Whitby Chronicle, 17 Nov 1870, p. 2

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Wool amd Stom-Co. Pai. for sW.Ae.Wilkla., Brck Cottag for Sale or to ILt-la... OpW<elNoice -Nationul Imoarane.Co. ÂUCTION -SALES. BIy Levi Fairbankoo 1r$,Mottouer, on Lui Ne 28, 8rd con. Picerlug, Wu 1*' tby N.,a.btr 18, 1870, th property of Mi. Vim a tris. BI LW IFairbasam, Yr.-Perry's Blouli Town loie,s Whisby, on Thisday, Nov. CEA VIE BY SALZ9. Mardasvi. Mtuhel.-Rig sltitOe. Ey Levi Valîbsaem, J.9 st, aitbyo m 8uîur7 I Uovomer proatiew Wou[& 4;4 fâirs; 4d issrssos» ava sets SI Cpt9sm vm, dil 199h. 5015mber, -Tb# Seerisiab th tise Saise, tisi Mc. baawaà liforsaori sat ses .OWV ~ r wong nov, andt ias hielàsot possible for ~J~i i~ftux QLA'rnuc *tisa "Dotminien Goveifmmetit te centrel, la soy vayo ibo actions off lie Local Legis- (MLY 81 à0 CENTS A YFm '&tore' listse Local Gcberumeotà, lO long _________________________as tise repressntatives of tise psople are U$alNovMebr 17j, 870 tr15 l" tilt tiseanfioai tiseê,as Thursday1 -sot eertasl tu -sh cm inlathis pro- - War News - - ' - Tise Leadr ectends fo!r tise rusent Ils 'reneb srmy on tise Loir@, antier Mais off tisingu sud tise ezisissg sati Üon. de Paladinues, bises gaineti su Impur. lIDOsai to Coalitions, vbila the' vniter, la tunt Vioiory-. Tise eiîy off Orleans bu boom- tise asme article, prociains. that "an op. reespiarsdansd tiseProuiana adai Con. position o! factions cauos elantise 'Vois Taon defoateti vitis a loeuoof 10,000, nature off thinge 'bettor tissa a coalition off la -mtiled, voundotisuanti msing. Tise psrtieos Fieuaisare reporti te have alto *uffered Thse Ilsuilteaen es mainlains-tisai imesvlily. As lait accoucesths se tiser. la g roundi for th Opinion th%tise er'ieilovlng np tisoir mnoceas, anal Pince ieoctions for tise Dominion- pailiament arid PistisilcisChsarles vuus -relforcemenis'bail tbe Loc'Leglosires viii iso' broagisi en been sent ta Von lTenu, lanotiser respects logoîber, as lbey vers at tise lisai etin t*or@ le lith, change te b. noteà la tise antivarmiy condoea sincb a cuminatiosi apeaetive positions off tise- blligereuts. as subversive of tise insestu off Ontario.1 Tise invatesî t off Paris remias arbefore. Accorciog 1tiste BiitishsMoitis Amer.. No atompt te bombard tisecity-, bao yot ica-or Confetioration Act, à readjuaitmant bouts maieanti fi laosaidttat noueiii be, off tisepopuastion o!flso sovoral provinces but tisaI a capitulation yl hoc compelleti mut follov tisetaingcof th conus. by sisîvaîlon., Theo-Frencis are ltaling Tisis beiog tise eue, aeeortiing W tise-boit more iseart "ati *courago,nan ti usties.informoti iahiticlans,, Ontario vamaiti b. tise bitter feeling againsit Ioiseiriater fs sutitiedtel 97 mouuber, o'-u increase of i svery day growing more intense, s0atisai fiffeianlu@i pressai Dumisar. Bat it lae -Sion vutiste capitulation off Paris tise seidti ta, inasmuci as Sur George Carilert var cosid 6e couuldoeuti y ,onoon ont. anti bis Qnsbec folovari '&Meatise rouai," emi. Anotiser omcaci mcceua sthat obaiued tho eleetions for tise Dominion pailiait ovres Gon. Tsnn, sud tise probisihiiîesare viii b. precipllateti by, tie. go a to tisai tiesa ieo of Paris voutid ho raised. come off a yesr beffortiste proper tise, i Tissie aiesaccoanîsoff îome Franchsonu- anti so dopriveoOnisalo1oSbiaI projaomdr. t sasses lu tise Bâltic. " -- suce o! mambeis in.tise Bouse off Com. -------mousi ta viic i h volti Wentitied, voees Wil, lise Govevsmest Adtipia Rail- ti eetosbl ,airtecuu hr way Polev i toeeto.isiiatrtslcnn.Tsr lan roniovever, wl mueayse o Tiss etatomant lis matie,_- andi &Wprentiy scba talenent -notbing te jnîtify snobcb »ol titisoutsanîioriîy, tisai a liserai rail- s conclusion. 1Any attempi 10 surprise0 var polioy wy-ul farta a couspicuou ie anti over inn tise constiluencies by suco s s las tise programme off goverinmeut meainres asmbinaion vooltce.rtainlyo go far au ai theo approaciig seslon of tise Legielà- Ontario ia coucernoti,'rusait in overwbolm- tare-off Ontarie. Wiis tise large -surpus fig dsastar te tise Lois! Goverament;* on baud ttae Govrumnoeutcsp v eli afford foirvsie isOtOY migisirefer 1teIssuovuO I te deal goerosiy -vitis groat publicunu. record as a compsiatively lear eue, tise7 ti denahlngîstietigneti as tbey are 10 open wvouldhave t10 suivr forbise a&i&of tise a op asti tevelopa tise rosonîceg cf tise ganers i goverammnt. Bo fer, ibis state- 01 country, sud beuefi lbth.