Whitby Chronicle, 4 Aug 1870, p. 3

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esuisqa angupgs s sacs e c a.uu Th*lstaa~sle a>', 184&.teck- Lb. fartaetaropositilu. for au alliancae o- fosive sud defenslve, Lb. original mine- t script 01 wblçh lais u h. forelgu office -bail.. Tb. propositionasi.aiou(collu: à - eVirsLi-Shou1ld8sc'ngres» cf Lb. groit pavais assembîs, ICay la te' have VeneLle, sUid Prussia ta ishAt ecd.-I lb. Cengrasa dîsagnea, an allia.nc. offen- siv e nd defeusive vilk b. nmade batween-ý * - j YnnWa ail î-Asir- itift!- open beaffitIi agalut Asrs-wtt tion dey's Aittathe diseolution cf the Conrts. Fourth,,Should no (Jongrasa Mo ' 1,~Prusulis #te itfack Austris rs doopitches 8S00,006 man- ho. fInaL moutb acrosa the Khiui. Sixth, That, ne separat. treaty b. imade, b> é1éheé poer*itb. 'Auctria, wbeu e joint -- triaL>' will bc mii, tlia tcllovlu5 te b. lbe. condtions: 1 Vetîs te go te Ital>'.« 2p.Praste> select Gaermntort[- * tory et wîi for auuaxation., the cnunber cf libabîtints net toeaxceuti aigbt ml- lions ,effiouli. Tbe territor>' thus se. qlred te bicorne s part ef Lb.' Klhgdorn cf Prouas îthout Federal -igbts Si France te hsve s libaral &bars ef thé libin. provinces. 4e Militer>' sud maritime allisuce Le ba tuide between France sud Prmssla, te. i*hîch 1ly aI>y>'he a part>' aaold ohgs' Thia programmei, Lbe circuler 8staLag, *es i'ajentedin June.,1868,,. lu spite.of tb. throateulng organe>' cf France, Pro- 3 3>0818 va>'.Icceisantl>' reu.ewed.- vth tnolfiatloua aaeriliing, Belgiu sud Seuti Gasmatiyi but- Chey w'aeecaver - sarosl>', antertaitisd ,by ,Prussia. for tb. à4e bf peste, howesrer, IL vas thougit hast te lea'Napoloon te bis delusions. Ne word lwplylng appreval *a; raturued. Tue. wue'ceunted du to raeoltonîze Frrance sud extîtagiulali Lb. acharna, hance h. long dais>' sud silence. The ttempt agalpaat-Luxembourg failieg,,-France re-- C eut ~bar ,frpr, ar ptiol mailg spi.ip>nmeLouschr ie regardLte the se- oloftlne Beiuai b> 'rLance and South eIrméuy b>' Pruss. lbh lasL preiosi- * tiens vere formulsteti b>' Iount Benedetti. bIisit land It Is Improbable that ha roe 46M vîthout he puthorit>' cf Cha Au>' eue acquainteti siti Lias. antece- dents muet have kuown4~that bad Prussias acquiesau 'the b.saisroncf Baliuto, Fince vc*uld'mocu bave found acothen- udegînu inPrussian territer'., tieén, ud 4sg g emiparn a ss onea b>' Efiarck but tb.e tmperor ralusad te - oiJoIn Its asecutlon. La-,Patri. uas', thtAutrila I.mekiug formidable 4llltary prepiriti6o, as abc fosrs nfnîngarneut' ci hanônutralît> b>L' Bismarck. YLbh.commsnd 0f the-Austrian ara>of obaervation vilI b. given tote b Arci Duke Albrecit, whose syinpatby for France lu yul known. A àHungarlan Corps ie aise Le b. or- - gacizactheLb.Charbnbst atPeauh having_ voled ain extraordluary credit fr hat - purpose.' Ovaden undarstsnds ber situation sud alsc.lo avale g.The symrpaLhies cf ber people are Witt Daunark, sud Lthe Swed- Iab govoru meut willh aLt as Deuniark doas. BIad France allowed Prusia te bave lier Wiy, these etatea would net be frac *to e y. - The Duka of Cadere le now lu Stock- holm oen s special mission froni the French govorrnent. jasCladisondon . eW L6ndon, Jul>' S1.