Whitby Chronicle, 1 Sep 1870, p. 2

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v r.îr.~ >.-Joba Tp-Y. -G. Y. Ssitfr. . GitenAle. les to r alyeo 12str ?ed y Frday lbé Th oeet lrapid 1ln the extreme ; oI ~~e but tf a" be hoeandy i b. go'>.Ir ONLY t1 60, CENTS A fA 1r= necorrespondent toegrapha from the Parls4,o'> %iidy-all oorreapond.nts have the M weTlurdy Sptmer1 j lr. W '>ChésW jt dia ~ Ma Roînn, Oficii Asige.,la on the dae'>ce commIt*e% ver and ',tber d sorised te ,,olleî accouis :fer iit i>ses,.exetdb roe ois chu or Bour~c.g aihla.luie n i thi deet and give reclptis; ai aIséo&ee1 $u 4 A1, h e>,1'>gobtalntrd, kve teaefend e& or ibe'reoer.q of scouhs placed inbi., ori BuetÙs, have raf!aed ton tbouàapd T bsasfr.elioîiu.artia voluntecra. Garde MXob à ae pai dravn up an address toelIen. Trochu, figl protestin agai'>ttheir 'I'>cootation lIn,-sh< The 'errglaise Wn, ews. the rep..ar -6 :W Rochefort bas been ali itiho Belsiion 'ta thatý dayi.,agto bat Priams Fr.drCk Cbarles Tri éentrapndont nt Fran>kfort, on whvb venldratuia And go lit pursuditof Marchai Thursdy,,,writa -Private, Intelligence bai, Menthon. ibis report sacs emhobi'gl. èng b>fti'tbê attémènt 0f officiai jàurnaise . &tro 'b. :in<s upposed that the Prince Biamarek W4, )l otlaion Lb, testitution>, ys boa tison thui led to depart front th by frâudoraul teýrrtory forcibly"abstr-act.» ae original operationa becatise bis lin. of ed front Qermany.- bot nither AisacOer no oommunications vould, bera j:dangered Lorraine,wiii be snnexed tb Prussia ý the yest with se large an ara»7 i hi. ,>ar. hgr at vlg ao n h h A North Germa'> schoone' Iront Brs. to à5vari&a, *ussia »l sIready probosiing, diat ml, Iately n ut loto London*brry, for te. and Engliîdâio. PalikaosLsatemnt, (Chi luge. Â,,,rench Frigata, vas crulsl'>g tbatbhad bougbt forty thouaan'd rifles bus outalde. Arn» correspondenense1'> France 1In England, la bnt a amtall part of trutb. go m arafaring badI7, Austin of the London> Sevoral hundr@4,tbomsnd' chassepots are the limes, le imprlso'>ed il hol1ms; Hall of iianiifactured her. for the French govér>. Toul tha4G#l. lac, s niprson t Na'>cy, and m'ont Th2ep mu* ianxiety lest Ger- .ýrt -BoidswortLhof the N5tu ssbeenenecort, many'a u~senÇ, aince' 'the;Britiah,'part ed huitkte Paris, unde 'guard. LQtS5 vé.wr of probibiti'ncb.ue *London, 1.80 p. W.j follovlng nova exportations. Thedal> news insstait li front French var 0 BoejUst reoeved,noar. &hall exorcise tbis power, and denounâcea w.e Il lbne>.undred-thousnd men are nov in me'> vite impéril the country for prîvab ed the triangle forunedby the tb.elinos ru'>- greed, it compares thia bo the Alabama citas nin g front Rheims #o Rentel antd Ve'>lers, cas. and says, '>o one vil! believe ve are be Bazin. isa'>et shut up,be bas 12,000, do:'>; the utnmost to preserve our neutral beMm me'> and MeMabon bas 180,00. Tbey Ity, if ve 'iloiv thia birade. There la no Mais are ateitli'>g tvo marches on tbe Prince k'>ovn founidation for batties reportod ' * Pbu Royal, vis, ia a day ahead of Prince Fred. French- papers, ber bave ve 0'» thi'>g a Charles. 150,000 mon Ici t Parie on Mon- froin Mcàlahon later tha'> Tbariday eve'>. Me day, for vicinity of Rethel. Tt la said ing. T uesi Pra~force tbere la 600,000 atrong. San> Francisco, 28.-Englisb gu'>boat Ofile rrussels, 12.30 p. m.-Belgium btroopa Chanticloor, sailed las.t nigbî, -carrying beer are baateni'>g to frontier from ail quarters, over o'>e million 'dollars i'> troasure, via poSt a gre#i battle between French an>d Pros- Panama. of th s ian apparently imminent, and the ser- London, Anguat 29th, private dospatch terril vices of the Belgium trocopz vili, nocloabt, says, rcported Frenchvictory at Metz in a pId b.e necosary te proteett he couîntry rom batie inwhich 50,000 vro sîstin, is faîte. triflir lnvasi6. The Investment of Longwy by- French accounits says McMaiion is not Be ]Piau-alans la de'ied. McMalio" bead- ready for bâie. IL voir Bismarck vho Mans quartera are at Soda'>, gave ordera that there should b. no lhait and( Nev York, 80t.-Private dospatcb, 1in mardi on> Paris, Kin>g aqaiosed, though Th, dated London. 11.80 a. m., says :-Paria hie Generals favored looki'>g after Me- vr despatches 8a% there basbeurn moto or Mabon firat an>d taiig Paria afterwards. Thi lmse fgbtlng for fortyreigb thbours, vltb London>, August 221h, R.ported great paîci serlous Jonseo'o both aides. The flghti'>g, battle boetw'> MeMabon a'>d Orow'> the1 as near as os'> li. lear'>ed, bas hein 1ln a Prince.là vbýcih MeMabon vos defeated. thatt voody regbon, extenii'g for saveral miles. French war àteëàmer anchored litre, ber bis rc Cariaruhe, 8.-Gazet'. of this cil> bu officera bave rcfusei odbact On> A'> oficiai tei. 