Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1871, p. 3

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leaùu.wâ 'nters ipîlyiw îp etonp, tea eothe r Md....,o~.,.'- -WALLACE & 00, -ti,'e Wlitby, 22nd March, 1871., 12 'auazue5 Ceus-M Il aý ea,, sud w Mvaotw avaa.At @~s&m.~ OCKElT-BOUX 1LOST. liv. Air. Cnço.-d, . - iviesai. Catua-At il . nand 6.30 i11fr, w On Thtiriteog.Igti Mareh, at.,l the Tc.wn Wcf y aooiet Bock, eetatlnzaeveral iffs WbAîby Aarketll. --Wtt,,orf ian,,, ieicb are knownnidthIii pr- momîcLuOri-iwx. MAsos 29, 1871. been stopped,ose liiet aî: persan l,egotkntlug .su ........ ... 1.4se$1 .5th it ea are lereby varia dand forbid.fen ta; wlîet. .......... 1,00$185 in ne nuertràde, or othervlsa deul for eeld .......7,5 Atn> i'o Ondine tbes. Notes, or su>' .85 @ 70. Pçcet.-Broe a ict iîinthe came vith agio-r ........... * papora, viiili e saîtabiT .rowerded by îenu'ng .4Po par hus thl, saue et te GAZ Itrj'j1fOfie. Wihjtty. eau...............0@I WlaltIv, Maroh 20, il m i cwt .............#4 $ t 7.50 r- ý ........ t,16c.@ 17. FoRÂîîTiTw owlT3 .......» g ...5,pur dow ........... 0@. A BRIICK VI jlA ADVEUTI8zMErNrS.-Oàt-buildingsi S.ft ani Hard »later, A The aboro pr<iperty jl stnated lu a heilthy, a id îpieaant part of the Tovn. For particularaapp>'ta F. KEbpLEU, or- Wlîithy, bMareh'23rd, 1871. 1 MPRAT U- R S USING E~XTRA XMA CH-NlE . OL. TihL i I celsgof ati Uer Cil, hot iinanim, asud ,'i.talh, liald votar( P',pared te ekîaw tihe t;npurîoritf et thié is01te aait other. tittîdaq the taoieot. îcc"ury te priocura a flrat-eis ar fiele. It is adapotnd toeieki liglat or heavy aila- atialaory, frotta 4aeick orgewilioc.malilîîîe ithe facaveat ef' ialifatJ llaawing are ii. IlLtg Ini wl;el S eces tlei lia""IT 11,1, NOaT G<Itt, lieiice ru-îeliinery eau b. hi-ptI ciei, witiî but liqtie tronhle, aud At viii eleail iiacliiiary tint hboasi'en:aiready-gie 'înmed hy Otiler ilg.l.[t Wiit iot-conaeaior icthes)a iîi lit.-coldeost of weather.'T'iis toi a qîaitv eti th ia. ii(iemt importance, tfronitue filetaun Cl) not tîavilig tiaitq qti4 âtilvii lnot Ilricate a coldiîl,1af't, halneta 01 il mey La eapplied in a lieated amtato, but the nmoiuit It foettle% a coid aliafi ilta scoaîitealcd aîîd i ii not-tnbýfcatea n- ilii a.,aîiriînl fby fltlieîîacqîlireattiiit t iepar- atire tiaccc'aary, te reaince it fi) a iiqîiid stie in arquiringa liictietemîîeratnro bv fictaco, tihe jouîrnal expoa o u iîd the tbox is i' ijured, it la as lmpeaafçllle te nie cil 'thait vilii ilou ag old aiatit vitiont tisareauli, las. i tenatalm,- prile Oit lvitia veter. .il G. fStock'. 011 vili lu_- bricata a colde taliîery tii.mmett la apî'iied. 