-4'h Lord Mayor gava a grand banquet toe br Mojaty's ad 250. 'l'h. usual loyal teasta vana i'van and drunk-witbcheers. Mi. 'Candiwehl, SecreLary cf IVar, replaîl Le Ch. toast -te the arm - , eklng that Lhe resarve terce su emliIablncladed ln Lb. toast.'- He refenrdtote i provements teade lu niederu 'varfari andi apeculaLed on -hir Mr. Gladstone respouded Lo Lb. toast lu hoos-nûf te.minitetrs. lNe alludoti Le h. unusual circunîstancas undan which tha>' not, sud prceeed te raview he leati. ing masures introduced lu the sessionuoe. Panlîsmeut new diwing to s clos.h Irsh lafid billvas cbaracterizîud as a pesce meesura, sud aducatîcual bill slea blessing Le Epgland, givingas IL did free tlnatruc- tien to-Il. Aluding tCe . an L. t-er ilr regretted bis inabilit>' to confina bis -i raîrcepectLeC, opics et pesos. He asked iunLb.hnne cf wcuuded bumanit>' sud loeaAnuot .-NegotIàtlous ba- tweau l»'neP rance for th. withdnswal cf Lb. Prçnci troopi (rom Itlaiàc so bave 4 beeu brougcht Lh s satlfsaer! conclusion. Tho Italîctt goiarntenlt bai goaraDeed the preuervation of eider In >Rei nlsd Lb. Franci troops have evacus*teti the ait>'. Paria, Aog. .-I%. Frenlch Sgeneilunt bu recelvi e rm IaI'Lb.h ntam ple sa. of *~s th.e bserysai efthLb.couven. ion the b.vithdraval et Lb. French h troc c haiena tala Ll isait'rt id tbg the Pop. bas hein stivised s ome ~~l te go to Malta, and b>' others te reasinitn Ç9 Rea-vher. IL seemq lie' bau eecidedti t Tihé Roman police ave seized a5uetity &MI# awhl bw. ,sl,icr.t e c*it>'., swollen, b. niglit - ableeatu-ad W 1t blood, snd Lbe body atnd4-legs Iiee. with lt.' -The deoraud wal1ave aisoeo.. vered with bloed, 'a thouLdà thopre a 14 beea sdiperate struggle. T1iobones of two or thrée fingera itho rigbît and are frsetured, sas thegh.they bad ýhutçbed tbe- assassin sud>hap beau struck olhutly te make hlm loosan bis held. -T a onnds umrber-nina, sand Lh. sklll i 1 V> 1~- competl shtteed.No ar4làshave ti heporetato I isgoellsy be. lJed thit robbery enly wu intauadad, but Lsdieeoverad by Mr,. Nathan, isad Lb.>' hat hl te dalth. It la beletivei tt thes mardeiers eoncealed thamselu bauinà yasterday, &as aIl, 4he doors aud vindowu' w.e-sbored, ozcept Lb.s front deorid 4. 4hlhthéy- eOSsped; -Mr. Ntthata' en- derstod te be werth $2, 000, 000t' A coi- oncres jury waempanahled for the luuait. Fîzs.-LUdon (Rugland>, Auguat.. ... The Assainblî>' .roomuàs' tEsslu voie de. sîroed byOflaiut'nltbt. te Chlues merderar,,., s baged at Navgate Cte day. HRe i,,exttemely vio- lent sud iaasltad uteral t lb. deancér ou the wây te the soaffold. * làz.-A steady Taie bu prevailad for the put day or twe, wblah bas matarial, helped thb. @crepe., Reports -by taegrsph show that . etores bu beainquité jouer. ai Ilirouglient Western Europe. -Hatyte.-Tbe barves't lia commette. id lu tb. sonîl cf' Engleud. The wheat crop les axcealat9lunqesllty sud ylelds abundantl>'. Thé Teacoes Conventiot at 'Brighton laweeak proved -a vea.y aueaeul fairjq The naz& Sitting yul i e bld lenthe lait, waek cf Jaly, 1871, le Cobourg. Nsws oi Daé tix asTbz.