passeur ,1and Ohil roolv Intaktog1pto undersoli I ov 'itembrsudt'l alise tire "Tuted j [ Sbesuitful tye. pi pr]f that le wer¶!qHo - w. Old Iortriia ilarged to 1fg, l-ior or dis tek.t B Nemafl le taeWeg the besi R. WILSO.élas W( Apyil 12,1870.. L KE Th -ud roiu -iso ina MEAU'S MILL, A ],Me quauiy of Lumnber, viaiire PFOR S'A LIS DI-EST NEET RATES, or 1iii1Lurîber cf al kinda sswn on tire - 3rolln, June 17tIr, 1870, 26, Tue undoralgted 'bua aepted the. Marine' Ageney or tire WESTEN ASSURANCE 00., And will b. giad to eflect'Irranranoos for al là svlng iproprrrty te siip front tis Ort. 0. DRA¶'ER. Wilîtbyt, April 5, 1870, 1 il1OU8ES TO 11ENT. Twe D'Wollig Ilies te rent lu theo Tova of Whitby. For pirileularsa pply te Wbltby, mardli 1e, 1870. JOhN IDAMER. SBOOUS AND - SIIOES,1, IF YOU WANT A GOOD FIT, GOD ATERtIALO AND»TnIIL BEST 0F WORRMÂNSHIPi Te> tire Store of JIATTREW CofLLINS. U~Ladies', Gent'. sud ('hldreu'a Boots sand Shees lu great variety, sud oaver>' style. MERCHA'NT. T AILO R CLOTIIER AN»DRAPERI, GENTLEM EN'S GÂIIMEN-ra ruade nplu tine best style aisit iatest faninion. Afine tîîek cf Clotiro froîr in jein temake a. solection for arîitletn onet'ssumsuitw; Olîwoo May 12, 186e. 19 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, .OSHAWA. JAMES I3LACKI - Pseinruos. Couvaîileiitly fitted up recrus for Comtinen- elal trartriera.Blirdateed Apnil 8,1i870. 1 TER~~INIZESTAUItÂ,NT (87 & 89, 1(ing rtreet Eut Toronto). THOMAS CSIRLI8LE,- Parne. -o The ruent oie- Orant, 1spacJus and_ Wnfortrible îJis- tariranit i -Csirds. Moista» Suppli.] aRt l treurs iliiee Lt utrinsd Clgtrs of tire ingst brandit. $13eil aiteau optera lu erer>. style. Pr' Partie, îvisnting Tornrto tari a anu w flua, ever>' aeeomiuoratioo eit tise TrrinpnnWil April 5, 1870, 14 YEOMAN GIBBON. COMM ISSION MER OIL4NI 1IN-SIZANCE, & GENEIIALAGENT. Wviiitby, Ju., 101h 1880. 2 wILLIA*Ù D'EYLÃŽN -AND- ORNAlVIENTAL PAINTER, Brook Street, Wiglby. Al endors atteuded te wltir purctuality au.] W Agent for ibeat lsampies rOOru Piper. Ms>' 8,1870. . 14 JJURUlN MIUSE, PORLT WlIITBY. R. - S OW, - Proprietor. Tise ibeve vmil.knewss mtel liaohein ftino- rougini>'rmrîicatad and] mevi> furuinliid b> tire nraent proprietor. Thre tiliiig,&ô.,tiare 004e pot Imis uetfiienot state Dr repsir, and ne- tbiu« Iran, been loft assone <o neet tise raq aire- menuta etjgte TfisaTotable las uplie.] wlt everythiirg of the beat lnu se-ton, sarin noni tige ireat brasd,s of Wlses, Liî<ýoct. art]0<.i1 19 kept et tire Bar. 17 , - tSNow. FlEASSIJIANCET CG., R8ZABLI&RRD -1N 1782, QI LIX81P1E, MOFPA&TT c., Agouts for A ESDAVhâtn,, Manager. jlSR aiOC aglist LOOS by FIE XX erceonthe metfa&vqrahîe tenua, rd LOS U PAl» Wihotrfou ee,t roIa leI~q~n. - YEOMAN ginsoiq - 'Aent, % Wjjty,y KENDING AS -USUALý, Oer THE &MORTEBTNOTIOE. ýWWitby, S'epterber 28, 187a 29,-lY. Y STOVES.. Hatch ed J3otWmr have-a first-class dumbstove whioêh aÈ.gven, gra atisfaetion. Peions St.eves, wil1 please cal! and Seo for thislves, as ik has bent testud b; rnsny customers, we anuex a ferw certifi-' 'n'es, rtdwonl.d:ay-wve uarantee then to give you pe'feoý satisfaction, if flot 8atisfled after a fair trial, Nwe wiii refun.d you your mono>' lilnt:oyl Ce. of Ontario, Jul>' îfth, 1870.. Tiré foilowtng la <roui a retlred Mercirant To.t, Harvo as St, I bave great pies- rom Nev York. sire inntestifyilng te Cie roat supirirrity eof 705f flow PatettDnrirrbgrove on'or call er i Pickerinrg, 2nd of 4th Mo. demir steve, i ave over aeen orued. Ihave hle,II ,IlardrdeaMor<bant, &o., Whit.. unied It ln myodfiie dttrlnrgte past wlnir, sud -by.