'liialtii lx nov uaaed in over tva hnngdai etlloit s. aud isaivingtbe.be,,t oi' atiilftaition, and ail urdie ait ia-avlng, ic>' Eprefer It'to rentlîî.eil Sc,,or pure 011%. It it 'reu frointthe oI.jetlenm rged igurilait *Il ollior tila* asit dopam rot unîion or Ireezm. Now un fle publlic aro eware mte "Inny ionls îliiiiîgi tire IliltEsi it,, uol'erlety, ieorder ta prove Voait liiii, !ln iîuii<, and ale ure eaîraiel vasi igitiiIlst tfle cpriuiut lilniorupoi- jloa oitlîigolila, (maîiy ior' vîaîiîili îltinhbaal- taèta te palais off thot, 3ieun offat ii 1iellucen ant being luleiitical wihStock's extra NMacline )ll,).-Wo prcel», te tiieso vuel are îIC4teated i nu the. trutit er tlloi4 tatterneult..ta emani te them, ois applicationi, ayfautif or otlierviiîo, ree of chiarge liatan>' way, haiaimmleocf the eoh, that 1: îaîay speak for itiioli'. Aud vîl laint îiîîîdl vltlî it a fow simple testS, ao eti'aetilve as Nic ttea haaicli gizj la kuaewîi train the ",,,"r iaitalad wil ii il iseble parties or- lvriligt Acaturo tlieriiscives aogallt iImposai- ti, l'yeibiî«le te datteriui.At ente wlautiier the li crverded la allagead- a» Ain~le. tiideallug l u tMcilne 01. iia il o rli -te conui ia cite vUIr: GEW. B. STOCK, Bicoughiu, Ont. Soie Agent for tle Doula Blraughami, march 16,1870. 'TEeTIMONIAL. Tss-'JosspîtIiÂza Mtcusx Weox, Cav, 1wd April ,80 lien lisai -Ouer llîbricat1îîg lait for thpliait'~ ian îaaîîtls, aild colt) goy viontlilstatiuîil 111atit fi le lie bea t orave evernajoed. Itile seo ceap. santilësaloigr.thtu an>'otioer-olh. We liava rîîîî Our lariro 14 font trou igeiî,iar, r aysl witl allie ailliog. it ritu tlîu tocnk - eun aied] fil gt. Wu douiotsaut an ythlog ~te aelu bricastor. ' uIni youiéstrul>' 8 ~ ~ 1 r. w': Z4.1,1,Prea t. il tai Tb Atibl ocîiteSALfe.i ii aa4il o The, ContîiFil cf thoirlorpébration of tlia'1'avn- slîlp of rit m ia)tnlid, lit ifs next t$ittiîi, MATVII»AY, 131b ltny, neit, ta pas41 th ii, 'alwliaç »y- lfaavs, vit :-A 13y Law te esteibllamh aldiciiizuahe of ruas(] Itel>' laid ou iat am'i anvoyed b>' Pétenrllairnett, P. L. S., aad descnîb)od las fuiova :. Cntiriaaning cIa p(alot 0is tic Weste14 liiliit ci isil-ireiicator ruandlia roir or thaFront litKuag ttMe dieistanca or 19> ciiiiiis 40 llilaLs tram the. ltuitlierilimit uofia, coîçe.aotn r-m-I b.tveeutiae2sa si ,ad A;leSc-180l. 100 Ynorli)ailavligtigtle, lissaiiatvenuLâts Noan. 2lit ,saa-iiglutuî2a.asial-iii.îî iiit tu the -eitu tir oei ta.i tr-iiaairond. An a-a uleealiznaeocrtaie treépea Tua,], billaaga icylattioai Inim aipart it ftîhe. ilît Ceiir,-ssiit h-e, radir'a îipassla, xstr- vec-od ati du-ol buat> William 1iîiàire, Esq., P. L. S., au fllievu: "muarap ta iaîit lit tie unad eessanlina, fleur tiie Weatteriî lr ouaiot 2Je t ; tlirîî-u N. a11le.t.22 oia. 15 ]lin. ; ,uaaîacaiN. 