Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1871, p. 2

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AUOTIQN 8&LB. Lb5di7 " a aeins spopulation, sW 17 ~~ grutj fudlltatlog £thétransport cf the. Dy g Fi rbanksue s , Jr., 050154S .t1.. Pl4,ieetf Ouragriculture, -and of cgr Boiflaeutersà;o, stDOSI&46 esa 2fae »aforettoi, sesmarkiets engerIyseok. Muge fiotory, Whittiy, oe. 8ardaf, J. the&OL Ilth. 3. Tiat, £owrdssering ties. d.aîrable 14 e. Fairbass, lvr, kobtfoeftn,- objet s, Iklà expedieut ibat the tomrof 1<111 prlvliq. sud farcirs« Buite C.., -dollr@ be @et sport fron and ont on Vnds*Y, lui Wbof et iConsolidaied Fend la ibis Province. TasSsu~As 'Oc M % miésr'o fic Su'd b. de"ignpted the.ilRsilvsy Faud,." Mondr, Nrch th.4, That ne Bsilway Compao shah b Mond~~ laie Sd. -eutitied ta inch aid,outil die, shah forunrh. pot thei.satisfaction of tIii .8itus A ronick. ro I. Tbo h-iefraudvy bvtrd"orfsev _____________________ the ouutrnc£lion cf à rosd, l ini. direction o f eOu r., aGrant ertyorpiin ONLY Si 60 CENTS A IMAR tao e Invi avters. ý.2. That tbWoafebsribdcptl ivht(by, Thuriiday1 February 9, L87L togothai. whh Sul bonuis or Jeans by Municipai Corporation#, sud the. proceeds The Latent War News. ofe bonds ta b. isued or auihorizedl bygsobh charier, lbave no reasonable donbt that TZIE TRUCE. -REVJCTIJALLING inch road shah b. cenmenced sud coo- PARIS. pleted, iucliding sidin*s and stitlon houses, Ltst eiatcë#inférra us that tii atIeat go,« a te b.réady for tiie rohbing dospaohesstock, within th, perli! mrentioned ln snob Prostitne shows, deteraination te retard charter s provided tbat ne Railway Coum- the. rsvlctslling of Paria. Mine trains pany sbâil b. bsid ta b. entitled te sncb loaded wiîli provisions bave bean detined! aid for 807 portion cf ibeir road, for the _111 liom at Amiens, tiiougbhei liné f- en- construction of which a comtmat bas bien fîrsly cloar. Tbe British War Ogrie sud entered loto prieât ta th- day of Admraly oe ativly uisin he ffots1870. .&dnlrftyar acivey ssitin to ofer. 6. Thot the onu to to b. grinted te te roviettiai Parls. aIns<ie hsity, we are auy Railway Company, comng. under on7 told. that, everytbing is confusion, sudthat of Ibo. classes hereiubetore mentioued and atbèe le s geseval leudeuey te reject at sntborized b7 orider ef tii. Lietenant- Geveruor lu Council, te bu entitied tere.. *9i eleetio*e ne .mabers of national de- ceive the same, Osah out b. leu than feue,. Meeings ,are becomiug moe dollars or more dollars per mile. d'emoustrative, abuse tftthe speakers de- G . Thait, before any part of tlhe said maiiding <te aireat ans! trial'cf ibos. wbo R'ilvaY Fond shalh be paid t0a un cosu- surrenderes! the. ity, Tiei.lborsi aepub. pany, thie Commissioner saah report, fer thie information - of His Exceilency lu lise cemmitte. bas deciareil <bat the Conucil, tiiat inch Company bave completed Geoverument of the. Fourth of- September terral cednevi i.cu shouid b. arraignod by the Natioual As. ditions and requirenxents centaiued iu the sembiy te render an accoui of tbeir, cou- .4th preceding resolutien. . dutote b dereuce of Paris, and give ibeir -The. Attorney Clonerai, after advertiug reoous for agreeing te ths armistice. The. tae l.unsual tact of the. Geverument - Commte, aIse declares <bat ne trca£y rallfling tis, cession et Absesud Lor- valu, ionul be sigues!, ans! tiat Pasris ahoulds!centinu. ber dofence -ans! refas, te capitulste. -Au a meeting lu tiue salie ta Reine, Blanchi, an orator, declares! Trance demandes! a Ru.bespierre, ans! tbg the guillotine atone ouadissisFranc- This sentiment vras recrues! with entinsi sea by the audience. Tii. deputies vi (avoir %hocontinuation oft<he varare totic Il appîsuedsit aIl meetings. 'rchu de sligos! tbe coniyfor Ib.,- Aspmblyi à* 104Cr, là' ubiceIi ho Baye i only consente tu retaîn tii Prsieiof t<ho Govsrný suint becsuss 1< vau my duty te share vit My Colleagues the. eommuen reapeusihiit I ams aout te h. disebarges! frosu l, ea Mi part muet finish vi<h the eveuts vbwiel gareoi1 rrte. - 'Te meeting ati hhti etter vas riesa-soutsd as vith ou@ voice 0 hemembere ef, the govsrnsetan oards."M. Dsbochels.atIts.meetiei 'uinIo Cscsiuo Gaillard, deciarod that the goverumcont wvers aé tvohve bandisi w has! %els!Pari."1 Ho aiodenies! li there blicou auy siPînssian victorien ho. for*e hi1<, ans! demandes! thiasth<e c tiens bihoh<h forthwi<b lu Paris, The wal14 et Paris are placardes! vîti susnobl- icriplions asie ' A bas le Dernoeri a11' 'ré altea-Radicale repudiate Victor Hugo, Lâonia Baue ana llbin, aud favor Pyat, ftIloohnze ans! Timeldi, for <hie N9ational Tusii olleving bas boon offlciaily pub. libdin!laParis. lu s tev dais tbo Gev- erument casa explain ts conduot. I vas ouilya(tér thoimoslisonieus offorts tiat the coiiditious relative te the Nationsl Guardo, stipulstost by ceuvention, couic be obtaîno!. EMienne Arago bas gono te Itaiy aud $pain on a Goveoment mission. Admirai Penanu isarrives! ai Lille. 