Whitby Chronicle, 17 Nov 1870, p. 3

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nd Stheelt. liy 2 mn8h1~'(~UKsTflir y a ~~ PHOTOGBAPE GALLEY ,, 'cultiliv ag 1 st Isy, 871, ,jo ilSaNNAEW 82VZ9.1 liB1ROOCK ST. W-IRITBY. f W The uine,der la Dr iauaa Ni 't, 'D If dot f Specs 'etebk-en- *ithioa dreu. When of, Town lo ts la town, give cai ienge aoeatJAS. A. CAK A H 'w obproduced. Noyemnburl12, 1870.-.T T E V. iD un1 .r~ ATTLE STltAYID.-FPnm the premitius W C H E A P C S L(t tilhr 6 o-Jôtthe snh.crlber, Lot o. ,tico, -Ii tostn ast Wlîftby, Two Beiterg., nlsiug two yesr» 0 touaemtts, 00,olti; oilemati, ittle White oullsuki, anîd stbby Le letins leRpee haos ; tI.. othor-- t..tej lidbook, suAY ad the. grizztod, aides, ancil markotfl W.T" burned i on thie hon. îy porson ritnrinlîîg thom t a underm ign d, or kviig haui info ration I n o e r t m e t h e d m îls or the due -WM. TEOMPsoO. I r e t e h Nov. 8,1870o. 45 TIMEs, has decided-to bave a 30'Days ee front dO5 1tUSToLl.-ltran, odc- stock reduced i n price. We gFve tWi fmaetb payjaI.lar, hard sud SOIS wi.ter. Stable anti sethat our friends and ptoncanuhve Y[irohae*monoy gurden. Gooti loealty. T.ermd libera!. " to ma#te on.. ýApply to HAM'IOI & S.Ryo'flgI, season tà weartheir purchases Ithoft itLereet, Ilardwano Ieroltauts, Wbltby, Olt. We are proud te keep up-our reputali ,gug 181the THE &"dRAP C.,4SII STORR',- flpurcln.smirs, (iAUTION....1 erelîy fonbid'I al pemzons u h Unir 14day 'V from pnrchasilng nr nogocu.tinga certain - daty of Aitqnet, noteé ni bondi fr $12, made by Rober t ieney anus of cÙupait inlumv tayor, date th te firtdoy of October, Cr> Produco taken in exehange. pur cent, per "Ilaigu payabile twolvuîinontrig nar date wltili elt par cent Interuat, iniamuuls as sali meo, Covenant, note ias bieu cithor mest or stoleii. o ~ ~ îanc ezeeou:lng GEO'RGE (YAIBN8, .Ilongione ta the undermignsiu t, eto will bu en, 7tli con. Uxbrldge, Baisant .P. Thorndiko's plan, lu the Ensteru part of the ýe lot jutopot- Nv ,17.~Centre Word of the Ttown 0i Whitby, compis- nte sud îroflutslo a omfortgbie Dweltingir oune snd stmble, r""lnsful >BuiîNffl MEN t& SPECULAT O iStiesac rdlant ooeqi intait-. '~l~* eTula asMoeurs. -tWhitby, anti J. Il.iner Urýeen 1, dil of nos'amber, A. D, 1870. - J, A. BOYDi sftsliîhl fani-f 110acres-, ,îow lu GÉtLLr .Ulisou, it lit.IgII WNS 92, lý ii ten )~ufront tnt- 1whily, a*Ilil bo aold. mi, one or two e multe nrelîsiers.' ý1 isb1 ve, or goC. Draper, Eoq., reÀù., tExan & mdriotdOAtL, Veîîdore' SoL;eltore. * NDREZW'8 'BT AND PICKERING# gatbrngbf "Aulti Scotta's Sons aughters,,wll b. heTS lunthe pes,' BlaiL Whitby, buspîces orfthe t. Aidrow's $ulton eday, Nov.,'3Oth, 1870. 