4 , ta>' V., 5 c1., 86 lins.; fibeautaN. 4S E, 6 ci.. 71 lia. ; tl 8.aeu-S620 X. 13 c., li. 02 tiaouce S. $80 E-, 15ci., te mîeet sel] d coaî ,'Une et tige euatre of Lot D). O'BRIEN, Tujaalip Cek WAGG01N TOR.BALE. mier or wl.lesetle iieolitit, for sala. - AppI>- et tlia CIIRnôxCLE Office. 'Whithy, Moeala 2, 1871. a8 1' CEEXCELLENT LAND, , cuth Part Lot 7Xa. 6, Broken-Front con. ]Pickering, t AHl eloartu, voil fteoi, aîîl in a coeal %tataet ofeft ultalimn ; ico re ik lniaima, Largo Barn, 1i aîîai ,>;bîll~~ itîsoue o,'liau' <rcheatl.A dtlalle jeiaae fur a mal, ncquiriaag a comiort..le -ambue . de, l- i E 1PEMiil IS ltîL ti En uir 01 tigeupreMnsI»oîor at Loves an u 'Jil, POWELL, Propniotor. Mrh27, 1871. - 1t IF OU 'SALY, UIiP,A- - APjIIY ta l. J. YA1LNOLD Wlaitly, 2808 M airola, 1871. 1 FAR[ OISSALE1 i TEItu-St0oealCie balance li1 eue, two, tir tiîru ra, êm a rtd b>'silnrtprage. J For ,,jirtiler atclvciyb iear.i a.. 'p , ai n r41(IugtUNWltltcran- - Ylî. t 'uf t glu ibqr tveîat>.oau. W1lttay, 1MaUt go2, 1571, 5v-I - oItihte thiir'J iiaele t eu 1-owNviiJKp OS' WUITI. j1555J15 WILON &iULLNGS 'the land lua«Il Cloerad, aVeil fenod, ais4 WL geod state uo itiatlaôn edbausstom BuareLeU,, 1fkitoae 7icoar", 4o'req'p. t. aèr rniglaîa cress It., ornuIUlpem e t ',Wilson, Esq twO(VU OXNTAitBIANg, W11TIY.M SAMUEL WILIUsoNl WhIth, sap, ig, -eia lpromisle Sale of Lantls M~sR P Olt TAXES FAWWRIOM Building Senti, of tte Royai notei. KES.X1LLE &'MISS STIRI rsUJsdtPlI'dnlenotelades of Whltb) avu-îjthat tLley are Itew dtin ftlpt a, TTul emTroxnoreo4j r'*dî,oty,(4Qr , tisiuall î k ut ehelea Mlioaer>' siof 4Ubua. i ôaa..ai r.as. Dai 1oah l,,, la af q., as' i i i - 'j, genei'al amsortment of best selected Cloths. to order. NO SloPwc;rk. NO jFITI g- Goodi Ail Clotbis ka .Great Care -aný Attention paid -to .rtiytic C1ai>. «£ icontinuance -of that liberal patrot e êtnded to him-d ýthe pa1; 30 years in WhiLby, respectfully solliclited. MABCI428, 1871. BOOTS AND -SIIOES Jokn Sam nd er s HAS REMCVED- FRON RIS OL»- PLACE OP BUSINESS TO TUE 9REIMISES OrPOSITE R- & Ji. CAMP3[ELL'S STORE 1ùroek Street, wbere lie wilI be glaid to receive- a visit froni his old custoiners.le begs% to intorrn his numerous pat- rons, and the puiblic, genorally, that lie hàts A LRGEAND COMPLUTE STOCK 0f Boots and Shoes of every description, for Ladies' Gents' and Childrent wear, ýand saited t~o Af kinds ot weather. Thiek beavy Boots,- suitedl for the muddy steets. Liglit, neat and easy lluting Bnots, suited'for dry ea14 ansd for Spring and Sumnor' wear. Alil of the best quality and superior workmnanship. Removing te bis presènt omelises lia enabled him to malte very large Id. ditions to bies uock, te whichand a liet 01 bis Prices, ho invites tho -attention of customners. Miarch 2S, 1871. 