sud lnaa 88, 'Whitly, Sept. 16. ~Licensee4Auctitimeer, tor SOUTHI ONTARIO. Eenee-No. 1Toiisetfu 05theo Scagcg Ait <di eft Wn t Iioreiidcenoe. or .8tish CnhOXIOLN 0Ufl O Whity, Wîîî is.prOmptîy mI.nded te. Whiutlse$pt. 10, 18700 lm80 NEARJC TW.AIq. GENTLEMANS <3QUNAL, PoRl S(EPT5EMB;ER. PR'AMi X LSLIE'S LPLDY1'S. MIY, D m lii - FOR OCTOBRÊR. Tà esbock thse Ringr, dear .iatnê, Do 7eu roeily tiik 1, dld, You gît i yoa bot S82JLOLi3OOKllS/CHOOLBOOK8I Ar Tifs F AXT EU Ts itse 2nds çoneemissn of Iioier- lssg, (FrotsssRlod,) 4 miles acres, ceared, gcood btisldlssgoi su4 ptôosty aitwsser itie <oc Pot artleoUiMu, epply totheo proprletor, on tihe premnisea, or aitlise Court Ilies.WbAithy, frosi 10 a. nm. sntll 4 p.ssl. Sept. 20, 1870. 8 S TRAYItl.-Strsv esT grosi tisù pt-ttreaid,. 0joilig th is sdussco cf a0o. me-0iii4ysry Bsq., ut ise TOwiof Wsiishy, or) Sstirdà y, thse lOtis iiptesmhà , biîst., TWO Mares, osie *beysssArossiryerecii, Uvqr fr iidsîsihsglis, ossdi t letsasor sret mitroe. ey s oid, aboui, 14lisasiisIigs Wserwil ré the. ismet orgive suelsiInformation 0iiiwill bai te tisoir riiovery nt lise lw ibon orlac -Jeuns Ilasisr (*rousswcssd, lu tise town 01 Wlitby, .wià bo .sitssably rowsrdod. Wilth)y, Sept- 14, 1870. 8 PORT PERRY, ONT, ItA>2E THOMPSON, PzeorseETÃ". lhsisseriller wisiss ts I nfsrssstise con- l" nis, utlit ptisis ithoie raîsw <po eut£ise imUbue jsýèeo ise . îrapaclesl irstise good« aosssosstioss une euy su tisa Cessty. Sept. 15, 1870. 7 . CKLrÂTîN TO 'AILIAMENT. Notiee ilaiserebï gsves inut appiation- s'iil bes sndo b y tise J.routo, Susîcooanasd Mssskekî Joncsstion nitlwny Compansy t e iiseleslistssre -of Ontario, et I* 5541t tesssofl for lin Act to snsendtise Act IncrserorstIug tisa sssid Com- pany,ssandite- xteoid thse psswori cosferred upon thoMWCopan. . . EDGAR, solicitor for Applicli. Toronto, Sept., 1870i. loiss.87 T M AND LAISORli lAV) WASLIING MACINE, PATENT>ED buFu BR.Op J.LL , sT. TisepAtenles oisllanges assy otiser Wîsilingi Meilnoe Dow inniiete CosmpeoagDi ion , fer asiyersitisey'miy înome, VTis acihine )m .bien thor'onhiy tuotasi, asdssesl iy etriy tiip Ud ty, wbo pronosuce 18 th istt 51w lu 1111.j wi~llwn*i from a inila ocket-lsîsi4 &Dy poft s i i mnrte. Cossuty RIgisti andlMsahinesef3r gaie,> .Lppiy te. L ATHEWiIOU. Prookdil, Ont. &ro*lnep8. 14, 1870. 8 Th u #siis op t Worodthe publia :tW lie bas on band thse arget ied - ir l &Uoft h, oi u 'i r ilé, im low, for oeuhi. ~ g, puce lu lsA work AGýx*toéMafifer, Ual.a. A. ~ C. WILSON, ap11870. 