IWU SesbXea Msd New Tear Pa"4 1LABW5 BAZ&AAB, And oal tbrelatu: Pipor.. 4frossblot or #*ne dâ&Ã"oAs, i loà i.lng 1=" ndU tl abrCanâ,, Coas.n, - - Ilgaoflted Ilek. 0«'rk CoUty ofO»Ud5tcd 871. 2 ma t0i«flb . J bi Ii. unM p.tlrof tii Conty Aà grlouural sot O! «batarulioe whlliebhid aetCiit 1 Q, $Yhhtby, ope Tà nrodaly, Jeiausry ISife, IS At1 Ml oeepm., for thse plîrpoue <ofe ouftra u îreosfor tit eurrerseyu titb.r businst iiportance, i Thé* Dirsetoro l w lli ot at ther1 BÃŽm- 5 - ... t, *CIO FMAEM lui SALE. Thos subocrîber offert for tiale tire Tilt>' lie..of le orurtiboîr twerrty-oi in- S te. tr'J unoessloti <'f tle, TOWNOIIP 0F WITBI 'Iibo land lu a11 elearal, well rersosl, aiss Co losof oultîvarion,& ani lisa usie siue arnlug serosa t. For terme, iropl>' to 19. J. WII.çon, - B"riter, WbIt, Y, or the oaubera-' MAMUEL WILKiN80,I Wirity, 5pt~ 5. - ou tireprer !rîuE SAVED I LABOUR AVED à t ADO±7fle 3 1.TOOL1½& rJ It II GB A.RN The UBamnscou ri h mur whii <M tîre 1; tioio. iaarsjlet lesi ulAirethai s i the huitdtita tsrrrilit f l( ir ou to Ispeil *041 w gr ism is; 50<1 a fr e oul esltb> Wh iohavea eil ent tor ,,i se Osgros ntipre me a he ir rlristyle. * Clrpnt#r. ta builîs theip, fiirriîlrcd for-S Peaîsst. No chaerge turjîlati, to ~parties*- Sau> i ebuilhiE ddtsJ l. ToC'L, l>etenel' ~ 0 LET, M frsîclass oongrrn. i lagowltiri :esijd vu AIZU a large ire l'roofirut, for sale, Che B. 11, COCIIlîAXE, Rrrristerrl Whitby. Ded. 20,1'70. i-l TOIYN OF 'WIIITBI TENDERS WiII lie roelvs< up to 12 -o'clrok, eon, o 3MONDAI, .lnuriry lfthr, 1971 iuttir, <1111, 99 threTowo lork, Wiliii , fortise dlivty c tire 5h.lr>wng - '00 f <14Inchr I'inher. 19 foot long ulot lslias81 nor more tiras 12 Ilcsese wide $0,000 foot*of 414 l'ide 1Scaîrllig, 12 <ctiois5g 20,M [ceut o 45Cedar Scssntiusg, 12 j", long.s< fx uecatb A fwiihI surt b. gooimranbl 18u'11rersnd ho delivored na irireTuwi irnîl Witiy On Or f@tohes, ir ir a dr fJulie; W Orjor , J. R. PlIIYW, chigrinain, Streets irnssImlprovernoȔ, 51 Tovîr et Whsiby Botand Sixo a tore, The Rubieîbe.r lhesnshow a large âalsoit- suent etboota alof ris own uiuratu ro, of ail stylo*oaird airfor iuter wear, ile lu, ,vit4à an eXsilrsrtloir. Work mode te order In jefrst.olîasuManar ,Il. 'WILKINON Osss o,29tho Sf, 7JLZAXSU&L MEETING OF TUE wn#t,. an..u-- -basihtbr Union Agreltarat boaety, Wil be odaSt tîs (lfllotel, B3rookjîm, et 2 c'tock p, , on8atudaye14tsai.. for Mficens for thlriosut yornr1 aJ 'tid OIsebarsl- Ofrasa Oonreo4d wislr tIhe Iioorty. Theso rsut DhetorsVa r oinested o isesnorli Il r JouitWIL>irises.0ri$ard THE 'FOUNTAIN staurant and Billard Parlorg, 4$"J Khg Itet Buti, TORONTO. Bar "uplimed Vilta Choies Brad:<of l~Aquorm seo i grs (yder W ' Trst..lass Dlint suritLunch Boor «kwshod. *l.slsil ho ria Dl - J. LESLIZ5, Mà à x . I NECEU'TI. Govelamsm Ouà at fer lat hak'e<15. ...