Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1870, p. 2

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3~Levi YarbonlsJr., Avetlou..r, 1>17. e-ha, ve etrl w fin Mmm .s4 ê. el;s Andio e Townetgene"à«u sofhAidatry, Thor, peu UlOd.1 BT« are ipolied "'il Ontrge sd1 £A 0-TION BADLF 4beWos t bide ua ilsre. T *EÀ' IvlTFrbans, jr. sactlosr', riiikh Md pfa.I -lofe hb.. rs, ~ stock, WhIm.hptsmens, U, on t IU 0hIs'se"syvi Wtàt~, M IOet., Lot Nd. S33. titcona." pr«Àmd tIry -sad Qei o&qfrmn1 IMby, property of g.irge Lawrence., , 6mB gniusî bis. aiSef .ai crmbes. borrorsMwof ail tts@ avorl têfthle i*,oldipàJin '-MZ -81;60 ENT A TEfiR îest Hw= vii uh.y salfer' ,I~ ~~iursdy ~ 2, fb"dau5'end exactileof tas, e làtol'Thusùyo PWIÙi 291187&14mtheir'povertjr,- turýddfr.7theol Latent War -News, detruction ? Wli the prusent obe reinIlatsc.6 bosoghtila sd ph 1&1004 tfrouatOi pr hO l'0oldeaton of thea, nceWsl> d>fà»tise ?"'le ste ia5 i. arm.ud ~WWru, sda u deqesuî 'Percepion of t *memalag --pon tihe ros e la ineaorulîy? Oau no uiitôte 'for'wva ,Wi the governamnt à6 .tpId1ý &Mabsmapropose.I 1 Aie' the ' istor7 of IUga«À». 230,000 voluaiterbieboom v.rld Jbas01413n Itile teson for one ,esowi l m4, , a iîo a.orniedr of 8.dso, ho pe.Yt -n ov -if noyer hefor-, mficnfIdpal vles to tise amenai et ,,4e 1h. Othir Pi6* cf Europie annet Mdêd'miHion." frsuca,'bave -W« -UB4o. t'Odsyrtlis 'm s~ t .r bis"i W. ?rO.hmnua condutis.ooing &ronud'of vu* msy bho,'apoa them-oaseul ~IemmInj lu' P iobsiooa'ovw-re. more thacsu opportanity voaW d'appesi Wle'~î7 b lelaîl.Th.re amre . hoprehut.d', forthé vhoWfd"faily of dMItry report. of battW . ontaide tise slîy, tioti ageolait upon aone ocamea bi UnhIoIFrenh ad Prassiana both-oli. -soue -eongrt, ýor bigis court of nat ~bforfeê târ thse sdjudioloef pot itioai snd luti Taire are no signe of sarrouifer of o«tlousb difflenlîi. e féar, how. Ohuboarg Ba Dssine repadisfes.hi SeR. t ss&log stai s Iewisati he i.e ulb10.sd vHl-ocly -Ola.y the ordure of vorl& 'witb a1[ bis pausions-sud-vic MI c Neperor or' 1the - Bmpress. - KIng sisc ---.bomp 4la altusive-Uîopiaa a.. WUfâla> ni. ad 10 mate thse enhry ýto tisai, me- hertofor., tise arblsrsmea of'1 a i,.patllmiary 10o11sU ,pess "oss. w0ud'1itk &,alt$tatrain Of vroqg*dil ovili-oiiery aud-crime je tiss >bse i WTky Latest-ffurrsasro -truîsleurg. muiti continn. te bc resorted' 10., If - "Internat lonai Wôkiugmeu ÂAsaoeisîi Srissroavg lreported fa bave 'sunn- Àà .aable of auy'good, tise crias is bs,'an dUede' 451 olcaesasd 12,000 mon, laid srrsved'ov th is oaly ad e«tricmph of-ý ïrn tiseir arme. remorces. NisreBroya k',1'ateroie u& en à a Ths euy'vaiue ofthtsasee super astis mov,, cf tissir cselbrstad , p - % fu'is oat'e Osa im".,Tise resper 1idasne ettise Johuston vas ecunv#eetibtise Citant>' D.' G. Wý. 1 s1W rak.r'#t vwiisisisu -mt .itIrfaiun. j', & Lojrk@,,là tise Omtsri6 fHall; t Uralleetonacetis tongisoat tho oouutry,.bigeVilîgc(nTi1 1 >, bd is su. %*0- maveri- idcf tise Cs>'ga-, r pt-ÃŽ,The (follovin< ffeSers verselected s tote-ofer twébaudreti 0f' wbiblh hve ~ Lre'~Peiaî k. t Ua ole.îissome. ISute i$O ivs &i sls<'ýrke s.Pteaiden ;,'eA.: tlIof lise bissaiWve'bave isietosesa, Qessk r~rr, autivee ffl «Y ld 'ta tise' vwiii heeqnsli'>" &olaiiou* w5re pssea,' pro«tié asaeastfil laobtaicissg prises, at tis'e <ý.pabio- iiseac etna 'g1U5, Provinicial tair 'as the> bure booa et, h.o lai qaartill4'xunder-tie aupices ils miner exhibitions everywhots 'olse. existing iocietieu, anti for-tise' establiai mevea ar mat. ofaititousudment of nsv>aocieties ina tiutsn:clocal. uei,ilbsemsîàspartucli ot'vol' tisa1and-ti h.' oliovfug tovnmhip* cou mitises verse sppoiated fQt ,cryJag et 'tiseame, PaiustALUSÂit. -Tsreagbosst tise EstWib>..Favel ;Dle MYc, agriculurai 'fafis are ever'. A. Eamterony.