Kouooo aod Laod, for Sèleor o gent Jobs Goûid. Pars ta Lot-George Selth sumd Jobn Gentloean's oorul-Geo, Bongoogb.i Sohool llook-OGorgo Bengoigh1 To thé I4die -Mirs. Kller à Mise. Stuart. Card, Autoner-Toams Wilson, Foiiowes, Cooeposd Syrup. Chileg .,Swvl'%bai Braldu, k. -Miaî. Stog tay#d454oha Anion. ,.Toudm's 1or a Nov Catolie Chureb, Obaoor Sso'-. amsar Greenwood, Jmsolvout Notico-Tho# B. Wakr-J. Hamer- groossvood, solicitor. ~!%'W ' à m VV *y paoy vwu orgas id, sud-. elaim the. dobectures, A"d rofou oto band *varthea $20, boa, tbey saey, ofiie bce done 80o, oideiof etiml.thon,. And forthi thet the. *30,000. glvï bj va. mort n theIoçou to cim f or tb.iw&q*Àe thea vorkkdoua, Tisoii 9 o ot, 9«00017 rame mniglut b. oaily aoîtiod. orr axsto, but that tho deairous 10 Siva 8h. dol road, sud would gIaIi7 fiar li, thatt ioy Win Dost a thea monoy. fend thatt8h m~g ae 'me a lu Wavrka go tldig, aud tisa promises made, 4r sationa, ârk'-1 ONLYr $150Q CENTS A TEAR ahbopi, &o., ao isopaiaa, the!,if tise de* beuturca are, heuded ovar, tui.tawu ii 3Iitby, Tlîur8dgyt SePtMb'r 22, 1870 loge tbots moue,' ad nas, wa-ergo nt a unlliently lusntiseCompany,& confidencea, LATEST WAR NEMWSO t nbec acnto rsiyt - ebo st o0sî14o orgaias' is ,PARIS INVISTEI). opinion of tisutorporeflon., We eau ouiy Jadgo frontmu n-h;v tow. î* do knov 8TRASBO1JRG AND METZ $TILL HOLD OUT. HORRIBLE SUFFERINO - WONEN OUTRÂGED, k., - HOPES 0F PEÂCE, Noari>' ail communuications vith aisel nr o* ont off, and thity ia>gsovi>' anti anrel>' ouclreled by tise Priasians. Bavere -Dgbitig bas boeen goiug.ou -outoida tisa it,, tring tise put veek, isuiveen.Freneis troupe sd theise etivao «Danrd o! tisa Prausins,,und ithongis the former beya gmleed tome o accesatise generai ad- v-ues bausotbeau tetatded' Tise latest atisicea trm Strasbourg atate, tbat ise caution -efthtie gernison fa qnick,1 and tshat «an. Ulnicistheo Commner, lu bedl>' voondeti. A vote bas baeufiaon b>' tbo people on tiese ubjeef o! aarrendetlng. It vasdooldeti b> a-large majod'ly >o eeg lina. tisadetence toesolut. - - Barrcaesa are rapidi>' formlng et Pers& foslde -the fortificationa. - 00ifouala lsa étea t fdatence, and men>' roopa ar, pestas! isaro. 1Colonel, Sayà sooýan ud Carlotous, o! tise Brlisit asm>','vise are n-lUstise srmlaa nov oerating lus France, etteat 8tiste horriblec ouféio'ng et tise seaet v an. Boldiera anti peuantry are penising (rom servatlou; vomen are violatet and outraget, sud prlsenera temlaised. Ne feus lai placed t s tiattirmeutthat- Ams objecta ta tise annexation-o! Alsacet ant i urraisse te Germn>.9 S On Monda>' a aorti euromMuta vas9 ordureti, bet mas aubsequeisly coueternaut at. Tise Froehpasants Inusht uilgi-1 iseeriseet continua te merder Germe. officers by pickiisg tisea off witis rifles. Tise> baveealto et telegrapis vire@ anti- hufieted titer tdemage oaer Eperisa>.'. Titse bearar o! deapaîcises frosu Earl0 Granville ta Lord Lyens mas obliges! te nravei fres» Rouen is a pest-cisaise. Tisa zà ail service Ire. Parie, un ail directions, 4 leastoppeti, andtihie rilîroatis areonct anti dastroyeti. .Versailles bu been captureds!,ad It la umutertooti theatiit viii be matie King - Willilnss eatiqeartora. .Advlees tee. Orleaus ettnibute greett fimportance ta tisa engagement miici ce-t eurred et Vissons laaîordey. Tisa Pres-1 &lau beffered mucis fremin iaFrencis artilI. et,' idden lis tiseWood&. T'he baffle Justes! neeri,' cII day. Tise Pressianu n-une nt lengtb faraud to roi-eut. Ail teograpiia0coumei'ation vItis1 Paris ceaipti yestertiay. Tisa bannaIs bar. express apprebeusians ibat Tours me,' be a;îsôiled, l iniseseutis a overmiment viii teoae ta Bordeaux, 19ousa Besseugas! Y Tisa Itelasaai-n u a tsancai upon1 name lu force, and! is nov nt tise Romant rîtet tisatav ha. sqames! eï,isçuy bar- on tl0 soeurs@ise roati, sud' aid i* eonstruetion,.'Ans! - o urtbvnamaus viii agrce. itis us, tisat vitisout.tisefallei m a- struniea 15s, beyond al doubt ead cevîl, tisa roms!viii bc bulit vit thtie aid giton, if vouid'-b. a cmoueittons rong fortise Concil ta titrowaiae7tise hstge"oneof $50,0M, vitis intaroat th'eaon fartwtent>' year etoeiof ettise bard eeu'ed -taese o! the.ratépayers. 