'fiollovi>g- Lut ove, blshopMp<thia cit~ notice te 'leavà,.ibe Bimperor lanov àt .the t sciuat.d by desire to sto*' uso> fBerthenville, about 25 mues north Of. docs blood, undertook te brl'>g about some sort Oaoa cao> l orSoa.po of truc@ or î'>ditatio'>, vitb this viov b. Prusimns apposred at Soippea 14 miles patcl ventb <o Scbilllngbcim, an>d ual ýan'Intem'>îer ,p CI 0 lapna. vle vih ciotcf rtiala atllb. idresce, Rog. 29-Olivier atud faml> Wodr tbat te bombardinent vas co'>îrary toe >OiA 2...T 1 W0 asb London Au 1 000a lava f-eaveu ta mola wi#hair* e ronlte city, The bbp0 ler uiabélin r i tsineci 94 hm» -.cessattion of bomlardmbent ee arg'g~Puua a TI Su order te Lirio't fSrsor nvoati'g Thionville.- Pruasians bold aIl tb hai -gv o'nro tabur p otern Alsace. A Berlin telegra: th but : whih bt! eenmad byPrumias. orharo CUL Railvay ai Ç'Jý la Gragille.' Frenc conti'>uing siege. As Major Leehjinsky Bois de Bologne fl fdvt cattle, t ttis s eacorted Bishbop back to $trasbourg, bis ue8aufood in camp .0< siege, Wells, the porte, fiag of trace vas riddled vithbubllets. Stia rnui a en umndt uc Bobadme'tcotine.8iiî ) s fPrusa'> betidquarter.paver largoat calibre, And surrondor o cihy ta Âon Lx mr,2,(vnn. oI stoel>a mltr o lie.Tuer. lias been figlinUr idy ai bbce bimse London, Aag. 80th.-Landon papora village of Ma'>, beiveo Steinay an>d Vo'>- erably Are perfecîly betogged, as to positions of due'>, ring sbcady aeleday. The hostile armies, as laie war telegrants have London>, 2.-Special te evening Tele. remai made confusion worm. confoundod. gram@a, by despatcb just received frot Front] Paris, midnigbt, 29-lt s bciievod hero special correspondent at Monbmd.- We that il tb-night, temendua batteh bhO.'> go have news of a great and bloody battle, a Met lng on aIl day, as accurdiiîg to aIl ac- boggu'> on tb. evening cof Sunday, 2Sth,in knowv antints. McM'abon mut have reaclied tbe the itomediate 'eighbourhood of Mloizeon, not th troopa or Prince Frederick Charles toiday, the battlelas as .yet undecided, fightîng to delm Le Public says importlînt milicary events nov goi'>g on boetw'> Charleville and Th vote oxerclaed near Mioîîtmndy, to-day, Ardennes, Sixty thousand roops have T @vents wbich must exorcise great influence left Paris ta join McMsbort.a distati on ii.titatigi.The lahest var 'ews-from Prussien vîjile Itl Positively k'nvwn that aIl Prussian sources, lintth i rown Prince liq stîli on * orces bave boe on ccntrating for 2 days adva'>cing upc'> Paris, an>d tha thbb Pros 'n lapon Rethel, Voziers, an>d Montmedy. sian cavaîry is vithin 50 miles of the city. colura Prince Royal-appeare undecidod, H-e bas The removel.ot books (rom the Imperial asgerte arrestcd bis course at (Jbalons, owing to library, and piclures from the Lonvre le Boxai, bis ignorai!" of Meldahon'. intention. recommonded. A leiter front Berlin says are pi Samie vant of Information bas led 10 more, that th. French in ail their actions begin menti cf Steu'>mcîz and Prince Frodericli ho lire se0 Sooti that tlîey cause great ANTI Ob1ares, wbo bave mnarclîcd to Montm>edY, siaughter befqî o the Prussians are within Leadepof al mes of oncin>lest ail day cbarging distance, Il la ussertcd, Ihat, A i Thursday, 1'> deliberati'>g vhab course te aîîboogb ibhe French figbb bravely, the (rom M pansa.. MoMabon bas gained, sucb ad- positions thcy lbave woald have ho.'> vo- re-ope vaneageathrougb Ibis deiay huat -arny tained undor tii. asme circumnatancos if Spanl of rown Prince cammob reach lii' beforo occapièd by tho.Prassians.. the dug ho bus fouglit vithbPrnce Prederick Tiiore are sid te i be'nov 20,000 French The Pi Cbarlea. I e'> Crown Prince arrivesi, priuoner ef "In, Genmany.. opposé Bazaineo viii &acs have bad hune 10 coins .Theýëpecial',"Ïrtispondent of the Herald up,neo as .il'>t aurrou'>dod, but vas free qah liaene ,, ritesait BzinIs u- É Penunaaptialy, vo s pece ai Qoee'>'s A London -apecial s. ays, lbla fa'>cied the F. -Skit messengens roacbcd London> eslerday, Crown Prinée is marching '> Pa'r*s vilb B. B. C vlt dcpaub or orog'>oficeirot rus. 150,000 MenI'> ise rochu, witb ab ieasî lr ails,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~R tavpprercp'de> nîsfota qual namber' can dcfond Paris long geutîlet Ptusa'>'ilOadquartsreltaI ai St. Avold encugi to give McMahon andI Bazine time nui.obei bd iotieeed Bismarck, an w as cordial. ta do thsi» ork 1'> the rear. It la under- Iy treatd, the. King was ver> ki'>d aissoo d Lt a nav Fréncb art> cf 150000 ,peache, A"t sent vord ic America that in'a oee li ve rrot fWïgstLos 'dD.m S~ut ificl> utpocuri'>g foodib ms làlfb .a>aae eéa., bi com i rya baa uate.M trealment cf