-Propl.tor, ly% h 16Oste firi, u a- go* COCIRANBE LLDe dOuu r5yogown Â'rU N YFUR O N' sorie s ufsry, Zie'ery publie, &0.- fUlD-4rook etrist, »ozt sioor te IUoyl £MBoI,, Whitby. UHORE Lt DAITSEL J » #r,.puty 1togiotrer, MiKutExtaofcil à y o<Uatarlo. Offic. Brook-ut., Wisitl)y, IgOBERT J. WILSON. BAUUISTER .k ATIUXNEY AT LAW V dotalCrinchauOr ,&C. wiitl7, C. tw OR..e- 0,cr Ouwu Wt Lk, ona the North Toronto. "i glu=ws-Nost 4aor te the Star. of IB. à . Ceuspbell, Brook St'., Whtbq, Out. - Wlisity, Nov, lb, 1867. 46 8#.Bo.JPAIJA1IKU MOLIVTOUNu'£I&Y UBLIV, &a..*ct ce A.JOnzeM, Bargl.ter, lolicitor lit LIaacery, Atm lieu r.ioyesld <O t e lot foor over h. OUIvR ANS. Às Whftby, Out,.1-0 1860. 40 FARIEWELL k OGEO, 1) ÂEI8'EEs -ATTCNEYâ, SeiLICI- " RJITUES u*VYAUCEB$, ANL Nu- PYAin], FBLIO. eoticfC.,'40D. Ouhruwu; sansi, cYmtex .rI(stuiciuppuelte 51s.wn li, Bcwmanvi.. DoRe, LAUIIE, Mldvocx à SimITiI, ceuy,.and Iae.ienert nssriy on bum or ae eceu awI,ssrs.A x". 410m sltitlad Pailr I, vîti trcutable, li AI»a he,.n *atJa. .Extelie adliioeta Lise Stiabini;. Miede lom oe o, &o., bave ciao bien Iade. Ail einblisig tise ussaerigned sw Ofer to bic Otel Friesidi.aund the public gesse- "Dy idvutag ma Doutlisr botel wshcmne hie ci.! friende.upyt Wlathy, Deu.2, 1888 - 4ly CELEBRA.TED SCOTTISIL GRANITIE. Or A M a'rble Wotke of JONATHJAN WOFI DEW, andee4t., Witisy. 17 NEWý STOVE IN order ta moet tise loaiu.lng demsansi lu trod use na.. iy tise bualdins, of tise uittal sud a.!tIse liiprting of Vseinaiedle, tse oubsriber hbas epeaied a , toaverns.!'Fl bhop, nue duor ecuth ef Titl&à tiarsao's Puant- ture à -tori, wbere the. Iset STOES TN IVÂIIE MAY b bas!d, asuIl ianner et TinumiCis workr dons* OU tIse serteet notie. W' 'JIdlina, Cospper, Brass, ('ottua andl Lînies Boge, Woel l'ieklaagà i, urge. lair undf 81il nianuen or truck takesa in iscisaLge. JOUN IILYAN. Wltby Mercis $ths, l869. 10 ARMSTRONG'5 MOTEL, (U laseiInka«) -1 - tXBRIDGE E. ARMSTRLONG, âe Pnoprl.tor. T 11 SUBSU1tIJEl1 CEto ftatup asdcta pietety reeisvaed tIse ahfove O'd etellhssi. id fret-clâw uaie oe, ad sowltetise pctrcessaj 0' "l'. puli sad itrieith. Tise table mesd w,ý ulde'I',t tibebuet', lou.! rumy etcb'. E. ÀAlmsruioI OxbrUsge, sJan, 20,19lut Query! VII l l Chat t Cla u de au arua for platureu AT CLARK'S GALLERY? lla .boauee40, u sthe beet (Gallery lu tise - a. . nuvm. i .T. 85,1*. - '.This viat's tire nasttar, se dont bu GISARLS C.KE.LER, biiead about ecanîla;forversl. A TultgtYÀA'I'LAWT, SOLICIloltIN DOK TWIITBT. ~ ~aaner~,~aVeessir&Jc.,Caussag Wiltby, Nov'. 12, 1887. . 4b ton Bfrook, C. H N Y .RI A heno.yotary publiec aonse>au.r, hb.., Whlth'y . IW. Orvwz, IlYren eto. MENT -SOLICITU Sauths 'rfPoot 0191i à S D_____A oLynAli- 3 L ILL.B. DRAIJGITSMAN mD LECiTIIA LWtuicitur ilan-hm. .OT WACA D, LPesr CoueyuLsere., 150.Trauismacte bussiisse* itîs o ttie it TAXES L»ILON, SOLIC'1051lit cuà ficEiIs, oEVEYAr<cEl,LANi> AGJC<Ta*c. orlc.-Qvur Armsautzg'e 1UMain uls t', Ugbrdge jan tîf1869 OR. HANCOCK, it.IGEUN T-O TIIECOÇUN'IY CAOL ~Byrbu.$root,Wksltby.