Whitby Chronicle, 17 Nov 1870, p. 4

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PET PERY ON MES THOMPSOtf, Paors 4%é OSueelber vlsbea tà inforre1 moultp lt hile14piernisesara nov op pubtle, whsra ha la prepeued totemni eimâ*ediinmeey inu the Ceany. sept 169 10, APP#LICATION Tu PABLIAIBN4T. Cmaytkthn, lgiture of Onterlo, At tdi nex session, "for an> Act te snaed tOp Aet lneorrtng 4be salit Coin - reor d dbdextend th confr S erret! upon 4se nidComp D. aQAE Sollitor for Applicmnt. Toronto, sept. lie 187. loin-S? F AIM >PUX SALE.' Th. South hai of Lot?7, rd Con, Thorah, -amisstng e010110 handred, acres of land 1 hae tween 60 sud 70 acr e eered. Splendid da&y oil, elwattred by d prauenkereek, good «Zaldigs.Posesson an e gvenab 507 Urne. Tt. goed. The itarinle wltilu vo- &nd-a-half *zdias t Beeverton, sud! wlllbo aeld reeeeablye *,... -Wnr-qti Sept. 21, 1870. JOHIIN ALNDERSION, BvrtnP. e os J,4XES WALLA.OE asiwance & Genorl Commissio n Agent Durndas Street, a Whltby. OIPPOSITE TEff ROJISON 'HOTEL. lusura. et moderato rates,ln rellabla British, Canadien sud- American offices.- L fe, Pire, Jldellty sud Aculdeut Branches. lfhitby, ept. 50, 1810. 40 L UMW-ER I Lh uudersigucd -han on haut!, at M E.A DS MI11,L, SEAR A@IIBUEN, A lafu' i qatlty of Luxber, whlch ha ILOWEST -MARKET RATES, W .Bill Lanmb a&H kildawn on "the shorteat notice. Broeklilu,Joue l7thi A. B. CAMPBELL, Brookl CIP. O 1,1870. 26. M AllIER AGENCY. T1».ue voeraigrýed hu saccepiedthé Me arina A geucy cf the WESTERN ABSURAN< CO.,, or TORON"O, An& wil hac glua te effeet Insuranees for aIl Iavlnig propsrty te ship from thie port. C. DRAPER. Whiftby, ÂprE S, 5.170, 14 BOOTS AND SUO0ES1 see- 1 p TOU WANT À GOOD VIT, GOOU MATEEIAL AND TRE BEST' 0F WORRMANSHIP, Try théeStore et JIATTHEzW COLILINS. Slardl, Gents and Children'e Booti end! Shooaslis greatvarltv, sud every style. JAnly 20.11870. 29 GïEORGE tRL , MERCIIANT TIO CLOTIIER AND DRAPER, a£NTLtmEW8 GAlmENTrs mode np lu the beat et yle and laet fashien. A fine stock et Clothoe frein whloh te make e selection tor Guutleleum mnommer enite. Oshawa, May 1gý 1869. 19 0OM MERCIAL 4HOTEL9 OSHA.WA.- 1 JAMES BLACK, - Poano couvcuienGy fttd Up OMor oM omr- étal travelers. Billlards-atlced. April 8, 1870, - 14 TERRAPIIN REZSTAURANT BILLIARD QOS (87 à* 89, Klng atreet ÊRut Toronto). THOMAS CARLISLE, -PIPRpiETOJ. The mogt cé- 'taurant lIn(canada. Meute suppliiadat lrail honus, wlues Ilienoes ud Cigare ot the finest brade, BhclI an eaun Cystere lu every style. t' Parto ies itin gTorout . ora dsywill ludleVéry aecuunOdaleo t the Terrapln. Aprhl , 1870, 14 IQtTILLI Am DE YLI1N ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Brook Itreset, whltby.. AU ordon attendd te with punnallty sud deepetoh* w Agent for beat simples tees, £eper. Msy i, 1870. -1Ir-l FIRE L &SS0uRAN i C o, LOàmBAD STREET à OHAING cEaosa, Z wO eanst 1U8 by PIRE ara A oWc h mtaosi em n April Srdi565. YEOMAN 0GION. Agent, WhitLy 1L T O N-7 c'CO ont a very