8811R entertalimment viii coneait lun rt AddreselesMiglu, anti sotice. s Presqident of iii, S<cety, il. J. . tD., wlll te the chiaruiét if- 1T iTUE Perry Bglock! ON TITE COItNER Op. IBROCK and Duada.. Streets, Whîiby, Wtîich haembeeu s0 long xenglît allerlas now' The. Snbà&orilaer tisa ecceiçnti iitrnetions 10 Bell hy l'uolie Anctioti, the above muiioii& gropeîtty, us Weila* e.the two storot *Brick lore, now cecnPlod b i% I. Fraiide,,whieh adjoilla it on the We»t, on Thursday, Nov.; 24th, inst., lnocffiring tiais dtimrblu-prourty for con- petitioti, the $ ub$4cri ber tîaffieulaaiy itivitem lat. tendion th ti vaat lots, five lii mniber, tbey tare the on!y lotà ln tewlithtli n buclied, on wIcItaul i ret. lrst-oulsstores or cilices, w bers iîiguîîy rtinunterativu Juteront eau lie ob- teliti on ayndliouu ciiLlay. To lîneiiema mcii, or thoiae baVing capital for lnvcatuiint, tigislx a rare chance ta put-uiaeie, anti one tîstit cannot hc repeaiet ln lte Count Town.j The locationîîIle ucii thu itatt nii ttis property nst bc iii the cenitreo0f busirnose ati, %» a large andi rtmnitiy i"crefeii,îg buiticnu place, tht, tîWIî of Wiithy la tuell.11lnowi te reqîîlre iiy cotîmnt. TEtIMS O>F SALE.-For flc Stome, a large pî)rtiuni.of the Iuîrultas iiîoîiî,y Cali romain on the îîropetry for a ltîugth cf tiut at 8 puer sent par aitîttini.1 The vituant iot,-No. 1 vîtlia frontge of 92 fortt on 1 l tînît ar.et, klte.2, 3 4 î,jil, r with frtiîitaici reepectivcly of' 20, 20, 16 ui 25 feet oit BrounIt eret.t, s-l beolil on tory lhboral Th Tuenisors viii bu roquiroîl 10 aigui the male book of-Anctioneer. andiiwitlîlinu îtontît frein dtetu i' calote i.îroprieter yl prepître a iteot for ec.prb.cr, anti a mortgaizi. for theo snupai liaaio.leex os f bathi te be puiti 8=pr will bu prevîddt by Mr. Cullcil,, TITLE, -PERFECT. iieservod ahu 9o'uok, P. im. LEVI iFAIIBANKS, jr, * Ie-At ohmnen aad thelr Des.d JAMES WALLACE, Auttiouucr. coudant» crs Iutied t. attend. Gnrl(oiiieo seAet TICKiITS-A.ltnlttili, t eil u ,-('niigln&maeAet dim,$ 5 l u e cu f tittmbet-, <or tie Dundas Strecet; Wlhby. Ootuittee subld at the ishorca.-of H. & V. Van Whiltby, Nfov. 9, 1b7o. 45 b Hliam Illt Co . a, Jst. Il. Gerrîti, in.lb. lmm.1eon. sud Johin kFf rgueotiî antiut the TO TI C E The andet 1o oti Roýi is liebygivon, to thic antscrabers 3M' Tôii Be uatd Uc 0lc ytils fromntu9.to the Capfital Stock corfieTeonto Siuoe anti ucut vilbu l atoîtdibelumkoka.)LÀnetion Railwa.y COnîî,a,îy Cthat a G n lAV£ TUIE QUDEN g1 (etierai lfettig of -the ýnbcri1berx t10 tie Et. J. GUNN, M) D., Capital stock ortil i cait omt.iy vlîo have pauti np Tweîity pur cent. nîtpti thir çhoires, 1Prwiieut. PETER S8illTlI, ïvîlibuchi t ahtuelices heo t the said Cotnpany, Wlilby, î4 î870 Sc rta'>. IN THEEEXCHIANGE BUILDINGS, Inlu ToatCNT~O, ONc Oenteol ]loidonco to -lot, ÏSATURDAY, the Sid day cf December, we. th oht Ilôuntsd ) wh hem,ý carnage hou..1 sd lil t e" uecosa n de th e il0 oro her, n PumwsMoon lut ntfDembr. Agent. SMALL PAItI! LALtI, baing the front~ Jrifty Agogs, morsor Iosiu, of Lt 4, lu the 00 nosIsln<f tai,, « s oli sud Wal at.red, wlth nltdlugs sutable tor the plum, and a berlug orcbard. Tdti.indisputabe. ' Yor saDieu t linilteimau& this ls à. rare Foi patrtiil*rs. apply Prmoully, orby lelm. ALMXAIWMIi WILKIN. Lot A tit eou/?ickerlig1 eaIsarn, P. 0. November 16, 18e0. 