine fon ibres ycaas. Palitlug tu bu as representud, )Machinas Jtalinbaidi snd mous>' reftaded. The Pr m6itive Mlibudisi Cbnrmi, Bar- is. cea dusîrayed b>' ire - ymaîerday, aio Mr Mnelsusigiutr' ntailiiegs s r e il thre «an rcoftIsh crnernamedby thePreiident oftheb.United lb. avhyî:fah. eornrStates - one tQb. named b>' Her Britannlo lotet cin l6geýiee ofthe.choîcstat t'; hKing of Italy la10 bc. re- sie vola. 5Os eg!oflbd laeloaboraily.arna- .qnetta na~re une ; the Presldent of omcd 150M- I etop theii.foligowing L1a ui - the Swius Confadieratiou to nane one.; bru~~~ 1 anipindthie Emperor ocf Brazîl on. uIns au>'onoor oreof the arbitratoageo ig. Anno salae s pt5n1U appointed abould refus. to sut, or ceas. r he MDCCOLXK. from au>' causé to b. an arbitrater, the bows Di. XIV meu:$ Mali. ' yl t cfladucodigt h triog 8 > 10Pepé ano2,foledlter regainae, ia' m a nsd in case suy one or 'gore <of fD. Vietori à Britlmls'rnen ogw>. the Ibrolgu .;pote.tatea mentloned should Jdn. oa DtofsCuadepesddecline 10 maki tb. appolulmet as re- 1 1P7 Gnllclmo P. Rfowland, qucated, then the King cf Sweden sud blt Ontario Prorluela gît'bcrasbor.. Norway la te b. requesd to make such ohi, Iltrisiu n e Reaerendiui lu, -apoinltflSft5.The second article, pro- D. D. J.,Anneà J Lyueb, I vid.estChat the tribunal of arbi tration shall D ryeleou aadospia meet ut the çarleat. da convenient, atter their.appaintinent, at Genors, lu Switzer, be Rune primsarlumi laideco. iand, sud prceed impartial!>' snd-careal. ýur, àEccleosSaDe uei tneici salesf, 1tu10examine, aud decide aIl questionsj ruOpera et Sdie. Chat shail b. laid belore. tbeiiî ou the part Revereudi Francise! M. J. ilsyden parochi of tbo Governncuts of the United Statea extrnîndoe. sud lier -Brltannic Majeat>' -respectively.i the - Benelixit positqne.' Ail questio.ns are to be dec ided by ai roe "ve6rabili Geortri B. No rthgraies Àrcb-, mjorîîy-of the arbitrators, audeW~h (loi, erninent la to be repreaented 'lu Cber sol idiacono. tribunal of arbitration by lis special agent.1 Who Concionani corso magora popnli coourea AI tdles tbird, fourtb, sud fiftb, merely 1 rc td mu a abeute. pout out tbe mède of procedure to bc. trQu ingu a aj orena insu gloriana adopted by tbe arbitrahorsansd the agentst e-.Deui benevertas. - in attaudance, aud refer to mare malterg he There mere ugio 1dapoaited thereviîh ig froutine ; bat article siztb laeai' impor- tant ane, iuaamuch as it lasyadlowu certain a kil. sever.al uewspapers oi the lusit date new rulca OltInternational law. It de-3 ia (aniong thani the Whiiby CIwcnfc le) ta- clarts Chat, lu decidiug the matters oub J1 -gether weuh the dofrent places of Cana- minut e' thelb.arbitrators, the>' abolilbe i lien coinage. The Corner atone bleu'ed goveriged b>' the iollowlug îhree rules te il sud laid. a collect-on vas made lu &id of bO, taken as applicable to tbe ceue, sud by s the liuildiu g fond, ,which toucaidthe sncb principlea ofIinternational 14w not d -- hbandannie sinooi $150. The, sermon ou îuuonsistaiît therewith as the arbitrators p tue ccaion as ihendelvera b,1h.ajll determne to have been applicable il the ocuionWei îien dliverd by to eIhe case :P ho Veacrabla Arclideacon Ifertbgravcs, et 'A neutrâl Geverumeut tà bcuid- Ci bc tS9-Michael'. Palace, Toronto. -The sab Pira t 0use due diligence te prevant thec lod ject gras $$Thenanity af the Chugrcb." ý fitting out, armaing or cquipping, eithinlp tr The discourse. îrougbouî vas axceedingly its juiiiction, of au, veasel ivhicb It bas eo 3ti clen013t. WiLh the Archiapiscoatnahie. reasouable ground. to believa lit intended si diction solemuly imparmad ta the kncaliug t o cruise or to carry on war agninat a ai ai Powcr witb whicb ite l at pence, sud alon crowd, the caremnony of the day eudad. to se îike diligence 10 preveit thn depar w The day, aud tha imprassiveneau ai the ture (rong thojuriodiction cofau>' veassel il of eoure cersuionies ailI be long icînember- iintended 10 crîtîse or carry an var as at ry, il by ail chu vere praseut, The uew aboie, sucb vesseI haviug beau specially -A *e chtrcl vas designed by Heury' Laugley,,lu whole or lu part witiiusncb juriadie - v. rf 9-q, Archiieci, Toronto. li# style