't sssiy. - MACDONELV 28 TWo Dweilissg Houe à te Taesi stisa Tcw~ or Wliltby. For pirliiars apply 80 ,WJsItiy, Miorcii16, 1870.JONIAE. JMPOUTANT Tc,).F AÎý ME%. Thse isiser8igssrsi i<oscosstsntly on lisans PAI IN G IMPLEMENTS,1'osf tise, .YOHNIeTOr< SEL-R.AKJ, #oods'e Self lRelse, oiiio Crsmsisissd, nmïi Cayssù gîtJuntirMower, cli sîensd tlsi miond itt d Ot ltic alstsnVary igrest vssiety of ii'wx, Iîs iroint 5r. jas. Wl utby, ssnd Dmisi an Mli;HOadSiucretre, iîtrse lices. isîssl wWer,, ficuflleri, &e, îîsdaulise le cebrîtçd TUIINiI>DRILL, manufietssred iy Messqie. MeAstiTssr & lIsrsn,- Agisbsrnsi eo ou haîsi th tisallcssssits)d 11111, ,wisi 041asandDosiiiess PlInDte, Leand- 'Kid-,ýL id-IlOi Pi.slw lissdies, &o. Repais.. 0)aislid'fsr tih eissssossuld 111il léie iid sossdliowers. Ail§o Agenst for the Onstsrio Fermera' Ysutuai, TtsurassaeCcmpKny,.1 plue stu lana examine my ssas'1> befeore pusyisssssiisg -lewisorc, ui sI i len 'ickeri.sF, 4 sîsies éet cf1Irooklitr, otss-asià -abhut mile enasoi Greesiwoed. tdire,- ALFI MCKE KinsaialP. O. 81, lt70. 8 RMAJLL THe WLAIK STRWNG .,~9A9l2N.-,i l sinebU thse nama (x or"l'eren, trk blowsslu th@tisa r gilsu. I t ion fteea. Jir. Dir nexss. 1'rop tq, ausyfi. New Tortk. ce yaUugltu. G ENTLEIdÉN'8 FÂLL SUITS. J. Fmi 'ee e Jrgu sto* n English and Canadian Tweeds (CHOICB' -PA frBRyAgl slitablc for Flliwqsr, wisichie slimiprepssrcd to snssksu spîisi ie' iu-tsot yle oftsiieis, srd îut tise Li'wst r.stss,, A. eUhOîe lot of faucy shirt.., Ssii woI, clscsp. fondas Street, * lhîtby. Atsgst 24, 1870- 4isi 84 -o- About One lliussrsl Acrelq cf Lansisi, bsig pertet of Souths %<(,f Loti No. 15 AsdIf;i15, Rt is i 'cker'ssg-WImii wuteresi, good dweciiissg. For partizzuissr aisisily te- il.Ino W E-lA, Wsssvsy. A ugint 30, 1870.,8 L UMIIEX i Tise ussdarsigsad lione on biaud, et MEAD'S MILL, NEAIt ASIIBuRni A large quîsstity cf Lususer, wisicls ha F 01-1 S ALIa AT TUSi5 ILOWEST MAR'IÇET IATES, 'g" Billh Lusubar of ail kinssawss ou tisa ablirtest notice. A. B. CAMPBELL, flrookliu P. O llrooltlisi, June 17th, 1870. 26, FA UM g-:u AL E i Tisst splessdid Firm, OX THE TOWN-LINE. Belng "eompof thie .Sentis iiiOaorte 0. Lot"No.1 la-ithse 2'ssi concemoIon or Pickeerisng, onthtie Klssgstosx rossd, 1 mile West rouitise Town of Wusîby, lis aditicsi te tise propont bulidis«si, tisera le lin course cfornmtion, à se piaiîdld Foedlng lieuse, entier $tory ail aKtone. Thse e'ove Farm le noted aâ.oue et tise-beat 'firme lus tise Centy. Posseseisssi givan mmedhstely, is tise owner ia retsrlssg frosu Ssrssing. Appiy te tse owner, on tise sresshiseo. > WM.. GLENNEY. WhitbyAng 10, 1870. . 1 8 -Tue suderaigrued lhas à eepted i3th e rine Agesscy cf thse WE8TEMN ASSURANCR 00, Or TOBONTO, Ad wil1 b. ow toe offet Iaassrasiae ail 1 Iseving property to iiip frcm tiiport. .o C. DRAPER.. il ie o os i s.ïtYenë 'Tuesday October l8th, 1870. At tisa haur cf 12 oeieekcl, imco r 0f iiaail CeOreusirs, Jsssssioas cf tisa aea. a nsijili aýtisera 00enssrrieswiii t sk,,sisotica andi gc'ern .