4~l SOJ.N BUT Aer -Of 189a the. Natter Of JO.sRPH OQITONY BÂHDB, atuJsiüo$vdnt.- 1KRJU1 T hSTOCK FOI% SALE. endors vili beirenelved up to ton e'coloak, £IUIIDAY. tha l9th day ce November, Wctbe. pome .of t ftock lu trade e ua ti uiolvsnit, selstlug cf Szper lavolce piees. o suy tnier -iii icot noe-J stoek and Stock books en'bes"on,-1 1~Teta'obtalieti, ùou ppîlcatiaj J1AMES NOLDEN, - leint Auguap. t1a, or., 157m. -40 A.- D. 1 b70, nt Twvo l ccook, noon, for the ilurposeof et cting 1>rectors cf 1h. saliCetn. pany, andtifor niekinig sud paossii pclî Rules anti Regulatlous anS By loisntîs> te 'Ieeed expedîcu:. Anti furtiier notice le liîreby giron that aites tlîe transaconc or tii.gasatbusiness. th ii, stiGenerat tleeting of Sharetiolders i lI be madt pet for the purpa-se of obtsnlng the. sanciontocf the Stisrehýolilre lethelmuaeoft mPortgoeebonds ciftesaiS Company unnter t&ut loiia-y and eeomiuug hoetth.terme cf the Act of Incorporation of the iald Company, anS go tho extent thereti> permîttati. By ordur cf the. Provisionai Dîreetors. W. F. muNRoE, Seeretar>. Toronto, Oct. 28th, 1810. 4 P Hp T O R A P il ]DOMINION GA4LLEiYý l5 e RETon FIRST-OLA.SS PITG AIS 7Nothit-g but gooti vork slidwedti lalouve the rooma. A Il kindeaamatI al site ' front Cie sîaI licuket picture t e f ize, anS Suisheti lu Corton initialunk, ,SepI# Waten, or n 911" ., Mors. Ur, WllieoUn laVer> uýff1 ntkn Obilîtren'a portutt. secae utkn og Speaboal'rates go Clergymen. Old floi' trdas eil> cupled. W. uhaît b. tucet happyto rec.lve vislgu 51 any tit,(aveu if yOu donot vant plutures.) as* ater onreevs i vis t vit vi reps> yen for fIxe trouble, Nov. 1.41670. E.n IlWILMOÉ.L ticlaa ppltoth iîidrsgn ..- on the ipre. JAMES JOIINSTON. J SRFCEIVILD, Aàcar load of thoectebratuti Atiantie On, i(De pure4t:and Sit Surning ('il in the-mfarket.) Sold ttte lowcat posstiblo ppmoiu, '4 W-HOLESATLE andi 1IETAIL. JAS. Il. GERRr!E, 'Family Drug store. Wl.ltbY, Nov. 2, 1870. 44 'VELOCIPEDE JOIIN'NY' B EN G t>V. Ils LOcOflntîlyuand Carmein ruuuaugorder, AvvTHE- RZDBDooz. ATs flFlNgs' CoIk'lmaçx PAPEn B11INUS' AT TaE RED BOJOK Tin and'Woodeu Tor%#, 1.5c. edation of the Footst, Ladies' Chignon Boudu, - (tu great: Yartety) qaî RED iOOK. rd' 1 door soutlt of Mion. Tulcgraph Oillee. TwyANTED,-FOUX ACTIVE GIRLS,- TO LEAIIN Armty Te MES. KNOWLING, ~DOne dee oorat cf lte Gramumar Sehoci. WhltbyrNev.und, 1870. . p ATIIONAGE. The Subseiber tissiros gto thiank lilli numenods cup.fomers for their ktud patronage duriug thps yeyar* that lic bas boca - elîagetiiii bsines vnt ke - 'ltagonsghîîloo prortnuul of Twenty per cent Discount Ticketsi OX it L0001» 5OLa> UEneat 20 PERI CENT OFF WATOHESO LOOKB, JEWEr.Ry. &o. ' 0001) FOR ONE WEEK. Dec. 25, 1870, W. IIEPINSTALL. (CLIP OUTÀ.a'D PRIENT :To) W. UEPINSfTALÃŽ, Watchmakor and Jeweller, llrooklln,Ont.. Bnookuln, Nov. 2,1870. 