'Tis aiel.for scred întereat, beforo tise organ'ization if-tise Company,, cannet bo meititainei. ila usisiser rigisî, juil, nor trosoubie. Coulti tise-Comp&ny da4im itorent for aigstoan, autis befoeoiait ,orgeizaiion, ts,' migist vitit oqualabon-o! justioe, ay, tisat tise> couis! damns âfitoeas' intaroat. ,- ve tise>' not orgausized for tbat- laugtit o! tliu" fe-rob.trdesd On evor>' greens!, vo daplore tisa pre- sent coondition of alfairs. Surol,'au emiomble settuoieisigis;. -be arrivas! et, b#twaeus raaonable -mon, v &He upea, dotag e' oâ *éîj& au cnu- neitiser sorve tue lustauests of tise toin, Dortisbe Campais,',asd onghttuf0bc tisa lut reaort. Indeati ever,' otisor meena sisanld ba exisaustd to avoli it. But, s e enome' o!r -Co oi baetvati, if tise Company,' -Soak l tigeti, tise <unit ret upon tiseir avis isadu for tise des-elepe. menutstisa me>' osueandmis efa apeciell,' riaci seeetet are promises!. Takiag a FeaIra. Bath @ides. la tise suit jcst cenamanceti, egeinaf tise Corpeertion b>' the Ralia,' Company sud Mearo. Creiferd sud Dumble, tp ne- cover' tise tibecks inarsut on tise bonus Ideieutures, accrues! previona te tise or. genizetien a! thse Goaspen>', Mr. Blalce's Damu appearu as cannai forthtie plaintifis. Ln a n-i'iten opinion obueineti <nom Mr. Blakse, a sort ilmo since, ho attises tisat tise Corporation la notaliabie fe-r Ibis lýu- tenesf I Tis is lacrtainl>', toeaaytisa vos', leat et it, a ratiser poeculiar position, for 50 ami nant a gentleman lu i saProfession, as Mn. Biaisa te eccnp,'. la Mn. Bluise'a opinion changes!? Was the opinion gis-en b>' bis»tetise Corporatiou, a vrong oet Or la 3Mr. Biaise mroeg nom, anti vasha rigisi tisais? Tbittie question, - Messoo cFrseuet~.-Tbe oaneso! Mr. Peter Grsay, e mambet of Lebenon Latiga, Oshsawa, wvesintentes! on Banda>' laut itis Masanie boneurs. Tiso fnneral-toek place te tise ismiiai aronusu tBond bat, neer gao . ofRm u enll o Nawipstie, anti proeeta a ac,'impeaiug lb. eig ofRom basacîail' Cin.spectacle, tiser. Seing a ver>' large ttin matices!; but ligisi nsistancei. expectes!. ont oethaie breiseen oethtie neigisboaning --Tise Pope anditise daptomatie corps, if Letigas. jet. Analo.UfuIse eqel ole0 Tise Grat Bout Race. InTu the g/eat Boat caca yhicis came off at Laine on Wediaiay ast, botmeen tise Tya no sud nttise "Parie 'Cree" et Os. Joisntishe former von b,' about tveis-e baoit haagthi, Aer a baril ctrnggla 18 la nocertte! isait a nilion o! dollars absuges! handa ountsthe enis. STise Bt. Johns'. e ravacives! home lust aouelog, sud recels-asu eutbusiaetic vel. ooo. The,' vili be presentet viais- pansa of mou.o eis. Tzui'aoxtre, 'ro Atex. MeKuxaren, Eq. M. PI-*Wo are giad ta learu uhit- tise sobscrlptiots to- ths etbmnuiel, Sno eh dasartoil b,'Mr. MeKeusîle, for isisinde- pendent course lua Parliameuti ae aveul- log op to e eonltdeobl. mmonot. Mr. W.. F. Moers, o! Toronto, latise Treasuror, Subscriptlouss <nom tis,iants of Mr, McKenzis, lus this loalit,', m,' b. mad etthe.cl" ofo<theo MI or, Je. EL (Sarre, Esq., nbeau limae ma, b.obtaiuod. TAtoso .-Mr. Prieglo.' largo stock o! Tweed, -ens! gedte',fornisii goade jest rtceiieat, are veli voit, tise aeutluao! tisa..dessiga gà )o A rticleI ad à oosits.- SirTEvs Mr. Wna. Brysus etvectises tise lareu aens! boaf asortment- o! stoeas un tise Cent,. MusasLavis & POWEILL bavesi'eceivesi aiseir large fail stock, et tise Dominion Waeroôms*a' ndt if causuzot b. upass anyvisare. vUs-Tseu: are the racmuausdtions visicit Mr. Yeomen Gibaon pqs fortis fer Ol No1. ,1[Se adist.; - FAines sc SLitacva Lu.-Attention, s roqaustes ta tise asltartiooeuuDtsunudor titis boas! initis aSsase 'Tas GswTcuÂ'o JoureaiL, anti otier perioticali, are am,.ta b. famans! t Dengoug&u Ma$. jýLssÀs» Np Mas SITIiT ails-atise tise receipa t o s nov uuppi,'ofo! tyrlbb cignons, aniteises, Brelda, Heir-uos, .&a. Plosta-aYsaa Exuzarn*x taka. plsa ou Tisurayde, ns rldéy, 2th and Ilet of Octobar. 'The leattreturus dats t th. total au4oauat o! Dominion a nclu rculation 'én tise 3Bat of e*ut--WssS 4,376,547;, su4 of tis in $"42000 wrt ia fraction. v, an s t . ta ý o~fe<iuap with' couifrteblo b.dr Youg mu l in the storo, logent eparteent adi rvwbich ieladoidged.:, brick vort, Muss «ce vood vork, eand Measrs, for tii. peinLing, Aec, s ~or tii, addition la o ,r fer tise m rfor-te isol ceai et about Tise iarg asd oncreasing businoss o! tise Meurt. 