Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1870, p. 4

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OoWih itt 4 is% rootm for Yometr ciel trav.1.rs. BNiIISYE. ttfe4b.d. Ap!1ii8, 1810. - 14 F 2'MPL(>YiÈftT.-Pioapiimnt andi profit .5iabl."-Bo. Sensi stanp for answer, t0 6. B. WELS,$ù roaw5a7, K. WhIthyriws s id Orin -%ird.4a, apted for SoeeiPicno l5, *YxoOTIi0O% Qa*drle and, latut M610, ilo .aqsl termils Applications mnît b. isade otciersroslly or l>y ltter, poét poids) to J, WOLVENt)lta, 20O-May lj17,bibÎ DUNDAS STRSET, IWITUI. TIrise Seurbr hoete inferm thé, ssblic> ibsat ho bikuscwiy fitted op andi ranova&eteda abtive isol, wlita travei1,rs wll finsi exerliet scondtô.Liqttorq. Wite'usnd Cigare., of u osrI#r qneiity. Bout et grer Boer. GJond etabilog und exteulve shed reomi. A. T. SIIAN rsOlllE» T Mayr2il 1 $6-ss lus thse !Jttuer cf JONAS TAR BUSH, ans Inssent.ý iJoder 6>1 b y virtsse, of, tise owér vestesi ln aise am Assnigsee or the iMatute nid fi'etosof - tise ubord ilititied IlsseIon~rst4 1 wililier or cause te 1i.-)uioed fur Saies-oit BATURDAYs 3ULY 16tho 1870, At 12 o'c* - noon, at tise Audition Igoomns of tlicesmdrisei on the lsfarket place, listise Town of Birrle-îili tie sIght, tille, cqnity or *redotmptintil audsi iiteret ofthc Intiolvent ausd ianygoaeu 1celiseAiSaIZ[sce ls tihe foiiowicg pro- ps-rt> la tise Cewsty of-Uîtsrio. via : Tise Souîths cet q-larter or Lot nmtscr 5 ln tihe iUh:cociesibis of tise T.)wIs.lsipor Beach. lu the Coti.tty of <Ontaro, 50 acrs ere ur le. Terme uswii 1,. anade kaîowil et tihe dis cie sale. For particuls asc te cssn-litloum andstarra, appihsstion nay lie mide (If' 1, letter niat l )Fi) te NoMs.ere. MCAtru la' s&- vourlhy. cftise Yoiêssof JBarrie, ml oi ctore, ossd te tihe under- sigsed. JOSEPI'i ROGERS, Mc(sst1 o Mfîrti officiailuujase 9ai torc lfor tise ilsolvosst. Diied i st Il rue, t1ilie 4tis May, 1970. leofin TERRAPIN RES T AUVR àN T (87 & 89, Kinig stract Eut Toronto). ý'T1OMAS O0ARLI1SLE, - Paoa'îstmoit. Tihe mst sle- Relit, epociess nît comfortabtle Item tassrent1i (3unqda. Mseut* auppliasi ut ail heure Wîsieg Liq usorg andi Cigarecf tise flaiset-brtuds, Sisal! uis d,'iscOysterw lauevery etYle. i.Vj Partiese vittisg Torcta for si day VIII fià avery scceiussmdatioia et tise 'Lerrepin. Aprili5,1870, 1 [A RI NEB E N cY. Tise asiudrig.ed issus eccalted ftiseMarnue Agency or tise -WESTERN ASSURANCE CO., OIN ToOio, Ans illiiie lusIati toe affect Isssusrassasusuter al liîaelig pnoîurly te îlip from tilsepîort. _C. DRAPER. Wiîtfy, April 5, 1870, 14 J1IPOSITANT Fl) 1ARTIES USiNG -J. J. STOOK'S EXTftA MCINE QIIL. Tub Oil cîcais cliotîser 011, hoth animal nit] ussîtalei, candiwe tir. ,p'airto towi thue isispcriiity oet ti isu o uell otisar. lmtauu<le lIs io t ss icimry'te procaure a frt-citiususnu ticlo, itlï uilailultsi tu er liglit sr isivv