reseres do mouteed a oq,ooo00 me'>. AIl Aulre Amarican Journaliste andi travellera by ia crtain tbt/rgl na aibandi; Johnt B. Germans as veli as, by Frenchi basbée'> t la vc il!bo a desperate and droatiful rou*ma mont i faiori'>g, vbo'> compared vlîh <bat one., No veil lnforaned perse'> nov antici Cochran bealov.d upu'> people of oltoer nallons, paie a'>ytinZbut l nd- usti'> and, tesîlfie b Lite popuitrity ef env var. long a . x» gdngt ceontry. The neye ree.ived ai four e'jclk bau ffce New York Courler's SPeciai front Paris <urtber datailisas to the allogod ntarch o'> residçni faya, iois tepead op, an>d are on ev arails. Tb@;Prmsiana aroilaid be cont- Proeeace et deprAruurm o Torsnd Emperer boci ntUns unbemrd of outrge& Boita of Parties. ~ivLedtejou Ieuli$ 4olnoa . Pr usalans have bsrernjlefi lying, dead a'>d breakta Nev Yovki S.-Pev Frnohm",;atk- voundéd, unahebeul.happy1 pcdý lesugt '1n Union Suare, asud w -eTI» élalged officiaI nevq in <bat te Westert c' pod rcs i c fàibmen Proulsans tape pasing tbvooigb Na'>cy te- eeediegi *lgioof tbq Meif&. Bv.D r. 0!Lear"t vardaObalens, That the neige of Toul -OsholI lelr mnain, uMon Ap addreàs. had to -b, atandonati, evlmg b lIte vigor. Sui, uae>,presqIenle01Franc mcel 4Ml-1998ui oesiipt-mt4a' by lb. garison, mucb w, 'nt the- Paris. A 1retreatlng on Rlieims, md4 leavini hedlp camRp ail 10 tbePrussiona. Sinci it-tital helmliscbaa .abandon, The obviouà'tnotirle tbroughoui 04 bb rt of the Wrencb, bag b..'> ip 'avb1l lit The Prassians are nov vithi> s eet amrcbtof Paria,'vbere porbapa gmne liotaditonailresistance may ho mot. émnbe&am'ss iIcofote ', f >4 lie si te roceaInder Of tle. Prus4ia -1 ', 1 () 1Pa ar..1 'arls fftiýý-t a 'council of Mt'istie teday, faverable noiiin vas cnmmani. md front bo holf roncti armies. It je r certain teér. vIr"na seni6us figbti>g strdayl etreponîed 1'> bbe .FYgaro aO Go1rrantnias roceived l'>fonïtion> tt tb. Pruasians areno >0loger, *ai iaona. - The army. of the pinc, Royal reirogadoti. Orders have 'b..'> iven '>ounted gens d'armei ho nesiat raids of )Ublans. La Liberrte-uys thai at il yeîtcvday, the Garde Mobile made a a.c, tiefonttng apdkiIlàÎgthe greater rt Ofiv russu egnans Darlsnahe, 28. _ - evcere ar 1tillery bat- took plsce at Kebl and Strasbourg, o> 3dneatiay. basting a'>til Thursatia>mor>. ai et o'clock. A large parI of the %Iel. anti arsenal in Strasbourglias m cestroyed. The French battery at rvie> vas captunet i thout lontsetathe asiana., The French fine destroyed >t 20 boascsin Kehl. Jendelbien, Bavaria, 26.-Since lust aday evening th. bombaimonnt ettasbot.i b6 the Praasia>s bas an Incessant* The Pruasian 'adrsnced viwîb aiege train is viithi 500 -yardg, bhe City waîl. The walis 1pve bec'> ibiy battereti. Se>'erai magazines ex- ced. The Prussion lottes roponhtd *ng. lrlin, 26--frencbatonries, that Prua. luvere cheeketi betwoen Vendu> and' Chalons saidtie10be faise. Ie teiognapbîc deapalobes are as usual rco'>tradictory. 'ho Tnibu'>e's sPeciai gays, in a dis-. eh datd as fan back as tbe l7ib. front licatquaniers Of the Crovn Prince, there la '>0 dola> 1'> bis adfrace;*îbiat ceserres are ever e'>croasing. andti Iat coniqieret Pr-ovines vil! banely boiti roéopa poetid ntthent. Pfalsburg not appear le bave surnentierei, as iously announced in Prustian dis- hep. îe Trib'>ners Paris correspondent, of neutiay, atates that the Chalnst campý broken ap, te preventlte Prmibsians ie bontbardnteni oi Étraburg -là asT ive inflicctid little damago tbug fanr. tbat bcavY Beige arilery wvu comnt'g îobber Tribuno despo tch says ihat tbc ich boa'> is a stri king failure. But statent is-coitradicîed b> othen ne abwich assert ltat it was a- decidea oss, Trochas (gorernor of Paris's,) er ie aaiti te be, moze nominal *that' a t less, so il jelaîd itie bas declareti îeif. [The "speciai" goasips 6"consid_. 1y," as 10 whaî Madame Rumor says.) e Ki'>g's arrivai aI Ber du Lae, it is irked, is the0 best comment o> th. nc sterios assidiousiy apreati in Paris the Pruttigas. vr, caagbt un a trap eti ; that McMabon's movomnnt are n te the Prussians, anthat lley do ink lhcm cf sofficient consequonco flay be atirance cf the. Crown -Prince. ce Prassian front is said to sketch a iceof gfo8 or 40 miles-tbo nighh marching by Bar du Lac anti Vetry, the left ving bas envolopetiOhm'>- andi Brienne, froni 25 te 4o milcu yward cf lino cfr'>avcb of tbe main Un. The French war office priraholy 't nevrnieloso that MeMabo> anti in are ini fail communication, anti îrsui>g the Pruasians. Londion special maya that an e'>voy Mfadridi bas arireti in Florence, to e'> nogoniations ton efieri>g the lb crcvn te Prince Thonnas, te'>oo icheas of Genca, (a yoaih of 16.; P pal govertimenî, il saya, n0 o'oger Ds the. plan. TIIE ITALIAN AiIMY. i Italian armnyis ntoring tovar do tbe ue. Tbene are '>p sypiptons now fy. - JAZYABT TO Dut. OttloT.