I ookStret;Whitbv. oh .rlohe miste rto ut O Wé t lls*oagluea4vertbisrnts muat la uis ~ttup. ]ROYAL CA2IADIAN B3ANKt WBITBX BRANCE. ARTHUR RICIAIWUfONf, 1<. F. LOCUJIARtT, .-.okCAM1,eloU &d,coCoi;LL, ARRISTEiOUI AND ATT0hiNEYS-AT La 3lliostete oLskaMoitreli ff~îaqe,&.,qc.,Whiltby, 0. W. w-xïI t iny 1) aup)lu1 g ood ass'oucrlty. Ap- yaIl:b&$0the. OCof the uirul, Court lIQUuc', I.LCOCIRANI, LL. Pie' UTYCUWN-ATOItNEY 71>18 ON- ~ rlolrrlster asud Attornecy-at-Law, 80 o0 u Juecry, No4iery 'Pubic, &c.- <Jloi-ro'k tretneil door to Rtoyal GEORHGE K. DAIITNELJ,, DÂlA91JliTZIlATT01t'NL-YCON VEYAN M > 00, Deputynotgitrur, lMeettr Exti-ordli tary, ind exanilitu-rn Chacco flur timcocu- RLoBERT J.,W1LSON. B AUISTR & TVONEYAT LAW~ DMOOe- Uver outario buk, ou tho Nortbi A1lRISTElt.A7V-LÀ W ÀAN 1SOLICITOR Taronl. W!r JAXEM EII ETIIGORDON,. iB AURISÊEit & AT ltIN E .A'f-LA W D Solicitor lu Chanoory, ( eufvyancr, Ne- ixteo-Next doour t the Stor-uof1B. & J. WIlthy,1 Nov. 18, 18637. 46 go B# ]FAIRBANK$o * SOICIT8 NTARY PUBLIC, &C. &e. * Ce A. JONESI, Daareister, bolicîtor lu Cbuucery, At- *torneyd&c.9 &ce- lles remoovcd bis Ullice te 1.1 Iloor dver the OrAaBS BAN. * Whitbr,.Out. 7,3868. 40 FAREWELL & MIEGER, BISTEI8S ArTTCIiNFYgS8uCI- 'tUtljJ*vRANEleAND NO- Ogies:-One doo)i northu of the l'oqt Oflece, Osîsava; iauJ yeoe ijiBoeue, 0opposite ,T(o uBail, B BuaIVlle. JE.YÂILKWZLL.B.od. -IR 088, LAUDEII, MIJLOCI< & 8îhîlîl, o,-Attorneîuntiqaisw, Uolcltorsnluchanu. éery, sud Inauéveuéy, dCc. mco.iteIcllltui'uBloohu, Brock-SI., odéih r. Joules Iloli*u ~sOicé, Wlulttuy, 9. O"t nu, Q. ., - Wv. teU)Ctu CHARLES C. KELLERI, A TTOUSNEY AT LAW, ti*OLiCIURIN on, Brook, C. W. ,TTUItNLeY-AT-1,AW. 4OLlClTOlt IN A hancoery, Notai-y Public, auoner yé,W hlti,eyi,(1. W. Cri-WL, Ilyrot ocIieot,, souilu -f I'osifice. . 48 ]LTMAX BXULIBI, L L. Il., IDARIIISTER AT LAW,15oliliurlauChau- Jeacory, Conveyar co, &t., &c. Ilmuos5t-Qalaws40 - JAMES LAMON, CONVEYANCEII, LA NU AGENT&cr. Dwvmo.--Qvor Arinneog'n hou, Rmai st., 'brdge.. Jane lthl8î, *tf-23 OR. HANCOCK, SÇURGEON To TUE I.,COUNT UL, W. H. LAW, B. A., M- D, TIIOMARS TU ON, T OWN CLI-ftK tTItEA'UIiJEII, %W IIITI8Y J. QMé-Towil Hall -loQUr>QoI'cok WELLINGTON IIOTEL, *MARKHAM. -WILSON IhOU SE, A, WILSON, Jr., - Proprictor. b 0eeîeth 1e above slow Intell inte u ilag 8q-wrAou1birli ,for ihe uoisolti',tuhe ira Frellinr;afîîThe liouue l 1» w. cui fur. a-mit tîorouglu and coîmtlrtettlo nancar. aOuests yl l lid alerycuîeleo * i b oveethilmn,'WI-oLqoo &i ts~gara cfthe ise, Brotude alvoys kept on (10 ood tablluig aud attentive Ooîlers lui dac. 4.. WI1LSON. J r., l'roprietor. ÀAhburn, Muoy lat, 18619, tf-t;s ROYAL ÇANADIAN flOTEL, PFORT.PERYONT. Buperlor Acconimodation. Good stablug oadsbeel roobu, aud attentive osîlord. port Ferry, Nov, 6, 18689. 45 W I1'IITBY BRANCII BIBLE> DEPOSITORY 1 dIbe atteution of the publi e %lîîvited 1e the 1n.w sud well seoted stok af 3313128 and TESTAMTS wihsud vîthout thue psînus lu moIre, nov 10 b. foind alitseDepostarY Of te îhitby jrn=h Bibi. Socity. The stock blihcu se- Ile8db he i Depoptary, vitî giest osse, aud ellI b. ouîud 10 einbra bvolumes iu varlous m I., af builliitplauisud ornementai. t~elory-At I.L (rrie's »rug istore, âus trout. eriby, J uly 21iAI, 1869. 29. gTOIEI, WEJLLIN;G &c Riz Ees TO RENT. .