-.DMo saiir"' nt.r ui isatva>. ise' 15 Tevuship cf Wiitis.-Rer. A. Da, "oft ll'r u ren'tiseagricaltartlfaime son, 'im.'ifêren, Heur>' Dans>'. tkasiev ysars ge o' Tisaiuleolse Pickeisg.-S.. W.' fisstrard# F'. Wicl umsastertîl. mproemeus nlutise art of usB. Cliff. -llg'Ls laund 'sud brimgiag frein ita <Resci.-Jaa. Millet, Jan. Belfrti xwons tise cisoicesi sud Mso sefai Pro-.;,Wasoa. 4totioos Tise>' are alue deasoustrative of Uxuain. - Bev. J. Douglas, RorT' T b1ât rutsIlmprovemnkutktisbat iêtaken Cmpbiel, A. D. Weeks. lÈse'la inea" raising. 'Batoz.-F. Davis, Jas. Squeicis, Jas TuaGovasoa.smxss. amee"oqu fScOi'."-Rê. W. Hoggina, Rer. W PlRsaÂn.-His Excellesscy, it J'ohn Woadasus,,A.. W. Moore, Jas. Leuk, Dr 'Tlsng, hmbas om uraiseai to the 1Peerage, snts ulti tie tti.et stoi. iagt'~Tis e u meeting -oe-t' ise c9nventilca uTS. ~Â,Davdseus crdas Vaterwvusappoîitei ta e be hediu Uzbriaige, Do- car. ecibe r 2Zdp ai,10 o'clcaW,~. as ., %a su rgeoni, Wiitt-h.ftenitluciothai' Fzîtsmàz..-We &r1as ffctgi "oLuma Naxît eeS, ve shail b.essableai utat#Is taMr.aJohna C., McMali e n n *e publisis s listot tise lclie iieieloaeconssectetýivtstiNortern.Liglt vi. b.élasatisnasce periodiesiy.. ý cilice, sm hiseagagemuenitstitis tisaTorenta hvflduaus esubr iby eomd d,,adliterar, prosaul fuy ocDpy iss ime. - corns bre hgbt seoasmadei,.Wbitet regretîimig>tiselots cf bis services, mati lbusbis-'dijpomuu tomtiste Reyaloi. 'we causst et op vlisingisf as ever>' succes. b~ cf~eterary urgeous, EÇdiabugs. 'lu bis 'nev upisere ocf uanema..Wbess va PAO0@awa'.-M,. Ç'iaonbason tsa is a agroat part oethkie pa'sperity el ftoOQUM-'-lt' ilsn b Ou %is sectionof centry, aspecial>' tise open ligwsaLMe.. Alliam soolistOare, sue eci- ,uag pof tise MûtSalka Térrutory, is due to leut'photogr*pi'o ethtie reideace eofMr,. tise ceustaaîiy active part tisai Mr. -PcfuMa. Wiis Coebiaue , L.D. fa v#ry ieu boa take or-tton or tivee 'srm, i iaattui: taousud raBotmacharsli riting te lemdling offibialesand tise varions , ly,<t" "Lrelecé mchcreitpapems'tistougisaut tise Province, pess the en tise artiat, Mv, W le a vet> day "rat-resoaumce uai- wveaiiof ibs' aru c addlng, te bis.pro"uionai repafaticu as a-tise DôOinion .ve thlil, fan s esking pisotogmapisenud lise instance, Mwes,;ve oui>' echo ues ueiate h ofbuter. mutcls oui, eue ef mati>'visiis o o misquefrf.uis la Simoco, OnaiamVctra bu pintd - es u poofof Lg'lll ndVshep.1, thoefre, tisat heovii aov romp aly ploTb* t. sl rof of sa ablla ti o cavaraite.. me ricisi>' isesves, for bis misit'. Th aludîi rsaln l tse0 airgcurg.as edineus te oblige ail kmdlvath cf Mr, Wo.. Tîi. pria-&bleansd assds aimon s «m Te-Bta.nss..Teaders fer 1h. etos- 1fr. Mtellea,- fait a leng lime,.(prvfoae " 04 a . Catholis CheS a t Daffiu' taism onoiois vltbtsthetia lr. s5cM -*eà,-arvtWaedfor- . tehe rqem a N s orr.poaddssîoet tise Cuttee iu~t.8u4rdm naz. ~0e ansj: 101,sud voau msdd cart.stlcssy.tc dh&i Na~au..0a t*,-. e.'. ~h. <oued' inlo mg ias lmsariablj campable anti attentie, ql.uld oudUosaî M,. ssm~A ~<~1, sud. sivalm op te tise mark. gLIh&COtfftw.Guin.. Ott F. WI>.uaxs,-GensrsiSir xOh5T sa:E ro:aste..1fp.t0&we. i w.' W4iiatmi, be ro of Karou, ef~ssobaumon>'.tu an> Smo»4, idham apppluwé Goveruorof Gibrsatar. ud~ad rsf, sthr mof the sff tud Brovu.-meu. stcis . us. afIronie oblobbuIUaoalt imov 1W ssi. s o athar varlorifs , P.atf tis mprassoIbe#gep th uppi>', atralght dýgistdmmnb eoevseisfcrdeblit>', dsu ad. &Im ae t t hlg.ly rsosmmudet y. >' i haig ila lafoll@xw vin theo mcniii>', hpmee, toc preto" ld rou). suppltistviaie. nom 5 uuSi Z l oStnuS mlbuovu... ment s ud.sreti mauy olistoledmaiaee Uv. Jobs Saodesuabua r*eevoalarge, et &Il bludsviici h. it-ffog u g nuoei, T. E uum.