fi tion tu warlike use. Beundly. Not to X pnrely Gothie. The body of tha Cbircb permit or suifer cîther helligerent te make to je iî Ox4O feat, thé canotuay 20xl5, sud use of its ports or waters as the base of ir sprye naval operatiens againat the otber, or for b 1the Vesiry, 18s12. The tover sudsir the purpose oi the reuewai, or augments pc le (roui foundaîlen te top of cross, about lion ofimîiltar>' supplies or armas, or the th -120 lest. -The aide s'alla vili bc 20 fcet racruitiug of men. T1irdly. Te exercise b3 -bigli(rm atone loandaiieito evic. Ail due diligence in lils wn ports sud s'a bj %bc window aille sud- veathariage vilI bc aud as leaail persona within i gouiai-e a( tilhe e aiofeut atone. The 'huilders lion, te prevent auy -violation of the ai ey are *M. as. Cormack _sud Devant! ut - egonigobligations sud duties.' Thougb th Whitb. As he -the olri lob Coiniissiousera do ntadmit Itrg a- Witb Asthebuilinag - is aven DW Iha btese rmies wene lu operatioîî whe an go couaiderably savsuced, the village of thé claima in Article 19 arose, but lier Lei. DîtQifino* Crack aili loua ire graced with knjeaty'a Goyeammmuliluorder to evinue s ic onueet the mnît beantiful ebareas in the ils desire oi streugtbaning the friaudl>' by County ai Ontario. We cougrsnuiso relations between the two countries snd ait la Roy. Faîbar ilsyden sud the Caîbulica ai ni making slisîactoî'y provision for tbe ar ni Picearing, ou chat bie penseverance sud future, agnees lthtin deciding the ques- mi do ibair liberaîity have Iiuni t suecceasuijly hona beîwecîm tbe two couimries arising ni secomptiahad. COM. -out of, Chese dlaims, thearabitratàrs slîonld vin ai - assurime that lier Majesty'a (joverument as liebad udertoageuto sut upon--the princi- chancery Npnlag Sittinge 1871. piesaist forth luntChese rules, snd the - contractiiîg porlica agnee te observe thein D5765. 1ics. VXJOIAXCELLOS MOWAT. between tbenîaelvea in future, sud tb tic -invite othen maritime powens te sucedie te frn The Spring Blutinge cf the Court cf th"-a jus ChaneryoMedet bity, o Moday Article seven provides that the deuision su4 Cliueey oeue atWhubyou cudy f the tribunal shahl, il possible, bu given bul lait, the liili t., sud coucladdOn wit.hin three ruonthba aler the argument the *Tueadsy attarucan. The lullowiug is a on botih.silei bas teen cldsed. 1I be tri- cla îg umuisry of tic causes heard. bunal le tu proueed firal tg det emmine as cr Gordon va. Harnden.-Bill for apeci0c hto each veaséel aeparately whetbem Great pera 'yperformance of an agreement fur tba sale Bitaîn, by au>' sot or omission, failed bto ro fulfiL the dutica set forth in the abeve lu F. o 60 acres lu Beach. Afler a Isngîbeed îbree mules, or recognised by tb. princi- pre il evsoeiuatiou af wiîneise1, lasîiug trough- pics cf International law, nI lucousisteut ,f ont the day. Judemnt reservcdl. witb those miles, sud shall centit>' sncb des - H. Blakeansd J. K. Gordon, fon faut as te meach vessel. lu case il la found cori plaintif?. E- Fiîzerlaud sud P. A, Hurd, Chat Great Britain bas faiiled to fulfil any tow ifor doIt. of ils duties, as afomesail. tbm Tribunal cou 0 ialsam ogainse Robiioî.-Bill la may proceed te award asaum na ugrogs, te perl set oidevol coneyane "agaist be p;id b>' Grent Britaiu te the United dcii se asdevoanay cuaac saai Statas for ail the claima reierred ta il ; sutf plaintif? hwlose a judgmeut creditor cf dea an.sncb auina tc be pitid lu coin ýviîîin oee(bal defeuantyear frona the Close of the date libhemenu Dece in 'lavor of ihe plaintif? aattîug award. B>' Article Sth mach Goverumeut b>' slde deeasid dirocting sale. is requimed te aaî:yites nên agent, but aIll Inn S. il. 81B.anesid S. H. Cochrane for thie other expouses of Ibe arbaitration are evez plaÎntif?. P. bieGragor for dcli. le ha lu equal purtionîs b>' the two ev- olit - Idffl agUn8t('ig.M cgae rumeula. Article 10) provides Chiat if the askg Boi.gie fr a ln4 e.îR..