Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1871, p. 2

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tDi:of Foreiîgn Ar1drur; andMaruhuIMeMahoo liot ha under ihe'£'ontiol of the ye . Mr.-Philp alleuoeaidtJt would affo il nf~ei~a.adro~doa~~ mu tur.Ogi ». mws u hoa rmp ,cie notb. 1 S of f tty thé lune widtb, tha i r w kii o r a il e d n ckn a m , i, rW ament and be made a refuge orf a a 1 ut i'ng reat;pleasréta assist the band, rif v d[ f r w < éb 4 Lo 'ftsr Ulhg06b OThé. locomotives are ta weigh i Lv. tousais uout of bed 1Té Is lsaca iâ' tereireuistacso h oafnne test ual thâtParis politicianu. lu uhauld bive a weighin.técr sàc5e h oniacupantf,~S4~ ~ ~binl e uéJiuç Iw pnoswt epc oteDo"' nga fsitadt ae i fromains quiet, 'pubic affÀirs, sud bu i e'- paipfndfri th ord, ho t d aw ng fr isaon taownt oa-dfr ig texecutive. Especially provision uoulci gentlem en should object, and aid ha1t if fo l n l' 41 7 , ut e $ t ?a r < r n e 5 E gi l <b FY Lâe ln ,Tuma s Ti TAUJD I-h ae argued * Mr. Macknzie, to'preo- <hou, gentlemnen were not Ilovera of maujo e M.Istil',S LCcrs.fr1<Rbs~ 1b.essai bketb.c t o, of bil IlThoa rr c~ ,as Snob f o a a baie Ions cuci . T ii.follo ing a.e<th eofficial raturs I HE- STAgode ,T f S ntl ha- ents c n a e maeos th t o e u. L e ude, e k a deprive oh. n e s e e~ ' i o g l e a r l y - bt h e c o n eo te s o ' > b . - p a r n s n g e r c a r ln t e h o - i d t w un t y r o m N o r t h O n t a r i o .g o l eu1o j e u l s C r M e uL e en t a e n a ' < a t o S e s . p e p e fs h e l d n e t s ee k e , e r vw e o t h r p a n i ; T I L p e f r e n t "m~y Ibeor, occfbotirta- îg,.-s'aelius, bis been iiupesob.d 'sud (Duil 1r. Mesu. tath-aguens pgeop useof ti.then wo wnere, frem enjy frige.Bcq.Bei~fcrn ilt $sVeen thIw~ o Gevgrpmuatrn, c«fau.y. pupai À road-cf uli age i a Iroady Pax'ston. Wright., Wiiler giy ng eluo t<,Sp~M.Bar ele e<eagwnuigti ui fLi onbn.Toy osl sJse vrigt ~ni~sb in~fti ~u gisainst the Bill,' rd the BHuse divided. s crtyatw~l aaata s eIt eeec eM.Drui.-. l ndsdîighsc ling th&& in :the Locpi Honosspolitiesaare la opératoien lOhio, betwoen Akron sud Rellcby 309 152 ior Cu nge fteittArksasa, yens> 517; Naja, 58-a uisjority enly f fN ssked foi,îheTewn of Whitby shouldfedn.-io qr< fl~~~~~~~~~~~~ ot its band, and for the sake o h mi aefrpanii. .h.Ccrn-o e .s il"f ondaMinirnt.riallut, buted ho 'iii g lo. o Bo, 51 159l bas beeu impesciied sud se itted; sud Qaone.cmeleîog ePrtfo.ad Wleu..snyAto os~cin <, "harqlJy andrnîadily againsat lhs bries- -Nortt Os tasso Etuto. Thorali, 102 37 now Gevernor Butsler,, of Nilraska, la The.Speaker anuouucud tLe recupia .elsewbere for a band u.pon éveryeccasi&avrit o lini o 25)51b.Lib 4c.do mid Miistry st 0s<aws.91 Mar,. 