Whitby Chronicle, 1 Sep 1870, p. 1

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LLUv% ieta,?dnNop- 44 ibndolus.rgd At the ratçof S cents pa? ubsequeninIsertlon. spelal aouftioti mâd ewltli cdv«tisersoby the ye.ror otlsrWilse - Ordurst montrr~ ]ROYAL OANADIAN BANIK, WHITBY BRÀNCH. ONTARIO ]BANX. Kj..F. ]LOCJIJATT, t utiIBTEUS ANI) &T'roINFYS-,AT- icw sioI'itorm to the Bîîîîk ut M oîtrealt Ldthe dorpo-rtloii of tihe Cottt% a 'oturlo, M. (0. CÂMiDenu, (Q.-(C) IL.J. MÂoooLLOt. [Y- 9-- 4 *iuîgug ceAp re e.eraaeu1t SIlIcsCOCHIRANE, LLT . .' f ('lO.~.i~.TC1OWN A'TTOIINEY F111 ON- A, - ' Ioter l '1(,'ii.ueery, Noiury li,lliç, te.- - <>ferce.k tract luxidoor <o Iloyal GEORGE Il# PAITNELJ., ,ltJ~5l55sf~ 'tary, and excuutioue (liiiiueer> fou uiiiCout- ROBJERT J. WILSON. - AlIMISTEU &diATI'(>NNEY AT LAW, m netjiè klD o lee- loyer otitinelu ltiuk, -vuntivi Noctiu ld is lutprov - aide. iy ~ ~ ~ M 411, ad llJAI<VIS, 1165N'S 101134 -ARRISTEI.A'r-JA W AIN 1)S<1.iCITIîH lift esel60Toronto. 'i, tecr espeilîtton JAMES R1EITII .ORDOlN, AltittWl'E & AtV' ,E'A.A tir ilSole <crkluCIlatlituetry,1 Colitey aimer, No- lotieEtugie ~ I tau'yPubie, tir. uas'tcx-Neutt door te ite Stor- of IL. & J. IIfIJR - Onipbeil, Brok lit-, M littuY, Outt. rie ttiovd.WhIltby, Nov. lit, 1867. 49 CLAYTON. S 5.JAIIIAJS Osllsms, C. W. m ~ gyC. A. ~6NS N - aniaten, Slitor tu C(buuccry, Ais t - torneyt, &C., &c. t o su r) - -n- Mss remenveul lltu Oflire 10 lai ioor crer tue 80 l OvrÂtu0147111 lANEL. 1 uic ou god - Wlltty, <)ut, 7, 18018. 40 ~II Y IFAREWELL & »eGEE, oB Ir .J'lis, (1111$VEYuNCItIîIS, AND No-1 oryearly - 'At-PUBLIC.1 - 9cerrucu:-Ou dutol'nontit of th euwt Otillce, gettMonfsry - OCibewti; atd bMcFecetr'j ciA vi, outite l and iittTomenIHall,lowîîuîuîîvilllu oitutctot',Je.. E.FARiiWELL. ' .lîie. trt 1 illKOF 0 rLT VA TE~D FARMS, fio .uii on sale lueup.- -o- oer ,ily. C 41llî, 1 8d9.- repli (-ci tt', iitv t lIll ituuin li 'r I'uuîîlu huit' c td, e %e IL utiri Mies f('Icni, Lg n t41 us- rt W it yiiuI d ýj( v uCIîuuly, lauvd lt1îsiîîuwu lut C lit)uu r, totr irece tîttki îg tul - lmu isnit- Irt iiiiiest îîîuîîu litot. jIiet KI .iNi>WLI NU, Put l'S CLARK,:. 17, loi.466 EXTRACTEE) 'HOUT PAINw,',, Y TU1E USE oie MXID LAUaI[ILý-flAS, M 1 '[116 EWV tNiTAL 1016 ~sST 1t iET iIITiy, C. We ie 1N. il. Coclîranalm store. G U2R1, 1867.Y, ANT TAÀL81 mIL AND DRAPER0, N'rOIAiW '1moude up lu tufCtit fii wmuI te tmaki Iltt eumi ctjei #eita, UN ROUINS8ON'5' 'fuIug anîd Shaving BhIOCI< ST., WIIITBY. AN CART&R ED AIJCTIONEER. 9, YORIK & PFEL. 1)CE-Lol 8, Sth Ceeu t'ec Olile-UuioavillIs. Idlel othttueeIjonti3t netec ouai enit. 'rrteni eauî e ~asut titsm Ch o]Mcecteforjml ON BUSINESS. 1869. ibertul puircu]- unie, ind(ti on- coiduct.msles; or ut myoiis R LAUffl-l1, MJU].tiCK & 5111111, ,Attorneyois1-tsw, 6iliuitc.rs in Chauai- ecry. noîdIîsley,. rm ~e îluisBiou, Breck-St., ,sdjnipiîg Mer. J skis oUodeîis illIco, WhiiîbY, '4urlo. OUARICS C. 1<ELLER, J. IIAME1-IIt ENOD .t 'Oliasiocry, Noiiry liie 'ic irr &~o. ,W1IîLtîy <V. W. iet ,iyri ri. Boulitift "ttont (illico. 4M L AN NtLJSJliL L- Il-* AlIlSTRlttAi ',A%%', îltoiiCttu iltuee SL~tiuîcWa40 AMSLAM ON', 601t.0 t( I Ntuit ti r n.tlii', COT6VEYAN'CE, LA NI) AGIN'l&C. Ors'te.-Over Arinottu1g'u IlîttrI cilii-St, Uxbf; , qJunteJ 7tliu, 1$0.1-2 bR. HANCOCJ<, (YRito N ilOLANIihtd& io 1 i01 e IL. jG'iM8M, M. D S URtGEORN 'rul'IE CeUNT Y LAOL, I r l liiStreet, %W l i<ly .4 W. H. LAW, B. A., M. D-9 TUrI-AS I JUTlON, T OWN CLlA &ThtKt'EAS6UIliElt us'IIITBY WELLINGTON IIOTEL, - MAIIKH-AM. . JOB8. RUilIJOTTOM» - lI»opretsr. WILSON IhOU SE, - .WILSON, Jr., - Proprictor. Til l SlttEi te10ai) Ilouuteete hii friceiud A ittu(lDiel)utI)lie iroe u >, thutilhe bas opeiei tll>qittuve uue uotti i tie Village Of 1iqIIubtilu, fortlIe itcsiteiuior île tnt- ltilutsiunost tliorotugh antduilcotiuitehsitIo mtrelr. <Jieota vili iiîd overy r'outseiettce lat hue ebere ttutîittiniseItt. iilos, Liquocr, sud ygas fte lest Breuîds aiviya lupt ent ,landl. %IcitreOilsl gýr floosottabliug cundateiv m1ilh t&iait. >. WI1LSON, J r., Propnietor. Asbburn, MyIs 1%, 18619, tf 1li RO1YAL ÇANAD1AN 11OTEL, PORT PERRY, ONT. H. F Y, - Proprietor. ,Supt' ornaccommodation. (tood stcltliuogi BcdAciredumot, itidcttntivu cetherà. -Port i'enry, Nov, , 1669. 45 D EPO0SI1TORY ! Thc atteintion cf tc public iot inviied te tîte nem sud wmi ceected stock cf ]3jIBES. and TESTAME~NTS, mliii, ana ivttieut lte poutnis int utetru. noe te lie fonîîd ntihe Depogitcry cf lte' Wuutbr Brancti Bible Soeey. The stock liitbeu se- Ieitd b y thie Deposihcny, viitt greut cure, ed wilii le foiiud toe erbrace vobuuies ini varices styl &-Of luildinzlutoPiiu,,and ornaumiintl. sîoYý-At Jas. Il. Gcrnue'uDrue store, Wl~Y, J uIy 2iai, 1869. 