-m-l bave ucoiftirroeacf your patent Duinni It bas giron1nue the greatestataieîieîu ; t be- Stoves muring tire prat viIter witir perfect 181-8 se oustnuoted hat tire heîit cf-tirhe ru i tia;faeîtrrî.,'line great irprovetneatyou have eau ire eîncetenned;or detreased L4 aerreof im muadeiln aleowinng'te isurplus het tô oespe or -est reeueneuatlons; h inra savon mesa ew retauiing it;rut piesaure, là Vary vaiomble, ospe oerds of weod, in sdditieu Ctami grent desof cf dru>'li s rorr etau iuyalid, wvire.aunntilomuni troubleansd tire pileof thiestove itwsf. I lînat l* raquire..1C au elnuorfiilly rocourmennl ean,witils errftlenue reeesnntnarnd Il;t w ail par- It teatla itt neeenoiniaas wvon as a masint sonis as iroiig a sfeasud a tisfacter>' lurentmenrt. Duînir tove. Iruiing tfar superlo' te ail otinirrai bave senn or uxed linn Canrada or tire Unite.] ,A.CAMPBitLL, Edite'rWhitbr Gazette, ta .yours ver>' Crsiv, Wbltby, April 80<1,, 11867. JAMESWTIRAD R'- HAmy on.q.Doar .Sîr,-hl loig ussed, the a% si vlter, two or yonr patenit Whitby, dol>' Ltb, 1807. strigint 'draglit Dmi, 8itves 1 have muai, p Ios no u tatfnr tst eoy,,)tave givin ievery R. IlÂTrwr,?esq.-My dear ,;Ir, -1 bave use.] atlfon ,and eau hbigly mreo9anrudtiru b e ôetyour patent Duii loviton, mumy liall fer gencrai use.. ours, sCo.- stove dirrione- thre pîrrt viniter, and. lnd] it ver>' 8. L 1OCIIf NE, valurible ard econonclal. Couty (r'ovn Atteruey,.&C. J. IIAMEIR GREEZiWoOD, Sjiietrr. * An extra prize iras awarded it at the Provincial Exhibi- tion. Price only $5 00. O> Axnstr-ong's coicbratcd Stoves, Stove P'ipes, Elbows, &c. CoaI Oil oui>' 25 cents per gallon, cash; at the Noted Cheap flouse cf! HATOII & BROTHER, Importeransd Dealers in Ilcavy.and Sheif -ardware, &c. OJYIFITTI.NG'AND GENT'S FURNJSJIING GOOIDSO A lex. Pringrle desires te inform patrons sud customers that bis stocicof Twee-e, West of Englnnd Cioths, bMixed Miltons, and Woolen Goods this ses- sou la unuiaity large. Troînsex lngs, Vestirrgs, Coatingsansd Overcoating,lu ever>' qerilit>', color anud ade. .OJ Also Scarfs,,'ries, Shirts, Collars, &C. SGentiemens' Clotbing muade te measure, and ail work ex- eeutod, as uanal, lu firat- clam style. L-F-Caii sud examine the iow price of suits. AILE X-.PRINZGLE. Whitby, Sept. 21, 187'0. 0g E 0 E- ci c c-f ~is C,, t-t -n o e o z s.i C.'] 1, Q BOOTS AND SIIOES WIIOLESALE & RErrAIL. Keeps constantly on baud, and in course of manu- facture, the largest stock cf Ladies' Cents' and Miss' r: se :nc>>wjsce a 33 C> m 9 Examine >for yourselves the excellent material and flue work- manship -15-AprIl 13, 1874a. WMI. BURNS, Brock st. Off-IQI A L AS8-S1ICNUE E GENERALOFFICE I HjJE undersigne augrcer. h îpoiutmeut of OiîSel Assiguce fer Northr on - natlÈppaet ive prompt attention te ail mettens iùii atkruptcy or Insolveney.