Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1871, p. 3

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TRA'yJSLLBU' (aGUIDEf. -Tu ins, ver 0 , T. Belwây, bave Wllby teUea 8-ACaaosli,830 *.m. ;Existoas 'nIe usine roc .sMaereal time. wli elsa22 mia ieug lat-ter th= s VXhtby Dîme. lsiailoioteoaisth* iiit ipboeffisse, a si iwa t- lbittsy llm@-Going itataILCL . s1.30 0'M .m of Mfr. HIcpisoêthse report and adoptet. i. -îClerk to procure thie nocesgary ouà corporation te 1-1, Whlî. ,Il Misarly. Of Mfr. Wa.r;en, cSnded by 1, thse Ork waa intrIttIo4 tecs 09 saparate scimsoo tisai kh. Town hsii wu@ requlred sthe, mane was oisi by -ro Vas ilttructod to eollect )f rant due by .the u cheel Id hall, aïuoultitg te date -'fhOierk was instructeal tg notI(y thse Trustes of sciseol section#SNoi. 1, 2, 4, 6, of the preposedl altraQens in tise boundary loi sal ectcns ; aso ta ascortaîn froni Oouîely Treuaurer visat taxes are chiargoal aaist 11 14, lu thse. 7uiicou. et Murs, eud ta publiais the propotidby-iaà'wiveos lng up and ostuîbisiing a toed tlsroughi tish~et lot fût 0, le tisa1lOtis cou. lTht Treasurer was tottructedta to utske eut e stateinent of thee ecuje oandl sxpetidituro oftitheuunicipailty taciste, ssnd produce thse sanie at next- nitoting. Mesrs, McPisee, O'IPoi anad te' Reve wera appeinte4 a buiiditg comtînitîee 5o fir as relates ta tise' oreétibu ettise new Towni hall. Tise fslinlg by-iaws store passeal, viz: fixing the suliary etfemunicipal officers for 1871, vastlng the, partienis outhie oid nino nile road inleFrealcrnIcleWarren, Noahs Thomnpson, Win. Mcl>ensld, andl Josepis Maiosny-tbrougi w hpae 'prupcrty tise asld road ru-n.-Alsoes a y-iasw continngiig theg ale of tise Teste bal 4therIy, and yatting tiese n enroay Whitney, EÏ;q. A votv cf tsarika pc..cd--by t ochu m -bees of B. A. S., oft>l and ILR, te the councul fer their liberss ly is giving thins a nsoney graint, %wQa'isandeal ie. bir.- McDenald,.saeceetied by Mr. blc- Pisèez movot i tat tisu ouncil. do inew .sdjourn unotil Tbursdiày, tbe lOthislist,, Abier) te meat at thse pasa0 place. Whlîby Towssilp Conueil. Brooklia, Match , 1871. Council met ptrouaâît ta adjournmntu. .AII the mei=tr renst. IBeeve -in tuho chair Mints Slasi \esetîsg reansd approvad, 'h.o ve presente4 andi lald upon tise *bl thb. e petitien of Iesýry ýTru il atid 17 -tisera, proyin.g rer. the appropriation ef township Iws a teopen eut.. tse noalon tie thiri concession Unin,f rontof lut ' -No,27; oflhonsaCo àrtiss andl 22 etiiers, for tise opening of tise îrositl auowatie hc e- $twlz& lot-No, 80 arsd 81, in tigeOttiscon, ,On umotioan of I0 P. Cespbc-Il ssc-udea ~by J, ITweedie, tiait thse Iteeve hu aind àw hereby tstliotized te grasnt lus onder oit ,tise Trestîrer, lu