ï W.H. LAW, B. A., M- D-0 1y-19. TIbIAS HUSTON, rfOWOLlItK , TtICAUIC IWIiITBY hal-liuulo loolock. WELLINGTON IIOTEL, MARKHAM. .701. RUEIJOTTOII, - 1'aoprietor. WILSON hOU SE, Ak. WILSON, ., -. Proprietor. BE SU8CItiBEY bge LaeneCcTle T Zneude uthe tsapublic gsssîorsily, Ct h.h beu ~nadthe abo~voe o suol h~ ise Village ,p 1s urufr h ceemedatlon of the Ire'. qellis; ssubie. TIse bose ià 4 feV noir tsafr- -à kb~Jeed nsa& meut' tioroagisued coturtable gusaner. Queuta e'ili Siudoverti conveesluaee M&tttis bove etbl en W 4, Iqre, &usd Cigare )f th. bout Brende elwayeb kopt ons * i¶.Good sabli g asud attentive Oetleru ln keseno . WILSON, J r., Froprietor. A&hburn, M oy lut, 1869, ' tf18 RO0YAL 0ANADIAN fOTEL, PORT FERR1Y, OIT* - K.sro'y, -Proprietor. superloi aoniitscdtlcii. GecO tablînt Md bd rocas, ead ttentîve otier*. port Ferry* Nol,, #1869. 45 WI~7LITBY BBANCH BIBLE DEPOSITORY 1 Tise elicItieli cf the public le lnvlte te tise Dow sud weiilstodolaqe of 131BLES an130 ~ET~~TB ~wth, sud witbouti hep u lamette. Aow ta bi fé0od et ;biseMÎpOt*eh7.cfCthe Whitby Bresuch Bible sooiety. Th@ etcsk hu biense.- ia.edb l >ee itcy lh rOst ocre, andi wilOl badad e55mbra" volue*ela venenez atlof bulding, plsa aud crasinsetai. o.ioollory- t' e.f.Grrie.90u Trug store, D)Uedasm Inre . SSWRDWELLIN G kPASIEIs jt port Whit'by, iaety ccoapid by tise ws4,DilO.!,X. 81401W.. Wktl eua81, 1869- 15 Office, sun.! oCIer depatrttmonte of thse Gsiverr- nient. Cois> riglstis itsi tIse regiut ratioof tre Miarisu îsd Desigiue irrocsared. Ds'sctae.$p44riaes.and cth.s' Doameis a eu- acys ure Paesie fJreauiona. prqiared cn r. Oaspicofithe Model of h. ee.ionandprIlint- ieuffi kaascsin je lPaienes Ojie. e,,.- fusiv m. Msrcis, 1869.,X Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. AT WUIITIJY STATION& Vwusri reîiissen towu s tlothegralid Ttusk'lIlotcl, Wiitisy etation,bieg% u a.issrtn hIlé friesîia sAnd tiset-traveling psaliiobat lhe liass fitoub sp tise liis.,and u iasc ui it climiqtyle, isi l'y atteliion to tise waltuit tlisassewlaslver bien wiib Chjoir putrualsuge tractft uî met eolCnîrc ftisercntom. W Vl'rtleu taleisg tise raliirand les, ititz lsormeisswil hava thons wultaken ccuaf iii Chieirreluirai. Wîltea>, sept,, i1868. St T 1103'1AS 111T (LATS MOU Leueuei, YNOLÀND.> lie;. Cin)forin dis e popleoettWlitl yan.! rIcin- ity, tsat Ili s, ociened ..!a lsp Opposite ýthe Ontario Bfink. Ilreck Street, Whitby Ontait. wsacssirIo us e a'ssTren o errera GUNS, LOCHS, RETS, &c. iClockis an.! Watoisce aulesise.! and! repaire!, aslo BSWINîG IAICHINES. P.541L4OLB d&UMIJJELL.4S mne s!und cors'resl, Sawu is larîyened and!met,~ asdrepaire!, &c.,&ek., &s., Asareet your« pà trunâge le eolici"o. TIIOS. lIeNT, Wbitsb, Aug. 10, 1869. tf-82. Ro- L. MURJLO k Co., COUNTY 0IF ONTARIO, WITBY, OXLI BIC. W '.AIl orderiieft personaliy, or Moutb ii Ce Cire IlRoheen Ilouss," "Albionlot et,f or "Ointarl o Hel," Wlitiiy; Powell'A Iloehe,' Brooklli; Ilin.'. iItei, Osslscea; orChroaseU isr GerÂtteOdtleo, Wuitiy, e'ill bue ortliy Whitby, ot Io, 1669. 4 'lise uadertign.d, lu returiirig tiaste abic frlends ciii many cuaîtoniere, liege cao Cte aesssure thisn tsi li work intrusted te blmogare, will, s: iseretofuru, hi exeçntsssl lu tise busC tyle., REJIOVED. 70 DUTNDAS 821WETi Opposite A. C. *Mlon, -Poinster§*. JIOHN BROWN.' Wisitby, Apsîl 18,1 1870.,Yl WJUTDY, *ONT&- A. MASON,_-jpropHietor. The. above hm bbeen tisoroughly rusaoygtà d, anud tisepublile ,lil la vury sicemmodetion eustthe kaeut atteation, 3Jïit iT09, 1 Whitby, 31*1 lad, 187e' la TERRAPIN ]R Es rAU a AN T BE5T 0r -AND» THOMAS CARILISLE, -Pà iwiui£Tg.