-onîgagandTribunal fluda tht Great Britain bas Ai sui. Dem on ala R.J. ilsn sd ailed lu the diacharge et ber duties, sud cedl W, . IL DIfingi for ptiff. S. 1H. Cochrane tbe said Tribiiiil aiîould net tbink proper wbi, for iniant delta t aa ,,îy smntla'be paid (Great ahe Jrand o.lams randetl._Bill filed tae liritaitt, IthamiaBoard ci Assesanrasaolsuad cutorce for couscyauce of 50 acres or be appointed to msike. lime amaril, Cbat a d( land lu Beach Settlled by partie ouit Board lu beceminstituîcd as iollowç; Oua, cane etf cnurt. S. H. Blaue sud P. A Hurd mret.er 10 be naiiuud b>' Ibm Premideut oetsini îliUiited kSîates, oue b>' lier Britanulu flsht l'or plt'ff. E. Fitzgerald sud John Ma'syne >'îb taia AbLsdo rg BilIn~s or cli.aI Wsîne vh t al.Tu oianl A-#be....1--mi.9t uSouai, Liver, Heanst,, Ltugan rGénital stscOuwitu *gaiums& th9ý erpeons or ans a Organ b eco me veakeued, sud d -- ropent>' cfiizmns cf the Uniîed Statusfon t casain àurug tb.penlod 'betweerithezl8tb aI griu tières forfaidyspep»a, Diseàs..o f tbe Apnil, 1861, -and I-m'the b ci fApnil, 1885, bce i ReatWok Iag, r Gmm .inlclusive, (ual being daims gro 'îu n ul Heai, eal Laguor enr4 I~peblity, oft ote-mvessaIs ,etrrmd t u t ou f toilos' villiibair accampauyiag trains aicifclé1 fthé ea >'); sud tai lima, St.A cvil. PFllo'i'Compoand yupai - w ith lik*e excepîlan, -on, tbm part of corpor. Sau pboobites testors tue o te mnd.allons, compamies.or privaI. Individuals, been poh0 ht.natrslu 0 b iit.being Bnii bsubecots, upthIe Untednet1 the baoress adtbs 00401"e. In Ibis aa>States GoVemnmeîîtaising out Of acta proe fi ovoreames dimue. coiniuitd agaloittu c ers sorpoer>ib ___________ - ol British subjectla, dnniAg Itmesamje per- -ber. The ankof " redstok elsed'(), wiiciîunay bave been pneseuted ho impo jeatedal ith ules t 29J. ethar gevàrument tforitls- interposition ta bî youirda vib aus a -22A.- sill haheOther, sund Which yel a>' -ta oua -Main îusitled,a s'Weil.as others ucla get Il Mmr. Oamberland -bas - lapn retumupd M. daims viframbc 0rtens.s.tes axpenffs -i.the CaamlsÏlan, ineu coutingent espanses, shah be defrai b>' tha vo Gnvenno niiequat me tes, ThIe vboletepenes- ofaithe fi mision, iocludhng- contingent expang aire ho ho psid b>'tbe r-stealble deduc Ou tha &Mount of tiesautis avardemi lie Commissico", sncb daducîlcesi ta, exzeed dv. '-par ce thebmau Il is pnovided b>' article 171h ofi Trest y Ihat lb. 'avards of the Commutes shaîl be filei u4 oncJutsive, sud that nlbn hias bs' a.hbedeorb da sible. Article 1$ thb 25, inclusive, -rt ta tbe fifihenias,and Mua>' be bniefi>'aIs as giviug ta Amuen ican fisabtamen, lu a dition ho the pi > ieges -granlcd tho lb b>' tha Ireat>' of 98. Ibe 'ane iglha British subjecta ta lake, sud cure flalu Ibe tarai ot tan yesrs, ho ftate fiIt on t ses do"s an su hanes, sud in thb aj barber and cielka ci the Provinces Qmeheoa,> Nova Scotia,. Nas' Bmunsc tbm Calait> of Prince Eds'amd sand, L tevemal IstlandaIbenauntel udjaceult t îlagdsteu Isusuda.,aud thé Cotan>'ofNi l'oundlaud, vithaut . being nasînictmi tu>' distance f(mthe ahane, vitIt pe nission ho tend upon Ibm saud casss ai shores, sud !glandis, fon lite pmrpase lrying their nets sud curing Ibeir fisi îrovkWdtedtiban doling go lthe>'do n, interfère vit thtuarigits of pnivate Pi' pcrI>', or viîb te: British flabermenj tha peseahue use nifsu>' part of Ibm se! couîs in theîin nccapsncy fortbm sat aunprse. Thtis applies ta Ibm ses fisheni4 -n' sud noett ita salman, amian bhl fibaies ; sud Ibm moutb cf river nre raseremi excinsivel>'gta Britisht fialimi men. Tiesme igîts sandprmvitmge, ribb lthe like exceptions, are granîcult British fishirmen ouIbmenrtb-easîer gucres of lbe 89tb parattel of lialitudi Au the American àfi.ubes srcnita mInuable as thnoanioltewaters -nifhinitimi 1orth Amcniuai, Ibe dificreuice in valuei o ha paid b>' tic Amenican Gnvcrmer n cash; sud thst dufferenca un value is t ie detemmined Iy a commission, to bu ap îinted as folînuva: Onie to be ustucrib, te Presideut ni the TJnile Stages ; on )y tbm Biritish Geerimnu; andI a gibm )y te Presidaut sud lthe -British Gav. ýrumeut conjeinîly ; but sboatd Ibeie bh t ailuma te sgmae upen lte titird vithit urem meutbs; frein ltae dite wiman tIit eal>' faikes ellect, tban Ibm tuiru is fo bi immuil b>' tbe Ansrman Anibas%4odr a aunden. The expeusas af titis VUonimia, aun are ho ha deina>'ed l u îai nînietiei r Ibm! tva Govemumenta 1'ha case o Iter aide, as prmsentcd b>' Itle