tavrr4a)fTises, Iloissen, jflo$11,0.t, beoiça» si nt ofrst t 151 ctoulit aguinut thss austiityup to, dat.. Ont inaton'oi Jsshs veasite secendeal by B. F. Caelol, tfat theisee bchansd -a hsesroby autherliasitegrauit lh.4order ou thse Treassurer, lu favôr etofJOwen Reirdon, for tise suieoet$8.00, being tise anieunt fer etonfurnoisisas Mus. lTimons, ao ise l fvor ci Mat;suro. William Messoir and- L. C. Tiotias$10 otels, asi uditenu. et aceesmnts so thiis tnplaiîy for 187'0. Je. JBurroughs u ees, secundeal by Il. -Bicklet tsat lte uditons report fQr tise year 1870 be nÏow reeCivesi, sdepted ansi JInally audiiesi, analtisat tise Cita-k lis ere. by autisorizeal to of der 2*00 copies ef tise ,gaald rapent tealhe pruitedl for diâtniin. On wation oetL i. leiesecnestleiby Jct.ilBurrotigiss, a bylaviwss litrosîicea andl passea, for 1;runting a certiismtaîel litain> liconse toe aeP taverù te Win, Mitcihell, et the Brooklle liguse, lu tise villagetfBrooklinli J. fwa.dia gave notice tisat at tise next -meeiagofytiw- fer Qshop utielwent etI --d.sucaet by-lawoUt 'apoinul tateo pa(hinemsters andal thté ltownshitp ofilcersi. On motion et J. Tl ,odio gecondeti by. Jou, Buirrousghs, a by- iw vas, introduceal --a and ssdý, eleslag is tise atCh lait a the, rossi ciiowance twaiwliots 4 anal »8, Ilothtie luit cou anti ver ting It lus James Oas aasj. Jilckesue-d ;Ocondaiby o.. Ber. bl$, tistisaheovet*trer et rond- division 4-J biehersais thuîsrlzeci anti rcquiresi ou! up for pas&icrmC, on or bof orc a day etAprllnex t,_pll obtrisotleni e rosnd sllewasie ,botoeon lots Ne, id 31, lu tise Otiséon. ef .ho towusblp hltlsy, sud that ýhe, Clark h. requlred nd a cep>' of tiis -soaolutiou te th@ Dïerseer. motion 01 L if.Bgkle seconded by J. 60810, tisat tise -Lea-do Issue bis ,co tise Tressurer In farr etAaren tan and Mn. s,4der, for $5 oseSf untll adjeitrnesi ntii .the Aret Uon. a .pri. .Asothe o ior Marriugc. ,dm, Maitehi-I la runueureal * 5iii ttgieoo loe#hofuts b.eliV.;rcdet te ut lu P. nM, 0 o'mfrt he Noth.,MutSq s luitioàs wisi moutes 1go5 *il » *9 euuiy. DIVINE SERVICE. àm IÇAINT40 coaiClfbieh 44 E~ngiand.-M2Il M., nd PM-Ue, J PCsyiry. cArnaeUc Cbfcu.l o ndZesay mnmng, nt isaii'#s. elohî asâl hes(.paat lau, ulsreeely-iter. J. J.0hIte roulsleaae, Oshawa. anis &310,p.a CâouslA Pl'amiuauCauses-At il g. mi, Aws k.0~.-tv ir. Coo(usd. P;m.-Rev. 31r. Gibbs, uemc y Ooost Me.ess22, 1871. ............ $ *1.40 a $1 85 P.yus05070. i'......Oe35oeper bus fluy....... - - 8@ 10 Povk er Ssseai............ ...475 $745 B'n et c................... @7. iItter................ t.. 160, @ 17. »C ...... .. 25e. pur doz ........25c. @80. 'rurke'..................50e o @5 NEW ADVEUTIsEMIENTS. Sale of Land-s Tie Town Treanrerla s e fLadsfor Taxes bas blinuadieurne d tg rRIPAY, 7th APRIL, NEXT, Thon te taike place et thse Teste heul, AT TEN O'CIaOCK, A.M. N.l.