&tdPort Wb1ttby, kI presout occupied by tb. Und.raignod . - as ow 33 WI>liby, Mai-oh 81, 1669. ONTARO 1191EL WHITBY.ON 4IO k J A. ALXANDR -. prietor. T Esubeériter dubrlea te return I nia ho tezo =be pblîc or e, ibers>at-an- ume bestoved npontwhl bioepro Prio of the Globe botel, .rooklin, aud et tesat, u iloe take. occasion b aunoini utat lue bas t11matc tit hois vwell huuawn bouel. Large a Laon* bave heeurouitly mode to te proni à e cur- luog more couinodians acoumodutlo sud .uoi-enuingthie itumber' ou aîeepiîg ro ta, uearby oneolîobf more Iluformerby. A rfit- olasa Bilfhard Parlai- vithu tbree tables bas o beau added. RaExtsive additiouus te o And ben Stabbing, SIeJs, ou,. Ilorea,d&C, bave 80 beau mêlde. ÀAI éuabîing Ilie undergigue nW ofacr t3 IeOId }iiend, udthe pubhi eu4-e ialhy adruitbagea anipased b>'no tiu hotu1 lu t ue place. ýile wii nt #ahi tres re iappy teé' welconuéo bisolJ fMonde. WhItby, Dec. 2,1 35 . 4 J.OhN WOLgENDEN, 'A0El? FRs vo: 'CELE BIb&TED SCOTTIS1H GRANITE, lar At Rarble Mo orlus of JONATHAN WOLFENDIiW, Dnca-St., Whlîby, 17 NEW STOVE ÂND'. TIN SHOP! Norder btel It e ineaing Jeuuud lu trolo Canscîl by lte building of lte lilî-oati sud lte tnpotiag of 1'loclîcdes, the euociier hal, oponed à a - lte sud 'fln Sltop, elleo dor or st or0fTill A Sanuo lui-ni- turccstai-e, wiuere the boat STOYES &-IN WÂIIE nîcy bc had, nsud :1 mariner otTiËauauth'a work done oi tIheo sIotmtnot*oe. I~9drou, Ctppar, Biras%, Cottoti and LiUKlig, Wool 1iekirig,, Iloroe Heur sud ail muniter of truok takou lu oxltarge. ' JOHIN BETAN. Whitby, Mai-clu lîlu, 1869. 10 ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL, (Lutte Pank's,) UXB3RID-GE E. A JISTONO, Proprilîr. T IIF, SUBSC IIBEII lus ftted up anîdcoin .1pîu-teîy retiovutcd the choie oîd eittblien- cd firabit eAA*IlOtel, Ud aoîbotita hepali-onage of tle pliblie aundhil frieui's. Tuhe tablé aiuJ bai- mntled with tIhe st, Good rooiny tab- blxbibdgo, Jeu. 29,1803.R ITIN. 4 Why la Il that tholaissncb oarail for pbtures AT 0 ClÂARK'SGAILERY? Tt le becaue ho ligsI te beal* Gallery lht tifs -Coatny, iindlbas mare yatlcuireo itii hireîî titan aiiy allier ArittIlui-Ille Catity, aud clu <ho quillelas gooti work asabay otbertrlu tlchie Canily., W Th'fot', wbunt'a btriaîutler, ce donetI bu backware iabout eoiiutg forward. BIIOCK ST., IITflY. Whitlty, Nov. 12, 1867. 45 H--ENRY GRIST, PAYENT SOLICITOR DRAUGIITSMAN OT'TAWA, CANMJ4D, Treîtsuets luMtles, vitît lte ol'atoutl (filic, atib <'tîter deparneute of tihe Govoru- Muont. C'opY lrlg Lx alcul the uclisration of trade Moi-ko td Besigue îîrouîîred. Drowu'egc. Fjted7ratnua. ,ad .th Doecmetue. bei- ta seue arI"Uoito!'Ireaeîca prrycuied en re- ged1i cf theu, Rodlei o'he Invention, eand pri, Onaciy ci-dcgarele tePaîiet ce gare- fuUtivmade. Maris, 189. il Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. AT WIIITJIY STATION. WMR. 'KII, hIlaving pnrcliauu e îo oel "Und prinimtiaakiowuas tVie Graund TituIlte] ar, 'Nltby station, begg toilifortu hia ti-i uttl tIhue traveling publlie that ho lita littell up tIe lmte i ul alilt, luinfi-t- elao itiyleiantIl'y attenîtion te) tle wartsoet tiage wltî thivri itiwiui îlclr patriot.g tritriii ierît e c<ltitiui,ýso I ti- cuntunu W - iirtie, ttkiigth le tititu and Ientîl lioc, will lanv'e itutni welb taken ear-e of tilI tueur retui-î. lx uiîhy, sueit., 1868- 8 T 1101AS 111INT, (mATa FitateLONDONl, flOLAICO.) Bugg toitufoaimatheapeople of Whtly indvluin- ty, tîtat lie liar, tipcd utBoluop Opposite the Ontario Bank, Brook St-éet, Whitby Ontaurio. lu£Ioemeuii-utTOetuErAIR GUNS, LOCES, ]KEYS, &C. Cboohus cul Wtetceloneitîndîl cuiptired, al8o SEWING JMACHINES. PARASOLS & -UXABRELLAB mrentît-rh nI cotîered, Sswmshouirpeniul anti