44 ONTARIO AK In tiersbv given hat s Slvsdentict fouiî-ur cent upon thé Capital totck ofth§& lnotltntfln for the curretat half.year, hbou this day hien tieclard, sud tai the same viii bu Piayabe at ths Rank anti It brancéhes on anti ater Thursday, firit of fleo, next, 1The Trenagfer Bocks vii bu closeS frentthe 1t to the SfLh cf November, botta dsys In- 13Y ondin cft IaeBoard. - D.' PISIIE, Casàller IFYOU WA r DES QUAL [i, UÉ VOLINM UT STO IEn7HEMUBlO BOX, or othè TO BUY GO, TO L-9Wt8 ALLIN'8 IF YO ,U WANT TO BUY A WANZER SEWING MACHII NE,, - -The best made, from, $24 to $56. ]MOIS AND" STATIONER Y of ali k"ini u~udiig the wo'rks- o0f standard sud popular authors. Bibles, Prayer ,iBooks, Hyntai Books, Sebool Boks, Oidreus' Picticro -Bocks., Blank Booku.Al b EgisUuain u Amncan Periodicals niMagazint ,Lcuter anti Note Papor, bMourulng-Paper And Envelopes,ý Pni , Penlk4 c. & c., aWcice sud itîese stock. àes .4so àç>-Goodo. Vu e. Chiwuqý- OrmnsmeugePreseutaîbcu Cups Ànd Gb'is Chldren'a lange andemalu Dcli. Ladies' Compaulous front $846e5Mc, Porfolios, Al- bum., Satcheteos, B enlin Wecl, Fancy Baskets, Toilet Soap, 4c., &o. ladi' anti Gente real Geld Mlains, warrauteti. Goltinid Plated Loekuts, Broctes, &ic., very cheap, and cf ecelleat qualtty. Jee aud Consi Goodu, plain Goi and Gen tg, and thousautls o?,etier articles toc nuuharons te mention. -LEWIS ALUN. 4nds of tlhe IARD s Cheap Sale,.-the whole ïg sale,,early in the'season ethe benefit of the whole lion. JONC H INR.S q OO CRIS T EMP LE E JKEÇSSRS. VARS & LAZIR, r îailn~a eurud flic copyriight for thu Do. minlon of Canîada endtl ie;Unjiteti tita- tes, for tii pliublkati#ru of tiiesu charte, togutber witi, uolorud lithogmapht charte cf the Bine, Red & Btack Orders ofxasoaryq are Dow Offéring tlîum for sale. Copies-casti only be liedi frein the pr oprittons or 1,cdm an- tiiorizet i geiiîs. Thu two plain one at $2.50 oacli,. Theccnloreti at $3800. The wlioie sut of three ton 87.00. CW' Ever> MaBon sbonld seenre a met. ..e JAMEiS A. CAMPBELL, Agent for the. Dominion. N. B.-No exponse tins been spareti in the proparutioîîuof tie charte, everydtleail ofwiht will bc bu otidto ascrewit h efereue notes froîn the Bible given lu the inargiu. Oct. 2". 1070. 43 Tho auhacruber chiera-for ms.ale tih. North igit.Y A-.e «fLotlumbr tweîtyoue luthe tir-.lcnesiA uofthtii TOWNSHIP 0r WIIITBY. Ttielind ile l learel, weii feticei, an inlua gooi cute of nitltivaton, autd lias a strun cf watur ruiiiing acrose il. For ternis, arpply tae1R. J. Wileon, Eeq., Ilarriattîr, Wlitiiy, or thuentbserliber.. 