-Ptirliasenste pay tonr alnuettise tie et saae, otlserstiuo tiselande viii bu- put np isi oneti - TiIÃ"MAS FHUSTO,, TsosteTraurotr. Wlitby, Sl2nd Mincisi, 1871.,1 t>( T 1 C E. - - Ttus.aulielto (ore, ftaihie trasafer ofta promuis- sorynaoe, dadi ta 01tIhei élarllu sdav 4 at-lirai, intnt, ja-iuailo 8 mattsatii ofta-rtt tloro, for tic cult snt ourra laaralra.d asti f'rt tlana-e li!lrxafialt55QYtt- lse elas..aiase liv aie jsi,ii tiuaJetIslaigiat. te Tlos s lAcre, -1, Iî-snraeillier ut usa Jouve sefeiveti vaine for Illesaute. - JOHIN Di(,% 2Snal Nfinces. 1871. i1. FAUX- FOR Be,%LE i1 A vluiabe farci for sulelu tise Towstip cf l'icitsnig, ltii g 100 acres, al eccresi, MSOUtIlhq isf 'Lut No. 14, lan tIe kiCocession, Tlssatarnu fit aieuteaf elgilît mile»airo t ial Toi t I.iutby, amssaix tuilea fron Iiffls Crook. Tlahe t-a4 a ffsinailwfstettg holteanda outbiitldIiugs un ttas pirenaiip-ca assai et preserit cs-cipied isy a tt-juut, stise hids one icne. VTFR1SS.-$s,o#)o cashl,Isle balance in Oua, tWo, or tliare yearo, Kacon-d yti ' ortgaga; For fardien pirtiel.sr4, aîîjoly te Mocaro. iJho)Wi<& i>A'1'îL*ON, W-htby. tVJsitby, Murclis 20, 1871-. 81W-12. J09ot iALl,1UNTUIEIOUWN.n( Wllr.JIY SPIlondidly Finishet iOutters, OF0F JRZ SUPE4R O.RK3L4NýSHIP. BUGGIES ~LEIGH8. WH1T BY4,Np. 2Baci, 1870. NEW »ET8MN~ RED'RIVER AN14D TUEf 1 GREAT NOR' WEST. -an- er Lisno, ar;pepared te carry Enigrants aus otser, l patie cifro'a 25te50, te Fort, <werydurisir thse smnrrote tnn owrrat A th an tbiey cein ir by tise Satjie linos individpeiiiv, beaiies e gul de, (one ofthtirin) tisorouiglily acquaiated wsiti tise rente. sil[ tnc. ona y ,~Ime party, free of oxponsxe, who wil .neeit lus.hKinese,te Ioelc vstol ater tise i tereate et hie passenigera, stiile 'en rente. Front a iessidene la that heauntiful country iu thée antester und vinter ef 1869 andl 1870. thisi sbaeribers a'eenoha te lb rilis alilthe Information- Emigrsaiumancd etýhere require, wisether mas rùfairt. Mecliftnle.or labourera4, -le sey te theni whit art-.eeq tlaev sleulil takre w ten, Wi0 otoyAOO<etmaw w1tera flai eutlraluet. Tt ma feather irtteedei bythe Fnbaaeibero% andl a, 'feniothern,, hat .isould a eufncoknt_ namiair ssîpily. tiicy wili form as a'ompasly eoffrons 50 te, 75i wth e vlsWtote tkinz litsa trot eof land fsvual itntatidaon the taanl< rcf ene river or 14 .e Msitoba, osa stiicis tley stilil iy eut e villaqra. nii a Ni cleua ef (st cne. net distant day) a thrivinie North-Western town. Xvery informastion te lî,tîaditiir Emirante ani cubera, silI ha gTiven, or sent lea srtie.a, hy epplyiugr perâînfilly, or ')yiettee, pre paid stitis etatsup, te tise atasners. ,et their ellebre. Tise firet partv will ëtart front Toronto on or about tise lOth or May, next. WALLACE'& Ct). Wbitby, 22udMarais, 1871. 