- people at large. Mont Muai aI pressat h placeti, in tisa u isme- off Our contempiateti listes off rail- category off grievsuces in tise process off il way la Ontario, lu fact, migisiWveli daim manuffactune. - b- , aid (rom tise Dominion Parlismn-pan- Osur ovu opinion on tise political aspect ial.lng Sas îiey do as mucis off s national flasitis te mouey question-tho question bl as off a frovinciai, or loccsl cissîseter. of tisa disposai cf tise surplus, s'il!' toaa Tisai a lgoerai sciseme, grauîing a certàin great axtont goTéern tise POliiy Off lien ansotnutoff aid te boliafide otoîprises, or -Local Logisiatune, antitisaitishe discussion e moaneé vell considereti plan, voiti etMost off politicai questions vil! ho roinoved te beuefialslly lu promoting snchbuderisit- tise arna off the flouse of Commuons, i lnge Is untienisble. Ant i 1Io to 6e hopeti vier, tisey viii Sud ligi timate aope antif tit, lalaavi of tieaseagne ansount off room enougi.Anti vo"sre %à arne but cn gond tisaI vo id b h ie certain resuit, tise tisat ubla voulti h aIl tise botter for tIi. ma. ni Govorameuoia, iR initlata suob a liborsi t4ristinlteris soff tise conutrY. ni policy- se Vii! Moestvus tise v-isbes-off ise représentatives of, Iso people bavuug nai!val Intargits la Ocharge. 8-.Aunas,'. Awssivîuàn. - Tise festival off St. Antro's anniver#ary là sanomceti lu otisar cola mni. -This yean, h ii ll e ohoorvetLseplan bu been atilptuti- te seIL ticket& onîside tise Society, te peruoni'ofe cber natioualitie.. Tisis ii eoitietily a change lus tho baller, aud one - ta eisol air-to sttraet a largo sîten- dance# svoil es prsv.ntin g ai, offeuce holng taken a statlouketi like mskiug lnvidiouu ditiniction& 10 extending invitaw- tions, Tise baud off tlilt Royale bua béom ongagifoi tise occasion, antibu tise vhlel% "The fsy anti a' vhs'isonor il,"1 piaulasu, te ho celebiatidti Iis yeaî vils greai fectivity anti ejoyut by "bnitisor * Sots" 0asdti or descendatistoff6"elIad 0# cakfM." **Ïâcgla'eTuir, s'Daoésa."-Tbis simple anti économisai inventioni la asserteti te b. ose off tiese et "oeral and boit lsbon.saing implemonts yet saismittedta1 *0tsefarmîug eomasniyIl la IRclaimoithat 'liit -1 auvefromu $14 10 *15 pas day, la pailigtoim 1 19s. Il viîtiganti tleur Jre, oiglât te tan sorteiperrtiuy,'btisspar. ovmlég tise labor of tes mes lu tisé &ame Mme.1%no& aaise o ut a sciiiisr as -veoiue a dgger, ,As Wytl Se see by uad. vertlsment ln otier eoiumas, itbau isean ilseroughly t1sd asdti badandtironvs flTUOp ' rEx.Cassron Bàz-;Tho Beu. William Hame BIlâe disti yesterday gessg'a. Onat!ofitheisautismost unwmoateti al.*ume iu.d romth ie pruu. ' Pties26 seaU. plbtupon tiese id hue.contiguo tharolu, a abut tise Om01 $ 11,8N sud no more. Thiss utevday Andti 1-day, I u;sdeý -. xacinstlou 'of lise vwiola lina off.t daets sid RahIwAy visara ammyvornt beau doua 'by tisa Plt'ffl itucoe s.'20 i>' ot July laa, anti I do; nuitbeék- lisat tise sai Pltf bas doue work up tise sait Railva>' sinte lise -wosumonc meut off bis coutract v isp hé,dift's asç tise pîceent îime, ta more tisan tise vst off *50,000, Inclusive off almaterialsa i .on,tse saidj lino ior oatgapias- tierël furnishadt10oîrby lise Plaintif!. 1 do n bellev. ietsut,-e bas' orpeudîtiovîr *th sum in anti about. bis' centsa vils tiserdîfendanîs -lu v or it materials. Tisitishe plaintifi baus matie or cuilvructed any iiditsgs es mer imet luntise spacification$; That fi sub.gvadir'or formtusion level off tise eu bankents matie 7, plaintiff are neît lise vialhsrequireti by.tise sait ipecifici lions, noir are tisa càttingu,> for aIll I am comispetet ln accordance tisereult That lisora la but very litIle ide4 crois dilcising doue on ltae sait lino, su tbire areas great mauy places ou li s 5 linso viser. tisesait ditchos, viii ihsve tle cul ho comply vutiste sait