- thaii- Wiitbyl Sept. 74. .18 'wsEÃaFioti sfoiesuMlsseoss s siuee 'at oiss's(,f~ si ri ia b ,ss ss t isS e tsss, t i-t ho ",ne f h,r5.t]3 . tbi wj 'L il 1 k . ., THE- GAZETTE. Thea snsicreignesl, fsrmas-iy psulibisarg cf tisa Iniitoss Spesrtst, lsaviîss,<remavesi te Mostlraci, ansi lsensssiaPropriotera cf Sit, (JeZMv, htsve grastiy essargzed slissi therwiaat imsproved it,-it beisg rnw pritsst'slons ssw type fscm tise Ftsusdr tf Cs, T. 1'ilagrave e Tisa.esiutorissi Dapertmaut 1si uiser tisa alel n]experlcneesi wriîers. wlso teve oai- roasly esrna<l' a isigisroputssîissislithefe Saisiof jsnrsseilissm. Editoris sre fnirnlied iupon js tise lire topiots of th:e dary, by experstsi in sifes- ant drpartmatsste of lteratnro ansi Etropean, Anses-cloesaud Domisissts iiPolitice. Public quessinsse sire dimtstsîsaed ohohy is tisa psitlic istes-eAt, andsitu a toue of fearloes sud inde- pendant eritif-iam. Tii M C<>MNMI iWIAL !'EPOr1'VS -Tise pnib- liestes.. f uly recigîtiza tise %eaç impotsrtansce of aecrssts assd fsitI Commserciali I1eports§initsU lsewi4npepos. eirissg t e ilesslr-41inspstise great Cosnmer-'iai Iistrtspoliss cf th.e Denissjei, , sd ltssve csssnishsstsrd larrtsssgeetast,,4wlisis sj'ii lmre tis-e Comern ial roirs esisseof TssGAzzEsEisi- insrtsrbiy etspcrior, in flss iis sss ecuracy of istermett;ii, tsi tsosie cf auty ticr psspar publiîssd in tis e ity.' By tiseelosspioysr sit of irt-rata tslssslit isi isnjsertssnit, Tomst CAZOTrIs wilii c mueaec slCtrc trsi emer- chianta isn alilpartsief tise Domissiosi'un ots 1P tisa Commerce of Montreai., S TRE LOCAL DEPAirtTMM NT *f Toti <la- ztrrX wilii easprLsea futl recordssfovasyaevent tif ilîspertise arir lis the cty, Légali ls teligenee, SusostiugN 'eusw. Ieportu it n t .. lrige. etc., prepardlisy gentlemens weui sisilles ls ,ti asbusdepssrtmosta4. Tîit TELFGRAIIluIC NEçeg o fTssn G.& zIWs-s-il§ very mli, eittdiseluisia ESpei.ià §i- pssteitsfrots811iiParts; -of Vi tiisaI ons. Tssr (Gazs-rr lexii.tingsssisei for-Tise ul cst Edit'srss s, ; tise ssnt rciiisie Cerrsrcjil e- port; ;tise fultsh t' 1)s'sp:tteg tisa iesit jsi Newe iamettrelissiple Lugssi ltesg'se; tise clioes,t Litstts se. Aifsrdistg ta tisaranides assohis sns.issg s rom- Phoeto sylstpO1 ir sfCssssatsspersry EVoîslte Ae sssti Ailvcstistîssg sniinsni, Tigt <lzeTTil lin rsssssmssrsihy npt-risrr t auy stt1sr lisapor i blsitreeah issang a hsrtcr redaistion sti ilssaii site otissr Esigliit puiter» rsuliiistIsod lu thle cits cossbissesi. Aiandlig tihe sety grosst 1;. proive-mesit*liss Tise Gaszete, theisaciewil eti eiiissti satrio moe. t wiii isentiby sntsIisut $ti.i)o a yeair, sss-8$510 vbisai tiet, ii<thy Illislesi Vss5C559ass iTwsl iis>ibc fissrssie5l e tt eCity, isssihy News% Astime Io5 whisssiit ;14emest Lsy :xirssY' ele c5 et* aweei.-z Gentes' lotbiog M A Cre Departnx ent up . taixs, SFj flhied wihac ousortuseest of beantiful pattero, al in the Grareir Departuient of0Old Nç aMa R£Lqortmfnit of Famiiy Grocerie,Pure, Fres, ans ted Fuses, Sardinea, Pickles, &o., Judd 'k Co's. Çeiobr In the Hardware - iepartme.nt, ail kin S8heif ais. Jeav la.adivare, Pà intL,, Cils, &Q., &C., oral tira and Rlcter Ropas, e [17Cash foia11li nds of'Pd (JALL AT OLD' Ný Whitby, Saptemubar,21, 1870. WM. st golt . 