Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1870, p. 1

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Miel, odobarged n Cteat"(oeOutapq ~¶$iyaol..s8u 2dens par lin, mt Spis wI sg.roomoeihadety XOTAL -CAADIA AIC WUJTSB *ANC1f. AUKTHER xCHABDION, ORTAIZO ]3ANE WJ1ITJ6Y BEAÇCJIL X. F. ZOC(KAUITI, A111T18AND ATfOUNY$Y-AT- 1. îte o B t!a.iIn ô et e t on ltereai oàdis~ o-i&., ho., Wiîtby,0.W , IL. <. Oâuxno,q. C. JI. J. bitoDOW.LI.. W'Mdou.7totem nupoiigocil ..ourlty. Ap- 1y ut thé IOcesof h rCourt hOU»a,- South wl'o x 9, Il. cocJIRtANI, LL. D. OU14TYCRoWN ArT(iLIÇEY FoR ON- prou bnory, IÇe'ary i'uîbiio, & o @-Brofk tret, yàet door to Ioa et.!, Wilithy. I GEORGE oZ 1DARTNELII, *.r, D.puty i&gltrar, 14star iYxtrordi tary, sud îxauîluarîîî i sac.47 r> re lbCouti.1 y7 ofUOntario. Office jJvCcit-t.,Wilithy. EOBERT J.. WILSON. B~8STEIt h &TfOiWEY AT LAW~ B Seglllito r Illilsuce ry,&à. Wlitb)y (C. Oe..- OVer OUutArT I#0Ijâîk, oen tht. ortii »BBISTE&AT-LA W ANlI) SOLICIO Jlu iueory. <JiaurlersJ irnot. Toronto. 9"r JAb£b N ElTII (GORDON, tJsvo-Nxt door to the. Stor'* or I.L&J, Campbell,J5rock S3t., W lillY, Olt. QOL1OITOII1 NOTAUY 1'VILIC, ho. ho. 0Oahqa, C2. W C. A. JONEMl barrilter, Bolicitor lu Chnncery, AU. torneys, ho.9 &a. ]li irsevediis Office to lot floor ever the 00Oal AIs ls. whitby, out. 7, 1868. 4 FARtEWELL &hMcGBE, Y . TOB$, CONVEYANCEIiS, AND OI>l- ?AiàES âPUBLIC. Osseos r-Oné daoor nôrti, of thé.1'o'4t OffICe, Oshawua; aud ilFeter'R Illout, eîpnrts 'leva 11.8, Itowunsîîvills. jR<J8, LAIUER, MULOCK SMITJJ, Attoroseto.ftt.tqw, solicltors iniiChan.- ccry. and Infioliecy, ho. n i» anslioldean's Offilce, W litby, 1011oVievoyancer.&e~,iii ton Brook, . . -J."JIAMEIIGIR WO> A TORlNEY-AT-IjAW. tlOIClTOIt IN, Ohaen>'r, Notar>' Pub'lic, tiiv>ucr ats.,IWIiITy 4'. W. Orriic, Byroua sinet. son1 tlm o eOfie. 49 LYMIAN VftJLII6II, 1LL. il., BAUIIISTEIi AT TA W, Sollcitom lun(ilhau- tory Ceoureyauîer,&&t., &C'. 40 AXES LAMON, SOLICITIb IN II NcFI'scu, COUVEYANCEI, LAWN1 AGEN'T &c. Oglios.-Over ÀAmttuug's ihtl, liisSt., aFbrige, Juno 7t!î, 1809, l-2 OR. HANCOCK, sIJEGEON, ACCOUCIIEURI, -hC.,' eje G'lf<N,lo DeP s 1IURQEON 'rO> T11ECoUNIF O(AOL, Bly roi6troetV liit by. 4 W. H. LAW, B. A., M. D., TIIOJIAs HUNTON, To WN CILERU itA'iUA13U-t, WHIITUI T ie-Of tî-her ôIocik WELLINGTON 1IIOTEL, MKftKHAM* .IoS. RUZBIOTTOMs a-['iopriotor. 19bly WILSON 11OU SE,9 A.WIMUON,_Ji., -frropriotor. jTulantuîttit ltulie iuetilty, ittlie- <.iohaaneu.ti thîe uhloie 11ueV 10intl'luthe Village - o? fAsrhbimii flor tii. accoinodtatioti et thue un- Vollilg u1biàt.'r'sic0hnitasl îuesprdsud îr- nliie ija :netthioresisl said ootitfontall manier'. Uuets viii Sund every coîîvemice anà Lîgars t)f the blieit Brutà;a sîsys tepi o. (' Goti Stablinug and attentive Ouutirs ln tenidance. A. WILSON, Jr., l'nopmhtor. ,fAiborn, b Y 1lAt, 19 6ts, t?- 18 U<JL , le NÂDIAN 110OTEL, lpORT FERRBY, ONT. E. FOT .:e-Propriotor. sadti heti neeuanmd attentive entiers. pert Fsrry', Nov, 8, 1869,.4 ~w ITBY 1BRAN'lt BIBLE D)E P 0 81 TO0 R y -!- The oattetion orthe ptuhblih;Invte tth te new aud selsctocted tecieof - I~8and TEBTAMYNTS, vitlt. andti vtbent the palmal intre, nov te lu foeta the DesMotstry o e t Wuitby Draah Bible Society-m'>ite stock balst ee ..o Io the anii Depositil, sih gret cae, aniî vil ti b. fu u embrmoew veloumea lu varions of buildlnaufaJian and ormeo.iiital. to I-t las .G il Pm« toe Whlth>', Juit>'21%t, 1809.29 So DE9XWELLING h ['RE*IrsES TO RENT. e > i At ort 'Wblttby, isit>' oocuplcd.yth ulnilerskwo 1 . SNOW. Wbtby, Ilnro 81, 18t l VOL1 XLV WH] ONTARIO' HOTELP * (Wse C. Pave.'..) 1 A. &L£X,&NDFR - Poplor IT t0itauel'rtîsylibersipatron eàb#w Iuin h ite propritoroit4L% lbe oel Brooklin, aud ut the.snme tipis takes ooain ate sanuunie. tiat lis bau leas'd the. above watt Iueow: hote!. Larg, additions bas blou roqptly made te the prenfs., aoour- -Iug morse oimedius accoommodation and esuoing the.ioambsr e1 leepitig rois te ourly on@ bal' mors thon foruuîrly. A îut. glu"a BilîWord Parler wth three table. bas AlsO hein added. Extensive additious te the stabiing, shodi, tous. Boisa, ho&., haro aine lisan made. MIl ouabling the undermigned w offir te tbis Oid Friends audtbe publieasue rali tadrontageo .uîpagsedi Illne i ér bots lu t a pu«s. lie iliint ail ttrneit b. happy te weieome hil. oid frieuds. W1hithy, Deo. 2, 1858. 48-ly JOHN %WOLFENDE£N, CELEBRATED SCOTTISU là At MorIile oka eofJONNATIrAN WOLFEIIDHU, Dndois-St.. Whitby. 