175 21 - passltmgthreushthle soaekiu,é et ordel. ef returua of elections held la Manitous <ey wantod one-ta plaiy. For th. sake eof haefrpauîf1 - .Snt frdw uopsto ms..L - ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~Rama, 222 3lBe slulage it ii reciving'luàrge suma sund vii, le question oet pîsoing <oceite le1ew ohpdth ondfedn..A tmrao Uea'.re rthalle Vio stili bold itb Ti..eir<4saascil rlwoul37fridti Gnea vruet su<iejuras ttiesoa.vs nerci oudne nea pnuiuo u ereus oasva al tafcris refuseGoI~lura> ,rnrty pollto u e <Local Hou" renny Teara dîouiyna sy -r.Ua'rdgri37 28ofmoéy28is heGege&ofI meggen u teyorntheo te oueratît. te rat ofPeodr aprac.tAdalgttaxicn'q u.sjority of 864, f, vs baliave, Scoitj, 1401 36 6 beiougiti ute ta te ire asujv, but in- 'diaccusion, tii.Hou. Mr. Macdongall- ai Dr. C'aréson at soiue ien th stateid boy n ahpwvritfrpantfo 4,Srkr vdu et a.c n d ry m p rîr ue.~ ' Â nd ai ul at the lar gest p ol ld by a uj m em ber ret r ed -- - ae d l et d eposi ing th e a. m osey a lun <th e cleven o 'c o ck aw e uto r M ille r i u the t he y o in g , m nea o et th e - ban d w er e ail ce t f a . f r co n s r u ed R. P S e p - J u t lias tulsu place duriug the receut cousut 1279 4-461 S treasury, ea sho usld Lave dom,,lie Sp- gaiiery, and, fssJfilin- bis <lreset, cailed werkmnien, earnirsg their weetsu ages, andeafoplati;SI.Cchaend(goueue li ~o hae besstdoiIo heDow Psrllameitt et Ontario. 0f1m eu-o bls hirstldoiin oings, be-priucipai ession fur ib!& lies ln Majtyrity for Pazioe,833. prepriated theu te lis ova uos, sud ex- se attention of ihe Speakmer te tise fàet Chut it woult be tee l4ad tea ak <hem te .Ptesnfrd4natopoig<ertu Nelîbar area <liuopinion$ faneltuailun<is <.g~ ~<<.-Total nusuber,<etfvotes ou tihe lista, -pended g<hoe incarryiug bL ie"election. !that tierewas s sîrttuger in <lie gpller>. give tisir Ligne for nothing ansd pay the W7i.t.JOyAioeseuio ma15,u. r repc.Te aetewiis fag h ift eopposition fe in vwas 0 -*..,~Secateru; ladies, sud gentlemen, isiciuding expense et their ewn instruction tee, The vritfrpaîîffr*5.S .tob leegnexu resec. be bae b.vegî etaru ~*suasa frc. ii.vos bo ~ 3924. Total poilaid, i733, -AreTrmsv.-3 thiOntarie tisheers, wrecexpiedtereie u mlsunt askildfor was oulv tu iayvone aefrpanj;.s.Ptsoni dobudaei meut, rsud te vid.nceof tfacts lu <Laîr I 8mteut netBitainof fafy- O ý4Cquarcevis însufuction toaeffitient teucher, dtsdit etn tti.e *vc. ut~vli hldig e bi euvous-Dtby auj meaus, ulie cepti i 87 i oevs.îalnet Iasuîra om*- pany .goed erder, sud ifftiiere were auj turiber whem tsey had slow thse ppnr<uaity etfatw.Smlt -Tve;atid inefveyiuga fvrBu hiehligt hà ovocoienaion etf<lisGoverumeul. Thoera Thiespson. 11482 PSztoI, 1641 Tii. iseadqusrters e f tb<is Campany are eratien n uthe Houa, îLey vwere lest te precurimîg. Ji)reply te ir. Allia, thse Dr.S.ICohaefrlini;. 3KeerTeewodb.e *fcu- th. dae c <L te indépendance, dur vsl at eGvsunu addt.Cligeront11 G lîleapie, 1115berebÏ trandferred frein Whitbite ileaver- the public. alsstated-t<btttise bsnd weuld play fer frdfnat e<i uje ua lue the.lit.