speciicaio Tisat AIl tisaneceasar>' cuivuits ou ai lino are not put lu, sud eiaiutiff bas Ie oponinga foi sait colverts, anti tise pait tif'- ba sumn nov engmsgct iu puîtsng il sanso lu. TIsaIou tise sait lino cif Raiiwsay, tiss ara nol muoreanssOfva catile-'gud'r wisicis th ~Plaintiff Sas avîn commene t? put lu, ~d tise sait lino requires shoL muxt7 aI l ak, 10 comply witis lthe sI tTisaI né>Ballast viatever, basbae put sipon sait line, orany part tiserdo and noure prupareti lierefer. TisaI 1 believéa tlabout lhrea.fourt' caf lise necessary' lies hava beau gol iý the Plaintif! upon tiese id lin, or nea .teîeo, anti no groalorproportion. gratiug doue, aui ii hava te b. gone oves aut prepareti befora lise baliassting eau i puI un. TisaI notice boards bave net 6cmn eretl edon un>' part off tise sait lina. - TisaItisaeplaintif tbas nul placet ai, cap-pieces upon tise fences buili by his oni isIiuen, nor Sas ha erecteti ci puti îuy bars as requiret by tise sait specifi TisaI the plaintiff bas nul mute an] nirn tables, station buildings, freigisl s pasaungar stalioenungine bouse, tanl souse or machina sisop. ur'erected, mi' o býen, as requirîti by liese id specifica. tians. Anti tiser.are fol 'ami>y tna'il ip6hf -or niai tise sait line foi tise puipi of building lise same. Tisat iros litae sate off tisa wrktienc upou tise sait bine, 1 do ual believo tiss it isA aal practicaisie far tbe Piaintisl I empleto tisesit cautract on bis part by tise 151h dsy off Februsry next. Wiie are va te accept ? Mr. Dm- bl's intereatuti atatiments, or ube Rugi- gei'i ubiaset oiemn affiavit 7 As1 mattai off publiie notoîiety, anti a facl goii. avident te every one, tisa verk cîsimeti bi [r. Dùmble te have beau dune, bas ani eau dono. -Thora are ne msidingu, 1he rormsîlon levai off tisa emubanemueuts aie et& cf uhe ruqaiuivittis, tise'-cuttingearn io Ail matie, anti sncbs havabeau, are lot comapieteti accordiug ta ceaitradi, tise I but, veîy littie aide or crinailbin ue a great mny places ou tise lino 'baie tho ditchos viii havo te bo cnt te caaPiy vils tiesepecificamienu; tise cul- mirte ave net put lu, but epeningu lofft foa sain ; thoîra are net-more iban fie aîtle nantis even commouceti, out off at lest iiy requiretute ompiy vus lise tersa co se statuis. Me ballast visatevar bas houn ut on tise lino, only about three-fonrthi >f tisa noessery tii msupplieti; tise grastar ýortien off tise giadiug *viIllbava ta ba rue over anti préparer! beffois ballimt can )a putla F, foucing nol cotupleteti; 'mia uru-tables, stations, fraigisi or passeuger taons, englue ibougas, taunk bons. )r machine *hop, anti ne materias )rovitiot for building or eroolinetbo sase. aurtisor tist fie.c tise ate off tise votk as ?rsent it la Dot At ail practicable for Mr. amble ta complet. isucenîrsdt viti ni ti -ai ti j p, ha o pt pil ti ait i so IrL i la SteeeCrllcsm, ,0 Comupauy's Deboutarea, 1, Bonus Debeaituret,' - 4000 Amti 1 ail*Il viilo:tbe total raIno! tusd Tai MATio xAL Lire IxiaaAîoCos- waxr-Ur. Jamos A. Camipbell S-buisen appoinitid speclul egeat.toi ibis Company, ant is la v balov, very ucceséufa i i- juresinis',u l aims 10 tapublieconpfidience upon iniers, The National Lit@e basu hugis reputiien sa SrotsclasCompauy, bas tise Moustelveut anti rospectable nanses on is direciery, anti-bua aIs slarge capital pait in a fLi.One principal feature off tl Cempanyrilu higisly ta 6e commended.t. - tiseý- ouiy Company teiug business lu Can ada visnchsarter provides i"uhst &DY Polie>' talen onutlus favur ilcf a vife, cisilti, relative or othor porison e aving au intenest lanlise liffe o! tise in- "suroît, s"ahnot, e hlabla e saiire b>' tlie croditors o! tisa porion eno inscreti; "Provitiet, tisaitisoeFoliy o>' ee fot or- eetitise sucsoff'tais tisounstdollars.m W. rteomnmen th ie 6"Nutionsv' teoa r restera. Besgeugis. Dýcidotiiy tho Most usofful ef tise Englisis illus tti almianas for 1871. Contains au imamense amouat offniellai anti miseelluueous infonsatlo ni ta be fouti lis no othor publication off tise kinti. d'Joasa Bma.m.sss'FAmaas AtzuÂxgAg for 1871,-suipuso virything of itho kinti lu tise Couie liaeil"Us Whou tou vean lumbs, vhu tav puy our dobta, andi sov toe t a boa, vitis esgnee. satipre- "TIse trieaU lTbing,' amntibuasproveti tisaI Dr. Wlsas 'Bsauof Wild Oiserry la tise remet>' par excellence fcr theo cure, Off cotagisa, oltia, croup, wisooplng.cough,1 bronchltlà,laitbma, phisiei, boe Iroat, anti lndusdza. 