9AMUEL WILK<INSON, on the prunilees, utiitbly, Sept. 15. 8e A CTION SALE OF STANDING TI MBER~ i The. suhacriher viil.el , by utle Anction, ou SlUDY h 2ti a ly of Novem,er, noxt, the ti nitier cf 50 acres 0f ticavily wootied land, standing on the :Nrlt alfof the Southi baif of Lot.numiaur soven, in the thirt calice,, alan cf lieach, 8 Mile orth cf Astîburu. The wooîl iii ho olti in liai ati onu -acre los. Three years frontday of sale w ili he iven to romove thie vooi, wlilch lî irosti> tiirdweod, andof eai%7 aceeustrointitlîroot butgeen Asti. TEIfMS.-Onu haîf of pnruhase mcney ta, ho -paiti ou daycf suie; -balance in th re. meonthe, ^tha iutenoîst at 7 Per cent.-, socureti b> Joint Note. Sa1 leyl commete at 10 o'clcck, sharp. For lanuhor pasrtluîu!arg, see hanti billo, or . tquine of ADAMI GORDON, 42-lauieutor. Oct. 7. Manchiesten r.O. M,ÇONEY.-The Cnaa Permanent Building I I an ti aviligi Society have #D y mout of Mouoy to lbu. Jepuyahie jaiîoîe sut, or la ia.ulalnunti, ftmee uctwenty yeas.. 14B.-Pnrate untis to loaa. Agn Nov. 2, 1870. lii 44 NEW- M I' L L IN E R Y AND? -Bildinig South o'tho Royal Rlote. MUS. XLLER &miss ST-hART nepectfaul>c ennoun e t the laies Of W h tby asud vliu:vitvthat tieY are nov In reuelpt cf thein FaIt tock et choIes miilnery, aIe SMan- tien, ýDroas Geo-is, Pnînts, Cothoîs, Hooo sklrtu', corsets, Flanueli, Yuru and' Wcct HÃ"ItilrY, 0G0ovesCo;llar and Cub L, ace sud Plain adaoefVie BraiSa, auditair note cf the lateut styles ani fteat qualty, Feucey Jewelory and Stattenen>, a supertor article là tipec;eclesi -for -25o, fer air Al th godsare nov and velitu e0tdan o th ltet asena. Ldes u du d thtuh.> cm cousait Chir leste antinl-. tercetby ellung. 1W 'Plees&otoe 'addtim s THEEBUILD - ING BOUT OF, TIIE ROYALL MOTEL. Oct. 25, 180.48 $1,2007TOLOAN. The. aboie suim ill tmasloan- -eti on gouil Frm Propotyr. Appi) to- -C. C. Il IlE -1870. FÀIL IIU'ORTÀTIONS, 1870 -A T- MoMîlan #cCose We beg to announce the arrivai of the bulk of onr Fait Stock, which exceeda., by -far anythiug we bave hitherto shewu, in point of qniintily and assort- ment, and which wu are offe»ring at pricea defying honourable competition. 3MoTro-"-Quick Sales and light ptoflîs." T. H. KCKILLAN'& Ce. BrcMi lan' e, l3lock, 4 PRESH OdRÃŽ11rdLS OF VER' 01110 &STJPERIO1I TEAS, NOW ON -SALE AT R.FR ANCI S'. No.FEE 1, OA oh Cic CORNTER, . ýW i nps, Spirits, a n d Liq uo4a__ _ _ __ _ _ _ . lI A cSwo ld especiniy outi the attention of families to bis stock of Aie, Wines nd Spirits,- ompisiug caes sd bar. 