-A Léondon telegrans bu;l mv Prise. Particnlar, stteatooas Onst euVîorl, yieldasg tepulc -~ sntienthu vrttts a latter et cou- p4[qbstg boss vorkaUt mendia5, doinnes te tise Emp=res ftise Fienobs: p t -LID DAU - tels vu he com petition »J ffl'7t bt5 DPp r0onaO the u . " y a@ tels !Y ' 5is 1 Ve V eenW la fer. f o "Brus.y Prisea"-8_ 5' la manner $sin'is tis bo (y, - hintrader wai vièbly '~embarrat nuiserfTb. gusser aveit e1 e êè ws ]e gosammýired; 'sud; iu bie confàsioup c, -tildt ftis bslng Eaa1gn thse lotis wbo escaped, bave nÈ~ie14r teasl r à y M>Iaforeign accent. ý-s aai'iSerg.assî Richards, of Brolia, ia T-oadoua. *Sf oue Tarcos took the Identmanat-:1 ý1ùd SergeatByrne, îZtis. It appears btisa s5isvY sqnsll 'atruck saad r thia js tise compéetition for tise Presidnti th ie ship. Bshe yieidod ;t o 41- fQroe;'snd 4"Are yen suré epta, .Brunet lunkai rsv ?rsq1 fsre~n' !ebd~ c BOOlI!cupsisei. .Otpt 'Bu" ~~ond etist n tise Tvonty> BrutY" kaw- Pfiz«ý of rdoklnj,-tise momrna. HO edered ii topsaili a $'Ijgiv'you my vord t fboorltif Un- oua0 b.utlfdllY B,4 fl.an4'i00 ha. waedbitBi 'but Tie7 ver. e gg g'ake sldrt vorl SouandOof amllutien î SBisign -Wils, o' b'Isa~ofastht om of thi e P btbsn - ltis, ais oairld off ex of thse irajilleurs, rg s at c it F«g ty ise cGrid offrr-à e deckv Poo 0 .full 'foreareedtissti oftew ad'acrii~g: se saili, gesturo, and laids r8t-f Ii te GandTrunk ai 4tvy Prizs. proused ber Iower sud 'Ilçw wvuer '-This 'gentleman la tunder ml iggle mtch; Prhrste 'Crockettç of Osava, auti ,ba tnrned 'completHr Dine ai yoar came, air. Peimiimse te1 ij, tod tiird,' wfntsifg s' rifle sud. 300 delvas hbutin aby. tise'.i se igbt tise see Tae'mie 'et .tish.' r foir rouanof i muciion, iser., being only Siepressing upun it. -b@ ise B iltis atet bOlI.oS prs. l tsi usiis ad'astie- Nus aynud veut devu' lise a sic' Tho Ivo rise dianer vws ended fa silence I- urselr fat.l orrorseinu tise'-cons n of is e et.ont. Tise olcer'took the aransof h. buStokes", iansteig'.of 14 prise vianeraCatan u àl -pntig nls ta ber cpy. 'pnsed "ltth :e Cîreet, drevbis th ýo1mprislng aso cf. tise'ouest siLota lInaand iing enly si.intea > i fet of voile- 1md re 1yviion avrd1 oha thse Dôîinioni, . Private Crookett, vag frets board su Captigsa Côtes 'desigaed makbivois.ra . risea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tit pgl oraas,-tada iiaonts N;oilt i ' egb 0 lorib e otis rrom' Ilydrophob bitj isf, au wiuainq suotiser rifle sud $10 lin Ge<os. 'Irocis re:s miony.~>Occf -ise Most horrible caues cf h>'r On tise retura cf Favre ou the Kingls pisobis ever reccrded ccnured ai Sangerti biag lu addition, lBasI'go Dillon, of Oshaws a 1 ao ,a mseeîîtliei aommittee Nev York, san Suday veek, visemi ,to carried offoa magaliiens suivr cap, pre. of defence vus beld. W ai Favre bâeti Wm. B. Wbiîtlk.r, sa ageti mairand i n us etdby. tise Lieateamitnt Gaveraor, toi reatiý Bismark's' pros'Ism in, Canerai respected citizen, ý Oied an sgenlzing de suls tisem eompeliter maklng tise second best Trochsu, lna£ fev concise tenOneslietifrom 'tise bite of e. rabid deg. - h appt Io n a g g re g t s u4 e o e , c a ud i a e o d e P i . fo r t ie r e j e c tion u in s ta n t s n 4 a c o n d tiu îo n l t s a i n e r s l s t i s . W s t k r, v *~- lacilu tie rpreelsaîio ssotof o f thse propesi iens wviicis $ escribedu vaisvsg titis a amati dog belosging - insuiîi the greHebtaisJ hot o NewMoses Krohn, cf- Saugertiesa""s abiti ,Bruniowick,, az.d beatiog,., by, one point, - 6q dareti te con&lmu a Isipees. conabt juest beiov theiseulou the forefluger oft