'rhe Paris Liberte anneaunces tbat De- rien, thoe uperintentleuî et Publie Werke i thelPanis goveoimeut, proposes bbc vith Iravui et France, previsieuaily, from' the commercial tresty viti Biaglaus!. A duce., igned by ail the ministers bon bas hisen promnulgatedl, anaiuiing Gasmoetta's duvers ou electoral dioabult,, lies. It maluitains tii. supreme authot ity et the Parie Govcrnuuent, ans! deciares ubatb. shootions osah be-uurescned>, 1Is haehoieves!thiat neiuhier the Goveriment of National defisice, the Red Repuiuicans, ue.r <ho Imperialiâts bave soy chance cf - arrying utheectieus. Tii. public avoy 4ud wserate parti', condem.ti.vaus oU het Govenusueut, sud complain that - <by wire not conmult'd ou thie capitulation sad srmissces. Thie Jorlda pecisi 0sais5 -Advi@os from ail parts ut Franco indicat, liat tis ÂAaembly vif i conain a majenity - of lm- perialis sait MunarciPiste. The mathoi- tics au Vossailles shlow no lettons frosu iPariu 6ehoorvarles!. -Taskleg the Venass. T'h. enuuurtors vilii hnl procees! totetsketii.oreosaoftheL Dominion. 1t le te, b.aheped <bat more caneaus! greater sceuraey viilii obssrvesl thon Whou the. lest esi wu vas skia. So ueghigonthy 'scth.esMusasfet1861 takien bat the .Igur*s ans! statisticos vre admittes! ou aIl sides te 6e alterl> arlibie. Theu- mratere bave au imnportons <lty tle pr- ferni; oas that, if perf4rmos! vitk hcoroungaeos sud accursoy, veuis! bu et inducitese.rvice, but if uurlabi 'vonis -' pfovo vesse dise vortiieae-volsld lu .fsAob.hsmâcheionws wielles npiibe. Négligelnce là inch a series should b. poni&Wbtu as a rlainal' iefnce.. Les ns Lopue for btter tige tban oundt-halst ocasion f tias Dons buit cempetent sud truaswsrtbt mois,.vil] .-ho emnboed. fands baviug to eq!5!vith a ssirpius, insteas! of as formeriy iavi:ig te fins! the vays ans! masaus te ais! public- nudertakingi, retcrred te tbe oueous aud anomaleaso position et the. Goverumeut, charges! vitb the. duîy ef sitribatiiig <bat surplus. nie proceodes! tOSiev by rastrenos e tbe euterpriao ans! tiberality cf Canadian Legishature- tweuty years ego lu' assisting railvrayc, aven, abîbougi that aid wove.grautos! aItbheoe- pense et direct taxalieu upen the counutry. Ho arges! lia iettyreo ib ro- gressi r. idea cf ivsuly tvo years ago vhen the. treuiury bas! not a surplus, viien ibtaxes bas! teho imposes!, vbea difficulq ~'siued lu the vay front varions causa, vbowhn difficuitios vore lbush, teocoeur bh. is tveeu Englaus d-anb.heueighliig Re- m. public, if usîdorail uhose rîtardiug cir- re cnmstaucei, 'railwcyc veroecetabuîshed g9 vbicb are nov <tho glory 'ans! beastaud ao t the same timo, tho couvoulence ef the St Dominion, if the. dusy ef tii.country.- va -thien se impcrative, bwoynmc more i15 I -8u at tuis perlas!, vben vo bave9 10 ne necescit>' fer tho impoaitiou ef il taxes, but visu voe have - a surplus aft caur disposaitand! the ready uxeane o. l.mecting the. tiabihitios cast upale us. Hi Saise remindes! the Hanse <bat ett<he timai ho beas speaking cf, tuer. vase Reforsi Govorument in >power, vitb Bivin and s Lafoulaine -nt il@ssos!. Reformera thon k dis!nonethtink tb. Govenumeut vas ne. ki ceiviug teemhblepover.- Tii.Gavera- I ment bas! the.privilegeofetgrautiug ai jk thir discretiou yeariy ssuso te <is rail. * ay _ cheme net erceeding $20000, hie- .ides s large ans! grant. I1lie Legialature ef that day vere desinousofet cooasfng j emigrauien ans! colouizetiou as tisebhet meaus et aalvaneiug the iutfrcsts of <hie c ouutry, eud thiey vere net afrais! et trnsting the Geverismest it viithe cenînol cf large sumo et money. Any cnee arning np thb.-Journals et that rime veais! fins! that the proposition vas cicerfnlhy accord- es! by both sides of thie fonce, because lien thie represeutativesos t<ho people vere actuates! hy patriotie feelings, Like the présent Goverumont the Guvrrment cf iaî day vas couductes! on Retenu, pinci. pes. It vas managus! bythe noble Re- formea, ini viioe umiverity be bas! re- ceives! bis eocation-su os!naîiou vhichi ho bopel ho has! alvays acetes! athfully upo.