large and well assrted Stock ofX X I~S{AI>L1 PuY GOOI)S. & 0F' EAM ALE9 4d PA We invite aecial attention to our Stock o f Dreas Goods which Dl l e, electd and mucli larger than.usual, .f New Fa.ncy Plannel, Grey FIanuel, White Fli&nnel, Sëarlet'Flan- nel, Blankets, Shawls,' Mante, White and Grey Cotton, White and Grey Sboeting, Striped 'Iicking, White and colored Quilto, Tweeds, Clotho, Over. coatings, Hat@ and Caps,, Neekiies,, Braces, *Lamubs Wool Drawers, FMannel' Shirts, Dreso Shirts, Lace Cartains, Window Hollanda,* Gloves and Hàaiery,ý New Fura, Carpeta. Clotbing made to order ina the latest syles. WAI'CIIES> (30 HOUR AND 8 CLOCKS DAY.) GIold aud Silver ChIains, Lookets, Studs and 'Links, Gem Rings, Brooches, E4ar-drops, Boftta. Masonlo' Pins and Cîharms, W~ A YARIED ASSORTIIENP 0F OROICE GOODS, AT - As the propnrietori stocrk of Aies and, Porterc ry, Toronto, Ont la persenally te the. Brewing,,a rogniar Parties desirous of haviii& o s of siperior quality and- Porter equal te any unportet!, ima-e respectfnlly ao"I tediot send their orders for a, qüutty lirge or rnnail and try for themselveaf With theid of our lucreai d flcities, we are ounabled to produce anari oie (ail the year round) second to none in the Dominion. N., B.-ýOrders left with Mr. JAS. Hl. SAMO,at the Furnitnre Wareroo'ms,' Brook Street, Whitby wi11 reeeive pompt attention.' Dec. 1, 1869. 48 THE, OLD STAND!I JAMES JOBNSTON49, Wstchcnaker & Jen-aller, Broek st. Whitby. Ocbebe,'8, 187Ã" BOOTS &SHOES FOR- THýE MILLION. JOHN 8SAU ND ER -(OPPOSITE TillE ROYAL CANADIAN BANK,) Brook Street, Whitby, Ont. Takes great plicasure in annonncing to t e pulic, that he lias received a new and large stock of BOOTS ANDtBlIOlLUs, fou- Ladies' Mens' and Clilduens' wcae-, which are offerod at extremcely Iow prices. Hnving pur- cbasod the buik ef his stock before the renet rise in leaiher, ho cannot be- undersold. Particular attention is directed to the Hlome-Made work done in the Shop. Boots anad Shoes of every description, of the best and latest styles, made to order, and as noue but first- clans workmen are employed, a sure fit is guaranteed.. MENDING AS USUAL, ON Wliitby, Suptcmber 28,. 1870 fflf, E 0 0 c c THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 39-ly, 02 BOOTS ANII SBOES WRHOLESALE & RETAIL#. Keeps constantly on hand, and in course of manu- fucture, the largest stock of Ladies' -Cents". and Misses' Examine for yourselves the excellent material and fine work- manship. I 15.April 13, 1870.-.-WM. BURýNS, Brock t.. OFFICIýlAL; -AS8IQNEE. GENERAL AGENCy 'OFFICE! 'I1JnudrsIne!%,,ngrceysi ,,epntmentoiefiMol iAssignée forNorth *mOtaro, a pepredte ivaproptattenntea&H Matters lu' Banikrapîcy Or InsovencJ~mPelalsoryNote sudAcountu sjposdily oIloctet! and realittancos On gooci faim soeenrhlpat 8 pr cent luterct. specuai attention'vili b. given to the cogeciaîlencof Las, aud b&rrOwers eau reiy upon hsvlng thefr appjjc&tlons attendeci te promptly,asu ailcauex noue, ýOê. aio, acabt alnfu nd uninproved constantiy for uale.. unrauces ef edî UcOntarl>Pmers =U tuitIsuCc Company. OPPIE-Blelewe BleR, exi eer e tle RooIC;iueiuu ciah Amigue sund Villusbor. 