-couiess, go refus a<o b bonnd' MnirosTotal voteaDo plce -ý '-i ei 7 o, s i ati omnFP tero, On Tuetiday, Sir George Cartier muoved îoligo u1chlily u te c urev. ~nyAeut edc Macy ressens, bich it lu no uuueceasary -.e..-.......~Esq., M. 2,vice Darîuilresigned, te lie the Houa, mb ocemsiiittes, Ou resolutionu 9casions.panff 87G.YSutisdHudîeinuresnj by 'liait. tron" piedges, or to soudem aine o unneate, eouspired <a favor Mr. Paz Bora àxn DSH0os...fr. Saunders, ihLieutenant, provisionslly. Chrles Henryfo bauisoietBtuhCnsi. Mr. Blette was very aorry te oppose tise frpamLl;udfsdd utn le y foruIbo admibaionaof BretcesuCol - umbis, nee deor otthe rleytowtnnu ton s tisseit tst uaiPLs.tPa cuntryathersentvili .en La Sd,ertiselnent, bausrs. Daviditeu, Gent., vceYvice ei e.dongs leuadtieteu e ts uin oiobu semoe wute ucs Perdv. . Xj seaeric ormutrpuites cailyeeleei usd . onileper saden- tatb h 1 le aevle ats oteuno dde o tert- <orée. t.' et Referm soieusuras, ai <ha blddiago vhg etliabOot -sud ahe. store taithegea pai>dBwheaeverrvtsio'; O. C. Keinlere ferreefessdanî. leandmii. hettiug lin. së Alou- visie bavde aeve bi doInde. onPGent ,Vc ere Gr6 i.au amumnduettea uite!Lwsw _ he l paoti sireet, -i Moi]iWhedbavicehGeordeGordnu re- lie atemgieoaldr, ma, lie, or -owu tral va. g on- Brookontree;, verositedtte Oiti<bat, -u jarsydlceta Iii edu rtemrs. , cda eilaoia . rli. rmsao ops aeedefeat tise visoie prejc.luepaiig O;<evoebrneadyns-ditordedn S.I.ocre ad.luLeln ec pedne etln n stfr bs.lsevur envis lispoiilieh cted upon. -hLe-Meurs. Campbell'& store. He jta»nov vote t----.-ê.---e4 y- t_ d o dim <. g 40 hruiig c all ths courage ta toile, is jeader, ad upplied iti a plendid.ktck, embraci9 Tii. Rev. -'W. Brookean vii peai <iearuien cents aiaitsesbsdy<< baudDnva, ato, Clr, îd . .Godrsfr lanif- C.t Pter <eGoeusetaa dou wo ili' not lilldiy *uboigtishir. vos veviub b p)olsAl SantiiIiu tsxt lo'a; is o ays-lNlessre. Betts, Gordon, ilan contriryto bs Owg bots ad abcs sitabe - fr ai kine oony ofortideofeBzdamh Do - h er6eeiprtyhlbislaparti, cutsyleLi ve .oea u ae. utaieJr I les ttiThenig<Isrsiy, l ilSius egs< CiiSaismd S5 ssdupn- Iln4 >tigm.aest u , *IîîneveereelIatiloal ntretaofethrprrn Llàus Charlotstic C Sueii Srvice. beins a5 7.»30 p; . min ion would prvidu pendionts at tise rate iecaissr gave lits casting voeOwiti 'iator viienever fifi a beuitd ispins- ioee epemgiie ii'isoile itelie destFrench caît anti igitetThoere yl lis ne service on 1"tidày aveu- oetwio isirdg oet ur former salaries, for thme sayE, and decianei th~e Motionlsis. tiers arlisoinsa wil admireabisrtyrnisteeyPr. nols,.zLus# J uhose ohbi t iste ceiossy wbose poil- Asecond motien; moved by 1Wn Phlip raets oiwagtanmtt u cips e aek(t Tcs us ls, nthor~absg.4Qece tadie-bis c-.--.