~.p 's .s~ Ilws.athaWe<tDiO m~cljuIAnsu.'at4w 10. I.... aTown PreOrr,;lo cf r Ilotu Iôr i IR chang o ofFr COMMON,,SCIIOOLS0. 1IECEMgT21 Jo ......... 10 900 40000 29000 475'00 15000 9000 ...... 1140--V &&se'qJ V e.extra Hanging Looking Gans k, &. < igo 1-0 I Hi,:::::z::....... ji AT ,A NI) 13EL OW CO T.a Ail kinds of Fuiniturp, very cheap, to suit hard times. Josadhn I8reSSiooa......0 O 5THE TIME FOR BARUAINS i1 ~PJr6fekfgoeau......... 1400 ..... F ERALS attended to with e1Výry attention, and at ver 0. I I?"4 p' SM low Price. JD r a r 'aO lis , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 0 fur W,, auCuu ................. M ure, always on haud. $80025mas..Chr...as0I C-d4h n taor es it ri ga g o d e r. .... .... .... ... 00 0 niur _#3Mr oi ssa w2al1Sw-lveybd N.JIIIPIN'S,_.BROOKLi well 88505ted stockeo ]MW OURlRANTS, -RAMS FEHOYSTER1S, LOBSTE W The bsatbaadsof wmnes 1Biac JUS? REOEivBD,, 1F GNADIÂNRCE .&Dz~.JOB Mesau jq M W x > $#, 4O« e , yh aua, PROVSIONSTOR J : The unesin1 es oea ttenItion to the large stock of newF' SL r. DESCRIjŽ1'OI RCEN T CH E.APE R ban any 'Other eý'tablishrnent in the conntyt>, RING ATTENDED» IN A CAREPUL MANfNE]R, Soap, Starob, BIi., Apples, ljaIrcyBcutLeg S'Weets, Scrbbing' Brushes andBrwu Ts, etc ~ A0oOatm'eal, IIam-, Ba ]BUT SMOKING &CHEWING TOIBACCO, I& ilgoods sold at'the- lowest living priées for easb. Givela aliand try the Unw Provision nd ,Grocory Soe W. H. si -44'Whitby, 2nd Xov,, 1870O. Dundas street, (As -Keembraeing ph hocoierat n etfao ard ir-oo, eoClo1lte 4urau Rabis, ~Figa, Prunes,*iesMus. tar, e., &C, , .Loa Cruibed and Muscovada Sugar, Wslnuts, Wistb~ ov SdJAMES JOIINSTON. FOIR SALIE. A hal irtereet lus Cailin'Victoria Win. Bit- tera. Thes proprietor la travelling, sud ihea partuer to niannfao- tiare, sLip and keep bookâ. Ou>'aiai Lofh Capital requi re<r. Average oales over 60 llons Per mourIr. App>' ersnaiyor by louter, to JA. CAMPBrcLL, -'Ube place to secure the lest and cbeapest c H I I I4,Is ilsiqo 1117 N' 0F FURNITUTRE kind of« DRY GOODS, and the Soundeétt, a4d Freshest and &un.3%p. Table Sait, PnnIE. Mcon &H c PlIEWstoe) I E,, MITH, D-100 COrdsof good Cord Wood, clther dr or j 'rilture, for wlîich the higheet price wIIl bu given. greein, in ex- R,1_00Jý-xvlve F0O1 AN INEXIIUSTIBLE COLLECTION 0F ce BEI ITIF[WFilI'MT DOINON WREOOSFOR THE fHOL[DýAYSO - J ieautiful Solid Silver Sets' Jewelery, Bible4, &C., ail ( A HOICE LOY1' OP the Poets Works, beautifi1uy bound, Albums, &k,., LAD~IES, PURS, MENS' & I'O' PUR CAPS, W r BôenW tiê D sk BUIFFALO ROBES, W r&C. s. rii'gýD lss lkfi .Handsomely dressed Doils, and Toys of every description., l IVIii in rin ret_ aret IDo't call and see the grand display ofail kinds of Fancy Coi A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OP' CHEAP FOR CASH. psM GISiSTEAS ORGO-ES*E8, ~Whitby, Dec. 2121871,' -L W SIL N.mtn lCurnsRasins, ëà Figs.