sis, Mr- Adatus, n esiebratectsisot fronà Nev botis a a citizen snd eoldie.'No ua ba's left baud. Tise dog sisowetino sytupti cell arnvu. rigbt te recommend saieiSe te a nation> of hydrophsobie, aud uetlsing vus tison tand Ou theo violef, oar- enrissen rrom tisia an, ymorsetissu te a mosa; bat France-s in f it attise tiue, tise wosnd eonuibeali ne snce eergency. The capitall it able te Wlitakratsig suul ebdb ,h -e tyis nec e l S edy ud cusentopn os , ad h ise fe f tiecapisal tise nes. L.st Frida>' week W bisalser coc ingboirnocs». iese; ad ' onsientousdepàrtmente will tisée. Tise iinior i. tast piairied cf pain in bis lofe rfir andi siseude wil practice isu naisled tisee te occupy tise 'spproacbing, snd tise semies ofthie iniader, ià Sept grewissg verse cvery isomr* nuttt tise respecisble- positioni tiseybave taire», ta alresdy isarrassed and sufféig, viilistea Frid teeuniiebea e aidZ Af ion tbee ansd otisor matches, sud vs- trust hoexeposed te thse greateat vaut sûand miser. tise days sud titr nights cf tre et les. Prom ail parts cf tise country tise R., o et siff'ririgs tisais, camase e bis relief. lov vi serre ut sulucentive-to 5till-gret- public is varmi>' *udoeeianid seoepted. A mentis orse aftt r tise biting cf Wi î:11. erBUfcceuues. 'Nev armies are furming on tise Loir. and lier s Uitile girl, dsn.,iter OF Moses Krot aIlis 34b Battalinen itishe late ýai Lycus, AUl liese brave Froeb~men, vas alse bitten by 'tieseaine ca-r, TJ composition, have voni prizez amonntiag seamierinin b rma fer tise tefence of tise littlegîr as Yet buas 8sieVU ne signa cf b 'l' vaue~o- 259 Aver fat popotinamision, veuld dizown ont actionvote vetoe droplJebia, and as nitrate cf osvir vas ,î t, $29. Àveryfairproprtio 'humiliat. France by, sncb a aurreutier cf once îpliid te tise ouud, au berm asi "'Of'oaetsttluouetabu ber rigis, ber touer, sud berdearesfa centrmi.Tastctabnimr ri Ma>' tise, contitue' in tise me course i tereas Pruusanev ded."id&' or u. te make evrr>onee disubi>' carefut in the Wa l imi iniTise great chies ofViFrancoi 6vd net ebide dealisage witis cauine,,s tise>' fuily demo ,WarThretene boweenIttuia hd by car capitulation. Tào\àtýia'of th strate tistasdog ueed net neceuaarfly1 ras-key. cruel ver, mede a ver cf neî, jt5?b>' tise tat5id for bis bite te ceuse diatis. DAGBOS'NDAARIN O " implacsble i'nvsderos, viii resst4 the iman. 0jý DANEROS'AD sSeMNG OM sb8 d delevate tise spirit na Frencis ' rrotected'toc Malch. 'PLICATIONS APPREIIENDED. people. b" propose tisai êeoeitte un nm asîrje tt."'.'- cie i Tise Ilut statemeaat oftise Unitedi Statc Lodoi Spt.24- iEoZglla isslli-, b>'Ceuni von Bgoe ofee.di. Geverment, sisoving ,a reduciben 1Of'169 îm~'sta ai Cossiaisiopr Jae lapacisd ~ Tisese remàthe vire veiseaseitly applmad. 542,100 fa tise public 'debt, tisroesb message te t4 eForteign Offie,,inu repi> tae et. and tise terme ef Prasfsia uuimouaîy pretecîf se polie>ofethtie Adminitramea c V8urgent telagrass'trcm Esrb Graurille. i rejected. Since tise repiy cf Favre fur tise tise de>'. la thug comméuted ou b>'tise Nei go saanneunceti' trs Vienna, tisai Austria G'>vetnmest rescseti Bsmarîk at Meaux, YTok,rSEpiregs':- « of uas conseuted -tetise formation cf a ha bas bien obvionaly idistnrbed fa mind. Tise reduciion cf debi by tise ieasiet pevertalHi usaencamp b Bemsabia anti Tise Prussien flasiassay hisro iegins te sort et taxes upesntise people, ifs order t lanotcher ou tise polist frentier, and t is sepeak cf preposing's Cougresi cf Enropesu t555e' thra veine cf preperito tuisicis ih n. bèlluved," tistsai m - nvtisu cemuent pro- 'powers te gnaroatee tise luiliment is> peple are in debt, bas beea tise great cas ficaies 'tise open avevrai cf un Asstte' Franceoetfvisatever terarms etfaca ray h ofthtie Gîrant-Bontsiil naacinl administra. 