Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1871, p. 1

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]ROYAL CA rADIAN BmJ WHITEBRAOH ARTHR iR iCHARIISOI4, ONTAIO BANL - W Y. . LOCKIA RT, D)OMINrION 3ANK *je lis @Lk1sS Aozs April lé. 1871. CAIIERON k MACDOXELL, B AUBLISTEES'AND>ATJNtPA LivSeleltrs oils Btskot Mostresit ps the dorporsicîofîthse Count$ Or Otario, Iiorei.&C', &o., Wiltby, C v M. 0.OCAsçsON, Q.C. a. J. bMaonousss. aM'I(oy.tolcas Upcu gond 16secrit>'. Ais- I>'1autishe iee o! théiseDn, CsrAc 9.-H. OCJIRANE, LLs, n.e O OUNTYO -10WN ATTOIINETY FOR ON,- iarîuo, Bianrîster aisiAttoraseyaiý-Lsur, $o laiatrlu (lisauaery, No'asry Plicil, t.- Offie-Broask street,tiexi aloor te lRoyal MotéeWiitby. si - GEORGE IL. DAITSELJqe B3o@rý Depat>' itegimirsar, Mauter lstisorali flar>', ualexansitserin Cisaicer>' for taseCon. t>' cfOsierio-. flie Ilsok-a.,,Wisitby. B ollestor lu Cliguooary, couvssyAucer, No- unitow- eidoor ta ,le Storm of a;& J. Carnpbeil, Brook 61., Wiaj1iîiy, OUt. W!ial4y, Nov, b, 186ô7f 46 S.ne130 FAliilrfJÂN l -. 0 CITU NQAJZYPUBLIC, à#, &o. FAREWELL & ncoGEE, d>ie: oîe ur nôrtli of tia. '0ot Offlot, Oshavat; aaasi la'eoeoablu~,oî Tuwn Hlsl, ifowtllitalvlle. CIIARLP.I C. KELLER, A TORi~-ATLAWSOLleî'ToRIN on Brock, C.W.6 J. 111AMiEI GI(EEMWOO», ATTOiUNEY-AT-LAW. $OLICITQE 114 .Ohiasry, NotitryIPubhlc,<.O;nveysucer, Sko.uWiti'osuili. . 4I Brnatet .LYMAN 9 IGLJII, L L. »l.. AUU$TE ATLA , $11atorluG"Aan- 40 - liLsOToit IN < (lcElty, COUVEYANCEII# VANS) AGENT Ac. >l'o-ve-Arnataoug's Ilotel, Malna 8t., Us4isligo. Usbridge, u ne t, lgag. f2 * DR- HANCOOK, sURGEONf, ACCOUChIEUR,Ce.t -R. j. G'TINN, M. D. S IRGIION TO TME COUNTY GAOL CELEBRASTED 'SCOTTISH' GRANITE& W- At Mari!. ýos-k» cf JONATH1AN J. À:, DÂVIDSON, P. R. P. 0.9 LIQENTIA 22 - Zoyal Collige Teerluar>' Sargeons, Np a Wlufors tise inhabianta of Wliaîby aulfssusrOudiOt dasfiut , tai lue liss pnet *.t eetilby vis er.Seeau Alursys cu- sultea<b>' tisoserqiln I erie sept. 28, 1870.89 IIERCHANT» YA 1UR GE.NTLEMEN'S GAIîMEtNS instia ulu tieheeot stylasi ast sent <salaon. À §nestc ! lu. so isbis temal&$ a eeleeis>ufor Gentiiiosnosmmer sait. Osissur, Ma>' 12, 1869. 19 ORNMENTAL PAINTELï llrcck Street, Wisitby. Ail orders atteudeai tu vith pacuaity anti gj' A4eut fos- besi esaples iosm-aier. May' 3, 1870. -ly-1U TR1E AND'LABOR SÂVEJ) TRE 0OSCILATING WASIEING MCIE Os "Zusi r orJiî, 1810, us WI LLI AM MATHEWSONt OF BROORLIN, ONT. Tise l'stctee csiltaae n>' Otisr Wuaihg blu-iiliie sssvtaiuse to colipetesglranst bo, fais- aayoeuthise' u ns>'asus Tite Muuius l'es latin tirouily a teei, suaidssed yti 'sesriy altspiacijialisotei aaid ieadiug <aners lis tise ontai'vieproaanos letise hest nous lu use. iwil i vts- (oms a inilits poeket-aassd- kercuief te À,heti qtsiltt.A triaIl wilasotis!>' sas>' person seste anas-lie, 1 Count>' Iigitis anti lcinea (Dr ale, - Apply to WU. MATIIEWON. *Brooklju, Oni Brooblin, sept. 14, 1870. 87 G. YOUNG SMITH9 L L. B.,.- BÂtRrihTzkl, .41T0515ET-A.T-LÀW, Souci. Ton IM CUANCgsty AND issoLygîçey, HOTAlir PUBLIC. &c., &c. OFFICEL-MC>ILLA119 EL OC K, 2 MONEY TO LEND AT' REDUCED 1RATES., am unov iitePareul te lestasny amanut of suot,0eY on tise seenrity ast goosi Faim or pro. duetire Tovu Property, et 'lao lovext Possible rate of ilîtereet, lissrs sud suner to ,-ait bo,'rowera. Principal cau bu repsiti b7 yeaarl> Iustaaimens or lu oae suan. iSeveriwelilivoteti Parms sud Lots of WIld fasi or sale Oheaap. 1 nvesimeuti, matie lu Debenînres, Miortgagea sud otîser Scnrities. Biiver sud Grueubusk bourisi sud soiti, For fustier particuisr, spiy to TIIOJAS IIJMTOz JAMES HOLDEN, - mONCL~IISITIEAUI<JL IIITilY OfflecilaiçAslgaaee, Moase>' Broker, LOfieeTowlIal-iouraisoiooloi OP >FIC 0Moleiaupe Binait, Brook stre Wlltisy. 