17 NEW-S'-TOVIE TIN SH.OP!1 IN entier te moottiiyslnosaing deniand Ini trailo Conseid by the building ef the- lIalinosol asud tiie ilu;îortiiig of'eoctCds the ttubacruher lis opied a -tove, aitil i lli Sbop, on@ door sentioret' li i&hsativos Fui-ni- turchtoro, wiîcdiis hist STOYES & TIN VAlIE niny ho bai, and O.18 msnner ef Tintimith'i wunk donîon etti.siîrtest ueli. - Fîr'JIli Iron, COprer, Brogo, (Cotton sud L'Iiei iagis, W ne! Iictîlîîs, liormes Unir sud sl, mailier tftruck tatkenin, soclargo. JOHN -BILYAN. Wlîthy, Marh SthP, 1809. 10 A.UMSTRONG'1S OTELI (Late 1'!auk's,) JXB 111ID GE B. ARMJSTRONG, - Prepricter. T Ill?,SUIISCRBER 1Las httod up aud cen leciyreiovmted ieusaheve (,lit esialilii cd frt-ciaq, Iliîetei amii slicitg dtepatronage ut the publieuid M liîeil. Ille. table sud bar ong pliad it iti.th est- Coud roomy stwb- lilug,le E.. IJXîi>tigoe Jan. 24,1869,4 - Query Whlob tltthat théua i. surit à run for piclures AT CLARK'S GALIJERY? lu l iate luas thebernt <Gallery lituall Ctont>', auteliits tore ltiemîre satîî oliljrsîu tlisu su>' ottuen Antit lu the Cout>, anut ccii ade quît. sqgent urk al; au>'otien isu lu ths Couuary.-% go- Tlust'a vluut'i tie nmotter, so ton't lic baekvar4 shoot eoniiig hemwamet. BhtOCI? ST., WIIITBY. W1iitti>, Nov. 12, 18t;7. -45 HENRY GRIST, <liSNTÀBfLISIIED 1860.) -PATENT SOLICITOR A N D DRAIJGIITSM1AN OTTrAWA, CANAD>A, Truîîuaîucts busiaeaas iiCluthe l'ateut Ol1'uce, ain! utlmer ilepirffiineu ci t eu (loven- bioikstîoal iueuîsprocutre.]. Draotî'. >jiuiJ'iutancd eher Doeumrstm aroso#- go eta emPîtoip f lrentiva ouqsied onire. t«upt of tthe M.uî4.jC1 'he Jaurtiea ..d puein- zsary taerclt,,'ua the Paient Offie cura- 'I'tmaude. Tlarclu, 16.i Grand Trunk Railway Hlotel. ,AT WJ11T13Y STATION. W M ONIuI1,liaviv urc.irobsilJtî he tel îîuuid prêtriiiiana l.iowa it tie Grandi Tu iiîîk 1ilote!, %% iltluy stitien, livî'stî lutonii tls l'iciifil aeutthe trovelliig Puîlliic lliat lie titis fittei l t iiibole11,1 sud liblçl irilrt- clas stylo', iii.] ly ittelil i ctli e i.waits et tfIlmo jilin lurn liuouil, itheir Jatrouisage tiils Cul nienit acc t ofic t titir enaitei. W l'orties t4klnîg thîe iraincti bilai ii tierce, wîtl litoe tliin et l tuken cate of tili tlîein ntuni. "'i'ldy, sept., 18(l. 1Sr T il ohAs IiNT, (LATE R50M LONcDON, ENCIAN.> liega teliforni thiîpetple 4-f t Il îhy aid vlin- îiy, tiit lie lias Epiiîcd s ship Oppodite the Ontario Bank,. Drock Street, WViitby Oulîtrie. mu ut Fliz 0EPuAiRoimnTo inÀi GUNS, LOCES, ]KE'YS, &e. Clochsanc iîil ocirm crnoned asouîrepiircd, lso SiiWING MACHIINES. PARA SOLS cé U3IBZELLLS nieicti sud co'v cri,] ewmliarripe i d set, iiiil nlilrci, &,o. '., &C., A SaLre of yeun TIIOS. BLNT, WliCtAng. 10, 18(. - t? Z2. R L.-MUNILO &Ct., OOUN TY OF ONTAIRI09 CILsEflAL COMISIONSii4A<Fiili &ch., WIzIl-JY, ONAiJiZO. W Aiireinilefkt peronlv, or sltti h nul tote Il. aR on luie," l'Albinullotîi,1h orlntal O lure îte," %blîitipy; 'owell's ile, Brooklu ; Jiieil'iq Iltel, (lsbawiî; ,orCl&roicle or Gazette Office, Woitby, wiii bc canejlil atteiuîeilte. WlitLy, (lct 18, 1869. 41 BLA C Kg MITII'S9W ORNO 'Vie undlersignati, lu retmoruing tiianlcs te isL trieîîds muid many ousiduiens, legialaio te eautre thiiem that ail vonk entruxtedt t bis 'cura, vil!, as berotofore b. exocuteti lu the -bcat ityle. REAIOVED 70 DUN'DAS S2REE7, OppositesA. C. Wilson, Puinlartif. j on BRO wN. wbiby, Apî li la, 1870. l'-15 WHITBY, *ONT. A. MA SON,_- Proprietor. Tii. beslima been thorouglily renorateti, imud the.publie viii fiud svsry aocmmodatoou sud tihs t.iattention. April l8, 1870. ill; S1. NICHOLÂS fl9lEL- DUNDAB.STREECT, WHRITBY. Tii. Suborib.r bgste Inf0emthé. Publie, dont ho bas uei? tted vp eud reuevted thé 1 aDore hoel "hi e trairell1 a fnd excellent-1 amaiumipdullon. Liquors. Wiuos and Cigare 01 speror oliy, ekt Lager lBor. Geod 1 a. B. TEIIAN WibMy20d, 1870, 1 TERRAPIN REISTAURANT (87 h&8o Ktg stroît Fut Toronto), TIIOMSAS CARLISLE, - PummonîrroL efoabl, Reat tüurautI,, CanqdaL. 