ý CoifnubIe Ee bet applied as 7*i1 beurs, Wiseg LI quer& and Cgurt cf Ctie tuent brande. Ohu ODniS 'uaOyserm in .very style. W '.Parti,,e*ll tlig Toctîtoldpr ea<dal ill atud every acoondaton ut thse Terraples., ApriGô, 1870, 1 YEOMAN GIBSON. 0OJIUISSION MER C4NI INSiOACZ,* GNE 1ALAGE14T. REVERE HOlE, B. PLANK, -- -- Proprieor, i3tageu Cccii.!from Wbitby oeil cluly. Every attentionspald te guete. Crefuli et.! atten- tiv'e otee c ENTZAL 110'EL, BRt%;'GRAg. JONBAXLEY, Proprietor, -c- Tlisealfflo hotelhue beci, newiy Site.! op and!fuîrniloused.* Gîustswill fln.! ootuiabie uoaoenidutiu s ud n.ttetiofl. <Itoa roomy tabing ssd uttesntive oetiere. 0- N. VARS9 RAO'TJ<1A LDolt, Oshawa uuejoaidireoCti) ppo. lmcoea8îrept tirdloornortiscf tise Ontarlo Bank, GEORGIE CORMACEr. L UMIBILEMEMOIIANT, car penter, un. Joiner,OGreen St. Wisid<y. Aîes'ge qua tityof .11 km.!, oflmborcoiiutatly en lbaud. U NDP ERT A K IN 0G YUNEIi'ALII fuily supplled and! ateuided on ebtift ass:'e. tiZnl2r Lep& cotitasnCl> On' COMMERCIAL 'IOTEL,9 OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - PzoniticTon. convenileîtly fiti,.! op roomq for Cousiner cial travelers. Iillissrde stissbosI. April 8, 1870. 14 m USIC I 3fUsidC 1 Wilitriiy Brumaeund!Strinig Bnsli. aiptei fur $osrea,îleUssa9 'xeirus,,.-.qualirille lîarijc~o.. ~.. Il lrl îy tihe hé's au ,011 ressunble *ApplIicsa1ionm mantlie nmasde ittier paroreully or by lette-r, (peut pal.!,> te J. WOLFENDEN(, j 20'lIuy 17, 1870. wlsithy.1 F OR SALE OR1 TO LET. Lot No. 17,-is c rit. 1,1rs, 2no ecre. 1000 ners,.s cluurcs], litwed tlocir s4ugs',et mlnsislios, alliii weli Sittsud up. good luirtamarnil astlsie i ittahiing, and!otiie.t isutlsilditisge aiecem as alu un exctellent lycring ",rclsrJslloil-ciay losetu. Spiu cros'k (silven fiilits) crcsisi athe lot, oltritae roajis, ciouc ta 'srus &'iîoole, bMille. sIe. 8 aorce ail rs'asly 1er lis. iîsgulp titie s rig. Ujo,lwfli of watr cuise tuteictis lor. Th'io lot i. witlsln 4 initieA fiosî -Aîlssîry, ansd 6 asilce rais trillil. For i,îtrtieiare iiy Cte1M. ilssiey, or .Joihn Luswrrî, irillin, te,-Tihe eîid Fisrns will be mual si Cgtisr, or lustWo larte, 100 acre. caci. MlARK IHALEY, < cn, 21 Atl:only P. 0., Marc. L UMBEILI e The unslereigtied bhaen end., ut MEAI)'S MIL,9 N BAIL ASHB1URN, A large quentity ut Lambser, vhieh lbu FoR SALl; Air 'ras ILOWEBT MAILET RATEIO, tg Bill Lanber cf alil knds awn on tise uhustset notice. A. B. CAMPBELL, ]lrookliu P.O Brookln, June 17tb, 1870. 26. p APER flANGINGS --- TIse undereigned ascgc to Interin tise publile this lie bau un san.!tIhe lurgeut an.! isteut ocf Paper llangingas lu tewu, ailofetChe - ,ii o be fers for #,ale, very 1ev, foeula. ilw. Paînas.;, Gralutu;, Giazang, and Puper Hfan ngj, erecateil las a vork minUike iud expçdui.uu mautncr, asusel. A. C. WILSON, DanunstreetjWbitbr Wlsitby, Apnil 11, 1870. ,Ii 1' BLAKLE15 PATENT £XCELSIOR CUTTING OFF NAGRINE J INVENTION OF *TIuE DAY 1' Cute Wrought Ir on, Steel Bare, Tunhing, k. ensotis and potiaslscd, viChesal.ressrting te forge, chicel or lthe, and ilehl do a uch wack lu un isaur mund u.talf neeu bu doue Ii a day by tihe cI.! Pro.cpe. No Founsij, Ircn Wôrtts. or Machsine Sbep honid Ib it