12 ADIuNS1IRATORwS NOTICE. AI], pe#o4nias debted te thee Estate of thelate THOMASIRELA-ND, *rjquestle * otetw t tinli n s, i- ssrss is e aa atioîr rqieitoe end in tiair joislriafer esijestment. 1W. BEAI,, Adtuila,4trator. ëiekeriiig, lith is sreli, 1871. i-il Weeited I imelteiy, ar ny lus April, lu a a fliamfnoweus, wsere anotiier jkirfini kept, a oo tendtexperlotnen Ils tise wsnk of a luse, Alply te MAirs, D, DM iade, lîai.e. Mlle lntIt o srstesCorners, or le lirs, Rinkipnil, Whitby. marci 14, 1971.,,-1 T O PAHCTJEM*IrISIIING TO SECUlIE GOUD 8TOC1k. TUE ýCELEDft&TED BULIL "ÇLWËTO N ,DUNE lie,, QI23 Canda Herd Bok) 1Wo e1,2id co. PBE AT ir A BRIC K. V-IL1A) r rke durngte Smn. - LontssisgTonÀprem,- ,Out-~tlîgatf udHr ~ft~ onZsIngLoe Acre ot-Lue, p1Gi1tko Tite above prnperty is situatcd lu a lhoahtl> aisti laleaaaeu part 0 e T owsu. For Iatrtsulan»sisalapIte Y. KELLEi, or-- a . ILOuu~ - 12lctot Ou Tluimya? iSti Ifanois, lest.1iluth. Tvu of 'etb a okst Bc-k, 4auauu oa 'vsesare Inuesn, ung" tisa P'. tim ancc t5IA. and paelsis tisA ia"mne tua theows, re lpe iv Aa,uols aypntueg;tltlng- tisa ania ra lanois aent,4 d forbaiieteg lit nssy uwuter truda, Or teisrniu deai flatcal Nets.. - tief Nt- Auj aseeoit f he iltse N th o, or > PPdOt-.Bill bcstinllit oarcleania viige tinth aso i"i lise (AZL'rry, Oilige, WIitby. -h tby, Itavéli 0, îfl. S lu-15 ."tutuue, et mrouusble ratou. XCBERIT MILLER. . M IAW,.-Tls.saan et*100fr ten yTa or'leoxes t r73'par c lt ntereot. Alsie tisa sum,4 940, loi six yans or lem%, nstliante rate, ou goos i inpved Vtsm n l l' ltbyro 'Pikeraeg. Chsqa 1Oitý. J. AMEU GREtNWOOD, istolistiter, ah. MEURKS. WIL90N & DBILLIlNGS,- Bew(<m, &1kupai64 se a;ls-rD,4aq-s Lwe, N<4.ia Puwu, f,é SWO(VER ONTARIOEÂANI4 W1h[TE.., Ma ft e 1871, I 1j'AXX FOR SALE. REPIReAS, USAL GLOBE.H OTE-!,r JAMES POWE 'LL, Proprietor Teb. 2Snd, 1871. T 1113 11% te certify th 1bvbeui'an 1 ett.pecuiisileo for ten e ers and luave feu.- esi to4id a pirt de nse aiiy gooal. on aivs- une tisa iceut help. -lais Ith sai ut -Fehruairy. 1 ealled et Aaeae BackleraW etýsr, iii Bostmen- ville, attoriliare te invitation anad notice tàast Air. Msyer, ut Lazorus,,Morrs-fs & Ce., stonla ise tiiern ead 1 biai-net ,tiseleaast 5ziectitiolf thit I conIal 5ot s pair 0orispectaucsho ie vitla-z- I c)ent ao turîer then 4- inci-e ront niy e3lea, anad I- haIVe the extreme plesunre te sray tisaiaMy eyesi-zlat la filieui witlu a pair et' lptîastacleas witis vlaici i case lice any diatuane. i dea4iro t, eiarestitb cai'aialr it my daiiy tu e Jii siapblie, analtnder theusate t5in groat andi gooti BpaetaclesSrat, WILLIAM GAY. Witness-E. SIBREN. Tise raidi docatesent vas sucr e iore nie Cias l6th day ef Fubrusy, 1871, GE<IRGE HlS .P Datard, Ifosnianvi,ie, Feta. 16, 1871. 