1'u~rt i'ery, Doccinhe S, 1888. u . The un dersigned in Treturning tha'nks for the liberal patronage hitherte extendet t the oit! establishment, for nearly a peould cf forty years, desîrca to say that le naB non- on baud a large aseortmant of the -moat modemn sud ciegaut styles cf And trusts by proper attention and moderate prices te secure a continuance cf public patronage. Practical upholstcring. Furuuture rc-stufled sud coveret!. Undertaking and Funerals Fully Siapplied as heretofore. W~Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. Remember the Old Stand. IN-SURANCE 1 t~h undersigned continue to represent the following reliable INSURANCE COMPANIES : 1T'IIE ROYAL. - Capital, $2,000,000.1 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. FRANCIS HEWARD, Esu., [ MPERIAL, HEAD OFFICE RE'NTOULI3BROTH's, MANiAGIRS. -Capital, $2,000,000.1 JOHN AGNEW, NORTH BRIl"ISII, Capital, 82,000,000, HEIAD OFFICE,- MONTREAL. MocDOUTGALL &- DAVIDSON, 11O011E, JOHN AGNEW, 1 AGENT-, Wnrniy. - - Capital, $1,500,0001 BEÂIP OFFICE,- NEWHAÂVEN, CON. JOHN AGNEW, AGENT, WIY. PROVINCIAL,- Capital, $ 400,000. JAS. SIDNEY CROCKEI SCOTTI PROVINCIAL, (LiFE,) IIEÂJIOFFICi'E, A. DAVIDSON PARKER, Gri l. Asethe 400104, Securities Mouey, at reasouable r$tfs. Whbitby, Jannry 4,150 w Co 1 TORONTO* JOHIN AGNEW, AIMçT, WUnm'rY. -Capital, $1,000,000. - DIONTRERA. JOHN AGITEW, Aaum,, Wuî'mT. Company, for the Loan of JDHN AGNEIW -- Agent, Wbiîby il 'Pire Proof Chimeae, ReDfecters,, Pooket Lam oping jrets de rys o 18'-JAMES 11, GERRIE j lty an Zp17Family.Drui rae Mlrsparlimcnt, ail Rindis of Beuse -frimmilgs~ tors sud ibalter*Ropeo, &c.-- 8:7 Cash fôr -üIl kinds of Fdarîers' Produce, In connection with tb e etablishment, -MISS ELWIN c arneis Drefes-making ad Miintie business., Oi'. .LL RIIOLES MALDE UP 2 0 ORVEJRl RR4ZT1D WA.NTED.-Ten active Girls to learn the--trade. Wauted immediately, 2,000 bnshels RYE, and 3,000 bushels Whàitby.Oct. 3. 1870. AT/1i I STOITES WM. BRYAN' FOR YOUR STOVES,. WHIERE YOU WILL FIND THLE LARGEST- AN!) CcBEST ASSORTME NT 03F.2 BEST COAI L OIL always où hand. Whutby, September 20, 1870. Brookliu Drug -Store. D ALER in Drugui4, Patent mediclues A.painta, Oli, iye Stuffe, Confection- eu-y, &c. W»* Winee sud Liqnormof the beaîqnality for Mediesi purpoae. Moe,.f. <atleM.didnsgaaya o,îikand- ARXMSTRONG'8 HOTEL,, tJXBRIDGE E. ARMSTRONG, - Proprietor. '1'IE SUBSCRtllEl 18otuefltted upaud cern -L peteiy renjovitted ti&c ahove 4,1d establienl- cd firci-cicaoIlotol, and eoiicitg the patronage* of tihe publieud hi, frieuiln. Tiie lubie aisd bar bnpplied with the boit- goud rooruy tat- E. A1tMSTRtORG. lJxbridge, Jan. 29, 1869. 