ns- chiien>, frni tr )ck onrvsu g-snecluue thue 5 îsasvuel-oft sisusite. '1'ise lui*us lire lite îsstaliiv litais il excelsu itisur oile I T WL N 1< 1' iIi, lisaca nîsalisîary asin imu Iteut tlessu vîtlis ust listie tlnule, fsnit iî viii ecs is nalissery tlust lusis eisilnasul>' uusinc lu>'ïollitris )1.Itt viii sstcoi cuuisel or thiikesu lus liii, et4t'o eitîser. Thlu a esuuîiiuuî ut tise lilist lisssirtsinco, freus tise filtsis (i>tî jilissstiiug tils i <it5y Wisitto t iitte a. cuit] siucft, ssiî s )Illsue>' iieaspîiiei Sunus Simîiaits ultule, stht-lcmoentssltitiuoc lies ea <lî e&i tuinssi reaed slausi cul loist lîiicsettsu ns tii tissJuusrnsalIl)fi>' ftilucaqusireis lissitieia- alune iuccuiçry le rousce Il I, us lii1uid 14.usSil,' ecqunii'uiutbischcr tomaflstlsra iy tilsuio. lise Jousrnalcxisiio'uai thlie bt i t l îsiereil, It le Asainl)îluoss]iletisile simt iaI vii eiii ou a -col ssisssft vtlueîît tliuii.reusl, isIl* tls e l uîsi tic 011 wilis voas'e. J. G. stioVA O iii wiil lus- briat, le o5detsslucliSs tuie rmasit il IAeeptslioul. '9fuà ie ile tnov ît] lus In avr twu }siit]rii des su]le gisiiiug tisa lîit Or f sticfusio tIOsuds01- el1i ssslteuasaA:s> iugl-s-y proner tÏr eliseul perm on pore Olive. tlma frise frein tise Unictiotinu5 rgcd &ueîsiisst aIS otiucr 011%, fin il dor% et u<cosuor froaze. Nov Aies e publiccre avare tissu, miss>'wotle hlîisgisisrcailffatiliste poîuinely, Su crier le îîrove tiscîl ln lt5iiomisog, » ans e esî onnseveeigihil ise<ueriioiut iscensupi. * loîse oil étseeue(usssuor ut luoss i i l lbell ttale te passe e ie isn eff il ef (ii nefluaniesu ci' bing lulanticcili iOteek'e extra Nlueliiiie Oi] ) wvo popse. tealis01se wviseare Interectot] In tlieutretta cf Ilose suâeoîente. teasndte them nseu uppiliatji, is> sail on otierwi'eo, freecf cargeluiayu>, us u.s'uiiie t tie i, tht l uiys>'pleik -o tàolcf. Andsi viii cie'> eeti' iîtîs t a tav simple te1sus *effective sua thunse teste b>' cioisgolin Sekuîewsî frein tise lariceen setis, asîi wli ciii catsabe parties or- derltsg-se -a.etse tiilsesuevec agasiset Impuni- tiel, IbY 1esuAIitnthmac te traîsîe etoce wlsetier lise 01 'rwaritaG-1. ce oosi e Alpri*decliig lu Machino e ll cw val1 te goeeusnasaloale vitit UE.B. STOCK, irengisus, Ont, baMle Ageait ton the Dominion. Broughami, Maeis15, 1870. i -TEtiTIMONIAL. Totas ",csri!hALL AMsssWase,- Oshasva, Apnlé, 1870. - -DEÂI Smu,-Wo luare beenusnehayou' Lusisicting <ii fur tise tâsat .fuerr Mn oLi 89u4deau usM' viisoutltlesi&tciuau tist It leaise 1611 e ïvolces ever asai- It la miîse ctap, Ans lesta longeir tisAn n ai>Oth~eoi. * W. bave ran eOun lange 14i ful in u ie, 1 dayi itl Coe glllsg. > toei&. tiseteels clesu ans i bt glt. W. donewst suytislss bo ttex &Aa leliiot . I sol, yoars truli>, - F. W. GZPelat The undersigned- in returning tha isitierlo exteM~ed te the ol d .atabligbment ' for il te ce>' tbatahe s' now on banad a large assor atylesu If And -truëts by proper attention snd conticîssnce of publie patronage.' Practiensi upl ccsvered. GENLE±NATTE 'rate pces ringfurntunu' TJdertckingý and Funerals Fully Suppliecf ai E."Some, splendid specimensof Pituré F'rames, Remember t/te Old Stand. Wilitby, rrc 9ia. .BOO ffTS -.