twa Gos unmente, muaI be clnsed vithin aii ionîba Ire t he date oI tute final cllittî fIte Comumissicuers, sud Ibm Comutis anars are nequiei ta gîva Ibeir awana acc al ifer-as Ifoosible. <Proi e mGlobe.) Le Puay, et the 12îb, bas a long ar. aile o etuanl>' live culuinus; ou Ibm sub :1t, lu which it shows Ibmheabaurd in- sotice donc to Canadla b>' bthet>'ty mi mimes tbm inférence ltaI the cuij -norable cSirse open la us la ta reject le ternus punet>' antI simnply, sud de- are te Euglamnd thît Ibe lime bas ,nc for racoguizing our patet Inde- Ideuca, sud alloinig us te negebiate a eatl> wiltbte Sîtas ounselves. h is Ib thIollowing style.ltatLa Pays ex- messes itali' 'Tbm s'onk oetIho cxammnisieu can ibs scnibe in lu ev words- Engami ha, rfinittd a Inuit lu coudurtiug berself rard a atremîg penple win thes'a>' she ild have doue ta a weak one s'iî rfaut impunit>'. Tho injuemi people ýmaumi reparatinu fon tbo injuries il bas fferemi, sud il l e m esitile people- It is Canada-vIte are t to uisb Ibm ens tam rnaking gond the injuries doue Ibth poeanininatimn ta s'icb it b. igs. Ibm Uniedi Stabes utave eblulueul erythiug lthe>'have agked, ummimive ghI perbapa ho bc thaukînl Ibat lte>' cedueomne * '~'~ sle b te ights vbicit Emglaumi bas md at otan expause, vitIt a fAcilit>' cIt enflicient>' aboya Ibm importance 5attaches le mn%, Ibm>'are evideul, yuwil scarcel>'luibmthe utucesuifer b>' lnabtlul interpretation. The Ameni- le viii have aiong our cuasts Ibe ne rigbts sud pruviieges as outr ovu iermuen, sud s'ill gîve lu reurn Ibm ut te fishaIt ieg huir doasi; toIbm fi degrea of latitnude, sud ltae Cana' ta wuli be allaved te catch tItane ail 1fish Ibm>'crin, wiîb the exception of 1oui>' eues te be faîtui lu inbose sens. short, Ouîr ueigburs obtaiu ail ltaI yildmd. te Ibaîn for recip;recit>'. sud le villidravu tramn us aillte carnes- iding aivauteges 1" 'lie talk about pacunia>' campans'i - managed moat ifigeliicusi>. -Iltai Buntalihtislagciug w miake s 5eni ai it ho ltae Amenloans. It is Eîaperor ai Garman>.'."L6 Pays 5showsltaI ilfltese flaberies are' an irtaul in lte eyof cithe Amenicaus ae mamie the subjeut ni su Interna si T'svlfsnuli.as c.,. .1.mî. i. tue question Jha' a aiicey b> - Lars pinci- an *~ No~oakg.ehave sacailed more tb w uë have'obtain.'d,,put Ibere ilaotieIn portant inherest wbich bas heen protet e-4hnt ai peace-s'ih la varîli a gai ml'Mrsacrifices. AIl -gced diliztus- w rejic Wse difficultima 'arranged, s'bh iîv elong'lbrcatcoed, lb. pesée ol"Il Le losiutou sy -T it! scen liaI aur fiabenies bave beau sacrifiée for iluosar> advautages. The treat, cf 181 le ta b. abolished. American, 9sherme are tbencotertb ta* taire oun tisb en ot coe atssdbaye, sud even harboons. 1 -retaru lb..>' iii giva us tbe rigiat cf fia ing au thecast ollNes' Eugind sud lui liberty' of iuupardung flisto the.bmStaté /f'ee.- la Ibis a suficieut campensaticu la it a compensation even, wcmîb meutiar i*g? No eue wonId dame ho se'au>n." lbte concessionsmade go lb. Suites are, a .import4nt as neprmscuted, sud abnve ail,i ve have an itmlu nreturu, s'a bave ni doubî ltaI lthaCanadiuPanilînIamut vil raiuse'tn sancion the ,treat>'. Le Oon8msttuaînnel ceucuadas -vill ib remeerk Ibat il la b>' Incaîlm of Ibis kina that Englaud alienaîca heer colonies, ani predicta Ibal iinîs'cuîy yeairs tbe principal cites sili have abs doî,ed. ber. Tho Gazette de Hyacinthe, of Ibe 111th 91,Ys: ' Our f1masbave beau mealizaîl. We hle als'aya becu convinced that Engiani vemilîly1ald toalal the demande et tht Unitedi Stales, sud the preiminan>' Iresty s'ibichbas mat beau coucluif d ah Wash inglon shows Ibat cen 1mars bave been s'eu tounded.' (Prom Ilue moult]cal &rald.) Thée addition tb lb. terme, vbich vt cenceive te haoinoatimperttla te mInca doin (roui dut>' et aur tlsb gi;-ing into the -Amerittîn markets. Wm slvaya negardei that arrnugemernl as a faim set off, andl tbc muly aclequate set off againat tbm frcedi.m1 to fàiaitluur waters wliicb tbe Ainenicaus ilave beau se auxions thoabtiîl. Tbm imicunuar>' pa>'nt ta be asscssmd b>' a îew' Curmmission upon doma.ges 10 ha înoved, sud, no daubt atter tbe usual loug delî>'s, we bave als'sys uonked upoît as an unsatisfactor>' comopenstinî, etipe- casl>' as we could noetcmaru>' menset lisposiug of Ibm moe ni a maunn that veuud coittahomelaIbmthebeanîhsand tosema aifIbuit part of*the population whicli la aspecisîl>' ii'ieestcd ln-bm fish questin. Ibmadrautage et Ibm freedom af trade ilu fiaits eauaqiiiv.ilent 1fo ram'o dm o tecatch flsit ,hbb.foumd lu tba icIo ci tsappropristeness'..i ite com.