31eutg îupplied .8 *%ral "houri,. Wlue% Lîqunria sud Cgors otusie»t brandi. sisl sud CaunOysterd lu overy stylo. k*- Paîrti A visitlng Toroita fer n dnty viii fluîd every accouîuodationutaithie Torrapiu. Aprit 51870, 14 TEOMAN GIBSON. COM3MISSION 2MERGIL4 NI INt3U7iANCE, & GENEBALAGnT. Whitby, .Jan., lStlo 1866. -2 REVERE HÃ"TJBE,. ILANCHSiTER, C. W. B. PLANK. - - -- - Ponir 2zzTIzonvz ~4 FOR $ALE* Thot disirable Property sonluu "0 acres blgoompffld of lot X 15inl 001=011090 f Emily oenlatult'ýgîix U~ of lot No.1, iluths lth concose 5 Iug 100 Aoe,,aud 84 acres o ei 1, lu tu Gta ce6nocaon s- emperu ithe Couuty of'Vitoria . Tlîs arm ati'ords su excellant vie- of EuiiiY lake, wbloh Ji unenqualieti foropertiag by auy laks lu tii. Ceuty, sud bas Water cou.iuu- loatiou witb Li.ldaav sud Bobosygeen Soit Isa nehlcbiy tai. - -There ans over 100 acres oîleared lu a htgh stats o ut'ltivatiou. Tiie remaiuder boing bardi Wood landi vitla sufiiolent aier for tcpéiuq. purpoa. ho sproeorty Inta elfeuceti, sud I. .ei àaioi uo'ror-failiiug tream onut, lmaalog barnuwtii we tbreublug hioor.stabies. yhedis sud eut buildings: aà goo4 le dw!,tIiug gmoé, suen ota yuu1 a r0t boe rea geriîg fruit. Titir9 î I olu ~l tdlu oesblock, asud wîît ma a e t r oe or twe cxoeîiutermes %. h dd dteauepaslsos-~ n7or'tert' s oi ue apilyt- WILLIAM MoFF.gTFRq, 011 tho p remises, or to P'. S. MA IÃŽTIN. Solicitor, i:ndsoay. Lindsay, 7Niî Jtus 1870. 24 _W IITBY PIANO F AOTORY JOSEPH RAINER, PEOPI1ETO0R. -o- Tho osAbtcriber, um returnug hl& sin- cote tbauks tae intany friands sud ecustoincn et the. Whutby PIANO XMANUJFAgTLUY, -'rpr . ,- ~~ becs te state ibat llieie ouries enstiLe husfi $togos toatci ront Wtltby caldal>y' Brn>' îeas soleîy ufen Ilu is ii uccuuit; aiii l>5-1 Attfenticut pald te guesta. Cureful sed tiaben- licitiu;g future Ordens ibu gate assure C1lient ive oosilena. 6 *thut uethitili witlhoe loft nudoeon hlm part * te giva aitisfaetion, lu suppl> lng C ENTIIAL, 1JOTEL, B 11 )UOTIA3M. JORN BÂILEY, Proprietor. Viie abeya ljotel usa been iiewmvy fîted np eud t'urnisiiod.* Cuffls vil! find ceniortolile accommtodationi sud etlcntion. Genu noonîy stabiing sud attentive estiorai. Jan. 26, 1870. 0. N. VARS, e P ItACTCA L Dentist, Oshaws Dunl i t00oq, directlh oppo- smE" ite eh el'oit w io.-E)t rince on Inoftnsé't third iooraortb of ide Ontario Baik. GEORGIE CORMACKE. L UMliltIt MEIJIOANT, Cisrpotr,and Jolner,Groctii4t. U'Wi.tty. A largo qusu. tityo'loi kindis el'umberconatalirtiyou baud. UN DE IRT.A.K IN G. YtTNEI'Y.ALt' ully' supplieti and atteii'lçd on aout notice. (ofîne Iept conaltnl> ou baud. W£ÀA litru-to irc ontilbenaitsnm GEOItGECURMACK.' WhitbyFeb. stb, 1862.t 00 M MERCIA L LIOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - PuoprTo. Connvetiieiitl y fttcd up roms for Coniuic X i 8, 1870. 14 MUSIC i9 MvSI',C i WrItti li nd atStriligr Bonds. adaptê.] for Snr',. tie iiîhcs, xnsîu.Qiaii Iîutivi, &o.. &c.. vîlI aupi1y thie hi-at sud latoit 3lnsie, enu esnt ternir,. Apî.!icai iilia nit hobcnmade citlienperuionally or by letter, (jeyost pou,) to 20OMay 17, 1870. Wlîithy. F OR SALE O1 T' LET. ~ ., 0 No ?o. 17, Irthlit o. Mars, 2Onrm 0 sernia cloe.ip. l iiWil li, 10 lînio,crtinîinio andi wcl flta'.]up. Ltend lo;' l'artiiîîuil ùxteiive mtuhiig, aid iile, iitl)iil(illgz,4o iîPCf',eerv, nlI-o un î'acilhî'iît houanrn -relisiril, *iî.iI-ùliv ;lam n. hpj rîigeîl tievîr failiniîîo î'nnlit tje lot, tlrmi-neti..resui,, icle tit hiirclra, Slieelo, Miiim,,&c. 0O ores ill reuiy Ion a me p thi., prilig. inlwl f ie iei fo> itelici, doôn. 'fliolot la it titi 4 inikas ft'rrîAihlY, and fi toile-. freru a rillia. For l.îrtiî'ulurm ahuil>te àt. illi', onr.ioiiu Ti'te stcou l Vomi will bcgoilailt,)gtluer, or fiu twel'arts, 100 lacres eneti. MAK IIALEY, Gru 21 .'alb:enhy 1'. 0., Mina.1 -e- The niesgidbas on Land], nt M E A*1)'S -31,LL NEAR ASTI13IRN, A large qnîîitity ct' Lurnhen, wlîtclî lie FO0R SA L AT TUP LOWEST JIARRET RATES, W B ill Lumberof t'ailkinde issu on thi' mljultcoat notice. A. B. CAMPBIELL, Iinooklin P. O flrooklin, June 17t1î, 1970. 26. .A-SI & DULLEA, COMMISSION AGENTS, COLLLf70R83, .4COITTAZTS, c&o. OFFICE, - (Gîltett'fs lock, Oshawa. Feb. 28,1870'. -o- JOIhN FEUtUJSDN, MERCHANT TAILOR, regs te liternmi i patron,#a ind tue rpublie tuahist liasonrsuioveà te spreuiles uoxt eteer fotnt'fMr. Creabyle gnoery stere, viiers be vili be preparod to receleeordon s sual. Cid and made «P in the nelceat Btgya aud .Pasleimn Gentlemens' FuDishlng Goo0ds 19' AIl Onderos attouded te with puctua. ity- and dupatol 1 butiy, Feb. 27, 187.Pu9q or aUPMrzio STYLE, h Tie celelîratoîl îîew patent sud Cfoau .,ealo patterunil i,aowu liî'c.tion nioauutktured ins tiretofro. W ..Alilorders excutted, vitît promptitude and imlpatllî. JOSFPII F. RAINER. Whltiiy, bloy 3, 1870. ly.18 1OUSES T O R9N T Two Dwcllisîg Bouaca te routinlutii. Town ol' Wtitby. For purtlouns eapply tO JOR N IIAMEI. Wlitiîy, Marcb 16, 1870. il NE W MILLINERy FMVWAREROMS'i 1870 Billding Sentih of tis Royalfletel. Mns. Keller and Misa Stuart res4peciiilly cîiîeuîuice te tII2 Jideà otf Wl iliy and -,iicinity, tilttlicy arc uîow in recalpt of? hei of '.loira Mîillnrr,- DIPO a laMotîca, tin-lerv. coilra i,.] CîtfeIsco ilîker- Chet~.Vol, ionille alîti Sille Nûta. Ji.pane.o 'witellîeo, ttrîen, ioer Ji.ndslasd Coroiîcts, l'îicy Jewclry, anti Statioîicry. Striew-wcrle and Sttn1îiîitg doc,.te rder. Alil tbe ,gnin.], u'enew and well selectoîl and ef the, lâte.t f.