-Rantli,# &q.,- 3Cutr, AÀ public, brcaefaat vea ta, RIer.-Dr. Orm:iton tiismoruting Me Sais'Hall, vbiob vas banti ly clooraued for the occasion. The wu ocempict b>' Mr. Sheriff Thomas. le.- rit ethile Chai-tan ast tjbë y.~ Wai Oritîon, B. B.; ex< Ber. Dr., ice, Principal cf lte W.. Pmale Colbege ;.- Rer. A. B. Sintp- passor et' Knox's Obuneb; Rev. W. îuce, cf Brantford ; Hon. Z .N. ,Unuleid States Conslat ifamilton. ia loft cf -the fiCtairuýn n vre acateti Dr. R7ermo>,'of Toronto, Rer. J. W. Br, pastor of thé Ceutmenary Cituncit P. W. Marling, oI.Ta&mto ; 1ev. D. ,paaicr of McNab sîrool Presbytonian i- The first vice.chairmau va Maibe>zio, Esq , - te otiens, A. timnr, Eaq.;- W. E. Saniford, Esq. ; Caribou, Eaq. ; antiR. Servicé. Esq. 'o numbOe. of iiiluémîiasl ladies anti utea vers amoag té-gusa. À Dr ot exeeding>' eotplimentary- es vens made, to vbich the Bev. a.e a autitabla reply.- mrAnir.....es.ria uorâng Mi. îJéffrey7 the Chicago £ve>ing ul~ ~ ~ bj -a an4 b'the Rer. ,. aéO, of ibiscty t7ws a, sr of Mn. RobentlIari, of tb. Globe The v.tiding boob placie a$ thé 'e of tb. bridées a then. lu tite eo!'ý a -utmbon et'f frieuâ thel Afier the Ocenti brU sà ait andtihIe aisiafclicitaticnsThe Party loft b>' tise 11-55 Great ' train on a bricf trie befone pro.W te Chiéao 4alntipp eti ith réfrét, viil be ve~ GîenmeY OleOrs i lemàid farm for aIe, îusisd.on tho Tow;.liamt- Pue .mile from îbe T"o fWhitbyj. 8etr. That Iran la valnable lfMoticineébu long boa'> kuov,,butî il là diui Iitdel pxeparatàîin athe penlieular tprp of Peru" eo. brou ght, t ui b Jeciî le -Most slu. tary, Exvac~r7~f~ coaisiut'y vus ýthésenior paitner.lt inthç tira» cf Roaf, English à; Fosbér - MtutQun Or HsutTORea.-The Marquis of Hertford. wbcaé deaîb va atuunceti a day onruv/a ago in a catie despaîcit, vas the feurîh inheritor of thai titi., antivus ton in 1800. On tbe djahtb of bis fathon be inheriteti au immense fonrtute, vitiit te largol>' devotodthe bémaintenance cf a magnificent establishment lut Paria, anti the purchué of coat>' vonka of art. Ai the fanioua sala of bte gabier>' of'King William I. cf Rollaend,,lho purchaseti one picturo, tité "Assumptian." b>' Morille, fer the énormous sua» of $120,000i The Marquis vas au oarly anti constant friend ef Napoleout Ill., anti encouraget imitnl bis candidtiaure for the-office of President. The vust ecatt..anti immense vcaltb of lthe Marquis descendi, viitithe.tbis, to bis yonng tidentan, Capt. Hagit de Grey' Sey-. mounrlis eoouiogrand sou. Tho Brave iSclibon, The Moniteur publiabes -thc foiiewing graphie utarration:t- - J-un'5nay,, nusto,7, Oja eit trinl brougtbt haitîo Nantcy a part of the v oundeti of thé day befone. The>' vene 0 accempanieti by Marsitai Molfmhout, vio came in bute te seet fer proviaion@ for bis corps d' Armee, the cnemy hariutg out roff ail bis suppliés; hi. soldions bad n>et emen a.nythicg ,fon ivenlyfoun bonna. Tite Manabal trent on foot -bo the Café e Boiliot, lb. nanal reutdcxroutsicers ; Iho vwu soancel>' to bé recogutixé, being ccv. 8.oncti viih ibiet muid front Ëifate <oit - bis bauds vere quit. blaek; îa sitota canrietioff one cf hie epaulolen - be- atinîs et' bis taile veno drilled i btnàbti tbal, i omly oneshale cf' is teleocqb,remaînoti, 9 -th orber baviog icén -trsck gbÉa ballet; * bè-von.-bigh, looeé boote-,îf enorlmou aýpurs ; malipensons took -6,.Iein bats as -be'pamsd ; bis pbyeignbofW'presaed the our lléi.eciéem, i 0-arriviutg ai i éCafé*le uil>'or1 neiome cola méat4 having beén bimaelf aloo fasîing for a day * anti a uigbî, a*ti vhile eaing Ihéev/note a *louter in a fév lUnes anti vas be'> joineti b, a saperior offiEr, supposeti seb. Gênerai de Faili. They ebut ihentuoelves op il ua adjoining roont, andtiafter'ashr cnfr euces te Marchal netrnedte 1theb.station to nejoin thé tnoops viîb bis pnoviaîo'>s. A porson of Nautcy, vhe k'>év tintveili havi'>g ubeti bit for utssof a negimant9 of cuiraisers-6"Cuirassiero,'î replied thé Marsha, 6"thore are utouste lfti." Thte Prusalans are safferng eriibl>' front tte van Accondi'>g te a uevspaper corneapendent : AIl me'> betveen 20 anti 89, ont1 dis- ableti,- or for special rossons otitervise 'employeti, avireiltefieId. It la pain- fuly impresaive toe. l téedeneteti aspect ef Germa'> cules. Whobose mt remet- ber lie buay crourds iii tie narrow sîneets1 of CeILgne? Nov thby are deati anti noieles%, vith ncoe bat boys anti c.l me'>t biroetheirspace viit vcome'>. [9 ia b'>oln'toe eory one vbatan.Oen- ntous,,fonn>dry a'i htI.