Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1871, p. 4

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T EdTIMON-IA Lý. Oehawa, A rril 4, 1870. ])As Sn,-We bave bin seluyossr Lnbrinti ig 4011 for the pamt four cmnthla, sd ellil gay wthaut hea4ituiton oison oheap, anud Isst.rlonger tliin sny otluer oit. W$ bave ru urlarer% 14 (oit trou pIatnort lidssyo wlth uneoiliiîg. It koor.. the. Lols cteati Cuti ylbtp. Wo do net -want auyLhllsg botter as a lu riontor. 1 arn$ youra traly, ô Y. W. <I.EN, Lreuîdin$ FÂU LFuit ALit<. The subseriber 00er. for gala tihe Norths Fifty Aore. ufLot iiumsber Lwnty.oue lu the tird contiueuon of Lie: Thie land lm 311 elogred, veit fensied, sud lu >.a jtoo&tte of ou ltivaton, and ladf a stnesa of âter rnuing mruss, IL. For MtrmaSVpiy La IL, . .LWtl.on, Ehq., .Urnisier WlsItbyý, or Liese utssenie-. e SMUEL WILtKlNSON, Wbitty, sept, 15. ounLthe prenlses, Doot and Shetr. Tb*e sumbaiter ho. ou shiowa large ssaort-. Mient ot boots ut! 0or hin own usisuatseture, ci »at syts.ssand oetusofor wiuter v a u elu- Vites aU esunilistaton., Wôi-k mddorerl lt-laooe unnuar eoi Sta gaurâiLeet. Upatrtug doi.neasLi,. 1WILKINSON Oohawap Nov. 2itis,,iallp, 48 MANUFACTURE!) AT TII LEFFEL's CELEDRATED -AIuAi- Double TIJR13NE WÂT EýWIEEL 501 suavueOMiALwmIEEL 5W IN vos I T HF.& Whoet eaenvnsnatrn .hes enLIstis sîsly ton ehop In the Cosu- An, id we vili gtve a guaruetoe.with eseh -eh-ce)vsrrasstiusg Lleus toha u veit, ati,, endt w91 V. as goot i stafctlou a. soy Muss- Ihstured li Lbe J>ognitsioll. Pssts di.sllug further Information eau ah- bila It bY addressitiu P>AXTON, TÂTE &-Co., laros ~--prsy-83t.,-Port Perr,,Ont, 'ADITION Ré A SIYITH'Sa Their stock is Supberb, Newr, and al of the béat quàlity..- TrîiJOur Goods ,or Prices can be* beatn ~'DruseGood lngreat variletclan TmrnPrlin amd Taat .f WinceYs, Emgliisb, Scotch an* Cinanad Tweeds,~ -UEMILL 1 RY iDEPÀRTMENT -(ander the charge of a lady of tait. and judg- ment) Possemes soperior attractions for Ladies. The lateat styles in Bat., Rabbes, FloweraMantion, end Dresa Trimmings. &1ait splendid sets orfFura, vary 'che.p -BLA K SILX<. *2,000 worth, (purehanîd under esptcisly favorable circumstances,) msd slltng at from $1 ta *8 per yard#, CHUE TâILORING flEPARMTI 14IE &fgtner the sUkiifîi superitendhnce, of M.r, F. Lambert, whose meniti as an artistie cutter, duning tb. pasot fitteen yearî of bis rosi- denc. in Oahawarequtres noptuffing. Beit and mout fashionabi, sute li the Domin- Ion made te order. Fresh Graeeuis and New Fruit, Bootsand 8bos,ý of superlor quflty, Tary Iow,.. TÏy the aid-Store, Simca. st., Oshawa, and geL yaur mnany's wurth. Oshawa, Nov. 28, i 1E.&8.19IE N. PHIPPIN wil seil Sofas, Sofa Chairs, Centre-and Exten- sion Tables,'Secretaries,. Sideboards, 'Wardrobes, extra Hanging Looking GMasses, &c., &C. W-'FAT ANI) BEIJO'W COST!~ AUl kinds of Furnitur.i, very cheap, to suit liard timies. NOW 18 THE TIME FOR BARGAINS 1 PUNERALS attended to with every attention, and at -very low Prices. *'Alrestock of Walnut, Oak, Butter-NuL and Pin. Coffins, and Coffin Tarm!- 'j E oe lu c, 0. w E a< *ejfG 1 * JQ Tire ?roof CO o, c> m z -I u ES A IjE Reeps constantly on band, and in course of mana- facture, the largesv s-tock of Ladie-s' Centsl.' and, Misses' Examnine for yourselves the excellent niateial and fine mïnshi.p. iS-April 13, 1870. WM. 1IITRN~ T ~,.nnb- aG IJIIIIIST3AS AND iEW YEAB>'S -NEW FRUIT, AT M-Millan #c Co's.' JUST UEGEIVE D 100 Boxes, haif mand quarter boxels, New Layer and Yalentia Raisins. Barreis Curradts; boxes Figs. Boxes Canüded Citron, Leman and 'Orange Peel; Cases of Essence, Lemorç, Rata- fia Vanilla,.&c. Cases choice Brandy and Winle. T. il., idmiLLAN & 00, to ususîsonmeon --- --- --- g garment wili make a.note. JAMES J' O H ST O N'Si,-NBL0 W A C H A K R J W L L ITB I BROOK STREET, 'ouITIT TING AND GENI"S FURNJSIIING GOOD)SO Alex. Pringle dàesires, te inform patrons a d> usomers 'that his stock of.Tweeds, IWesL of Englnnd CiohIý ixd atn, nd oolen Gôods titis sea- son la unugaly _large.: <Troseiug, tiligs, t'oatusîgsïand Overcoatirugs, in eVery qusulity, color arnd shade. Iz'Aso S carfs.' "' Qie ]iShhl, C ar,&c Efl-Gentiemens' CIotbiiýýg made- to measure, and ail work ex- workl- TOumasBved&So MANUFACTURERS 0F x xX CREAM .