4 GEORGE CORMACK TUBIBER BMEECIANT, Carpenter, tnd J -oinerGroon St. Whitby. A lurge qUan]- tityofetlikiLdseoflumbcrcoustsntîy on baud. UN DE RT A KIN G. FUNERALS tnlï' sqpplied e nd atteudcd ou shoît notice. <Jofine iuept consbtunti> on baud. W-A crbolenlratr GEORGE CURMACK. Whltby,Peb. 5th, 1862. 1 T IIE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE C(>MtÂNY le mie or the Mosat prosperous 01 Engii In>urcude Cos. lits INVEýSTED FENDS arc. . 7,00,036 Ils DAILY INCUltE exacede.. .. 20,000 Ite t.IFE POLICIES are aSBure Protection for the future. 1hà PIRE FOLICIES, flssued nt Cuuuirne R&Tu, attord ample protectionî k the Merclîsut sud flousotolder. AUl fair daime PnccuruY ii 'and the ut- mcclt liherality chowu lu the aoljnstmenit cf losees. leaU Officep Canadia Branch, lNeulreal. Cliet Agen-,fer Doiulot- L. FAIlIBANIES Ja. Au 'St;Whitiuy, nt, Wltby, juiy LStiu, 1869..80 AT WIKITIJY -STATIONe W M. O'NEIL havlng pnrcbased the, bchul snd proiesa kuovu un theGr-anud Trnnk Hiotel, Wbitby station, bop tW iufou-in ie trieude sud the traveling public that huo las fltted up the houie sud iables lu Ore- chues stylo, sud by attention te the n-anti cf thoee n-be laver hlm n-îtb thoîr patronage truste te minet acontinnanes 0of thoir outei. tW Parties haking thc train sncà leaîiuî1 torses wiii have tlam n-cil taken Cureo'-tot bleu returu. WbltbY Sept., 1868. 3 p RO0PE SO R- J. POS T, PIANO -FORTE,.-&oen REBIDENCE, . Byron. Street, (NaeZv Uoed fM d ria) mnsie sud Books, for sae, uu nhee a eaI fromein i nlea Mroede. Mi Whby, Marel ,87. WHITBY, m ONT.' A., XA SON, - Proprietor.' Tbe uhoveluas been thoroiglIY rcuovatod, and the l»et attention, ng Store. AprUtli, 7,-1 38-3m JOHN WOLFENDEN, AGEEP FOR THE CELEBIRATED SCOTTISH1 1.GRANITE. 5W At Marbie '. rke et JONATEA14 WOLFENDEN, Dunu-Si., Whitby. 17 COMMERCIAL. HOTELi BEOCE ST., WIIITBY. T rIE uubscriber togs toa nueunce tebi- I friends and tIc publie, :tobu bas re- oneîîd po@seeotI ofste aoy ecll and fa- vorably kuown botel, n-hichisiînow fOued up in a fouperior maner, witbevervconven.. once for the reception of guesta sud tbc tra- veling .,public. W_ lottaccommodation, andd eupericr noiue, liquore and cigare, Good *-sabling, with cucloed yard,snd attentive Oatîcrital- ways ou the promise». C 'harges Moderabe. B. M. CALDWELL. Wtittv, ,lau.-14, 1888. 2l F ARLEacI BAVE YOUR 31ONE y -o BIUT THE KOVEAn3LE PÂTENT PL-OUGH POIN T AND SAVE 200 Per Cent ini the Yoar The undersigne! b-g to cali the attention cf Farniar, -té their moveable patent Piougb l'oint, bythc ecseofrn-hili fariner»ecan effect s saviug cf 200 pur cent in tho yesr Ttc, tuove- chie point ouly coete ô cent, wlieîea the or- dinar>' pieu lslîî.rcaiad poi t achcd coste 50 cents. JUnoe hare wilî las.i to tePear eut St Iciiet fic of dtse Mevoablo Points, thua affect- fii av ugmoncy iii bc at once ppare t ta Saemnythoe nd uelthe IMveable Points. ITowuehip Rights for sale. ,HOBBS & IITRENNUM, R. il. "0",",tuby and JAS, kTIIUI IAi.ily t-, JOHN CARTERÃŽ LICENSE!) AUCTIONEER. FORTulE COenerST1o ONTARIO, YORIK & PEEL. Mrkhm.