500 pOp-. )nYenst, fouse Tri mnings, s' Produce. YEt*IAN* GIBSON.ý S. TOITEi B3RYAN'S i'r Ioua S TOVES, WHERE YOU WILL FIND TUE LARGEST AND W,-leBEST AtSSORTMENT IN TII4E COJJNTY.- EEJ=' BEST COAL OIL always on lianda Whitby, September 20, 1870. DOMINION % 38-3m. W ÂIEIIOOMS.l HAVE RECEIVED TIIEIR FALL STOCK-' 0F G I sS TIuE %VEE1IKtt AZIITTlI, Wihh alec ises-osftor spîsoar ils s-oatiy cessis-ed eIE S , an rinps.ev dfrs, ssssd tecis in~stsa wliiih '1 1 taens lus tise #eleetonitu sslisrigrxgcess fiter - - ;sieie e; isoisse tsf tise wesk'a îsewa. niie om uxrbritt i a yossr, psayable BO 0 8 & 8i ~ # C T. &t R. WITE, -17' st. Jssîne*s.treei. Monts-cal, VItsSept., 1870.' ' 87 T erSoko r od snuhlre -F A IO A L AND DURAULE than usual. £TIuf lyaRtiIg iviiltery, andu La-ijor-inge, BOOTS AND SIIOES. The sssrserxigstl bop ne tes nsiire tha receipt cfran ('itelsaive uew stock cfrllri-ciuissi MetsUnds"nee, fer ladies (litlerssen, stnssiChu- sires:, of tise bt-et milie and la test41 syle%. - lIhOMY-MIADFP WORK As USU A i. IITos'is.-Al rdara atteudesi te witis iusie tsssisty. tkGEO. CAdilUýiON, Is.ttek street, (Oppesite tise Royal Isol.) sept. 0, 1810. 36 -NO0T 1CEZ TO CTEDITORS. ipuancea"f st tata 29,Tic , Ccp.28, sec, t7,ie i le by givasi tlsthrtist e ilothes. pereene bavismg ajny' (ltiett or cliasi poe or Efs.tlng thea GEORGE * B.- SMIT]E, gala of Bsonglsam. lu tise Towshsip of I'ekaritsg, Labourer, deceasi. a d, wiso dies on tise second daY cf Are lierais>' s.qulresite serstlqs articuiarg 4)f thisais.cialms ste JWHN ]REI f andi .itIlN SEII£thétisaaninistratorg cf tire' pesecunal aetsstc and affecte, (ta wiscm lettes-e of adust Igtratiene vwere grantesi b>'tise Surs-tgate Corsrt of tise Cuutyoci Ontarlo, en tise listeentis dey cf tietebar, A. If, 1870,> or te me, tisaunu- dase s Ir ai.Solieitor, ors Byron etreat, Tme iatyhE(th ie Poît Oflee, hi tha Dou.cfWlitby, on or baes-re tna FIRST- 1)Y çLV OCTOGER. 1870, At tiseexpiration cf whsehs lima the satisiAd. miuiutrst<os will proead te disisute tise Amsnithe msaeîi eeesed among th ise osons esftitled tisante, lisvin egard te sesebte aud elalmes )niouI>'cf ihistis saisAdmins tnrajsn irl Mtiushave- isasi nst"a. ansitise saisi Admluistrotors viii Dotibue hablaes.ortise assetg eo-dltrtutadto-suy' pasisn f visose debtasend cliintisay sah lnet bave liasi notice .. AME R IEENWOODO - - Byronu treet, Wlitby, Solicitor foi thse Adsinlu±rator.. Dates!, ti ls luday of August, A5D. 2870,-8,5 i aon5U Lt orc i. Whitby, Sept. 21? 