sut, itlicai-t,&C., &,. , Aciai-e cf four iâoiaiîge la bol iited. T1108. IIINT, Wliit.;I,, Aug. 10, 6 *32.if 32. R. L. Diu NIIO ACo, tirxuaz ucyowirue rau mur CO1UNTY OF ONTARIO, Cxityuà LcauleoeAtcT,&. luil - RED ýRIVEIR ,ýf5- STILL-BELONGS TO TRE - <That flag that braved a thonn years, The batie and the breeze liEN fi- m C- W. 1C> I wl-o TB~3 'IBIc ROCKINIG CHAIR,' Tbankfuil fer past patronage, begs 10 annonuca te blir customérs snd the pulc, that be bas new on baud the - largles; and beat stock of - ever lu Whitby, and that ba continues te nmanuifacture daily, iuruiture-cf every description, iuciuding Sidebacrds, Sofas, Laungcs, Rccking Chairs, (vîlh sud viti:oul rockers), Drawing roani, Parioai-nsd Bcd-rout Sets, &c.. ail menu- factured of theo best material,, auJ fiudshed lun a uperior apd workmeuîliké maunr,unîsurpasaod by-auy aimilar establishment lui1hth-e d Damiu: ion; ait au which ho is preparod te dispose of aI unprecodonlediy Lo w Prices, for Cash!1 W E-VERBY ABR7ICLE WA4RRANTED. _01 Those'who buy earîy can now buy cheap. - IPIOLSTERING 0F ALL K rNDSt DONE IN TUE BEST MANNER. ANEUNERALS EULLY SUFPLIED. PICTURES FRAMED., And eplendid fi-sues cf ail kiudot,-oval and sqnar,-tp ba bad on thie premulses. ------ Cali and examine bbc stéck, aud wliîtfrer'you buy or net, yen will belbeaft. iIy vebearn?, antd i-écate evei-y palite attenton in iuspectiug att the beautiful goods on tlIraprewuaes. JAS@ H.. SAM0I BROOK STgCEET, WIIITBY. re» DAVIES'S OCuam AIe vsulus underneath the pi-eriseu, sud fan sale vitolé- sale, cf whicti the uudeu-aiguéd acta as agent. April 11, 1870. JAS. IH. SA-MO, O'DO0NO0V AN'S CÂRIIIAIE FACTORV, (BROOK STREET, WIIITBY,) WiII bc found a large Stock of Carrnages, Buggies, &o., of the newest styles and lîest finish. Best work- men employed, anîd ail the materials used of the best quality. E7ý Particular attention- given ta repairs, M. O'DONOVAN. Whitby, Apili 27, 1970. £>XXI SELF-RÂKING REAPER, MANUFACTURED ]3Y BROWN &PATTERSON, WE DEFY CO5MPETITION Sixteen yea pructical expérieno in the Manufacture cf Reepers and Moviefs, salis- fies u lth lte .Johuateu Slf aknReper"-#io veryfit lu advencé cf auy other Machineé meule t bbe presout day. We have jatiituduced lb into Canada, sud man- ufactoîred e iiiîbéd nmibêr the puuul accecu, sudese yer are thé ouly manufacturera. Ibis seseon our Machineviii enibracé snch sasi!improvoméntsa suayéar's experieuce ini thé manufacture bas; auggésted. Sbramîgiy sud durabiy built. Thé béat matériel used lu ils constructian, Ils me- clinery thé moal commpact sud durable. Thé beastl ablé te gel out of order, The combiustion of waad sud i-on lu the funger bar, makea il thé Mast pérfcef fingér bers. Thé seat cf thé driver, iacated outeideocf thé driving-vhool 50s balancesud roliévea thé flurgér bar, thatit lalesloiablé la aag ar break Ibsu ihat cf auy ather machiné. Out- Soif-litké la thé moat perfect ever iuveubed, sud cousiassotf ive Rakerevolving eroand suais close te the diviug.wheéi, se piacadaà s 10 b. éutiroiy under thé control of thé driver withaul stappiug the teani. lb culs sud delivé's angied, criuklod, ar ladged grain rapidly sud lu goad shape. Culeae six foot svelh, with as littho draft asus light four feet Moirer, sud ne aidé draft whotever. lb eaesiy, wîth e comman leam,ftrom fiftéen te tivéuty acres par Bey, and bas cul eue hundred aud forty acres lu seven diays. Il n la ifacturéd foi Bteapiug only, bécanse. it as béén demonatraeéd that 'a sepa- rate Beapor sud Rover wiii lest ta eut more grais. aud