0. -N. VARS, Septeuber 6ta, 1870. àgp liAi TICAI, utaitsnt, Osaa Desalti Booms, directl> uppe. G OB sieistoaaau.Eaîaneon G OB O TE Li Imooostr.pt tiasailoorisorth oftise Ontario R O JI ]Bauk. JAM S ffhTyyv C LA OW LLP .roprietc c 'FIRST-CLAS8 ACCOMMODATION. PHOTOVGRAPE GALLERY. Fab. 22gid, 1871.- BROOK ST._ WI-IT13YPr OFESSOII J. P 0 s Tihe undes-slgnr.d la now Pr.psretito take . a *39 hisowuglvscal.PIANO-FORTE, &o eAS. A. CAK Kovebur 2.180. RSIDECE, Byron Stree, (1'cl pcthd Anouai rJk.) W I LS O IL U SE, c nciosn lin, 810.'Tisalo uacomîiusitieaa, &o., 85. A.,WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor. uî Mr aîa îkopo -ageneri stockj rlu£iRsoliSRii tbeatauatonaa( e tsstrou Ilis Isolea frleusîs. at îhsao .[flesdsasdtseîsai'1caesarsliy lisaihe Wlltstsy, baroi 2, 1870., tig'oea e i aive slow llot-el ls thse Village 9 fAsbsafor ts aoaioltlîu the il 'r ETR velliitirnblie.'T'ise tise ileaew.,ssdt ir lit@s a a motiosrosiis sud colosirtable mussser. umowl iiever c onvaaleasce JRN1AI , ro'ieo ase Ciae te ant ondsaasatiw e., biuns -o-a.s.s~Y rpreo s>!tis Let -susaîay e The sisove ,hotel las.bisoen uviyflittet in g~ Gooti Stabliiasgandi attentive otiler, lu andsi fsralered. <Insis itii Sad' omîorîablî teMane. Jrroieo aceomamoaioan sd attention. ' 4.W 1 SONJ r, Prprieo Uco000roonsy stabîiug sud attentive ostiers. Ashburn, Me$y let, 1869, i.eJu 8 80 Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. RÉVÈRE HO0USE, AT WVIITBY STATWN. -KNEIS5.W - PLANK - - Pioprietor TXM. O'NRIL lisavlssgpurcliasedthe tise oc ssio l w snd 1lsrealseliknowu Asetise Gr-anad ...ges t ndtWt by osl dally. Ever, Tassit liotel, iithy tationi hep tus isfortuia a¶itioaî pasld ta gueits. Carefalsi sd stten'. lais frleie isd tise travnlajg puietisi le ________________ho__________ lias Itteal saistise )oula ndamai tabls fla tret- G IiL Mt camât styla, saiay attentsion a te tttis vsasof ~AM 8 thos hglaver laiss wllis thissispjatronaegeF trasiso isse)rt 505tiînascoberenetom. W Partitis taklisg ihotraisaanai ieasa ia a Tise nutes-sizned bags a te iaistisiho barses vili sa o isieltaken caseo!til continaues ta isiaufaciure tlier rstaaraaoOOvaO n aur rss -Wlialiy,#et., 188. 88 5 t; ee & an e r l'a41 RQOYAL 0ANADIAN HUTEL, AsA O O 1 S, P01RT FERRY, ONT. H R O a a. TOo4s 7o.Proprietor. aSc uF FLERSn , $11 4eior oibdto.Gesotistablluig AND 'ut KINOSor 4 i- drnsb, anad ateantiv'e Osilerâ. Port lParty, Nov, e st p FRMNOL1'LMET - ~ - MAEAiOM~~5ETs.~ NGLE & WRINGER, Tia ussrbe vsse o iafrn is o ioed-sa one of tige heisricles o! tise kinti Thefju»orberwisefita nfom t@ cin.snaiufscîured las tIseaounutry, sud isaluprov 1 munIt>' tiat blé plesisen are saow 0aito th~etid 9TIA W CUTTERIS, #o essîl>' 'vosed, sudd publie, wlere Jsaho lsa ied t r10 hggu # uprorl eey epet iannseslasîlaauas uv .ats ~boo cthepes-t. lavr pha everedusofect séCeilraîeai Sept. 5, 157 . 8 7. Calorie Eifsintes ailais uaoutseiry, lie bega teaqs>'tisiue lanov eusssiled 10 egeenie &Il J 1908q1W ONgarg sdens wih vilois hoe mat' bcfavos-eti hespes-ý Usai r~~as~ and 8h~ uad vais greaier expodus.cnînt iIithor,ai Rair ressng ad g oogtneseveîv Asaiîosilo,, to customers in "SALOON, tise qaliiy cf t-l.e rrkneasehip sadusaterwal BRUCE ST;, WuîîTBy W' Criwod sd Lumber takeig la ez- gr~I!Ts O1TUS ass o -ONT hiâ,te, sud usiah Prie. alloveà. Wsau,Jo p A UX. i, e .oe JMESOLATO WhIîby, is.u. $1, 1,60 &a. rt T r J19ATTREW' COLIL W LilVOeuF, antidChildreu'a udSisces lu grest variai>', sud oser> ' t] COMMERCIAL 90Li O)SHAW,4. JAMES BLACK,-Povu Oonssleuttoal up roome forctu TERAP1N RE 8TÀ u RI Omar L, BILÏA~BOOMS (W7* 89, lClg street Zet Toronto). Tise mostioi tanrautli,'Canqda. - - meati suppiieti ai aIl laurs. Wines Lqaaanti Cigare o! tie inest-brandis. Shil acCoOjaters. la ever>' style. 1'Parties, sshing Tor-onto forea da>' vii 1usd every eecommodatlois at tise Torrapsu. Aptil 5, 1870, 14 £WHDWOE ONT.