isontcitu. m". County Elghtm, or 'Ch.5gIst for-thse - GEORGE BLAKE. Whibl,Moy 10, 1870, TI'F the Itcia of 1 1'KÂTTlIEW . Isil', Gent'a and CI ând Stace, tlugreet viriuty, sud Jnly 2.1870. M MTU LoAN, * On pr frojier. May si,':870. WITBY PIANO JOS-EPH R->A Mis tsuscriber,tun retersa cars thsaks Cc tise na and Ciatonere efttCis1 B~AND) MANUFA houx teo tai, tisaI hi nov omr neas aola.ly upasa talc owsoSu lcltlr.jr future ersiere s b We I that natiig vîi hobdleft undoi te giv.e oactlai, lsaj10 aI I T I Y, f. Tise turated new pgder.ti pattera cf Illem wn Inveutiu au heretefore. W .Ail orslers eseorted vili asud diupat&is. Ili OU$£$ TU.REN Tva Dweling Bouses t#' cf Wltby. Fon particalansampply ta wýibymarh 1, 170 m 1W'L I'i 1870, Building sontû th tsRoyal frèli. Mis. 'Keller and Mise Stuart taespcctfl'aly monuice te tiseLsiee eft sIIy usd-iiaily,t lstthiey Mre sow lu recceipt of Chir or buîisc Milinerv,- tjo' alga 1Kanpic, Dr.,oued, 1riasto;, Lsîuonu, IJ"opekirte. lolr.Csîils.ren ndCu&f, lise. lluissllsr- clsk'.. Vile,(Jiiniiaîd sllk Net,;. Japanro,. $wiclîm, lis<uoîs. iishr Bcande, and! Cirossts., Fancy Jewciry, and Stations.ri. * Strrw-work and Stinsplssg doue te orsier. Alil thu gooslu are new an.! woli meelaeaa unand et tise lalcuet fashiosa,, Liiss wiii qud a.!t tisey can cenist tCie taute aniiiitsretih cbils; lPesi net' t udreum.-Tlie bud- insg touth of tlie l ilotel, Breck Srt, Ws1'uiCh, April 27, 8A7O. 17 T31PU>Y MENT.-*P!eauunut and!priAit- mblehi."-3oukui. seu.! etumîîfur susar, tc HOJSES & LOTS FOIR SALE Tise anhi4eriber lii; been istructed by tlisDoro iprietor, te ueii tiseundernentieaaed In the Town cf iVhitby «. Iet--Tat Brick Cottage, (reidence of Mr. Ju. Wsliace,) l'itt utrect, clirsainin; 8 roomp, pasriîel satiai'aussdeec.l lent cllar Jsb godgardela, wall utacked, wlt G001e0, Cnrrat mn.! Hamptirr Bauls,, Tisore laualun oauitise iireisei.aa uod wvils, cot-water ciatern, anda sunali utable. 2nc-A rnsge of Bric): Dv;iiing&, 0on Centrej utreut, ii wîsielà her.e ctisreeCoieoes. ot 4 roouw candî a ki*cheu to es&ais. rcucnt rcsstulli108par acu. Srd-A email vaceant Uot Ifencesi), seoljîirss Mr. Ja". Bird'o roialaîce, on WiILLtma atreet. 4L-A vacnt oi-uner lut on King mu.! Pitt *trcut.-, veli fince., ue.!uea gardon. Tise aboite proîîcrty, or uny parto et il iib. soi.! cisep, and!ou eapy tenue. JAM ES HIOLDEN, Agent. Whitisy, Maî' 28, 1870.- e 22 N .2. TUE GREAT PEMALE REMEDY Job Moses' Periodcal Pilis. TiPc invlual'le naudîineD le anfuiling la tise cure ofC mil tîsocepuinftiansi dumsgeesoadia. emue ta visiela tise fernale constitutioninlu ui- lect. It moilermttoeaulexesand removeu uit abeotractioue, and! a cps'edy cure uap be raliesi TO MARRUM ULbing. ltilepeoulWIunlymlte.. It vii, in e hart Cime brus; ou tise iiiothiY periol viCisregisaly. SIai âeof Nervoaeus asd Spinal Af.o.j tin-ý'iihtise Backansd Liba atb u on Pdplcâ*ioa ot tise heurt, Hyserlos, unsd Wiites, tise.Piis vilI effect a9 cure visen aIl esher mnanit havale.!; an ,sid uitiaugh a tsoverf aI renedy, do aoC COýlitaslîs iron. aaaaael, caunoiay, d'r unytin; isurtful ta tIse constitution, Full dlreotiou n' lathéçauspilet arona n cal package, wviîcishuuld b. oareulty pr.u4eal. $1.00 mnd! 12X centafor pactmgi, inelces c Nrtirou a.!Lynt, Nevete, ont"goen- raI s pet for tise Dominion, viii mesure a bot. *til-entalnug over 50 PUIS, 1>7 returaiaiil. Poreuieby Jams yrue and.J . B.ernie, Wbliitby ;W.' P. Atklsason and! Ioblosa -k Ce Osbavu*-J.Duve,, soukil, u al I in;siiiie sieaIra. Fsb h1070# ,Mare and Foal, or evideno t* the Poli Fal bas been * lest ....