8 The celabrates! perfocteal Spectacles andl Eye Glases, meautfactuneal by Làzàaus &t Mouisas anal fer isicis se havre tise sole agfncy, are gaining golden opinions trous eil tiseeuhe bave trical useem. If yen vaut te presorve your oigisi te extrome old aea use tisese sud no otiesn. JAS. 1H.-GERRIE, Aearw. F ARM TC) LET,fc ratcnni ofypara, lieing 1? r 0 ate se celaof Lot No. 27. 5tla cee. Whatbcepiiî 75 ocorea about 60 ot sti asae ilrcultiv-stion. Geet istery and a hl ttramsae 111o.w o Sx2i, aitis kitchen rand PeatrY 12x18, a gteeat dicta-no asd exee~lcent steil or siterisqat tise donr. tuarc 401.00. 5aorvu tiabloe ad catl aled 40x2t, wlttî roaaanv Ieiy- lest fiial alee t'buii4litu,. ,A amaIl erclaard lu 6rgei auieoidtiei,. Te aecealprsctica-l' taIria',r witi seulil capitsal tis ixl a rire .lace lana Adnorsil. F-or tiutlor panticn- ROB>IERIT 1?1S0N, BreolcliLu. Marcis hth, 1871. 1 LOST-85 OÃ" REWARD., 'Lest bot-veu Brourtiain and tise Towvoet Withy, a 'urie c"taning t13,00 ins bille, cti about *7xa)tinse slver.. Tite lt.sder viii retasive thea boe orovard by leasinig tieseaine nt tub 'office, or e-t %illiam Jiualit>-'), 4i1i cou, of W istby. WILLIAM C(SRBETT. JITIT PUBL ISIIED. -A -WIVUe- TTE TE'PEE GRANÃŽT LANDS From PatarlYXteieees cI Bucs Fatning, utise Fiee Grant Dhtricta ef MUSKOHA AN» 1PAURY soUNDu, By - Z7uosas l01&fjf~p. Ex-ilove netChu Ueîted îlwnmesttusf ia tDraper, A Ilietosy cf ttoe Pcnlv Sutiient. TiseAo v taIs. 'rQgneas, assld Dùvelopmneu)t ofte isaftricti. A Docnipisu et tise Climat., Seil, Tinalior, sener> 'ri». &C, Bleits toe £iugrasst#. Illusaeoil e >Likeneasa of tise Autler, s Vlaw e tise Grand L'alla iet Ittiakok, endl a Bpiandlai Now Mapet tl:oue ro. ran OÃŽICP.-l U Ppar Coee. goeonte; beuni lu Ciot-, 41 00, Blze-Demsy, oea 90 Uper eet. ahdiseont aliovl te tisah tradO. 411 erdef»ts tebe scdroeste othse vhsoosl, aget, ain M Suer, Icq, il Wei. *N~ lew Wkile-and Gre, Cottons. Clotbing Made to" Order ini thbelaýst St Family Groceri 1es & ,iqout Match, 22nd, 1871. - -GREAT ANA Dui iug the next- two ý veeks, John Skinner wI offer for sale at the Glteap Cash~ Dry'Gooda Store, every article of b 'is ex- teosive Stock, at regnIiar i&hle- Sale prices, in:order,,to make room for New Spring1 Gondà. 'This wiIl be a regular clear- ing Sale- - «cr5 Bargains for the people. Prices no oL[je ct. lteady Mo- -ney lvanted. JOHN'SKI.NNERÇ Du ndas Street, Whitby. lIAS BEEN REPLENISIIEIj WITfl A LARGE STOCKK'0F "-RCERIES OF EVERY KIND, INCLUDING THÉ BEST TEASAMICOFFES, SUGARS, SPIOBISt SYRUFSO, &o. - £ AIs6 a large consignment of CROCKERY, Chiina, Giasi and'Earthenware, &o., &o.