-uhe vasunirlun1871_as freeh ans! au ready for thi. advanciug et <bo iutereas et hic country as -h. bas! ever becu lun tbe day. ho spokie ?. Due precautiaus, i. ais!d, seuls!h li aon agsiust bogua Cou,. panis ebtaiaing Gcverument asistance, ans!-strict examination yogIs! b. made et the Railvay censtrucies! heforo an>' mouey v ouls! ho given. TIse dosiguation "4iniaud waters" in thie reooutions inclus!. Lake Huron, Geergian Bay, the Ottawa 1River, ans! akes sud riveras of- Ontario, but net Lakes Brio *ans!Ontario. Tii.sain, et a milliiousud a bait vus te hieset aside -for t. -purpose et acsieting raiivayi, ans! ne coipany vas ge b. put 1on the. list fer grauits- until. il has!gitsn 'evideuce tieat.it .eoufd c'emploee <h raivay- vithin the- lime meutiones! in tih. *charter. If G;v- ennuent roînses! te grant the dosuans! et auyi compauy for assistance_. tho ,Houe. coutil lb.appesies! Io. Rsivys utig or estoudbug to Freo Grant L di vus rciijve bons.. of freu$2,00 e4,o par mile, aceording <otathestateetftthe seituesuentetrilhe country tiirougb vhieb thie limie passes!. He .xprsa.d the hope ibet: vliatue . ovrniin: iight b. lui per tiers 'Weals! be ne ebantl inai matter 1 but thait .re vents! b. fal sud fair inqu alr bue.the moeeywvas iveu. Mr. 81ike ilauanbale speech moired. asu ameiedmnus te effect <lis viiile mailinug vas @le"ete carman-thedodueaof vlibo Mfr, Dar.tuehl i dacrged se long sud a o aasts.erlly. Tiihe slution ef Mr, Maedoeal wva a goed oe; 1evbbstiar uuderstaud ithe ruYs Oet rer.i goreraing d.hibertilv. bedle, or?'the. amior faire wbieha siiuid. . eguide cf a presiding --The . Tô l'tare-s&£dpted.sa code cf raies, vhiýh tbel wvii ids!retgreat fidvantage luntiie trassatienoetbbsions, aSd viiineh viiiton!, téunifurmty lu their proc.edingsi sM .il a dep*t4!b as their meetings. M9aenlc Fes;i'v-l stU ibridge. The. bretbreu o tfii. My£ tlijiýoCe" lin 'Usbridge, as!d.iti uicini£y, stetaplate baving a festival suOd bal1- ilu £1,8 veillage;1 ou the. .veuitig cf Friday, the 17:b iqst; Tics. affaira arei alvsys veli mauaged wien nudertuken bhy the brethreu, sund,, e el assnred, tMbt every effort vil! b. made to reuder ttb. oeming avant a credit te the Crafi, sud pleasart gatbering for their gness. Port Wtutby aun1Port Perry naaRany.. 3Ve publiob lanotier ceunibus the. annal, report and. statemout ot the 'Companys affïirs. As viiiho eeu, iklas anciimorea favorable thon früm recenu-t ourreaces, ans! frosu ail that i:ad beau sais! sud vrit- ten in 'disparagemeénto-f the. Company ve, bad little reason to, hope.,- Iu the. officiai report vo Sund ýau ci- sien, wbicb vo <uinik il ouly rig4t te snp- ply, iu refereuce to the roliremeni of Mr. Greenvoos!.- Mr. GFoenwoed stated- te, tbe stock. hqlders, at the me6ting, that altiionglithb. eut.erpriso-itsei. As veli as the. uew mea- ousa aait jDOiaugumaisî iina eMa- 1romairs toi. ecen. ýIf ever ti're vus a agemout of the Compsany' affaira, reweived case etftthe kinsl cahhliagfer clhlcial irien- lis entire, approbation, y.£ lie muàt dechinefreî, îlivctily ue ubido noof exn.ay l eG5u ira*, go 5h51 tt amts baereures!p véftexertlpa £0 br.a1ý lu the. doov tiir ib hihisthe bodies vara carries!off,ÇhMay Wne- cessar, a te $at l&la tlr reeptscle the b", oret'tho.. w 0' die durin;lie, vinter are k¶tfr s.keapig, on cmontl of dnring the vinptetin. acessasqnence of the. troïs and imev, F Y this reola he tempor- sîro~ s pohub<asd tb s'exten ivS lun a boua. acreas he roas!, about 30 yards -freui 'a $04" a - tii.outrage. --As May br ex!ected, th reateut excitemeut sud indignxatieu Prv s! ouenthé" dicovery of the. oitr,. T e e'eal tter eleren bodie's in <ho d4 bouse at ith'tinme ;thse others beiûgthý oetfriasude sud relatives in the îsiigbbfnh os!, but -noue, ethera. "lve tose oet t e POOe, 'nouesans! tbe Young girl w issurbes!; Thenaies oftb Dpunes 're Siater Marr, a stnn o the couvent f luýànt Jeans, sud Sister Mary Marga t of the couvent et the Sacred Hea ~ans! the yeung girl'c name va rBe iose bady bas! been breagbt trom Tron ifor huril. Searci vuaia once1 instituts!, hy the. Cre o e 'eParisb, sud ceveraloîiier persoas; the Medical Cehieges oÉ,,]ontreal Iwere zisitsd,, sud the Pellce. igiairates ans!detectirescern- Muuicstod 4ii,tie, recuIt biug tbat