29. STRE WELLING & PREMRES At port .Wbttly, latly oceupled by thte undermigneil, 1 - - R if -'WbitliyltcTch81, 1669, le - With cahu Prhcte4,woi ý,TOL 'XIýV ONTIARIO HOTEL, (laIe C. Duwem'o.) WHIITHY. ONTXARIO. A. ALEXANDER - - Proprieor. T lgub4criber diciilrcato retîtritthalca 1t Tlu tplu ie fier the vry liboral patron nuee bLoo.tol iiinliîîî mIie propietortt titi Globe liottel, 1 rook111 ali1 u t fib it uîe tîme bakeaj Iccititlutiiîotucu thelu lieu litimd the abore woll knliuIotel. Large adiîcs hâave beuin nîceitly utude teitueeltreiîliiso eur- iug n-onu cmanivteliounceoiiiinoit.ition cand etîcrccsiitg fbie iemiter ùciletpîiig roornute' I ucarly o ite Iuif miooetituti formcrly. A ûret- cîitîsi 'lird l'rlon mîtlittlince-telles lucu ciso t'een ud'ded. Extr.Ilie o dliiotote tohîe Staibliig. tliid. lovce flores, &o., lucre lo lcen îîudo. Al cntîtliîg theo utidcreidgued t' Pfit3 MAlu 01(i YInud iithe Public goîto- rclly iîdvr'tîgeàs -Ai poiuteed bttitiuucIter liotel 181i jth ienu w-o oil ut cli turnes buhaippy to weleoiîîe ic cld lrleids-. Whithy, lIce. 2, 1<8. t 48-ly JOh1N WOLFENDlW, CELEBRATED SCOTTISUI GRANITE. W~At IMîrble Vtlks cf JONATHIAN WiOLFFIY DEtDtI t-rt.. Wiîhtly. 17 NEW SrV A ND TIN SHOP! TD ili otcttehtrtt demnd lit j. rîtlo eîefueîi y ltie theuiditier of te llitilrolitii cîid uIlleimîportiîtg oi' i'eeleîs, tl.. a'îteie neleiu toves tul 'MISi Shiolp, ocedîtor acqIttIl of 'III& -stimuas iîi-- tl!roetore, itere thîe hest SIES & UIN IVALIE mtiti ihc hll, atd ii maimter of Tius4mutli's -ornk (tilîe ('11 the 0itiel otlc. ii. )i lmiim, (loen, l-u, (Cttnindci ltiut1u" oIlielDie orm n ialnsd a cliliit;r cf tructki Ikli exteittit go. JOIN IIIYAN. Wl itby. MuroL Ot, l1880le AriMSTRONIGS 1HTEL, (Lae O '!uiik'u,) UXB liII1D GErý 'E. AIRMNTJLONG, - Propriet,.r. Tlir, $UISCMIRBEI ),ce fttel ttp-alid coti I.pli-Iciy rcltit)tîl i île clc (AtId thi.i ti ltîoît-ol'fliltiel, cui ttiitiq dits leitroîtuge., (I l0 liePublic eîîd llis ftieitlo ieta ble uitd itir mellltld mith the boitt-Jotuelroouy tl' iîg, &oc. E. AhIMSTIIONG. ilcîritlgo, Ili. 2fi, 18669. Query wliy la ilt teât thlaî l"1tita s unfor pitueos AT CILARK'S GALLJIERY?i Il le, beoitiae lie lis tt et (Icmliery iii the C!oulity, hit uîasuîrreuitie itcmta cl)iilIrcîi tlen Itty otiier A rtiotIlu ite. Ceteîty, ctud cii do qitÉeSce good ork as uuty alter joit n ujhue bat.kmacttaboutieotiiitg ltu(rWird. 1311CR NT., WIIITI3Y. WLu<ly, Nov. 12, 1867. 45 HENIRY GRIST, (ESTiEIIJED tIeO,) PATI MT îSOLICITOR AeIN 1>) DRIA U GIJIrS M AN l'A S ,CAN~ADA, Irtute, e itit ie.tit ttiie vltît Oflc tiîettlil 1ien lepttuuituofui lte oeeru- Grand Trunk }Railway Hotol. AT il 111113V STATION. 'tri tct-o kttoi fic cUntitdl Ili..er(.1 irndtihbitrairliiug itîidcilrntulie lite. ittl l ilite11)0 Lhit i l ui'I l ililtli in i t n.- clItt l1e, itti <tl'y tttteiltii i tIle illt îoet tlîun l ettù;;11 11on iýiîuu oril tplut i troiluigc tritm on l ttrit SIc ortili inctleoi th t li.totbm. q îtnre i cii Iiii LIte tra laeid ccî ftilij tit il oiatînt. elwl ael eo U WHITBY, PRÇ (LAiE WErnER Homs) ,> DUNDAS STREET, WRITBY. The Subsoriber Itege toe loforut the public, Lissât lie bus uewly fitted up and rénovisted tho boive hotel, whi le trcvellpre wiIl dut] excolent a.iciimoition. Llqoiors. Wioew sud Cigtirp, ni miîperiorquîîIlty. lOct Lager Beer. (*ood tlg i' xteulirre shed roomi. A. B. TOIIAN Whltloy, May 2ud, 19i70- 18 T ERRAPIN R E S T A R ÀN T RILLIARD BOM$g (87 & 89, King strcet Euat Toronto). THIOMAS CARLISLE, -PitopuuxTOu. gflftft owiouscand tatroutiP. Cansidc. àletit e iipplied at iii!mwacli lourfs. Waaîem Liq uore cand Clgnrs ofte fne*t rcudit. SlîiI sud Cal i.l>clerss ln every istyle. 1-îl'orties cixiting Torotîto f. r si lny wil Snd oery sscconiniodutýoii ut tie 'lorr. pin. April 5, 1870, 14 YEOMAN GIBSON. COMMISSIONJ MER 01LN2 INSUIANCE, & GENEllAL AGEN~T. Whlitby, Ju., lGth 1866. 2 REVERE HOUBE9 MANCHIESTEft, 0. W. 1B. PLANX, - - - - Proprietor. Stiogec bndm from Whilby cali dtily. Every ittentiîeît puid te gtiestà§.. Ceýreful acd etien- c ENTîlAL Hj OTEL, 13IUGID JOHIN BAILEY, Proprictor. -o- The oelieItel hulale,1 ,, îî<'y fitedl np and1 ftri.uied l' iîts lemiiid comîîtalube acomodautultion fcul ttleti'isil. tlcou rooty îtabling and attentive ostlers. Jaiu. 26,1l870. 