1h cures cougisa and coids Initautor 1i ýIl seotisathisrritt'parts Il beala the lngiasllo ;,& ,even cen'i sumptlos Iitasîf leolds tolgisslo !noS>u- ence, - 1- -.4 Als tsa ts. istiwok a fg 'pro- ý irritble, Iu mamsy instances, tise derisive secuteti vihsdue diligence, duly sud lugs I is f'iîisfulY Performeti, sud are tisataiafied aug tteuufoitmnate, or tise' more.lu with ti e nra progre f ievi. towperaîe appaul l tishe eaonis laabsointe. A Ani asotia aii ofrathork' ,t oy uuiowm, by excitingfiartiser Irritati <on vrocover anyjsu ntise suit brougisi by lu tise slnd of tlisuffirer, wtbi hnkts )Do bis againît tis e 1 idi Oompany. biis atvisers1 eithe r untéeaiig or incredîioldtissi ho eOBe il thareforo ireSol ved . TisaItue«ri suies are atow foundtieho xial by aud hW-towrds hie complaimit. U[nter tiie use if osai tven tise saiMi(Company anti t Oise ;ai' ellovue compounid Srpo! Hypophos.1. AI potacoupon tiese lverai questions pluIes, .thora;isnolonger rnecesil, o! avis, anti malterareberredtinlutisa îoregoing eotu-àui ramu.Oi 0ri ba ielor, isytie d iicos ri- 150 a bot!.; 6 for $7 50. Solti ava eteruuinoil obùbae id q matr n ne t dadby pothecaiea andi &y P. OtintiU à;Oc., Vile1 ed arbi jU tmPIS agenti, Moutreal, te1 lisiesetoma lime ago.) - rStalement hy tise Towo Treasarr ol aJu ssrjeài~tnio on streeos, &e. Tise Mayor informadth ie concil tisa ho biai -reéelied 'a handsomèiy hon voluon.tb ie revisét by'laiavor:he cor- ýporation of tise cityý off Torouto- Thte Mayor aise* laid. before the (Toan- loi," opinions off Misais.MeuisudatiAdam Crooko, ennsal retainibda dfeoti the Corporation lu tisa Cisacary sait broagsi by, tise BRilway. pOutraetoi a 0copal '*the handing oser off tie'Tovumi debeutures. OOMPuNSAt1ON FOl R EC? KILLSD aY Dotal M r. Holden isiongisi13p tisareport of tise emmiîtee, appoisitadti 10investigate tise ed aims undîr this heati. Report con- îidoed lu committee of ibhevisoiî, 'M. Draper lntise chair-nti adopteti.'-, Tise report vas accompauied isy tise evidence maiten bffèe.tise cansmuilie sud recommeudeti paymeuu o! - tise aims as "r 'hé saO orderoti one lbail t 0 th ~ Wle as aa Mextraorîaosry> le,,$ iêetiog thé utaternstbe-oC - tiai a7 case of thse linti as won ever preonetedi 14 ~hsw ile tise ion,- o ie u Io n it ,e hale thesa pec- isle of asotatr e nyeamn ra, tb daiàivid 1 W&ai ' -COtatost nytiisn ~ I ibis sau of t - a P oOn a ?tact onvisicithliasb Ion.~ _f ~ ~ juade iuo ado iuséa ex Bëdture, but sIso up'à tsasE Wnld ourin$ toe oeî,...aMke central ofa 1f4.ordirmnis o~tî f-îgIs se - rstwý, coatinDg 30eO on theer~g1 ~7se~Soarel>'. But oyé ,Pl!au e end u of lois tisai $50,000 tise ry auj fav orable ictarvent[d',- n et - Coo îf bis own monoy,11aw ho dtaims, 'eu stmnees, the iron la have arrie ,, abutait _76, bave aheva of tisat of lb. asuutb bouce. Wa»i a nue w itis Company.) on deoSaient and inudeqeste an tis 1s, jinbte stsî -bavis hev the ti Z7 eeas f v .1>nd~er'be bas idDtb d gadsam5 O5iI5nonnd itlb. *otha t me n.iefomre nazi sjr4ing.. Mt.. ' 6câbe ircn tances, nti ou. ikelY t* - f iIe lve may- havo à"ar arangemenst& for t iron ; favoî la , or ont of Court., boi aet tise qneçtionswa h"n.it iitobée livor. W. have s goond deai further to ditioni plo, ed. ,Tisorq li. vygoodiroson forbeîie,. ibis visola e mo, rdaepeciàlly iai respect lue ingDoet, before Drt nmmer, fcit theiso'tise bonns debè,itÏres~ of thé towýi bat p - ëî,- diïreciors, allege tisai Mr. Damublea bastins tise leugtis te whicis vo bave alresdy ou- not anud again fsongh: for ni éxtensionùof bis cnusbered or space compels as t0 avait ,bat hou tanotil Aligna ît dc.aring tâtanoiber 9occasion. adlecouid not have tise worir doue by tise- net time specilioti in tise cotract-îise iStis of PIIRCHAIE OP VÀLIrBLt Tiioo5u0B-BRW en Febriâs>ry. Nor cau tis e outractor have, Msrs THoN. Ozonoz BaoWit.