1870. LOW ES & POWELL.1 R E S 0 D SIL Ne Niew New New New New Newv Cest Best Black Silks,- Flarînels, - Grey Cotto"S, FancyFlantiels, Table Daxnask's, Veit Hats, S'hawvIs, Jackets, Cotton Yarn, Cotoni Bags (at :Ii Whit'by, September 21, 1870,- 'John Skinner's1 JUST RECEIVED AT- A FINE- ASSORTMFNT 0F. NEW CÂ ADIAN TWEEDS SUITABLE FOR FALI' AND WINTER WEAR. oi» (lothing-Made, to Order in-,the Iatest Styles. ALSO A AIIRGEASSORTMENT, 0F. (JANADIA"N F-LANNELS. Whitby, August 24, 1870. iý34 E Cu or 0e a z z z e, Q Ur 4> X EIN MBIrm > Wil SELF-RÂKIFAGTREAIEII W-E DE'Y COMPETLTION ýSixtacîsy'asî ratical expérilen-ce lin tise lanssfactsas-eeÊRpapoJ.axd Mfowços, satis- cles uit that tha &Jolsiltltton ssfRskîsg yaper 1a Tes-rft 12:1 »c f~n tia MItslilnc taeirt the prescut day. Wa havec just iitrasiuced itlà s'to'car"id, and Mais- if.utnrcd a ilmiteti nsuber lise pasi scason, ansi as yeÃactha e only nsanusfactôeres.. 'Ihis tesson nus- Maciness wili etibrace sucb saisl insprovaients as ayettr's'éiperience idi tisa manufacture hrss sîsggested., - ' 1..m1 .-tsongly and durably bîsilt Tise baiiî material usaed luifsta7;construction. Ia ima- ciiincry the 1nscset caînpisct sud durable, Tise least liisbi to geot ocf order, Tisa constinatissu et waod ans] dis-or in the sInger bas-, miskes it theo mogt perfec of finger bars. 'The scat cf the driverý, ocrstcs1. utside cf.- tise dsiing-wheel, 50 bhuancaa and relieves thse fltsges- bar, tisitit lait:188 ilabie >ta sag os- break titan Chsat of aiimy-pthcr machina, Ours.Salf-llike is t5e ixsat perfect ev-as invented; anticosist iet f iea akes revolvinsg as-osnd an alis close btbsihedo vn-bes placesi as to bW cntlrely'iunder the control of the driver*withot sopisff thiteant.-- .( 18 cutsansd deliive-s tangle c rinkied, os' losigesi grain rapid>y andsI n good shape. Cssta a six tact surath, with na- littie draft as a iight fous- feet Mower, ansi no sida draft wbatdver. It cuts' etaliy, vithsa, ooumon teasin frossi lifteen to tirent>' acres par day, ansd lias cnt one hundres iod.fort>' acres in savon Scys.,.-; : It is masnufatssred 1er Ileaplng cul>', becauosa it hia s ben demonetrated Chst a seps- rate Reapatr ad Moireririli laut te eut more grags andl griaîsi, tisas two Combinasi Ma- chines, assd'c6à ta much les in thse aggregsstc. eiaasprt ahn ula os pliatesi than aconiînd ona e sst able tô eet ount'cf order, andi is alwa>rs raady for work iritisont tise trouble sind'dela>' cf cbangsnig from n e te tise otiser. Thisi Rcer-bas been in stnccessful oporation oui> fliveycare;, but its suan>" superior points cf excelletlce bavé won for lbt uring thtsst isnt a miiltitisde ci friends, anS a po- sition noers befora attaisiad by any bas-vestes. in se short >a tilti. For thae'fis-st tire or. tisre asi-a ccmparatisely littie kuciru ; but durinig tise epst twe seasons it vas vidai>' introducesi Ibrougisout tisa Principal 'lestgoin ecttons cifLise land, and gaineS a populas-it>' uiprecçdented in th islator>' of Ieapingt Machines. 