04 ssogau alliance fer ceaniined action. inllusieuzgeted sud adopted4 1'i'bis change sien. Tis la new thse ieaviezi taxei It i f underatocti tisaitishe Czar ceugrit. cf;tene excites mach ramxr'shere, but nauceuntry' on earthl, andth ie people bore Ps, of tulatedthie Ki'ng cf [tel> on tise peacetul one ansicipate, tisai n favonrifale receptien nseore fer geverssmeîtiathan>ri people e; occupation'- et Reine'. Tis toue et Bis. ailI ho uxtendect te su>' ech plan as sart, excepitishe Tusrks et Persians -ai'. w- marek's circulai i.a cousidereti besitusin- preseunt. 'ait ibis tee, lu time oftpesce. Tise Grant. sud aimait déprecaîery, sudh it i belfeveti-..--- Boutveil admninistratieon cf tise financei k bat ev'cemplicatioaa oU~ a meut sericns flKacllabeîs Facing boals- »'bas aies eeu deine ailtfi-an te bide usc cisatactor menace tise esisting equilibritim- taxation h bas beau onuecessarlyi>fullici- r. et Enrepean povers.. TEACUI55O zîos AND Pic -'TH£ U£-in- upon tise people ; sud visai vapay ir Tise Buglisis anîberities arae ehibiting g5.lu 5LS LTi taxes bas net gnn, isalfte support tus exiranrdiuary activit>' in torwsrding muni- Coveraient, visile nver bal( her gene tc tiens cf ver te Malta anti Gi braittîr' AFrcieE wseapeteei- psy mise beunties, et te crestt) sud auppori Advices froas Censtantineple sa'tisai a giumt writs monopolisa, taexeait capital snd capitaliets, rebeliion breke ont ut PrikaliinlaTbessaiiy,, Te relate visai Maclladstistn if tim a- kit. 0f thse double prices've psy on iroi belfevedt i e encenrageti hy tise Ruiiaa posai bi-steel, fite. maltit- metai, ex. sud steel, ail tise manufactures therofr Goverument. It fa feered tisai ail Alba. pleaive batil,, sud 1 dent'î mevwbat Oui>' eue-hait go te tise (}verumnt ; the nia viii aon ein aarma. etbr infernal mixturee Ise Prussians cuber haiftateiroumuengers, pssenti.rigbs 'Tise Ruggieri fluets fn aîsBlacki sud tisera matie'use et for tise irai time, sp- steel meusopoliets, &ct. Tise increeseti, if lia us are ruportedta thoLenster @aitl- peareti te attest air ce torebcnnd frein net double, prices vo pa>' fecor aubI&es, -ing arders. bisu liSe hall freins areof. lie vent' te aur carpet, caur bats, cur sisees, go net ta It ia nndcrsteod tisaitishe Kisedive fa fa tise front aeeking tieatisý 'Itreo me, my Goverumetit, Lut tu tise fqvvise are "pro. ,fulli acerd vustiste Ruasifan ant i alifa friands,' i said' te us ail, iqho seugisu ta tecteti tram cempuling lun tieir productiona" e Govrmaments, andt tis tise htalian fiset ia prevant bim frein gefng torWard. 'luet Ob>' extrefxso tariS' législatien creatçd fer oabout ftsit for Alexandria. asow tisoq Kinge, tisoso 'Princes-, 'vise tisem, lono. We taise annuatl, four fin ýt Rtsssia la mevfng largoebbodies ef troepe bide buiiatibir masses ei man, tisaï;s druti millitons pet annaof taxes for tise ointô Pelantij Tisere ie ne lenger an>' muraiao f France kuos ova a e lû, qGoernint. Wo really psy six isundreti -doulisit isaiRais basmatievisat sncunlsansd, then besten, bey te PiAnd fha millioni, or more, et ebicis tise Gavera- q'te a positive troit>'e. She viii net permit amiieti upen uss a sti ami ich matie oient guis bustofur isandruti millions. To as tise-territorial aggrsutiizemeut et Gursuen>. us veep sud redoublet e i, dest>. sf s alta9e uur sTise "iole bcdy' cf tise igber oeicers cf miserable i We kilt, vwk acre, and m ins aM4irey Miciigan sud Wi3contiu, ft tiese aia marine artiier>', bas beLau tise iving appear ta âpri f tsm tise we pa>'lu tise nen'latberpteducing States i. ortiereti te Ct-onsiadi Tise engiuesswis deat i, vsics e