- pensation bming ituade precisal>' o he b lasbenînen, s'bc -if au>' one-vili ha in- jure'i b>' Ibmadmission cofanoeigu compe tilion. WVe do nI ttiuk thaï, theme fn oucb ho ha said agaluat .his arrangement, ifw s'er fhn rot the proposition thaI an arrangemient bad le lhe inade, and vs arc ufr ecin blîibking Ihataloa' iea mliaccrue rom il. AI thesima tiuuae suppose, that except for out pculiar pasibion, ve abouid hardlyî bave comiseutemi ho abandon, upout uy terme, lthe natinal prorogative ni exclusive fisher>' on eun evu coafts. (Frome nmTdqraapplu) - Il ust bu borna in mind Ihat lb. 'cal>', be il gond or bad, jîjat or unjual, mnnul be fîîrced upon; us vîthout car inscrit. W a u>'net bave auylbing la Io virbhie questions aIi isse betuveen ,he inoe autitonitias sud the Uiited haites ; but as Ibm fisher>' question, mcci.- )rcit>', sud inland navigation ars suIt- ec lu wbich we are deepli> ubrested, our people bave lthe nigbt te be heard ou anse sut>jecis, sud tl a a nigbt Ibm>' chaI! aio iiin taexarcise s'bmu Ibm propan lime nives. - * lit* The people ni Canada mua>'test satisfied bait, mu lthebauds of Ibeirreprmseutalives moin interasîs une sale. Those represmu- tivea kuas' praît>' val vbaî the feeling fthe ceunIr>' le; Ihe>' know tbm valua a ur tlsheries ; bte>'lnos' 1ha1 our 'igbt, aereba cannat hadisputedi;' sud, kuowimîg Il Ibis Ibm>' vil! uuake no concession, non sunt a single pnivilage fer s'bich Canaida (Frmithu a ifuutry 2'ua.,) There will be a reciprocit>'libmth rc admission af ilshand mifisb'oil ; bât ltae demeumior 1er bse articles is neanl>' all an ane aide ; va are sellera, Ibm Amucicanu tbm luyers. %Wm are le ceucede, for al limne, théa rme navigation oi the'St. Laver' once ta the Aincî-ns ;but va gel lu reburn ion Ibis, tbm navigatiîinci Lake Michigan, tbm SI. Culr Plats canal sud tb. rivera Yucan, Pnrcupiue sud Blilline. Thé mutnsi adviintaes of Ibis arrange ment aaehou> abvieus Ior commient. Ibm munînal nigbl cif transit oean1mi lIse previdemi for. Tbis igItI resta, iu Ihm absence aI an>' treal>', ou precisel>' tb. saine grenmiaisltaI cifiater transit. Lt la a greal couvenience far Ainerican pro- mince to, pas ver ihm peulusuha ci Oni- tarie, sud fer tianadian produce ta pas rimamIlandmiPond to Portland. Sncb riglits sbauid net remait ili.defiucd on reel ou caprice, with Ibm liabilit>' cfan. bilmar>'susapension hanging ever thena. Tb. expert dut>' an Amamican lumber comiug dovu Ibm river St. John ia te be abalishmi. Ibis tmmily, vbich securp lte smIlle. ment eflsomne of lte questions lu disputa, sud leada the va>' etImattlem;-nt of thent aIl, bas ho ru the gaunnlel cf te Sonate at Washington, suýd recoive con- flrmatioti Ironv lIte -Impenmal Paniameut sund tb.eVari.mmut f thIbmDoiniuont.Tbm impression. nreaiskthanti heSenaP..mW.. ratif> i. ultIttcase, il olil prett>' sûeote-taire affect, sud vîpaeout aven>' existiug difi'erance baîvacu the tva gncat Euglish-speaîiug Duions, vhose -mission iît onl, iA ta 4. uLeme.. "m-81.ti.sici, - .4-'-- --,--ix--r---.5-,r Bmar ho eniermé _Bt the proper Cnsîpm patcb ta the PYr1d-fmom Pasl, datcd ti g a n îse r uf d > c o v -o y e d l u t r a n s i t , ' th a t d y i s f ' , < a - autht -psAn)enî t the'b à, 'm qo eueuss md ' tij ta ni -territur >' a the United States, under s c b e Co mu ite ma - 95V e t - r a e s a u& r e g l t o n a fo r th e p r o te c tio n o r î b , m s l u o V n a l t s s t d b.evneat vas iteî fl.pcsed inthe. Bois de Boulogne, bi coi ,hI United States nia>'proaribe. - lrced ta rereaf. eth,_heavy, lois.. 