atter come dayc _ie bidies veroec coveres! ou payant oeas Aut f$112, sud ou solemu promise titI the nomes et the guilty par- tfes vere týý b. kep secret.'Th,:& lu th. @tory wilot al l icbhorrible detaihi. oein a ombe orthe ne o earnOf Directors, aud viibes!theis atckiioiders te distinctty underataus thas hoe-vs Dot a candidate. Mn. Bigcio)w, tiiebts Pa-sidoul et the Company, exproes great regret at:tthe concusion Mr. Grenvocis bild ceme te, as- ne member et tbe ate Board bas! actes! s, se- faithfnily or asivises! mare correct 1, e. than Mr. Greenveos! bas!deue, since iio e- bas! interestrit iimsehlu lb.tesusres of r- iiie Company. s! The Compauny's amendes! bill bas been s! reas! s second timo lu the Legisiatir. As- eo sesubiy. Meeàsose.-Tbo instalation et the oce!- cars elctolf Composite Lodge No. Si), R' . 0., Wbitby, teobe Place, at Iboir hall, on TLursday tact, vIa - W. Bro. C., A Joues, 1. P. M. - léJohn stautou, W. M. 84George Heopkins, 8. W. Id-Adamu Berrovuau, J. W. dé B. Wiie, S. D. -Joseph Wiits, J. DW Abox. Anderson, 1, G. Id" M. O'Donovau, Treasunor. - tThomuas Huston, Socrelar>'. - 5Dr. Carson, M. cf C. T homas Deverel Stwads " Wm. Calverte>' twrs e W. BFo. C. A. Joue, Tyler. 1A hats os BIeaUssIF C&aîGts. Cl UTrUS,&O.-Attetion ýis directes! <o r<hie adrertiaemeut tofMr. O-Donovan lu other celutunu. - Tii. vebicloc efferes! are et the iost makle ans! finish, ans! vose not gel op te be cols!iy action. Mr. O'Dou. >ovan bas içivestes! coueiderably lu building < ho pes ysr, aus! iaviug thic stock ou band hi. v$slies* tedispose of it, even as cosi, in onder t enot bisiior engage- ments. 'bore is a chanc, et gotting -s gond! article at a bargain. Tbs vcrk viii ho varsnted. Ottawa, Foi. 4..- The foiloving senahers are gazette! te day- 0Hon. Ehouezer Pers-y, of Ceboni'g, lu Outarlo, vies Hou. Johin Crawford, le- Mr. Pn k Smith, cf 1'evonto9 luthe Procvo si Ontario, -vie Hon. Walter AIcCroa, resianes!. - Mn. RHa Churchill, et. Hautîpert, lu Nova Seetia, vice Ros4. Johsn E, Ander- son, doceues! IPREBEuFrA'ros.-Thé uisîgiug dais, un- derth ai.tulnof AMr. Jas. B.Maibii, et AudIo>', have preotýd :that gentleman vitna vatcb, a ast of ý,chinà,ansd chir aroI 9a - mark -et their approiatiou et bsOrvie. MoNICsiTeo ys.-Mr. - Agnevr, agent for the CeolnaiSecunitio-9o!Dpauy, :(viih advaee. .fadu of private parties ou- trustes! te tbesn,) advsrtis.s'r4guey te baui A SFLasD e Tooxe BuIL vos8e Ses advert4ia~.s t M anBrrisd: mandîe e fullest iuvutigwOiou, ans! lu wliieb the severeat puniuisment siould hie mesed ont te . uilty rpetrstene of uo fi s ecratien ol tise dess!. Araîxes S4LIC . IVABLE ,,MILL, - Drenduîn atvîymi' oeent. 1 TEE CARS IN FLI.MES l PASSENGERS lI SLI?!P[NG CARS TITY-FOUR LIVES LOST h1111 An appalling accidlent eunres! on the. EHudson River Railva>' oun fcusay nigit. A freigit car containint' oif vas tis-ovu off the'trick andl ignite!. Tho passeuger express vas lthiwufrocm the. bne over a bridge on the. ice ielov, sud the huruiug oih peurng ovon <be sleeping car almo.t iustsutly ceusume! h, burnisg te death 34- persona. Tbe foblovi!nç pai.'ticlare are giren ilu iie telegraphie dispatch. Albnyi, Feb. 7.-Tbe EUndseu River Pacifie Express train left Nev York lacs eecig, at eighi< &elock. The train s-esches! Nov Hamhiurg about ten o'elook. As it approache! liai -1platsé the freigi< train was observes! moýing tovardsit1£et Csual spees! sud ln ord en, btvseu tise trains voeevit'iu a baif a mile of ssci other the axhe cf an el car ou <he freigbt train broke. Several etftthe cars were <hireivu sroas- lhe traek-apun viibtie h Express train vas moviiîg e<t th.spees! cf 40 miles an heur, ans! in au inatant the oil igniios! sud eniseloptid the cuti-o <neighit train lu fiames. Tii. Express train dasies! iei thie broken buruing mss, aud a collision eccurre! upon the bridge aL New Eamburg, 'rie engins, bsggage car sud frt sleeping. car vere tbronov over the biindge on thli 1e. a -distance et six feci. As <bey feil an oil -casr tepples ever tapon ,hem, tiseoItiiudating thie sleeping car ans! immedia<,i.y iguites!, ans! bu a gniment 41; a -epatl eOoe. Ail ithe cther dans kept upon the truck, but the secous! sleeping car r52ived. arme cf tic burning flis!nsud ook, fineise. Tii. paasengera lu the second - sleeping ans! the othen cars ail ecapes! vi<ii cnîyasilgit brmuins. - Before any movoment cents! he made tevandq ssistiug <ho p ogers lu the firat sleepinig car (about Lvst'iutwLva a sohis mass cf flamos. , Se -es!deu vas the disistor, ans! se,-inuîausaneosly dis! the fine deita vo-h, tbat viion tii.