*e- . tiens vould buafsscted by the ciaillo, and secnded by Mtr. Gordon, te roter tisewe et aiple o baeklt.behnàuon "eLeo forgotan itat ers ld byMr. eit.lnwétsrala tla. Wa,.bave ne tfsr- uedond muuren. tonlesud viger tle vhsole býdy sfeérg lu Govennmenî. lie expiained tise agree- tu tihe cotsstsiitteu ti)euiliy a prisciiscai tiecgrtlioseti eaadug <U p.et-bp Broa, isi ~utdettu .dsslgued ba n ain iileefergv a.coeaxuence ; but frequent ,anme eue meut an te tariflanduJexcise dalles, ialstu4 usms tmkuis eetheslnoef et <lnsi cued t o ieassnee tyciunics e ie put n *dtoseoioua atifeset illr.,ones vota e the flouse, sud ceudemn gTiýethrecet taeby iegGandorgais suifera more tissu tmisreat, isene'ute tshotsepresent tarif iâto remnain as uarsvigimlicfnîdwadicedtiiaItiAszcetga heloet nov- Lan <ler. ra art quet gos as d m . m reyu(Ol te allars t ie oorfnn ertac.. th e jn lutf ii B o & . m i angement the Dominion excsequer. 'lie reeve it giving ls vies tated, eeto ae n vi stentaisuJie ao quit. 'ig, put expéerience tri maIe in ns cetu - mont direct metli.d ef cure i s ia reston. Casodams tariff, but au assimilation wogild iîdbdts -îc btaîsmgsleimgs cmie tcie ciinehri- cow-wpnmoîes ahoraka, an tiomhand 01io viiiezsmiu, meau réesrallirlth<le gentlemun eompnsiug <lie Grand ng<o it piciple ta ithe nervet, Juttsleâi- take plac.H htawu lt sve a gnievîsnce <o coluplain 1, it WsIN a Tu rlJryietnbateymseeaioui- p obracVtîcl hm >rî ai on nus e i euysy Ti rn luto nteuialprae.îHo mthonadimmuPicinit aer miii wicis tise ceusseil isad gilsn.aevs<dts al mdlit nytme ita.Ldbe pat tpicils ead e, aundtle ba .e ta.la îQ ltseond alinnueqn-~ urysrtit e cipct at . 'Le OGrand-usngeie is ' Mosteund ,ail le Hy. <x lanaio uJ ispe tipu h aisfriita piealaotis r-vics n.9nistCDlil ne ieiflec t Ts e a s i l y o f b a ilu isîdn mb y a t e d o . " u rn . eT r u ilY r es srwca el mth ,sc oliet ubUuig isi e p eâ iswo r, a nith euti p ueai o n s yroie tt atd .e i s e Tt onl ka c t e ue nnien eo ii n s u oiud u 5W en eani antibaud- o "mI h eod auaet rO-ltonsof these icrues Jedge, ou the ai.oi mondpo'M. construction- Tise Goverument dîd us nsîl Ibild ouili li tiit »B.Mnr. lios sxc( trglqo,<afîitlsuc tplcmnvinle w ith <lie GloUa, la mil10 Party tiuappol11athe antuiteaîasud Mn. he & sience et any crimiesl case for trial at Price.81 50 a honte,; 6-fr ni50 ent a ishe milio dui owould ltue iinedve, thee kingtnlise00,snd tia usslyskugteesp rutiecs-faatdIv,<li o:gelstio tedetatlia Gosrsean. ongssues a-nov famenad t foir . eMr.liisioneîPaxa-ra ga 40Mnrea70 rutmamiiidmilion t e - mt t olferu. er ekifrlii h) aidthlut, 5" a O uîe ocsoswsb "i4iaiuL oen htGrrmn.tus Asize : cemimîg at the cloueetfsaSolti by apethecanies aud by il'.Cumiul 1-previde landi graetaotise extent et siziif.> as Mn. iruilalsa ttild, thse- touieshlip àsequnee iepiuvicre.~neiu o the tua iOsssui OsoY Ognie asiui b on tsuare uriyinsgeay, Me t fin fof tA e ffciency o eof wh isiealegmsu,* aece O ari o 2500 i l utisthesy wn< îdsar c lJ o J h paet tcrpt Gv r e. e, tawa ei îions AIoirel e aeQetl. iive Dnemeillions of acres for is 0 r aiidetci<lefmtu e ay <uo Lr sfceu paesly atslv e isr Th az ueslo h. rahiylug Organisa ti5 ff tien@ ar <lues, nutuaone ailgne e iw ectin la u, ad uWi1 as the act London; Mardis 27. -Napléons viiîed 700aies. Over fitteen uiliionts'eacres hlator $40 or $150. fle (thereive> t ui. 