~ A. MA S 0- O- Proprietor. Thse abl ol* a.een tisorongthly renovsteti, aud thepqblio viii and evOrY-u odi, FIRE ASSURiANCEC. LoMBABD)STRE£T & OEAUING CBoies, ESLIABLIBJD IN 1782. EILLPPIEMOFFATT * Co,q Agent» toi JAMEs D4VISI(,, ,manager. [NgURANCIi atatuât LO8S by PIEarc Aeffected on thse nioatt,&Vnrablo terme suad ?OSE AID witlaontrefereuce jte s a Apsili Srd,1866. gentwlitau> F I13T-CASSPARU! FOR SALE. Beiîsg Pari Of Lot NO. 10, lu tise $rd cou, of Reach, coinprisîng 108 ogres, 80 acres cleareai sud litas rocul state er cultitsatioas, sial Weil fesseeti. Te. A. a living strteam et vater rsaaaisi lai 01roufla tise fsru A Rootine-w Frama. Dwelliaig lionée, asimd ris.oisaonit- ldiistab la sgooti veli sd ecatern. TitI. apl î ,I? by 'ltJ .r (pro p isd ) t tise p rop r etor, GEORGE LYLE, tels 7, 871. manchasster P. NEW AN» FANCY IVÂRERDOXISg Building Sontisot tise RoyalH ibid. MRS. KELLER & 31ISS STUART O. 8 reapecifnlîy aunouncu to tiseladies o! Wisitby anal vicia-lt y, tisai tise1 are slov lu receipt oi thier Pul Stock oh choies Iliiiuery, also Mais. ties, D lrems Goo-ixs, Primts. Cotto-s, Hot. ekirts, Corsets, Fansselo, Ysrn sud' Woofl.- Iiosiery, BIssacs, ollarsandtinl, Lace sud Bsaide, assaifiair nets o! tiselutenti etyles ansd Is.ent qiaal&ty, Fasie>' Javeler>' ana Statiouer>' a mlulperior article lisi tpoctucies, for *2k., iPr js.r. Alil tise onaias- e hurandtwel sne- leated ansd of thise tfaeileia. Ladi ila i lissa tisai tiîey eau cousaIt theirl taste sud lu- ts-est b>' callissg. W Ploeasnota tise aetisse, TIE UILD.. ING SOUTII OF TuLE ROYAL IIOTEL. ot. 25. 1970. 8 Flour #<Feed HIENRY SIIEPPARD Deslree to is!oru ie uiailsut !Wiîb sud VieliitLtisssJl mu coeod toi" HENAR WALTER§. Wises-e isekeepu 6aonatanti>' on liand, Floar, Osînseai, Corumeai, Brun, Oats shorts. Orabsans Fient, &ce Anti evaryiglsu tiseFouah lino. Best a! Flous- fer famil>' une. Evesythlng - a tise lovesi sellaug Prie«. Tise cash syatem itiatlyadiseda te. Plemee eau sud exainusequalit>' snd prie.. B. SIIEPPAUD 'Y Wisitbay, Feb., 1871. - moat pro.perous c1 Engilais Inbus-suce Coa, I. INVIORTItDFVNDSatrc,... i7,00,o8 ' t DALLY INCOUMEescesoti.... 820,ooo Ita LIFE POLICIES are as, ure*lprotecions for tise future. Iii PllE PLICIE, isued at CusuamT Rite, ashorti amape paotectlon tc tise Meschant an uheialor. Al fais- diaims 1Fuoserxy Pan,,anti tiseut- monti lberality sheur lu tise adjuatmusesi0o -G. P. C. SMITHI, Chie! Agent for Dominion. L.FAIRBANKS, Je., Aessv, Witsby, JnI>' lth, 1869. 80. niao. jm'o"tin a ga F"m UR SALE. elafs,,Clte ua rrs.Aosc, halaesiY Dabilit>' resultiug from TYraboid anti cuber Tise sabacriber -loy foyers, D5alartcPretrstion, iHystes-is Thdusrbroffrt for sale tise Nons H rpooisonds-in, Ameuas-risoaCisIos-osha Ane- Pifi>' Acres o! Lot- auinisar tureatyou, mis, Lencorisoea, Nervons Exctabiity:ss lu tise -tirulcoacessiou o! ise: mua or Wtating o! tis, Mahcîea, AushL i TOW BH- OF'Loecf Veioe, Chores or Sc.- Vitas'st Dance TOWNSIF 0F WhKITDY. g isasese o! tise- Liver, -Interrupteal sud Thé land leàail cleari, veli feu uet, ud ha a 3oFeeAcion o<heBsrt, Ssuoigp51a gocd sie é fc ultivsihn, &dsud.lis.a sruamsOf! muaidbmacoas obstrucstions o!ftiseLons rater runnug zsos l.sd Làrau iagea Iesdlug tisereto,. sniDeblt y trw, , 1 ronîi ao O cume, mas>' cease c-vwideS qp O r D1dâspY Wte.-J. Wilaoun, Eeq., - -re os cpeIes.. 1 ortlb. anscrber- S&-)I Sp potaiee SAMEL ILKNSO, W Puce, 91.M; liF for $7.60., .M 0aon 1 prose si. 9AE EL l Mmssa Wishby, Set.100- 88 2 st.John, w. B. OF TRE- ONI'ARIO TURF L B 1 ILL COKE01or ssv3m UN WVE » N ESM D A Y k TH&SD Y nu 24th anad g8t5, 1871., FJ RS8T D AY. WEDNESDAY. Ilsunt n rau-poo..... Mlle Du. (-Peu te aIl Do-.igtaon,.bred Isosses., dtia s6tvr von puble moue>'. Enirsuc fiee.- T. C. W. IMrai, $350; Second, $100 . Thiral, $5o. Whitbr Parse--$M400.le Hout%. open te aIl. T. C. W. I'rovluce.hred ulleured 7 ir a, 8 8 0 ; Second, 8 0 Troteihg P rse-01s0. .pe or hese s ta n o'v a s - b e s 2 . 