grain. than twa Combined Ma- chiues, and cahîs much baos in thé sggregate. Beaidos, s seperaté Machine ias bas comu. plicated then s combiued one; lesso hablé 10 gel out et order, sud is slvsys ready for work vilhoul lbe trouble sud débay of cbengiug (rom oue ta thé cîber. This Réapo bas& beén lu succeauful operatian ouly five years, but its meny auperior pointa of excelbence have von far il dnriug thaI lime a munlititudé of frieuda, sud e po- sition nover before altaiucd by eny harvester lu sa short-ea timo.. Far iho fi-at Ivo or three yers il vas compsrstivély lle kuavu ; but during lb. pasl Ivo sesaoua t vas vîdely iutroduced hbroughaul the principal whbet-groing séctions oftIhe land, sud gaiuéd a popuiarity unprecedented lu thé biatory of lLepiug Machines. -T'HE HARVEST OF 1869.-OUR RECORD. Foi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~n Ioinr ia- bsntbe osc i ri a b eaul ubad a condition for~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bsvaiga h ataa hesrvbsba xednl eavy, -broken sud bady ldgd, beebysoorey astng o buiîycf b.difornt Machines b o n undo suit ircmutnce. Tis estthé"Jonsîn" aliBakr, oving te lits peculiar contrutio, bs bau nabed 0 met uccsafuiy fuuisiug80the farming public Wbitby, May 5, 18»I 13OWN 1"ATTÈRSBON. 18 s KO NIA IL 13~ 18~'O. d to ges rid la ba s on@ toi imtoni praua.or bin»ui,I le ors, sud the tearolta utterauuue'of hbis uwn sort vin Thue h( Au tuji-u liu for- us,;lo I1lie bral u asaJf' baud tb. muter paa'is Ws- tlïoughl,-bia pîucaeau o~r A lae 1 dsoatlu ofto-a Ovd a§tihi galbera at bis -gravé, chai-acter ho liveo anew. sommeor bi-euthe Aion g the fane, id seIlllre wviie r Dikensle. 1" ort w. lu 0cr Painu, )ad-th@ artiot nover 8k. Tiié statern n vin$ thie niantie os à peer, Tiie warlocr bouta ail tiges ofr rouwDu; We leave oh ]ie là ooly ohuIsisibier- AuJ nd!Iilove lis greator tissue orowu. 8.0C. No i ualdepAfted I Stijlho oberes lb. -houra Wllh 811Illhiepeople, ail Who ispeak hietongue ; Aud silil, lIn ny a Woll-kiovn eluope, ho miti By Britleh hearti. Inu fr Australian baver., Asid whoe la hei bard, eweet bne, Lby Mlile. w*th Colnmbila's iaut radi. ho Units A Iucaelold bond of union, fancy wrought, Tel etrOugor tliaitthUi is of kindred-.oom- That sateorsft frne. sud shsattera. Nol tlii Love, ' TIie clildlest; orpliau of teluemm race, Itiselt lies 04,1<117 turied, shah lisplouc Be witîoli ra igels 11zed for ayoabtero; But bore on FRo i-lliisdrrow'a plaint ba o'er, Sweet Pity decil, and Chrietînocaiene nu msore, A B. B. Nevertbeiess, Whou Berthe, who ofteu lét me îbiuk for ber, foond tst 1 looked op tu aud sdrired the -nov minister, sud that, altbough sverse ta gênerai Society, I marked thuso dal. with white ou whîch 1 converses! with him, oh. beau ta thiuk 1; worh lier wbii, ta notice hi.. My family reînrncd, aud Mt. Lynujé bocame o frequent vistor; but our pleanst iulercouroe vwu at an end' Bertha vas alvays there., sud if vu aspoe togdîber aise corne betweeu us with s flower -t look et, or a pretty word ta Say, or a song ta sing. or ohe would throw herself st my feet, withbher cIing- iug arme &round me, crusbing aiU disposi. tion ta speak with iheir oof& pressure. Berthe hiadto preitycbildish way with ber vhieh slosays plesses meu who seidotu reaizo ~h ibo& s omeu'_who pro. tendo 80 bu a oildl iiibsi-tbly eates 8h. s,%ked Bir. Lyude'o sdvice sa sviedty thiat he fsilod ta remember boy saldam it vas falloved. She vas by tui-usso gentle, sa merry, sa serions. and, atlogether, 50 cbarming, Ibit 