sep san u us. -WVe oea sird addiaional priece -fer tise materiai t isati aken seruvic is tise Odes&aS'esn cliiobed as uttle meuintain of adi bodies c'O essesatiai fer ceut-bouses, eut abipa. eut *N'avigation Company' have bean recailedta te tisa ae saigis reke o i o n4thetiafntes,,corrstulls, eut furniture, anti eus si tise Baltic. A camp, of ttc Isundredtisociser>' migisi las%. fr17sa e broken votien rwork of tilI kindse Tisis Granit-' t tisoussnd messisam been ortieed t e ho sud reeking, feilt rocms-cy ha wsviea 1 l3outtell fîstemeni cf a retiactien cf tise e formei en tise frontier cf Polaudti teards 1sas ' vi:sî maanes v adatgotedenlt ebt thuis caeues tse tct.Tiatfo gla, sud cocota opnpubt citidren, pee ssua ts iedl'a biuw nurr4ostenie, fat aurpassing. manyrotisirs (Sigiet.> REMIUX, corv I is projertu tec t aderers si et consitierisbie r3pute, aol veol ! nî 01418 BIZOIX, a"Oet n'oulteost A.féien'sud tise cemfideuce ottis. proteamion gettgraîll> peuliCEON." irack'hb>' -bybloodhonaate. are scei>' A. ILCHANDLER, M. 1D; Touslareperteti te baie aarrendered. ' Plouc Prôceedýiugm. ' MÀaiuessasit Pie ettpecially isurtified vison bîticis, fsîouô ' aH. k.JACOB%,K.. D. t Favr, BelLzsta..xiosturx i Cisszeo. ves ossudetiin tishetitLh,' vibiscattise Mosetosa N; B;, Ntiretmber elg 88. ,ýrV5^-A baller fa tise ateam a sisieifâc- aacomPan'itrnucff Bamonsud,bradi - Prlce *1-'- s.but.;6 a$70 »t9Y-09 Bf1.i. W. Csmpbell, s Csneiejtou, ysoksre4dy .Cul A lnaîsusl Un'gàsam Sne,@ Qenu Victoria took bar place -01 ' vi3isuie agsiambntte0là ansmdGbcrge Arery,,and «serei>' njnrlag the Engilis ibre, tirtt>-thtu year. egoj îv. etiser.. Oea,. cithe latté, vms tis. evetf ocimtiaoue, front. tiseleu&itatuIso e IIHevAT Lr"'-"Apiciors ia tise Preprbeîcr, vhis la sa d os rjéi 1 re ens. ~alstm, 1uachangeai eceupsats. oie;rpeeat oar ln sud the otber san»a.nie4W. j. Jobs- Isle art cf book4ec r 3u~ loiiep ePruai oses. "ut e a las" st o~ be ua&n"m0 i * lndtlesseofi&ùtc i-an "IètsLlaavo ua etolutb119 v r >' su p er sr ' q eait ir tb is " >ea r; Th e mrkt OPneda t 63é'teday, sd lie prît-es' hatidescendeti to 60c,; ai -o'ciock ~ifraaaI~iset........... 1 flre'................ Mea.................... 400.s )u ................... , ....u.................5 . 8 bbîîypa.et................. @ î Buttere........ ......n Butte.....;............. 100. gg.................0 Cltiiekensi........ . Daeie................4e t. NEW ADVERTISÉM~ENTS.- A VAUABL FAiil 1it ALEF Ya thse Township o1 Wlltby. B101n11, 5 Aecsofatie Nortlsh ait ot Loi No. l1ýin tue Ord outioehs*.oil, and le' about lu~ iu5efrai, Mie Tutti (,f Wîsitay. bu le ai eatoîel, adeUt ifdergudiitetis Te projaerty wtuiLa salc onsVryrenaossebie. LtUand le vertiytlio iiiteljtioli f u0<ur àon aesiring a goni tersas. Apliy tu- DAVID 8. Ddt". Wliitb7, Sept. 23, 1870. 3 FARMFOL AL. Thui Wea iit tof'let 33, 6t01 Coa]. Whitb>', ceiaaJiiL00'aete, liter., slesA'kuovxia as 1lue tutus evei b 'tisa laie WSl'ylla ii iîn. t isera he s01 hue pttce a guet crefard, a lrge .;tess 11OUSe, Ji guat Base stiandStaelalvi utu 9-00d sce. bFur Ni iîler parîieularo a eî,ta-' JOHN B0f&t, linsle, S e p t . 2 , 1 8 7 0 . i f ri M(IN EY 'o. IE ND BM anrot p)reptire(jti L let uduv moulut et feasoit 0)tàu securit>' ut tooi uris onruro tactelO tOII 'a'oPeriY, tUt*'lis bavant paorsle raie cfuters, sX..ma. AMIau l er te ksuit h.ruwanu. liiieip.u a sl rpi.h ui $eveumai va-i ctttitaJ.e'lstms' suitLots at wiu, Leadifor sale cluetp. Iiv aiaeui mae.lue Debeuturas, Merugagea' end otîser Secui'ities.r Silveiautsd Geneka ânit ltidl Fur fartir panticalîsr. .pl yî4 JAIMES HOLDEN, Oici Amsigi-e, »oeey Broker,&v <SFICEl-Melilf lais s t>tcc, Brocbk triet, I . - - u n u e 5 r i 18 7 () .5 YVSTERS! 