-o£ -M.Knipp, et Base>, '> itenaluPru sis anly eigbî thouameti Vorxiiiut are employed Iin , aI a ntemlnfoneed on ioexcepîionabbe autbority -Llhat ç( lies . o Ibvr thon« 1,48 bave bati Ljol'> leiv coos, tb tb, Indescbbî y bossofthe fcundry, as lte, i meun compîti the akîlie4and-abaololelyp In îÏie ubéàriaa ; audyet titene ta '>ô mhuing aatd me ncpptg amng the Pa 1,easPOPaltna at w slabring et a Rodi vatlvu0jpu1ý, lc rfflsa ug De us- .,n motion cf Job'> Wilhis, Sèchn4dd by bian-sttiPoamdJ, a nation cf 'ivemlY Jobti TWeedle.; regolveti- That the Uceve tmilloas, flghiiug'lilse a ibousati'Million; be an>d is béroby'authorized, ta grk'>t %ie thug backed - The mealt, ceult mot ordereo'n te' Treasurer in> favor of AIkx. b. doubifa. Aud1 Iamt almoiprsadéd, Kit0en; for the santof, $50 00, blat san tw ,ta he, peaue aI a& lprias"> mini6try , lsvig. bhn expendedby hm, in> ai. Englaud couid t it bavé resli5ed 'tee lga rok1 i r~. ig side alls jin the village l r o b b i n g b e a n s o f t h e p e o p i lle ' b à , - f 1 1 o tl n o f t yi.e , ' e n ~ d C* h-~ ~ - '-o ýrjgikâIl by-Jbt~~yî~- î.a is sut rddc.. Io mo t waarba-sitke sti of tbe Tov'>shîp of Wbitby forthe, presint- haroildoot .ry;1mba-graýppled,'aas - i bubon ycav, aà4 passeti, 10 lutvainlI viih ber accarsd spoliators. 0'moin f cryBkeected Ant so eîbe asmetra or ativ, <arb> Jobhn Willit, a y.1lav vs roglil !ô n s o , ' 1 h o '>gl a'r , ia c oti i i r ,- ýe t o s 1 a n i p a s S e d , to a t i a e y a n ti c o l le e t o n f . net probable ouse L.taxable proponty ti '>.Mu>iîxîy hae sauýip d-pd' o.- fleat andi of the Townsbip of. Wbitby, a rate of tt Frauce'meisti vetit hae mtany sept2-10 mibîs on the, dollar, for the purpose Rua&isiaa ooden, vorbboma naval-staff, of raisi'>g tbe sut *of $2185.00, for th&e likte a torttado-rand s, 0 Prussia, ber expenses of the Corporatidn, the present' ne vly ncquir.d Kiel vcuid 'have avaiied yoar.* n ouigb, ean s a MdÏng-,bol. Sa liýtaiJob'> Willis moe, secondeti b> John thi z6le ndbriïin glry nd boorTvoetiie, That Ibis- coancil tia nov adti. Ibi mbbeenibnigig gor ati ouonjour'>, snadstand adjoaracti antil <ho to li oncrmti estnreuin bthéai third Monday in Septemben, thon <o meet, Most exiinguiabeti anti bopelasa Pobautis t the Township Hall, at 10 o'cbock, a. m.' 'and an honorable and sale succession (o Carrieti, andi Council atijourned. t b. N apoleo ai e ribe, m ig bî bave be eau I- 'ý0 iain.d, 1lîbink, boyond a àdoutiistaifan Deabb 0f Goveruor NoTaviait. losa d0st, ibms' Ibii bideo,'anti vanton- anti wuleful utrife, begoîlen cf self-antd (Fret thbe 'Nov Nation.') eandiutg in ovenîbrcv ;-for wbatsven vay Il la our pai'>ful doty to announâcoltée ube fato of battbe May tend, Nýap. III, auti intolligence reiveti by lut mail, cf the bis Fran, must go.-In> faci, the. gra e> thbof Govroar McT-aviah, v/li dieti at mare-,<s jut nov the botter. hureso_.bri Livrool on the 23rd alto., tv/o taya tbal vroct Save the perjurenr. Ail! Ibis b. afhet bis amriral thon. ;probabi> te viii hâve lime ta re.coniifler, iut bis fututre rcutgh ses passage lut bia extrcmcly veak asylamnea bis oncle biat hSu. Helena- state may have teuttedti 10huieon te poor fun Nap. I lietrayeti anti grnssly deceiroti gentileman's deat. Titis intolligonce viii poor Polautti, anti paiti for il at Moscov. apreat a. gloouà of sorrov fret cone endi Yours, ke., cf Ibis country ta the other, andtiutomany . p. iii brlg grief anti pain. 0ur opes ex.. premsot in a biogrtpical sketch of te M. Gmbbs, M. P. teceas entleman's life, uittoe lime cf - bis tioparture, ltai the retirement fret 2b the Edülor of thA. WAitb~ yronicl. thé distraction cf business' andtihie per- - plexiîiés of ollie, viîb the adrantages of Deàa Sia medical SIi u ant afavraabi, cUmale, Fie, fie, 1.maught> CEaRî1iaz., fear migbi, in. due courste, reaiore Mr. Me- thouocin biter t torent me, afrt Tavish abt iléasi an approximation te- the os cm hter o teormnae bfonr. arda his olti robtuese ofconstiitution, biteaim, mght . té lngea, o Mnandti hai b. imigbt tho sparoti. for mmny Gitba, in allosning cithér a Pickering Farmer, or a Reformer, tbrongh youtr col. years te enjoy; tbe fruit& of aàlifeilme cf t diaurb pace o ~ ~ bantivont amongat ci, bave aies.Iý proueti nimnsa, otubbts pneo id fruîî.s, andtt iacerelysma~z ib caiiut onhi.to irean ccont of iabis famiîy in their seve à affiicuii' antiWh i slevandabip, (veighiy eadti ormeutîîng nearontent, veds,) en ug I tab ppa l th é b a t f t e 'As soon ast e m elanc oly n ovw aeu bravesi of meut, ove'> Napoleon migit eevt it lgJIFrtGryapa e abnit fonttho ubsitnitibe . cîbei n moutrui ing ai t aî< moat, alao, in tic tovp upou ta 1do se. Muob mote cor népre- of Winnuipeg ai the Entmenling Houa.,lut 'valor, anti if a Reformons' vievs are cor- rMpravi fflr'ietcaae m.