1didu'î wonder ta uec his eyes follov ber, sud bis grave lips ornile vheu the. oke. I graduslly viîhdrew <rom dithe, feeling that I vas uos ouedd sud I culd sie after s vbile ihal lMr. Lynde'o menner cooled toverd me, sud thst he oeemed ta have gat thé impression tbat 1Iw vaccenîrlo sud somewha; deug- erouslj independeut. I knevwbere he gai t seo bmpressions, but, after choluiug s litjle, detarmined ual ta cantredict the. I foit, indeed, astroug inclination ta vex hlms iotao colding me. It vould be so nice ta gel him augry vith me thal I migbî be peaiteut sud ho forgiven. If h.e wonld but chide me as gently os lbe did Berthe tomeîime, heu abo vould drop thé lidio overber bIne oye:, sud lot ber curîs aimant bide ber dovucast face, thon, vban bo hed fiuisbed, look op with au arch $rnile and s ooft 'Are you very augry wiib me?7' which made him foi-gel his gravily ai Once. 'Berthè in maskiug a foot of hersoîf, tSq. ing la gel Mr. Lyndo,' %&id my uncle to me, confideuîiellyr. 'Warren would suit ber taules mach botter, bouides boiug fer richer tbsu lMr. Lynde cen ever be. But that girl lesun uvocorale coquette I' and lhé laugbed; 'she catitL rosI nlot s man alan. tli balsoan bis kneeta ber.' Mi-. Milio undorstoad bis deughîer, evi- deuîly. #Do you tbiuk Mr.. Lyndé likely ta teke thel orîbodox aud mont ministerial position béfore my cousin?7' I ashed,smiliug, but witb a sinking besrl. 1 coulda't beer sncb sagoodl man tabe made s foui of. 'Wtil, I hardi, kuow,' vas the hositt- iug ensver. 'Hle's cerîeiuly véry fond cf ber, but then ho t-relai ber as s child, sud. perbepe, loak& upan ber as aie' 'But ohé Io not s cbild ncle, anud ho kuovo if.' tW.ll, Msrisu, I viii leave thorn t manage st ubornuelies. Hor moiher wauld bo deligbled,.I knov, but I'd nmach raîber Bertha vontd have Warren. But I csme usar forgetting. Bertha vauto -Yau la carne over thore ta tes. 'Your sont has gone ta thle Sewing.circle, snd $he'£sialn. Will YOu corne?' I vent. 4Wil YOuDcorne loto My MointYoung ladies?'e uked Mr. Lyude afler tt*. I balieve i1818 the p4easaniasi rocm u inthe bous etlibis tinte of day.' las ibis ay., bo smkein-lu bre o ua il n j bail auticipated. ruiedoud1 I ould *have vept if<11 lied ualbein for Bertha& exuit- ing sie I tnrned thé beaves of a booke blludly. tryiug tb bidb my buârnlng heehe. Soe jurdgedmne. Brb' eprfoig voie arouei foraotb,_sud I vas île. IiSer. Woll, perbaps ,lit.vas so. Ber deeper feelings ver. avaeicidéed, quit. 10 tho dregs. 1 prefoîrad triS ing; II mast go, dear,' 1 aaid, reéovonlng muiseil. il bave an engagement Ibisevon- iug. I arn soi-iy, but muat go.' - Muat 1, restly 2 Bertha vas no soi-q. Elbe vould gel my bonuot if 1 vould bavé i;4 bu;ths u tonbadil suad oh. vons viîh gréaI alacrily la fetob my thinga. The door bsd acai-cety eiosed upan ber *heun1Iwva aare thaîlir. Lyndo stood by me lu the viiudow. I voutd ual appear touse hlm, but kipt My eyea fixed upon the auuset. - 'liaiin I'ho.osaide sofîîy. I îurued go hlm quickiy. Ho vas Étend- ing basidé e mc ith bars lu bio éjes, sud viîb sncb a tender face tha; my ert loap- éd. 'Forgive moç ýdear; 1 did'l iuesu 80 und yen. I knov wyounibetter tbsu ta meen wbat I said I, and h. hetd ont bis baud lu me.-, Wbat rlghî had I ta b. sugry vuîl e oemuéh aider sud boîter Ihan Il Hov vas I varîby that ho sbouhd acheme ta pardon hlm <ai giviuig s deserveii i-e- proaf? I béuniyhéad tilt nilips aaéb. ed bis baud," and îbeu îurnod hsatihj 10 te wy bonnet (rani -Bertha, who enteraid aI thal -moenu. A single fiecera, dan.