0 . M ile li e ts . S l u , t e bas-sa»..For Frovine-ebiorsaouI>; viglt, 1491. . PIrai, $100; Secouai, 80 CenIy parse-825.-ureptakes cf $85 maut, i cA 2 5 itdeti. Secouai os-en o sav*s bis atake. Dasliso! 1 mile; Catch vWelgs. For haraes.bs-cal raiseal sasd o ne bu ieConut>' ontsrio. - Tovu cf Whiîsuy barroti. SECOND DAY. Hardie lRace-82oo.-.Dub 0(2 miles, Blini de, 8 fest 6 Ineises biais, 4 Trott înfi Parse-8400...opou to ail hou".. MiO Heste 8 tu 5, to haiuesa; vewgite, 145 bo. Firat, 8800; second, *100, Domniaon Handlcnp-3.-..Milî, eau, 2 in 8, OPen te MIai >smulon bred i ers«. Frfft, 9210 ; Second, $50. Ltile* a' PVft-820..O-(pcuto aIl. bMlle Itouto, 2 iu 3. IDuuiiuioa bred aiJowed 7 Ibn..,T. 0. W. Firot, $150; second, 850. Consolationa Parne--0ç 85 OO esois, itis 8-dded. For beak.,i oiàoses ouly. A tisaisof!1iile. B 7LES ÀAND REGUL 4 71ONS 1. Euirauce for aIl florpes, 10 per cent. 2. Three or miura ilorses to insakte a fleld, not Iras taau tiarec to staft. 8. Eiiders La appdarlisfullJockeoy costumeo coisirs to ha aaassed at tise Lime o! eutry. A.sy Jackey presseutifai imiselfto voigis, Iîprop, Orly Iroed al bc flieil #5 00. 5. Aljti s to be umade lu writiug:. mcii enr jper the lage, usine, colos., sex, pire ud amof l lorme, vitis tihe Ihoaa ,!de asvsere naine ; scutc ati>' to hlientucow.sei fa peussil etiveilyjewtl, entrarce money, sigo blenberihip, sddroased te thse l5etrotary, 6. Meibersil,, 85 00, 7. Katrios for tise Douslnlois Plat3 aud Do- mssion gltaudocap, toe loao ou tihe list ut Yuay; ail otiser* os. tihe Cti, Muy. sha. l cmmsence osais day st 1 o'ciock e, ver THOUMAS HUSTON, aprui12, 871.Seo>. ê*Treas. éout and %J Shoe store, Thisa uicriber laer. ou siaowa large asisoit.. Meut os boi ,11 fli o'ls own manufacoture, of il styles and i aira, for inter ear. lie in,. vt«s n eriisiatiol.i Work made to order lu a firsi-elasa - manuer GootI lits guasr.ateed. litepalring doue neativ. R. WILKINSON Osisawa, Nov. 29tla, 1gi, 48 Cýr DAILY LINE TO Tise Supers -New Lotke Uypporasi Sai.Cablu steamer-, N o RS EMAN Csrring Usaieti Stttes snd Canadian mail& sisi Essrema. I.eqveoi Port hlope evary Maplîs. hng for Itoctisebeuta 9 o'clock, un arrisai cf Grand Trask Raiiway Trains, trousFonst'sud West. htturning, leaves Fort or Roehesier (Clarsltte) oves.>' eniniz ai 9 o'clock, (exeepi Sastu rtiys, wvise hleuves ai 2 0oeock, p.u., for Brightons). Ti'ls à leiac favorite etnusmer route froin To- route to Roclster, Aibasa>, &o. Tise eiesp. est sud qaiakest route from poinats Futi or Port Hope ou tise Grand Truastikte CFe ter, BfAilal, &c..- Tlse,tavorite route te Avon anal ClfoaSps-asg., "e steamer et hRochsester Laadiaag. Conuectiou madle ai Cobsorgsud Port Ilop. vitis Royal MaiL lane ttesuers troin Hanilton andi Moutreal. T O LOAN.--Thbsnm of 81400 4lyton yean -or eiec s t 7x' per cent. lutereat. AIes tise sui of 890, for sx ais aor les ts,&tâsme rate, on goocaiispoved V'asrn, ii Witby os ADDUMR- e .C. CARTERL.1 Witby, Marcis itti, 1871. FELLPHOS PWl E, H PPH O ! ITS .nogtta dsese Veom b> rest-iag e Bukasudllsiklg;UïI -Se teket Intouoslerstioa E>' ordýr of tise Board, - D, FISIER, Ossaus BavaCahie-, Bourmnili., lînai Alrl, loil, i 1 T IEZ DWEFLLIIG BiOUSES TO BENT Ai HTAMRS CORERS. AIl mont de- sirable Ee.Iesce. Bout Moderao. Apply to- JMHN AllERB. Wbltby, Is> 2ud, 1871:.1 A 31,-Lotu <o ' e*zia iad >0on the eacr of Lot .No. 20, iwi he )Irt Coacus- Be h ectesi iy the Cs'usscil iobCorpsss.s. thon of tihe Towlbaehip of Piekeriugr; Tisat athe rond on rear o!fL"tNo. 2o, aintise Irai Con. of thse Townslaip of Pickerinsg, sb aurvep yedl> Satan Sisier, Ea. ' .8,asti deorbeti as 1o0 v : r î s sî S t s , C o m m e n e n g o u t h e souaiierl i Isit of the ecigiasaalowance for ronai aI tise îssrtlaeaeangle of the %nidi Lot, 20. lu tise lot concesion, anà