- er rect, wub a nln atinithîby.Lauti in 1883, irt oeneutiereti theH. -B. are, tai Mr. Gibb's accont ueti be a C o. service i'>nîte isual way as a'> appre'>. aorny one, velntay, he sbrink rom the lice ciek n o h lttnyaspe tut, but sir, if Mtr. Gibits bande are et nifrIelttu er r ca', if ho b us fait fullv dicharge ti bis v acuts La bis d partu rehe iti the posiio ii f 0 Governor, endearing himelf ta ail viit Pariiamcniary dulies îo tha best cf bias iotlecm ' otc ybsknicp abiiîy I a' sc '> roe' fo amy n- ideration of tanner, together vith the i lactance or lbiutbing ut bis pari of meet- a'> diabetat 0vib'bn dtnpt iutgbiscomtiiia'ts ntirautieingan im lu thie inîereourse of privato iTe. We i acconnt aut>o îbem cf bis srewardsitip. ct e aol 'otsonIloolr upc'>bis lite1 Boti air, if on the other bandi, Mn. Gibbts ai v e h u e aton ar. bas as a Reformer and a Piccerinî Farm..ga. Rquectipa. or, ihints ho bas dc'>,violence uo uit dictates of bis conscience or better juige- ment vhile titrougli îbiot aut i, nigt andt vrcutg, atipporicti-thé Cartier aud Mactionaldi Gever>meut, by ihose voies mentioncti in -a Pickering <intersa letton, iben sil May te ainkfrom ntatiish ti put as fan avay as possiblo, Ibis coWl'>: te jutigemenu, andutti wvuiine. doutit, Mr. Editor, bave ticen much more picuing to Mr. Gibbis bal yon titrangl yonr colont given a> acceunt ef a> invitation te, or of an addtreos givtti by tint at a Ctnrc cpe>ing or e Sabiatit school annirersa>' titan by ovout binting at a comiug day ef accoont, andti ieu a refermer as if on purpose, te intimitiale anti if possible, go atit te the gorment of Mn. Gibbts, tercions- ly brngs forwardthue, sealoti fate cf ou Local repreaentatire.* Fie.l nutgbîy Re- former, fie 1 If Mn. Edion, oun nepreseta. tires bati faiîbfutîly andti fearloculy dont tbsir dubies te thein coutatituouta as titeir reproaontaties, iL stoalti have beemi uheir groatesi piecasue andti he beight cf <beir ambition, 10 be caliéti opc'>. 10give a>y éxplanations on dlean utp amy change as te itemr misccnduct or cf a boîraying cf a>y trust cotnmitteatiet thea» by thein con sltot . Bt 1 fean sir, sitouîicur ne. presantative ait colmly aud dispussieuately int juttgement o'> lhonselvea, I-fean ubé> volti utatproc'ouce o eutumelres the velconte plaudimi, vol!, doue gooti anti faitial serran7 tboni but been faititful te sby co>stitmteu tîsaiOscrifice cf titine 0v> god, bah'>0 no-, l i ou la ilnthfuiy prononetbon hast bien umfai' iago' îboae, aund faiîhfui te a subserrient anti eorrupt gorerumemi 10 item eerlusting hmitant.aud disgnace. 1 aintoat tremble Mr. Editor, viten îbinting that ancthen siection, la so iear st band, ihinkîng cf the sînife, tbe corrution, lthe disgrâce, Jyea the sin) commitîteinluthlie lui cant- paigu, andtiÏMr. Gibbis viii com. forvari aund publiel>' stage andt faititfcll carry out t.e prncipal, thag, if b. offiers as a Gautii- fate for the Ritiing's, seffenagea tbat o> lit part, utc monies or cîben pocuniar>' in- tenoat viii be givien for voies direct or indiroct, on any other influence cuber titan îo'>ourabîa infiluence ; I donutt ayîbhaî I shal nuttfongive bbc putsi asI myssîf nul knoweîh, I neecI te be forgireut. A VOTER. Kingstont, N. Y., A, nambar o! pensons vere assombloti -outaide cfaà cirets lent, wban4 alighîniag srt eaetéaanti six penmsons can tsantl>' killéti. Fifty othérs véne kmocked dovm. Inside cf the tent scores ver. inoeti ent some aligbîly b u n n o t i. - - T h e h a u a 1 a n t i s h o e e - cf e v a r a t peroo ne gens :oL 1,Pis htfl, lutectil Qonutlea».m vhcso lohbsarc not vorut out vilibe bmppy to kuiov LitIfasiotual viii ngt change -ibisL. - - ECIB31LENS OR F01'111DAYS AND MON<T115. n aitu>'. (in ,a)- W.AL id Tio flerai omblets of hie days cf th ie d,) J iti Seohar>. >5 vcek andtihie monîhs of the yer.n are as Dati 241h do>' cf Amngutst. A. D, 1870, 85 r, fllos :- -____________________ 0 lfonipy-.1 let' cf lte lotus or wator M A TOT g Elhafferesegt liigbt,baif tient, te JMOTN 'AlES -lotus bei'>g considered in1 the East as to "Thea emblem ant ndtiilb of renitice Nigitb."1Te neagotLp osa nbn 91 Tuesday-A leif, bal( iglît, ho signifv iauy erin Ypacetni> ' at r the eav ns, a ndth lbî lu as or ea g ree , l kind a f h .eaning the waters, lài reference le the P ARKMI NG IMPLElUlff8o teconti tiys vork cf creation.th W e d n e s iay - A lea f d i id e ti m b t r e on i tiiig 0 f it cf olors-light for te heares, blue for te JOHISTONf SELF-RAKE, nvauor, anti grec'> fer ths eartb. Wood'?