- Thi on don G6o4e, of Juily S,"reportà as folwaj- dNiews of the aafaty cf Dr. Liviegstoua vas received eL Table-Bey on the 22nd oe; May, by the-schooner .Montrose, 'Captalu oAnderson, -frot, ZauzIbar,ý Mardi 13. -Captalu Anderts aidd ildasconférase. tieu vith Dr" Kirk, >sud the 'Dootor :old hlm- thît h.lid received a latter fro.' Livingstoneeuh>' a day er îwe preices,_ snd iliat Liyingetone wu net euh>'alima À. exciting footna eeme ef on Saler- day et Arthuar, between J. Fruer of Chat place end". Innef Monni Forait. 'The, fermer wvictorions. Sreàuar Bu~rr-~Csir , 1.,.ly 81,. The, çtiemer ~a A~owi~ida Columbus lasipîgt. Lu,ît'O0 TuatILs D1S"tîenLMamph iÈ, Tenu., Aeguat 1.-À"terrible -disaiter ocouead et- Pacifie Pîseli, tblrty miles aboe . li,'Iet 12 o'elock last u1ghî. liacLurb vbeaer, clanaîtul, itli e orgo ,le- sew,.. exploed fier'blle,' kllllbg sund weundiag 6g sdber of the rew and peesagber The boat, thon toek gré. I I mpossible te .obta ,ell list cf Lliqkllled and ijarad.' CÂLDWELL;.-Ou the 29tb $eJy, Mr#. ÀJez. Caidwelc f a sou. GERRIE.-As >Whitby, on the Ind, lest., tha vife of James H. Garnie, Esq., Mayor cf Cthe on cf Whitby, of àsion. DIRD. * HÂRPER.-Ât Piec6, ou the 251h Jal>', Jaunie, vifs cf R, H. Harper, B. A. SINCLAIR.-At tbe rasidanceocf lier father, towu.liue cf Whitby sud Pickering, on ths 0SOu ut., Margaret Electa, cal>' daughter cf Mr. Jeohn Sinclair, ý&ed 4 menthesud 14 day.. 1IYB.- At MineraI Peint, Wl.., ou the 3Oeh ulto,, Elizabeth, vifs cf Mr. John' Tie, sud sister cf J. B. PowellEsq, cfý tb. firai cf Meurs, Lovas à Powell, of ibis love. MCKENZI.-Ât Whitby, on thi morniug 'cf the Brd lest., Mr. Josephi MeKeuzie, laie clerk lu te Whitby Pot Office. Wbttby Markets. 0.13oxtcu e yors, Atousr s, 1870. Fail Whbc-t ..............$1,20 0 si90 %V,îhut............ 1-à (à $1 20 tes. ..................70io 7 .................... 70< 73 ..........................*76@ 0e wHITET UNITE D Grammar & Oommnon Sqhools WILL Eré-OPEN ON MONDAÂT, Sth of ÂUGUST, wbau a ponntalattedanoe cf Papils la raq"dstd. G.H. D-AETNELL, Chairmen, ihoard cf S.T. N t)- 1. b>' bi "pu inotioce thelint I vîhi zari art mydibtai eontracted b>' my wIf., Mary Wataon0 viose inaldan iisne vuaBla.k. BPZTWATSON WlihLby, Aufgat, 1 OBEE- &B-81. bifan more astmonl& als oa hiseenby ci its, &c., ou applcàticu, fnac-b>' poit tide', I hée pon ody h t Yo il.ugglot4 lnat., t)t. ebombred as a publIe bit. daY withinte. hlJta cftheCorporgtien cet hia tovu of Whfby, and reqUest thât ali places eto busInes wittlin t i.ad torporatibu may hie ehsddn5the osd doy; - -JAS. H, QEERIE, Mayor. tn onde, ui nd, at Whltby nt", 8r8day ofAngust, &o7. s ÇÂRD 0OP THANKO. To AW . WH ALLEY, Agent, Ontario larmere' .lutual inenrange . ,8u4-1 bag te tender ixy thanka te the above (Jota ûu-y for the ve 1ry pr)ytpe sattement of Mny c'sioeliu full. feiloms seetalusd b y tetotal ileotruetionby lire, ef my harn sud stables leehi cou., Eîuihy, ou the 26tb cf Jua lest, ouï Ilesrtlly te recounnnd nîy neîghb'ora te lueurs thair propeity hi saad Company, my cauibo. Ing psld the very day the- elahîn paparis vere preseuted. DAVID KENIEDY. '1Fenclon, Junly 21,t 1870, si INSULVICNT' ACT OP ' 1809. jÀ tl af fter cf Ièomas Jackion FoUi- dati. Dani.el Hclulay.. and Richard -Trusooell Harrison, ai zelindiaiduai.ly as being membera of the ftrm or, c. part nerhip ca=rMing on l'uine.. onder the name, gatple and ftrm o0/ Hclliday and Harrison, Tnsolvento. 