-1ANif SU WIIOLESALE & RETAIL. Keepa constantly on band, and in course of manu facture, the largesi stock of Ladies' Cents' and Misses' Er4x.amine for yourselves the excellent materialand fpe work- manshlip. 15.April 13, 1970. WM. BURN~S, Brook et. T . S.DAVIES &SN MANUFACTUBERS 0F x xx CýREA-M P ALEALI: - AL LE, AND PORTER. A LIA ~A -GENTLEMAN'8 OLOTrHINO MADE TO ORDER, Çga'n be selectedi from,, suitable for the Boa spn. - ý Ail kinds of Gentlemen's F.urnishing - Goods kept constantly on band. ALEX. PRI NGýl Whitby, April 13, 1870. fi;W 08898TO lAIù Gem Rings, Ear Drçops, Engliosh Plated' flroqcheft, ColoredSettsi, véry ]handoome. Specet acle s, c.0 # JAMES JOB NSTONe Marais 23, 1870. - t I'N S -TR Agent, Whit-by -.,e Cos. :VtD.- Ili, ýGElRIE9 GILLEBPi, MOFFATT &Co-, A*ot afor INUIIblfle agalsst LOBS by FIRE arc I.effected on tise motfavssrabie terme ccnd L98S ~ PA ID csitlisou referanic o tise iad YEOMAN IBSON - - -- -'--- Agent, Wlsitly- T IE'LIVEiRPOOL & LCiONI GLOBE TINSURANCE COMî'AÀNY icone efthlIe mont preeperosiel Esigiiela Iusuursnce Ces. lIa i-NVFgTEIJ gtJNbÉ n ý*.k ùl,005,086 Ii DAfLY'leCOXME eeed.... $20,0<0 Ig LFE POLICIES sire a Bore P~rotection tà FIE POLICIES, il«us4 et CUselaNT 11., elt-ord anuplep>ssectiop c te s u atld ttoeselio)lder. -eMecs.o AUl fair clamePss .pryPÂ,AID tise ut- mont- ibsersiity selsowu le tise -ajeaîmut cf 'Ilead Office, Canada Drünachlll Xoatreal. - - G. F. C. SMITII, - Clisef Aient for Dominior- L. FAIXBANK$, i AeENTe, et 8%1iibýye. Ont, Witby, Jul>' 281is, 1869. 80. MAN«lUFACtUBEDý AT THE AgricuituPaL. Worku. LEFFELIS CEJýEBRATÈO Double TURBINE WATER WHEEL «Z ME OBT E0M0161AL IvuaxaNov 1lm us! The undersigned continues te, represent the following reliable - INSURANCE 'COMPANIES:1 TIE ROYAL. - 0 RAD OFFICE, TORONTO. FRANCIS HEWA1IU, Eeq., IMPERIAL, JOHN AGNEW, AGENT, Wurnsy. Capital, 62,001),000. HIEAD OFFICE, - IONTREAL* Don Drewery, Toron-to, On.MANAGERS. As the proprietor attends personally to the Brewing, a regular stock of Aies and Por-ter ecnsiaways be dependcd npon. Partie demirsus et having Aies of superior quality and Porter eqttal te any imported, are resjscctfsîily moiicited te scnd tiseir oi-deî's for a quantîty large or sîsali, and-try fur tisensseives. Wi(ls the aidol oîsr irereased' facilities, we arc enabled te prodtxce an. arti- cle (ail the eacr îrousnd) second te noue in tise Dominion. N. B -Orders ieft ivilla Mr. JAS. 1-. SsMO, attihe Furniture Waruiroome, 131o001 Stinuset, Whitby wiii î'cceive pompt attention. De.1, 1869. 