- tumait cf the. craci subsIdes!, -net a sounil vus heard proceeding frosu <ho furuace et dea<h. lu ton miujutes every particle et tishe os!- vork wau consumes!,and ail Lb. paseengsrs deas!. Lator despailobas fs-dm -. Peugbkeepoie_ &tâte tl4at tbir<y.four hos!kestins far bave Tbe1pssns!s efgeoploe novweaveieuily aowin thesuselves tu; dritî tbrough the prebisuluar>' c#mptoms -of cbusum 1ptlen, mnder thde fatal delusion Shait they are troahl its vblnsotbing but a s"atigit cols!L,' Eo(~eoasr>, 1 l; <bea, tu acols! ehouîs! b.carIs! fcrfrom stes iuclpieuey,- M, P.P..,Bdvd Major. iforcdby J. L 4 iruoo4- mqcuded, byd J.,f-Mawr, -- at..the late President, JOseýpb Bigelow, lEsq., b. nequesies!to receive (rom the. téucholders ithe auraof s;ix hndres! dollars, for hieserie'a Presidot, the. marne te b. a charge on thé grot maets 01t tus Comnpaniy neot bng capital steeok-Osrried. A vote eft hauks vas préented 1to the retiring Presideut, fla the.zeai ands bility hoe bas shewowite! açting as President u t h.e[jeard.* Also s vote ef thanks te thie Sorutineers for tbeir services, andl te N. G. Reynelds, Esgq.. cha:irmanï, atter ,wiich the snnai meeting was dderd cloîed. -Ross JOHNSTON, 1Secretary. Tlionewov ioad:of Dircctors wbnt isu' mediately loto session, sud .eoted ci Draper, E«q.. a» Presialent, and! J. ltigeiow, Esq., us Vice-Preuîdent, for the enstiiug 'iTi TUIti> ÀM<UAL REPORT OP TU iBOARDI PORT i'ERILtY iAILWAT COXPÀNY. To the StocL-kolder8a, b - (.ln<TLintEy - Your Beard of Directora bave great pleasure ln subuitt- ing [<soir annual report ' lu the bast Annual Report, the Board congratulate! bic Stookilders on accont et iavisîg lot tic cootrsct for building the rond, underwvici the Bosard has! every 1reasen te beliere the vork vouls! ho prose «cutes! vith vigor, ans!tho roas! cempleted vîthin the time atipuhates! by coutract. ut tihe work vere net satisfactory, wich rendered it necessar>' ias your loterest fer tihe Boîard te refuse paymout te the Con- tracter as lechnicalhy requires! by lie werding of thse contract. '- On thus refusgaI, sud indees! betore, tic Conxstracter commence! preceedings ut Law agulaxut the Comnpany iW.-scierai shlts, niletf itici tîhe Board <vere advlse! te <lefens!, andi npp!ied fer an erder et retere.-ce te anbitration, pursuant te the ternis of the Cessiruot, sud nupon vîsich appîlication, the Comupany succeeded iu el.taining tihe enier rcterring tise sais! aus, ne, vell i;sail otiior ratters in differ once lseîweeu tih entoardas! Contractor, Fs-mn i tis orslar, tie Contracter ap- Iseabesi Lb the Court cf Queess'a -Benci, wtsiclî alîpeali b noir pendiug, but viti erery prospect sis yotsr Boiardi believe, et tise order te rets-r ucing confirme!. - Thse very useriappropriaiiou'male' lasi y-car b>' tie Ontario Governmeul, bus complote! the Leeku at Lindsay' sud doue truch te isprove tihe navigation et tic Scugog river, ans! wiici a further appre priatfon cfa smahl sm vous!comple1 and open op an iniaîs! ater communies- tiers fresu <tie heas!waters et Lake Sengeg for upwards et 160 miles loto the interior et tise counîtry, ans! inte eue of tic Ounest Itisuber and îssilliig sections et tic Pro- vince. Ynur fBears!would suggesltital the Stockbodeng instruct bie nov Board of 1)1-cors to e ition tie Gevernmeut tor a furtier aid te compleote navigation et Sesîgo; river, sud that Port Wtaitby arad Port Perr 'y RiiniiAy na> psartioipate lu any nid tic Uovernment sua>'appro- prisite te tihe Raibroads oethe country. STiheBousa dehentures tiat have been isandes! ove,- b>'tic difféerent murîlcipîi tecs, are nov bols! b>' John Crsvtord, E:3q., Presaident of tic Royal Canadiainï, Banz, us Tirustefor bue Company, Lthe i proeda ot <vilciare le be uses! ont>' fore tise purciase of iren.-M Au impression iiaving licou curreut thînt tic muuicipsl Debentunes donatesi t0 the Company' sua>'bu diverteil for other pur.r poges than originahy intende!, your Buard bias ceuse! a- Bibi te býe preparedb tint is nov betore lie Legisiatiîre t le [urtier protect the Municipsihities. tiat tl tho Debenturos by them doîaated, siail [se uses! for ne otiser purpeces <ban tiose fer vicistse>' vers origioahly' giron te thîe coterprise. The Boartd suismils a stalemeut et tise Paceipts and Expenditures, up te glisI Decetuler, 1870. - (Signed,) JOSEPH BIGELOW, Presideni. .ROuSSuJtJNTibON, Secrelar>'. P-tatesnent of thseleceirs andi Expanditures of tie Pus-t W lslthy ou i Part. Parersy aiway Ce., up tu die 81mb Doeeri, 1870. Àaîsbssen S13So ECEIPTi. Inobalments on itok ........... 