133 MQuO.DO0NO0V AN'S. CARRIA1.GES & BUGGIESt latest ety!e a&d 'es1 bp1e)ndid1y Finished cutters, OF 17ER7 BUPEIIOR O.rÂBfz ~UGIS LEIGHS. REPAIRSe AS USUAL.ý 'WHITBY, N«v. 22nl, 1870, tiet t bave bn iii lnt ~~UJ5'fry ton yeer*, aflnj ,ve fitiî- J IJLs mlied et iarim Boi' «tore, it BSowi, n 2 lle, aeeorcilagqto inîvitation àmd nâoie tt "ouîetnT; r. Moer, ofL.zao, Nord&s & Co., voni HE ,wOtl r'itm ethora6,M n had flot tiie leust exisedtution R PREE GR.ANT LANDS 14t e1 l 1 ia: a pair of $i:pe tades to aie Itii; 1 ctmit'rsto o rtierthan4 imn'hos rom OCF ianiVe, ya1yave tle extreme pleanre te) From lrRéflual Exrnorieio. t Bilsh. Faîmipg, IY*tllat My s i itîsil 'ith s pair or i ieFo rn )eùtaoieaî viiiwhloh 1Im eansuey dimtante. uFeetretDixtrittaof dsirs ta, and horevlth consder Il ydt UIKOKA AND» PÂURY 8UND, tak tltla-pubiio, and Tender ,tianko tu thmiTh Il rst Abd goecl iectueearrn. ., - 'v %UIla , L';ul:paof Draper,- '£ie, Advanlttwes. FrPeO,, auad Dvlpm ai't>,. Diatrietag à Daseription et the climate 1ai Tibr Ycne, ropt, *0, t80,Tiue iL to t imigrenit*. IlIietruiad viuli a Likaencua utthe. AnMtlîac «Viev cf ta Grati Failaiorf uskoks'an ed -c Splmielj New Map af th,. Vo Grant DisJtricts, , 1e witnea-e. BRN Th ii sd docement wags avarebetove me lbàulOtiW di>'ol Tabruary, 1971, loms ell , .10, 1671.. 8 tit: id to t grog ~~ w a a q . . m .r S r i r e JU w. Al i J i L W . e l t I rer iD U d c ' i l -~.L. respece;areqiaal te aur avn.- s M arcl. 22ud, 1871.'-(ind) -iA E E F I - - WARRANTY. dee O Wro prepared ta furnigh 'WtrWh.0 Lèle. G~~enri,1$ haft,% a, y adallMachinor>' toliey i' îteuded te drive ; auJ If, giter-t tueîaîlig trîil, the> ere net Ctiiacto, va taesaIlhaok, pa%,irelgit bot va>', and G LEA T ,AN N U AL - fndrýenïypayinents nadn ta us thera Wlîci, simd teniînt makecachainge stt tbpi tir- îitbuut loistîu s ilesa tii.>'Maeu 1 0 W ' viel fîîd maelilntery a reu.oable tita vIl Saleasîtchargo,ýnotlexoeeding> ano year, ln or( S t o c ~ Ï a Ï I i oa v h e a r e g i v e a h ne a i , 0 f a rti e s 13 - te toir btînep. are nov usiug arum on tate Î'M.eaeb af uloîs nd vo Invite parties *ho vii pureliesetu correspond vitb tham -' DuioDaviadArnold............... U i c L O ~ K i r a r e F r u h o m a i A rk a lI. . . . . . A k e l li next - ..rigle Aveng, Z -John ISkinner. wiiI offer for 8111e al, the 7liea(p Cash Dr, Goods N rh¶ri.......Tmi sEd prce, ~ ~ mae aeu lic&r................ J. 13. $el ...... ..........'ILrd roorn or Ne....i..G..d. Bo. lata Sièr, evry ÜticeA.f kh J.l C wnmîî...............sur A, ChBe............. ....piellsPa -ThnieStwickbea regular wcle- Daanad1he Durell ....... - ......li It C aal IIIan ............... h nn .1ECvenh ...... ... ;ead sae ri.Bargains or rt IopIae C. W. h....... .... Priesnoobec. edJam ~e A........ NELte g Goey ante. - .'aCpbu..u................... Knni James D. trcno.I . i-.......... ailn 'Jron, llcia.k.... . . ..... rldi, - mm kWaiertiiie.'lVi-,laneg,"Ie ihiy Sâle.- tlenie lag en s .... ... i .....N e nfe r Jamesîn gait .................arai Joi alwi.................> nnhm s.r e-c,........ ....... tr ek in., .rzk ly............... Fatn &'MU". ................ e blitpr A. J.Gena............ ........rbreukwed laeiciGou..................uXde hey - warted. Ïalalei Le........i............. aaîIaW -;fletAOero ......... ........... i giwan H.la&i M eraagall................ i Ill. iam A l. ..........ia 11.' JOH S IN ER,%V- iiai er............ ien, G. 13.1wcl .........*..... ...De m ei. le , limitéierhr..."............abag CohinlipSlclaa....... ...e i w John h'lca gi. .... ue,~ ~' Street, Iiitby. ti.;vs:C..........ngal Pcanian kQo............aciaceHO a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ifm IROEIS0 EY YKIDIN UD GI....... C......Il.......it.n OMM I' la ams Ii~lig..................Meoaci aiat llealalj ............. .... N wagie Jh0.na n cfe............ ...or a j, Imm A. . hjart a . raoi ,e ?agiu mth.... .......e îgtn Mil J %V anh dn B,.............,,Neanvuie. Mu.l ea nrh.................. Ren rack, miAl,-PCESYP, &.~ Smuel enr....... ehmae .Noruianaeiagti.. - -ohn P elî 5s~atnce.. . :Il ... a bu. Pleae ea an exa iue ho ew sock. Pries cnuotbaibeatnJhnrlaNii......... .....k ora WeIDi tup............... 130=500 lhA. . OmawaCl....i. .. JontCiT is. ........... ....... 8 Aai, ...... 17187. Dnda teet WhÀnelbikbuilding. upen..............otakl ll Thumica. k Tu naea..... .......... Lu, -. B..............leuieo .... herbrok m uS iU T oh W uduy. ...............o ickeing HAS IUPfl RuP1'AI URIb W ITHA ARSTO wmr JaeTLPalmer,............ ,.... .h fin crej UîM UMEUUUUTHE UIUMUEEUUMM PeWII ............n... -E- ~~~~ ~ ~hm Q8I II U V vusântjfl >~................. dh.m eaIr B. Ti tffl.iv ~.....Alonte Dundas Street FIJNERLS PU] THE F0 Restaurant and ou Xing -Stret1 Tbe, Bar aurnplie.1 Wlne,,'L.iquerae and 0 a the Best sStyl e. W Firsi-cîne Dit attueaed. àMeal nt ail tuis ith vhicli1I n frem x tecs; I luave i ther oit than 8 ince. fi Bavmanvilla, it. 18,1 THE £COLONIAL OP LONDONfl Lacsu on Itpaavi forrEa Term i Y1o £ommijaon%ÇX Praiiallepayablle b> LA CPitaMp-î tW' Goud Naarigen' * Appiyta -JO! J, J.U. CRIPMAN.. Peb. 7,1S7 1. THe ROBS( GEORGE ioiOsi te, zoom 1 -,:

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