4 C. N. VARS, 1)ItAt7TWAi De nîlel, Oshuiwu lmcueltrept tliird3o orniortit of thLe Ontario -GEORGE CORMACX. L UMIBER NIELCIIANT, Carpeter,sue Joituer,(4reti St. %%*litly. A laerge quan, tityof oàll kindseetl uubercoutantly ou band. U N DE RT A K1N G. FUNEIIALS fully supplied cidcîtcc'ldon iqlît;îtjeêoic. CofeSl ert conttLuîttl on GEOIIGECORMACK. Wlîthy,Feb. 5th, 1862. - OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - Piiorcîr.îot. -o- Convotipitily flttel op rottmu for Comtuer ciel trave-lers. IBilliards ultucliei. Aprîl S, 187c0. 14 imUSJI 1mUsI.C %Vlîiî1.-' rp5tq ccd 8triur Lhncjc. afiopteti for Soires', l'j i le*, Eeit.i,îQmadr-ille parties. &o.. &e., wil iiliîtly Ilee Let cIiel latîetM itete1 , Ot01i1 îiili Apli'l:timrt sisimode eitltcrpersoîtclly or by letten, (pot p 1eh, te J. WOLFENDEX, 20lleiy 1.1, 1070. whtîy. FIOR SALE ORt TI'LET. Lot Xio. 17, 111h"rmit. loitrn, 200Aeneog,10 11111 mc-li ftiti oL00In ýl r ti t itI etiensive 'c 111ûe lutit tirittoli richard, Oi-lî ! 1K.. Oîrtît rek tirer y ltl rcit Ili4 lot, lln'l-r;,tpe reteiloeeto tt<Itrclue, t kiteltit dt 1,or. T'lin it lu milti 4 miile rosis Atl ic, y, eîtd 6fi nileti front )i niai. Fttr îtîrtitiieru îtiplpy to M. iioicy, or Jolin ~tTheid i Frm wililliesorl aIl togebh.er, or iiivl.nl'le,1Acres-- i.. fi ni 21 Aullenly 1'. 0., Mlarc.1 lTo uiudenagieiilins ou Luand, ai MEAD'S MILL., N EA IL A MIlB3UR N , A large quaeuity cf Lunit)er, wble bcL FOIR SALkE AT lTE LOWEST MARKET RtATES, W ill 111Lumbor ofîull kitude camu ountît A. B. CA11PIELL, Bnooelbii 1'. O hioollin, Jene 17tlu, 1970. 26 Lici .5ED AOOTIOMsFR5 s'on TE inaE L - N NG COUNTY OF ONTARIO, AE INIG OuiNiUIIAL COWtIMueOoN AtetXOu&o., illll 1Y, ONe lA 111. tpj""AHoil ros lefi lieeonuly, cr sont bu tutui tut lie1te "Itîtoiicel'Albion loui< or t*)titritt Ilte l"," t iti>- ;b'tmelil'ulîttel, liro liii; ',Ilu'"e lIîîei, (i iliit ;OrCt-cile tir Gizetlc itîlircut, Wiiitby, vilileccerelulty Wlhitl>-, Oct 13, 1869. 41 B LA CK SM111T Il 9 8yw0R K. 'Vî tiiitaind i nîuîuunuîitug tiankla ob il fr.ieutlu auld utsuîy cuchttulens, bcga alao to cutuuu tre thitunt aii vurk eitnushedt o li, ottre, mll, aslertefore le . executted initue lest stylo. RiE 10 VED 10 D UcDA S S2RBEET, Opposite A. C. Wilson, Puluter'ai. JOUIN BRIOWN. WtibApiil 13, 1870. 11.15 WILITIY , . ONT. -o-- A. M A SON, - Proprietor. The cLore lies been tluonongily renovatel, cutd iiae 'ico toît tud eveny aoce'mmodsuou sud the bus attentilon. TIe endenuiguil Oegu/to it<orm lte poulie tiiet lue lua, ou iind the Ittigemt ttnd bout st.eOI et Parier Ileigingu bui toton, aIl of tIne Tiiet deslirchie -Prope.'ty o9utiýInlg>886 oceres, beiiug composid 0f lot No 16 lu (lie l4th concesosion of Emiiy contaiulitg 200 acres,the W N< of loti No. , lin the 7tl b eltesion couitain- log 10<0acerep, and 861ceres of bue EX< of lot No -1, lu tie te fIL oueeslu0 euiui h Coinoty of' Vicooia ,Lý fvrli h Thtis tarrn ctlords on excellent view of Emily itibe, whiel inl uneqisollcd forsportlog by cny lake lu tl:eunuty, and Lus Wuter conomuu- toction with Lindccr and Bobeaygoon Soi] ln a rith eday 10cm. Tiiere ore over 100 aceos clecred lu a hirli stteef ofeniivatiou. The reMilinder beiulg 1liard wood Ltud vitti sufriient cedar for feucii puroies. 'lhe property lm well fenced, and ln wel wtred biy a nevcr-fciliug ietrccm <lu it i% ci log mcm ii htwVo thresllîiulg dossc ehedK and Out buiidiligs; c good loirdw Iliîig ltovme, cid el ml.; cyouuig erchurlot eboico, treecm becriiug fruit. Titis iîîlichîcitle. Thisepropenty 1le situntod luncone boloc, and .ývIll malectr oloLv -or teruts of scie cpplyte- WILLIAM MoFEETERS, ou the preinices, or to P.8. MARITIN. Soliliter, Linidsay. Linduca3, 7tl Jette 1870. 24 w IITBY PIANO F ACTORY -0-, JOSEPH -RA INE R, P ROPUR1E TOR. - 0- 'Tho stobi'ciber, in returu'ing hoclu- cre tlenlisfoc the niany friendu cuti eutomersuet the Wlîisby Andlcugli Ttok ep tlîî limes ecite OnIllie 00 Anud berii IThe ocolocf Mlo p.oke But ast0llIl I.eOsus t Aliol ellim A vhicj Te eul PIANO XMANUFAtCTORY9 beirs to otutte thot Le nom corries ountt usuu luc-i mü14tlel, MAt ueowu uecc0iîtt ,cand lu su- lctig *iuortnuens lie leas hoteu1suoe hilutu thtt cotîirg miE ito left usudone on uis part ho girlecaiisfaction, lut cuppIylief aI E 0 2aUMz3l sol STYLE, i INS .bu 'lite ceieltrutted titem itit n.andi cr00 -actle pattternt clils ovu hutetjtion tuiiuelt.elured us lîerelofonc. bni CW7 Ail ordersl exeetited witlî pnomîptiuude dei aute dhupuîllî. JOSEPH F. RAINER. WIlti ty, Il ny , 1870. ly-l Ba OUSES TO R ENT. Two Dwlling Houses bo rent lu the Town. of Wlilibt. For portioclars cppiy toe JOHIN IIAMER. Wliitby, Mrclt 16, 18S70. 