'THE HARVlËSr 0-P189-OUlR - RlORD "llii SISEP HALL M à en Lea Woyaza,4 beau us;ingzyossr Lu *.B;g'ia,.fo tebas 'four môssîiss, and 'eau se>" sont s- *tni thsa Itl iabtclv sv vred It la ai seap, 5usd lests leugas. tissusy otlses'col. We bave ruu oOur largo 14 feet -!on s plainer, ' tde à wIth01ana oiuing. lis kees atise locs !..ay ansi bssgbt. We do not wasst assything botter as a lubricator.' 1 am, youra thnily, 15F. . GLEN, Preaident. Cl A NCE R y sA LE. ST. JOHN vs. BRETHOUR, Undor ansipusruant tsi au orsier cf thse Court 01c Clsasssery. made ini ti cauge. tiier i v baicisi, wltis tissa' probation of(*eos-ga lens-y Dartnel , Lisqira. Minta'pr cf Ibis Court, at W ithys, ou THIJESD)AY, tise Tweasîy-auesh dal day ofleptembser, A. D. 1870. et Twao'eieek, lu tise ofternoo,nt tise omle cf tise saisi Mne, et Wbitby, by LEVI YAIRBANKS, JIs., AUCTIOIÇs", tisa fQtlowing lands Inosiapateei: Bainzte tsaWest-isaiff iIsot ssumissr tisirtyfour, lu tise seventh. coisces-. sien cf tisa townsip of Scott, in thse CoaatY Of Ositarie.I1 Thora are ahoutsieventY 5v-e aes.aeciaarad.anj a fraisa isuae ansi frama baru, an4 air-orcisard cf about an acre and a isaîf, as tise pramiseag. wlîjii~q~ieisîigthe viiioga cf Usiornsaiss nisent savon miles-fs-cm a station cf tisa Toron- to sudINipie.ingkssulwssy. Tise lureiser ýwiii bc reqsire-l te pay devis ai lb ist alei, te tisheu.dcr orisa Sell citer, a deposit, in tisa roportion of t,ssi dol- Isir fa ev-s-yena isudl dsslis of. tise pur- Chasenseney. and tisa remdCsssd ithereof with- i atisr eq'pcta tisa codithons ofale viii be tise standiug conditions of tisa saisi Court. -Forfurileertiulortaupl>' te tMsea. RcsanderM loc & miths, S. .1,Cocsi- 'sass, ansi C.-A. Jones, Esqre., of' Wiitby ; C. C. Keoler,.Essq., Cssnsniugtcu, or te tise-un- de 4ussdMsteof tues Court, u& Whttby. G. YOUING S UITff,. DyRe. Soilo-frPlaintiff. 5 c EETAIN PIIIISERVAI'Olg OF- THE Ji, Hff GERRIE, Druggist,-&C., Scia Agent fer tiese ale >of ont CLEOISTED -PEiSFECTD -ANDs- -Théa LENSES cf viteisare groui? isy us, fs-ens materiai snansifssctured espmsiliy f ft Ojstic ptsrpos.e. it la e s-, ilssd andsi rlissui, ansd ms.lessr Aclisrotmetias can ha prodl icei.- Tise pecuibar foi-us andsicettfieeccuraeyat- taincti by tise aid cf compilieoansd cotty- muacil=ery warrant» lis in aeaortiug tisem tu il. elsss - Perfect Spectacles ever masifae. tus-ai. tisoy &ats.t th isaSgbt moI-1 BrilIiantly, sioUffr Essea ansi cmf4rt onstise %ea-sss, causse a cositisuus andi abisllug IMIO'VEMBIT OF TUE ElEII, Wthe 's-ïen-pgt'o ç s' etbysre J LAZAR'US, MORRIS k Co., '295 Niotre Dame Street, (up Stars. g - R MPL 0YY Ns-PIDLBRS. I N Ew VMILL INERy- Building »outil, or the Ioyai ifotel, 1 r.. liter -ad Mio. Stuart respeetfuliy thisLdieu arc ow ls ro Dupotbl Dr-ags i.nt- Pr.. n nill. priees,) JOLHN SKINIý STOYEN D ;- r1là l' %Clothing, Hats. Cag)s.