- I~~~~' Prourlesor>' Netpsan.] Accounts speodil>' celleco n]rfttne On good farm secqity St 8 per cent interast. Speclal attention wii b. given to the negoclation of Loas, slnd borowora crn rcly upoin bavrng their-applications attended te prompi>',-an.] et sinýIliaxpense. eUwdAls, Landsabothim aproreci an. nipnvdenlnyfosa. Inurne f i tire Ontanrie Pariers utrusi Insuraure. Company'. - .1BE MAJOR Officiisigrmieew aatn B'.igclQr*x ZI0p' ele nt deor te tire loyd Caua4ianr Bank. xx-X PALE A As the proprietor attends personally to the l3rewing, a regular stock of Aies and Porter can aliways be depeuded'upon. Parties desirous of baving X1es of superior qualit>' and Porter dquaI te, an>' imported, arc respeetfully soiicited tlo send theii~ orders lbr a quanfti'là rge or smali, snd try for themselvea, -With the aid of our inecased facilities, wc are e nabed to produce an arti- cle (ail the year round) second to none in the Dominion. N.- B-Ordeý' left with Mr. JAS. H. SAMO, at the Farniture Wrarprooms, l3rock, Street, Whitby wiIi reeeive pouipt attention.. Dec.1, 169.48 THE QOLD STAND! Thle undlersigncd in returning tbaxils lfor the liberal patronage hitherto extended te the old eÈtblishment, for neaiy a period of forty years, desires to s>' that lie Iras now on hnd a large assortment of thre mot umodern and ciegant Styles of leW0 M 3 z u3E l And trusts by1 proper attention xnd moderate prices te secure a continuance cf public patrornage. PracUical uplinûstering. Frinture re-stuffed sud covercd Undertaking and f'unera1s Fully Supplied as -heretofore, WSome sp lendid specimins cf Picture Frames, and Gilding. Remember the 01<1 Stan4 Whitby, M.-trch 9, 1868) 10.1>' The nndersigned continues te represent the following reliable INSURAN-CE COMPANIES . '1' [lE ROYJLAL. -, Capital, $2,000,000. IEAD Ã"FFICE, - TORONTO. [FRANCIS IIEWARD, EsQ., IIEAD OFFICE RENTOUL BMOTIF'S, INORTiI BRITUISHJ, Capital, $2,0O00,000, HIEAD OFFICE, - MONTREÂL. j JOHIN AGNEW, AGENT, iiiTYi. - IONTREAL. McDOUGALL & DAVIDSON, AGELNT, Wnrrr-.,. IIEAD OFFICE, r' EW1IAVEN, Cox. JOCaital, AET, Wmrrn. IFIEAD OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY CIIOCKERI, SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (LiFE,) IlCIEADOFFIIUE, A. DAVLDSON PARKER, ç~3.Also tbe Coloniitil Money, at reasouabie ra Whitby, Jannar>' 4, 1870. Agont, Wînitby son LU Fire Proof TORpON,$TO0.00 TONTO.EW 1 JO A NW ITIY Capa'. , Wn1rv.1 JOhIN AG2NEW, Sconrities Company, for the Loan cf JOHN AGNEW é-3 c-i Co 0 Mi Chzimnys, $hades, Reflocters, Pocket Lanternà , Spring Brackets, Wick Trays, &G.' asiyDrug Store. 2-Whitby, <Jan. 12,-1870. wîaly Ji[touUVaUurôughonstuaheprnncîpnl %wbaat-growi-g sg gied a opularit>' uprecoedeted in tie itoy ofkeiapingN THE H-ARVEST 0F 1869.