'Jeob Mosos'.Perio&jcal Pls. rels ot the fineat Brandies, Whi#key, Gin & Sherries. TsIvla'e - ufiigl h M r , G u i t n e ;à s D u b l i n S t o u t , B l o o d ' a oU n d o n s t o u t . , , ,T c u r e 0 f a i t t o s a i u u f u l s u d i o) u t i a n g o r c n , d ie F R E B J I F R U I T .L 4 L Lese o w iîf l 'e h i e, onu stitaticut1%l a bqu- I~ P R O V IS Y S O F L L oat. 1: uo tratLfs ail exc s a san ti ruov us eil bstrucstlonsf, anti a peetycurs mc> 4ereld- badedélieredfrocto aylpm of be iwneItilupeenliarly suiteti. J(wwlil, ba short' lim eurt O>~Aj~,s. iveed rocw a>' artof he own - irig on a-ie tmonîlaly pore> with ,regnîsru:y. uag P. R. F A i l a C ae s <o f N rvous an ti s pinal, A lte- C a Whiby~Noya, , lOîsfin il th Bask nd Luuu,stig.j. { Prci Iiterlcs, muid Whiteàs, thece Pitlis vilefect a po cure wiîuu enali oher isane hbaveised; anti rfll2s lls to a ltîtogaa werlul rume4d,- donot -contain .. 118IW iron, calomeaîtmoy i uyîlghuma-fui Aukieswhici' I H 't~ è' o th ccmsîiagîo, .1867, xtet.M Pull dir 19 I e rt u a plulet arcund ssCh hipa, atd Il Puackage, lh stioniti bu cerefuliy-preserveti. wâlk, but ws i . r JOB MOs r1L T rg à aozoas týwo yearà, whîl 81.00 olç an - l'r s eu eloiseâ tome, sud aiierwj Northrop and Lymtan, Nwcatieotnt., gesie- emnî"Y uni ri 'agente fortIhe Dominion, wil fiaure a bot- u'nid e, PR VISION 8 S T O RilewoieEnd J The unders ned bega te cal attention ,-te the large stock of- e-Fais.22.,1870. 8- m fu]the alu aUdý exrcerié"whihý l ismoc-o 1h.g -- enimraiog choicest - d best fiayored boulth. 1 noe lu ehGoeie hc ol nwofrn, M (>Yii z MOEY iboxesof the p» TeasCcoa, ol ffue, Choolate, Currants, Raisins, Figs, Prunies, Spices, Mus. - 2e ubiscnlberiluprepaned go otie, but kucwi trd, ske& Loaf, Crused and Museovada Sugar, Wainutg, LOAN MONZY, frieadug-d to F il i e#, . A m o n d s e tt s h S o a a n d c o h e r B W e u i t g . -f .' i b ve l t win au s halve uilf isu oosrs, "Sardines, Sal.mon..Fi rTwn Property i (lu a eial Act of Canadk.a flEAD OFFICE,. 74,st. Jamnes itreet, GEORGE STEPEEN, ADOLPHERAY. Iizxay mr v, N.H.oc. short eor ondates.Isuersrbonds of? Sdelity gunarante, for' pesons holding Positions of trust. Thecouly Canadian u fiethat hbu Iu- corporatetl the two latter with. te lite brsnch. The guarantee.ýhonde of thia Compsy r scceî,ted ua ecumity for their OmwpJoyýes, by7, Ban kâ, lailaîays, BoaTdeýofTriLàe, O as C;on- pýau!i. Bitldiîig4 provincial andS aÏving soce tiens, Mercantile.Firmei, sd antiMnniial Corpôr- [Agent, a4 Whitby. W hitby, October 2o, 1870. 4 iN CH-IANCERYe MARTIN .KICEL TM Ine moiti hi' blic Aotonin pnuance Of a De .ejn ,iaoder,,fer sl md0 b h Court of i hancer,Of mt.i i u ausbyte, hearing date r4pet;velîv th'.'eNnt 1 day,cf Deceinhet, A. l, P 19,and i LteTlir d;dayt'- Soeptember, A. Dï170 ad ith'hu apro t.o cWila Warren Dean, Es ure, the Mustercf titis Ionorabe lCuurt ab I U1avll BATORAY th lllBTE01<da TWELVE -OF TE LOOX, NXO, At thu Auction PBooms cf Levi Fa.i'rbanks, Jr., In tteu ', TOWN Op W.HITBy, Certain