Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1871, p. 3

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I$Wa-U»,f$blot tsassO n«h nd alf tia ouildinrlaf ljf t h l . dIas style, alle daigna.tufath JXYÀTB TECLDA êd b L 0 ima ,ondry maad Lofle, Toro Ljbares.r@ lv. aiid ona-boit' An., of fb Pt -tDouble Turbine - &Wqg#lofvih l l Ina hlgsse etml a4im *dàti*pPorion sot, Ot wltb h »#o go arlealu 01 Fruit asud vi' ieer i Trots, Th ~vhae4dOU It vaUt., ; à b rrbordera, Tii. wlis .la n. Iâ. r ad- ZI fer Uth@lmdon6a orfa gantle. 'W.e ilot. n nlitlla'tre a n f 01fir-Z mu rW4udrdt4k0Pbuiiteu. Dtii. ae .rfdWaW1ùtuaaà, »' at ~pnohaauaira eqè# te wilU b.e Auoby theisatuio wcrdtflat. qu'~I.d Srssaonw, Oume, 'sao. 25, 188. T~BMs ~ MÂLE. J1 ploasare lu liitoruiii thetipublicet 4 ZUI$OFBL# c gids Liat iv, fl aud i ttli'e iî, Teu-per mot. ont dey of mal. aend the roman. Y. W.' GLxof lir. m oi aîrîl,ad itoù,ý dur ofoausofferth wîthin ao s iereaitor Yerinco. Druwirjol auyrm, auJ ail other ose- tite alsa t .? &mi osrclsamo IoylutItre. u ur tWaorbuild car catbrat.,d *quo.muuàl 'lntlusnt*, moured on thse'par oberr ti ao WolIvno;b *à"by Amut tory mas"uweetos.rlurîu.iro..t JiWb J'0aiO OMlstoar..mmivau t-e ril 9 p t;t, sud cialusasaPowelloetmie W âeiâ ýlau ueIe afhn -D Mrx d oâtalier périem lu LCanada, ,*,itsoat theisInter- * lrhn pa'samiarua May bu ObtaineS on ap..- nationW. oisive givau 10 Mr . 0Ltcw lie aele eau, Plilasitb Soe ub»drbr or te dmem ara. &r0 uemofully bisld ur Wheei, ui we advjme Weili * Y 0 M. h~solitltorei. parties Ii (?4uàwa ta rohaao ouilW lsait-of Ogluva .4t l9, IM re auitrpaamni, sud va teelarae I-Jo.wJiI' t" b.sid a Whe liraita wili égir. partoutmatislMe, Noovzj Ao Oj Iso.tien. W. tisarofire coisiisd blintthe ts l88i~ - - f il C f~aaa uwiuiïi entàraocîidw.oe, toui- 18 C. Ntt4rof ~,aq~ 4torq BadeZai ureho wiii amaisatictare a Wlieei lu ail lit 4o Mgt4 of roql AnOy Badelrespecte 4quai Wtucar owiu. a~In.4tn.(Slgaad,) J.IMEdLEFIZL J; Co. ,4A Dvldanaîi lethbubIoapraparej, pnW IIAIY 1.oîtiau nilitlî Tlirt of.is a t c hAR~ la7, itar wiledivideaîd Vii ho ptlii. W. ara praparei tiefonati Watar Wlia.lm, JAbLESIIC>LDtN, Uersituu, Sitlilovit ar.d ail Mmohitivry e casuanry to attcî u i i ,î uin u te sîaioîtaesy U0010 i lalgila.. tîtoy are iiitLtsdui tu, drive ; mait.!Ir, alter Lwo OI.lAuulasqam (la.,titotitto L Irhtj tisy are iot auti*aaory, w.vilii Whitbyi, lob. 4thii, 171. i- i taka »lmlicok, Pu-.'itaiglit buth WaYm, and ra- ftui.!uy paytoitssittiedtî teaniitereen., * aWhesrtionBareîlot a mtiaad vwitt *Uta 1) IO > SWizei, alacauriat ouk, antge at thse ima wlioai. loge L tu sisaatw. titay uay rua Lise w1 rc zin~ AU~ wlsuilad:natolilsery a reiaimetiul ii tit tie> îîsay uiats16a cisauge withusi ijary To RiEs NT ite thiorbitîaîttts.a Jlôlw are given tito nhinesaof parti,. vWhe ce fer Sale4 , îoEmy Terim# arc iuow ulilor'roi n mute -ka uschais Ouer 1i 8wisell.; tund w iraluite partiets who adala te dUtiy. lb ~< iurolimoeta. cerrespunsi wti ti edai f*t'O lçt o h lualt,p ln Dvid Anoi. .............Du« 'teiti 4 Ior t iHokilltt, a laret o Wcit. 