11 N EW MILLINERY O87. Bufilding Southa of the Royal Ibid. Mrs. Xeller and Miss Stuart rceetci fttil oîcto t ite IaItou of Wltittty cuti % iciity, tiit iîey ane ilo inî recuilt of liitet of pliie !ilîliiner,- f-Zr" te 'N Mttlem, Droe tieio lritts, (tlotto, litetosits. and C. lir ittiffeil. ]tee Ilaieker- OmtioiItetittitt ileer Ititla ('trimltie, 'titte>Jcweirýy,tnd Shtittiery. Slirt,-werk eîtd fiuutrdonc 'o order. A Il tite ette re noaud l müecoîc SA cf t1iti' iie-t t-liit. Listei ii fie bLe 11 elli l cîttilltiî ico - le titi i te tliltitz.sg-h bid il. iti tithalZnyi liell, 1Mocli St, WiLApili27, ~7. 17 E 1 PLOY.11 ET-l'e meîttiprofit L.uble."-ioojkm. Sel)(] eluîîîp for t Ilote,0 S. R. WELLS, 389 Broalwmy, N.Y 1OJS E S e&LOT S FOR SALIE ! Tue sthscriiter lishec ieîî tietcdbLv the pro pitir, te ciiilte ttidcniîtntioieot lunlte Townu cf Wbilby lât-Tiîos liriec, 'oilore, (ni u.îdeitco of Nr n Je Watllitee,) ltiît neel, ectLîttîtti lg 8 rottîtu, patiln y, mtliittoue, ttndexc.1Ii tii .lttr. Witbii cgot girîlei, mcil cîttekeiti mil Gose, Cuirrantt and }iîît.petry Ilîeie, Ti)ýeele ulo oti ic jri'îlltie t 0ttd iii soft-waeenciotrit, îtsied netil sittble. 2ui- A ranctgofutBrick )wlliytg'u, on Centrne Street, ittiit l i tüe re nt re'ttevttt, of4 rttoîatt culîîioit ito caci. l'reoet reiitici$108 iper niuîts Srd-A mai]vacanut Lot ifeoceti), cadjo?iîîitî Mr. Jam. llird'c rtoîdL,îîe, uWA' i.tou Street. 4tl-A voct or, er lot ou Kintg sud Pitt etreets, wIli feitedt, used as ts igenuen. "lte cLive pnopenty, or îuy part of il, will bu sold clîocp, and ou eeey item. JAMNES 1IOLDEN, Agent. W'ltlby, May 28, 1870. 22 N .2. THlE GRIEAT FEbIALE JIEMEDY xJob Moues' Periodical Pille. nbel Leo offérc for sI, vony low, for casi. ;W-g PaIntcug, Crainiug, Gluxung, aud Puiper Iiangiflg, execlnietlil, a e ork uitlike ande xpedtiiiunuauuer, ou iuac. A. C. WILSONV, Dunihus Street. WVhi t 1Wbitby, Apnil 21, 1870. JBLAKE'S PATENT 16-.1 f GUT'rIrIG OFF MACHINE! - TUE. GREATEST INVENTION 0F TUIE DAY 1 Ceta Wrought Iron, Steel Bars, iubing. &o., Lsneootb snd-luolbttîed, witlion ei. orting 10 uonge, chibldon Icibo, and vilI do aimlmuch l lu u Lour and e-lulfaes cu le done lu c dcy by the cl Pnscu"a. Ne Fonery, Iron Works, or Machinetu$hop shonld bu vitiiout onu. ý ýî.Couty Righs, or tle Bigit for the Dî,miniDu, for sulc." GEORGE BLAKE& Wbitby, May 10, 1870. Ttutum inveltitble nueoiiniunfriliniz in tue cure oft iiititese puuhtnland diiiitýonots's : tuo 1wailu tl.e foutue coîstht utioou ha tuil-1 jeet. It mndenutes cul excesuaîd nemeoto îIil' otbstructions, and au cpeedy cre rncy le reliced on. TO MAlRtIED LADIES. Il la pecnliarîy cuitel. h vii, licacshort tiune rin8 oui île nouthly peiol wthiu egtiuirity<. I lu liCases of Nereonsaened SC)IItttiAffec- tieute, tains in tus B:tck aund Limbe, Fttigne onl sIlght texertit.uu, Palpitaionu of theiheuîrt, ityuterhc, undl Whitestheeluce thls viii cfeet a cure vleut alcuter mentia lare faileel ; andi uitltougbh a utomerf ni rcmedy, do net coîîîîilît iron, clomel, cutmouy, or unyîliug Luufful ho lte eontsttution, '- Full direotions li the ratiipbIet arcund ecc package, muid, sloull le carefuliy prsecrvel.9 JOBt lO6E1ý NEW TORIL, SOLE PROPRIETeIR6, $1.00 sud 12X conte for poste 0, enelosel to Northrnop sud Lymaen, Nevoaste, ()nt., gete. rel agets for <le Dominion, miii masure a bl- tie, couttciug over-5O pill, by neturu' mail. Fon sale by James t>-nne cuti J. H. Gerrie, W hitby ; W. P. Atkitiuou ccad Robintson & Ce., Oshawva; J.-Dawe, Brook-lin, acd. cll Medicine deaes. t'eb. 2.1, 1870, -u tLndtbcngi~t hl sfrong, d drecrndb 'ut true. tnup thliS trand, cnistopl lcug- LIi>)4oct liltuned, t t10 -1eutdivlerse wcya 1 sbhold pesce, lu weo ords,' gusew. ie ugel'a baud '4 er lnd at remard-. S Il d, "ilnt lo g, rig~ ;~priethat froru time pier tliw a glauce, huif- le landi1dY.. - , 1Old toqîntu suddeuly ex.i t, J09 -I do flot ike it at onss e WlI yen ares fialo 0 are worth a cm chat,' sidolc-Elsie, - ele ai lbaî'ouel ecuigli, baer shudderei. Iorîed ibeeutgt. with a at are you i trucd ten- Pthey are dl as safe ODIlY ta carry theut out wuth elu, aid îbat'Il or people 1IÂnd tien ç fondand-, ou arc, Elsie 1 Why, teke 'cru a'ben îliey're rder the suoto 71 od'i. list for ever.' ad six vcoks if 1 kuoto an su men <bey vere Imecu-foîks vould ont their way sud got nul <lthe beesa Cid leaders off, and as Dto e tif i-erî,tlc' son get Buîu'cted; sud folks, if tliey sloutld conte ecros<le leaders, voulil ihiuilsa'tle coaccînan lad ent ihe traces to beip 'et off,antd su-'l 6AI, and au) veilcarry the bodiesansd bury 'et uigthe <e occh, La follîs sbould <hirli tey'd been upbut togetler ile.' TIai's it,, dl guI. 