#............... 4 Three year old, entiro Colt.. 4 Tiwo.yearlold enCirc Colt.... 4 One yoar old' enCire Colt..., 4 flerie Colt Of 17....4 FIir . a Ro n, e.4 mir cf arnisg 'ýioss... * GEX trPCEposE8. Stalisi... .......4 3Maré anad Foui, or .,evideîîce * tint Foal ha s ten lost. 4, -Three Yeur old enti4 olt.. -4 Two year old enire Cot.... 4 ~Flly.....4 Ono year old enire C t.4 6 6&FilIy.. 4 Herse Colt cf 1870.... 4 Filly u U . 4 Pair gencral piirpose Hio;ies 4 - DILUGUT U015111 Stallion............. ir 4 blare and Foal, or eviden<io ilmat Foal hac been buit 4 Three year old entire Colt. 4 à $ ' déFilly-... . 4 -Two ycar old entir olt..4 *" Filly...... 4 One year old entire Colt...:4 . dé à lly 4 IleaColt of 18-à 0......... 4 Filly bd 61....-. ....4 Pair Draught Herses..... 4 -Cans 11.-Cattle. 82 32 32 32 - TIIOROIIGII B1IED. DURHIAM. Bull,..........,..........o$4 $3 $2 Two year old Bull., ....... 4 3 2 Yearling BuIl........... 4 3 2 BulIl* à f.......... .... ..4 3 2 Milch Cew, giving milk or in nf............ 4 3 2 Tlarce y£-ar el.! o 4 3 2 Tlwo year old lier ......4 3 2 Ye-arling h1Iseifer....... ... 4 3. 2 ILiier cî... ...4 3 2 DEVON. Bull......»................. 4 3 2 Twe yeur'old Bull ..... .4 3 2 Yearling ul. ....4 3 2 Bull aI..... ..4 3 2 Mileh Cew, giving înilk or in caît... ............... 4 3 2 Three year clii Cow......4 3 2 Two year oli l iier......4 3 2 Yearling iier. ...4 3 2 Ilcfe Gat........4 3 2 3M9cli Cowgiving milk er in eu ............ ... . .4 32 Tiare. year oid Cow.. 4 3 2 Twe yenr oli.Hlter.....4 3 2 »Yearling Ilcifer ......... 4 3 2 liciter Cali,............... 4 3 2 ÂYRI8IIRIE. Bull,....... ................ 4 3 2 'Fwc yer clii Bull......4 3 2 Yearling Bull .. ........... 4 3 2 Bull Cali.... ........... 4 3 2 Mileli Cow, git4rg inilk or in ca-îf................ 43 2 Thî'ee ycar old Gow ....4 3 2 'Pw' yeur old Ili er. .. 4 3 2 Yearling Ictc........ 4 3 2 1-iciler Ci.......4 9 2 Best [lord, te irclude Bull, and at' Icast 4 temales 4 3 2 -Bout iJull- any ugo or breed 4 FAT CAE. rFat Ox orSt .....4 3 2 rat Cow or Heiler . 4..... 3 2 1WORKING CATTE. Toke workiug Oxen......4 3 2 las, III.-Sheep. LFIOE5TER. Ram...................... . .$3 $2 $1 Sheurling Rn.....3 2 1 Rani um. .........3 2 1 Two Eweu .............. 3 2 1 Two Shcarliig Ewes ...3 2 1 Two Ewe Lausi...... 3 3 1 Rha....Rm............... 32 Ram Lm..... .3 2 A Two Ewes ................ 3 2 1< Two Shearling Ewcs....3 2 1 Two Ewe Iambe,... .». 3 2 1 SOUriibovu. Ram ............3 2 1 Ram Lui .......... 3 2 i Twvo Ewcs:.........3 2 1 Two ýSbearlinrc Ewea .... 2 i Two EweLIambe .......... 3 2 1 Ra.................3 Ranem ab...........3 TwoEes........ TweEw-Lam ..........3 PÀT 5EEEP-à m'y BBEEDm, Trwo Fat Wethers, .... . . 3 ITwç, 'Ft.Lwes ,,,-....,.. ,3 21 2 i 9 buehelà Barley,'(6 rç>w>...' 4 3 2 1G buslîcls Peslage 4 3 2, 0' bushleasi ntîl 4 3 2 0 bushels Oats, ba . 4 3 2' 0 biéhels Datai, bft 4 3 2, 2 bushelt Corn, (S rwed). 