93mplsli.Sud tise Imense atock. o! goodésiavsiistitis Pueroeane- cesîltetes £nain$ roos» for, thgua est tisem to ineurtibis, additionai largoa- pansa>itCioa geed aigu of tifeeuprogresa o! businss lu eur ievn,7 as mail as of tise antoteta c ts di»n ' Me. ÂLLIN'â 10Boou raedjoining, tho prenkises o! tisaMera.'emle'ba'-S, aie boanraisedti tue adiiitienal atonies, abi nov presen tu e ver>' isîntsomo ap- peerane, as e tisree ator>' brick building.' Tise nppor scenica, aie iutentios te b. net a.afamil,' reaideuce, andth ie laver par. tian of the building, isoretetorae ccnpied b,' -ise femil>', viliieb matie available for business purpose-iba cemmotilous room imtnotiitel,' in reaee! tho abepi, as ea mnelh reo», andthie large ans! 'an-l fitteti op besemeut us e reeni paper depeaitor>'. Tise saine mecisanies cs»pieyed by'tise Mfesoss. Cssbpbell, tidlti htien-ork, ibicis las bruis cases, la bigisl, creuitshie te thisu euh ensudgootivornisubip. Mr.- Allin, isas laIt ont un tise neigihouriseetioe *$4020, lu tisese rodent imprcvemeuls, anti eau nov fairi,' bouat a! Possessing oe eoa iseudsomast eut mest complete statiener>' atoies lu Ontaro-Dotet otn excopîing eue Tas Parmice.-Sir Joha-A.. MacDonald et vas ennonucati vonhd arrive in Ottea te-de>'. Sic John nom oks quit. maIl- naver botter._ 0 Tac Domusuora MîaîCAr.COsrEwNuoi, held >sertuy nt Ottan-a,n-as n-cil attend. as!, anti au attirais b>'tisa Preiitant. Dr. Topper, n-as sais! to bavo beau a great seccees. Ail pantseo! Canada vene repre. soutes! anti nine M. D.'a mre registareti. To Curea eCangis, te, relies-a ail irrita- tions cf tise ibreat, te testera le pertect eunudness-.5nt bestis tise meut telicate organizatiifsofethtie tunnun fi-am-tisu Lnngs, -ise Dr. Wiatà a'a Balsas» ef Wiit Chuerry,, ici silf1! prepareti i-btiste sas»e cure iuntise selcefien aut cempobut- ing ot ite varions lugrotienta sn-ban if vas intretinced te flue public b>' Dr. Wisfar,i otan fort>' youra aince. Fît-Lon-'sCoxt'ouN scs aur.os r as-'- aSOPUITES. -rFor ienvs-ndutGenerai Deiit vstiser ariaing fros» e seteuturj lite, ustiealtis> occupation, a tropical climate, or an,' ottuer cause. For Pal. mouar>' Consotmption, Brostcbitio,. Lnn-ard Wautings. For'Dyspeele or Indigestion. For 'Weaknuss o! tise Joints sutd Musces, Leas'o! Appetite, Laines. et Spirite, in. punit>' e!flie Bloot. Pries $1 50 e bettle ; 6fer $7 50. Sold b>' apesisecenies antib>' F. Cuntili & Ce., miolselai agente, Montreai. Os-ar turethonsasuti olînins lias-eiseer sent te tise essisseuce of tise French meuns! as! b, tise Consl.Oeneral et Fraucca at lisusr.u o CTI. - A therrible tiesti vws estainet iet Sf. Rocise, Qeee, b>' e s»an nameti Wailan<ar. fie on-net s gine menfacten>', anti on BuStu,' eenei ete a.e anitron o!fisoilieeg glue te asobon- in vas prognessing, n-len tue fel la. andi re- cels-as injuries tisat causes! bti deatis. sizîsiio os',A Scanoeuet,-Pert iben, Sèpc. 2.-Tise eciooner E. S. J. Ifemie. Captain luset -iS149000 basisoleolo ubset, trom Detroit ta Bui'sbo, sprong 'a lacs anti aank ln tise 1lake oI tise buaboni titis eseruing. Tise vessai anti cargo ae e feisi lots, Tise vessaf vent ont et aigot lnu e fimintes. Tise cnes ver. all Aceontiing ta pris-ste taspatubes récels-cu et Nev Yenk yeatenday, tisera bave bee 660 deathin u lesana trem yellov -<es-i turing tisen-eek. euuing lust Sasi-ta'." The Breasen German Lloyd'.hUeeto steamers emnance rtUnning regUlai>' bop tveeu BrOmea anti trites! Stetes porte on the lat et October. a~ Soinse! tise-boste baiongiig ta tise Nov York Yacht -Club Squedrousara unequaileti lu tise - od!f«r abegauceaneud!cosutes Thea Dauesa cest $70,00 ;- Palme, b 000 ; Sapphso,$550000o, Ere *48,000; Yulà , *45,110;Magtie, *33,00 ;?isaatom $42,000 f Sila, $30,000 ,; Emmisir, $28, COD; Pidgeou,$38,000; Esic>'on,$29,000;, Fgeatviug, *4,000; andi Ms! Merlette, 440,000. - Chiraus i yage ioleiti, li Cuba. tue sja8t enoaiagat eus, Aise Ubs e tiste vni;s alS ey, tiserefore a afreeiy fut tise XSn- sio x, imo - -t ail iu meîter viii ho -d"fferent;- eud mYadd, t4 isn uaddition te au - original aketeisea of Canadiun blotor' d ocisur velueble ppoira, it 'buae dament for, chihdrec, euthoslsan ef t es»-ceeues», eiser o! visicis vil- hofeaijaiOrtistise visole-saobs6rptien, Tisa laaarin uea tise liritinge eofosaineuf ladties ou ubjeet widu ladies. buienoderetnu 4t mug liem are ofien copied pieces cm Mrs. Éli-riet Beece'8twe'n-itig Amui cati periclel. 