338866Pt Bôeien Daebenturos fs-om thé Town et W isby... ..........o, 00o Biss Dehentures fren tiaeTeu . is 14ap eles20,000 0c Beijssusi eotunesftsomthTo- stsip ot Wila'stby..............5,03 OO0 Iâtene»t jollected on-.bis.- abevos Blesui&eis...L................... 8267 50 Bih, payable..................... 1195 ou 1 iret bit"rtgsge Bondsi............ 63M Co Freui cher sources..............-2786> O5 EXPEINDiTURES, 4 g1 Duable. samanut 00rot...tOSO Fri-riglt ot* Vra7 ................ 7744 O0, For baildisîr ot Vs-lerry Doc. .. 1333 19 John siraawford, Esiq-,Toroujto, tenus - Boue d sîilaitereel depostes... 42889 75 Prelimiîna' expeuis ..............s4 oglte expenses, Postage and! Tote- 'grisph Sesieunt........ ..... las85 Taîxes fon 1870 ...................... 56 Sssssdry setuntts.............. 2198 91 Baan:e i . C. Bank............. 3 73 181547 ALvaîIý6Aibe Mut. t ix Prt Whtby andI Fort Po rry ltallay Cemsa>, $aoI December,, 1870. ý- - Btonns Bonds oS the. Townships etf- "teh, Wlitby, sud Lhe Tovwn of LWibdepbosites! vith. John - iefod*fq.. Toronto. ý ......42389-76 Bossg us B onds e b-rcelvect fros ""hoi bead-omser presenteil bise r fer th. uzboj4ouîi0 aj7r, wvh,'Wf - as! by tihe birmn. It eibibites! the. fobfeviug nra shevieg the. sltondaue« for tbe onàth cf .46 $a dan', -4 " 41 4 heur' Set., 41h, dii, t Mr. Wiihi4 e, s 1, ars air., (%1iss lllekIa) 14 5 :4 2nd dlv., ými%4 Fràtee,) 5Ai Jroli,, St. Cid div.(Hr. Wooeuaepw Audrsot S.,44 32 6M 4,51 ecreashe syer. 32. Av@rage attend- Tas BTAWFUINUoeltn . On mlotion d Mr, %Drtuei, iseconded by Mfr. Perguson, seemmittee etf Ove vas appoiuted, bf ballots te atrike *the stand- ing cemmittees. The ballot reeuýlted in!laverý ot Meusr, Dartueil, Perry, Jou, Fergu -sou snd Matiennau, *ho troerteil tiie fol- lowiug standing eommitt.es fer the. year. FI;gaitrOz-Meera. Perry, 'rucker, Joues sud ifnana. SCHOOL Marçaegvmw-mefssru Dart- Doll, analMaclenuna, Watsu and Fer. guson. 801300L PI&ovzary-fts. Forguson, Cameron, Loeos and Dartnel, F(rom Mr. Saith, -Becretsry Mechanios Instituts, offeriug for salie- a pneumn8uic Sp. Parmte. Frean frs. Knowling, asking for iu. creuse ef psy for extra vork' in oleauing schooe. Front MisseiBorne, tescbor Ind. Jivision, Jehu St. schiiei,«king for an lcuosaeoe «ESOLUTIONS. Ou motion etfAMr. Dartuol, yaccoudes! by Mr. Ferry; the-csunuication frein the Meebanies' Instituts,, vas rotorres! te the commitîco on lsooolproperty. Ou motion of Mir. Perry, s'econdes! iv MIr. Darinsîl, the omomanioaioqcf Mi"s Borna vas reforrea te ihe standing cein- miates on finance; 'ans!- sais! oommittee was éans rcqaued te report :the ameunt of <bu salarges cf oaci, of- <the' <acher. in tii. Cemmon aud Grammar sohools, asud vhethor in their opinion any of mu4id saisr- ies ciionlUho encreastd or reducos!. On motion cf Mv. Dtranenil, accoudes! by Mn. Forgusen, Mrs. Kovbing's ceom. munication vus reterres! to the Commintes on finance. On motion.etf Mr, Daruneil, seconads!by Mr. Watson, 1< vs-5 riscelies!tliaî ail cil. dren atsonding th. commea iachooli, vins, parents rosis!.eiier vithout the seooa!limita or vieoinsy-borated s! e up. porters ef the separate seheel, ho ascessed $1.50 per quarter, payable ina as!ance, for NOTa cieOr Mc'rzs. MIr. DartuIAl gais notice <bat hg vents! at thé. oxisu eeting et the Board, moee to -attend! <he ces viihroes-once <o the inaugaral meetings oh Ibo Board. 5i5ES5ATIei5 0P S&V. 55, ACLCNXAN. Mr- MaclonDUnteck occasiono inforn tb. Boa-s!thiat hb. vidlshbaprevente! by bunsiness froim attending the nat Meting, tund thii wvasmore thisuhikely4he pro- sent voul! hi e le st mef tiug ho sbould hai e hopieaseocf sttonding, busumneh ise ofias! aceptos! the clarge cf suo<ien songregation, sud ln a vcry hindi7 sman. î,r, tbankcd the memberu cf -tIhe Board for~ <liy unihornuceun<esy euevu hlm at &Il tauses ans! bat ton suauy resaons ho regrette!bis se.vorauco vi<b the. Board, but truste! thia't hocause ef Edtication rouilahie etlhi tsters! ans! oneenrage! iu the 'revu; 'ho Board <hou adjounes!. oudonctaus! <liaitho Rý, 'Air. Maclennan, if, St. Androe sCbach, hasaccepte! a cail lu conuection viiih Io -Cburcb cf Icotiaus! luPeterborough, sud that