'Th eh Article 30 provides that for aterm cýf V 'ram'ilies, fie atiil-cou - iues around th h e ton years, British ubjecti nay>' cern>' lu r am p; alis b lee.n Point de.Jo iu ' -sud à British- vessel s'without paya ehit of MAltt gal. Tt Vessaiisis haveen boduties, godi, arem orn merchandise fInni ructed a bridge seros the Soine et, pu d one port an place vithia the herrtry ai imaux,> sud -have brougbî é'ver sa greu 1 8Ite U'nited Statua, apon tbe St Lawrrneu,, ias ofai atiller>'. n the greal Lakes, sd the rtves " ""ecIrg Un thesame ta anoîban port or place -Thn lh. Cri du-Pespfrstes tht ebemi, n th e te m i le n >'; o f t h eb . U i te d S ta e s . c a l p re p a ra tio v a a re m m d >' t a c o m p ise lf, « pmovidmd that a portion of a-êtic raspnihnîlite Ite Veraaillis'.e wheu Ibm>' assau etation is made tbrough theb.Dominip= c thé rampants.' es Canada b ' bond c'rriage, or lu bond, -Apotte n despatcb ta lbhe Iorld frai ? nder scb ules asma>' be greed!upou Pris, landatd t.dy, ass: n- b>' Ibm espectiva govemutueuts cf-Great >1'ulraiaino aytosnse IfBitain'audthetUiteid Sttes. The saine Atngnstiaaimn ' ossu ndc Sprileïes, unden thisaralicle,'aud vith Immt nathaers ganlIm Cmu if soute conditions, are mxtemded to citizeus immeullatal>' Ibm Yersailliseaîssail tbi 10 of IbmUniîed States, viti meeneuce btethe ram!pants.'» Il Dom iion- f Canada.Tbe Co mu n ens to.day plit ino t l The Ainenican 'Jovernmeùt egrema factions, peaeb at openr van, villitbe uthei, efunther nItle impose .. au>' expert dalles' 'Tuh, Vensatiists hiave efiuictmd surea jOn gonds, varea or merchaudise carried p-raeticahle breachef sud maasad a larga d audier ,Ibis'* article. tbnomgh Ibm United nober oat' vo.ithn69yrsote State s, sud - lb. B itish - G overum ent raun a rts.bo 0 a ds c engage ta urge thm Partisa-m ent ni Canada ra p ns sd Ibm Lgilaures ai the nher colnies 4Te destructin f fle 'sd propeni>' by rnet ho imposea au> expert dut>' on gonul, tb. bombardant in the Atùericau quart dvarea on merchandise carried unden Ibis erte-à rs era. article. The United Rtates Govermint .dysa mra. as>'y, in case sncb export duties are -NuraNylre61r1e imnposmd b>' the Dominion Gaverumnent, MnmeMa'1.-av lrg no isuspend, during the peniofi hhst such bruIr. ont ibis, moring esml>' iu difi'enu tuie re imp6sed, tua nigbt ai c4ryiug, parts ni the cit>',oce bigi p in St. Au- grartd unden Iis article lu aveur nI toine tretsd the othen Ber>' treel British subjecta. The Amenican- Guveru. bath are nesîl>' serions. The fOar esnl> emeut nia>'alan suspend dise iglît tif deainnymi îhre boues sud humnemithe *carm>iuggranted in favceur ni British ofiesabu-em ilnintrsae e subjecta n uder Ibis artiole, lu case Ibme tira os bonin, killag intinsTbe Domtinion of Canada aboulmisaur y imeie hns estrbegig a-ra cabman.-bousem depive bbc citizas et Ibm UnmitedStateasend eao'danoi aîbuss f Ibm use et Ibm cnils lu said Dominion AU of Ibm famitae, vasr spmdly brougt onu Iemme of equalit>' witb tire inabilta(nom the bouses sd pied up in the ruade, ef tbm Dominion as pnovided iu Article as everythingva olad Aers 27. bcun's bard venr the fineman gaium'd the, B> thc 31 st Article,' the British Gev- apper bad Awhresu w ers ernmetagree t0ange rîpenlte Parliameut îcnncbed mc deatihare ahia. Nabotmn o f C an ad a su d th e L eg ialatum e nI Ne v livea o t u e e a a n t e e r n e e B ru n sw ick Iat n o -ex p e rt o r o th er d u ty . e t a e a s a m l e n e d n m shah e levimmionu lumuer or titber or an>' ctiraI>' homleas. Laos about $25000. kid ul ou sd lu Iat portion cr Ibm There sas au insuauce au 'thc buildigs, Aierican territore i eh. Stte of. aine but net oce tcgod. -rom apparnta valaremi b>' the-river St.-John and ilssiyatptoms Àit limost certain the firea trmbntarles. sud fleatemi dovu ltaIt river 10teavare hoti ieathe r a i a lumîlar'. the se, hn b sate -ishippem ta Ithe_______ United States trna the Province ni New St. Catharines, Ma>' 16.