'If 84,io eessemam - enuina o! recipea,,selectet inlt a spocluri vies' tote se anso!oftise yeAr- aaedpat. <mont otf<ululons, attisassons vison uboea -cisange. 8eb.cnlbers LOte ls. -so a r ue 1ins-itoti l a like meninen te sebsanibe for tise VN-ZOrJesviich tise>' Mi ledtmieialie famil>' paper at a loi r pico. Tua Dzr'osira Esrrrtoa;-TsJEmper et Wii'neimshbee ojoy', erjira fleedesu o! action, mciii. or ides a u'ilà ple'iau. ii eiief-çempailona ara Prince Meskasam anti Prince Muret. [He tisi-ganda fithiasarsaoet tise curions peepi e- me. lf 6 ouee rgs onisido tise gates. Lt i. aaid hie toika 30 years-eitior tisaihtue din lu198'6-5, '-len tise rriter sun- bis». He ianom bioti, biliions anti yeilom. His eyves ai-ctain$, iret anti expresaouies bis moe-oentï ai-e alun-, ami-ani, anti meebeuiel, anti bis face abioîntal> des-oit of expression. it'Apathy I' describes bis appearausce, lus eeMord. Rle retires laie anti riscs euniy. H'ia ciamber vmdoîs are ligiet ilhl long -kf&r miii. nilgbt, ant i et4:301 lutise more tseEs perer îasau n-alking in, tise jsÊ9'en.le diressea piaiel'in bsa »k ' anti uEjes bita- sait e great ticai b>' taling tRie sciscel eilîdron, mite gatiser arondit ebis».- ~~koui*,~e Bni t uppeana frotteLn tien pipera, tisat tire meetings weeuru-1 centi>' iéid ti tat u>. ugeinaf "4Meuarchy1 at home anti î'eni"Tisey wena, me e teuii, rezriiy formiiable demonati-etions h Of course tut-y mene, s-en>' fonrmidabte to titese n-ho bed pociseis and an>' bote casis 1 Tise correspondenit oftan Amenicaust paper isie>'poasibi>' write "tisat England is est tise es-e cf n res-olution P" Tiat's tise style. Orîe Beasley-Professon Beesie>' - braeetilike an>' 'emenites *Donkey' eaer for tbistli's. Iftubas generali>' beau huit tisat Queen Mess dutet ofýgriet lu ru, Essex. Qaite a fahiac>'. l'iso oidV Lioeeis a i siens. --bcse oresaS tise adv vent et George Francist Traiandiititisn s-t-y -Beely-aurd no seaing, retigne-diy udt cerutertetil>, gave up the igiseat. Yoen correction, lin. Ediior, oft tis vos-r>' ulgar errer abontut ,Esâex," mii lub, lrsionieehly apenking, an ect et justice te tise IVirnlu Queen," anti dean ep e ver>' aidetter- t rer. i Youns, r At.LEGIEDIh'iorua).- Soea ¶s-oeels ugo 3fr. Joul Dean, o! Gutaicu, n-ens op tise mIre on eaiunting axcur-ion. HIe mes uccompenict b>'y a tl Dam»- I u Woe. Meneur, aget 16 er117 years. whmi»h ines!for tise purpos3. OunMn. day tisa l2tb, tiisyouîis retrc fnrenmtise fisbing llants, bringing tise nelt isat en Sunta, tise 4tîis t. ise utdLMn. peaun-et-e outinl a tiai boat misen il svas Pet y a I quail. Mn, Dean,' Mercen tai nnk i1w- suetiatel,'. Mercen beit un te tisa b-as eun-ae efuer a lime pioked n b>' fn- Iisermen. Some suspicions cm ateces cenaing te ligi,Merc'ýr nasireà tçd on -a chuargue!frobburiy. Thiae eru founu on lis persefu, r. Dens parti' coain- !Dg tea 0~amrnrt n-hie *La a$5 golt peeket pic .- -Hle n-ase5 aines! lu, a ed-t 'u gel"' totise cbergea gobiser>'. t fle attern-artis confesses! that tubas! to r-Mr. Dean aiseongistisebecs!.0 Wes!nea- t a,' lest s large Part>', aecoipas! b>'M a -B., Tramner, chie! ceesuile- itistise priseper, pi-ceetut te tise pi - n-bre Mercer says bce shet Dean. -1 day tise Part>' retunnat, brnagiug tise bc e!ofMn. rDean. 'A croit amaitu.thtie rnis-si ef tise boat aistsedock. Tiseaxaiimenta a rintense on its arrivai, ant i ifsw itb mens etîffclent,' ut. pisoear sas cc ée'et t tguel. Tiseramare trequena crieit 'uiang ism9l' tsisoot buo.." FATAL BOI' ACCtDexTSc.Buy aftie. inoon,,last a tuelencisol>'andeut. accident ioccurret upon tise bey et Tero o. Tîo rman iamet l'orbes M. Grassmie ans! Ws. Bell iirut u boat eund-cnt ont r a pull. ,Wisile about flic middtleetfuit bu,, tise erf cp inet dsui ell n-as s!i net bis compsiniou sasing e narrai. wesc t ram a like fate, anti being mith tuflilen rescueti b>' e Mr., Bamnel Pearson. Ute a bute heur lit nighatiles!>y 'bet e etunase matii)sat net beau receterati. î- iea' e vite sed fasîl>'..A Thse Dansaof -Monireà J tuas' receitret $LO,000 ina"s ltite, sas!