'Divîlesti Sheeta bave beau -preparad, ron 1t4 objVteto, nt tetwenty-third.dagy cof Luààat,Î871), Sf-cr whilti dividende wlt hoe JAMES HOL1DEN, Dpated atWbitb7, GndcfAuguatt, 1872., 81 lauSabia hneaofethe s ipe hu -euhMan. ThataiiWhougm thro no5eoa.,nd p.tdnusndtat~ 5 *eoe,wëkv l eahtapamiit4ý noe:Tu. MeareDot weltid wowiiised 0 ~par Co h mb<riis0. FltipS;;lcaiea., uam- aIs 0hai wU onienitlewoîhelm, a d a opy e f 0. *UPiIOTI , pvttsbieW004 idaoi ai A~rCo.. Acecars, MASs. u riiY OP ONTAIO IoRFLE Tii. Annuil Meting cof Chia As- sociatiou will bha held OC Cthe- OFFICE of the SECRETABY, nt WhltlbY, on the 6fth PROXIMO, At 2 p. n.. C. A. JOX7EM, July £7Lb, 1870. - 2in -80 bio o C ite glass. A 82.pgabîton free. J. P. Dlsaxoza, prop itr, 0 Dy St., ?!ew Tork. ScîS b> aZlDroggiais. v A LU A BL El WAREHOUSE PROPERTY 1 FOR SALE, BY PUBLIC AUCTION. -e- TVint vaîable Propatty et Port Wliitby,with tiîe extensive sand LsnhntatiLal Wesroiiooaonq, Cticrouglil,>' fîîiiied witlî evaehîîg miacihin- alYn'd ChdtiiShleds, Offitce and Wýiiarvcs, sp oxcié RAoccuipIe t he 'Cl.lata St-m 0f JAMY -UO Z & o.,Worieloubemen, wil hc ie lred for sale by Pucblie Anetioîs, at Cli. Fou ar îtn, one SÂTUEAT, Auguet P.0, next - At 2 e'eauk, p. mo. TERMS. -Ton par cent, cf te 'viole pur. chose mn:..>' Cc b. paid 'on day cf pie and a sansuflciant to makae na-Chird cf lii pur-- ahosaeuiouey wlthi lîîî hit daye thereafter. Thie balanoe cf the purehisia moue>'te he pay- sbiè lu hras equai animal !rstimenta froni date cf sale, wiCb intrestaa on thea arnnt ne- msfonig aapasid, at the n'. of?7 per cent., pen- sununi, and te ha seeured by a morLgage ou h promises. -1 Condttiotis vil hie toade kuovu et ime cf "19p. For forCher particulars, an te ile sud ternms cf osaiè sud for Information os te exteut sud boandariOs oftChie p ropent>', the etcrgne cepst- eltyof Wà.chousesa sidt Ch. xteat i business trauosctd therahui for theleanst six yetrs, apt>'to Meurs. elake, Kerrn& Bcyd, Bar- rtors, Toroun t-orte 8. H. Cochirane, Ber. rester, Whitby, or LeJHNW TSN Warebousemai, Whitby, ALSO imnaaodistoly aitteb aboya sealecofthLb Ware- bouse Pneparty, Lb. followlngi 'l prpy, vIl ha sid b>'sucion: i EntigsaaBllr shboot 20 herse power * 2 Horase; s lot cf Bar- Doses- 6 Grau (erts, f-Bers.Cent, 4Hoppers sud deloa n1 5l:tphg Scodas, Iron8saf. sud OMMee utLre . id lSala s qanmtfty cof luet Tlitber, cd mra thrstels Ternis madIe kuovfi obn day <t sale. -L. FAIRBANKS, Jst,, - - - Anationair. *ybltbv, 2th Jul>', 1870. >n8, H.v* B ,'hXe eýyed aàothei 'hpet~m~n1n~as où baa' à tock of GENT IXE PÀINTS, APIN T' OIS. Firnaclaas Carrnage Horse lin xobauge' _fOr Iýrdwxrei ,Fersons' buildit' btevng eue te disposae t tua>'fin& s unjer must. b. youDg, soned brekens .bust, but gectie, q',yaPbug aiboa ~xc~ne MFATCH- & tBROTHIER-. -- Importera Shelf sud'Ueavy Hlardware. N. B. Thé customier baviug cur'lsddarwiUl ase nture it at ocea. Whitby,i Auguat 8 1870. '3 O ON Q AN' S (BAOOK STREET, ýWHITBY,) WiII -be found a large Stock of (Jarriages, Buggies, &c., of the newest tlsadbest finish. Best wrk- men e>nployed, and ail the mtrasned.'of the best quajity' FiJe' Particular attention' given'to repairs -Whitby, April 27, 1870. M. O'DONOVAN.1 SELF-MRAKING; KREAPER,' MANUFAOTUREID, BY WEDEFY CoMPE'lIITIN Sixteen years practical experience ini the Mlanufacture of Reapars and Mowero, astis- fies us tbat the "Johnston SeiI-Raking Rcaper" lavay arIn advance cf any other Machine madle atthe present day. W. have just i=edcd it inte Canada, snd man- ufactured a limited number the past season, and as yet are the ouly manufacturera. Tbis seaspu our Machines wiIl embrace sucb stuail impiovenients as a year's experieuce in tbe antufacture bas suggestad. Strongly and durably built. The beat material usedAn inIta construction. Its tua- chinery the moat compact aud durable. The least lhable to get out cf order, The combination of wood and iron in the finger bar, makes iftte moat perfect cf fin ger bars. The seat of the driver, locatcd outaide cf the driving-wheel, se balances sud relieves the fitger bar, thatit is lasa hiable te sag or break than that cfanuy other machine. Our Self-Rake la the moat perfect ever iuvauted, sud consista of flve Rakea revolving, arouud au ýaxis close te the di iving-whael, go placcd as te bc cntirely under the control cf the driver wltheut itoppinÉ the teatu. It cuLs aud delivers tanglcd, criukled, or lodged grain rapidly aud lu good shape. Cuts a six leet swath, wlth as ltle draft as a light four feet Mewer, sud ne aide draft orbataver. It cuta easily, with a common tearn, from fifteen te tweuty acres per day, and bas cut eue hundred and forty acres lu sevau duya. .It la mauufactured tor Reapiug only, bacausa iL bas beau demnstratefi that a sapa- rate Reaper and Mower wil Isat te cut noe grass sud grain, than two Combined Ila- chinas, sud ecos mucb lass lu the aggragata. Besida,a separata Machine legsa corn- plicated than a cenibinad odie; leosa habla te get aut et order, sud la alwaya ready for work witbout the troubleansd delay of chauging from ona te thae th er. 1This Resper bas beau lu succasaful operation ouly fiva yéara, but its mauy suparior Pointa cf excellence have won for IL during thut tirua a uýiiiltitude ot friands, sud s po- sition neyer befora attaiued by any harvester lu se short a Uie, For the firât Lwo or three years it was comparatively littIa kuown ; but during the psst two seasons iL waa widely iutroducad throughout the principal whaat- gruwiug sections et the land, sud gaiued s popularity unprccedeuted lu the history cf Raaping Machines. THE. HARVEST 0F 1869.