rasaînlug tiseuce sautis 460 W. 7 chsaiti,. sud'28 liuka theuce Northl 70o W - ehissl en sd 80 linsk, more or lexs. tutise soistlerly unmit di tise asiti orse ana. islowsusec for rond, thisali rond t, b. 7.5 1,uka wide, ant tie abuve doeraed lino to lastise Anti bc ht-.trtle- enscird, tist-Ihat ces-tain portieon o! tIse original aiovaiuee for rosai lu reur of saisi Lot No- 20, iii slitisilot cocession, r'sr Wliasît1 tise abcsvu dacsibed rosai a1lu in tises-eut; sud visicis saidportion ln describesi s. <olissurs. tissainl5te se>'. conaencing ou tise .sasntlaesiv unmit o! tIse salidos-iginal ailevancé for rosai, at tise di.taniof'o!rIChasin ansi #JO inaks ou s course et Sontha74, W, froin the Nus-teat angle oi tise $nid lot No. 20, sudi s-unning tiscace contia 74* Wi3 ashalsus andi 25 liisk, tlio Si, N 1 0' W 1 eh.iu sud 70 laiker no-e or les, te tise uorthlaesi hit cf tisa jesi ilevanlcweo for rondi, t-iene nort 74,, E, 11 chaîna sud, 50 liuka, tuense souts 460, 'W. 2 cîoui,s sd .8 links. mose os-lesm te tie Take Notice, tise skv qatrcC f B>' 1v, proposealte be siis cp> o p ssed by tise (onuail HECTOR BEATON, Pieckerissg, Apsil lUth, 1871. - i.17ir Ti HZ l ZLF-JUStUi Rud u raa &leo si, a le u o llioî' Tisey con be goset ai Ivi's isiltl Slsop, Dusis St., WVisiby ; os- at lis faim Lot No. $1, lioken trou, ric. 25. Tisase Landa Rollersarase, witiaout tous- ef costrudicîle, the beloi et the kinsi eves i. veuteti. NO utWr iowunseven the grounsl usay le, upriill or cdown dale,&Ilai yulbe eqai>iy roiladi, ant ie>' are vo constrsactd tisai tise Bolier e au i.skess tepieces lu a fev rnistcs anti placetlnia eweggou. Faraura Wsitby, àa>' t, 151. - --- Tise following are t6ken frontnasrn tes.timolals ; nmru a.e h0iave seen you s effadjngtlng landi RgoIes-nlUne. Asua a UdRelier, for aven or unevon surfaces. Ih La snpcraor te anytiaina ure ove s 5eIl (Sigasei) 9E A. ichatisn, Jesa willis, JohnuSumiths, Danioî Causasou; Jams ",'Ic"uider it utacrior to aîsYtlilng I bave ver Yet sees. f(ignd> M. Crsuther."1 "An, s lenti ioller for oTan or unven grounti, ve recemmen it beyonti anyti ve ihave ever yet seen.' 1 (sine Jo aa Beyo, J. B. Byoa. ~..u.. nta Otisers say,-"It iesaproveal is&e1! superior te au>tiasgo! tise' ksdeves. Inventeai, aud tiser. Sano ptobabilty o! ste swang aurpesseti."' ed,6It m oetsou I>' t e h. tire tito be appre cat . 61 tconstruction la simplesud esp sand hi works lake s chas-m1 adjusîing itselt to tise nature of ilhe grounti si passe.. ever."1 L19O SSRNECOPRTO PIRE AN» LIPE. ldTAaLUREaih TROYL iÂs.129. HEAD AGENT, MONTREA L1tOME(> il. kTIÉPIENS. No. 50 st. Prancola Xavier Streoet. JOHN AGNE WV, Agent. ltby, MayîSt, 1971. 1 là liereby gis-en, tisitishe Dfreeiors o! thse Part Whitbr an4 Port pery alljway bave th a dy, made the c oilowi enIa on tl Suisaribeti Capital 'Stock of asliRiv Coupansy, vis: ilitis eau o! tolp era- o nt on orignal stoci sud ibirdasMil O! tepeoaincls Stock, bots payable o n tis Ihdon o Js i 1871, te eeé isasionTeeesrr pro tean OfM sai asm p ant ailis , lu thé Town EOSS. 908.JOJNTON,. Bu t. & T e maur r pro-te s, Wbltby, 12eh Apsil, 171, 41-19 daIdi-t o ms-ami myseite ;t1sink hetb ascmlul I kopne su alou.. iea dis nsatt'tbention$ a Ibide iec vu 1ioings' à,aeOtet ,. b ,ck Ou has fi>' luI useuvittea,1'TO ns>'vif, heise Lincolu;9 vus a date n;ae ycâs bre. 1;isurta Zdrslg Thse )k, île; lad 'heen Autreu Lacl, 01 loufesM if lin go r-Wisos-upon saint Peter, Det llig ilh S 'putatisC2Of eareissneae, tisen-(bo>a W repies~ t-ON ca£ PARtT Oà 1 TE 1) ZFENC For olgisiou buasret yesaanti soý r- Ivo . epit; c or secarel>'tvlod; it ,Tiere bas Do iitlenngeI etroyed, j- er one besi aulua u- ai lb viile. 