-At four Brunswick, sud in case au>' sucli expert o'clucl tis a. mi. s line destroyed four or other dut>' continues ht ac elevled aller dweîe ose uà au uDk n Ibm expiration ocioeueye un frmnmtlb.date d e lc o s s a d a b r n D k n ef Ibm excange af the ratification f te James treet, occupiet b>' G. P. M. Bail. t t, l b . G o ev e m m e t o f t e U n ite d W m . A . Mit îe b e g e r, P a tric k r Rie >' s d Sg ate a > suspend th ibm i t et ca ry ng. A ' F . P a t r ac. T he buildings hi g under the 801h article nf thte treat>', for insue vero entirel>', cansumed. Lots anCb pericd as tbe axparl dut>' ua>' bc aboat $10,000. Iusurud fan $4.000. Tia levied. Ortins o tdfotaushbre1nte Thée S2ud article provides .farnthbm rieatdofMro anasI barreIOcn tc extension et tbm fishing prvlmgs grarted rmesninlaI. M i cust b >' articles 18 ta 25, o' N é s'oun îlia d - aved tbimi ef ects. but,. hnud te Impeial Paîlimmu, Ibm Legisîture of Nwoundlad, or the The Lindsay larder recrds a fatal Amuerican Ceugmes. unel mbrace lte accident uliai ulok place near tbat towu on Coiony of Nes'loundland, lunlIme laie Sanda>' mrnuig lest, Tires yeua ue énactemi ton caryiîîg the tranint meffect usmemi respecîivaîy, W. 'foîton, G. Harris, Ihen tItis article is te bc considenmd veid sd W. .Ry eib itinte thein haade s ud of n o n m eec t, th a m g h i l' is n e t, t ea Aa "> , te I invalidae an>' nher article nI tbm reay. te go dova tbe rier on a caose, sd R>' tbm 3rd artcle ila isprvidd tai ven about s mile rout te ov, aen 'b b c a r tic le s r la in g t e Ib m fi s e ie , 8 ib m ad d is ti te my , ve t o u a b o e r., vh e r e te 25, inclusive, sd article 0, abuli v a lear u t ei' udng d ralier freael>. take affect as soon as Ibm nmcsmîair>' st Ouieofthéi canoeadrilîed tram shnre, reqiired lu carry thera mb oopc-ralia'n dieu Bs>' toan aoad punt te faloIil, i' shah bhave bee a usiad b>' the Parlis. ard on ettiiug belmi cf the canne ha put ment ef Great Bniîuin, thie Purîiamet- et C anada, tIbm Le i satu e et P rince a foot in a ci boat, sd c m m en ed, a i Eds'rd sand, sd Ibm Cngress el Ibm is urîe, oeung.',lh. ad buqt dm- Unitd States. Scb assat aving beau mmcd sikig, vin i. jauped mie ithe gvn, Ibe articles reerred e are le atcabn sd sau, bis comadai being un- continue in force fr the perildof ni m able to meden bina an>' assitance, 6eing years, whantIbmra>' cesse ta operale, anme (mv yards trnmn. -'hie body vas, aud inn' tber u#ii Ivo yeans have axpired recnvarc'd au Tumada>'. Decuîad s'as a l e r i lle r , o e t h e o cn it a c t i ug p î lar e a a a l a v e g i v i l u n o t i c e ' t l e t er l ic r te e t f M . W m . a y , , nf O p , a n d s ' a ils ish10 emmnute Im cma.about 27 yeans o aireg. T b m 8 4 h , s ud a h i t h e r e m a i i n g a r t i c l e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of dteIat', relae teIbmeaseultemet fHeàil r iTac Pizti. -'fe public field Macdonald te uow iu a fatr va>' te necoven'. - Theagi stili aubjeot lu> pain, lia-vas able au Fnida>'. as im galber tramn tia St. Caîhanrines Tiaues, ta viailtich -ircab axe fIsoer>'of ai en.-Tutti., Dat. & Co. Saudfiald seemed ýmach plsed viti tic openabiaus ef Iliat lange catablisi. meut, sud one of'the vankaien palliai>' affernamita lot hlm tny bia baudrut -grnudiag au axe oona of lie lange grnudsmciies, *vhinlug ,anocist, thb.ae tu -f500 resoin-, ticea per sccod.. ha Premier gond ustumnedl> couseutemi, suddid tbe jaob 50 peniecîl>' that lie mecluanin deetarcd be, mut lie au aid baud aI ithebm sinesaJ' Tît.soNBuaG, ga>' 16.- A caubractor ou thc Canada Air Lin. Radilnsd; nea1memi Mc- Doveli, d'ecamped sari>' lia mimag iii about $15,000 chaib. hs d received ma psy bis m ea. i-Te alm ott indigna ton is , expreeed ber., sud prompt mensuras have Wiitby Townîship Connml. Bronirlia, May' 15, 1871. Speciai meeting et Ibo Cunil, callami' pananant 10 thedan alliaheve. - A li t ie m m b r a p r se n t . R m v m in lie cbair. On matienifM. Bickçl, secondd b>', M. Borogb, 'A b>.l Wvaswu trduced and pasuaad, le med bylas' 360, euabl'eng' iii P. W.&P- P.Ra. Ca. go use s 4fty, si lch gouge in themconstruction ai thin Rasilva>'. Ou motion ai H. Bicil, secodet b>' J. Bauroughs, tatirhe Clck la erali> autbnizd gn cmmnuicté viti the Pe- idat oalle P. W. & P. P. &. C, saaig liai tuas Canil ievécmpiem i viiihéi roquai ofie Railwy CompIn>', ln e- téenaca mn the leratiaq nfanoge, cag. ig tesaeirnca 5j fet 104 tet,> 84i. On motion pi Mr. Campblal, ecoadd b>' John Tvsdie, bat 11e Clrk-la hrdi>' insîmuted ta comanicate - vithb Mr. Gedmes oncennig ths compttion f bis coatraci be bas trou the Maniolpalit>, sd la mforme im mat the ramioutmeslc mamleted ai tonce, nîbenvise lie coatract 0 n m o tio n ' co f M .,B ic irîs, se c c un d ed b >' -J sep i Bur nug ie, a ýi by-law >as mIrto- deeti sd passed, amndîg b>' tes'392, appointig George. Marquis Pa.adkeper, instesamofai houasMarquis, ba bas etat the Mueleipali:>', Onmatinca aIJ. Tsedie,oconaudm by B. P. Campel, tht iis Conuil do Dow, QUIseso, Ma>' 1.