-OUR RECORD, For tan yaars there bas net beau a sesen when grain bas been lu se bad a condition for harvesting as te past one. The straw bas been axcecdiugly hcavy, breken sud badly lodged, tbereby saveraly testiug the ability cf the different machines te work undar such nircumstauces. This test the '"Jehnston" Salf Raker, owiug to, ita pecuhiar construction, bas beau enablad te meet auccessfully, furnishing te flhe faruing public conclusive proof that iL la aqual te su-y auergeucy sud sa omplete aucce in ail kindo and condition. of grain. WbiLby, Ma>' 5, 1870 Sheet Music., PoFIT WOP.sy, LOVE- AMVON G THE ROSES' KATEIJY'S METTER, GIIEC1ÂN BEND,* Fpine O'clock le Che Mornang. At-- Eun zooma Jel>' 20, 1870. BOOTS AND SIIOESI! 1 IL ,gI~ Ir Teu- WANT A GOOD ýIT, AND TRiE 13UT OP ,WOEKXANSHIP, BROWN & PATTERSON. 'Whïtby, July 13, 1870 No .'n the Cornér To the -Readers of the'- IJ'Iitb,, Ckronicle. - -DISCOUNT SALE- 0F -AT THE- EIjý Grand Clearing Sale, at J& Ski»nner's. Sel ling Of f,- at J. *S8kinner's. John Skinner i's determîined to turn bis Summer Stock into bard csa, sudlhas te anueunce Chat ha bas ne-marked evor>' article at au aveaag reductien of TWENTY PER CENT.- Theo itcck le large?, varied and wel asonled, cuteas vanied as- in, act>* store ; and 1tiese wbo have. beau iu tic habit ef visiting Toronto for Dry Goods, wil l ied Ciat ýtie> can be better suited, aud btxy theosame geoda decidedi>' cheaper'nt - JOHN.,SKINNER'S. As there has been no hes iation to mark the *Goode DOWN TO COST. Buyers of large parcel aeou ave meneyt by-purcbasiug. at JOHN SKINNER'S. e- 4 Those Famillei studying ccohomy shotald bey Choir goodit at, - PRODUCE TAKEN IN EýXCffA]NGE. JOHN- SKINmER'S. DOMxINION WAREROOMS A FRESH SUPPLY 0F T THIS WEEK, VEILY CHEAP. s....s15eue im..uavoaagsmïua impoli- Clou, h DY eablugi bani to detenanine 41 ene vhethar Ch. Vil fcnwanded la as gooti as tempile. Ail parties dealing luMacieoilsOlw il! de vol! ta commualeste viit G >.B. STOCK,4 Broughaom,-()Ut. 8018ol Agent for Ch. Dominion, Broogbsei, Msrch 15,1870., 1 TESTIMONIAL. Tins Jcepu HALL MeCUM ,Woas., Osbsuan, àp ril 4,l187 or G. OR B. aes., EseresAx, DEIR Sm,-We bae beau using ycun Lnhnicatlug ORi!for Lb. putç four mouha, sud eau sa>' vithout hesI;étIoic ClîatoL i b bétoclvs baveevernnud. It le aIse chaap, sud laits longerttAn'au>' othen cil. W. have non our large 14 tet irna plainer, 7 dsys vith oeeclîiog. It keers thie Coda cla sud hright. W. do noC vaut anytiblng botter as a lobnlcator. - - 15 F W.GLEN, Pres5ideoui.- M NYTO LOA!q, On Faun Projaity ul>'. 1.'J. MACDOI<ELL. May'81, 11870. '2 - N OTICE T"e-by h'given,Lthh ondI i' Ci:te Municipal Corporation cf te Townshtip ef W luth>', intende, at a nieeting Ce ite helt ou te ThirdMlonday luAuguet, nexi nt stit-ouoncf lin o'aiock ln-the Fcrenon, aLtlte TOWNSHIP HALL, BROOKLîN, SCepa"i~ By-low te open and aatablish, a PýUBLIG ROAD OR 1HIGHWÂT, baby Btobent Campheil's inll-damyon Lot No. 24, lu Lb. ith concesaion ef th> Icnlîln cIP f Wiitby. (ilu touch. rondi nov Lraeeletfou saiS nrll-dali,) antI vhiel na>' b. mors par. ticularl>' knovu sud dsoret-bd as ollova : cciuimenicg on-Cte lfontt-ly Inliit cf Way Istreet, Iiluesvillage cf Brooki !n, aC CbeSoth- 'vet angle cf viRasge lot Né. 199, ini Lb. sal village, andS aninug theuce N 4V~ 80 W las chtumn sud 2 liaik,, mune or lue, te te !at erl>' liuu44 ti -cedo olaid ont sudta. vaiio»d; teé saiS prcped rn oati Cchaue citain widû,suSCte ohove dasenlhad lino te ho Ch, E. T. H1ARRISON, Townshtip Cîerk, W.T. lirookla, Jel>' 18, 1870. 