-lioi,. laîlies4 wiil hit Chat tlic ln coîîault thiel latite na-1 i lltoreet l'y cîlliar. rqr Plcaa not Vie aîlrem«.-Tiîc tîîîild- iii î-'îtil odîlie llî,ni itotel, Bruek st, %1l itby, April LC, ',S'd. 17 .11 VlLOIM enN."'!-,iîtsd proffi 1.J ab.."-l3ok...isdî tuinu) for uIlwer, te S.iL. U.. 3 89 Broalw2y, N.Y- (1<JSES & LOTS rO 11SA lE1 Thei. anhacriher lia ieni rtriieteîl 1v li ptlîur lrlelr, t ll the ii.udertuetîtînîitd lu Ciao Town eof Whilty lat-II'lnt 7Iîiek C(ntîit r-,,ire f Js WllierC, t l' t -tet 'o eieiîîir.g 8 roeim,, plillîtry, wai h c, iuîd oxcotIlît celier. witii a Igond gî,rdi!ti, veit stocke.] with Gooe. , a rroît atid ICMIperry, lilîea, Thon, % lmeal)on the proîll>ero îî itoo'd sil sot-weter cistrr iiîd io amili,Itl. 2ndI-A route oft Brick I)wllings4, on Cenitre f.treet. i# lici tiiîherP lre tlirc tetileuîei na.ti$10$ ,ver aliilsai. Srd-A amuI 11vacant Lot fenccd). adjoirbiiîî lir. Jals. hIl,rebsiduiicc, oi William otrcct. 4th-A vacant coner lot on King nsud Pitt sttreetp, well t'cuced, usetlituia garienu. T1110 sheçe property, or sny parteof it, wilii bc sold ciieap, sud ou easy teraus. JAMl lOLDEN, Agent. W itby>, May 28, 1870. 22 N .2. TIUE GREAT FEMALE IIEMEDY Job Moeds' Periodical Pilis. Tis inrolnal'ls Medicine 1la nntiliugr in thie cure et ulil tîn, puinfIlainsudatinerous dis;- cas&e, te wijol tlc t'dmale constitution l u nt. jeet. Tt moderat.os ail cxceotosanti reinevpos 1i ob.tnuctioiis, sud a apcedy cure inay b. nelilet on. TO IEKOLADIES. Tt in psoulsly aau'tcd. Tt yl, in a shiort tinte brng ou the nienthl>' pcniod witit regnlarity. Iu aIt Caseot'rNervoum anti spinia* ffec. tloiis, ?alialu the. Book anti Limbwi Fatigue on iight exenttouu, Palpitationi et ttii.'heurt, llysterlcs, end Whites, tbexs Pilla wiii effoot s ours wiusn AIl ther msans bars faleti; anti slIahougb s powerful redy, de net contait mon,ý .alVIn, siitinuy, or auytbug bsrtt'ul te tlus coistitutiou, - . Full direction$ li t heçamplilet aronnd saoli paiags, bieb ioultib. arofutly proesved. JOB MaGsz& 13w Yonr4 OLE PEopBiuEToES $1.00 sud 12X cenmts for "eta0, nclesatt Northroep sad Lyman, Newoatts, Ont., gsne- MaI agents for the Dominion, vili insane a bot. tIc, coutaliîig over,80 puis*, b>' nturn mai. Fer 'ale bY> James Byrue anti J. IL. Genie,, Wbhliy;W. P. Atiuîou aud Itobinson h Ce., Oshawa; J. Dawo, BreoklUn, sud al medicins dsanm Foi'. 22, 1870. 8-6m Ms frsinl aI om bel a1uIîi etal ý Mul1ly I heo The. tecks a retineal suen h hi -foh Oue thi that ail itrys tu poar si tome 1 eytnti tobas bourbtore 1 lier tîia>' y r s; i %uean setnng Ihet yet, 'ývintag vil ey w' er. aI- ùk bs jours once more, W.1aitetank the dyiug neil.8v eernioro a uubtstly nuar emispire fln lts glasv f oon I cp tievîîyeur buiceýl istl fie M>' ntise te lirs ugain thîe vicoo yorej u,t thé fflfway flouse. gton, vfene turnnised viti aanti Etivan Orson, on ho i'oeked tisse alse, se that udnîmacti sudgel mtobebd, :1!>' aecuma froua intrusion. Il ho noticd, anad bat vas cita vore veii-oilcti, for the. oiesîy i btiti net Sp. ipiciena;, tiengli helay>for 'velving lu lism ututial the bi ï0 ts bhonsu aspertectl>' quit. vota 2isaceisti ubut the leudti ito. iag e? t ikoct cuisido bis door., Than came dC r>' ysounti.,sas thougit the>' acere bist op the doors. Agalu f Aà dîne ail sii quiet. Tien came the. anti ol'veicesausdýfootsts:pm ou tbe Blair vbich finally stoppeti at tho nexi roe S jThon abers sas -vhisperng, anud tienûedoor vasuccsed antitookoti. For a nIrer of au heur a4l1vas again qus o e t taItishe ock struck elsiveu, afue s Caraou B a rdi th e voiceo fo? is Isndlady ;kiûliton- the iuntiiorticame maunderi s and.tumbttng ute bd. Thon îCai..ou hati telt futigueti sud hoar>' prfncs te ioia'timing to rnuil'et nov ai tu tehave emuret>' forsaltea hlmt, a efeelinug 'came oïrrtins 'laiteavas se uarvouî snd ddutbat titt ot onet oflied, vaiketi