-A number cf, par-. Lnn. anas îtcuing pi ast Palmyra, Mo., hnif.plsaaiq -ainue miles tramt Ibis'cit>', vene poieonad J. ghies; e an Satarda>' av uiug b>' i ee raugha put-' ad5 &.pmi Iiug tartan éeoîloin the epring. Mine CAstA i persans vereseacniesl>' paiaooed sud five 6-UOP.In. irai expectemi lu liv.' The rougie finat 6.W P. M.-i triad ta brsairk up the part>'; iailiug lu CONGcte. chhiib' lb.>'polsanemi li&sprng. - O..Ev Iu tire Hanse ai- Ceamats, haat uigiit, tbe O'Coinor Dan submttejl a motion tbat t if leuxp.dicuî ihai the Act fcr the' a« W presrvation of pnasa.in.TIireland ahoS...... - 4y un iepuble sud dishogi n5Pneest agaiiialuy disLo rights intic Canadia. flsbÉ ne, rat>' cf Wasbiegîcu, 'fie betests sudcam eepee mndeed, ore believa Ibm>' bave 1 ced aean>lime a treat>' ouchin Squiesîlo: bas been prapoaed. 3 s -n cf l au>' va>' ffeci lb. re Ibm eofhenbeies,ave cdia n Lth Stirliug dlaims are ai mu ie>' eever cgoaveli (oadeti.- "y It is guatemi Éhat the gauge 4 s'a>' trou Hsmnrisbnng ta Au cbsuged itext moutb ta sait Amanican naada. Wimn tusl compieted, cari ioadcd aI G othen station oa, the lIra, vil! r ua thnough ta Nev 'York.a vithoat bnaaiieig bath. ThIb sumiden dealth, b>' a sin deul, iMn. temarhmnm appears Ibhat about -;2vMý,o aga, lu miendingan: 14- coui mur dreve Ibm tacad1 hala vhethar lte needle vas j sortie dead animal niattan lu coliar, or from anme peci ceaistihuilion, hie atm cemiz S0 asa>'cases ai chil désertion have reeitiy basa comuitm inla ont Hope, liat ou the accssion'of tlbust sase tb. corparaticn-u soffeèremi a revard. ni' $400 fon' tbm appnabaonsiou aihepatislbs. cerued. epariesco1 London, Ma>' l6.-Miss Angala Geer, r u araîConti hbu accepîed s peerZ 1age viti tbe tâtea ai Baroacas Cautts. Arepaort va satantcd b>' s NovTank pspar yastsrda>' ta tie affect #bat Comme. dors Vanuderbilt bad coaciadefi arrange. monta for the puorciase ai the Brie, Bail. vs>', haviag onîbi Mr. Scoîttsud Mn. Jo>' ibm -Pennsylvanie, - sud Michigan ,'raiivsy eKi ng.Ibis v ould bave placad limmense railca' Power inuths bau-ds af the Camme. dore$ - but anu neqùivocal denial of thé 1report hba lcoupafiihef atthe instance cf Messrs Fisr sud Gouid, s'ho pnobably ibave ne desina tc retins frmua -posiuion vwhich givea them unequlei iaciiîies far ther pecalar and aeaenupnlcus opeatnstls Tire L48T ABOUT TUS FOfT-FmasZLa... On lie arrivaI cf the fizzie.fight"--a Eria, Conn's conduet un the ring vZs stigmatized aveu b>' bis fnienda as eovasd- 1>'. Mace says ha csuîed ta flghîiMz da-el nci g mb Cobumusa corue-sn nisai al, hecause the Ceburmn o'the!c tuner ring vare pneparcd ta diable h-u . bz -ilimcsiug, peppen sud lurpentine mn' myca. Boîb lira berces lait for Ne« Yeaik an Fnidav, after acindliug the ýPnb%é 'e44t ni $20.000; on more, passage mon.> y creo" the lake. Ona gond iasnlt bas hemî tiat tie LePgishaînre ni Pennysylvanla hs about ta pesaau a cipnbibuiag prise-. figbuing éxpeditionis laaviegta hanhoes o61 tiaI aalbe. - Mr.'MclRsy sud vite, ciofThora%, vere run over b>' pair cf herses attacbed t. a pleotgh sid ngerousl>' lejurmi, ou Moi ' day lait. _ .--i Differeueabetween Biga Cbh ant-sd Baphiat ? One buna vax canda, the- other, d<lips.' - TRAVIILLERSP UUIDE. Tvios. vr G. T. Eailvsy, leave Whi>' Sialtàm l3ozu ET-xpes, 7.15 sat.; ACdaMMOdatba-- 2.5 pa..î Expessi7.20 pt._ f0.15 e ni.; à 10t suau aeP. m.; Epqq îe.te p.m. 1The tmians run -y MmeitreaI tintmie huI.telsM mites foetan himatvItby ima. iimitset.eenmt the WVhiiby Post Ofice, es Ilttve - %bt, ime-oumg RiaI. e s . m.and 7.80 p. mu. a. <t Régiied lermes shl ed eivée nsda vîicie malmits Wefuetmlasn&of matil& Englisit Mail cloess ven>' Thuneda>' evansm ala p0. M. 5Mage ltte evarvuminl Soaisexepté&)>࣠Wua esiatheaf ualeemmk i naonem reW t The. LAdies eberceb inuIluie Tuosday1 ta comnicacana Dr. 'Jefferx, t RAYOLW. 341)C

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