'ilatuai Arkeli,................. - TO idAy 0:11lonmiiiur tat &fite 0(hlobo el, ilt.knlter& Atistaion...... ( r la. W-itibe .siaâbiy r.ward*d. Bowtattk itgi& ......Ael je, 1 TUUIUDGbOX, lBrooklin. WtiiliLoen............ .:Otaw Faib. 1811, i87. 7 A. Btlirti A; Co,............ . Nill,aist........ua to, t............. r........ ut) iq loc A.i ut........... ..... J. C r i o . .................... ..iia b b ei l.m VIII uAëd (UV.)la'heCliHuitOeH C.itr .......r....... ..... 4teyMU, i919 . 00M ..i..... à............ loi "9 v YIii .Iial 210f.)loise, ACh4nrch, o . &C. . ?.art............ .ittgon, oo *,Alé ex, Ja 9. y ...................... a,,s l,B oh B MAYEelîg 2f uet, I A.1or<fait bisDyke.............. ui'ic, 4 cramokecslnqAt5 o'dJel A: . Chiglul s...............UJI e4aewoi taac Drda..............a 1 X~~. DeWary................ AutiaLs VIo., BlockIr . . .rt....... ....... . .u n6,, e Tlkt f difioiloo cci b 1M'blsEaa ................ raituamon, Bnai;c I.MOalili.,, fil.LJatutti, J. G. MoVug.ii intiontYare,îh ..............,îreeîi, mud L. àiiâ; Fanci 13................ amkuo T. 1.MeILAN Sn.în>.Farard & 3140.............. Ca pbeirmi T. Il XcXLLAN Seectar. .tiarri.................. tetwood 1 liltui1 Thoaîm g o ......... -Vrxe.r# 'WhItby, ?ëb. lotit, 1871. T J.ucpisti..til.........x rd, - Wtî. Glla ti................. i&ow.l Il..................OshaUwa. YOU CAN'T GET PAST TRIS.- G oégoo ............. ~uartoits, MAl k.Coe......... f %VL Wmh« ersîirie ....... iÏ - Ail parti.. OWtng eacn t tAt Win. l!iiter............. E"' das, Bock illitari à Usxan ..........Iaktia~ ,J.Yarnlold's Boot and Sboe store, Huilier BUt11 ..................iis, Cauit. itm5twg.......... aa,2d etPnid by tise huis Pbruanarext, viii John llaggart.........,s pmm theynta the-î,Ilark ut ise Divisiont Julsî ileltuwett................. Hg lan.d Creatr. tOîtloLhtby. "Tit1 8IN lu tNNDUi>.". teutit& ilottut. .............avie IL.,âr. urrn .................irotla. Jatsr E . ARog.Irwis k iyd- ................ P011 HOM. joht ittglem ................... 60611111. JUC 01 ,, 1871. 1). P. Jue4& COa..............can astr .U lnLent ................ ADIJOURND TAX SA LE. tei * .....~?~:a .............to iiaý M dnro l.............I... L.....ldl.................. wnkttte Jhn iei)ougail ...~....hadt JhtMCa............... s tfoew. Mtijuwciî ...t...t..... .~.. rurl i4ml ranler ...... ............ sb l*uta Mareait,. .................... Jut,,, .4icalerts.. ........... tattirir COUXTY or ONTAIO. jobt hn, ..............éiserilrek. lir.Nxl............1.......llioe trie. AiP %, (>gs..rse kCo,..a .. .. Nottrenl,0 litergas t tis atae et Latnds for Arrtrm etOfJtbts Vlartîh.. » ............ gys.4 Taira., Isld ut te tIi ' i osl h o n Wn lie.,.......... ;w akle 'et W lltbsli .is lr t ua.,luLiajo'i V n. ' .. ....iaa iIr li dtrtihe C-pttty Uri'Ontariolthai on tb*iethirteuttlî daty of Ji'mrry lut, fi thePatotsn sï4heultgC .bt rbreke, undragi.dTrisieretLis 5~J Wiianlsu..................Pî ckring. taiet te mii a lambe eteartaieo Lie ' iL o ...............Ca k lor tila taîl atteuit of erreusr of taxe» due il;tà. pLid>..................gto , tbarmea. e-trd wlsdtoaa 1 did ai male mingvu Peck, Dllatttwy àCo. ..........iira istltîtdot 1 wutsid, ah an adjoirtted sa le, on Jobiu i'arkgtt,. -.... ........ . the.Oiuts day otfIt'broury, isst., solI siuci h Pui....... ............Wick, 1us. for atsy a-n 1 coaid roua..e ALd Jun*Rd).............xbridga. 4 ~ mie I ssledLuA UflqtHo" ii............. 1001 e- Wltyou1lu.étui.... .... ......... ta nee 0411ill lui lans. 9 Witot. umaî& C ......N A IrWaod, di - ond, thfie ae té daroy gf M ait ohn *tbc .(aîltwut 1110fotoA. teP.i 1871. , it ieTon . Ssii o........... ..... At0l1 a eccklutise Pereoca. Jtititihaw................ r uMi ,ek Monay th Oh ay f ar hsi,- WN.PAxroN jr, E........h..............Sasuîm' a.. OADi A@ dStsDayeîlsrnr1871. * itsas.................. (ar lwag, *~~~~~~ * 1u r t le1fi.'B oc TMti le ladimpatabîe. iTuapa 4?sau; e~sîacmora&,* î vitis Sit Mirenut biird et(tisa par. ',vtljî>one îuoatls trot»Ls baaovLa tret (romo th(, luotleur quelasnai Iatutaiatîia "W= e h *ornma. monta, Mllt,0411 ed rifta gtrSo, isd fretsthé. Aalumwn, ,* ft1AMANKSO or-# Ânchienor. i an ÃŽ,.vening, a "V er eveni uti ] riber opposite tbe RR JzAnctioneer. - W î - - à c'y 2U 82 4818#, 322 8~81les 1~ 8 1 op 10 4274 10 89 ~9soi e2T" 89 M a 8811117 à 65 14 op8 888 4 1m89' m 9 75' ~14 e 84 8 in1 si 38 82 là80 ,~ 86 10 189 8m8s #4-12189 8 8 86 6 -S ti i, 876 os lé4 se, #77 24 e10 9 487 1Sv-8 65 a 671* ho 648580 1'421 69 a 6280 14 89 821486 Io 189 864 6412 1380 85 4 84 12 189p 182 Y>52 6 1 80 17484 si 12 1lu .378 881 9y189> 160 647,18ltibi 184 6 W g1289, à08 84 21 189 2U8 1 0 2 1 80 *a.î%eey*", là 12 21 80 1$9 1440 (us , W e , 2à Ilt68 2 ~ 8 18 la 00 UND»TCx1 pLAx, or FAIM? Or LOT 28, S 114 27 1 10 SEXSirURiSe PLaN. Ak ua.1 12 Pa, 8e 1 89 114 " 1 2 98 82 89 là814 'A 1 rok t 98 8 1Il 181 osea ô 35 1b W 4, 89 '689- b Ã"& 2 71 788 004 ~885 à 70 828 e0,5- 4 95 24 .--qn. v ,. wt, 6. 10 3)Brook mt. 9 i'lillat»m,0 871 il, 't g 1 89 8 88 1.87 t 89 840 LCES. PLaN ON' PÀj~. ON LOtI 27, laT 7 07 o u 189 12 89- ".07 07 8'71 0» .89 I89 189 I89 1-89 189 i89 7 82 11478 8408 a 855 8 1 809 521 *41, lu go96810 4220 8189 414 S434 1lé1 09$al LT28, 18? CoIqS8îeN. 66 dia 2,' Y, il ni 46 t' FLAN 2 88 2 18 2 50 2t 2 2 4à 1 00 8682 3 14 854 2 61 819 1 9 817- 8 17 2 84 2 " 8 17 8 17 2 6 28 477 1 i 91 i 416 i 8 si1 476 il 2 181 492 L 8 74E 2 M88 8540 es PLAN or' FAit or i'wu2 S. y. CONCEMIOI. 