the rom, anti leoketi ont cf ube vindow. Al vas tiark es pitci nti tbrme vast not a scunti to bie board. Re sitote #hck iutdbeti, antishorts t>' sl'erwamdswsi eetst aaecp., Alter a tins he svoet ih a stmnl He listenti, l'or ho fancieti he coulti hear s neoie. Ilesast op in the. bed, l'or nov te mlghesl sonudtitartieensd at.anust i bi LB>' thuatiina the.moon hat rigecu, anti shone luaitthe vinties. fBanraya ahot obliquaI>' acresthe roon, ant i l'eupon the door. Fer bal' s minute i. sut quit. ail, bis lioart thumping eiainut hie bides. andi snob vas the teutionue? bis nervas tbab bis linees trembleti-tilt the>' kuocteti together; then uumimtatabl>' hobeard footdiepa ou the Ian- 'diug, anti a scrooping crack on the.maire, Pas theig i no ue as soil>'deaccutiiug Catiseo l'lt surs hat ail wam net igit, but becduMi ot munre or atmr, but kept bis eyea Cixtd ouithe' tuer, mthikiug the.danger if an>' soilti arts,, ouiti coin. front there. Au bc titi ao, tic saw bhe lstch rite anti lait, antibteu a voice wbiapcned aoinethiuig tbmongb uhe krybole, but be conîti not tua- tuinguiâsb sbuu. Auttiâ moment a dtuer opencti beles,, anti then b.e beard footatetis along the pas'- age, snd lian a sharp, nbilit cn'. Etivant Carton vas ne cosanti, but it ueat be couifceti dthat ha tht net feel bis position ver>' comomabie.« "-Wbat ccubd it aIt ocsu?t'lha thîeught Rtiug itantl>' bc alippeion bua ciethes, anti then cnepm osartis the deer of his roomu. He unholtot it, anti opent itaue. iousty. Ail was tiumk. Tvo stepu brngltb:to ethe bend of mie stairoose, and six others to a tunnn vicbt gave hlm s vicv ot the a sding betos. As be roachedthe tîuruing a glean of Iight shet rapitil>' ssa the foot. T-be tiar'enes sbtch foloeeiw'a s o instautan- cus that iti tartlet iaimfor anch a gieun coulti ouI>' proceet lfront a tank lantenut. Quito uiconsuio ? sat ho sas demg, the f'ascination of the situation inmpting hlm sith theesaime impulse s tsebigbeat courage, ho continucti to descend the atairs, the>' et timea creslting loutil>'sasbe titi su. On reachinig the bottons bc aav tiat te door et a large roon, vhich io took l'or the ciub-meom, vasa epen, anti front it ib- uet a lighî. Siicntly- approsobhing the door, a ighnîet bis sensas sbich paroi. yzad hum vith bornr. On ths faoon, w'ltlia darit Stresa cf bleodti tailiug frouantrcbati, ta>'the cerps o? the idi>, aud not far fnem lier a ulon te t.glameti inigiti>'on the Yeu, her. la>' the ftieneti veunan, anti Iere the instumnent with wbich the crime bat been commiteti: but shere ws lier n'ntdaer? ' Re vas net visible; butin tbat part o? lb. noomu shici ths doen con. ceaied, a mevemeni o? a Ilgit. anti a noise as oe? one e ppliiug beyas,tisciesetithe preseuce of sous Qe-but Who! Carsonu vre awe truckand tareti acancet>' beathe< for l'ear he aiontdbriug thia nu. ssu sacu>' upea hue. At this moment a piercing ahiek rang ,(rnm theBoobr fbove, sud h. ettittnuCie deor sag full open, anti ha attoface te face- siti t b. man lie bat met in, ths e ruig, tte dant gleauiaig eycs, this pale cadtiarsn face, the preuenuuont ef tie giot ofepon Marttua'a imagination. For awcoad or twoe lb.>' stood motion- leus. Thcu stobengle fori n imeD teuev sýhoneo iiwva. Ail vu indistinctý sud ibados>'. At 5rrt h. vau lu fainylauti, attanded i b>' au eid iag ; but mie graduxail>'faded1 ava>', anal ber place vos filcd by' k youg9 andi lovet>' lair>', vie b>'ber teuidomuess ant i auit>' me fan tugrabiauti iisrasl' into ont beno e'ursat thai ho vas quite unbappy wvien miis vas absent. It la neetileus te tell tiiat tiivas ne tiean; but tiiat the l'air>' vas Caroline Weetigate, the iantitsdy'a' tiaugbler. Heovas net St ail capable oe nuder- standing bis owu position, non tii. danger h.e vas in. Intiast, for tisys evenythiag vas in a onan sdbis uinor>' a blanie. But oae nigit fis fanoieti, or areamedth at ho fancieti, that ho andtisa aeet >'oung ceature wsne vauidcring b>' a cool andti relNeubiug %rtn, wviion nopeuiug isi oves utideni>', ho vas surpriseite fluti E that ho wuasatili in bed ; but tiat, like a1 ministemiug angsi, eh?. wvas- ianging ever. hums vitb auxiou seliituds, sud that bisF face vas sot .wiiub et tesa.. Thece ina a trange fascination lu the tcars e? a votuu, as Etisamd Carson dis- coret. lu fact, boee as lie, net e- covensti lront oee iaerden, pinupeti heat long itb sueiher. Yeua h vas an, for there eutbe-ne doitlit thut love lsaa tisass-u mort et plesant fevet, anti tiat il »preands ver>' swifl'uyanti imper- cçptubt>' thnough ths raina. And bey batiCaroline f cri dn-, tb-* tine? Atami uic, tee,,vas tfar gone lu the tabyinti ot' love, sud blushoti acanlot wbeu abesaaw that ber secret vas dis- coeret. Canson wau at noe bas te interpret the4 agitatiou et a girl se unsopbusicated, anti1 as bis toughua anal feaituge sers as fnee1 frein hypocnia>' as bers, he drsw ber1 goutl>' te hum, 'ant isiaes! ber tondent>'.1 Ti vas ratier a trying position for a1 ru' oinnocent a4 artleuse 5' te ae no crine, la loriug lin, aie on!