-'- Please, caflanud examine the newstock. Price canuot.b. beaten@a. Janear>' 17, 181 Dultre 13.WIatArnslsbuklnl Fu'ihire Wareroloi r' n Blf~ow ara gluten tise nanies,,of parties vie are nov uai'40 rOt m o ul eos cf eut - hol v .ees und va invite parties Wise -ieli te' purcisuâe o correpnd wiit- hem. David Aeoid .................Jan Ties Autmeli .................Ariteli. -Bloùehor & Anderson.......e Biain a cnl...........eOsaw, A. Buia & C............ vall5fiegd .BBreu ......1.. .LIDavishe, - N .. . . . . . . . .T o o a s > , J.B iiitl............. .BWln Wm. sanes.................. Baor A. 1. Buck,....................Norod. W.. Bisasafl)si.................i.essa. J. IL BlseikS..:...........Hlelel#oPuile, Jc obhriste a er .. .. .. ... .. .. ... . CyAut a sa, ê ieer aewoas James A. Clome..I.........Nepecà A. & i L 5it5tC ..hl=psr A. C.oya ........... - Dimeed ............ Samuel DavlaleoS..;........ uday, C. . F. wr........msaa Vew BL Duem.o.n Napanea, James 9lo 5a. - NioholaEai.............Toenaus, EnuinE lveras.... ...... veoun. Robert Forestls .. .............: a- Francis Beru.......Baki Faneardk&Mis................soLlitad, S.. L Gren............III awed Thomaelsst...........Wriu eer- JamePhSi O ................. Uzidgaî WVe. Gei............. G lagow. Oibhs& Ste. ...............cma fi. &e G. Oreawdod............Jo lIonlon, AeKay & Ce ...........rolsi, W. & Wiler......i.......... ssiesSe -G.S al...................E . - Buaet rnliea............ soae C.1 al ......ai .........IMstel Johfumeror...............tuh enh Biî el. . ............ m u l(tao it .Brln................ekis. John el iid................. I iaismCrU [cah liagle,....... ....... . v9eý AÈ . Lossip...........I:....... rSeke, lehea Loue..................n satle A»igA5iit. . ::........ . iuao, .N1wmroke, .Vsia . ura................ sy .ilueare.. ........... LV atone ............. NeusIe ebn ulStatuer........ ... ..Iiote lieaesnl.............lda.. John 1ecels.......... ..earot Jce Nihai..............aIsDeoýem 'S.amue ...............îioewuieisi, JeSsée lnsa...... ..........y.Bit 'John. estie................. itewow Butlsi Pci...............ekdaie Jemea LV....me.............lseV.k Pamton k CMre...............harume Bislw'a , y............. 4...rsgls*- -# Peçk" B-upaymerC........... ..... Dc - - C.b, ParlIs.,-.................iQebe, é. aemaa ... John Ruanel. ...............mot Stwr mi................ xide Thoas Brz u......... ,........meVW94 o Mimes MdsIsi. .....I...........uje reekt Edward edmtgh.i. Aie. s 5.................. .Oshawsc $taspi« a Sepheaue ..........soings, JonMa. ..............admle Gaorgea wcia ................. bo treal, Je "'e - ...................Mo PeserSimpson ...:::... ih'hI ..._.. lsourgIM - - BIB" Bereaeig]i IJN D-E Thse Boa WissesLÀ n the o Mat. Meyr tw.oiwit] fromn tis e tser o! thi style and but -by 1

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