1 9 19 22 1 89 Il 917 889 il NU$ . 942 6 18094 ô16 18 146 Y'Si 2t 10 488 12 1 89t Eg138558 88 15 il 9 90 24 1890I 0-2980 781 89 82 D ô876 16 1898 B 3812 9 1 89ô F 7 89 1 su1 y PLAN OP PART OP WLT 27, ITa?0 8 '1286 7 1894 8594 2ý 7 1 89 - 18 4 84 10 1 896 U6 4"410 18S# 0 FLAY or' PAs? Or' LOT2, 0ocmES5i i I89 i 389 rt89 I189 II89 1 b 9 i t9 89 î89 189 8 9 I89 I89 189 *t89 189 8 9 t8 189 I89 1 89 189 189 i 7 8 9 20 '7 IvAetiter 'âitS1Ulg L2L; FLANane MoAeoONaeLOTS 2o Pmpu'ne Ci, agipri, 91 82 14hulil. Paillies 291 83W26 . "sotuaui M ni ttb Sit.oilln B 2"4 8 26 8 CASTD Gs OP AULLK-IDW78 28 8 MADE lui BIASti-o O RoM. 8 26 8 W 1evMaola.y tY (an>' kliSma.ti. TPxowgAsllg? of e. e- Imy demi 1ce sired. ,plncdýbûd..1.8 2 Ail Maboîary aant o.Made offint.. TU i l A S 17O elaalkbmlînatee ags> vrmaa .-Tnumitrar, Tevis -Pâmess dstidng faItiser InformatUo, 5rue.Twn'rumrr0 4 I. W. OLEtD, ProsWdat, .Whlbisýu.aswrW 16 22 6 10 -18 le* 2 991 1 op 1 89 t189 i~2,N .EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 09 528Now -on handl, and 1 89 b828 1 89 5 2 Than any other establisime NI? OUA GTSIȣ Ion ETAIN TTNal O Whîtby, Pb.15, 1871.ý- ~wh1e .~ispsedo1at JAI-8. WÂLLAOE. AT ItEDUCED PRICFS.- os1 e HSAMILTONI;&C-, ARIE OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Clo thing, Flanles an Drilile's od. Clothinig Made to Order ini the latest styles. Blankes sa8 a ~ W"w "Imm 1 GL IIJ I 888 W1NES ANI) LIQUORS. 4 12 Jaanary l7th, 1871. 4 48 445 445 b849 84p à 49 5 49 4 48 ô 49I ~30 i 561 if 15 to1- Dundas Street, Whit.by. 4 8 HAS BEEN REPLENISIIED WITHA LARGE STOCK 0F' Io8 0;ýCRE F'EVERY KIND, JJNLLUDING 480 TIE BEST 677 579 ô76 C FES 4"1TEA.S ANB.CFES 4418 48 STTGARSQ SPICES,-YUS C 44 jW Also a large consignmient of CROCKERy, China, GIas 5 Ã"l s îand EartheLuware, &C., &C. :- please ealu and examine the new stock. Prices çaunnet b beatcnm 1180. J E C 3 C X 2 E C LT 01 Dundas Street Wisltb, - Jrnall'a brick bnilding. 4 87 W>90 684, 1270z ~ ;2 12 881 Furniture 9 48 4 82, 6 88 I 88 15? 18 81 LI 14 8 14 18 87 17 'té Warcroýns A OHICELOT 0F Mlillinery'hin greatVa riety 1- A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0FP In f Cu;ràt.8EAàsis iSOROe RIS *lg Ien "ran tp, r ainy, F'gs etei.nutrs, &c.. , Also~~ofee a eea 'to PacciI Gruceis. n ea,&cgrs TAXLORýINp, mLrEY&DEESS.MAHIIÇG done to order,. LÃ"WES & POWELL. - EXTRLAORDINAYBTAzs o AH PRESENTS! 'PRESENT S! AT JOHN SKINNES CHIEAP CASHI DRY, GOODSý STORE. A proent te evar noer wis 'prha.ôtisa amoont .eofOn. Dollar andI ovar, te hevaie f an ens t echdolarbogh at'Joha'Skinnlr , rhie thirî>' deys Olaarlag Sala lis reduced la prie the entira atockt, dnring tisa gift sale ail gonds con- iane anttjeoîte lie sama reduction. -Saci pnrcheserte ansonat et Fort>' Dollars a'ititlid t'OFonr dollars wortbuapren 64Twanty 4'&à." aTaireeo 4 66 Tan 66 .