-The1 the. ash sotbongbt the lion onibisail o omsons, cf Mayfieid, were-tise Of- Credi W What becomea-.of isi a ncs de- ecpsents of a Visit frou tise Hon. Gea. 134 uDnplte, Brown on Tnesday, lut wmek, Mr. Browi. he boutures donsitdi h ie uiialte speut tise day aItise faim sud purchasad iah. viicislbit latter ho distinctîlsîsies (sud or n omne very fine cntre sud beifers, in al te ind asls aii)bv eniadd0e atise nmber of tisirteon isesti. Tise prices aid Trustee, (Mr. 'Joisu Crawford, Cf tisa Royal rr stloi i be, Canadien BanS,) 10 bc hanffid over ta wr sflos i 'n "gme (mr. Damnle,) o c sgtm il or DURlmsM"Csmbridge" Suis, $225 aid 46 "Fiors." 200 le it "deiver7/cflte iron"?1 in" i (Beanty 2nd." 250 Mob aiîldvu ie jag rvne Ga»£-Two 3-jear olti Cows, $500 madie is (very unwisely vo sisol dgay,) " Os .erot o' 0 eie by tise Company off upwaîds o1stï¶o,ooo, " Toae os 4 rd fr ding lois tissu $50,0ofbdwrM. eag oei 24 'd >od 00o olwrr Two 2 yosr olds, 320 ut Damble bas uow brougis tise (ompauy Oue yearling Heifer, a0 5a into Court aud sodti tso for 4 lois a - woHifr.ao, 10 i * u m tissu $24,000,l wi iie alleges t ew hoierClv$ 10t cf, due hlm under tise conarset. Hie claims Tisis sud inndry oilor sales mako s in fsci tsai lie is entitled t0 recoite psy. iotal cf $3 770 00, sold fronutishe Mtx- c àomonts ou bis coutraci, witaonîtitine imto PIIcLI> Iso, siaCe tise Provinicial axhibi- T aaccou-nt tise quaniy or quality of tise vorS tien.k doue by biena, or visatier ho tibeà tise, work - be oulti suppose, desur 10tishiscese Ctond ftise 9 l u - Tisey tilîcit it ima enougis t0 demusuti viicis ve-ransfOer vitis mucis pbeaure t0e pamurbutievn sdoe u,~ tisese colnmî, sud congratulate Mr. Me. fo yafu in t au cnphe y us M dett , a d, e' C4be on bis su cecess. 0 ýy demndo.te7 amppuit u rit ra ulor ndor Williama MeCabe, tise genoral agent in as tis eme.trso ppit arirtorsud rtisopari of tieseilote for tise atsai the cotract aalupon LMr. Duabie lulife lusuranca Comupauy,- e about ta remunve appoint anotisr ar bsodtse he iferencea ta New Yurk. He bas baon cslled tisera V~ hoîveen tison. Tisa foliowing is tise notice isy tisemanagers of tiseComupany t0asuper. or k servet oun1Mr. Dumi*, wviii roches tise iut*end al tise geuural agency businesi of cuse ofthedifierecesanddisatifýa tistron"Shout tise United Stiea. Hi& pro- ca cuaoftsdieeneanidstifuion mtion la tisa remit of rare business a tisai bas ariion, sud wiich spoake for itseif. 'tiDo et u uqaiieiacee etSeS ie Resolveti: That visereas J. H. Doînhie, departmueuî for saie i ruatodtiat bis ti Esq., contracter wilh tise Port Wljittyay Eilities. Hie frienals, visile îisey regret i e sud Port Perry Raiiway Companmy, for hie departnre,.witl rejoico over soaesbtai. w' il lise work of building sud construchirsg tIse liai s recognition of bis business sud K oa Port %Vlithy snd Port Perry Raitway, perlons! qualilîes.so t, bas dcmanded front these aid Comnpansy tise sumo of ten tisouand -d_-iiars as sooy -lie -due snd payasble la hi il on accotant off Wilstby sud East lVhitby plongisg tise said conrast, sud aiso claims froua IMatchs. -tise said Comupany, auy sud ali inîcrest - s Smominy accruing osa the Municipal deisen- Tise match came off ou Tisursday lust, ge *tures, wbicis the said Company ère en WC f.iitied ta receive fromt the Mluiiaiilii,, ounlise ferrm of Mr. Josmi Lrydeu, near M iy iscîweeri tise date tisereof and thse l9tis Brookln. Tise day vas Ioveritsg andthetise! 01 day of Septomiser, 1869, without allowing landt in uveygo rro.acntOf u or crcditing the said Comapany iberefor,ergotodroucoutfg le and alan tisaI ho ls entitied ta dcmaud tis e vo, itili tisere vas a large attentiance g1C re and rendrve fnam lise said Comapany, of spleetalors, andtihie vont, notwiîisstand. hi certain sume off wouey in cashs sud bonds,99 i eon tise days andt imes spccifiedl in tise ing tise drawback of tisaestsr, vas weill Il re sait! conîracl tabeh paid la im irespec-. doue. Tise foilowing is tise prise liâi: me e ive of tise quanlsty, qutiiity or gemional Firsi clatison -7 entrieo. let A. Bar. isl progreas of tise saitivol k-snd aloise he w said Company are intormuet sud bhoue e t, W.W.,; 2ud W. G. Luit., E. W. ; ! le ths attise said C<ontractor's represemtatians oetPr-oW .,4iis James su t hom tsîu tisae is building sud sakiug lise Forest, W. W.; StisJno. Tweedie, W, W. Go bea grdessudcuret eiven isapoita Second clas sen-1O entrieei lot John lisi -indicateti by tiese aid Comnpany on tise MeKenzie, E. W.; 2amd W. Laite BEW. )r lino o! tise said Railway, tire net correct, gelbî~Weîî .