$9j 00, lfsv tieois sent out for disttihuito6. M, Thiers bu e lfsLction fer Peton-&- bnrg on tise-steamer JeCrome N con, tp ecertelu tise disrposition of aise ton-art Feiace, 1ev airer tisat if fluer côtintry [fa fisc; ïtojay ua" Lliunaureg on Ltb, e ecîipt wbîeu, lauth Oosany rètuaed te aign. Mfr, hostau1 ,thse Tewýn Ciei' nsuxt read, fluhe bill, wluicu was signe'il by Ildiard Blaîke'anti & U. Cochurane, as Solleiters; fer tise compiainauts Mfr. Brown asketi for flue poduction of flue notice cliining tlue bafk interest on tlue $30,000,:- Preduceti and rend b>'- tis cierk, dlaim' ing inferest frera Jone,-1868. 1 ,On motien ef 3Mr. Draper, tbe,çouucil- ment inte cemmittee, te contider flue mat- fer o! tise suit -11r. Breown lu tise cuii. Tise Ilayer adsiud flat tiscwsis but eue course ef action te lue takený-te de. fend tisesoit te the ufmest. Wlà iie tise tonn bd doue cverytiiîts, tIse Compauy luat donc notluing. Tlui'e iras net a aigu > e a worksliop or station bcing lunuît, or anytiig cisc, iu tac, being donc-net even e prospect efthtie road itscif lueiarg but. UHetritatedti tisat tiseCoicil wouid lott-lte more meuey eut o!fteift bauds util tluuy knen- irlat fer, aund tilaf niecm s~weuid speak flueir mincis frecly upen tise ibele question. Mfr. Piip sa d, tisat at tse last micefiug lue' luatiexpresseti bimsci!,and irepateti no- n-bat be-,sud tisea-ttat ectieus speke louder tisan merda. Tlue n-Iole fuiug iras in flue dîrk as regardati the Railway-Conmpany, and, lue feured, ftere iras but e pooir proxpect, ions prescit ap- ienarancea, e! their building fle reon. IJrtii.prospects mare brigister, bu iras lu taveror et holding eos te tfu debeutures on baud. [le meuiti go for tiefentinîg tise suit te tise utmeat, advsd tise resciutiug of the former resointien passeti fer band- ing over the deluenfures, and demantiing n recoi6f wn-ble leCompany' yetused "te give, as c necessîry precautien misentheli suit % bra uglt jutecourt. 3fr. D)onovan askeal wistlier tise river hati not tome comnuication ii e-luiîe Ton Solicitor, as to the e fiect of reselust iug tise reésolution,. lTse mayoi replicti thritl lied anti fluet tie Solicitor stîted it rouiti net have tise sliglîtest sLYrct ou tise irole case Mfr. DJJrssva ladtijiotier qusetion- Rlad the Mrayor obtaittotiniîformiatieon as te fise ie-aiity efthtie resointion pasject- vmIiethtr flic Tow-n moult luecotupell te pay sthe debeustures, sud bac'£ iuterest un. Tise layor-The opinion iras fisat thu butck f uterest couiti neftceletda I' lfr. Bron-n cerisidereti that the resolu- tien hîti botter remain es - If WAS. H6 bcîrtily agreeotinl thue; rèmarks o!flihe Masyer, as te defossdiug -tIse oit. Fie aise) tîsctioued, fluaf in an cariy sloet o tise discussion ef the subject of acerut'd instcr est, lue Isat beau led te belicvta lat if thse $30,000 debecîtures wcre isînted over no irîterest mould luec aket for. Anti n'i~ ie leunt îat iutcet iras dematîtid, alter flue debaintures n-cru uarndcd over, anti a notice sers'ed reqsiiriug it toe bcpuidt, lie iras surprise(], anti regsoivcd te ruiSist tise paymeîît. île balles-ad fsat wlIat flice Tonn isheti te de ms te baud ever the dlebcntîires-iutcrcst te bu chargrd ossly tr-t lOts.September, 1869. -But iflthe résolution ounsthe bookswmsreseindeti if n'oîîld luc saliýtaflihetoiru iaitnon- ous- n-illing te baud oertise delentures et ail. It n-as neitiser reasonable uer jstsf-ý n-l'iaitver tise lii'na>' le lu tlie case-f lat tise 'Tow-n should bcu cailed uponi te psy 18 mnalis' irtenest lueforo flic coutraet n-as lot ut ail. 3%fr.lllden statc' tiat fiacre aras e dis' tinet idrertmridirig, luefore liandiu- over tIhe $ro000 daiertures, titat neolîsteruatt croulai l be skedrlfer. Uceoold natsee f man on the [Boardi of [lirettrs irise mett round and giave tisose estislntes te usoen- bers et tue couneil, o eh caet tise Coits - pany. Thei saine. individuai curne te Iiiiii anta gave his itise liku assuîranice. At flic Bioardl et dirctors itnas n-il undertooi bath b>' 3fr. D)raper îssd bissif, fuît tirs unterest mouiiluebcnsketi tor-tsat; 'tse Company' mouitîtnef dlaim iuterest.JBat tis-i alth ie>' fiii lta luethe case ? %Wliusd the delientures s-cru giron np, et the saune t moement, flua secearyoethfle Cosmpanuy ;îking flue debeufures in oeel-stii, swiith lic otiser ser-ot a notice aponnflue Clei'k reqairing flue i'k intereqt. Tis desiald, bo sard, aidtnf coîne frot tfhe b'ard of dirctors ; neitîser did if coule nrom tIi6 excufive eînimittec o!flueé Board, sud,lue luelies-eti, her n-at oui>- :ne lmin. a inebe ofiîaf eoitn.ittee anal of tise Bard, tist caisstIseeSecretans ter gis-e thîf uotic,-and ttfituiais iris .