lhe ciii leave Wbs<hy in a fewov sks te enter sn bis nov spiere of dut>'. W e rgret xceeeaingy ho déparure f tuis gntle - man froutour teon. Hic higb ccholastio atiainumen<a ans! goutlsmis'.y dameaneur bai0 gainos! il. universal respect sud pulpit and the scil-gatîherings eft<ho 'arions religions bodies bave shows hlms eo ho a-fluent speaker, vitb brobât, coin- proh.ncive vietis of dJhnistiauiîy, ries at 0l tIucturos! vitb uarrew sou4nlaism or -T osneas' Cdinth eu"o -dcTot hose ntrstl l te àcaus o 10»uemtio u is ibo prati viiid a gre xi, sh. wihas vy o pracicfoh en-s cormactoitbhemorantut fork<b.1ou- ourategesueue thal mrant Il eurs W et tu pres-sud gonuhierma vihI sere bato apprcistionbug-ousa rittedr- la résidlence ila Whitby, Pondti Srp ofHypophbospbtés cuperier te 413Y simitsiprsparatieu yehl eferes! té dis publie. CRIIIDL19CR ax, iM., . Hlalifax, N. S. -tg ài a ay gond medicine5 v"Il aduites! l hi -t tuis iuernilng-are s nnibei of, offie upper sterite 'The lomis luen thou?;and. dollars chiefly in lie-Har sudPrevincial 0 o ne third oft ie i boolas, pipers,,asu Jeffrey & C>o'si lb. building, vhie stock, vas isies!, flotit extriuatP.J A' ut),leu, in by auy of tfie potefs. or the 4suburt6i Treaty, f. moisis! iiiamendrdtt te Mr Blakeefrese)tion, thatal after le veec '(bat.' in' the rosllloY be tick- out and the folloiniginserteal lu lieu theief 'Whlst tusî flousl e-4eply deplreà ti untinxely fate of our ellow courtrymtan homas Scott, wile exercisig hi4 righ s a British ubeCt ý and! vhllp deepl, regrettiug liaS Rie! and! ts co.xurdreri bave esespes! condign pwioiàoent- arx aritettus flouse rejoiceg iu the efforti made by the Leutent Governor e Manitoba in issaiug 'witrrants for thài rrest sud vwhite *, leel, t -to b. oui: duty, us repreentatives of lix. people oa the Province of Ontario, tu lens! our ii lu briuging tiese inerdorers ta itustice, ii tel-tit it wouls! beaunwiàe Sd- bexpe- dienité tàiniterèe ith the prerogaivt vhich properly belougs ta another Gor- enuent, and! te djsçcusm sa question o-roi vbich; tuis lousel bas uo controli Bon.'AMr. Wood sai! the mover et tht resolutiqn bâtd reposte!, alinosi word foi word, what had b.-eu offered by certairr prints at the time the, nurder was or- mitted. - fi tho hon. gentleman tooe tht murder sa deeply aS heart, vby bas! ha not spoken about it lu the hieminier Palament, whiob vs the' ely body ln tels country that culd b.l expectes! te ave ahd cotrol < i the matter. lHe be; ieved tat te uonerts abject vas te Mke peitical capital ou et is reslu- tienstortuey'ceuld bave'ne usetul ens!, or in any vs> helpr te te the 1upprehension ef iel sud -ie sseocates. liHe believed that thelpe ofe!pniteba voul! take lhe matter in hand bemseltes, udl brio5 Riel te justice Mrt lake reple'1tte cstatetîiienî( of Messra- lCruerou- and I Woodh, and the amnendtnent <vas put a'od csarried.icrae, 47: u ayâ;28.- Feb. 3.'-ter routine, Ilon. J. S. Maicdonald presenied the repaîrts et the cosuinittees ounllaiways and! Private Bisl, aisso otthe priuittng conîmitte. Mir. Bliake ais! thist ho sioîinid m4v"e an ambninent on <bu report of the iiniiway Coînruitece eot»ing up for concurrenoce, liaving votereuco te ali!amtending the Àc inc4rportîng the Turot, Gry and Bruce Raiiwuy Coampaniy Ou metin oet iboni J. S. -Macdonald. 1£ wos resn ived te heldi three sessions -daiiy aiter Tuesday next, sud that a sittiug sliould be hîeid leaîorrow from doyven titi three. . Hon. J. S;.'aMacdonald xnoved that the flonse.à usd go into Committe.et-olite WhVle on Tnesday, ou the resolutions res- eciing the gr.anting of aid to Railway. Ho made an ahseration ef cierical error lu, section twe, clause four, subatituting Spriî,r te' fer tie vords 'since thïe.' - On motion of Mr Blake, tic7 bill -Te- speoflng thuebeectionof niembers cof the Law Society of Ontario vas referred btock te Comînitte. tsf tho Wliol, vits instrue lions te add at clanse providîng tlîat a Boncher vie taileill b attend- one meeting during the yoar should no et oéli N.b for ebection. This vus agree! te, and the fleuse tieu rose andi re1iorbed. The lieuse received a report' ou lie bibi previdirig for'the organizati>n oet<ho territorial district et Thunder' Bay, ans! lx2d Lie third reading-for Tuesda-y. 1Thce use-vent inte comuiittee on-tho bill respectiug the. Court ot Chancery, Àrid struck nt tieclause referring ta Aie remuncration et Mr. Dalton. -The committee thon rose