2 1 2 butiaeloismotby Seed .2, i 2 bushels CloVer Seed.....2 i 2 buahels Alsae' Clover ...2 i 10 Iso Swedish Turnip Sgecd 2 1 Bushelof'FIai Seed . 2- 1 5 lIs GaCrrot-Seèd......2 1 5 lb Sfangold Wurtzel Soed 2 1 1 busihel Bae...........2 i 1bushel "Tares .....*...... 2 1 2,butihelà Rye Sprizag..* ...2 1 2 bisabels î;ye, Pa!2 1 li buohel iPo tatous early $1.50 $150Oc li btastîsls Potatoes late. 1.50 1 500 129 rout rîn I'pa. 1.0 1 500 12 roots Mangold'Wurt zUngredl. 1.50 150 12 rciete long yellow do 1.50 1 50c. 12 rectsa Mangol'd, ye. 10-W Globe. ........ 1.50 1 50c 12 reots Carrots, lonag - red,............. 1.50 1 500 12- roots CarroLei white-. 1.50 1 50o 12 do do. orange 1.50 1 50c Ciaso VI.-Dairy Produce. Best 10 Iso Butter, George. Robson'. pri.etof......$10 00 2sad................. ... 400 3nd................... .. 300 .t ... 2 00 5ti......i1 00 ,,10to is Cee, home made a sweepstake, given by the Pres., Mr. Dryden... 10 00 2nd.......-'..... .... 4'00 3rd...........3 0 4th...........2 00 Sth.............i00 Best Fuctory Cheese, net lest thon 30 li......4 00 2ncl ............ ».......3 90 3d...............2 00 But saruple Stiltona Cheese.... 2 0 Znd. ............... ...1 00 Best Firkin ot net lest tthon 40 Iso butter in shippinîg or. der.........4 00 2ed............... 3 00 Brd...........2 00 Ciasa VIIL-Pouitry. l'air Black, Spanieh......150o "Dorkiîsg. vliCe... ...i 50e do clrd....1 5OV Cochin China ..........1 5o '~~~ ~~ Pc w......i 50e. "Anay otier variety . 1 5Oc "Tasrkeyu, colored . i 1SOc ." de 1 t.......i500 " lild Turkeyiv...w..... Soc Getie, largo bren...1 50o 'O Geee, sîsasl do-. 1 5O0 "Dueks-.........1 500 Pig.,eons;, but collection.,.....1 50e Guinea-F................i O Beat lot of Poultry in one peu owncd by exhibitor, dirs. tinet froin aIl other en- Ciass IX.-Farm Implements. Reaper, auy Ikind......... $0 $1 $2 à 1on'isme"Machuine......... .. 6 4 2 Tlîreslssng Machine......... 64 2 Waggoa, (twe'.lsorse tenus) 4 3 2 do two.hlorse, spî'ng, msarket.*. 4 3 2 Two Herse Cardage .'......4 3 -2 One Horse do........ 4 3 2 Two Horse Sleigh....... 4 3 2 One Ilorse do .......... 4 3 2- Iron Poh.... ..4 3 2 Plougi, any otiser kind ...4 3 2 Double inould board Plotagh 4 3 2 Turnip Di' ......4 3 2 Set etMfIarrows, wood..4 3 2 do do- ion 4 3 2 Tvo herse Ctsîtivator». 4 3 2 Two herse Rir. ...4 3 2 Gang Pisg'.....4 3 2 Gran Drill .............. 4 3 -2 Straw Cutter, for herse poer........4 3 2 Cern Sselier .......3 2 1 One'horse Cnitivator ... 3 2 1 Strw Ct1e1- wrk4-b Pair bieavy horse Collars.... 3 2 i Claie X.-Horticul tur=jDe - p artrn'ent. 12Table Appl% ,sumrner, grownunder ga...7eO 2clusters Grapest,.bak - grown under gns.. .75o 50e 2 ýcIutsters Grapes, White, C. -gowsr in open air,..75o 50e cî noter. Grape»,' .black, - grown in open air.-... 54 Wvater Mln.....75e. 50.! Mn.k Melon, green* desh,'.'.. 75 5O de sarltt fesh...75e 504 3 Aleada Caulitiower,......75e o-c0ý 3 i " abiag-e, summer 75r, 50o 3 06 ~winter. 75ec ' 3R led Cabbage. 75c> 50o 2 Sqnahe..........750 500 2 Puxnpkins ............ 75e N0e 12 table Garrots,...........75o 50é 12 table Tansîs....75e 50è! Siprciann oDried Fruit.... 5e500 Casmned Fruit aisd>Vegeta- bIcs- eheupestarsd best mode cf preservisg and keeping fMr. Pà iton!sý prizeot........3$2 Specimen et Fruit preserved in sugar... .;........... .750 500e Spedimen et Fruit pi eserved witlaeut ua....75a 50e. Jely..........e 75e 500, Jar -of Pickles.,...........75e 50c, 6 Cuetiuberu,....,....... 