'ho oid meaîeuutosced bler griccied lccks bac froua ler scautei foipeed, and heoked ber compauîiou sleadihy in tle face sei- 'Jue, you're a precoeiî villin Il~ 'Very ike,' ausveroi thie man, coelly uakciug a wliIl'ut lis pipe. ' Go CU, mouler.' 1'MotIon ' ibougîhtpuer Catherine, ebatuuitg as if %till a qgue. Arid l'c vbcm l'd neyercocnsent ho,' conînued tîle nid vonian, fi-mly. The man cletced lis fiet and haîf Eannen fr'em lis chIair- 1 No, neyer l' cail EIuie. R ob 'eue if yeu hiklau idl'il scy nougît but nu lires sdcli psy for it.' It vas uoîuceutbie <bai mît vomen bcd nov enîirely laid cuds tle breail northeru accent mhicl chu lad ai first aesuumed, sud Catherine, ove. it ber agouy cf appre. boulson, did not fui[<o rentark ibis. Tîcu ftoueed soute mords lu a loto tondl cf uhicî-tle isîner coul not catch île purpiunt. Tîtu tman vas evbdeui<ly ne- unontuatiug viîb îhe old %voman, sud <lie leuer ais ctideuîIy dcterutiued not me le movtid.1 ' Nov,' toglt Catherine, 'be tie tinte <0 aicrnt My cempeuicus.' L'ut bow vas it to be dune? Shce did nomtorcu nueowth e rominl vîih l uby iOpt, anul bad uIc done o sutîey voeld hie insesile frein <Le effecis cf île narcotie vîtoe she bcd nom ne doubi lad becu adminicicreil te <hem. Mev devouta Iy abo tîsuked bIeaven <bat chu lad net panmekien cf ithe brcudy.and vater. Thon ,§bc suddeuiy renuombered chtat Mm. Hcrthey Lad talcun but littie, and vould prolabiy sep lesa souu-dhy tIen île cîliers. But agaîn, cIe neflen<ed thai ulie coac'n, ile letself, bcd talon noue at all. île tlîiug ta le doue, ihon, vas cvideutly mc lhud tu4 sleeping sparîment cf tle dr'iver. SIc voutl Lave prepfenrel, certaitîly, <c cOweiunicate vith Mn. Bartley, but this vas no tAnte for prudency, mben four lires more aI claIe. - Sîleaîly, ihen, and as rapidly mas ber ee!d sud îrembling flugers motulil permit, ben, Mis Farquhar drew onc ber deess. Suie creil not cîile a ligli, alihougl aIc lied s tiudor box-atches wveo tithon bu couimo ue-so, wyul su eernect prayer ta Learcu for assistance, aIe grcped ber va7 o etI dousr. But hure au incident Occcnmrcd thidi altuosi caused her to die Wtl fnight. lIe doer leing ratier cld sud cracy, sud <lie vind bugli h as nu seoner open- cd chan bt alamnted wyul a jasr vîhel aboc île aperument. Catherine Lad-tle pneu. once of mind to dling lerseif on the led, cover lenself viii tle blauket Lud feigu sleep; sud formuate vas it that sie did s80. Scarcely lbadcIe .Icin cdovn tianîbo dcor mas re.opeucd, sud old Elsie, shadiug a raiuiglt it iiber baud, ueoked suspicions Iy inîc the aparimeut, And nov, for the seconid limeth îe rat vbbchbiad-disterbed Catherine.- previcn ly again proved, ber ,ava îtio . 'ileanimal led been feedilg ou'smrneseua? iii a cor- ner of thie roocu, aud, etartled by- lie sud- N. 16.0oW 6k 1Ã"W -EMENTS, &C, ugcr- o ette t . î.iedot' iAnu Yeu, miss ?l I vili sîay bere. saîd Catherine, firmly. Coter me up vit1 thu beatber. I cim not afrahd of the notos, poor îhiugs t Thon osseuîo Mr. Itartlcy, sud lriug lOue re.' Tle driver Iouked ah ber adutirhugiy. i Wéli, you are a plucky one, milss 1' 1'Lose no tinte, but go 1'said Catherine eutreatiugly. And île noachrusu departed. Iu a fev moments Mr. BIart-ley, lunch agiîatud, and atilI baîf eapifiefi by the ef- feots of the nacou0c, 'reîurned viîli the driver to tbe ccv bouse, viere the brave but rm'biing goverudas aniox.nealy avaited-l tbctu. 1< vas tien decided tuat lie coacituan and Mr. Hatley ahould returu lti te kit. ,ýte 7 Dioet' ëp -themselves roulfi tituahe Miers vers-do- îýeeded et once tiqirfollow. ", fiey foucd ai.aEer soand bie' rain. 4lmed, joyous-ý we are saved I ovu trap' ber cotupaimlun sud -More af- Ley iad tciîen, cp digcn!tuinate, 8 and the two ) tva of 81cm They&od draîk fthe 4= et! dbrane4 qular anzd the *inMfan't Mn. RHartlcy sudJohn Dodson iouud the~ tva insensible toretches securely tc ibeir chaire,- cithougli avare that mauy Loama voul&itlaspu before <hein - returu to cen- Forîuuately, witihue morniug ligLi came a thato, and Mr. Hlartrey dcspatcbed île ceaclrurcun oueeof <le orses ta York for asmictauce. tolilst Le reuinied ta prolect Miss Farquhar. àTîcre mas, cf course, na evidence ta convict tLe aId moman aud lier accomplice. No rolilery or uturder bcd beun otnited, and <bere ires but a soliîary mitues-Mias ii'rqhr-to speul as <o <beir intention. OId Elcie, tlerefore, escaped punishuneni, andl, irdeed se aleldneyer counivef ai aurder. Tlemnu-£ Joe9 heveven, vho pravcd ta lie uhe cld uceman'a atcpsouî, van à'van.ted' fer- sa proviens robbcry on the higlivey, and as iliat crime mcc bLeu punicbable ly tIc gallot;s, Ie'etffcrcd accordiugly. Iu after ycars -v huate it oui gocd authoriy-wbuu - MissFirqahiar betaune à1ns, Hartîey, and <le vifs if mte roctor of a lange auîd populous pariel; aie va;3 oftIOl vont, as au illustration cf the mauner in tobieti Providence bringu ab3out luepor- tauti resuIts by île aid of apparent trilles, to relaie tle 'incident cf the rai vakiug lier front ber aleop dcring <lie terrible nigbî 'cOI ce pacard at tle lRed Mocr H.tuse. OEMeitSTRÂTIti<5 POIL FUiASitE IN THE TAR -3o'riiïNeS IuTU TîcoITS -799 FttRCH Pi.Ao lOttEDOWN B111THE tPOLICE. Frornlthe N. Y. lîral. net-Oaieto reue eur atee!