'ie Go1,nenbsbouit rie ts igt oorrett soisicar<ywaste peeteshoOumanloIloudvinimthunopttiseofosumnawy tsial mo rcely olndeatcoceersanionerythosMr. eureais te e n r e p i a c t c a r y v i i < h . < e u ov u e m s p o r a r e s e t i l i e S t a n d a r d a n t i O b . t ' t u - i Cs eit e t aw u l d , a n ds e d t e t i e e v c ma ut i s u i n î p niesgn *condamnation.vi bae eenfe mc a enth Ted crie.eL, aoi.adre e ecns u md od oi ebzed ubyBusand olsprum.fo<oe oftie to *iJO sîd $400 ; slorcnd hn. Oa Govîemet erveir, "persobave beau for snocaime." heburt i hQueen Vicorim~a and fssmisly. Au) viuel tht province old receive lu re- wu-asofopiiiionil iat iecîvwud uoliîbhr lbr Svnmeteetihc po:bncuia over-«epsditere etf lins ablesmazgteueloruouisere ountrbise pes y, Manisa! Canoetscide yti ragmn oeamdtewgo h an piiii su -ad klotus prîncîpîs, <o-stop <Lir vasteo ai ssios invhc îeconnylas aiseeno np esrde 1eibsarisuenetli isesi ls s-Thteiusan oiilsu.trm etrmui. Ie al ugei 'i, upta ms leiiasensee'. lseCatlebgoodu Govermemat made over tisirtoeenmillions Tueimotion st-su svîthdnîsvn, as wsaaaitesae t! st<l nsosrl eîuittv o I tvnepc lois Rea illios e, dela r o t e nere. ved, sd aidreas theeseves te other lie tion.ir le atfiiMr.John aisi di n. th e -efiled itis sgreai eowd c~ e ple , e tofacres, or dollars, n" tse l und la vsmed a .otin -oved by M . Clark. to rter tîe nuda i saIedsaeltmukn~aîctpu ise tI Ldst seils uiOrýy wmeviecieered tle es-Emperen eakuiy. iset a dtollhr auw acre. appoiutedgr Ikou eLouri Raîlvayte pus Obci Let tiss.site Ã"n o a.feresusu et th.Grand Juryt a dollrceu sere.w1jethe- bhre* dise lest" aid aotteren 'orOutla 1 s Pîviaaaigisrxens atnsd cauuidly, sud let Mn. Paxton Lave oytetsinese tOtnoio <aaeî e ltit i upngytrn L se cons < iIata uuls a o lecunci beîîg0atimfeier a vrex TI] aver t< - OVkiXflho 0F itit.-lhe ta-gfor Mn. Miskeozie vile auzies fer tieipartoot<lie CuporauiunMacke<luemneiutsesil'xiO:oifSorgehesipor<otillese< tIse Ti. iasîy uan fale Organgise agains$ a Gevsrumeusî ît Lotcection ----4aa, w1liûr aiss . Tme.are "one million 0 buusîscus dalgrainpenrcadyluadet, arain iiîi"o a1vriciîu dmecuuising tises ofagransobmriitedonoise.t rhdcasosocoîttninionifersibegothencee(ttab-blieutdt alano.gog asd levieta tueilesaepon cat, ofhea< rain TciA beD asi Mont e A ats a ts Ea. uflallu nl recive "<'e if ilad telie scepteti witout amnerd- Lc~ss iu, o iii e u oe ddnn sudflur t te dsasvatag et<lse ro- ceThu Prisuev.ai Cura."0 a]to etia ote st wotî, it ienlu <liane, but a conslderalluquantitîvment'. 