(lie same ludividluail h ment rounsdias'suriiîs siemisers eofluhe council fuît neoiisfresttî ronii lue demîindeti. But tishfe arcsPl bhat tiseCotufan>' n-as e ",a ne liet c-aern-i èeeman po,.YerL-ie Cor~n! pan>' mas r. tiombie, anal lin. i)ulsue rat tise Company', and lue bîtiaaservant at ilue [Board te do bis bidsinin ues'er ni bing. As te rcscinding thec former rro- lution, ho (11r. H.> mas nof prescrit nisen ln Danalng, ýr: .e,ýÉ-h 1 0 bn.ance in tour eekr§s îram athe ayur iaie. In otiser res4pects tilu e saiîitios et ams 01e stauding cudtof tflaCOuz'rt ef VIjAsaý F'erther p.irtiilWi enti "oniliti nms of Os7d muyl bu fiad of Jý ttui.ur Grectiwrod, asud <Y A, Jogtees, Jsqrm, S,,:litolrs, Wîty or ortt Auctiosseer, anîd oftuje utndertigued Ibister of the Co.srt, ut Wblitby. I - . DRNÉL54 J. AMER GREZNýWO)OD. PlsintUT's Solicîtor. I SULVENT ACT 0F' 1849. h& t& Ma tter of THOiLAS B. WA L KfR l' the nnlpriined, ltiward Mjoof the- Vilag etflrela,înthe <ownty ofet aij, have 'leensa ppointed Asiu ii isiLat ~. Cre'iitoirc re rqnemted t5ie iabir da. before te inwtlsinoee moîthi. Dated ut Borelia, tliislt)th Sept., 1810. 2iu.29 iOlt'SALE Ot T> R-13 L .-a'na, c rms, tsai o-i 18, luflueoiticetn. 'iokernig,fii lBrnU9huass, 2-5 aesf et LRual iOneu 201tY 44), aesl u bttle. fasuperier 4Orehîistt3 st stutreil iitit cis(Ace FrehîtreSf mehq ater, eunsda i§ers Uta reli1t mter. boluin tlsarssi lant in a guet state or cultivi feitee th-luisïer! feueiuig. lcasu, 20 b>' 24, stens'y-auid--1 sun atiaeetlansd on tlue i-%me 1' mii bu sahd sieustrcteiy or fagefi 1 ý EZA- altoiase,. mit a verttnty utitiriodo li fic -lldr o! direetors tit no. rfrÈ moulti bu: domndeti. Tiseaction o!fisch comnmittce o!fluae cooncil n-es baseri!taponj Mr, Biakes opinion, wbihd tvisedth ati ne intcnasf coui lue' bocbargcd unfil fisc -opay cein a !oatien te cli iti- flueý flîne etftiscir orginization, Suptumber, 1809. (topision reond.) If iras mcd kunow tîset tisecorporation bat led isle n-e> lu forwartiiug tise Braiiwiav prejeof, andti ist ir as the bluck -boeet fluhe enterpniase from tise beginning. Anal tbe ton-n sait, lu effeef, as accu as yen ae in e position te gis-e us flue reati- yeni shahlifas-e our assistansce f6 tise tmount of$50,000 bonus. llis on-n opinion' nlways %;tras st-ant it appanedti u lu oui>'coînron lionesty cuti coîneeise-fli e icConîpany'couiti only clainu i iteret frein tise date of tiseir crginization, n-heu, asud enly n-len tise> wrerc ini a position te clîltu if. lie at-uIn nepeaticai fuît sucb n-as tise uuderstaîitine' et flic Bard. It n'asin fuiel, in i fîsef ce tisait ieo rate n'asq .srtsck iîsf yoar te coter irîforesf for thît penioti. Ie d e difféent opinieos prevaileal. o! courte e ratueirosuit liate been levieti, ansdi b, (%fIr. D.), as cluainunan of flue Finance cominssieuldont luave racourumendet iLI.le mas nef thon dersirost'a et going fie details as tetise prosapects ot thse Cempauy4 tise cluaracter of flic n-rks, or ealler esai fers, tisey miiglut cerne up lunfVue progresao e th lraetenet soit. Tise filing efthfis Cisancer>' bill force-j fle coucil, lu self defience, te de- fend flue niglsfs o! tise corporation ; aund if ofiser questions shoolti couic up bore- atter as te tIse position, actas anti prospects of tiseCempauny, if n-as flue Ceuspassy's on-n fatut, acut le>'motîltioui>'havsîte t llame fiernseises. île heidnomw as lie liat ain-rys huit, ft flute Compris>' soni r ist thit urjiist tienisintifur ini- tentalit, cati, fer fakîug everytbiug inte aecoatst, hlue lchel, tisafuseifser tise ratopaye.ý rs ontisecorporaitio enmrcj tnf 1> treatedt i.le then' effuredth le folîowng res'uiution, wich nas i-ed andi put b>' fisc chii-san:Il J2esolel' d That 1If iq 1uosb p the Iayor cause an aplaeasndttce te lupei l tire suit "Jfoi>îs Cran-taurd, ýJ. i.»uissbie ai tise Port, Wltitby anal Port Pcrry- tien eT tiseTon-n, o!flittsy," instituteti b>' tise plaintitTs te reces-erinterest on', .liiss elbenturea, issisetiuntier [By-lail Ne. 158, juriaur te tise' rgaà iz;4tion orthfe Rtailwa>' Company>, -flic interosf clîlîneci, ba'isg frometa flfnal p'issiug ef fise lB>' hast ou itie "lOfluJuue, i8iS, te the 19th sa11,.. 