-ouR For tn years tere-has not been as eson whefi grain bas b, for brvesting as ce pat ee. The trrw hart been exeein bady odged, therein>' everely testing tie blity or tie difie Ãœnder sucir circumtance. This test tie 1Johnston"' SeIfl-it constr 1ution, ias been-enabled-to m et succesfuli>, furnishiri conclsive proof <at it la equl te, an>' emergene>' sd a comp Witby, May 5, '1870, BROWN STOITES F-OR YOUII tTOVESq WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE 1ARGEST AND ~BETA SSORTMENT, IN 111E, COUNTY. tPOo succeu in att kindi W141i - & PATTERSONý A. ALFX] 18 takes 8 ceaqbsi1 rte annodirlS th<b iove lil knovu hortej have beori receuti>' made te t iulg moreco(,mmodirsuas fc encrerising tne number-ot nearr lerra iitmûre Cinan fa eiasr<iBiliard Parler witi1 <lii hriem *sdded. Extensive, Stabiing, 8iîclr. boire Iiov mien ruade. Ail onscbhngt! offr i h ol 0.]Frieirdsud1 rail>' rdylirtages suriafsed ln tihe place. de yul riat #a1 veleetue his'old friands. Whltby, Dec. 2, 1888. NOS# 789 8nnsd 82, st. siresubenibn ias pdmned f;tire acaioridatioi citirje lE ceoinridatior,.. rre cftte bý tains 75 recrus, viti god y, GD= BIEST CO À Whitby, September 20, 187-C - 38-3m. Brooklin Ding Store. E A L YR i Jr rg ., Pa ten t Miei ine nr Pa iit , là ye Stule, Confectionr. ery. &C., M~rVinesaind] Jquorsýof the bc>.qurlity for Mele-11 prrp<.rex.. gorge 4- CattleAledicinei.oeas oi7inn< B roc k iiî ,t .W ., li86P 125 ARM~STRONG'S HOTEL, (Laitel!iî'. E. AR!MSTRONG, - Proprirtor. T lir SU B ICRI B E It iLas itt c.i r ai sd coin Ipltcy rpiii>vlltcd ie iove (Ad csuilnniln- ci] flrt-Cll&AO h-r, 9a)(1 §alicits rirei itr'mni:rw ni tic Public ]i is friewri. Tic tiLle i-d UJxl ri(Ig f, J rirr 2r , 1 8 9. GEIORGE CORMACK TUMBEiC NlEiltIAiT, Cirspenirir air.] AsJoarrr, Greer irSt. 'a1it , Ai:rg(j qrîmnz trrt of, iinm.ol> on Ilii UN DERTA K ING. FUN EIAit' fuil n mitrpi.iid si inîý rtc;r.ljdii slti, t imtie. eCn1ilr. hpt ceuimî 1> cri L1VW'A Hoanrs to Iirena ritibcnaiiîeri T l FiELIVERPOOnL & Li'".D l),%;& Lrli t s N V E . ' T E i > F U N D S n r e . l i ( o , s n 1<.çDAi1LY 1NCttlRer'ce.,F,0îu It)4 LIFE 1OLICIis are a snrrc projection for tire fltinre. ItA FuIIÃŽ OTTChliS, iinod t Cupitrr,T ihTri9,, rlrd rînîpe protection té the Mreh,înîr Alil firnir dai sPp.Pxm'y PAIn. minithel- most lieralt>' nown !lntird r(iidjînnîreit rot losiier.. Head Office, Canada Bris net,,M rein ic. G. F. C. SM Iilî1 Chief Azcrrý for Drnniror. L. FAIRIANKi, JR., AGNT, *rnt Whitby, <nt, Whitby, Juiy 2Sth, tSf-i.'li Grand Truank Railway Hotel. - AT WVHITU3Y STATI[ON. w ~ M 04N.IL avinr psrireaed the hîtil V l n d ',r r e m is c s k o w u a n t ih e G ra n d Trinlk otelb, Wlrlthy station, bega trW informs hi.i frienis arithtie traveling ptril iait bu Intel, fittedl rp tire lnouie nd md etrhirin firpr. cira tyle, nd b>' attention te the wvatç et tinrie Whro fsvpr* hi,,, with threir pritrolragnr tr*.njti te mret a cortinu-mca of tirir untons. je 'Partion tnrkirng the train and] lemai io- Il'onewiii have tlrem Weil taken cars 6< li tirir retrirrî. p ROF S S R -J_. PO0S T , er PIANO-FORTE, &o. RIESIIDENC.E, - Byron Street, (i &1"Ii o p ost* 0 r du ou m î .) Talnr.-Iiamritin0on Pino, $10. Tieen> et MuialiComposition, &o., 85. - :-Mn, Pilat cpa a gecursnl stck f, Mesea. oi-k, for stale, aund vrahéesa>eau rour ie Mnol frind. Witby, Mardi Q, 1870.9 W]IITBY, -ONT. A. XKASON, ---Proprietor. Tire abovebs been tioroglul rencvAte., And the pubJicviii llu.] erer>' amoem io andthe r bt attention. Apnil le, 187. 15 0WL always on hanI JOHIN WLED AOIrKP FOR TUE CELEBRATED, SCOTTISII -GRANITE., L:îrAt BIirbie IN oris cf ,ht)ATIA WoLFEj';D)Ei, Dimncnh-tft'.. Whitby. 