ans! reporte&!. Thefloeuse vent iite ceînnittee sud passied>resoînltions reppectinig bhe Rock- tveod Asylum. Attorney-general Macdonald inove! the socons! readiug et tic Bibi respecting the 1omînissioners et Police- Jo reply te, Mir. Blake, ho sais! it vas net intendos! te éAy the, COmmusienerus asslssry.'rThe abject et tie Bilbi g merely te facîbitate lhe ends ofjuttics. - Tite Bill vas reas a second lime. BIon. J. S. Macdonald suoves! a second Teading efthe fBi respeting Asylumu for the insane. ljie object et the Bibi ras te briug ail thie Asylumus under the contrai of the Prison Inrpector, who rouIs! b. reupouaible te the GoverueuL The Bih!, vas resd a second lime Tii. leuàe-tiien vent InouOQmnuitlpe on <lie-remai'ning clauses et -the Sobool BllI, M. Leut nt the chair. Clauses 32 sud 33, smended, vere agreed , su ad the Boeuse vas 'ounsiderinif clause'34, roterriuggthte educastion te belaught-in Grammar Scbeols, vhen it rose for remes. Atter recette, the fleuse resumed 1 the on1sideration ef the -Sehool- Bill' The raTions zemaiuiug clauses vere discnssed, sud after loug. sud!desultory 'conversation vere agree! te with ameudmeuts. SThe. Legisiaturi met 'ou Saturday at Boudai ither tielà i OOents, ebokts »ana vatuabies - 1Mesurs. 'Sutherland!, MoCallura. an&~ 3 _jefirey's stoes ere humnes!; but on opew' - ing MçOahiurn's-- ans! Sulherland's 1h!. s;=,ringbiecontents were founs! t0 bc perec l essra,. Jeffrey &k.Co's bas not yet beeu extracteil frora lb. -ruina. P. MCalînia & Sou ones! Most etftiie blo 'ci, wvhiCb la inssued -for $12.000. Hi, stock vus values! at $50.000, nd suinl- aures! for $000 uherlaus!àk Ce. w ere insures! for. *4000; .leîlrey k Go. v er. lnutres for $16.000. - e 1Tiie oPus.et thxe tire la as yet unkuovu. Thfis iisaster vîilb. a severe bisiw- te the business oi Cobeurg ;: isîtitL is iopeds!ticS stera i=y siiorbi>' bu taken by wbich th& jier.,t fiiss m>'b. i'oestabiahedt snd tise pretuais rebsilit, C, àxIIIAL ,Coowti- -If' auj et' asie forvard ta heing eueen lx>'cannibale, b. - ny visi ta be informes! holw lie la 11k.!> te be ceolces. l u a coefort le ka*w tiat tie savagasie m iay d'eveur bina are by ne Mms devois! ef reffiement ini thîr ouhinar>' disFosition. sosue Trenchs tolsdieru ver, label>' taken prisonera by the Canaka, sund ene of <hem vas kilies! aud caten' Mis cosurâdes descrihe- the. procese. -Tii.Causia&frat -tecapitai. aiîeir victira : a matteret ne stnal diffi- cuit>' cosisidering the -bbuntne4s of their hatchetse. Ton te fittees, blova- areo ne- cessai'>. The body iq, tien itxng np taé4, tre. b>'the foot,, ans! the.blocs! aleos! La rurf eut-for au heur. Meanile a boe, a yard aud a hait deep, aud a yard vide. is aiug in, tme ground. ren.is hlinos! viti atenes. aud tien lu bis midat et bioni a greatfiOre lu lit, Wieu the 'soos! is burut dovo sa littie, ns! glove vitis bout, it' is covores over with more stones. Tic insu is, tien eieunes!-oat, and dividest jute pieces about a foot long; ihe. ande sud feet beiug throvn :ava>' as vertbhesu. Tise pieces efth ie man_are places! on -the*' beaves oh a barge <rose-Ires peculiar 1 t th tropios. The meat lus srrouudsid vith cocoanuls, bisoanas, ans! some oblier piaula notes! fer <beir tielicate fiavouir. Thi.e viole is tien tied' logetiê~r firmly ; the. tire la retucved frointie pib ; tiheineat la places! is> among-the hot stoues;- and! thus, caretuil>' coveres!, la lofttéaceo for an bour. Womcu de net partake [o0 tuis w2rrior's feast. Meneu sie are per- snitted téae>'o so great an honor, and! se raro-adeiicacyý. DEspBRa&Tp IsesAN BÀvrraz-Smn Fan.- ciae, deb. 2.-Tii. Chimaubuevig ans!d Maàjave Indianà has!à a pilcies! baIle on lhe Colorade .river,, s fev dayyr ince. Tii. Meja-res vore routes! villathée bsof 386 braves. 'rie Cimàuhusvia lest tlîelt heas! chie', eue cf lie sileat tSuaves ever barn, sud 20 bravra., SueCIre omultue.-A sbnockiug mur-_- du,- vas committes! las Fritiay merantg b' a, -man uamed Cha. Willoughby, a tas. mer roaidiug a mile sudsa haif-from Rock- vood-tho icîim beingihis owu vife. Il sooes <bhat vihI, nuder the influeet ligner b. asked tho isnfortnuate vomau ta vise sud geL hlmn a drink of vater, but au sie dis! net compbyi vitb bis requeut bho spraug eut eof- bcd, - ses!e an axe, sud s1triking ber a foarful biov vith it os the heas!, killed ber aimost instantly. The vretch thon tries! varions bà ut'uumfu 1 1

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