3t 1titi ot Sloop s. yen auppcsiet, lDNos-leso tise door oS ssesonajar# -No b s litie ic 5 trajed - Go esistisai blueblug bride sud se@ If al;e@slon'i frankl>' ovnudt a' Tiosi vien asofounti tisat*auge lb shefoant il0lutise gocti ci. urayt. Goal granit hut tia sak ne More, r Tisaisaisoalti your asnrbera still enka You vIll net-dos isrettooo,, Asaid la>' hte aolai Poters. has-g. Tuelvo Y«ae<tny Li15. (CJeined.)- Thst nigbh- tw ul' . Nilem'a maist I mate ail ns'y proparaiions. I" diai confite ns>' plana for tise future erg ber. 1 toit her«encgb o! thse airens» Mo ia urbie I va slsodtuecousine. tisai, fer the prsesai, fi usbottes Ohouit Dot Snev. I1lied >previcuel>' sec fs-ens Mi. Emserson a ps-omise ef ses Ho vwu te ho deaf antdumb îc ail isç ,les, asouan s>'ob itdreisedt te im, - itw viat ianthelb.igbî urbea lait t alois. befare the aiîting.aos»fise, ps-spsred ta unite aletter ta Audreur 1 cola, voicis Msa.NMiez vau te gise bis hie uext sisit. Tis vas t-h.eibardent o! lli, su t 1l iniag te Mm sfor fis-ai aut lest tise tiser. vu 3 trou, je>'. I ceuasso hlmthat clouse issd lovot me 00 bail 1 lovot hins..--fe bette-cul>' Goti' andthtie right. At ame tine Iisade hlm a eteînal fais.% With a love il ur- eas-tI viicisit vC le deasainuanoste .cuaqer, I ahoi lins that h vonidl bovo-Se tisanmatds fas- ci te moi.Thore0 vasDo no feîy iu pss-îing fososor, I toit hlm heu i poseible if uathat I Sait se cepi fi bis» an>' Peoui->'asistse, aotdisun hM thît Iusgeing l2ho b. eucon atanetd as uoîtet nesti le. Thon I h hlma gcod-by, thsukiug Geai tisi vIes s-esdt1h. vars-t lha niti eve- lueu paag tise>'nosame. ,I1sappresset îLe 8 gaishet os-y uhiscuit ldfaits, shscagh i tamis abeet, laeemade lt-golf boas-t. mp genref1.11 teck gocd«ca s-etisati dit nel drap upea tise piper. 1 zigs ns> nase fisl>', aut direciet itj on i outeide le Astrewu oinl, sud ilion- hi vas a lesol>' afies-nocu uben @te pet fs-c. the carsaiens>' place of dtsin lian. Tise Virgias aps-ing, ea-lie- th Ours, 1usd!ils-est>' cothet the oa-mb v s-es-dure. I couit hear birs-d isglug the noirWvods, snd the air vu (Is l of sive, mabti. odor, batokoaiug ibit il, b lisgered above bcds e! violet sudthtIe pi assonn. Juai iafier th. tisateppeti saudsonsecars-lage d-sr a p be*orei lithoe tepai, sud an oIt genttemnss, vi olise- hàais-mts iat, beaevoîenî lac 'Xisa Hamsiltoa, I cencutep, bh.ai cordial>'sxteisting hig baud. 'R>' usn oa Woaucs-rt5, Hi& apPeas-aneimprueedme ver>' psel ah>'Y, Yeî h aurprlsed ume. I ba lpiciars b. Richard Weaiurosîis, urse nome ha beou aigaod te the lette- receivot b>' M Smeraos, sean à'oung Mais, 1h. liths- àe ciiiren inlu ooboisi! ns>' es-sic 'cr0l roquiret. Tse>'uit ha grant cii tat orpisna, Pesbapa, and ais-est>' 1 (e s>' bois-i 'eing oser tbems-I lue seit it '-vu ta b. au crphau. aBloie are y7ens-oplS,' ait Mr., Woaî aorth, sho handat me inte, uhe carsagi "Anus-ev, Belle, this if Mises Hansiic.' Thisle ogirl vas@i S lise retae s tise fantist corner, as t bld bei caîl tati boeiia ber granatieî's ms-m. Ths >3,q humr, gave me bis haut, vus mais, bcyis elcome. 'Ai hliiftet hi ase O>'O5 to M>'face a ihs-ull struck tasu [sas-i Tise>'loaleai teme hiko Autres 'Wsî uonsense 19 I saidtotemyseil el tisi nonse Antwis- nscS s huit ou Ous- imagination tisai von dco usot beqs sud serve bis» innocesatin lalvhusg berviag -bis cidrca. h vsnot tirs that tise boy- bis son- hldlcoeod at o# ruS h is (aber'. eyes. It VUeDot air tho I teck lii, lins>' ybear. front mompat I1usd made op n>mna a re oaunisîg tho fatare, sud failly regained, eslf-couatuana, vboa aservsantiopena - door, sud saiti - #Nmr. Lincoin le comaissg, msaag. viii b. Vith sonaietonce?' $bh.bld cas-col>' ceseal speaikiug ïl lies miatresa <sainlto tises-cons. Irose ta meel lber- fc o . eau agtood vus Audreur Lincoln,& vif.pi suce, alcali>', @ahevs tIsemosieicoico sud pi n 39 ect tpecim enor! beutil uoanhoed en a o e 1us oerBeen; To-tis day. I hi stan h ave nover met I-sus- peer. The. pici liber aise mad .an h. saudle-s mviii ue ise fade from »'11Y mosorY. The