1 S<PJ, flacdIs> on mîsicîstise rail- wasy Conilitpaiy eimi te hsave beeu dol>' org-îlruiladnud in a position te le'gally ci tiite Iljicosiç iat-rit uneç ;andal ia tiat tallowsilnt porsons ido)ealrisp's;e a spe--- ci-.i coîtsaîîlitr.ee te conifer andal itsise sitis, Ilias tohnip le Mayor, ats te tise sollai- for te lue emipiasyed in tise ilitercia et tise Corpaoration, atat also. aipoiî sueh etiser Inaifers coerîectei mitis tisePort Wlsitluy Undr Paort i'erry Itutiltriy Comtpanuy ir a ', liéusoth adviselulc, and tisat the suid Coi1ruiteelue comîpostet ofesri.- 'i'l.e mn'yor aiikcd tîsat tise resolîstion lue reaI oit-r agais, aut, on li iithe îat cautplying. argucdaltisfMn. Draper oiy5 askajal te las c sesuit deifetuaii su tareri' s-s IlIse uack intcrest mras coneers'eai. lie acritel Iuo kiion'w 'lbytae >000) deben- lures n-areis et inrcîd, anti n- thefic ae- fonice te flue suift iti nef alto inelile item. Ilis Wersjuip accuseaiMN. DMipler %anti beingflic coniiilor.iriso, at tise Fogesatiou of tuerrnens oethtiseRaiiway Bar~i, et tit tisue prescrit in tis-e'[on-us WilI. tstealte isaintieentIse$30,00tic- benttrcs, ssith flicn'uns 'ss "%itisoat pro- ilic" as te tlhé intercat, thît lcas-ing tise islorest question e pen, mui]se asfliaf flic CfoIiipauriy coulai noeo, s-iilu thse pnausi- dent ant i tsisîîers ol flue Iboirti stre nf thé satine titue tisrcatenissg Ihum (tise inauyer)r liait te>'batiteémlîip liant -tsai. tise idti é fleat'joity lus tiseconucil, andaîtî as-ar>' penny ofetfenesf mtoulti te culict- i. !lec cîarget Irin.Drapern-if hi ateiîptý ig fie aitne tiupiiiity tion-that if s iaîîtiiu usen fise tiebenturès n-lisent re- anadf le einferesf question ;and fiais ruile, the tons hast ne seunif> for sta- ion, n-onisluops or es-en flue prospect o! e ror t Mn. Draper repiieti ld-gnautl>' repui- P listing flue accusationstot tise uîsayon, ne-s errnugte fie opinions lic hssti tin-ys ex 'resseti as te tise unj'ust dus mferflue isu- crest, atndiseiti thaisîtIi recerd un tise vriscia questian iras- i cflîasisciaur as f fi.î Wonsuip's - lthrif îtilibecasue tisea siyor te charge Mins (Mn. 1D.) ini tise mia. cr ho tilt. lHc bîd ne objlection te mitis. rav lus resoiutieu, and thsou let thie sayn try crnt prépare eue te bis likiug. Mr.f Illendentiet I r. 'Dnaper's niglut oisifltiran-tire reaoiastlou mithtisch ýonaunt oet fle counil;,lue proposeti an mentimeuit, iisterfing flue $20.000 deoru- 1 air. 1ar1esorisalu tîca i epoinr 6f an engincer it atlitdf ottsi4e 'de- 'Yend upon the aJuica of ttaueir legal adivir." >ý The rceoution ciirrie4 item çon,, Mr. lleiden, in ver>' severe terras, cota eplia:nud of thse Coudiet of the recto of thse itown (Mlr. Broien,) iu leaving flue chair asq lic did,1 and in not sbuwing proper cousrteçy eotr respect to the cotancil, lis csnduçt lu vacatinig thse chuair, takcing fip bis tuaI, and walking out as lue did, wias on insult ii1of only ýte the ceuncil, bueteta te rate- 1payer. Ile was nef sent thero t 6 act >ic- 'cording fo flue.pleasuru of big ewn wiil, 1but te co, his -dut>, as a representative, in (lie interests of the ratepayerp, 1Memlý,ers ofthfle conceil sbeuid treat eacb other a'ith proper respect. -,Ife coîplaine& ef tbe tauner-in which" Mr. IDraper bcd acted.ý lie liad mentioned te lhlm (Mfr. IL) tbitflbu wouid.bring in a resolution on this Rail- way matfei. iu thle.terma eoft he one tiey i si adpted, aud consequent>' the matter Wr1s Ieft in bis bands, bu weill knowiuig tbkt oflueruitembers irere fnot thun pro- pared with -a reaizoutionb-ut they ail sisw irbat bue bcd doue, and in« fact an attempt on bis part te telloir 3fr. Brown, and leà ve' flieccouncil iitheut a iuoruuî. He*depre- cated'sucb condiiet. lfr. Drasper admitted, tbat it waa quite trou what.Mr. Iloilen bcd stated as te lis briuging in the rrsolution. ,bu bad pro- pared th)at submittud b>'-hlm,,iîtu saine cire, and bcd brought if forwirad in ssncbi a way, aithobu buieved, weuld muet witlî' tise