~ R :~ smsd auy action lieseaic companmay a rdAbr elr0.W;4' B.G have- taliou affectiug tise question & Ratciiffe, 1. W.; 5tis G. Mîuîy, E. W. ot grades anti curves, has een go0 laken Boys - 6 aunres, lat James Crosomitn, Ti )f upon the iepricemuiatsons off tise- said con- E. W. ; 2ud W. Pits. FE. W. ; 3rd Chsarles Pul tractor snd Pearu E. W. 1 . id, B. W. ; - Wiscas front tise epeateti shatemeut ta ;4i .-Tpsy Ew cil sasd ropreseulationi y he se aid .contrac- 5mb Jas. Lyndo, W. W. doi !r toi, lisat tise said vont was being'j.yose- Priza for ist teas-Josu Meticaif. imai cuteti witis due diligence, duly doute, sud Plovsun finît fimilsiseti--Jas. Lynde. on tà tis tsacontract vouiti hedd â,n4Iith- s fhiypefortse,~îhe~ ipxs~aa~ lave JuDaaas-W. Lessi, Durtingt'sn G. hi <ýn or tise piogreua off thse wvoil. -An '. , as e upsymouus. Thse Bonus tubesi hures. tonaieti by tisa 1lunicipalities ha' rf bain, for sa/e Ice'plg, assigmted. (ct Trussteto 6e bauded ovîr lu me on cou si-n sent or delivery off tise iron to,ti Cqpapany. MouJe off sucis delcenlîaieabha lbison or ceaub. reoeivedt-by mue for severi -tssntisS 781. Iu tise usetime, 1 hai had I o purchase tise iron vils nuy ou meanisud Qu my own credit, lu Loudor a.ltii hue tisaitishe Company have pald, m 0a certain amonut off cah, but 1 bàI tben compelle I a ates muclamoreu ýoI-usyowupockeil te carry ou tise work, i liseé,preseutL ime- In fuel have spaul à Mach cash out off My ovu motus, as ha bien pait ou tise entire Stock subscrip rLians of tise Company, lu addition te wici [hava bougisi cariy $100,000 woilh c lion ounasy ovu credil lnu9 -nglaud. have receiveti from.,tise Gomnpany a pom lienon flise Railway bonids due me, bu util tîsi RoadtisL finisiset sud in opetsa lion, sncb bonds are unaviliabie abti use lesi socurilies lu my bauds.î aTe Company isave not-been finanelall al temeet liseir engagements wiitnia andtet addte u heir difficulties diffirene hava arle;en asngsîtiste Directors, War of means-and vaul cf baIssn.are-unfor tuatel incitent ta. ail public urdertat ingusud ours, is ne exception te li geucral rule. There is yet tima isowîe te recouchle dufleieuces, asut I vaye confidence in ttc1. membere visuse tri intcrest isAo facilitate ratiser Ihas scIerg tise-eîstcipria, they vii l permit de. signing suen, vitose imterestss are. sttta sud selii, todtelay sud embarrais tis proaccution cftishe work te early.cumpba- tion' Be tismt as il iniy il caaI but bi cyident to aIl tisat my interest con oufi b. sirveal by a speedy and succstu opening of tise Rad. Asu a large btond~ boîtier aund owuer afone balioff tise Sacl off tiseCompany deisys, nA attisoutionî amaugat titose 1t-porariiy li cotstroi ol tish npi e m1 odpee yne. I eannesîiy desire eonfionce ant amitj oulvéen lte 'Company anti myselfan-d tise Municipalitios interestetiwith sudl comnfidence I aunipreparcd- ho precoed vigorousiy amdInte nioast liserai teris. U--4ueitcontition,; cunnol 6e ohtmimsed- anal ciipreparesl ta proceet anti compieta lte Raiiavay but on my 9vn ternis sut respousibiiity, sud- regaîdiesa off focs witisin visa desiro La ebsiruet tiut l'il owu ends ruey he sterveti ratiser titan tise Railavay imterests prsmmîuoti., lu tise rueuntimoe,- Mv. Editsin.] L wonid ast tisai I îay nitho jsadgcd itasiily or 'vitîsout a iseariug, anti it viii ut al lLimes giva me pieasure-te aatisffy ail parties lu- tcrested i lu-oui entoîprise pff lte. tate ef its affairs anti sy sisscoîily off purpose ini 7 nceuting.tise undurtskimg, negardless el ailopposition, te ami'iasriy anti suceesaful I remain your aSt. servant, J. 11. DUMIILE. Ottmawa Bel iefFandi. To lte )ditor of te 1JY1iily Clronicle.