us-la ured o'urtaine foli spart at tise westernu*jade rcy. sud the golden sauet raye lit np ber di lir- liairlit e vi-m olatnuî -tinta. Fp qaosnly figure, elsalai lu white, ansoli loa the palm>' April day-bright; ebeeks, a udlips cf lise reddet-eyoe fait cf @jaumbe s- afire-littie Sande,- glitcriuç Vus gel n-st -eh. cisartied Dir. a ligure fs-os» aus is culai remance tise Ber huehad lidtoldause athe. w ýbe prend1 bûttahé ussor ceald hlie.be hoe isughiy. Tiser.vas a cestain cisildli ring impul.Irenesu i er, manuor stili-î the vouid cas-y it uihrusila ber lil. VeolI. betook m ns>dsasud ioired acarclii Duad ilto nMy fa«. for a moment. ced I ans ss-re 1shalH ire yoa-ase sà iees tise vorde it is sa urms-ntiafleil mmil but 'Let an ho réel filent., Moias Hanilton.' ns- ' We yull.' 1 aneiverot ber qaietl>', i oma ith. silence cf ns>'soal 1, recorted Il s-ad vos-deseana svir Goti kuova 1 kepti ns- Iwvs her» iras rieut fs-cm that boas-, ade Deya vore ontsud aunsîiug vli h. va a not quit. bappiueu, yetboss aa s-rsu thse rseemblauce te ic t, aIe mue ns>'heurt. tan-' loved Androur Lincclas cisilta-en se bat osah usser bs.vehbltresasgaiu. sud Il loset Katheiine hie vifs, -Bies-chasacit be>' musi base obauged mach lu thse solitsr lidjean sinéé ber hisbanti lefi. sa - wu tise -nit exacsiug nov-éeîainiy net acîfisis, haiever so-aen samothes- mors teudero Dp- dýesoted, esecially te Audror, wvise.ri s- semblanue. la bots fuacsd maer, t sn isa faîhor, dii> appoaredtut me mer iSb airikiig. Wai hbiojikenos. the secreto la te istea Ino ain srlunber eél.. vha s aho k iseed bhlm? mi b lisesd appeaiod ta Hire me more fs-oc ai the firai. She soaghî ns>' society, eut s eeemed te vish me ta cousider mysei! us th ber oeii-n'a £oqeesumss-el>', SbasLe ush friend sud- ber equal. One da,vith' c, gaisof paouato vecpiug, abs toid me iser stor-y. hitVu asch tise sselv hick id, 1 bat i itetid ta before fions Audieur Lio, ne coWus lips. oui>' she blsnsed lies-sel! more lissalie bat hismet lber. hit vuasil lier e. fait, aise sait. lshe had been a apeili id cutd, -tas-baient, sud exacting, sud miss ha sil piayed vith is alovre nil hiteadl bAsai l r. 'And dit yea los. is» ail the vile I sf I aokot. ea i diti net thini t ehn, bat s» ns-r Id noeu tisai ns>'real love for bhlma ever vii ht eroti. For s long tiaie, thougis, I tisogis v tisat 1[ctusiy bsîeîfhm. My florce tens par wvs. lutise asndant. Ho proveke4 t.me, sud I sappose I1va. baîf msd. I 1011 o. i, more tisaisonue tisatail I1urauld sol ia tise v os-idurlis b.te bave hlm go t sua ri> f-m me cat cf mns ight, sud noves ly tas-meut me &gain vith is ireseuce.' le $And iehon oui'tok yoaai vous- vas-t7' a s. smiiet bittes-i7., iOn4aitisa;but inli hd isati beau gone loug bafore I kueus il tisai h. bail takçu vit iS lnsail 1 cas-ad (fo r n us le. I amanssdésolais, 'beiri-brckeu voussu' Gertr-ude. 1 have ns>'chilidren, ih la mstue ; hie ubildrenandatmise. It is s haviug tison, I blileve, wnieh bas kepi * me ails.; bat 1 veald gise oves-y thing- on oss-th In fool tho fos-giving pressure cf his lips, to e Ssciom s>', s e e setto, 'Eit t ile, 1 love you.5 Oh. if ycu oui>' kasu d hlm YO you eittell boîter vhat I have lesit, t. sud vhat bitter rlghst I have go monsual s If 1 ouI>' busc bis» I AIse,asI -Dit 1 not kuov bilae teevieilfcr ns, cura ,h.art'a pe.@? Ho vu ludeet ail ahe ,ball pistas-ad bis»-bn but ra sihsta . me?7 go ueber'& oal.Y. Ho-oughite IL htr a sas n RACI a X% ý Il YEOMAN GIBSON Aff.t.t- W.J'il JAMES STOILEY. STORE. Alm 1 - N. its- 1 1 pril Il, sud so.- ange It wu in %April tisai littie Andieurrfel Sme miel. We seat for s physicisa,, buti Sore 'age. lie oame. I wvsielaatisfe-d visai We lied tbat le dresd. Il caSe.:lever," h. ublapereai, cou- as. h.beuul oser tise badsAed, thugs OoIruas Mys>' locurcsî[fon, Wbou lho vont oit à tise cf tiserocs» ns>'oyea mai Ksîhes-ius'a. undeisoodiser- expression, sud saveredi. 