0 Y S T E R S! I DYSTERS!! WARRANIED FRESIL,- ICEPT IN îCLE, e>'. eadmo5a55flf55Q55, oeu are1ibe. thuesaie 11-Ccinmeslranzonthe Peuti Ride ef Freont 9sîret, s lit JOnefictinwitio .Johsn srea ; ten NonS 749 Etàt, alunas, Front Street, 0ena chaii 0Z < 'liic ; ithuonSoishýparalillvitf Johln mtreet, te thse Creek ; tSar. Wnet, tuk)itlg il,. 'viisdiiie etsaisi <Jîeslk taJohssitreetteaematd, thoasNorthilsoisg tisa Kant sAhi. ci jetoh aittet 160 West, te tise ilaet begiuons. (Coutelu. lirhbatfan acte cf laîst, lmoteaot les,. This psaparsy la mtlîate ai l'un' Wlhilby, tn tIse Tovwn t of ltLby, andud lekueaas tise Carroil petvmai' The piitci'seerý,iateto i e 'tendors et their Solieitor, ai ite lune ot mâie. a dapaait of tais pet ceutil uathe patelione ase>', andth ie balatncelas leur tee rein utise ta>' cfasle. * lu tiser reiettthe conditions et aile are lime stat'dtg condiiboetti Couri t tiCan- cerye .Furtser particaierâanad coa.iitinas etfsais mssybe huafl J. Ibtrier Grecnwoedoc, anti <J Antojirsai et ts narielMatrc Dated, 25'Septemirèr, 1970. 8 titi m eunis, orthe oseleribatr,' Lot Nt). 1, Lis r«. of Pickerinag, a WHIITE STA(-eîl aatass plane ten eut of tise- n- leusi te tise rscaeery-oatie ittîlînal vili ,be r.-, vardeit; sait parties are cuîtied egdiat ro- teuiiiliîgglitis !i tliti ir eeisasfta-r tbls Pickering, Sept. 1-1, 1876. 5 ,GENTLEKAN's JOURNAL, FOR SEP.TCE31lrERVt FRAK LSLIESLA'DYS É!ý D gErliR T 8 TU E E T' MilSI1 c Tâe. fa-k the Riutir, dean Jansie, Du, you rculiy tfuiîîk lh difi, Ybus gui lyou bat! ,ÀJhI'OOL BOOKS! CHOOL OOS! .AT Tsar Z, -mO5 n tlîMTOlIeNT 0 corcexs~in the, litkr 3,U 'ru' s Of tha 17nwn of Wit!,1. 1870 N b. r , O N 'T U E C O R N E R .- ac1re , uisre l, g csaafu il.iw., C T" là Spt. 9. S70.- 2. auss iipeu' t 1maIter - Sept28.i7e. In ltheds teî IRST AR] tut55. J 2. . A. DAVIDSON, V. S.,., opartieriters, epuly t)thue proprieta,non J F r th pet'ieïi Yt tse court lions., liy tf L I 0E N 7"IA TÉ. itoua10e. as . uni554 p.i hty jt§-e da P. TAYLOR. ba usruivd Roayal Collage Vtriuuery Surger, Sept. 20. 8 P. ss English and Oani Eu.ucurfuass. lAYPD.-Str;viuctrn Vie Seitbi>. Cff0Ca.1 Aieznnderlliq Ontario Keter, Wisitbl,.- S-'ruiusg ther fa c fGo MGliay utbéfor i'FiItuer wli ______________Eq, " f uTowis et tVliîbbufe"i st.s iiake up iiîle Latestat' r Sept. 2, 187 0. 3. tic 0 0.1iapsiuer'itt Tw u Sinres, stuc the -ivest rate, salia> liseý ri )-cs>ars, ofd, over 16 saaîudauuIigui, A ulsicu c 'NOTICE af.'aEI'uJT'Jee. eudthfe osiier a seral itea, lice yeanm aItd; ic -lot ue>'Sh cjattont.' 168 SeuilslstLii Wiiovur vil eiiaurn DeniiasStreet-, -o- tiuhes'ee, or gisee su hiîatornaîil sasill huai Angast94, 1870. le paensuc -~ 2 Se~to tisait' recovtr>- ut thue ian..Office Of Johin I uenc f Statisia 29,'Çue, Cp. 9 oe , lle el)e-d 27, f'tube s fierais>'giveuiiîata a wr intCi tsiw~d utue tutu of- WuîtLy, r 4) BE- L E 2. Undailoter perse-sa iavilig aîy' tot il Lc autaby remret.-1 or elciauapeul ut ft'ucting tisae' JOhIN M S.-o- GE R Ee cfitt MITt, biîty, Sept 14, 187CZ ' 87 Aotoair ddAt 5111co. is cf GEOatRoGf E . StîMîtiip f TME AND LABOPH SAVEj). ' ubdcii lika Lîczeiii. Luisîner, dtazs- ' a et, Whto ail itise N1 0~>l semi dif etTRE OSCILATING- mari Agut 5, iie 11370.<31 Arcrelsray-riquireui tn ewlciii 1aticenr1s.'et TIASRIOAc'111NE ctiehlunaisJi5iN KEi" titî;ltN -. ju.saursE A l t e ners iirsetitirurO gthee anî stt Stio i t'~~ aute ant affct', (te avlotn lattera- a 'atlu.P' A T E N A N ta>' et Aisga4u, A. 1J,, 5ï70) or te me, the un- Wl LL IA M MATHEW Nis ermgeuog d lari c ii , il u ir S o l i ei to r, o ui B y r o n a r e t . ' i f N 'hnstadiatey South.