Freehaiti Premises, bulng composeS Of the 1ýVeât eue huntireti sud tweuîy-.Sve acres, mare orles, cf tînniber hhirteun lu the auveutti cancoasion or tii. Townstiip of Lix. 1 ritige, in the Coulîty of Ortario, biiig a veIl ituproveti larm. Thc puruiiaaer 811411, nt tho finie cf sale, puy- diwn a delpoAît, iithl proportion of '$10 for ovet> $100 <or toiltpumciine Iioiis7, tote Von-. doreor hio Sollcitor, anti elîil puy the reniainie'r of the purchaoe uioncy, ithiu ttereet therean at the rate cf cix per cent perinunm, fron theI daSy Uf sale, ou the Titirtyo-ýrist day Of Decunt- ber. A. D. 1870. ln othor rospeuite, ani uxcupt au abats meu- tioliîd, tiie condtitions of sit.are ltie. tanding uciati fions ofemale t-f tesaiti Cou.rt ofchiaitcery The uoiiiione Of saie, nîtti furthcr partica. aiï. u eObtaitied ai tteeloCie of cithe. " ent Bolavllle, at tho ofcue cf J. BGreenîaooi, Esquire, Sliciîor, Wlîitby, cati ut tii. office cf l'uîitîon & .Duntark, .Bar. lis er . Ilo jl c. W . W . D E AN , sept. 28, 151 0 lu10 PULLWORINGORDER, Anirsy for cuttîi n uburin any att to suIt ui.tomer, uti th puluotu=lt n daapatob. Lumber ont from Io tao fftt li ugli. Speibe29 170. JONVI. The undersigueti keePu ueùtauîlj on' baud aul kintis of PFARKING fIMPLMIqTS, consistiug of the JOHNSTON- sELp.IiqlEg ýWond's4 Self %a, Otilo Cotnbius, sud Cs~. ga ,Junior.ilower, ail maunuactureti.stlh moud RIL. AtsoL aesct varietY Of Ploya, Eieh- MondlifilO Shaw&, Wtitbyand Dominion ~ from. Mn Jas. WalkerAstiti ,al an PtOWe1 VUlivu&toirs, Seatr.Fiet nt upaire,PIorauHma eoers, Senffier, u&o. soboulbs donble selî.atijnstlng mainnfactured by. Merur. McArthur Baron, .Asbhuru, Also on hat nd the, Ricionti l, Whlîb 9Oshawa anti Dominion Pointe. Undi- ideo, ùolti-1bards. prow Iindiea, u Bopi», ke pi on hand for ite Richmnd Dii Rester lePnn,1 lnta «Il and mrnnine my stock befone pnrclîsig l ewtere, on ftla con. pjckemiig,, 4tuiles West of Brookaiu ono-and-,. hait Mile eut Of Grunwocti. Âtdree*- ALEX. MACKIE, IlaI6, P., O. Anunt -8i, 1870 85 WAStING HA CH[NEY, PATENTE» ON MaE 18= or J ULT, 1870,BirT Wl LI AIL ATHEWSOIN, Thi, Patenii,'e challenges an> otlur-waahiag Machine noÏv lnU»se o compete agaiust bus, for.an> su'n they may namo. Tho Machine bu beu hhoràngbly testeti, snd useS by neari> ail the principal hotiels anti eadig farmers la the. Ce yWho prénouncelI the best now ln use. It viii wuh fro«mmosîînppockt-h ad-. kerchIefto a b.d qnitt A triailyhli s ý su> person as go menten. Cotant> Righît* sud Machines a fr se, Apply te WM. MATHEWIj ON. Breoklln, Ont' &a., int BE-2T Ail goode GîVk nU Vince orunal LOJYWR,4TES OPFI Blnc- -Apples, rbbing Brnshes LSO - OATmIII ILOXING & CEI d St the. lowest JivYi ,na try the ncw Fiý roba"e ltte cn tous ot tc Cort- - j 1 J,%)Rrî. SRMER. 1 «ma@

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