48 05 Ei: ce m 0> E 1(3 P2 CD, "c "c O fil c OFF CI'ALASINE T 'Puudersgned svn rcae"tieapi t etof OfficiaiAumire'ferNorti Ocansepepsed te gave proop tattnin te a imttere nes etyo Isiny. Promiusory, Notes and, Accoisats speedîly, c olect ,jsnd y eeaittances preesptiy md On good farsa eurftyatS, per cent imterest. Bpecdal £teùftIou wiIb4iý6r t. the negociation of Loas, and borrowers can reiy tiposa haticg their applications atttnded, te prompiymcd at maili«enese, -"<ý AisLandbth [mproved and uni'uprved constan)tiyfor ae asaase ,offsctedpiun Iotiase ssarlo Frineri; utul [ntnsune empany. OFFIC-Blg.ow', iockodor io th* R-oyol CatiadienBankt, P'ort l'erry,Deebe ,8. JOHIN AGNEW, AGENT, WEITBT. NORTH BRI'I'IS I, Capital, 82,000;000, HEAD OFFICE, - ONTREAL. MoDOUGALL & DAVIDSON, ?011JN AGNEW. MANAxGERS;. jAGENT, P rn 1110,11 E,9 HIEAD OFFICE, - NEWIIAVEN, CON. JOIIN AGNEW, AGENT, WRITDY. PROVINCIAL, Capital, $ *.400,000. JAS. SIDNEY CROOKER, SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL; (Lîr,>) HEAD OFFICJE, A. DAVIDSO& PARKER,;AGR OU- sAlso the Coldblna Securities Money., at reasonable ra 4 -. Wbit-by, Jacuary 4t 1870. - 7fr, Proôf 2,Wtitl~,era g 1, 187. TOJIONTO. joue AGNEWV, -Capital, $1i,000 0 TF,8518eWis e aare uo mssnfactnring Lclucsper t5uess eus>' Cilsar ssiip isn tise ous- Vry endîlWC iii give e gssarnate vith euhci W Icel wnresliuuig ticm 5tuIse ie WCeil magie, ani te gîte use gond ietliafaction as asy mauu- tcetssneil instise losnisuils. Partie deeirinsg furtiser intormastion cen ob- late St by cdt]ressig P'AXTON,, TATE & CtO., l'ors y-St., Port Perry, Ont, Moeislet, 1869. 1 HG IIES T ýfAEKET P R1CE ZARLEY ré WEAT& PEAS, À T PRENCHMANS BAY. :Wu; WIIITERIDE.' Freucismssc'e Bey, Sept. 22, 1869. 88. BRITISHI ABIERICAN ASSURAN~~CE I11,MPANY CaP""ifa1' $400ri000.- IE nnderelRnectaivicg been appolntesl LAgeet <or lia. abeve' Compa ny, le 150W preparc o l eIcîre prepeat>' egaitit LOSS BY FI118E on tise niosut favorable torfn. Applyte 2-12M. ntec, Whitby. NONRJE BN 11TELI SWHLTBY. R. P. CLARK, * Proprietor.' B, P. Clark beos o iuforps<bis old frinis sud customera tifut ao hist relittedsu td rero vated tbp-oL4botei Iswoovs e.-1 utisn#èra' 1ls, Bnoék st", viser. h. will b. ha - ute re ctetbèan on glvlng hlm s oel . Goosi tiilingg bex.iai, and eclIosed ysard. Modi- rate eohargu1 *. B. P. CLARK, Jsa -5, 107. 0 iga aavsssg miawisi e nt once apparcet t B AtVe ioncy then and nre- tise Moveable, 55-Townshsip Eloelsi for saie. }01B&TftENNUM, Propaietors. R, H. HbB. F, and .AS. TRENNUM,. Oshawa. Wbhithy, Jeu. 5. 