- edfi-rn ber eyes, but îhey moitedilu . momntu, sud sho ted nie la tho door, hold- iug My bond and kiasing me good-by. ' ÂÀfter tha; Bertîb a a lvsys btveou me sud eveuy îbiug; eliîigiug, auJkiU&iug, aud vetcbing me tili I iauged t80 ding ber off, but éauld ual. She ;ras My cousin, aundcli- familles varo sivajo together, aud auy trouble hetvean us wodid comimuniate itself la the resl. Thon, wbal proetha 17 Bortha vas very sud tefI me natbing tb tell, aud ailMY caJdom ecoutd ual of -en béeor. x wui-vthé.- gi'rt-i-t- sud ber- abjeé,aud y.; she niade me belles'., aI lait, tba; lMr, Lynde vas at name pains ta hoae aletoregard me viîb Chrialitan cboarity, but that ohé vas îhe iigbl of bis eyés. Il vas evideut enougle thet he tiked ber lu a frauhe vay. He iiked to al îatib ber, ta look et lber., tu hear ber siug, sud abe gaie hlm enuhof ail. i wold't believe a gi-ave men cautd sey sncb eveet thinigu,' she uaid îo me oulce; 'but Mr. Lynde cau compliment more puettuly thon Warren, vho doea Dot h- ing élse..' 'The-charni is lu yauî loving beau-t, dear,' I sald, viîh s smile that beliiaJ ry 'Nonsense, Rauian I I dou't coi-O so mucit for hlm; tbough 1 liké to a eo lm ser-ve me, 1 do't denjy.' 8h. gave ber curie a tao, and a litti augh îippied over ber iipo. I kuev that Bertha vantod me ta tbink hlm lu love'vich ber, sund tbat slhaî!sda very curions va, of îelling the îruîb some- timeu, sud so mode slloaaco. One eveuing ahé cerne in, sud carne op directly, asu nual, ta my raam. 1 sa that aile vas greatly elated, aud vith s sinkin; prouenhimeut kept ta my writing. . Iam n lubache ta finish this,' I oaid; 'don'; boîher me.' I bout iuy bond loy over tbe paper. She ubauldu';oue my face if she îoid me auj tbing. -Oh, I vanetbobthér you, dariug; oui,. lot me ait beaide you.-;' sud she came sud teaned upan my lep. Of course Ibis did not botber me lu the teasî. 1 put My peu avay impationtiy. 'Oh, VS glad- you're doue,' oh. soiit 'for ' lu enatslking aud valking mood. Ge; yonr îhingesaud lot us go ont. Yau veont? YOD uangbby Merlan I You aughîte hébcver, gretefnlt tue cacuing. Sncb a lime au Ihad I Mr. Lynde caaxed me full filteen minutes îa aîay aud siug ta hlm, or cliao16 i~hm vath vi;h ni. ; but 1 ç"as determned-to hevlé you toa iigbt, you déar, uugratefui'leiau 1, 11-,. 'Poar Mr. Lyude Il 1 &&id, curling nry hip. 'Be'ag the kindeat a,' Bertho-said- rwitb ber oyez fuît ouni, face. 'i wbod it 10night that h.ovas ih. s braîher ta me, sud lho auswered, ao earnesily sibst I feit realiy confuaed, ibat I vas mare iban: eve, ord you bave saiJt! gnigeL'- 'Wby, maiian),, îhe uaeered, pale vith angor.'onu voîald Uiuk leu *acti h ',ïl I go -w ,tth you, aciap V b ÙV- ed, gentil. 'The pure air you. ea bave,1 bnt I doan't bieve solitude lagod fï. lou le niglel.' - I mado no ansirer, but valked ou btkd.i t, under the stars. Aftera fov stop&e ha drov ni, baud vithin bis anm. The road. grev toufier, and 4tretched *oui pale and spectral. h aoeo 8type, aof Mn ilie- a dies path leadiug 10 dsrluréu. I stapped uhbort. I dont van;to go any furîbur.' 'en uhad batsgo bomne,' ho îaid -'sud 1I vili accompany yeu, cul., yon foribd me.1 Forgive me if I intrude, bu; I wlshed te upeek vitb you.'.9 1 led Mi- Lyrde te the pariai sudesot1 davu te hea. vitsho 1usd tlaye . H. vauted my intereé suln vith Bertha pers baps ; oai- migbî be tho; hé vauîd visbi me, as ber intimae frieud, ta ha a liili fitter for the offce, sud h-ae a care lest Ià shonhd sains ber innocent aimpliitv viîh4 îuy vayvai-d mooda. Troly his busiues vas a long timo in coming. 