4in-29 T 112RATENT - Thc undnsignecl, bhing purcbsed trom Mosans. [totih sud Tt-onuu, Cteho iglt- for teo TOWNSHIP 0OF PI1C HERING,' Te rTuI Cali and see their MILLINERY. at reduced * j ML1V0 i PttPlgh oi, ria- c-- 1 Teas, Sugar,1 Prunes, Coffee, Rica, Raisins, Currants, Spices, Tobacco, &o., &c. LOWESlý & POWELL. JAlN AGENCY. Tas uadoalgçr.ed lias accepteS ite lMarine .Agaey of bc - WESTERLN ÂSSURANOE 00O.;. -Aud wilI ho glaS te effaut lmsurane fon aU havna>'pnop'.ty Cc sip fron i lipont. C. ]DÉS PER. -Whuiby, ~r ,1870,14 .BLÂKEIS P-r&TENT- OUT-fING OFFMACHINE 1 INTENTION 0P TUE D PT1 Cota Wroulbt lton SteJ aiTelne - c Try Li the t etor crge, chilualoci' hie, sud ,Uh do a aehwoiký tu an itou, and a-balfaz^emn b. doue ib a day ,l[ATTEHEW COLLINS.,- by thi old uroc. No Fouindi>', Inca WoÏks. IWLaSis', ý*et' ansd Citildrou's BooCsor ahu~rhadelbn u. 1 ý Wcop' ElRgitti, or' teCieîglît S-thti sud Shous lu grass varI aeuc. evsn>' styhi.- -Dominîsoi, for sale. - Jul 20i1670« EORGE-BLAKE, Joli 20. 1870. ~29- hty I>'1,8.--*- HAMITON Cof HAVE IN STOCK -A FINE ASSORTMENT 0FP FANOT DRVESS GOODS, COLORED LUSTRE, BLACK LUSTRE, BLACK SILKt,- CLOTH AND 1TWEEDS, NEW MILLINEILY, I IATS & BONNETS, FRENCFI -FLO WEIL$, 1WL. S[LK JACKETS, -RiBBQNs, !WHITE CO-rONS,- LA%ÇES,( GREY do. PRINTrS, - STRA'W AND FEZIT lIATS, R EADVMMADE CLOTUJNG Mr OrOTHISYG >14DE TO ORDER IF THE LA TEST STYLES. FAMILY. GROCERJIES, uxauav ma wmvos wma .Whitby, July 6, 1870.--1 2 Bags o, i tatli tenution ofutarnerua c te 14ama. B> te use cf telPatent Ficugit Point Fat-niera eau affect a savng cf two budrei par ceuit, inm Ch. year, Tho muveable Point 'uni> catis live cents. lThe rdiusny Plongh-Shuan, centa ltfty centsa. Ou. ahane wyul lumat te vean ont at -Jouet dve cfte niovouhle lPoints, tui cff.otung ch. %av a groearred te. Sia moue>' GEORGE COLLINe, land usetheM ov blu Polt». A nte '. Juiz laC, 1870, 8 m 22 c ERTAIN PIESEILW4-IION 0F TUS J. Hf. GERRIE, D)ruggiËt, &o. , Dondas aSto, Wlttbu., Sole Agent for Cte sale cf can -AND- iso LENSItS cf wiih are groun? b>' nu front material insanîifectured espoafailly for Optiepp-o. It-a ltire, Hsrd and Bnilliant, gud uts neanAcliromaeiati c au beprodocei.' .TIi. peculiar-terni sud aausntiflcunarcyat-- tainati b> Chic aid cf ocmpiicatelad u call' inaolitaery,-werrmti e un esertlng theni te hc the miont Parfeat Sî'ocbuclaa evan mnnuufao- Ct-eS, Ch.>"aStChie Sigbt imos-t Billian.iy, cnfer Ena. sud loinfort ounCtie Warr,causei a coutinuouàs sud obidiug IMPIIO'VEIPNT OF THE EYES, AND LAiW A GREAT KANT T-LiAn- without requit-lu>' tebc c!iangedo Se b>'ara tae ChevÉAi~t, as val! as the hast. LAZABUS, MORRIS A& Co., 295 Netra Damne 8treae,(ap.Otaina). IVE WEPZO0YffO PZDLA&RS. ~ 25 p APER HÂNQ-NGs- lThe oudarsigued hegis Co Infonni theapeblio titLbe baion bond tha hargat ad Lest stek- of Fapen iouginga inl teva. &Il of the GOODS,

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