% Self Raks, Ohie Cemblnet, anud Ca;n- 0 Thunstia> -A green lotus besf, on vhicli ga Juninr Lover, ail -maunfactureti at Rteh- ls paceti a floer figurative of tho su', cnei it. nr cre te t o '> t ic fou r h day . A s e a ve y gera variet >' f P lo s, Ra i- * Fndaya laf '> bic a' ineetfre- nti 11111, (aa Witby, anti Dominion t'> ay- syblxi n whichanintb e bn'>g Plevs us. aokr, Asitbnr',laIse tGamng 4 i g,-s m o i g, " o t e<rt rig P ow Li rsoa S ravutteno Fanuiegc forth the living creatures." Millis, Roati Scrapers, Herse cilies, anti 0 Saturday-Tbe lest for tii day isilbti Weedeno,cnears, &o.. antiabothecatobnated 1 viii fruit, for 111 have giron yocî erer>' denhie ëeit.adjuAaiutg r boni, bearng seeti, and over>' troc, in T lY'- ' r vidi is the rail.'"" a' s. 5.JD.R I L,~ rSitntay-Simply an clive bcnmf, sacredt o maetiisctnreti b>' mons. Artitur &v Baron, peace antinest. Aitiburtc, aiso e'> handiti e lite hondHill, - - ~ Wity, 0t)sas'undDonin ePointe, Lautdý -Januar>' is nopresented b>' a robin, c'>- sides, Mould.beards. Plev Randies, &o., circloti in a girland cf tveeI-scenteîl Repaira kept on bandi for lte Richmaond Bil Lusslago ; ainco the oeocheers our tivdil. iespenssuani hovirs. ingsa aIbis seasonvilhitis presenco, vbile . Aise Agent for ltse Ontario Fart'era'Muînal - bbc cîer regales tito oaly moct4b viit Icnasuce Company', - iLs fragrance.- Plea,%e t-e cIl anti examine m tock hefore, Februay bas a wreath c f snovtnop*,' pnrcluiîig ebsoviiere, at Meusae' tni suro'>'>ing a -pair f goitfinees ; Iis oni 1h con. Pickolig, 4 gnil iea Weofh iei'g te motb n vbchlîesefioe*1Brougham, o'e-and-e lhalltmile emtcG r- 1appear> anti alto birtis iegi'> ta couple. votAies- 4tach a datiigushei b ti. îîrg. LX.MACKIE, ly p h ic a o f a b ir i' t n e al, n c irc le ti b >'y a X n-- . >brandi *of Lb. attend. AlignâtSi 70 -' *A - A pril_ For iis m n t vo ave a li'>tn l ehrnsin-te-mitstof a bush ofl CANADA PRESBYTEIIIAN CRuE J 'Tue vernal 'fcu, vitit-golden baskets bang.' W H 1 T B Y-, MaY A*n le t you'g birds, claior- c ao s fo r fo o t, 1'> a a v îli er ' > . b u s h i n '> fu ll o flo er, sym bo ies Iis m nt . 1 June bas; a reath f fleing grapes, A eîcompassing a branci of' ripe strawier-A 8R E E tOs. -in ooectibon /j ite hoInductian cf île July-A bunch of neti cherries, on- wneatbed wiîb tb. fragrant purple thyme. EV. W. P. BALLAN-TYNE, -tugusl la represcntaîeti-b>'a a renal -wil h b ela'>theo Rail cf viest bai-loy anti oats, encircliog ripe > p l u m i . - c f l b September bas a ocluster of purpe 1 EI~I grapea, viti a vneath cf bops. M O ct ber la represe'>lâte ti vih va i us I S I U E coloreti China asters antdcater os cf o r s ]E EvN tING1or< Niavember bas a garland o ainivT edy S pt hOr 6th, 1870E v li t o n ip a a n ti c a r n ts 1'> th e c e n t re . , - - -a Becember ia voven vitita-garlaniddcf TUA wille àser -ves! a O oeloc, oli>, it1 its glo ss, green . le ve a an ti j 1 1 v rmilion bennies, fro t tthe centre of ie a e F vitictahugetiincb of.mistlo. --.......' Ionrne-aema st obe ofiias re A nDR.E S S F S b u t il > ' i uv e t i g a i m g -& t h é l a s s e s c a n j é t i b > 'a r o e x p e t t i f r o n t h eL b . ' the rocent fines tisari-ttaïva. lb <s oati. - lcving genleme'>: i- eté ' db>' the Relief Commitiée ihat about Eovds. J. M. King, Torocnto, J.Smitb, F four hiantinet i le la thé Coaciycf flowmanvllbc, J. Douglas«, Uxbiige, F Carleton haire e otdestitue.. suanti hé m.iglborng minitisem Rer. Mr. Uerring ltadis beig la To. TICKETS, 80é. amily iket, atmittlmg ouat en on 1da>'for Lb. pttrposa of orgas- four, $1 0.OO ON ý i i ag:a m oto ,-,tdn de syste aof im m i - CLAIR féralios, - -- - A t Si, 187. 8 .......... t'e.. . l........... ýper avn. .... ?r.... . . . is oIK ibnmtaI1iiarth, Aditefed with eitio, butimo, or brn Ji", Thoopands ofaerera hurd the Mcws The .1% /uL.n In tIor vW They Imogbî and aovdifrc Cediive. N onrwus tei. ut. part dreucd l'iein ou.w% aieid tibm ep oi.r reuf~ %Vtitom raogrclltude ihey bicat, Temnwo tm&ýtc Cnoàtijvc.- Ail oi iii Eilenusooll v/mit b',- Dr rfg'lider» Curati-vi. Dmuggiui. and CoiiniyMbercbanw bcncuiihrougiiont the countr>'. and ynwili amici fnd BrigsPAIIeratnor the, greaicat remedy ,if the @go ftheii. peedy -curé of ,Coiarrt. licada ho. Neuralila and ait siimeiilu a-ia ng omn pain or iiflamimation. Dr.Z.'Bnvou& Co..Prd- hincurs itOhe.No. iOSDtondwa.NY.,ziIdNo.6 Li,~'Wcuî, oronîn. NEW ADVERT!SEMENS, A UCTION SALE 0F VALUABLZ -Thora tu-ll hosolti b>'pnblie Auio>, In pur- uaace ef a deenc fer sale, matie by thé court. ef.Chîinecny, ln a certain conipe iberci> pend-' ing, etititied thte Freeholti Permanient Building anti favingA Society' vs. Baker, bemning date lth. secontidady cf Jul'>e, A. D>. 