>' bit her1 fa eh&boseti alid bedewsd il;vii bor -tsars Poor girl i tiiè mnhins o? a' finut lofes vas lu ber isart, antin be hr ehequeret i aud Pstieneti abilthoodti ters bati been littis te cben bsr path.1 The love vbich ban enteneti bat breasit was net thet gradusîl>' teveieping passion wbici, gros ith onr gresih, non theii more intense, erviti. anti terrible passion whicir contes viii ipeung >'eam,., audi lesdte distraction enti ruin. -No, it wva pure ne ihc light froinbeaven. Il sas lite the unainso burting through s dant clout-:a iofetbrightcsbt lghtu atiiiOh of je>', illuinuatiug bor seul. la thone a vomen, shosblaotin wanu,' who toea net remeniber auci a passionu7?o e hn.one vno bas pasacti the thneahoid ail' omanhooti sho oaunct rî'atizo le herse!? the. seet entotions sbich i tuteti ebor Camolins's besrt as Bd- yard Carton tires lier towartis hin, anti kisonti ber aoft checli 7 Fron tbis perieti he began te gain teugth apitil>',andi in a fev tisySsuas able te sit up in beti. Stili ithe mentor>' o? that night wsafornastino s tbiug bo coulti not br'ng hie mmnd to suconter; but et tent, oee slteruoon, h.asaketi bi3 young nurse te relate to hum ail aie knes about it. Il bave net,' hu siiti ainetite si rirevienasly, fer jour black tires. bas pre- panetune l'or the verni. Your Iteor moîher ?, 'Neyer recorere - as t ied ivo tiaYs al'îonsards3.' 6And jour tather 7' 'la stili unselt. That elles siiontyen ansprcted put soin. trug in his drink. anti be, tee, bail a narres escape (non tioatb.' 'Ant i tithiefellos eesape 1' 'Yes, a&s aon as the>' hearti the mail comtiug the>' decampeti, taking sitb ibein ail the moue>', anti the sivcr ini lie bar. 1 allure the>' becu taken 7' 'e;nothiug ir w .terer ias licou heardftiet hen, ibougi ths police appeon ta bars soesctue te eue o? tem. 'Whicb ones?' 'The taili, pale faceti otî-tis l'elles Matba took t'on the ghest. IHs le a deaperalo rufflin ; aund nom all I cun learat, nml'poor mother l ttaettiremt sec hem,' it waa thnee veetm bel'ore Carson vas Buficienutl> vell te basve bis roon, but, notviîbstsntiing ube gloon, shicb hatos. cd ber heart the>' vers happy seeka te Caroline. Non veme uie>' lesa ao te Car- BODa l'or as soon as he sua vetil enougiho sent l'en some books froua the neareat tesu, sbicb Caroline resdti te ins- Tiiere sas a musical intonation in ber voice shicb vas inezpressibly aooîhing te unm as au tuvali, wviii. ber remanka vene livet>' anti expressive, tbongyb tie>' ver. indicative rather o? a sepeni iendtt anti native geunii tian iho effecla of etnca- thon. Suil sere vere timea vien ie aur- pr'aaet inumb>'remani bich led bins ta suspecitt6ti botit oaiesuad hon famil>' istiat oes inme metiin a ver>' digèensuîpisns to shaltts>' ueow occu- pied ; sud eue daiy, vieu mie bad letsi lIl anu nuanteti ebservation of titis sert, it 80 arenmed bis cuiosiytiat ho sai- qI do uol vih-b b 'niiin>but if pasmion ibat he W adot hionghî ef tn- frming bo bij t ua aty. (Te bée oncladed inuOur uezt.> 'lue Great Ceitie Dcmoamîratioa fr rmnoo-A Battlo on ta jpuali scais. Dublin (Jnl>' 20) onu'nspondene et Loudou Timues, Wttiio tbs British Qoveroiaent preclams the. ueutraliîy of Engl".d in- the, Cou. tionta[vwar, w~c'l~îoaiy ithua the supi-. de-clarcý;iîoa mympathy vih oe oftheb beliits. Hsppily fMr tltspence o? the kingdom, tia power' oftihe syca- pathizers lianet equal îot'ntetn viii, antho squtiibrinum-o? forces viii net be serion!>' diaturbeti, even uhongiFenianiain uhoulti ot ils whote seighita oe eoetths e sae,. The. prosrpect of au Eunopcau stnuggle, in whici, France, tpay the'imeat prominent part, ae tns bave iueptrod Iish patriota ef a cet tain clama sviuh newvlippes, and ne- vise the traditions of? (inmdaiiip betwecu thes euaniea o? Englau ti ihu, sud abroati.i A demnonimrationqutts ciuarsctsniattc of the. 