îîî telouete l room, but at lait aie veutn,,eàtodo no. !Usug -greaten caution tup~fqêa e e ceeded this tire ne ueffectri (l3ropsuiuii the -ý door- .1 But novwiat vait v as butors ber 1I Iu niter darnuan sd lu s strange place, ý,lig Let find -ber vay to a rootu of thei ,aliiy o( vilci abswalentîrely ignoralit. -ihe neuisîbered sosuievbere le Lavoé 14_Zthti8<epauseunudersadli cirgumptances W.onfly to perpdte erîta0 and to 'render édldttdtyeît ioe :dioicut,,- o ae& tbrned resolutely'ta <L'e nigbî dovu theo finît passage viel presented itself. She fout gradusily alaug the vaîl, ich vas1 vet and euamuuy vith oece, of tohot de-1 scripiion ah. kncv net, and imiddenly de, scended asatep viîli a velocity that uearlyi tbrev ber on te ber face. .- Recovering herseîf, the became -awure bai. sIte vas standing alunest up <o ber kuces lu sorte varm îbick substance.tobilcI e judged to le heatîer. Wlerc, tien, cculd ahe possibly bave get ta ? aie sked berself. Anotber stop forvard serveol ta enuight. en lier, for, ccutiouesly as ahe made i<. chu stumbleà oves <lie baccf a ccvw too vau iying digeubing ber night's supper. Tbe alerturd cmature uttered a sort cf sunprieed groan lu remonstrance, but a few soîbhiug mords spoken lu a Iow voie reassured ber. Cathetiue, then, lied fouuud ber vay ile the cow bouse, w lin lu mauy rural dis- tita lauder <hoe samà roof as tbe dcll.i. iug.boucc, cnd divided frein ut ouly by ai long atone passage. TLe puer goveineeu paused and reflectcd. It seeuted to berj <liai thers- vas netbing fer it but Ie turu back *kd try tbe paccage ta île loft. SIc reaolved te do se, but sie lied ne aonner ferned the recouiîu than che liecaune cweàre cf île cound of foo-alepu adnancin'- devu Ithe stoito passage, and perccircd a light loting carer and couver. Poor Catberine feut ber blond ruu ceid. Dis- cever> mas cetain ; and diacovcry toue dealh I lu an extremity cf herror sIte crouciEd dovu betwecn <lie <me ceuresi cows ccOV- eting berself an far mau ebe ceuld wtb îi <eir litter cf lbomber, tobicb, as bas beeu caid. was fcnîunately very deep and abendent. Then ase praycd ferveutly,scarcely veutur. ing <o brecibe. Necrer and near came tie footstcpu, sud bigliler and brigbter grewth ie ligît. The govcruescheurt almto teppied bout iugr, so intense vis lejreLiAt 1u1 st twih to, dcstroy binýî, Caîberine raiued ber eycs, and, cli. joy 1 'ùt cos ilicooocheen I Tle reuction mas tue great, and cIe falot. eýTho driver cf <lie coaci, uitli <bat rest- uess regard for bis liorees in a strenge pla ceidli diutinuiebes cllgood drivers, laid reîolved afier bu lad rcîîired te neet te gel up again autd uec lu peruon alter <beir comfirt. He coold net rest mitbout ueo- iuîg that bis horses utere uaiseot aisce. Hisa compaulons more s.eepiutg eoundly ; lut te ancomplicli bis purpose mc very eusf, siutce noue of the men lad <lon ocff thliîr clotlies, but more merely covered witl rugpanud plids for temporary acoom- moedation. The goeîd's dark Icuteru tocs cen- veîîienîly close et bîand, and s0 up got boîteet Jolin Dodsou. Hiomever. mbon Le5 ,.ained the passage, ha like Miss Farquliar, tuigtool tle maY. No soner huid the liorse.loving Jolin euuerod tIc ubed whlero le cxpected'<o itd bis sîcedt, tIen Le rubbed lis cycu and eîar-ed round lim, icitli ou air of utter bo- ut ilderment. 4 Weil, 1 *ainedcrued I'liec ututtercd, ' if the rosies ain'i. mmced itito cos ?' Aud cdvacc hie latîteru tocarde tht ucarestt1irmiiky motIon,' mli cu.t op on ber leututdles ile c do-, regcnding bine mitl e look of utumiigated auîoiiilenu, le be- cerne avare cf pour Catherne's pale, in- sensible face, as it lay farîher bacd, ou thc side cf ibe neîgýhboriuug cote. tLoud lia' mercy on us l' ojaoulaethie coaohnau, ' if it cin't tbe yoong lady I What <le prepbets le ubu doiug he-ro cnu tle cetie, nig<l cruslicd tue docîli ? A mliii in ber sbee'p, I de*sctîy.' Mutîerîuu' vhjel, le reitied Cuileriue geutty fro thlIe gyroutîl, and proceeded te adminieter to sic. - - he <bousanits vbicb-meto- day, net merely iu Dubln boualolunCork and Galway, prove, beyond al dèùubt, that lreland