1870. PHOTOG 1RA P I S A T DOMINION,- GALLERIY# ' - 0e- , - Foer rachasesof Toac, fuilneots of Detall, an-d exqsisite Fli8Ih, çnnel- ae eurpaaseel t Having. medemge timprevemcentu luntise lighling ôftlsgaliery,,Luusnov tck,1g9pc- <ores botter tisepu ever. The new iemnu" pisîtene teiken et Wiliiee'à . ais tise "Ticted -iZntto, e anev ansi ver>' beeaifnl' etyle-ý Anytbiug saew in lholtogra1shy. tIsi Si j»vortli, isaviasg, can liW lac at Willssoas'c GiIery. cubisiets ià flis ruoe, ve'ry 1fr. Olsi Prrsiss naîly coîiesi. "ýPoat'raite cTrei te d life 'uaize, and eclored inleoill-vter colora or idia luit. Mn, ý'Williiu1lever>,' ecceful le takiasg chald3eia'ss picturea. I R. JAMIES WALKEE, of Acbnrn, Ont IFtertec of the AND ÂLSO THE ntendeé uianalaetsarisug,,is a large selle tis, Fusil andi Wisster. hie TWIN &DOMINION PLOUC HS8 gr Thse$ willho guaracteed. vel umde, and tise workialz part gronnd. lar ici wonld de weul te oend la tiseir ton>' Itigàsîsfor saie. Aeihcni, Nevenibs.r 10, 1869. 45-t LU.VER Y' 115iwuLifa faimhis r.ýûd%, et ptroens,-t]tat, he WHiIBY LJ.VERY STABLES tir lav!ng encreacesi this .snber atsi qssaliay etliseesail,accd elc4ne ailet aussi sis-4 isroved tisa cosveyehsa:cee cutd veiiiceon tMe Jis-eniste,lie lisspos 5>' beislis cn,àpeaoitieus ti netut lis eWînle osfettoiesre leerit e siure or pubhlc psîroisagfe. jýFCHiARGES 13IODERATE. .~ N. B3-mCovcncd cossveyacsefor familles assu ladite. 1Promspt attesaanca a!% iseretoiene, te cil erdere. N. RtAY. Preprietor. Wliitby, April 8, 1869. 14 To Aeus. CcÀsAmBitLusAir Sa.a,'oo- wity P. O0, CouoitF of, Le-n&, Ont,~ Canada. 1 5 eo'colt ll antingis, iProvctcetfJiturie, Fei. 9thb 1869. ýrIl Iste canify lsd slsrinsr the vlsi- cio i.,1806 1 ea s ten is vats eieels soettIse usukics; F vizia~geduelïliiiytsulglIe Spriug ot li*.7, exteclas e om ns>'Icct, ussioni op t10 my hil<',an:d Ihecalu ge veci thti1tcoasîai i wik, hit vieoi1fltueslt lu>' ychiai. For about' Ivo yesru, visilt iis ea Icueas» acominir on me, aufsrwards,t1siçutissheicisi aslivîe esnpioyingu, et siIifeif timeux, tlree sisctoris aus d elsici50f siifiercusl iuus, pueïcribesi by fniesude%. but o aInui!. I ccsstisune.1 tle e vonie aussi vane, eoutil tise Somumer cf 18518, wîseus I vusu isducesi te tu-y isesrat ieeis- ee Rieusi>' >q nadinglIste cerds rcermb, lui e pampliet- At- hue lisoIe bai belrou te fact tlise eakasets i n>'y liatiss-inSutact I vas gottiigalmoat heipiss. Ihave luiken, Ive hotllea c tat teSeahonces Remesi>'and itwoe boxe. et tise pilleas4lsuas entirel>' nettoreil te- Iseltls. 1I neyer expected iS bgel betten, but eluspl>' triai dt ie e]cia. as i sort )tf ortnu hoe Tiien 1oretaune *0 îsuta ,prlvate oiîe, ictkuevu te il su y noigisise nsd triese; n asi te nee nfitesas a vas, I isuv e ni>' us yt ipse beos fl eeatlrdy;î 0] biove If viii cane Von. - MARY LNN DQtiGHTY. Swn jovafabe/ci-astuecfa as'c, ccus of Ha#- ingt, (hida nia dsq, ofFe(#swn, 189. - A. F.