- Dicsi Sa., 1 bave mucls pleasnrc in scuoietlgiug lbs'ougis your commutheo -recempt ef ovor (60) sirty gatat quitta sud bianktem, sand a lange quanîityoff miscel- 3lauions - clouhug, fionstise ladies off -Wisitby, for tise sufféeena ly thse laue dis- astions fine in the Ottawa district. 1Iaasit myseif off the eceasion tu orpress my gratitude ta tise goot vomîn off tise Town r off Wisitisy, eue anti ail, (visa bave biein aissys fnremost in gaod vorits,) fer tseir liserai anti timoby contributions, aut visis te, inform tisesbtisathe gouda bavebenu packit in large caseesutndforvartuti by me this day tu Ottawa. I am, asr, Yenrs &c.1 JAS, H. GERRIE,- Mayor. Wiiby, Mou 16, 1870. - A- Cecv SarviatDATI wmiuy Foot.- A sati &tory off hipvnect snd ube aufferingi cf mise crov buas îcseti Liverpool. Aisout tise muidle off 2eptemisr e sut, tise ailla '--Gesme maiart Arebitect, Capîsin Weiss, sailet fins Qu-aec ievu a fuil cargo off Oakt timuben, isout for Auîverp, sud îvory. 'Cbing proceetiet veil until tise 22ut off August, vuen tise ebip, boing- about four miles tte t ontisoff Bird liiutsunt sdtdeuly on a ounken reef, antilotk in vater aa îapidiy bsase fillet up in baif an bsoersiaffeivarde. - ,At abont baif-pasi sneveu o'clecle in tise Ïvaning tise vessel mate sautsi enlurois even on ber aide, capsizeatit mcd op. Tise captain sud cnev, efîci a ticîporsî. atruggle, enocedet Iiun escbing tise vessai and gel esù to-,lte bottons. . Tbvy bat nobhiug but vhat isay vore vison tise sisip vent oea, anti as for fond snd vater, betis vaîe ont off tisa quaation. Por thse. fiat anti second tisys tiseir iniferingi vaneeubl-, due -wiîb tise bope abat tise7 voaltisoon, ise sean by sos. passing veqil; but as tho day voie on -tiseir mental anti pisysical conduiin beesmo lamentable li tbe ex- trame, aatdis w as mot until tiesa sventis day, vhen tbey alinoat ceaiedti hope, lisat tisey voie rescueti by tise barit Rusais, off Slilolu'a set exisaustati-antipiuiable - m $s.Lsrue 12 25 $8i, ichabel Welàb1 4 50 30b P. Sturik.i0 3.00 20t A. Tithaun, 7.25 7.2, H- Tbomsson, 73 00.- 42,1 Resonution for payment pset On motion off Mr. McMillan, neferri petitio off John, Arnail teatisa finesc Comuminles. Aiso neferimg tise eral otissi petitio sud comsmunications praucuteta10tise ne spîctivo cemmitees 10 visieli thîy respecý iiveiy belengeti. On motion off Mn. Draper,- requeshuý the muayor to. convey taistias o f th meuncil t0 the corporation off tise cîly a T'oronto,' for prosenmatian c'opy off nuisei cy.avi off tisaCity..1 Tise opinions o! conuii initise iilvaj uait voie conaideret i n censmiîttaoff bi choie, antivarions pelutis brongba fo rvia ant diacusset, on wviics members itir changeti opinions 80 a a u lcit su'gsto for tise deffence. Mn. MeMillan movedth ie adjourmni astel on'çoct., Counel adjourmietifor oui veet. Tise Empîcua Enugenie. Wisile Napolom bas bien tantet foi hi pusiiianimity, trescbeîy sud aespotism, ail tise vont loves sud reapecta EngaI. Separatot from ber Snobant, avay from the brigbt cic! cof feir vomm inu viie be maveti at St. Cloudi, ant in Tuileries, 'itiseut ay campaninu aave tise yon prince, bon tiguifioti sid mnobleie n, bs ;ecunetifer lber au eanviable place lu tise lastory off tisis var. Ctsriespoudeuta have ýet abount bei, uîorieu have bVeen toit ci onr machsinations vimis Boapartisl azentii matd off ber triciteîy wvhBaaie, but tht çeutle si'spiicity. of ber exile life ondthtie winssuly bearinguShe isas tispepith ie nidt of grief anti tribulation are gra-,d silly bringing meu la beiieve tisat ue oiâ rilies offSU ai bi. 55e la dono nger the iddy qusien off feosian, for înrrov bai )rugbt ouitishe pure gala offlber natucre, sti Soi greal seul has beemi tîvîlopet by eo baptsa:% off ver. fier sugussbas stde ber s recluse, ismi-far bolier is il for mnr, anti fer pleasarsier in thebeyc off mon, ob. siethug solaèca in tevotdon, la 6e pray. ig for ruiuodl France, ta ha.asiig tise lot off Battiea te sent ises.in ' ber day, bau ta 6e davthing ber le amonmigoil- toery anti devotiug lSon ability to dry ROYAL CANÂnmÂY BA.ccc.