- a " t Pire66" FM47Cents 6 F6 6 our " " Fort 6 Tisrc*6 " Tiirîy 6"6 6 6T w o 6 6 " 4 " T i e t 7 " 6 66 Oaa di 46, Tan di 10 ceaitt the dollar, as-& prcseat, allwed 10 pacli cnttotnar. Tht goodaaIl edced in price, and a gift; beaida.. Tis ilaan 'oSe0r me liserai thnat wireaamured our friand. viii largel>' availthetasel- vas efthtie advanlagas et the maie. Tisé inducemnttm offéesed mst.t uaao Onr trade, by iafrodncîag siair enstoers toe s Chap-Caits Dry Gonds Store. I.- Cuatonsera havaeLisir choice of pramnts frôm onr catire stock. This sale is worthy tisa attention of ail, and partfcnlarly of tisebuyiag iargeiy for tanilis. W. are proud ofthtis reputation for giving bargains cispar thers ever. - Choop Cash Dry goods Stoe mu on.'DONOVNS CARRIAG2ES & BUGGI.ES, latest style and beat 0F YERY ,SW'ERIOR W0RKIBL41v.jJp. BUGGIES &SLEIGHS, ]aa [nIum. mura « hids t , W&43., Oit. ou am la - FUNERALS ftJLLY SEPPLIED. ihnefor Taveru Reeperl.1 THLE FO0U N T A 1 1e Snbmcriber effera tfor aie hig intert AndaRestaunnt and Bfillard Parlors, ~'. I61? UTL IGai LmgStreet Basf, lOEONO »wtda i Sîreet, W htîby,The. 13r inplied vils Ciseltie Btadaof .jatiser vlS ýb Pan0aaaG r ý Wm. .L!qaorasaS Ci garm, . t oat.-s...- QBHALL SAT ' HEL L(OST-on tise 27til k-7 Jaaaatry, betweeu PcrtWhisbY aud Port Pcrry; ceutaitied letalu adpapoes and A Binsk book; aise- £bout $14 in Amer!,.» aoa.An>' peri'Ga leaving thea lainée&Cthtie ýetlaeeftlsisoPpepr, or at . T. Yoang'ar1ort perry,wiilboduly rewardad. Fab. 8, 187'1. * s PLENDID YOUNC BUýLL FOR SALE. Mesurs. Efrrell and lohnston, iavg pisrchaid Mv. Ge. Ml,lr's vei- kisuvu stock:bail, 6BELL DUKJ! OF' X- FORD,",r o80mel their spieludid Youg - BtII*LOÏUIaR.,, brai! tr.en Mr- Wa. Miller'm veli kstown,uw 'lIkmsyLe"-ar to M H. . Coulirata'm two-tiio nmaild.,gnsar 00w .Malil et Ath$,"-and by Job4. M. Bel Vs "ituiaud Chiot." , BIRRlELL & JOIKSTON, Psbraorye8ti, 1871. rewd,1.0 C.loer eed- WAiNTED- 5,1000 bus$ CLO VER- SEED. Tho Highemli ash Price Paid ;-De. livered at thi Chequered Store. TBOMAS LAWLER. WititblJaunary 18, 1871. W IEATT, PEAa& BRE, Tise ani-ruign0d iril. pst>'CASI fir an>' qua uettY O c f a aSîu8îrittg 'Vlttst, is, Pea, rit', JuasOLs FOR 8ALE,..Mslt, Plattr, Ceaf and Watar- lime. - - CD.& Co. 13.4.lG BCK TIJAT IJUYTAL9 RUIlE i Thp r Wto (by mittake) tofa wel doeelitoer aide, fros e ctitr lu Alasudr isotel sed,,Wtil.u n bLinda>. nibr uitaa viii pieg etttrtheai n and save urenil. Thte robe lias a pr'tuomaark, an.! auntise par- ties wiso tout it &are iaikit'iwu, ite>. vilS Se ethllcoemnnniuted-ith ublesrw turned *itlîcat JaSa. Pesb. 8, 1870. 0TIC----Tho yvilote teea aBadailo Robe, atark G-.0," trotu a casteFiu Lite Rowoa iRoue.p. si uMonda>'avaiaf, Irtilo, batand i p UTBLICONO1 Coeincil 0< atipor Whitby,i toie ai on tlit %wmwý SALE COMj' -Amr, ad -9TUFFALO :ROBES, 6'l REPAIRs AS USVAL. 1 1

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