manfuliy and indignauîîy reptedi. aies mie sentiment expresued by-ilie Engliele. press regfarding <the ruler aud people of France. Iu tle greet sirtigele abdut ta susue, Irelanil laIes tle deepccm interesu. SIe la; expreuccil berself bu île mut décisive andl cuphamie mauner tbat France lias ber sympathies, aud, under tls cireumstances, tii cen bardly le voudered- ai. 1<15 perfcmly evident tlat Englaud, lu this case, should le t7tdacod ce give-ber plysicel as veil as ber mural support <o Prussia, vili not fund a vihliug aIly bu lrelaud Notbing vouldi lduce îbc Iniel peuple te side viti Pruesits and E igîaudinua e va asut France. Public feeling upon ibis question 'une ratIer bigl et proscuut, aud f lave no doubi <bat befote louug il mlmanifest l<celf ini a nutuber cf tocys on <le aide cf France. Iicauity Iieatiîug Romance. Indiana appearu te le net ouiy ucted for its expedition lu unyouuig -dàsatisfied matrimonial pairs, bat alsc, us tying op the conuiatl itît thubeqeuçilrepidumy. On Wednesday lait a parly uupcialistically inctiued drove - into Kokoueko- toton, île object of île viLithein., bo muet a Mis&, Lnzzie Lauker, te seoboi i. Milton Bine- loy, s vcîcrauu vidovar, vas ta le married. Having bmplicit-couffdeuce bunItie cfflansd, le ment te bIc clerk and ,prccured- s liceuso. 'The party veiîed long, but Lic.' aie didnot put lu au appînarsne. Bimeiy mes Dot <o lece a vile in <bis vay ; io îlîcretore prepesied ta a f emale cf tle pir. ty, Mittc Lucindia 3uorriaou, sud vas se- cepted. A utinititer mest sunmuoned, vbo îuetediately bourîd tle t in th e happy beuuds cf mcdhock, sud île party-quietî,- vended <loir vey bontemard. Stoppieg .,iii a wasy8ide inn for efrealinent, <bey more .uteotied ite ino-Misa ikîs avit- bnz <loir comieg. The bridegroei vas- îbuudcrsîruck ai meeting ber, and for a ti me cruld nut mure a muscue.- He Benatty ventured to introdue L'us ife to hem. Liccie tcel the mamien cooîy, talkpd, isard and miade expl.suatiooa, antd aa'id,IlaLses us pruy." Tle entire parîy kuelt. Mu Lauler, yulb treuebliugrvaine, u<uered the fulloviug prayer il Our- Faîler, via art in Heaven, thonu vio a ntesi.for tby cîlidrun, vbc làveit tle feubuclIess, île crpbau sud <bu copié- tec<ed, bave puty ou me. 0 give tue pov. or ta- bear ibis affliction, tItis deep huibi- ation. Have merey ou <lis' nev vife. Wlile I tbaul '1hbe, O Ged, fan my deo. liretauco from sunhi a fSele'lusbaud. frein sudh a piiiabie creature, ÃŽ vonld dali iy, blessing upotu ilis.paon if. G(ive ber, grace ta bear tha affliction of suci a&lies- baud. Keep hlm fron drink, sud mày lie beneme a better mcn. - Watci over me, cur Fatlier, and presierve me from evr" again apipr6acbing ce usar te citer rulu. Give me strengîl ta remora <o my home sud preserve un, sex fromnti men. Hore my ud ccep me lu by love. Amen."i Afte r ,tlis prayer, Luccie, vie liad ap-_ peatrcd télie coul, sboved aigus of juteuse excihement sud fainted.. She vas vatcied <brougiont the nigit, vas kindly caneol for, lu; vas not able, untit atten tva dsys, la relurn u, 0ler home. Biretey bai nov he fourtl vifs stbengto ho W a* otaboye 35 jean old. cet; Whitb V. PER ANNUX. Ipresued tbeir syrnpatby nom Ies decicirely in favor cf Frerce. Thc flrsm of thece demonstraîlons too place bure lu front cf île Frencl iCoueul's bouse, in tohic tili buseid oct less îbcu 15,000 persous touk part. Tbis vas a large number, cencideri ng mlat ne edrer- ticoment or public information tocs given cf vîcu mes about <o tal-e place. The promoters cf ih, anticipcîing e collision vutb tIc police, Icepi. île malter a secret. Their intention, bovever, was anticipatodi by tbeir enemy, andl. et tle appeinled leur, a lairge force cf police crotodeil ibe plae of reudezvous. Sererel bauds were lu ah- tendance, vîlal pieyed French and Irish aire, sudce as"Pariant pour le Syrie." <lie "Iiltarseillaisc,"' LGoil SaeIrcland,'1 tu'Dqnnel Aboo" acd 011cr,. Tle en- thuisotuof ithe people mue very greai and aus ubey passei île boaeof île French Consul oleered vociferously for tIe peuple of Franco, the Etuperor, the Enujresseandi tle Prince Imiterial, anud cricil, iDion with Prusciaanud Etlu. île police neuvoi-ed îe cepprese thie manifestation, lutii m-vain. Tley hovever cucceededinlutIc early part cf the pro.. ceediuugu, lun1reveutiug the music, bai afîcruvards îiîcy fotutil it inupoisible o tae.