'iNationalI' par>' vas motie lunt ercu. iug in-front ofl the houseof M. Livre, lhe Frenchi Consul, intu esr Gardiner atreet, in ibis cit>'. Thons sas ne public notice o? il, but il vas evitieut> onganisei upon au extensive sosie, aud intendet bb. very im- poaiug. Crosdn of people of th. hiver roukis preoceeded iuutauoougi y te the place of meeting near Mountjoy Square, headed b>' banda piaying auch airasae the 'Marseillaise,' 'Partent peur la- Syrie,' 'Garr.yowen,f anti 'O'Donuoll Abeo' uaitb anthuaiaaîic obeeru anti miouta of 'Qed sare Irsisuti i' 'aurrsb fer France Il 'Vive la Guerre Il anti other phrases ex. pretsedth ie populior aauîimentm. The banda wbieh tank part in tbe demoDstra- tien wenc the Skiuuesa,' Stone Casiers', Baicera', Cbimzày st iee.~ Harp of Enin, Wolf'e Tous, Onphous, L-mmett, George Heuiry Moore, Si. Patrick'o, St. James', St. Autiresv'a, St. blary's, St. -Augustine',, the Cembolie Yotsug ,Meu'm, the O'Couuoli. Star or En, Brian Boroibtus, Phibabor. ongh, Dnitmcoudra, Kingstow, Monuit Fîcasaut, Garden Lana, Ceffe atreet, aud anoîben tçm perauee baud. Stucs ths grs-at amneat>' meeting nt Cabir tiiece bas not beau se large a muster of bautis.ane t? the. Prussien ear b. not proot' aguainat 5ueLuni,~.rwa5pave gbrasa in- struments ecungh-ta drive the. Genuoni, ou or theil. Initi.lhia respect the>' wouitilie formidable allies. %iien the>' sol, 37 Loee Gardiiner st., tboy nult, amiti iond oeers, a large tri coloreti fig orange, greent antiwhite, ct'essed wih ,ed, white sud bina., emibîematie O? the Franco F'enian an>'. The police, bavin; roccivoti intimat-ion o? thesprocectiugq, came upon u ie sym- pathiaera aud at once coeuiences! boa- tilities b>' iaiting a dash.ý.ut tii. flag, wbicà wau quiek>' seoureti, but, atrier a deapenaso struggle, recaptured ini a tao iatate. 'soinseaof the baudeinen-iue, tuant>' yonng foilova«, as their fnieuda ueual>'ay a>;anti looking iike real cificera lu tuer barîduome uuiiorung-made an um- petu.enos charge te necscue thbeir conadea, but the>' sere routcd silh groat eaoghter of uheinrantus. ¶Theis vole ami>'of aym- phywa4 ti4uperseti, but sane butidretis e? uhetu rallieti afteensouda t ieresford place, stuere Mn. J. Sunjihe addne3tcd th in j the folhowing uipinit st~in!ý terin, Qed sure France anti Irelanti i We bure met anti leoa.ly inonifcat thnt sYin- peahby ai? Trotauti lor Fuunce'7 We Prove ta thât gaibunt nation that uic Oou' Dot forget. fu! oi the tics ubat buiid utin tdiu'uiOluth!e aliance Frouier, the proiecton o? ste OP- preaset, andti elon.], il..Polauti ef the West. W. have proret tePrseis tiits vo reineintir '98, uben the -wnti in Wex ford iraa, "till a ilcem5ias for yeuraelL'." We prove ta En,-tieui theat Tuelandi repu- tiat IibofoutiUln.]uauritCf Illeu Englieii prcva, ord tibMIrelant a odim.ict na- tion. For the8aube of' lrrt-i, ton the salie or' Face, retiue lui pouce. Tie exuhortatini, go eoeu:'eiug tc thehu feelings, sos quiok>' obeyed, uid the POi lice ni havis.g raneuretithe. ntic, tbe5 ell'ncied a netreat in tn!enob1>' tod order Hlauuliila ere dictributrd a-mng tleie, Vnin a rnce t u ne diuo 4i ad Dsent for neiul'oncOinitiand about -isenti otier cuntbies Came to bi a aaiutaocq l'rom Cottege atreet station. The oCrovî resentedti tmoes-the favorite veapotl of moha-auti meveral poliémen veci struce.-One vas ku cked dovu byj btew gircu frein behinti. Ths figbt ondeti bowever, lhe the reut, Iintbs capture o tufera,' druninerm, licru-hîo,ers, and etone iubroes nt. d the streets v-e9u MoCti c y outeti tranqiiiy. A F.AC'r-The brutal sport of ball. bating bas long siece en aboisaheti, bc boy man> a re thons aeu n te .prosei dal wiie hait their bors.? 7 to indulge te, and if' ItOdoes. DOtajths veamen ol' hie aquatisce tlok- pon film as a 6iaofiY, "suddmirug dir abouiders ina bighiy hunerous aya over bisa folly. As- for th.etmoderu Young ladiy, smii. ceoat lier affreties se tiiereughiy that yen soulti aimeét iaieshe 'hatinue.e Purgr eGoLu,-ADotbier titance of'the remankable vs>' in vicii uggels are aoemns tuniiet OP in Ibis oeouy vai fur- niaheti lent vese, vien a uuggcî veigiig 69 ex.!vas plongilup ou Mn. AilaU'sfarD2 Mount Pioapt, Builanook, near Bailanat. As uuggsts are alwa>'. veîcouus thingi, and as ibis us>' ca t t the. openiug up et uew grocuti, it Mas>' hononreti s a aver>' pissa. sant as1elcome strsuger.?' Theo lump vasant>' s fes loches belos thie aunfacssud antiba haat boita like ferîbginus cou. glonerate attaciie tieta, butTa-3nesi>' ail golti, sud la ssii water.soru.