11e aieresi an aunisslent lu efiectii -itestence. Tise Grandn Jury presen-nt vie fOtrn as adiltedti Éat the tes soîsi *s la lieltI on Canadian 'acount, Uîmd stil tlisai;tise Dominion Gevernint sbould de mitîe <bat lcess h iad been grngaed Oasewt mecsdu eiuna rvraeeeg o ntonie teaagKingotiton.oll ansidet thg g'-4great ne more <bau have a snnvey.9f, tise pro- ail tihe partieg aptying for <h, sumo, for tasceieeteuaxirdprono sessd<leduio dainaged, beliertrbg Imolligentudcome mliviwig qebrntity ise. arly savon îsiimsbuais. poîed raiiway madie,oumtil tise finances ert avera, store, &ct. Report adopited. li tîoersild asbé l icu p rvleeaelgulee .moiu.ieGad-Iry itisemillons onrieeasaetiartate tn oe ii stoenstaifie the counrtry warranted an xpenditue ou Coucil adjorned 'uto ie eekt.TieG ndJr sk<lep sntm e Tsemucfoi d Orgnse aninrs ae sb-lni.Ale wsivu-ame date last year. This rscreas, wiîî the road. -Mn. Cartwrighit, ur. sBlake audÀ, Pt a<Lnêt hS ae Assema leld litveslter s le- îMi ennttasgamioneil p fremi Ji CoI te <segreitet activity n grain oilre pposed' the resciundons-for <ie ÀGevPARIîS PRIXTEstis N ia]Il$ MCN, belam u xeevat reopiin 5v<ebxguirr Po a n uise gluthe a Goveirent io a meen'avr rdial rsnietamoneegthemieon, etc., wieL cmpoeti reilits. IL ImaelxPected ve-sses 'i ll iire, admission etfJBritisih Colm mia o teBelte tse a, M. Paul Dapet, thoiires<ust t is ia eetesuigî h e<l ie îl aechetri poie aseset ue xeuuun t u-ceuideig <ie ususinaaby-pauns l alnee L cro lyiiult e or o rivornbin sthejaI11c' a fuil aiisles.- ,OQ0 r ancs s e,-a fi iieti es l ai tg tuie efeedis ub i immense anoetof. y, atithbesiiadingcetofiteheearlgoum Ber - ofceSe- eto Kingstons, Alresmdypropel, emsubimiiied te tleRluse. Tin sebate Pnepitr aniSunabuneue rini ttielclmriipitesdTs mteii i bl o i l n 'ai un gt e o d in 0-ig n u- o e d c m e t . u ; b n<uti t f r th e r ei got& tisee - ivare e n im enws f n a l d o -n , 0 , 0 f a cs e ar e , r d iv ida te nr ~ l s es e t v s ni i a i . br l a v t h m u s lof British blou in snpurinenth.Poovtise netligruhomu swong tisen e-wd uinpes, tisepWhouo-----eaorcent. o thi-nnaveroressumohomehein1t ofle Province feandut thein ohesimpensauce-ve suppose, solt il; realized lestbiàaztue cents a For flie feuýiu Ligne, duning thé iaslforty, SîsGoie . sîîctACrUt t men, anti n t ei i n . tdie5 tiseCui.mgswî qi a nilI u otMnioa sdtneg ve.iurpciy<iecelinet' contenithemuelvps viiit ya;cECATEADte sut tie - - ensibl lu - pounu. years the etx-Eiperor Luisis Napoleous bas L NIu E.mrt n o nregulur pnoporin t a 0 eic nI ra cismpfnuIi Tegemeosis ths povicewu terylu# aa smakîlg asenibepresenimeun bca ond refuge il)iEEmgiaid, frtrantle flîkie L $--Il-tige iiprivai, correupondance tieindiffereuî salarieis. Tisbiouse, SossNorve adteBritlishCrevn aliegelier. panEgii L e il iii tonoied ti l dbi e rues.ic ancLtiesdrn lisbte SrG og .Crti e t dtise -- etsesp muent w.6e,, evr, set la tisigneai tea<liey ioid the.'Court bisey feuinti le. e uepletchoiceBoIsa' vouiti ailb a risu beimet in bis destiniy, ho came ti1iap1) ç qetinvics ia ossne Ieiapes udmetusctsfo des tanbie e is ilstiosdagstnae er i.bacileaanv 1531, anttheafteryrefhthen.g ahi bisdambitior ledt AndndennetoPainltmon maoeot1831,tadmef.eE ciauev s-analou-iati- belove admcretlyeu-blvibelemii