- s<uain <le nuterous bauds froue pleybng tobîtever aire they picasuil. At une <hune a seriu ott clieion took place Ictweeu île police anud île people, wîlel, Itai it nul beeut for timely ltîcîfersuce of île leeders uulgît lave boen cuteuded wth luotiene. quectcs. COLLISION'. About baif.pam nilt o'oclocic, oben the etrecilt Vrere threuged ithu-a livinîg eass, clieerinýr veeiferoucii' epposibte tle CO'iuit aie, a Frenchb iri ciolor, wtlîla broad stripe of orange t-nil anoîher of greun enîviuued miîlî it, mas raieed ou a polo by oeeof the groupe Standinug close by. Tle ajpearance cf tIe Frenicth colore vas, as micît le ex- 1ecied, beiled mitî <le viideat cntLusieuiu ochei t ddd»denly Isif n decen or so cf tle poliuce endecvored bu seize tle fgag sud <c remove ih oui of <ho lands cf mbose mIe bore it. A sceeeof great excitemeut ened The cry vas raiàed, ii'1'ey are tearnu dovu ilis Frenchi f an d <heunlie popu- lace rucîtei forverd tue ettack île police, andi, if possible, to rescue tle flag. /à. ctruggte cf eo'ue mouecuis' daration en- sued, mîlcI eridedin luthe destruction cf thc colurs ; luit mli remeins, ic8u.il aitley vere, vero in tle bauds cf île peuple. ANOtTUcut ASEMBLuAGE. An imense gaiheriuîg for tle cam e pur. pose îuok place cu île 24t1 list ;not, hovever, as vas previouoiy anuounuied, et Hâod? Crocs, but lu Sandymeunt Park. Tle bille andl edeerticeenus cuumeniîugr ibis meeting more punpeeely priuted su as tei uislead the police. It vas firsi. au- nuucced iliat <lie meeting vould take place ai Hero-Il'aCrcssc; but ibil ieved thet ilere vas no serions intentiOon lth part cf the prosicters cf ih -4n bld ih tbore. Suveral îlcusand percs, blsovever, esent bled ai ilu Cross, luit len t îeyasucer- taiued iiai. île meeting vas <o bl i e ld et Sendymount, tley, ai.ce, repaired tbither. The numben assemubled ai tîls latter, place la cstima<ud ai beimeen 40,000 sud 50,000. FrecdlidIrish aira verc playedaa uauel <bte -national culera, of France sud Ireuand , ure mare ; sud speeches vere made sboviug, îLe synepaîhy vîlih alvays - exiuted betveeu tie tmo couniries. Mr. Augustes >CiapToniere , L10Alul nia ED 1) & LI NT OP lit e Polie 1cr1 jYour bompel w. èarne. d ift reËret -tbst joU were vsutonly ssuauIÃŽed by 11o111 mlemnbers of the police forc. e ad that jour instruments vers- broken. W. are corne 10o .roplce hhose :ustrueeesd t< ek jou n uthcnusne of France tao soui>ýîth oues ve nov pres'eut to yen. Tu'i?ipre- ,entation we mssu ta reciprcati»,q feel. ing of good vili ?ff'cred te DiiOnti ieiten. ing of the l8th of July. We- do tbf,, ini tue stroug belolita. our offering fstiot ta any 'itnsec.ion, but te' the whole'triait peuple. Your amsembled tlbousau -ds ex- p.ees&ed sywnpathy ta us enter the'uuited biuer of lrelaud mingled it viithe tri- color of France. France aud Ireiand are ueprably aili*ed* . ve oresi'de autoug 700, feeltiake are not Lia csîrauge land, uor that Otur lot is eut atong straugers. We teed, on the coulrary, that we are as ous people sud one rue,.sud 8iat the destiuiejt of France aud Irelaud, of Freuch- men nnd Irisboeun, are. 8ietilar.. Gad pro- < eci rIreicud sud Frane 1 . Signed on lbe. Buiteg,'BOtURG. - M, BoNSscrr. Mr. Maddeui, of Si. T humas' baud, lu reply bu the aboie uddregs, netuarked tiat their i'usrumeuls vere broken by the agents o! tihe enies of Ireland, vile the reutoratiot. of thein ivas thd'vo rk Of Ire- landes frieuls. Hle hopud titatthe deémon. straîlun of 'lucaday eveuing, ubougei ap- pareutly sa0rivlu»l ut lu rcaliy 0 aigu nificant, tuiglt serve 10 streugbîclsud Consoiuaîe ith£ alliances ietveeu tie kiu. dred nations 'sud tend tu prote 40o aIl Frencimen tiat we are a, distinct people, bcviog notiilucoaion viii <the' Eni 1 db. The world, lie hopeil, vould'observe tiat the Englicl peeou auy question, did nlot reprecent the vieva of Ireîcud. The dUtu, vbich was ou of tie articles prcseubcd, bore the foiloving- inscription; .....Presented to St. TbOtucs' baind by the cSi of France. to reelporcate the feeliug af sympathy offered by Irelaud W -Fra*bce, July 18. 1"70. Afier the eremony, the uew drtè, Uva takeu up by the bcys of'St. Thouicu' baud, who marcbed alougithe entire lice formed by the other bauds piaying the 'tMarseil- laise," wbicb vas efterwards taken up by tLe ascociatcd bands. To the- credit of alti e it aai d, tihe greatest order p -revailcd ibrougbout the culire proceedinga. The bauds, ou their returu té the ciîy, played tiroughi thc principal Street$, but their vas ual, aff Ou Tuesday st, the alightoat interference ou tho par. of the puli.ce.- AIIEFLY Te EIcOLANO. The viole pnoceedings, front firsi. 60 Icse were"musc uuuuisiakably a denouta- tion of a very siguillcan. ebaracte:, and no one wio vitueseàed im-eau -for a mo- meut doubt tia i teY vers inteuded as an iz- 'r /-% irlb

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