75é, 50e 12 ParstniPB., ......... 75c-50e 6 Hends (eey....76 50à SO Peck Whîite Onions ...75f,'50e il* red do......... 75e 50e Flckling do.....75o 50e Potato do........75z, 50e 5 Iso cf Iiops .............75e 500e Clsckny.........75c 50. Best and grenaet vaniety of Catsup........75e5e Grapo bVu.......5 u0 Aiay other variety of Wine. -75e 50c, Miass XI-Domnetie Manu- 1 facturers. 10 yards Full Cloti, bomoe- made, spün and wove by lad.....$.0$ 10 yards Full Cloti, fhetory made,.............. $1.60 i 10 yids Satinet, home rnadè spahi and wove by hand 1.50 1 10 yards Satinat, lactory15 made...... ..... 10 yards Fla nnel, home- muade, unur and woi'o by h.ard, ail wooî."1.50 i 10 yardsa home mde by lannîlCotton warp.... 1.50 1 10 yards Flannel, factory> mande, aili wool.....1.50 1 10 yards Flanisel, £hctoa'y 1 muade, cotton wa...... 1.50 1 10 yards plaid Flanuel ...1.50 i 10 yards wooleaan re.. 1.50 1 10 yardls Mitg Carpet..1.50I Pair Woolea Blankets,' _bomne rae....1.50 i Pair Wooler Blankets, flic- tory rae......1.50 -i Pair Herse Illankets......1.50 1 (2overlet, hcavy.......... 150 1 do lighc......... 1.50 i Siaeîshsrd's P'laid,......... 1.50 1 pair %v'oolen Stockisags.., 75e0 50C 66 ' Stocks ...75c;50e iCotten Stockings. 750 50e ~ ' Stcks.....75a 50e "Wooleu Mitts... 75e 50e Plain Weolen Yara 75a 50ô! 10 ibis Flux, in itai natural state.,... a.......... $3 '$2 5 Iso Flax dressed .......... 3 2 5 Ibis Flax dressed by lsand 3 2 Spcinaen Flax tlsread.....75e 50e 66 Wiister Tweeds. 1.50 1 66" Ssimrer do , 1,50 -1 Clasi XIL.-Ladies' Depart- ment. Lady'@ Droits.... ...... $1 50 $1 Cisild's Dress ............ 1 50 1 GeDtleMni3 Shirt.......... 1 50 1 Ladys Bnnt......i50 i Piece wcs'k Quti......1 50 i Kýuit Bcd Cover ..........i1 50 i Crotchat work Counterpane, 1 50 1 Silk Countca'pane,........i1 50 1 Faucy Nettiaig,. . i .l...p150 i Fancy Knittang ............ 1 50' 1 Embroidery on nmuslin or lacea.. ............. 150, i Embroitlery cn Silk . i 150 -i Embroidery on Wrsed i 150-.1 Crotchet Work.............i1 50 1i ltaised Berlin Wonk,. i . 150 i1 Fiat Bierlin Work .........i 50 1 German Raised Work. i 50 1 f 1 G ipure ..... .a.. i.SU50i Chenil. Work..........i1 50 1i Ornamneatal Needle ,Wonk,. i 50i spcchien of Braiding. i 150 i Specimesa c1 Qtaitiug,.i. 50 1, -8pe*men,,cf l3end Work... i 50 1 1a xFruit..........i O Wax. Flôowerit.....-.....i150 1 Paper Flowens............ 1 50 1 Hair Flowers ...1..........i1 50 i Fauncy Basket...........i1 50 1 a Rug . - - .. . 1 50 1i Gre -cian aitfp.......- 0 1Q Tanecy Leather 1ek .,..t50 i ...k............. 1 50 1 Spetimen fHorseShocawith. .n ...1 50 Specimen of Puwpinaker's work. ............ Collection of Edge Tools. 1,50 1 Two xe......1 50 1 Panel Door.........I50 1 Windôw Siah.......i50 1 Window Blindse... 1 50 i Graining in WOçd.'... 1 50 Wrork 1B0X. ..... ...i50i Letter Press Prnig..1 50 1 Travelling Trunk.......... 150 i Side; Sole Leather4.I 50 1 Sfide Upper Leatber fCow-ý bide.............. . ...1-50 1 Calf 1etbr....... 1 Side HrnesLeatser ... 1 50 i1 F'arm ate.......i50 -1 Two ro de board tirncing, er- ected oi-, efairgronnd -1 50 1 Barrel ofFlosr........... 