-WVe (Mentncal rimes) usudersiaut tisIthe aiiroctora have sîciasedthtîe Buchtanan propertinlutis ty, hetveen Welliiugton snd Front trecta, ou tis eoat sida off Mn. John as- anait's visoiesale varese. Ilme i itntion eu crel a isamidasuue .structsie i lise premises. A large portion of tise siiding viii 6ec saislbt, sud il is believet- bai iin ibis vayliseliant viii have-Cils ru office-at s vcry 1ev amînual charge, if it cntirely fiee et expense. FATAL ACIEmNT, Thom"asGrahsam,of oe tovnshsip off Puîîsburg, vas iileti osa murutisy lait by beiug uisrown eut off bus aggy by bis rnvay boise, visile driving me ffros Kingston. Ax<OTEîSiWAmt Ceou.-Tiane les apot brouis brnilSt. Petersburg vhich sy scalti ail Eu.rope, ant tis baffoeavary sg. Alexander intendt eopanly vielato *e lraaty of Paris ; anti shoult i bsinten. tion. ho fuIly carnet eunt, Great Britain i have- te:figisî. Tise Bllnuis asinul ibihs. îisreatning movesents, andi Mr, do Russe!, UunrSecr.tary off Foreign iirs, bas leoftLondou 10 ascertaiu Bis- anck's vievi on tise malter. SsudrtzxcICo TO Eu Hî.xosm.-D. Pierce, ào muidereit bis vifs untien speciall'y iile diicnmsutaeieeSat Psris, la June f, vas fontigniîîy aitishe Banstfford oises- yoatardaysutdenteucedtoW bê sge.to ie20mb off December nezt. tise Kingston usizea sàvif.pois-onon aoti Deacon, anti Mena, tise peniteuîi 'ary, irtirer, vere seuîeuscsd 10w6eoissgqd 0 tomber l4îis, uha Jutige romarting tisai ire vws no hope for morel, tsougis bous ntsiootitboy veie lunocent. Apoa festivals aevthe latest approvet n- Dw se te re atte Te pef n. ham ui tg îe 'oya ta ils" ad a i is ste r a t t te cafÉl co li A HIIôsME uarroîwa s recautij 0,e ai a farmis l enton cousit, 1 men usmeti Caumpisel, bisvimug a 01 raie, iuviteti a numberpf friasud es is. , Inaentier lu anppiy them v st dinr, ise kiliati a shoop, bat no r- carry offt tio bhetbi; vtiihatibes C-ftrm tise uneS, sud lafios'-th le Snbuequently tvo boys passet i et visire tise isest la'. Une of tbem le et ta tba'oîier thst ha soaltc rdbeat cff ln tis esine mauneî. The -ý bis bord do"eandti 'tas the )r lilftid, tiese creas ooff 1rs. Campt oe vas luotimg on fions a ditance,1 -tise attention, off s namb4er o! mai icie lifting saiseavy log, sa that tisey il tisuin ioiti on the timber santilhtel j_-our off thons. Tisa boy vuasi S AMATAI, DUEL bhoîvei tise - vessai Motion andtihie Frenche Bouj6Üvet, took place amiide ifavani on Frits7 lait. AStra sharp andi d contestai! eugagement, tbe Mai s declaredthtie Victor, aitisongis slle i maie tissu ber oppouent, viso mni rîluru te tise neuurai port. e MUCc.-We'd souer he o mpa d divers pesîls tissu o! peavi-divens. i Mr. Cebran., off Compton, b bis cou' Ducisesa O7th, at St.-lae Pig's Eyo e haIe esame off eue offt -citles e! Minnesota. - Il Le prîdicte t tis tise'bnff:lo ixtinct in Iventy y7.8v, i -.igaro discribes iomsndigs as f rn bain on tiseEnr eos pl a." Oui owu companv -'we-'cannot va sisoulti mso it as gocit as posa Schuîyler Coîffax retimqs froua iiféo te becosue a stcel axIlo mmnii .Tisa population O! Mainae-hain just one.isalf 0ofoee r'ecent, ainpÀ Beaverton Le te bava tebograpi municaîbon wvus the-oniier vorlt. - DIRD. DART&ELL; -At Wbiîby, on tI instant, Maria Lonisa. belovuti1 Geo. IL. Darîneli, E&q. Master in Clu agit 35 yosrao. Tise fanerai s'il! leave lierlate nes Byron St., Wbiiby, ai s u'ciocle, n. Frits7, iSsis mut, tatesaGrand train for Toronto, anti vil! agaiî tise résidence off ber bîmr-oiu, flavsey,,5Eqi, Welington St, Tor' 3, P.ns., Off tise samo day. BENILEY.-On tise uisinsta th. rosideuce off ber failser, Mr. 1ierÎon, in Anseliasisurgis, Prince 1 Co-, Saisis ABDi, hoeeti vifo Bentley, Psq., off Broughamu,(û, 351h yesî coff 'hrngàge. WhiibyDitarkots., ..anosicIx.sOFFvICE, Navarrais16,. pll I Wheat............... m sprisig, %Wiseat.......105 Bsi!ey ............-1-5 Poue....0.........6 Pai................ patatt-es ...... ..............0 .t...... ..... lie.- Duc..................cC CO»WOOD AND ST4 WANTED. for b st0a9e-., 'Queen Victoria bas only sean thse "Derby" once, when Little Wonder won, in 1841,, SThse Ootmty Council of guron, have lhrown oPen tise gravel roatisot the eountyi pinta 1

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