(Of theI l't (OfIce, is.ie ' <>.BROOKLIÀ, 05. eotà aisiivu nîer Atc o v e f W i It y , ao o r b it r e t ri e S~ e a s a n si i FIRST' DAY (.,P-NOVE31 DER. 1870,baisuaeue.vn uete eoasipete WBk is g9' nîIe e 1 A te xpirteinaof'vWhieis iime thisii Ail. orall>' uas tue> 'yusame. -Tse Macainamua0-na miuuâitnsawiii proeedalte tusit'lLnte the h bs ieen1ia'ear0Xlty iciadtidmd y uery laitoe passent Al thee Jf5tcilliotcisAndtutl idieg farinerai ln tie eti, ir,e inie 4%( the tes-te iuc iit ,tisa tueiluhoitanouitlis RO£E.MAIYg WOIBX trato i iXh A l t î h a ve iid 'il ti ce u d fi e ' rcl ie to e d iih stt A .tr iJ %ti l a tinf >' R r À es- . & U o e s i a t.e uill A'iinliaatraors yul tct e liatsi. or-tue n>'prciVt i tcit ast>. eseta mtac tti,ed-te stay pe"sror vmose CeQuyRni'liisansd Mahebisufis, aie, ' GE>.O t an catim einthes elilo tihave tait znoticaiPYt'WU MTiWiN a tse tire otnclu titributidfit. Ap> e M AWWi J . I A M E R I G E E > W O l B r k i l , S p t . 1 4 j 1 8 7 e B o k l t O i( 5 p a Solicitor lotihe A bminit tomu5 p A P.~ . fi A 11 P H T 01G . D ate t ib s S t t nq eA ugu t,4 - 87 4 5 P seles011it tue Asita ttil itaein,, ucesse- 'tai i i-t as cenlsd tise lurgosi ansj quetco off vîscatie dtltii,uu iiLa b t- hu t *ck oet-Pape.- LLsnig*e.-~ lkf~tit f poed tiilloi t N;eirnae, 17(npt.oiw~ l en, il r e, ic -~ V Y Adsaîn1asatera ho' o Le fr la le, d' Iov, tso sis 'Dttai, at exquis f O L ' N T A Dirt 01? I1869-- P a !i nasu, rainn .a , Gîezmg, i' e 'iarp inlAJIdtroTHJ.S.an sd Puper ilisa iug, eZSluttel basa vork !JàVIng oefot PlTff4B-.-WALTRmanfil lilexpti ue maner, au nou, lxhi g f 14 h aua Insasli#iil -. AceWI btras botter thon a 015JTito De epwhitt n3attri.keuands'lsoss'.a 1 . t i e n i e r s l < oir , S i l a r , l M j 4 n , o t't i a s h i ya, % U L O , O P Wa18 7 0 . Village 0aI ri'lu, itise uni>'0 eft Jtictc -4 ' S7*ÂsAl* swvla pbtcgritsg i s in ue s jop o in te i A s ig n e alo t u n smo t er. -b nv iü , u -lin e L ad gl W C n s i t o r s r e r q i u e s t e s i t 1 1 0I e t h e r , c a m ei Lfs O N E T T f > - L o " - - . f l u p t . , i n a s s u m , V é r y Ï b i s o fl r e M s . v îi h e ee1 1 1 1 i s3 0 . am a ' o 4 . c l p p t r i . é i l EDWAHP IIAJQJI, UDiPtOPoyrel. 'r.' WtblaSea Io very. aqé Dutiss ut rlia at1ild 2 et 1 1870-28 4Y i, 8z~so. 2- - 5il 1 25t' lm_'p TÈe auelu e id WESTERN ÂSSURANR i 0 TO ONTO, And 0i l si<Ltà affect hIssu;ranlees i bavsug propesray to sblp'fomas hiapýort. C. DRAP] Wlilby, Aptîl 5,1i870, EI'0U'S ES T(T'R E NeT-- Tvaneuin lcsat etlt WËisby', match 16, 1870.' i J PORTANT TO ?F'A'RuS; Tise untieriguet i k0pu costasstly oit baud, 'Y A RIKM I N G M L M Ç JOHNSTON Ep .tg, gajnn io'Meer, ait uiz.eUtuctwr« à~ asronti Il.'l Aise avenv uni 'venseta cf iP1ovat R ment i 1, OÃ"uiava, Whitliy. anti Damnion lftem Mr, Jas. Wsltker, Amlsirssrah4 iantsDà 'Plaira; Cattivatoa.p, Siraveusters. Mmnir Mil.Resti Resners, Iorte ines', ansit Weuaru,.Suflar, e. nualso f leojf1 ý double &sais, aeV g TtI RN IP"-DRLL, miaeefactara,îl by MlIants. MÂArtfiur,.& eroo, Ailimn, aise onie ltaitthe RichmndntiBll, hiftlaV, O<Jatasiande Dousiinli-i Point#, Landi- adas, moasit.bor'aia. Fla i tidies, &c. Repairé eapi<ez Fusea<fersnlse Btalmend EBll Reapers eut Mowsra. i, A14a Aint for îLe Outuribo l'rmmsera ueI- iheusrence Compau>'< b'flease te cr11 est examine as>'stclbefeas -OUcsain iaret. ounasis con. Plickemiir, ~A.,mijus ea.g f Btoklin, ouit-sabail mue saiet Gieuvced Attea, P P¶ALL f& RIVA$ - gusorr' ladian Tweeds à 7ER3ys.> ich lu.fl% prepered >, '1 of fesiiu, anti"at biri, ailIyoi, ecfesp, - Whuiby. 'rie ot'Land ,be1ng- Fo 1r partiaubua- IL IOWELL4 LND DURABLE' s SiO E.. for I.tis- ad OMlib xi P ' 'I', 1

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