-Poit olce-uionr1hîe SALES atteudot! on theebortest notice, âné ou rcîsonable berme. Termes con lemat!.au)~ buIsl pu-Iubcd athue Chreusenle office for ]Mr Carter. - 1 BRITISH APIERICANi ASUR1ANCECOMPANY amî papsrHaugîel - ma like sd exp eoditice Capital, -$400,000. - .Whitby, Apt-il 21, 1870., R'E nudàerslgned havlug becu appointa T Agàul for -the shove Comnpany,ie nDow j ~rÂ,re t ihne rocry ganeit LOSS B Y 'Âjj V-IU Appiy . FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12mn. - Agent, Whitby. I16. Jun- 28,180 ONTA' WII A. ÀLEXAN ~...~ua..uuouuoncethatie the above wdell ltoWn bote]. I.ri have beau recently miade to the prem 111g more comxnodinei aceonued eucu-caaing the-uinreber oi seeping nosrly onie halttmoro thau feu-mou-h chuie ]llliurd Parlur vîi thirea tbl .heen sdded., -Exteuuaive additie, Stablig Sheds, Iosàe Boxes, &c, boonme. Ahi enabling theunf offer ta hie Old Priond su ad the muj ralàdvautagejsaeuipaaed by noef ,pac. 1ew nlt altuuesl welccmie hie oIt! friands.: - Wýhiby, Deci 2, 18q58. cICITYil 1 moi. t8,5 0, and 8S. t ,'oe Tih. aubseibux haop,_cd the as for tth e emodation Octhe tu-avellu Itià aceouuodationé iire vf thue hetkin hin, 75 recuis, wltt good Yard uni for 60 berces. Termn uderste. - THE ROESOX Hou - (LÂ;TzsoE?TE'C ROTEL,) DUNDÂS STREET, WiIT I GEORLGEROULSON, Proprie us 80cu-itre'e Rotel, wlîieltuai bai ed, Tec.urniebiedpaudcl ltted up tbrci ttc bestof style. The pramiseoarce aituatd. opposite h(e.Pot Ofice, i ceutrtoefthe Ton-n. The P-itiin-y Omnibus calest the le stage, for Uxbridge sud Boav theoreu-nonngBad$ GEORGE ROI Mr caretnhlloetlers ivayecu.s whitby,xav .863.'- N e BLOW & s Produce and ',Comn .bUNDÀS STREEI, (1 door Est-ofthe Roîson no, Bege te inbornu the public thut theyh sanotiy ou band a enpeuior quai Flour, Ont sud'CernNai,1 15heat, Graham Fient, Bran sund Shorts, And anythiug ilu the Feet! lne deli Lb. cou-tet notce, n hic ley ,,ill foruash. SaIt sud Plâster for sale.. g-ligbecg puice prid forýgeet!%s N. BLOW~ Marel 10, 1870. TEETII ~EXTRACTE> -kif-w iTOUT PAIN, .a BT TE USE UP NITROlJS OID LIJGIIIG QAS, OR TIE 1!Wt LO)CAL ANIESTHE-TIO- AT DF16TA&bl OUES, DUNDÂS ST R EET WIIITBY$ C- W. ROOMS,-Ove.- M. IH. cochrasSoe Wbftoy, Jue 26, 1867. 2 JOHNur I5O ' lair Dressing sud -si 90- Somm r u z TEBAlEo0F Mozrm .Wbitby, Jaui. 22, '5s., p IPER HNGIN The nudereignet bege te Infermn that ha hon on baud thIe lsîre best stock of Puper languiq lu ton, ail et tIc wbihbcieoffera terniec, veryien-, fi IL P CLARK, - Propriel R. P. Clark bgc te luterm'a l oitft sud cntomorg ilit ho lias efit9d and ri vad tha oit! botC I kn u" tac 'Paru 1it,' Bu-oculest.,n-liere la wilUl e lisp yt - ceive thuei, ou i gvlng. hlm aau. , ctbeiclg,Iýox.sl]aliîd eneiesoyard. i Jan, e, 1870, -S amaunor, as C. WJLu LI E nen 'w- VIl ý.JL . rESTABLISHED 183 3.1 -COUNTY. ýýi 1 . 10-ly 1 Whitby, March 9, 1868. JOHN AGNEW, 1 AGzxT, -ÇViirrBy. HEAD OFFICE, whitby, Jan. 5. qrý ý., C d ýl IN -THE

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