1870, a>d with lice apprùhahion eof J, W. Taylor, Esq., lthe J ndgegS ecretar', aetbthe Miete'> Roomeocf Lovi Fairbaniks,lice yonnigar-i tse Town of Wititby, con Satarday, tbc 10th day of September, 1870 at '>eeîî uty Loy«-Fairbanks, tiie yunge 1r, Auctiocer, in Ilito prcel, thait valua utle tan proerty Inbtae TOWNSIIIP;- F BROCK, bulbhe Con>y cf Ontario, bc ieg composeti 'of lue Norli t aîf ofLot >utî'ber thirtee n 1>lt.e fcinrtb encosiion et tic Tovnshîip o? Brook, aferesaiti, coiîtining 100 mcres, more or leas, Thîis proponly, vio la olffureti fer sale, la exeeduîîgly weil eod t or farmlng pur- p oses. orty acres ci tIe id ailot are ecared autid t. reiinrer is veil limiterai vidi a mixtnre ef bord anti soit vwood. Thor. ini a qe ctdir av/amp cf Abont, ton-aores ouhe ,property. The- fort, -ia n tateil about tveny->ie miles front-liteTown ofiWithby, anti-14 miles train lthe village eoflManchester, an reaily tecess4ihbe tliereto by g-iod rostis, vhich places tospeetirely -offer a goodtri t for the sule cf pnodu/c, itla. aselwoiaterei.- Tboeet a 1og dvclling" ionneoùo'tthe-pro- Party' cu y t bini>'test, nii a von Ti1,;peýdrchaci-aboli,uo htlime cf.,iais, psi ho atepelit, ila le Pr portion of $10,00 fur atrny $100on'-utf luspuiobhaie mone>', telite Vendotis on tlîeir solieitor, sud *haill psy, aI the expiration of cee mentit, a <uther atum te1 .rais.,tle pavtnenh te foriy per centl 0f the pur- clisse illone,., î:d tiîo remsaindcr cf the pur- chase; mfole>' teo ôpsîaidut*the xpiration> of -tlirea yearsî frahe t lLa>'yt of a, wiîh interesi ul the ratteel see'> Mjper tinum. ho prehar sah llgive a niergoge wvthban cf dover upon tue pràe-oni smeennrit>'. 'FThe neiveyaiie atîn rtivge te beprepared ate Parclîase's expense. l t uer respecta lit> *ditiens daf si;e are lice santduing cotiditiota if sale cf tii. Conîl cf Citncer>'. Particulars anti ondtitino f sale ta> lie ottailtet t e l aw offices of Mesuns. Le'.& Vndei' anti pu-mant tes'. oi0 e-a if Chancery. mode b'in s am. beseolt, wiih lltiprbtfe j Honny Ii't>sTiEquî -~ ~ ~~e cfti oru hlitby, o Tfl~~oÙ -vtbe T*'eîydlu day et 5ept6uÉlbet.A.». ý1W nt Two int heBa1f<S, n., Utct the foîloving landi moUe Jiace: Béitl'éiiWesi-bal unmt>t'i lbbrhy<fenr, lt inte evgi -8100 cf he township of 8Se*, uin s Titers creaitbegarniy ltdacteuti aframo botbas antitraminsman, ant in eof abouitaaseé anti a sîf, c'> the viinlaadjolnlng. the visgae orvf about neveu>milan fraot a sationoet hi tean eniNipising tallvy. 1. *Thc purchaser yll bc TOqiWG4 t&.pl nt te tlme cf sale, to the -Vcndor or1 citor, a depoait, 1In te rprin0 ljm ors e ery cueon',' d lolaofI aa necy, anifthé remai>do i to'> 'il cee oulu allhfifer ibe day cf mi intaron, eho tostanding condtiîons of lte sal For farhe rucu a ppyiôrt' Bos, Land r iok & mithO. I i-mec, mcd C. A. Joncs, J0iqra,, cf _. CKelier, Fmsq., Canninuwon, or te G. YOUNG SMITH, M. %c. 1 -seliciten fcr Plaintif.ý T 0 BE1FI. About One IHutndred Aces ffl baC, parts cf Sentit < e' Lot&llo. 15 andi 16, bti con lýeo'ng-well watara, r 50ji d*olli'g. Fon psrltzulsra *appb>' - NSOLVMlT ACT OF lais,- tin 'IA.ette>' of JOHS -17E, an In- -T. tae nnderslffne d twavsl bMjor, of iteg fo ite thein clair» EDWARD tMAJORE, Âsoiguoe. Borel ia, Aptat Blott 170. 21in-35 BO-NOTICE. The perse'> vue borrowoathe e eoad roi- umoc of (iliarlea Dieken'a venta froufi te lote C. M. Keller. wonl ounfer à a laon by, rehtrtug ait * boo t- Fi KELLER, Sept. 1,1870. 5 PreamiuntListîof-the Comuty Agnieau. auerai Soé-zety or" South Catanlo, to lieheld at Wbitbyj', oexdal Claus L-Horsg.f BLOOD . RESES. [Pecdýi-cee will b. requir.d, for aIl Stallioti....................4 3*$2 Mare and Poal, or evidence that Foal bas been lest 4 3 2 Three year old entiro Colt. 4 3 2 TItre. year oîd Filly . .. 4 3 2 TW'o yean old entire Colt... 4 3 2 là làFill>...... . .4322 Q'o ye nId o'>tire Colt.... 4 3-12 Pa .Filly. ... 4 -3 2 Herse Colt of 17... 4 3 2- Filly . .4 3 2 S ADDLE os ROAD 1BiSRS Stabion...-................... 4 3 2 -Mars. nd Feal, or evidnce titat'tho Foal bas been et..cdu . . 4 3 2 Thicey'ear old. etire Colt. 4 3 2 Tii~ esrel enir Cot...4 3 2 One year old entire Colt... 4 3 2- cai % siUy 4 3 2 Homeo colt cf 1870.....i.. 4- 3-2 .FuUy'- e..........4 3y?- Siniglo Herîses j'> haracos.. 4 3 2 Satdioore...... 4 3 2 talt...............47f Marc' and -Foi, or ovide>cc S<that Fogl -has becm.ieost. 4 3 2 Threo yean old entirc Colt.~. 4 3 2- le-'fi Fily.... 43 2 Two year old -entire Colt ... . 4 3 2 t'01 tilFilly. 4 -...43-2- 'Ose year old eonu-e Colt... 4 3 2 ' 4Filly . ....... 4 3 2 ]Tonse Colt of 180 4 3 2 Pair-general purpose eoréss 4 3 2 DEAIUGET Kose5 Nuae and F<oal or evidenco that Yeal bu hoon laSt 4 2 ý 1 ] ie -------- 4AF - The Flower Language.

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