- Woo, J.?., &.. I henby certify iIi ýaL çlîo -kuon 1i n Mary AsîsiDogiulslonlselsau.i ifteen -ears;1 sise la s oman et probit>' snd taath. Ihave knowen btefre. daning, and i tnce lier -il]- nas. 1 bellëe behoncentsftcste toter lu seon>'panUicntsr. I ku5àir îhst wvlll bIer usne vas decianosi hopelees; aud I keev abat aisd bas, siuice hon recovery, ai-wayettriisfe, ber- récover>' ote isethocuj<neee lmei' Wliatevîr May' be tc£ poculiar . Y.tieo tiulo M4ein, ou. tiisia enlasb,-$aate nber osie IltIbai;neda lmcisianeeiie teh. enfoimassce et s milracle'. - - 1i1 - A.WOOD, JP. Werdep-of tlleôtCosftjR u ings, tj'rovlsc. of Ontari,Domiion of Canada, 16 flprov. ýedasad 9 Cele. e qtalsîce Cvef. eetissok i en- islitv1 J. ti"s-' - n.ý5e. ~' Cil and suce tise new Calorie Ellgias6st CORDWIOD & irJMBER Tiaken iueexcheuge, and Cassi li rae jjio'sed JAMES CLATTON. Whithy, Apnl 21, 1869. SA M017T 0F ]MON Ey salonunt c eue>'n, <pli vte fosile> Onougee FAI1àL- ROIERTY fil meme te colt horruiver, et ver>' 1w ev rase itereet, Tepaa #ecm 0 sa, or>'fhpl fuecretfaae. J n b -- I18 sîsrepresuent tisnee ef fluiciargst mouetary Ilstutiniulu tIse Domiluiosivhis,leust mecey on tise mo"tativaïstngeoUI5tef5, À LARGIP U BER OF IYELL'CULTJYA4TED FARms, Andaà qucetitY 1 Of Wild Lenud, foniaIe clieup. Fer paricuslana appT>' te, - JAMES ROLDEN, OFFICE-- Reoond lientMoilUa's Bock Brncit-Street, Wlulithy Whilssy, October 4tis, 186g. IN."., I - i repcaed te inveet uinal kinsai Of i >Obeuîeree, Mortgiqre",a, snl ther sec siiee Greeuiackkancd itliver b b uahîassgoit. lin. Kuiiuig ent] Mios Clark, bgt n necettieLaies 0f Wiiby andi r isinit>', tisat tisey Ismxe epened i eeinesehi oîborne visera tise y viiibe preperesi.te receleand excenite ai ieores-for cireee mcking and mne-- tice ju a aepener mnansor ansi eftren iseteat tuseiosin. All Ordare ateudes te vit-h pune. teility acd tise stricteet attention. MIlss CLARK, Wisithy., Nov 17, 1819. 48 TEETUZ EXTIACTED kir WfTKOUT PAIN. .- BY TUE susE OF NITROtiS -XD LAUGIING - OR TUIE ÇI AT.- -DENTAL 1800118, DtJNDAS STREET. WtVIIITUy, C. W. ROOMI.-One, M. Hl. Cocisraee' Star. Wisitau, Joue 2q, 1867. 29 GEORGE GURLEY, CLOTIIER AND DRAPER, theNTre 1î> GAi<MEWrSmad ussp lus tis he-t tyle àiel ui e t fli o. A fine stuCk ut Cloîlis flrn wicis le sake c mlcils foi Ganhtieueue auinet éenlia. Oelscwc, Ms>' 12, 1869. 1 JOHN ROBINSOyçcg flair Dressing and Shaving SALOON - SOTÎ OF TU£ o *x ax e or rxr.. Wlslthy, Jase. 22, '68. *JOHN OARTER4iZ LI-CENSED AUCTIONJ VOTIe CxUiX oore ONTARIO, YORK & PFEL, W" RIESIDENCg...loýt 8, @th Cou., ilarkhajs.-Peat ofihce-Uiesafarfle. BALE$ ettendesion tiseiiiso5tflt notice3 mnj on reasobnalbe termes. Tereneccn besmade &là) bille pniaitesiattise Cianônsaba.ofit,.for Mx Canten. 1 Watcismaker & Jeweiler, Bnock st. Wviitby>. ANC-E1 Capital, $2,000,000. Toressi 3 î -campe S ~OLT Barri ONT*£ Wi TARE GM Town *Atto li A.0 A CON on W.JB T 01 Uil ]RU - - Capital, $1,500,000.l JOHN AGNEW, AGEuNT,Wîar Conmpany, for the Loan of 1

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