4yon visbed teaspeahe viitnie, I oaide ; cobdlyï. . i dou'b dare te, nav I hbave cone,' ho l "aid, lu a 1ev volée. I bad sarneîhing te ask cf Ion-'ho slopped. '9n. Lyude,' I seid, earnosly, ville a paug of suit repraach et bis falteriugi voice, 'yaa cou Dot plosso me mare titan ittiug nie serve yon. Ashe me wbeteverà yau viii, I vili do il.' 'lau P1'oexozéaimod. I statted up, uirsking te lb.bod ilo MI face.11 'I vant Ion, Merlan, body sud, soul b' Hov thb.sasoi-i-hae Ia; nigbî, evei-y lilthe arn fuît sud hrlmniing ta drink .y1 beaiîh sud bappinesa I Hov tho mao-1 iug haplired the earîb, sud boy th e emith srnilo, Up tthlb.maruiug 1 Boylte fi-st iiquid notes of tho universel hsnuany étole upouni, eau-,conviupiug me af (lodi sud of heaven 1 Boy tbe amihesansd kinJ varda af ni, dotr homo fiendahane luko gold lu - tire ichain of lire univarsat athreurod LI Hov ými' beau-_tblrbbed- yes v'tl thre auddeuî' tightqning of My snoeri- éain, vbîcbî eviry day voul moite sharter tilltlhoae 1; éunnectid vere one aud needed no ébain, beingg1 b oy itlîte Panai. iighîed ber fdiékering pes eta mine, and buatened srnitiug, brea$hbess, sud sulent, excepî for thoseycu, vbilé 1I ld bei- viral Iscarueiy tli buas y701 Boy i kiusd Bertha Milîs ehen she came, tvo deys after8tebellme tiraI oh. vas engageul ta Mi. Warren <(poor felav 1), aud did hope ve coubd Ire msrried aI the saine tirne-sud vauid 1 veor a vait 1 ai- be marnied lu a traveling dresa, and etart durecîiy an a journel,? I badn'î go; o sorfan telahave aettled that, but sîilliwvasaureoaf a vait and s joUi-ney -thbe sweet voit of bappines,sud the heanîlfai joarney vhere love voutd maire al the thomns boor floyers, aud glorify the darkesb e oads. 'It takea clouda te make raiubava, ni, Merlan,' aaid Mi. Lynde :'aud vbeu îhey are dai-kes; ve mal alvsys iaak foi thé The Lord'à à PrsYer. When the eider Baooth va residiug lu Balmaore, a plans, urbane aId gentleman aof thai ciîy, hesring af hie vooderfut pav- on of ebocutian, one day iuviîed hlm le dluner. elîhough eiayu doprocisting the utagé sund ail theahi-bcal performances. A large companylest Jown at the table, auJ, ou reîurniug ta the draviug room, one of them uaked B~oth, as a speciat faver to îhom salIflo repeat the Lord's Frayer. He signtfied is vultianusto gratifY tieni, sud ail aloi vere fixed upan bu Hée slowly and revei-eubly siosaée rom bis chair, trerbnfig viîh tbe burdon cf Ivo greet çouceptueus. go bad la reabize the char- acter, atîrlibutes sud prouence af thé AI- migbîy Being ho vas ta addi-ca. Héevas ta îrsusfori humâaelf mb sapuai-, sinuluf, sîumbling, beuigbted, needy supplicant, offering bomnage, askintg bree, peu-dan, ligirI aud-iidance. Soyas one of tire con. pany vbe vas pi-osent, é"Iî vasvondeuful go vsîcb lire play cf entilons tiraI con- vutaud biscountensuce. Bs bacamodpaetlt. iy pale snd bis 0l,5, ou-ed trelihiing up- vendu, vere va; vith teart,. As yet he uuad ual spoliec. The silence cauld ho I sImle. baC rayer itstf aufloiçauly -itustrtes tritreleof lb. Bibi., and sau pslthe uaM of sglultii.". se.Hope YOD ae mu Ia. am a pie efor thus ga4 for aé« RoaIs1 suppose yo aibu~W beuand c vautt 80 Rosin iho boy, 1 Iau ber beau.Knott. I intoud ta tai e b.iouarom ber uneeasd buis it luto a Ernoît. O, you Kuaîîy man? Wby didn'l 701 'Mo narried ihome? - ÂLoaAa. - %noe-Th.obicagolRa- fuUli=(14,,thua enunteFates- ibe qualifies. dooaiatColeditor.