-Mel'ourane Argus, April 23rd, A taleuteti Youug Afnican, cf the. beot-. blacke persuasion, observealàa nighbbeur poring aii'o r a s paper, viiers. upon h badatdessed im nthus: 'Say, Ju'ius. shat yon iooking et that paper l'uni'Yen caîu'î eati' 'Go' va>'fellah,' repîtoal tb. cuber, indiguiauuly, agucaufI eau reati. l'a big 'uiuff for dat.' 'Big lauty, retorteal ths other, seorufuli>', Itat aiu't nufflu. -A cos'i big,' 'uS to ce a mice, but as Oan't.'- SArEX, TuE TuROULE.- Oneiecaur velu. kuosu physiciana, suis cenveraiug vith a fieut onue ta>, obsereti suether piyaiia iiviug pat ina chaise, accampaniet b>' eue et bis patients, vbe sas fast recorer- in.- sanitiD.B -,'eI[ nover î.ook a païcut te ide lu my tifé.1- IiN," mid bis l'iend, "Mni. Pilce, the untiertak.n, dattes SOU tbe trouble."e lu the Idaho Penetoatian>'ths pniannens oocupy thir tinte with Biele classes, whorenpou a local novapaperzaujatut the 'mimai atinoaphere inslde ' te -salis is of far bigiier- tune tihan ibai of tha- eut et ths tentilon>'. Net fhaving beard fron thae debstin- aocetiçm in selatien Io'. ths ceunum, 'Wii>'do ene, utîsys la>' egeg lu ube day îimel' s contempomar>' unsvers, 'be. ---s t4±1t -hthvarecioo fers-' TEr re'aii o 's e - o A u ?' lisent -A his lboy iaviuig liW.eu lita roctiug bonte sday it sas bougit, lisa motion began to sceisud atioie ilenceti lier b>' iuquirng, "Whst's i'negooti of abona titi ii's bnoke 7" A CiiglmÀ.,'s IncA or iL Taut. lxt ExtmAClinesé tins tiencribas striai in the Engiish lus courts -" eMau ia quite silent, urotber taika ail the tinte, anti tscive vise meu coudentu the insu vise b.aç netsasiti s ori.e' HvMoh C.-A young mIan living iii Walem ia humilit>'y personiieti. The ember day ho sket s >oung tati>'if ho mit bars the. pnriiegeof ol'giug home witi ber, anti vas intignuutly refuseti, sioreupon ho ta. quireti, very,buntbt>, if ho inight- be "1ait. osedtét, ait on the fence rud se ber go- A froih diccover>' o? diamoutis bas beau madeun Victoria, Australiea. Severul have boon irouigit te, Melborne for oxamiaatien sud ene ta descnihet b>' a jearslfer as e? the 6unemi satan anti of neurl>'s arat seight. It appeoris that the minera, ig- norant of theinr vabue; hure been throwiu thece atones avol'. 1A ri"ulerntan of Blonm;buirg, Pa. vas caug-it in a thundern dorm the other ta>'anti struck b>' Iîiiuing. thea Ibid stnippet imu etank nakiei, buttditn'#. burt im a p*r- lidoe. Iu bis report of tiecactastrophe be aavgs tilt a iret rate wa>' te got your cleties off~ ifyou au na ura m>.- A Husbanti'a Rvenge-À Germmu gn. tîcinn feuind tiheother tayuîhat à ',at' fricnd g? bia-batinitae>'With bis a ile. Eveyon expeeteti s duel or seursihing ileofafespýenate cbaraeun onîtibu the 1resuit. - The itjureti husant, -iover, icontentoti imici? sitln dispatching tlie fol- loiviXg note : - "Sir 1 bave for sente- tinte wisbed te get nid efnml viCe. Eigbt tays iago ali a sitbitten >' a mati tog, anti-T bbatvehbeeiî vsitiug stth rcignatlou for the usual regalu. You viii stand-b>',iber sud betp ier inber asti pligiit. Farevel t" Huitî su heur ater receiving this commu- înicamion the ardeont loveir vas novher- te bc font. 6Luet liens, Pets,' sit a knesieg darle> 'don't ateuti dan ou de railreai. 'Wliy -Joe ?'l'iase, if the cars mes dat, mon?.- o youms hl 'tinie it sa the depet, urUIS- rite lu. osant, vi>' den't yen tiktg1, mussa andi tell him ho la>' np tresurca lu ieaven.m 'Whàt de use eb layiug treasureà dan, shar hoe neben sacsnin egain le i Intelligence neceivcd hera froua Rcd rRiver statca tint the gnasshoppers have cdoue lths tiantage Ite the'erops, shici pro- tmise te u h- aidant. PRESCuRITIO.-îs FOR1 TEEHO iaT V'£EATflEi -Whoeu yen get a Siitcb lu jour Site- Sent for a sherry cobbler. For a Broken Lntb-ý-Pnut it jute a gi aîing.' A preventirs againet FeIia~rv he-brnies sud coitiecresu. 1 An Iufàttibie Recipe for Hleat-buru, - fPnickty-lsî t, RiCItstsaHytirophebtah, St. Vitues .Dance, andi Antirepopisgi-A r coel hundreti. Whitbait Dinsr at Greonsich viii ho omitteti this year. Il lismaidth te Petrelenu Bill,pending in tbtbsflouse ofeLomrts, il' pussti, viliprove ilmeoi fatal lo the trame. li' i'QE reit mone4ury j w1dlî lewu geons toiti, "D FARMSe for'li esp 40. _ ah0 CLARK, 46 PAIN, ;THE TICJI LtREET Y.W. luuasStore. in7Ts mina- c m luton. t mlo 19 :N, CI? MT,, WIIY r Meu-mAso.. 'lT 10N E ER. WK '&PFEL, Lot Mg U@th Cou.% -ýu

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