-ALE. ]PALE ALE Don'Brewery, Toronto.,Ont. As the proprietor attends personall to he Brewing, a regular stock of Aies and.Porter can always be depended upon.: Parties desirous of having Aies of snperior qnality and Porter equal to any, ilnported, are respeetfiully solicited to send their orderi for a quantity large or -snall, and try tuir thempelves. ;1a. -oh -WXith th-idsa ti twnii5. V~iiiE Cie <ail the year round) second to none in the Dominion., N. B,-O5rders ieft with Mr. JAS. H. SAMO, at theFurniture Warerofnis, Brock Street, Whitby willreceive pompt atenIon. Dec. 1, 16.49 THE.OLD'STAND! W h i t b y , S p t . e l , 1 8 7 0 . r I 3 . is u su u u r e s e j b c> 29CIVff'Er c> qu sutty-of tihe situnti, ai P-emIoeA lie liopes by. cJlA ILG ES-c re 3~ MANUFACTUIRED -B1Y and - me.'romptL ut me À , 11 toallordei. fi Begsto iniorm Ille piS, Stantyouf hand a Flc>nr,- Ont nd C Bran nul Andi snytiusg in tise1 tise siiortc"t fasevl fururish. s.î!t snd Pl"tér'fori, November 2,,70 LIV WI-ITBYONTATO.TEE'1 W E D E FY C ()M PE'TI T-I &N Sixtee r, y a dt r cica i ex ericrce in t e M anufacture af R éapers ndtI ow ers, sa is- I R fies us t iat ie'!Joiiusston S tii1 - f*k lig It. aem er" l ve y fa r in 'a tvance of any other I T R Machine mnade at te prissent day. We bave justu introduceti it inca Canada, anti maens. ufactsured a lîmited nismber the pasat season,-nsidos yuL arcLte only manufacturera.L C Ibis sason ur Machines iii emubrace suchs tanIisproveme 1ns ta as a ycar'a ex erence O in temanufacture hbai suggosted.- $ trouigly andtirrably buit. Thebeau miterial used in ita. canstruüction, Its ma- %eV chinerythe moat comupact and durable., The ieastliable Lo geL out of order, Thte combination aof wood anti iron in tlise finger bar, muikes IL Lite most perfect of finger bars. The seat of te driver, tocuttet outaide of the drivizsg-wheî, so balances and- relleves 1) LU thte Étuger bar,-thatit is lems hable'ta sag or break thuan ttius,4tf any othor machine. Oui- Self-I<ake is te ost perfect ever invented, anti consiâsaof five Rakes revolving RO aroiunti an axis close toéte tiiving-viteel, so placed às.tobe cntirely under Lbe cantrol 'it of te-driver vithonustsopping the Leam. - IL cuits a6dt delive'-s tangled, crissld, or iodged grain rapidiy andi in goond shape. F'01<x Cuits a six feL svatb, with nas uLule draft as a ligittfouir feet Maver, anti no aide draft '-C'd of vitatever, It cuts easily, iritîs a coisimon teaun, lrm fiteeon ta Ltwenty acres per. day, toige, dta and bas -'t one und ue t an t fo ty acres in seven tiys. l'yD risoe, IL is manusfactured for Rcsping anly, -because iL lias been demonstratedt tsat a sapa- an acre o1 rate Reapersud haver viii lasL La eutmore grass and grAin. than ýtva Combincti Ma- For fus citines, andtorcat% mucitlems, in te aggreg-,te. ,l3esides, a separate Machine is less cous- plicatet titan a combineti onc ; esas hable to get out anientier, sud is alvays neaniy for WI ty ivark vithout the. trouble ahnd teîaÏ of changingTrom one ta te aLier. Wht, Titis Reaper bas' been in suicco-safut oppation anly five jeO4ra,J1uIJLiwr any -supgnior pansotxeiiuî natveîvon ror ut ouirung mart m nimm u cw arn n -pOs- Ç;00)M siLlon neveu- before attainsid by auy itLvester in Bo shtort a- ime. For cite flrst tva or titre. yesrs IL vas comparativelS little nawn ; but tiuring te past tWo seasus oiL vas Widely intraduced tranglic 'ut te principal wlitat-gr.-wing sections of the landi, sud gained a popularity unprecetiented in thebiistory rea eping MIacbinCs' -THEIH For ten years then for harvestinas au e :Tu BYTIfE 1 DUS OXIDL1 OR TUE lALÀN.ý N1DA S -- WHITB Y. Y,.Jaie 26,1867 16,, ff RIVE8T 0F 1869.-' ýas neL been a session viteru gi ,d ta meet sa 4l ta any el Lanterns, If an. 121 NEW - MIL LIN EUY .LX .n WATCI-IMAKER JEWELLEK., AND PORTER. ý(;o eds 1

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