300 2 " of Oatneal....... 300 2 " of Corn Meal .......O.O 002 .Speelmen ofTiamnth'swork 1 50i >Best collection cil Coopers' Swork....... .50 1 Simning Wheet......i50. i ~Music.-There wli Ho s aband of Musiie engaged dnsfng the. exhibition, by the conimitte. Iiaviug the arrange. mesmof that departrnent infihargo. Strange dsecorery on e e Potomnac. [ri.tho Wbisîgten (D. C(1. dress!co, Tise conslant diccvezy of ibinge vielci mé'ppemr mrassge, affet&ad ujssssy fort ioso vises@ inelipations lestd thos. Cc ift out tIs anyatericu vorkiogs of telis. anI ,ortd The Cardiff Giant, whoee angbty rengaine virs rarpriaected e.sissving biaie dog Enca thse boe'elm cf tise cailla fforded au oppcr'. tnay te caer.geologitaeavuniae te expona te thse van.! tise nelunîote diagacis andI pregneis, mc te eapeel', maeby usa. cf that wosaaerfnî coriosity. On thse isnks et tise Potomac., neun Fert Poote, lives case William Durr, by occupe. tion a furmer, an.! ubodirecte tise apaage. msent of a fanmna ut re 200 acres. Upois &akiuDg peaaession Of thie propeniy, tmre tima, durin; tIse year 1869, Mr. Dom ftourd uevdral ludjun'relies, mucis as ie.tomta. lsawks, arrov beudl, e,c, and subseeniy bai1 fen otisers, in osimason - ose ameng lnstias, wiih led hlm te the conclumion thut ejaher un Iudien eettleuaent lad at au curly day beesa bosste.!neer larire",oc Chsa anIndien vurfur. hast leia wag.d there'on. Tis e aiteru esnl cf tie sateu.4 bordcred by-a voodeal grove otfluie tituer. e.! land!. Tironghis z rove Mr. Durs liad. occasion te pue.bsoalusdaiiy ites prusection etbis umuml vcrh. -HisattRen. tien bad! becesome lime'ince driva to visat *frou aul appearuncee ze.embied a. large atone, shaped sinseet intise formel o a grave. Ilany tinsahi pasmed i1 sud seensealdrua jby tme nuacccutable aneane le gii'Oit.nacre tla a spaeuiag glance. Couplîag tise tact tisai ba.! alneà dy fond. maay articlea cf natural cmaioityupea lis. place vitis the-tscugisttisai the etoneirniglat neveal aonaething seuh ctraaiger, fie lait- veek maude op hie sin.! Cc providoisaetf vits tise necemaary toola and alftaesatise nsteries it uight reveaL. On Tueaday bu ceauneneaPoperatiotan u pcn strsk, ing thse etone tua.! tulaisstoniaismneat Chat it hua.un cuter ccvering cf -tisame substance, vhicb yietdad readily go thse hunmeer, causieting cf a layer cf wvii mundetone, varyia; frea cne te tIare, in- cIses-i tu iiknee. viih, afla isavia; bieeq rensove.!, Ieft a acoothen surface, and rg. vealed tisa cuaparc tiveiy distinct onttîneg et u putrifie.! bear about manias fut i in lengtla, and threu ft..-et in beigisi and shicta. neu. .&ter furîher receurcis ve. (cua. tise distinct oiitlînEe e < a female fac-m4 obil.!, and.! ver the forus DE kicei1ae - isean wai a coan'lote covernag. Tho hem.! of tise animal, frcm the. indications ia ihe petriforaaealforai, laid bien oleuveal apen, anal restedisetveeu tise tvc fore pava, ik lylu;c iu tbaît positiaon. Th is.biailegs vere evideuîly brokeas off, ne furaher onte lisse of th Il"grizzly" a6ppearing. A UKT OS PEiUÀ=aogai, The question tu e b. aaed by. pbllceopk. ons là vere tise asotisenand! chli.!killed by ti bear 7taoressa ataeanal Iitiid m4 &DU e.! oinV beigm e e WiIITIIY Ku 40 GAS, SIRETIOR aeOlirui4e'm store. --------- !1a to mns WIIITBT* LLI