17 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROCK 4T., WHIhTBY. rlrni y kilroriirIlotei. vi i i f i îî,îv fiti ri ill il nirpiorrr iarrrrcr, vwitiveri corîrerîr- er:ce fer cnle recetioorcfgniei ud tiietra- va-Iisie prublic. lg-. Bemit accomorndation, sud oupo-ior wre, hiqoorand mii. urari. Good Ste dlitg, '0i irini dyrrds, mi]at'rncOiei i n s n r r t i e î r r n n e . C h a r g e s M o d e r a te . B. M.-CALDWELL. iritbv, Jan. »14, 1968. 2-1>' F ~ Aill EI.Sn SAVE YOU1I OEY PLOUGH POINT 200 Per Cent in the Year! Vic urrdomrielc rcd teCati11tisa attenticn cf Fiiitatri ti-m r iveiie l'ateout ilonui; tPoint, tîy tire anme ofviricir frinrera Cari eff!ect a rirrrn 2C4) mer ceint 11-,itire )yarr Tise lucre- ril. pint oraly coisEs.5 c.rtai, vioeen th inoo- riirsr llorgnirimnriai m oitît art.acieaCosta 5() ceains. Oti0nire will lianit te Wear ont et leitilve ut tuje Moveahle Poulîs tChina cfeet- incr a navirag hittvrill ire suC inte apparent te .lave moneyo>'nirrud. use tinoMoveale STcvrrvhip ilicfltn fcr sala. an.] JA . TIIENNUMn JOHN -CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ONTARIO, YORK& PEEL. -0- r-0-RESIDENCE...J,<SSt Cn Markliam.-Pos: O*ice-IIniouvhlîa. SALES attende.] oiithtie sbortarst notice,auni on reonable noris. Tcrrumin .hocruade a i bille prnited atthre Chrouilte orne for Mr Carter. lM BRITISHI AMICAN A8SURANCK COMPANY Capital1,- .$400,O0. reabfaterme. .i ' 2-12m. Agent, Whithy.189 N OITUERIN 'flOTEL I W H-ITB3Y. ' iegher ,R. P. CLARK, -- -Proprietor,. (ILATE;OSpnIPEt E 5TT,) DUNDAS STREIET, WBJTBY, GEORGE ifoLSOINProprietti RI1E-submeriber bagne te announce1 .Lnnnsieia.d ti a bilding formeo]>y Il ariten otel, wieit'ir iabeen r e.], e urnahed.u lted nirip <bou1 tluabei&tofnrtyie. Tirepremmoaisu pi n aituaeo.] oposite tbt lPest olice, &là ceitrm'of t l e Town. thet stages for Uxb ri dge nsud Boarirsu the decrevry inr irg .fle rd l p GEORGE RO BE Wlnitby.Miav 8. - Froduce and'7Xommission' DVUNDAS STREE7I, WRI7BY (Y door Eriet cf tierePobsnri ouai.> L'engo, Criiniorm Itliepnlie Chat <bey irnie cou- eanti>' on Iran.] a superier qualit>' cf Fleour, Ont and Corn Menl; Cracked rbat, Granham F!onr, Oas,- Bran aud Shorts, And] rnvrirrig in tlie Peed Uine deiivered on tire alrotemat notice, via icm>'viiil] oll hesp forcish.- Srit and Plaster farr sale., :â' lhighacat rAce pain for:.n ii is TEETI! EXTR4CTEIJ îâY WITHO'UT PAIN, . BY TilE9USE OF' Olt TliI NEwi LO CAL ýAN.ESTHETIC AT DENTAL BOOMS, DUýIND.AS -STREE T 1WIIITIJY, C. W. ltOtlMS.-O ves M. ni.* coeirranes Store. 'aViltte>, Joua 20, 1887: 25 Queryl Wby msit tiret tirrhe] s upai*; niaifor pietures - AT CLAIRK'S GALe -J It le becanai ina bas tire beet Glm~ COui'tv, nsnd liais more patience with ohiUJren amean atiiy ether Artiat in thne Conity, sud eau do qoite as good werk as an>' other ma InSth W- Tirt's vinattie ratter, s atbe baekwarci about eominig forard.' -Witby, Nov. 12, 1807. 45 JOHN EOBINSONn's UnHir ressi-ng and Shaving W-$"t Sormn'il, Witby, Jan. LA P E:',/ E P J Z E f D er: UGFýTEtj, FI Tr, I,, il 7 e -1 Eiý ýý illiply Io-. whiti'v, Jitu..5. -- --- 1 ry, Toronto, Ont, wml-o -1 BRYAyýý - SI Lr E S T-A-B L 1 S 1-1 ED 2r--%ItOVINCIAL9