taderbof vafdrtiove bel briabe isudcrait n e l tuepepe u e tuea" Ani vin ey atesi te e noie returns gain. ote tis ipitsle melae tUeFrenchs Caes; dierLim i. <each ser mets!, vertian brb udcrei ueey site, uintirer 111%yibat oeeoetthe prisenensvsa a. A Nr à'aà suus..ea shores of Emgiand. a cern a&i wie teleaeroftu e ronemsson rtsîniàr - . edl or bc Io koup thcevulu inpeven rlrnt immol ie#ta s a va- Nî EW tas rta âJImoisu.l aumastronîkli'qrJeuidi jinfrsonneuet unusij ui e b fersea3 rancosas aebadgeiefAofficc> andlatesia I- - r e i ls a uu spe n f1 1 e i e n d a m p l e e a - 1f s il o w i n g l i b e r i a n t i o b l i n i e i e i s n t i - f s r n s a a g t o f c n i u e î m l e p t s , e l , s d h l s a l batti gront. nti o <lis. q e sn eeking teo scpef.on& the cesequencu e v owjournal ai Oha a, < Le cahleti itefugees, ant-i bIarrivai as wvîaseti by ireun tt ii. ctseny -i eu asure fnse i h smtles t ase pteat I, v s ay au foîuiars cose, anti ougiî te of the priréîe 1 c=rite",IWheandOnaitsfhm<r scn ae i.thensand tvneigbespel.-yni I leseie y ient isat loraiel snthe sen , il (Jttsofdep-n( Vtiile ant Il iorganise.11 o %Ot i b -Ontar io aene I hr beatsmuoa S ueseu uttesebr e ercecs axpeet frein sensible nn iC5tenusneeoes aireai r.ne erespecta moetiseac tyself tîL e rets. iu aving.iissuka, "te uchools, - --Frmn u vtru.Ti matrFeeingse svn of nlobudetsiri <o Ouhava hr ieiI h los-o:CosnSrGa- m<~Iniduly ,ade mme o orcac-libriaries, readuigS anti naviug rougms, its GeasiJr tâ bath Jatane. - lquece je escrbing a, ver y edinary le ample recul for tve paper, anti ve re Cartier aated <at white <te troope uteer onenin tmoeni' ciyd ysaaie- Mh. Refo1. site. vid rteeieitifrfgrata lMdand etsd C. cmimtorbac,,ti-ircolperative stores, its ftumblitenieo, gardons lbty 3e ac,î.tp tfvnsdea ange la very Wtlg enexpeîienisrylioncetaaulie airthesRantimtisiir.uay, gt lu odr -aTyHE IP* T ofcia,..lis placé, but, i the tra s otieu.ef'vey. s eceiv 'derubaga ne4esofps avise asasut <atheir patniotiam. hIiattis s h ort ___________ conventtisioypnoofe dy texpresuive Anglo .sxon--'ord& Â~îeAlnto udrceilus repeu;ng the Feniainvagtulni -womild wvarnfriend.ti tseusyseut, iLbave Lappi- neellasuit religion. Tu o u e hooofethe grs ee iilae< etanu elvsld11 religions orie,âmie7 Lave nMr. ysi<r prr oigial 5vathonbapp.- -So; al e i tecree GBWr.wlbufuent he mai sitabie, as Veoi<e vrleeu t-M.P ingl enet beneglected, but< voold recive troc oJss ansi plaunre te reckou àa r'ea nminler Mn.Dupent, iielf, i'Ilî 5more to ito va taa he(e oret tirnsWt- etierceigmue. Mn. Pningle novOree- graifland on ondtot f «1 mis' tent otieds nîL te Wesle anMetis . - baptiziangi ycoýOÀof a N eGili. Fareve Il. a L nt orc.Ceîs nters es omto, ipi Mii..The suoi et$40ù0 o vs -V09çd ifor open-' tistA. Iumai set<u ol e eutosu<~~Wueuesd*e i it u'egdpeiis<i atu ara alloveltateiinfitni. er atico-e utetîi-vte, piesei uyiaug buMo.snt

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