-- Pea r-Nn~ e ID Û AIL R--1V.Â1 AIso a general, stock of amily Groceries, in Teas, Sugars, *Coffeet, Tobaecos, Sauces, &C. & DRENIIMM ]BSS.XAXINGdone to .d !IIIU In,~ . -LOWES POWELL. 1'l lU!VIsI Mtl~ STALLION O SL. £E 50,-AT7- azr' Reaneniber OId Nu. là YEOMAN GIBSON. i b ra 8yýret4d';w a i sred b>y tbt oie- lmpor .jà draugt H orse, "6WosîJarlul di bIs am I.tirai oeiobrsîed sprtd d tom W- " arai 'OlÃ"r>"';1is grand For forseuger mare. furadtirs, prîîtloulsrti appi>, Ifby loUter 0 pI,~i*pioprilror, IlRKLBREîG8, Whttty. 24,170, lKy ils, fîP. 0. svad*v.r'ris rijtirgsIplta& im olsa~ ~ O' norvrehr rt5nd fiee teInehi, low-suffrOrrr. A4drssaj. .TUTLE 8 I 'Ns«sa t.,N49Yrk - *$Mbu4 FINEFARMFORE~TY. Oshaw,*Otro For BeES.T.pte, TUà PE ad acIIEAes TGod Laes syIc IiIncry I. AT (JIIISIIOLÀM'S aperfine Broadcloths, Canadian and Scotc'h Tweeds, , Prench Merinos,(heral thing), Cottonsl Shirtings, Linens, Hosiery, W'iceys, Shawls, Cloakinge, Scarfs, Ties, Collar, ock8, and ail kinds of ~ens'Furnishin g O od I Boots aud Shees lu great variety, .atEira. Housekeepers who desiro to practiceeooucsla ,M HSOMS ne winseau Hall, King st., o.hawa. eWbiwtbal itAIL y, fLSune Nov. 28th, 1070. 49___ ____ ____ ____ rAILOING....bisboo establisbuierrî posmmaesumnivalie d faIlthes ln the.de. gg rmeu, Ifaring ooured CL. ervices e! a firot-ce mCuitter, M. Petit, o! Bufalo, ' f' rIeuren'. srmsmta re eut sud tiade te -order lu the latent style, aud lungasuanner theeody L first cii> estabiiihnt .Gautleueu dasironis of weasring a weîî wa.a.,t, ng garient wili mnko a note.ie laiLa c I The t *Thre Srbacriber desiro to tirank ma unmerous e.useoms, or4lseirkind patronage during tu Putvel've Yearo tir a firasboa -sugopsin'e lbusiness, would taire tissa aaiasnable opportuitYof trcatirrg bla- riends to Twsîy per cerne Dlcoaug Tscketz, ON &L. 0000ss OzLnUM..e CHRITXAS Ã"LDAY8. 20 PER CENT OP WATOHES, OLOOKS, J EWE 1R Y, GOOD FORt ONE WEEK. eC ANADA80. . EITAL 0U2'.A>D222Actg To CIJ.at'hrosud eDWhlerw£ool"i, Ot CITIZENS' -NS URý ANUrECRmAnY (lrco7rcez ýxt Xfa. ae(jg ToEAD ksoniFI, 4 B. arre te date aIsse aidsof -ei C. he1 Ee ro att er sAwit hel r aîl 00ceprile a8mrs rsr ilA-tirssen Eyy ,b Bisou or Binufdts . Poiscuelbonda of fldaiit tei e o r eli ons.Ald g osiion-ts Tieuarnte-Mi e! and !ompsy au e. J IAMES WÀLLACE, 45et t hty Goods or Pîces c an be beaten! 'ln grest IgulètY, Clan Tartani, ,plairn and r"M "P EgiPSad Opadis Tweeds.J D£âbýT(undér the. f ld o It à ri- if- - £ lads'1o! a n lari rA ITfvOur .....DTU...... 14 48 IlftswC~ne l'e 8ik,1,e 259 800 15g. 61$ iSta ~ las 4I~ 189 OONcasuîow,,- 189 euçg lSD 550 Lm2 Dondas 8fu - wihiay, ont. Their-stock is Supberb, New,.and ail of the Il m 1 SUPERIOR F R B 8 H GROCERI-Bà 1 1 best qtaiity. Osh -,awal, Ontario'. GO -TO