8h. ;bc. question il iapplied. _ 'Yue, ycn muesviii. e tlii.Thes s-bli eau be aio doabst about jour cous-se nOv. "Yoa ay>'h.ieset bis ehiltrea dean>'. eq II o fleu elac yas tr for la ta bis» os- %hY- >'oaseif if Autre, abould ie, sud lie nso& Pes-h borse.ta me ims7Thiuk if ycanisad d I beeaura>'lfs-cm jour chiltiAlis-eanranda lkl 1 coulai nos ewfettgise bim one poos-, pariiug tare Sica beforo h uee nsiaiciedain-o»yoa for- 50ai0 'Bot Audreur masl'net dis ; cii il l lvlui ii me i11h. aliult. las-k -'"And yeoî e ss>-in tan>'case, yen ahl have yens- dotte n1 10' s polie yulde- itet ulicu su &d -séieority; -1 couit net llov sud _myseif te faites-. ,Tisey munat h. reanitea r-nov if ovcr. tma lie ent te a wiiiug.deek vhich siot si.nl tise corner o! tise roos sud vs-ose for s four momonta reapidi>'. Thon &aisecame Wasl sud put tisïe sot Jute ns>'baud., ion 'Resat il, Gens-ada. Hasse Idonsesight- 111,rM Da&&a Huaausn,-.Andreur, Our littie boy. i. es-yiii. Tise dotior eau, ks ng.' suas-lot lever. 1 thtagisi tisai- you vouiti m i is te se hlm. Yous- ptesonce ousidho idtise greelesi camIons. hO. - Ycas-faithfal sifo, but TSi, tgtLisuots.' vuoThs abs ernoie. Coul i hfait ta tOiis thskt.aroag, troeis barî o! bis?7 I liat itti-ime for speculaion. os- eh Katharine Lincoln <Onrliopos. Antis-sur Ige grec uru-e'rapidi>', auil ltise question urs.o nso longor urisober ho vouidrosese, hut boy man>' bous ho cuad lise. Neithes- ofI o! s lefi hlm for s moment eozcs P- occo- tr soually, ubeis one or th isers-vonai s->' l sto a>, te whieper a fe ourdss of -s comfonite 1poor little Belîs, viso ara. ept luina distant uriug a! tise houninuos-des- to- or»-h bemoe rom<-n tise danger ofisfécsiou. r Bat vo uouid isot go cas o! tise ronsw its. to eOt those reuties., proeoraay bs-frht re *>'s - miius n a > smoment, sut thon of ie little, virak voice volil ail-sMans ea mi, «on>', doa't lbase Ant>', pios.e.0 go veeuratchod oser lins coostanti>' lgeibor, ns nithosleeping, eaiag, nos- vepiug. t hi vstise aftorucoi cf tise feurtis dey at InceMu. Lincolanisat diseaced ber os- iottes-, A uhangas »sasipasetioser AnZ7 Sdre ur' face, autiden and féarfal. W. kueur tenue tl>' hat iî porsened. Hoevs. d yiag. lu s feu momontae au rn ~.go fans, suad losis the fais- litd. -bod>' re iyiug upou tise piliovas sIf .and tenanoiees. ir Kstiserins e O0mot mine. uttth,& look lcf t stan>', insmoraisie vetuidetu -infat-hem ,d that fias-t>' eisiiedme t. 'To tii,ol, ssait, 'taie iii aot hc bre-tisi h. eau nover se. poor littie Antrour again-elive 1i - «ar-do, tila ,e ns> vos-k.' r 1 kucur tis estp uhicame, il tisai t- r sos-ymtantt, Colhusrieti>' scosatise bal. So did lise, for eois. -elupeti ber banda Sigiîl>' apon ber brouts if ao hoit ber d heourt fs-os» bs-ekiug. Mie loakeosishite as s suas-hie statue, sud se fais-,# 1 cult se. that,even lu tise miitiof!mnsiekeaing r- angaiis aver-tise boy visom I ioved as i! he urere m ns'ar. I do nual îilnAntise,, iLincoln lookod t aie Sos-e hcrosed Ibtis tisresholt. I1tisink iss aur neiig but tise litho +van, death.as-ucçkea face upuI -tise pilieus. l Bo aps-aug to theo-bedeude andet oli w vusàagroan -of duspas-; h. isad recoguize th ie improas os the eailit bs-cv. - Da dyinig oyo eo mes mr- a isti hn living cnes 1. Astirev vas n ars s-a nîov; ho isai iseenouI>' <oas- vissu ho aw hie faihe.rist, and jet bis lace iigied np vus àasuaden, glatiglour o! rocogu3lun I'Ppapapa il-ho pipadthtie vordsin las cluar, boliab treble, M sjo>'oeuaT1s Isa-i oser hoard bis» apeak.- en sîroîcheti up bis arma, sut bis fasSes- eatigisîhlm ta sIt honons îis, for lire joBs-, isad iungt-dà-a saisi>' for tise lauci o! tisai litali heýA.a 'Papa, papaIan1 sd tisâai --A sud --'c .15. t 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1- 1

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