ï-'H. muai ca"' bine the jaOqýapty oais'Magicieu vith lb. impudeuc of t'a evil. gHo musk inow hav t0 limé a 'rà té boroo, gaio a ck, teach a saday 'ébol, pi-aide s chanlty gro,,r oc âi-un awav 11, keop a halai, turm a double oummersafan sd brev whig. key. Ru mut aIo p ho 'a taiug on Ivo lu politicat economny, au fait ln lbe malter of caoking boasa. Ou île.thal a niystei-iouo-ftoms ho muts ho au huvtei-si. sbeuth-haund. IBis bidemetIre ike ltas of s rhinacerous. IHo muat;o e inuenaibto to the cruoen; Snobs, sud manifest uo songe of auger vhdu ha le kiéked davui i6laira.He mist throv madesty ta ibe Jdog ud uJi. bis tiger hovb. But aboie aIl ho *must ho su adept aI etuhe atnefpu&. 'ing. Re muati irieady aiett11tmea ta gay sameîbiug fanaulunregard 80- Smiîïh's grocerY, or te surreuud i"e FlouuoÃO'i Wilhiuery estabbishmntuwivth a bale oai& gioving adjeéfivus. Homuat b.oubhai-- asi on the euhjocî of blinivorboas ho extalbig handvare, aud bighly imaginativeý lu the 'Metter of dry gonds. Ble muat tslkt iegaedi, of panai-amas, vith a- lihersi edwixtur. of knoviug varda mach as d'errnh,' 'forosbortéuiug,' 'higî ligiat, 'foregi-auud,y 'perspective,' &a. He mut - ho besvy on Copcerîs, vitir a capacil, 8 appi-eciste MinsLSquakis execulian etditEi. cobt festai ihe 'upper registdr,' etatlo lu prsse of ,deable beaded calvua, sud cloquentlu bobaîf of fao; vomnuasd liv- inmg skeilons."9 You May varn a fonce around aà vlular' aupply of snmmer veather, akih Cloiud$ <frani bhe . 84 ih tsgspaon, ct ta- bernées, lsso au avalanche, pin s dusper ou bthe cu-aten 'of su active votéano, hive ailîh hesuina uii-keg, bang the oceon au a rail fonce la dry, put thé uky 80 sosi lu a gaurd, unhucile lb. boit baud of»teru. itY1aund pute 'To let' on lb. sonu'sutt mou; but novei-uever (ai- a manient-. delude yeurself viIh the -ides liaI yoaucun escape thal place an tb. other sid.of pur- gala-y aud gel ta hosveu unies" you psy. tb. piinter promptly.-CMaritop Paf iofeý Tbey bave a ilo jolie an Dr. Egau, a gi-est baud eperator, -os veit as a mail aucceasful pbaichau. Tie dactor preucu-lbod sain@ pilla for a lady. RHowvas aked w bo;. elwr. 8 ho talien. A quarter Java, said tb. Jactor. sud- the balance ln cas, ivo auJ Ibrue yeaks. The Hat. A. H, SiuarI, of TIr- bgiuîa,has u tued oditor. -On- viricew ibe- Louiauille Couirer renia-heu "sither paoilmaugaue."- "'He'ýwho b, Iip louw vould itiv, Ilumscbfrmuet acuber holJ or drive."1 Theaslilues wei-e very papuilu in hel da,, aud even nair are accasionati, qUot. ed hy aid (agies. But sainie persan bas eclipsed lirem, by briuging ont tazfot. iovlug i ttHo Whby i bis biz would rise MuaI eiîher b"teradvortie."1 Aud Ibis, l in-om oisato -b. o sou. deneatian of the folioving diabitcie 'Wbou 181- balueuiolud hbuive, Tu eauh dotait mn*t ho alivé,- -And nine lu ton, thongh o'or uo wiao, W ili fal nlese-they tadve-tie, A Nov Bedlford paper kuiova of a poInter that; came. 10 a douilstand the other day hefare a Joar-pltluiniribed $A. Partrlgea' .Aullbinois papaerorgulanly appeara ville tire. hîsli colamua vbich ai-e beaded thu; ",specialt Notie.-Tbese coiauure re-; sou-yod foi- houe merchals vira oghis 1 -A praminou t6ibrujeurnallat bas-aof- fei-ed Benett $2,000,000 for tire Nov York Herald; -but ibuere au-o so-mny of ne, maya the Dotroit- Triboune, ltai unobadY esu goua vba lsluded 10 lu msbing lb. Air, Mr. Stost, I bavo just 1seee jou minlaburèýe.udbiSad il, bace s.. 1; vpq muichtine yu. -1-1- - -Aundd u t klas yo inu ruis Wby~ o. Thon1sud Stuarl hi vs poti149u», I - Beou Iborne puuo- l. mor. so. (i - I s