apprev'al o! the council, ýbut irbeni thé Mayor took exception:tW if, and attacked, bhim in %the masîner bue did, be tbougit ho .Woltld leave if in ýthe bandt of bis iror-, ship, whis occupied tsnch a higu- position. Mfr. -Draper ireut on st some iengtb, calling the-ceuduet of bis *worsii lto, question and reverely ctiticiziug it, sud, i'as rcpe2tediy caiiad te order, by the txi'Yor, but iithout effiicet, be satlco-n. tinued ami repcatcdl loodcalis 'firon theýt tîtayor of 1'sit clowi 3Mr. Draper," until et last hi-, woreship, couid iear if no.longer, and iayiug bis baud flurcatening>' ou the iukstand, Mfr. Draper teck bis scat amid4t, sitone confosieu, An initnediatea djourntennfiook place, moved by IYÉ, Oarson,: for tfwe reka. Pi'ckering Towaisip Conneil. sa Stursitv. Sept. lOts, 860 Town hall. -Memnbrs-l prescut. minutes' ef lest meeting, read and epprovýed. .The lut-te rena tcommunication trota > Mirs., ., j , u eference te. obstrue- tions ou the rallo%ça£nce'for rend lu nte Lot 19 iu 2.nd con ;aise a coi-njiuuicttieu framn th oCroa'n iar1d Department lu re. terence te the.,sorte>' ef lots 23 and 24, lu 8th con- Mfr isighf preqented thse petition ef Wvm, flublard, for tise cilice et coîlector; 1fr. Green presentcd flhe petition ef P.. Larken, for flua office ot collecter. A pefiit iws prcitenfed trota Thomnas ilbouru and ofluers, iîraying tise Con- cil te eut demn the bill uext flue King- stont rea'I, ou side ror.d bat ween iots 32 33 in l broken freut con. Mfr. 13rown introduced a luy-iawwici -as rend fluree several Limes;, and passed, ippointing ¶Vi. Ilubuard Collecter, fer thse presetit year. Ont the motion etf3Mr. Brown, flue Pcete ordecred tlie freasorer ta pay te Robert Mller, $58,'33, andtl tames Baxter $12, for ssep >kilîcal and 1 damnageti isy dogs INIr. ftrowu introdiced a by-law, misici n-as rc'îd tisree sceverai tîmes and pas seci, apprepriarsng fer Educatienzl purpgsesç, ch. inies availeble fi'em tihe Mianici j>.litiea' tond comuoniy caileti Ciergy reserve tond. Mn jiiîfMeveti, tbat Messrs. N4iller, flrownî and tise rmver, lbe ceusiiftteteý exaimine tbe aliewn-ace for rend, opposite lots 19 & 20, its Lnd Con., 'and report af ilext ttsrctisîg eofconcil. Mfr. Blrown introduced ab m, 1ia rai flrceiceerimues and paffled, as- Sccrsng lots M7& 18, lnu Ortcon., and 23s and 2,4 lu Suit Con.; fer tisa expeunses et- tndsirg thocurve>' tîseecof. Mr. Millecr, itstroduced a by-icw, n-as reau tlsrcec verai fîmes, antil passed, as- i !'-csing flue'- villages etofDufflis' rcck, iictgsmat lrmont, fer eitpeuses et inikissg aînd rcgiscterisig plansiîsércof. ou mrotions 0f Mr. luigtise trensurer t'as erder-eci te pay Dr. Ferrièr, $15, fer prcsaiti a ttcndasce o nignlier:. ()à motion of 3Mr. Uîignt, flic freasurer was orderetilte pay hiiher anti Belcsain- bers, the ;ui ef $100, in par4.pâyment or building bridge, andi makingitiý icross flic Menrsbefirec lott 2 anid 21. c hfr' Grcers moyeilthatte sura et $60 be grantcd te Eds'ard ackson, as , part 'ecouipense fer aiiowiug the <reîd-on let +XO- 10, ili th eucon-. ta e u tabiieetin- i * JOHfN GOULDU, Atto)rne>' for Aiili Dixson, Or te N1tLlsoN iW(OO»RIFF, K 0esgtm l~f., Bregîtsuitet. 1,(If b.>' Uttarn prepaid.) 187i l r0. f -E - Lbh hit s laitter thae 25 The 80 Acres et presfent oceupiee b>' DAVID S DOW.V Boing part o! Lot-,No. 23,1sf <Joui. Wlsitby i'osgscsfon gi-en on lise lat Novembor. Tse l orl thfle ver it- qultn el ealtivuicil. - If Ls-4 elh mtenedl.uu llLs a geod ercara cf A-si, learsflis, nspea and i5erT-s. '[itsiidiugar e good, and lisve i;iîlti eau bu rmte te Datiai S. Jr or lc'rulsaor te George Reltand n ibaug, 5rorosýo.- W hitb-, Sept. 20, 1870.o M AY D.STRAYE D Frti Ille n'rrmies of fthc suscibr- fAt ;o, 1, 2i-h eau. uPcczga piee tainont ôuthe uan- tai si-lueto o ee sr.- Âi'Yrytn er-o ing airîcluiutornstimals lil il., r t chéreco-er>' o! tIse mesuhati ililuhe e- s'iur(tic fd Stut rtiars are cuunioneat gainst ru- t-ilsgtinlut iteir polSCeson atetorflis lia- JOHN ANSON. Piekenu, et 21, 1 S70. sa T10 TILEL AD 1E S OFF ANTB I) VICINIT!'1 M RS. KELLER Am) iMISS STUART beg leave. te asinonce tise recuipr ot a fruli snppiy etf BRAIDS,& Of the Lstes-t styles ana lnâtss qualit>'. N-EÂla THE ROT4J HIOei grock 9treet, -- WJstby4V 1 -, Pi